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Durham Review (1897), 22 Jan 1914, p. 5

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van as ' “tis- ott will AITH ntry ham Drove- mall otits s New " here' 33 ens of rt) fi'. The Shredded Wheat MI“, which was held in Wntson’l hell but Friday evening, was In 'trtqantttiett some“. The banqueting hall and the church where the program was mun. were packed. The program; was nblv "attend by . number at varied ammo end all went home u 3 Inc hour. bat well swath-d with the t me spent. Rev. Mr Leeee and " assistant: spared no pains to male Lie tension MS pleasant as possible. Rev. Alvxur;der MeG'illivnsy, Ist Toronto, occupied the pulpit In the Presbyterian church here last Snu- 'lay evening and preached aiming srrtnontothe Sunday School child- ren, wh , were specially asked to be mascot. Many old friends Were AROUND THE VILLAGE t DRICEVILLE, Faeaaaaaaaazaa ' PRICEVILLE tnclfmll " " g Overcoats and Suits {7%, :1 Down in Price [A il22ai"di'2i' 1835a“, 53 L2'i2. , ""iT' irLiLs'ii'Ltif,'i ',Gfi 'iaisr2'i'iiiiaY JANUARY M, 1914 g l I rr - , a - . ca s2 ii , E', , . " " , " _ 'In' ' " rs "i 7 ' £3.“ - A " . = A . = 4m 'ME _ ’ A "l A, rr ". . "i F. , We will pay th logs f, o. b. curs team laid in our 1 grain 14 or 10 lo Elm, soft. . .. Elm, rock ... Basswood, wh 15mm Been! TAYLOR, SCOTT & cg. Mn Ni log: IG he: has , prices ary base in diam ) based on good sound. clean. straight was must. ha out in lengths of 10, le, logs shorter than 10 feet or In: than er will be purchased. Palmerston [a following prices for Saw- Palmerston or if drawn by yard at Palmerston. $18 20 11 pleased to men: him ggniu, ye Mr Jack MeDrnald, of Durham, is relieving Mr Burgess " the union. the latter being slightly indispooed and has gone (0 his home in Toronto. it student. here oiiireittht years ago. It is very gratifying to notice the humane interest taken m the unem- ploy ed and deg. mm: in the cities Mrs John Me \rtlmr (Isabella Buck) passed away an. her home in the Glen Inst. Tlunsdtsy. She will be gram mind where she has been no long known, heme one of the early pion- eers. The taueral took place on Mon- day to 1'rieemlle Cemetery and Was attended by a. large concourse of peryrie., . . m . "ir/rw. Such“ is in Toronto at preseng. _ _ -- _ . .. .___ _“‘_ Mr Malcolm McLean left Int week for Saul: Ste Marie, where he intends to stay tor a. while. Messrs Hertnsn McLean and John Smnart stnpp-d a curload of cattle to the ei y on Monday. Tue thermometer took I mld change the beginning of last week and Went down near the bottom bat we are havmg " milder again thin week. On 1'u-sdny evening. the 13th imst, Mr an) Mrs Wm. Mather entertained mm 35 or Ir) of Lheir friends Ind netghbors. wha-n all enjoyed themsol vea no! ull the small hours of the lumnilu. C nning back they enjoy. ed the INSIGHT) at. 20 below zero. Mr. I). Mthmhl's (tsacher) faith ful old horse "lien" tlvurgltt the win~ in Was getting too cold for him so he tlaptrted alter sewing falthlully for 30 yum. Mr Mc0.mald had him hr In yuan. and wry few of his age chum pas, him then While: on duty. Mrs l). Campbell came back after Hmmlmg a m-mLh visiting her aunts nexguoors. wu ves “01 ull morning. ( ed the meteor Mr. D. Mel ful old hotse m was gemn departed afle 30 puts. l for Its years a OUTSIDE PRICEVILLE Maple. . . _ Hemlock . Spruce . . . Ash . . . . . Pine. . . . . 4. Hrplourn of Durham visnted a m Uxumlg for a few days last attendmg church on Sunday. a Misses McEnchem of Torontv "rrlirr.r, a mm; an leit (“bar's {\lx-Emluru of Top Clifre. ...$14 ,. 14 ‘. 14 .. 18 5to LTO. l Being F Sunday night the 13th inst Rev Dr I gene McGLIlivrny of Toronto punched to a :crowded house In the Presbyterian an. is church in Pricevxlle. Mr MeGilli. ation, 'vrey's discourse was delivered with sposed much earnestness of speech. In his runtu. preliminary remarks he mude referen- 'm the r can to thol many changes that inter- unem- j vened between now and 88 end 89 5 years ago when he preached u I etu Black; ‘ (tent In the old church thin. stood at ‘9th I the graveyard. In castmg . look teeth aruuud the large audience before him I long very law could he find of than who 'lll','/ Were then m the prune ofhfe. Al- ; :2; though Mr. McGlllivruy has passed '30 m the three score years he locks young for that age. t?, Mr and Mrs Wm. Boston visited " 'T Mr John Beanon's on Sunday. ”.00 rs,)",,, Miss Annie MacGillivray spent: Crfew days with her consln, Mrs Rob " Wells. of Allan Park. The funeral of the late Mrs. Me- Donald which took place on the 14th inst. from ber -sou-1n-law's residence, Mr. Alex. McDonald. was fairly well attended considermg the very blue: Weather. Rev. Mr. Matheson of1itva- -v _ v Frteuda from near and la: felt it their duty to pay I last album of respect to a kind and reopened lady. Person- ally we've experienced the hospitality ,of the dvparted lady when often duty ldemundrd us to call at her comfor- ‘uhle reindeuce. As the shades of night would be approaching wi would be kindlv taken cure of till the lollow- 1 mg morning. Rev. Mr, Matheson. her pastor. preached a fine sermon very suitable for the occasion. The remains were [and to rest in the old gruvqard in Priceville wheie the de- c.eixgerrt, father mother. mater and son were laid to rest name 55 co, 45 and 25 years ago and now _ another is added to the number. The 1 poll bearers were her sons and neph :ews. Mr Kress of Durham was un- 'dertaker. lo the lonely husband and family we vouch " extend the 3 condolence of all who formed their :,aeqnairnarttsts in this and hour of trib- ; ulation. ted. This Monday afternoon. the 19th May, the remains of Isabella Black, beloved wife of Mr Jno, MeArthur of the Glen, Glenelg, will be laid to rest In l’riceville Cemetery. Mrs lie, Arthur was amongst the pioneers on the: Durham lld. coming there when . Ittle girl Stxty three years ago. A couple ol months ago Mr and Mrs Me, Arthur celebrated their golden wed dung and now is truthful wire and mother are to be laid In the silent tomb tbus afternoon. Mrs McArthur was a truthful member of the Presby- terian church and while she was able to attend, her sent was seldom “cant. Her stcluess was of short duration, one wet-k from the effects of a ohlll wlmh developed Into other ailments. She was about 70 yturs of age. Later-We attended the funeral of Ae above lady this afternoon and was one ot the largest seen coming up the Durham lid for a long time. In addition to what appeared in the Review last week. we herewith give a few details of the accident which caused the death of one ot our highly esteemed young men, Robt. Ding-wall, who was killed by a fall- ing tree in his own bush on Tuesday Jan. 13, 1912, at 4.3op. m, He had been preparing to renovate his barn this coming summer and as your cor. has been informed he, ac- compu .ied by Mr Dan Wideman, Were felling the last tree they requir- ed for the Job. The tree fell acrosn a small tree which caused it to swing sideways pinning Rob underneath its weight and causing the above results, Dan, being unable to release him, had to chop the tree off him It was a trying experience, one he won't I forget for Some time. The Dr. was l summoned immediately, but pro- . nounced death instantaneous The i funeral on Friday was one of the largest ever seen in this vicinity. the 1 services being held in Bethany Chap- 1 el, conducted by Rev. L D. Hux- "able. After the service the cortege 'i proceeded to Salem cemetery, where ithelast due respects were shown the l departed brother. I - i We, as a community. extend our i, dsepest sympathy to his relatives and friends, who are left to mourn his i loss. To-day, Monday, Institute day, we are delighted to see the interest taken in this noble work. Miss'Bertha Allen, of your town, is visiting triends here, Mrs Davie, of Toronto, is visiting her sister. Mrs Thou. Davis. l Mr Dongs! McNab succeeded in catching a live tax the other day. _ Messrs Rub and Bert Whitman an ‘hnme from the West. They look as ithouh the West sawed with them. Bora-Sunday, Jan. 18th, to Mr and Mrs Will Dingwall, a son. Mr James MacGillivray had I large pile of wood on: In! week. Mr Wm, Maanrlane is hauling logs from Mr D. MacArthur! bush. Mr J. P. HacGlllivny in getting the lumber home tor " new house. hr John Kennedy is employed with Mr Wm. Macli‘arlne. BORN RUSSELL-Jn Bntteroft, Ont“ on Bat. urdnv. Jan. mm, 1914. to Mr and Mrs Clark Russell. 3 Ion. McEscmi:ws.-on Jan. 16th, to My 5nd Mrs Hector McEachem. loath line, aienehr,touutrttter. Both do- Sn. well, SAUOEEN VALLEY HOPEVILLE ‘-. The members clue: not in the Tomship Hall, Avtou, on Ionduy, Jan mu at 111m.” per stunts. The Clerk administered the oath ot Ptvperty Qaa1itieatiotts and the den- lurusion of oitiee to each member: 'll‘he Council then organized natal- OWB t Reeve-J Shiel. Depmy-Reeve‘ Cans Hulm. Councillors-W ll Ryan John Whitelurd, Andrew Filalngef. The Reeve took the chair and ad- dressed the members at some length. he congratulated the members elem d on their success. appreciated the honor conturred upon himueit try the ralepayers. He hoped that the year I914 will be a. regard one ot the Town- ship at Normanby. H sltn--Whiteford That the ac- count. of $65.00 re Election expenses be paid to Dy. Returning OEicers, P Clerks and Books, etc. slsiel--Holtn That the thanks or' this cou' cll are due Ind we hereby render to Dr Jamieson, M PP for South Grey, for many acts of kind- uess when asked to helr the Council in matters affeeti a this municipality and more particularly for his persist- om effort in leading to a successtul issue in the Garrick and Normanby dispute re boundary line and that the clerk forward a. copy of this reso- lation to Dr Jameson. carried. Ityan---Holm That a committee be appointed cons'miug of the move, Tp. Engineer Schenk. Tp. Clerk and Councillor R, tut, the latter to be chairman, to take ' steps to have this township divided into {our wards fur election purposes only. Car, tiolm-Whiterord That this coun- cil [us no objection to the Ayton Tel. ephune Annexation doing business in this wwuship. carried. 1lyan--Hulm That the reeve and Mrssri, Schenk and Furtune be a com- mittee to mnke a final settlement with Engineer Isaac Tray nor. carried, Filsinger-Uolm That Mr w il Ryan be appointed member of the Board of Health tor the current year. Ryan---Filsinger That the com- mittee appointed to put the township into Wards should endeavor o have we Dug and Sheep Act umended, so as that the party getting sheep killed may get lull amount at value ot loss as awarded by the sheep inspectors and also to have changes made in the Run rd at Health Act, so as the Local Board [my have more duotuary power, carried. _ Mr man introduced By-law No 1 of 101410 nppnim a township clerk, wh.cn wus given its proper readings. Mr Whiteford introduced Bv-hnv No 2 of 1011 to appoint; an Assessor, which was given its proper readings. Mr llolm introduced By-law No3 ot 1914 to appoint two auditors, which Was glvw its proper reading. Mr lisittger introduced By-law No 4 of 1914 to appoint 3 collecturs ot the township. which Wu given its pro per readings. . Mr Shiel introduced By-law No 5 of 1915 to appoint a Township Solici- tor, which wus given its proper read. was. Mr Ryan introduced Bv-law No6 ot 1914 to Ippuim a. Township Engin- eer undor the Ditches and Water- cuurses Act, which was given its proper readings. Mr Holm introduced By-luw No 7 oi 1914 to borrow money from the Royal Bank ot Canada in use the township needs funds during the preys- ent year. Tue By-law Was given in proper readings. b'hul--Filisinger Than the follow ing bu Cummlesumors in the dmreut DlVlIlODS ; Div Nol, Com IN ll w. an; No 2, John Whiurford; No b, Andrew Filsmgur; No 4, Chaa Holm. Holm .-. Whnetoxd Thar. Mrs Walsh be re-appointed caretakar at ip Hm an. the same salary as last year $10, payable yi yearly iv ad. vauce. 1Iolny--F'iuiripw Thain gram of 5.00 be ngen to the SiCK ledmrs Hapiurl, Toronto. Whitetvrd---Bolm That the clark order one copy for aunt] member at we Council. Clerk and Treasurer. of the Mumcipu World for the your 1914. The Council made the following‘ appnmtmema: Township Clertg-,-ht ll Fortune. Auditors-Al Koebler and James Booth. 1Jtosators-h1o- ms Kama. Wallace and Bruunigam. Astmssur---Ptster Hume. Eruisteer-- Andrew Seneuk. 8ttlitutor--W S Middlebru. K. o, NORMANBY COUNCIL Hetrn--Whitetord Thus the follow, ing account! be paid '. German“ Farmerl' Mutual Fire Insurance Co on town- ship hail, payments...... .. 3 a £190.qu cxpcmesd D Return M N ingothetsrs, tttth, 1914, ' ' ' . . . . Meeting of Cuancil nu date. . . . J R Otto, acct nails, 1914. .... ' 8le Children', Hospital, Tor- euro,grant................. aw Mrs Walsh, half rear's salary I salary as caretaker of Tp - , halllnadvance............ 500‘ Municipal World, 7 copies tor _ Uuuuml.................... 675 Thea Sebenk, 91 had: gravel bymeFuner............ 445 The Council adjourned to meet in the Townahip Hall, Ayton, on Mon- day, February Och, at 10 a m to re- ceive the Aiiditers'Report and tor _ general buainase. WHY DOCTORS PRESCRIBE 108 NOX A COLD Bocause ith, no! . Intent medicine but a. pretrttriptioa of I very eminent dustor. 108 Nu I Cold in one day. Me Ind 500 per how. " tsll drug Item. " DURHAM anvuw It. H. FORTUNE), Clerk. .... 65 00 .... 14 20 0010de from page I D. Connor, B. (has? 2 and 3. Pen-W. p, _Conpor, Gugbg. S. C. Butt Leghorn, coek-J. bon.. nelly 1, 2 and 3; hen; J. Don- nelly 1, 2, ' and A. Coekerel-J. Donnelly I, 2, ' and 4; pallet, J. Donnelly 1, 2, 3 and l. R. C. Butt Leghorn, eoekeret-3. Donnelly 1, 2 and 3; pallet, J. - iirti."'Buit tetthorn, Donnelly I, 2 and 3; anne'.ly_1, , -apd 3:. ”EEK? siGi1rii'iik -iasehorn, cock- erei--W. D. Connor; pullet, W. D, Connor. A _ _ _ -.. - - - Black §>anish, eock-N. Harvey- hem N. arvewl and 2. Cocker- el-N, Harvey 1 and 2: pullet, N. Ham? J. a.tsC.1. L A “in”, - --_ -. S. C. Black Minorcas, coek-A. McDonald, J. Gibson: hen, A. Me- Donald 1, 2 and 3, J. Gibson. cockerer--J. Gibson 1 and 2; pul- let, A. McDonald, J. Gibson 2, 3 and 4. Andalusians, cockerei - W. D. Connor; pallet, W. D. Connor. Anconas, cockerel-C. W. Lang 1 2 and 4, T. Binnie 3; pullet, C. w, Lang 1 and 4, T. Binnie 2and 3, POULTRY SHOW PRIZE LIST sra,ieiroeirieir"irviroeiesbeeilc*vies"'i'"r , vi? ii: " 'i'uotasa-tsits:tutsgsteqsqsiytee1t5s'o4-ir-s'v1'4"l"'-e'e" Your Chance for a New Overcoat $12 Overcoats, $9.00 10 Overcoats, 7.00 We have a good stock of Food on hand that ve are offering at low prices for the next few weeks as we want to reduce our stock. If you need feed of any kind call and see us atthe Oatmeal Mill. Cheap Feed Berliner Gramophones 'THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters foe tJtmdbotiontsry and all Balm? goods Large shipmauts arrive direct to as mice a week and on account of the great demand tor Diners " on! store they no sure to be in Brat clan hash audition who: they arrive here. FRESH OYSTERS McGowan Milling Co. mm!“ mm M. Titt btauly of having oysters is having than: fresh If you want choice music buy one of these instruments and you can interest the whole family during the winter evenings. The law of supply 1nd demand keeps us busy. Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Chopped Barley Feed Oatmeal Oat Feed Mixed Feed t,ghtlt E. A ROWE “His Master's Voice" . L. GRANT ',ra'.- These are all new goods bought this fall made by one of the best makers in Can- ada. If you require an Overcoat, give us a call. Only a few left. WM. BLACK on 2, 3 T' ( - W. D. he nor. --' r. Lang 1 H; let, C. W. I t 2and 3. Oatmeal Mills saver Grey Barking-I. coce"". Chrke; hen, W. Clarke , 2 and s. 'iiakerei--W. D. Connor; pallet W. D. Connor. Butt rorperitf,'.,"t cock-W, J. Bit- chie, W. Clar e; hen, W. Clarke I, 2, ' and 4. cajiereis--R.. J. Rgtchie 1, 2 and 3; puller, W. J. Iy.,tc.hi.e 1, 2 and 8. Peri--W. J. Ritchie. " Y Treo.. “ILUUIU. Black Orpingtop, cock-J. Vol; lett, W. Clarke; hen, J. Vollett and 3. W. Clarke. stir,kt,rti,-c,ii Vollett: pullet, J. Vollett I, 2 an 3. Pen-J. Vollett. _ . m“ White Orpintttop, eoekeret--W.P. Connor', pallet. W. D. Connor, c. Lang. Houdan. hen-W. Connor, C. W. Lang. Pullet--W. Connor. Campinas, eockeret-W. Connor. Silver Spangled Hamburg, hen-- C. W. Lang. Cockere1--C, w. Lang 1, 2 and 3; pullet, C. W. Lang 1 and 2. Black Hamburg, hen-CW. Lam: I Game Bantam, cock-N, Harvey- hen, N. Harvey 1 and p., Cocketw --N. Harvey 1 and 2: pullet, h" Harvey 1 and 2. Bantams, a.o.v , cock-N. narver. r Dorkintts, ttOCR-W. W. Clarke I, 2 and mr. D. Connbr: pallet TORONTO “H M cm AFFORD $75M Vol- (tt W 9-1!" Youth! AW too arena but to Lou "h woman: In an old " she looks"-- and nothing will make hm look old no surely or so quickly as are) hull. It is pounds for any woman w I...- van: bot hair turning (my " to unto“ her any hair to. nil in fume: boa-Cy. Esra Eli! Health um do it, " in not a (In. It "ootnpultets its m quickly. sureiv. “my In.“ " the sum Hula slunuintu and Inn-wont“ tho "ealp and lair roots, It “woven dun- druff. We are sure would: ot its Hulk“ nu than" will remud your no.0,“ " fail: If!" a mir trial. “.00. toe, Me, Get it at our mu. Sold Ind recommended by T uac/'i"iiLGii" i co., Dramas hen, N. - l, Bronze Turkey! 1 and 2; young 'I 2 and 3. White Turkeys Grasby. W. Lang; old Young gander Emden Geese Grasby. Pekin Duoktr Lang. J. Gihsm J. Gibson. Yo by Indian Runner Lang: young dr: White Funtail Morlock. - - Tumbler Pitt son. , Most entries-H Beat bird in Or cock-C.W. Lang. Beat bird in White eoekercl--d Best bird in Wy Best lett, l Don Brown Best son, 8 erel. " You am enter any day at the I l dat.) I a? Trig/r, W tsi)" i 1 tfgji'ii'iitiii,'f(lli"'oy Smallest vey. Bant Toulouse iGvett, Birds. pair SPECIAL Pf tt, White Wy Best bird in Largest izht Bral " California. Florida Inc the Sunny South Be m W no Logical Rome To the West For WINVIPEG Leave Toromo 2 30p, l For VANCOUVER Lave Toronto Nit! ', x (‘omputmonI Lihrnr tic. cur, Sunlud ah Tourilt unplug Cer, 1 Fiat-clan thvs, 001: both Tainan. Particulurc from Palm Agent: or write M. G, (LP A.. C P. I HoilflMti4'M,fe [menu I rumerah, a“ . . the In. burg. may in If, 1lJ'tefit""2" ottlce-over Jearellry 51010 and CPI!) itta Post Ott1ce, W. C. PICKERINO D. o s., L It S R.h1acFarune,Agertt Durham HONOR GRADUATE of Tom. Uniwmty. treaduate at Royal College of Dental 8mm of ont uric Room Ova: J t J HUL’TER'S New Show Burris r. tor in s Court "ktir,R'r/t 'cg,'Llllllifl'l, Mom to man. an huh , Bt., pout; l) Jhgtt guru”. op To Have (In! Hair OWEN sou Luge Matt or Special Individuu Instructlo: Positions “unwed: c A mlN0.FCA G. I DJIQEHAIL» ARTHUR B. J ACKSON i than mu Am“ mm ( t'itil.rE',ti,?.tlis)'te',?ii,',' iSoa, ','t'fu'l'r, 1T181'l on an. w 1mm. mun pr!” at Roe k cock at Bar mt Bu hitest I In“??? t,1teeue:1tC, to Loan, urn-no inch-ms. A gen 'd1'l'il'Lf/h' blames. u-umm cod. t bird in u '1: Red cock. t Rhode Isl S.C. Rhode J. F. GRANT D. D - FUCYM‘LE' t Wuollo. in Iceman tickot-a Pdndpal for 35 years [W Auctioneer l-II L WINTER TOURS Notary Public, (inn-m hummer. DURHAI. ONT. (huh-l I Durham. Ont J. P. TELFORD rkers, your! Geese tid 2‘ der-l K-W. D "rel. tam-N. llama-W It.',,-,-,',',; l Or up. bin? in man l Your " (M n she looks"-- l make her look old " ckly u grey Ink. for uv women to pro- nrninu In! or to "m 1qriAlLer...i.. " bled-W. 1 11a cock, w: -w. D. Cc rel. on-N. Hm ana-W. D. ttg,; Mr r ngtnn' Ja' in Sh a, weigul 1 bird-- , . I B1 MN Elem! L. C yhsn "we. i'/dia'id,'8a"l'hot ..hen om, 1 M Min ad 8. ic-rr. Grntrhy R. Grub! l, it Tom- reatt.e.letr:f. .. Grub! une, a "r-C. w. W. Link. M. Gna- M. Wil- 1t Lane Dair- " cv on O Harvey " graduate: um um icucllrs Lam: white Whitt mm It tr-tlr a 30th avitl 'HY II Mc- w B "N ue Urey If, "I '0 qu tho

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