West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Jan 1914, p. 8

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That all our Cus- tomers and Friends will have a Very a Happy (ii/ Pros- perous New Year is the wish of W. ti. BEAN Big 4 Felt Shoes Almost Given Away Gentlemen- Get a good Dollar Cap for 49c Time are on this anon utylu. It is . sin to sell them " new price: but we most any on: the policy o' thin more to can no good. our lrom on. souon to an- other. rum why we no ole-ring every out " halt price. 8, 75 Boat: now 4.31 11.00 Coats now 5.50 9.75 Coats now 4 87 13 50 00”. now 6.75 10.00 Onto now 5.00 14.50 Coon now 7.25 I.“ 3.00 Felt Ibo“. Ill. . .... I.“ 2.75 " n10. .... 2 25 6t ale. .... 1.75 " gale..... 1.40 " ale”... TAYLOR&:CO. Dro more WINDOW oLAss--we are importers, and therefore we Itavelthe rightiprice. Butter (b, Eggs lib, Poultry TAYLOR & CQ. Til. your choice of any cap in stock, only ...... .... ......49c. Some were $1.25. Highest Prices Paid I Mr and Mrs Dent, (nee Miss Mabel §Morrisom late teacher at No. 13) aw alpending part at their honeymm n ‘with the latter”. friends, Mr and Mrs i, Owing to the storm at Mend", oar {mail carrier was uuuble to make his yards j."iiiiireiG, Vbofore 10a vine for their home near Rosetown. Sask, Mr Robt. Adams, from the Wes", visited " the home oi the Lathiun Brno. last week em). Mr Arthur Baekas was a sr.rleorce visitor in these parts last week cud. Young Master Jimmie Email w-m threatened with whatnppearrd to be m “lack of appmdieitis. prpily however the trouble was aVertad. Mrs Davey, Toronto, is at present on I visit 0 her Pistor here, Mrs W. P. Watson, Ind still retains a large slum of her former good looks. .. 1.25 NORTH EGREMONT MiytiitgtiIiytiNllilrl!lliJllll, fimmwmmmmmwm$$$fimmfifimmm$m$mm$mmmmmmmmm . e Men's Overcoats l Half Pric Reina Slauahfered Rubbers and Overshoes If you've been waiting until the Pricecut- ting Sale slatted, it's your turn now---'it's ou' 5 Menu Light-Weight Overcoats, splendidly tailored with has! qualiu farmer satin lining. All sizes ti on from 38 to 42, regular 10.00, sale price . . . ' .. . Metts12.50Overeoatt '..... .... ...... .... ...... ..8.75 Menu 15.000vercoats .... ...... ...... .... .... .....900 Boys 5 L0 Ove rec-.19.. 3.75 Boys 6 50 Overcoata . .4 35 Bovs 4.50 ti .. 3 25 Boys 4.00 tt ..2.5O Boys 7.50 1t .. 4.50 Boys 3.00 th ..1.90 Being Slaughtered A new standard of anniversary ser vices has been attained by the Potts. bytetian church in Holstein. The services on Sunday will also doubt- less in; the inception of a new era in church life in the village, for never has the spirit of christian fellowship and abiding love between man and man, church and church. pastor and people, been better demonstrated than on this occasion. Summing up the many issues emanating from three successful gatherings, it might be truly said that the Sabbath not only needed a new era of anniversaries, but ttwre is a strong indication that it has also Interpreted a fuller View of the christian Ide to many. The outstanding figure was the pas" tor, Rev. Dr. Marsh, F. R. A s. His magnetic personality. his friend- ly welcome, his forethought in every matter and above all, his sincerity in all the great spiritual messages he presented, are the tokens that are making him the beloved shepherd of his flock. Holstein Presbyterians hold three Successful Gatherings In his morning discourse to a large congregation, Dr. Marsh chose for his text the portion of the verse Amos6: t, which says " Woe to them that are at ease in Zion." The pastor, in giving application to the text, presented a strong plea for greater activities in spiritual work during the year 19r4 He pointed out that the year 1913 was now num- bered with its predecessors ahd he wanted all the members to embrace the coming twelve months by com- ‘mencrng a wider field ot service in all departments of the church life and ihaving a closer communion with God l himself. Following a fifteen minute song _ service on Sunday evening, tne church was darkened and an impres- ‘sive service was largely conducted by means of some splendid lantern ‘slides. The hymns, nearly all old favorites, were shown on the screen [in verse form, accompanied by suit- lable pictures, Never have hymns (been more heartily sung. The num- ibers by the chou, whether in choral, Iquartette, duet or solo. were similar- lly treated and excellently rendered I by the members of that organization. l Passages of scripture and the subjects inf Dr. Marshs le’lOllS messages were 1 also placed on the canvas and through- :out a tine spiritual flavor permeated ithe assembly. Rev. Mr James assist- ;ed in the evening. THE J. D. ABRAHAM co. The bond of prospective union be- tween the Presbyterian and Method- Ist congregations has been strength- ened as a result of the services. The Methodists kindly sacrificed their evening service and with their pastor went to the sister church and enjoyed the services there, tn a few words Rev. Mr James mooted the sugges- tion that it would be a wise move if one service only wan held in the vil- lage on Sunday evenings and it is known that many here would be fa- vorable to auchy course being taker Despite the fact that the stormiest kind of weather prevailed on Monday a crowd estimated to be over the 200 mark turned out and enjoyed a moat pleasant evening. From 5 30 to 8 o'cloctt supper was served piping hot to the guests as they entered from the frosny outside world and follow. ing the barbecue all adjourned to the assembly of the church where by the HOLSTEIN Priioe-Guttiing Special Services and Barbecue Boys 6 50 Oven-coats . .4 35 Boys 4.00 " ..2r50 Boys 3.00 " ..1.90 SALE The Store that Sets the Pace THE DURHAM REVIEW aid oi 71 colored limelight vicwsl and an interesting address by Dr. _ Marsh, the audience journeyed tol, Bermuda Islands. The views are part of D! Margh's own work. taken I when he was on an extended trip tol these tropical Islands a few years ago. l and are a most int “sling and in-l structive work. i He explained the word Barbecue in modem language to mean an open air feast butthe term has had the distinction of having different mean- ings in past fears in the islands of Bermuda, although they all implied a has! more or less. REV. D. B. MARSH, Sc. D., F. R, A. S. Pastor, Holstein Presbyterian Church Assisting materially in the enter- taiameut were the choir and in partie- ular Messrs Hunter and Marsh and Miss Brown, who sang illustrated Southern songs. Miss D. Reid's work as organist was also highly spoken of, . The proceeds from the special ser- vices on Sunday amoulted to $35, while on Monday evening $50 was collected, Rivu1r--McF2wEs--At the residence oi; the lnideV pan-ems, Lumsden, bask ., i, by the Rev. Jan. RUBEWH, on Dec.; 17th, Mina Sm R, daughter of Mr and Mus John Mc van, formerly of Hul- stein, to Mr w. Andrew Reid. Gull Lake, Sash, also a. former resident of Holstem. , ROBERTS - MosToosrsnv.--At the‘ loaidcncc of the hlide’s parents by' the Rev J. W. Andrews! on iiaiaTI, day, INe.81st, 1913. Ida Octave, el-l dost daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Montgomery. to W. J. Roberts, Gil of Fordwicb, Ont. I The vnlu bl farm owned by Geo. U. Swanslon, 1 prising 200acres being lot 18 and 7. can. 14 and I i lot 18, can. 15, Mgr at, is uttered for sale. Mr, more! c '"Y ed, balance hush and pastureldnd l n the premises area large h ink b drive shed, sheep and hug pent!" h use: brtcir dwelling home, one of best in the IOWnshlp, up-tn-ulate mil " water tank in nt.. Mr. furnace a d [her cunvemrmw~; good wells an ood spring close tu house l never-fa mg strum run. m-rnss farm l good orchard Will he told at u bargain easy terms. Must be disposed of by ls Pet, Apply to J . A, WANBT'ON, Map! Lune P. 0., Out. ValuablHiarm for Sale reg.1.oo, sale......... J“! Women's Jersey Cloth Overshoes, high snow excluders, sizes 4, 5, (i, 8, reg, 2.25, sale s",'2','e?'..fe.".'.."."."."..r.'.' 1.25 Women's Flne Jersey Cloth Storm Overshoes, reg. 1.25 .75 MARRIED i'?',?!.".",'"?,".',',?',':',":'::",,":,",',","', I', LOCAL AND PERSONAL ii Monday's storm blocked the roads so seriously that neither ot the mail carrier: could travel their routes. thoatth both made brave attemptb' to do so. Mr and Mrs John Manny and whildren returned to the city on Sat- urdav. Mr JolusA.Swanstort will resume) the duties of treasurer et' the town-l ship of Egremont for the monthof January and at the, Februarv meet- ing of the council bis successor will likely be chasm. As there areim- portant tinaneial matters coming up this month and as MrSwanston is re- maining here for tin-.tleneth of time at least, the newly elected township fathers thought it beet to retain him tor another month. However the position will by no means ' go tV beggin tr as there is said to be sever ‘al applying tor the treasurership. Alter a swim; illness, Councillor Chas. bicRobb braved the tempest on Monday to attend the (pening meeting of this ytur'seoaneii, His friends were pleased to see him aboat ugnin after his sickness. With the other members of the council, he no tended the Barbecue on Monday night. Mr Wilbur Jordan, of Willowbaneh Sash, is visiting his father, Mr Frank Jordan and numerous rela- tivesin this part. The Women's Institute will meet "the home et Mrs Hostetter at the hour of 2,30 on Friday this week. The meetings will be held on Friday hereafter and not on Thursday as in the past. Atthitt meeting the, report of the delegate immahe convention in Toronto will be read. Unusual success attended the Orange Society Box Social on Friday night. A large crowd came in a most jovial mood, came to be enter- taiaed, were treated to a varied pro- gramme and departed in a most sat- istied and happy frame of mind. The Orangemen lived up to their rep- utation as hosts and the proceeds for the evening amounted to " 80. iWhen expenses are deducted they eexpect to clear about $35. A better ‘chairman than Rev Dr. Marsh could ' not have been selected. He conduct- 'ed his duties in a most satisfactory manner and his humorisms were par allel to the bent of mind that the au- 'dience were in. The first half was given to the programme. featuring ‘which were several fine numbers by gthe Eakett String Band and a play- Nearly everyone had a box and al- most every one bought a box. Some bought two, but no bargains or cuts in prices were given. Approved joint notes were also vetoed. - Mr J. R. Phtlp auctioned off the hampers in fine style, the highest bid reachiv' tr.90, while 75c was about the ava- tiger figure paid. wuen ”Pew” a”: TIT"":" "I” On Fr’day night as the home of Mr' expect to clear about ”5'1. l, but]: and Mrs Wm Grout. a reception and chairman than Rev Dr. Mars 'ilu, Social 1telebration we: held to honor not have b.eets.selcctel He It.f,,"i'r1, Ic..t. Reeve John McArtbur. About 40 ed his duties In a mos} satls actor) mthured lur the (measiun and iutaU4 d his humunsms Were par b', . _ K..- r-r- manner an f . ltl t the an- evening was spout by ML.) Tho pm. tllel to the ben.t 0 any“ f it 1 I; " gramme (and aunt HWY (some splen. di.ence were 1n. . Irs JI Iva d"! organ sclecuons by Ptot'essir gwen to the programme, eaturing Kyle violin number: by the same which were several 1t,1,'i, MEN'S] by 1 gentl'emal, John Gillespie and Mise the Rakett String Ban an_ I: p By- ( Gillespie. Recitation: were given by let, whose summary we m1; “X5 Mrs W. H. Bakers. MISS Belle Mo- was " Clog": don t make the man. \Arthur and Mr McArthur . song; by The roles In the cast. were saggy “kg:l W H Rogers Prot 'Ker Mr , . " . Val, . . ' s . ' . by “is“; B. We}; : “(1112);, ‘Tronpe and MrsC. hke and mnsxc 'fi,'.:':,.,,:,'.",',,,',',;",":,',':",:',",',,?:,':,,),); the pipes was lutniabed by Mr . rs eo. . _ . . lGilleIpie. Musical favorites were al. In excellent voice, while Misses E. I” rendered by Musa MeArthnr Har- Brprn and E. .Rawn also favored”.y Groac. John McEaehern and 3Ittsg with solos of merit. All were heart-i Mary B MoEnchern and speech“ by 2, 'd,""',',':,'; we; 511362323351 Mr Murmur. Mr Gnlewie um oth. menus? RV“ Mr James also “ultra. Ii'ullorrintt the ','lf'Sht'nl'A'l , rte en o It the readjnz from thepoems .o.f Rob; gag-Jam; 31:18:33“ was ten en Service " The Law of the Yukon. dared to the a". new be Mr Grout Nearly everyone hada box and al- and was hurtilv responded to. Af- most everyone boughta toar. Some "rrtallitsstitsr, had been done to the bought two, bat “0 bargains or puts items on the bouncitul menu, many in prices We“ given. APBWVEd joint ofthe [new emploved the wee ama' notett were ,tlto, tttttl. L 11rA_tr', hon“ enjoying the deuce. oiMtg-tt9i9qqtier4t:9'4r4s9'4uyB.* TORONTO The death of Wllliam R. Hunter. age abouc24. took place in Toronto Ion Tuesday morning. Dc-ceued who was a non of the late Duncan Hunter, ‘10“) con., Egremont, went to me lolly about sewn mwmhs agot‘ur til- ‘lbercnlar trouble, bat never recon-r- led. llelenves to warn his death NW) brothers and a sister. Gilbert, {Findlay and Bella, all High School /stadenist in Mt. Forest. Doeeased {wags an exemplary “lung man and :1hisdemise has caused wide regrets. The young people of the Pin-h)" tarian Church are holding a social in the church this Wednesday evening. Mr and Mrs Alex Brown, oille- gina, urriwd “u Monday night and ure visiting at her sister]. Mrs L. B. Nicholson. Mr Andrew Meknight and sister Miss l'iilie, of em. are guest-s " Mr John Ssevenson's tor u couple weeks. Mr John Swanston's mill dam has again given way to the forces of the waters. The breaking on this occa- sion appears in a different place to where the former damage was done, the opening this time appearing in the wall on the far side lrom the mill. The aperture is said to be about to feet :,tt'erdf,f', do not kubw imam? immedi e repairs to the dam will be made, but sympathize sincerely with Mr Swanstou in the misfortune. A regrettable error took place in the printing of the Holstein Tele- phone Directory appearing on this page a few weeks ago, when Dr. Ml. son's night call was printed a long ringsand 5 short. We printed the directory for the benefit of our aub- scribers and for those‘retainin‘ the list, we would ask them to correct Dr Wilson's night ring to ' The Annual Meeting nfrhe Holstein Public Library will be held in tho library on M mday evening, Jan. mm, at 7.30 u'eloek. About 50 new booksiu the Publio Library which were catalngutdre- cemly. were released trout tin shelves tor the (inn Lima hue, WCrk, Itis expected that mtre new books will ha added slmrLly. A A second account held over oi the Renwick~Swanston wedding will be found on page 4 of this in“. Yottr choicw of l.25 Winter Caps, LE or, 3212mm:mzlgazrnrm 5 long and 2 short. _i.,. LISTEN on of any winter cup in stock 75 TAKE YOUR CHOICE tor only “ICU. I 7"“ Jeld over of the ktttgaauqNiiit wedding will be isissuo. attlu"tthtttt "r",',"ef2e? We've got Purse: Fur Coats Our Stock of Furs and I'm Coats is heavy. _ The winter thus far has been mild and we have Hundreds of Dollars tied up in Furs that should be sold. It's tht chance of a lifetime for you. Buy to-day at these cut prices and you will have the good " them for all ofthe cold weather. Today's y-mr day. On the same day a tamily reunion In bald " the home of Mr A. Rum tad [rand Mrs Joseph [lawn M: Bald». Sn, his (humor. Mrs Hay, Ind In and Ira Gaol-p B-ldon, .1 loom Forest. nae among the guest» In Bowen. tir., and Mr. Rum, Sr W pioneeu. occupied the place _ : m It the table. A very arolos table the was spent. What gratitude the rcuc'u (w. , To the hardy pioneers, Who hewed put a home in the Wilt ernees, Unduunwd by hurdnhlpg drear _ Mr Goorge D. Hunt um an: leeted trustee " the noun] who eating. Auntber winter decks the piuin “uh I glittering: robe of White. The sum wane bright in the aura- vmlt And me tr at king ruleuho nigh: A We extend sympathy to the Mu tivcs ot the Me Mrs Henry Imam whowas formerly a mo,ectod he em "f the Bod, Btt.t. thttrloriyas hope itydt to them On New Yen'- Day Mr nod In Wat. Tyndall entertained some Ct theirtttends. M's Wm. Collar” 'Nroato, was one at the guests. A very plenum waning was spent. " It's On " By Hiin why osnitns lie, _ - Thu they who trust redeeming In Skull moot beyond the I y. JAN. 15, 19H.--(In tins date In g “In-Inna otfen fur sale on (Lush m- a lot of Nimble household (“Mul- and Uhaltela. trle at 1.80 p. ..- The underu ‘d in apex; to buy n kinds of logs Jeered at hi: will: Holstein. t Cotton Seed Mal Oil Oak. Malacca that and driving "hed. Gdod Ki; v;ud totk farm wetl ten rd and tuned. his farm (an " he bnunht with “5 acres l I " I: dun part, 19, Lt new: cleaved. " d bum; venom mi #011: berm I'I-ll fen rd ad' uttered. his farm (un " he bought with first-rho., sunk and hunk-mom: io gutted rnnnmg on! P. Bar Nrthr" punk-"Ions "may on he premiwsln the prupIII-tm. RUM . Custaltk4d m nddross, Mt. Forest P, ' R. R. No. 2. omen at Holstein Drug no". DR. Jas. L. WILSON, s. A Physician, Surgeon and tumour thtzrUaattty muted 'midwl...‘ Tfd" perlr tttted. tt pro tttl attention Add to "W" m" ii'Aiiit,'t Eur, Rpm an _ 7 tShii “HIE-7' ""'i?" "T the Knife in all Jam ts Kym on Sale 49c SOUTH BEND Sale Register FOR SALE Farah for Sale Logs Wanted Ttu, 85:.t00md II, -a.. ..... 4m D. MCPHAIL. Aluminum t l, l " put Iti, Con. a Co . J, Bttreritont,iy; lulu c3"rmunp and and Iarir house. but Earn Cisrt"ieutooir, Romain SQUARE lE:115'd','ll5e {en rd and" tuned. A,“ be bought with and_ Mime-moms irv Pam pl (insulin. En Putin. led L. B. Nlcuomm of tg' Try none ,saie a Dot New tset, wood one tbb 31 Durha I tum w, The qII m "lbw “NIH. ' “mun iitgt Tite l ttood I w r l wee “Mun ot (In o d Bay nary t tte x Fun-n! Tueed mun! h llllllla Mr u Marg" ot tbet lhnu- . month ly And Mt di Kttttt B mlnlou broke “wed ntotirt teude wit h oluldr The N “It full u .05 three can“. (“our I54 tor, II has an t' uuuniu trad no. (any, Alpilu of and who b nip. of " the tlm B It VOL. XXXV I't‘lll " mu. in! 0 Lui In HA l) Tho t the Kt the t leagn [New “I o relc Wos mt It 'ckey poi_rtt-- ~Cntt wing - M. tia " and um MN" tbr l four ,"r. -? hon-n uh" ' edu: ,,it. N) tstorix aul. tohuen mu - and hand-0'“ Marv-dot " '0- H " Sl Ma G?

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