West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Jan 1914, p. 8

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s? is That all our Cus-l tomers and Friends will have a Very a Happy E? Pros- lperous New Year is the wish of Women's 'iii';-": Winter Coats 2; ALI. nu PRICE $3. Those are all this “IOOD'S styles. It is main wool] them n then prim but we must any on the policy o' thin store to any no_g_ood| ov_or trom Pf, upon to an- iGiut In" price] 8.75 Oom- now 4.37 11.00 Coats now 5.50 9.75 Cons now 4 87 13.50 Coats now 6 75 10.00 Come now 5.00 14.50 Cons now 7.25 =GaaG7a_---"'""'-"" 0-000 .. l? Felt Shoes Almost Given Away In“ 3.00 Felt Shoal. sale ' In. 2.75 " sule 2 25 qt ale 1.75 tt sale I 40 '. sale SQUARE; tientlermrmioet a good Dollar Cap a?AgI,,tNrtgtt3O.Dr omore " Ws On" H. BEAN Big 4 Fi I“); a Ire clearing every Butter 8? Eggs Y?oultry Tito your choice of any cap in stock. only 7. ....49c. Some were 51.25. \Four We s Course; Cus- in Agri ulture g Department of hgrilPture MARKDALE February Zn “27th FREE INSTRUCTION l VEN all branches of Agriculture. H. D. DUFF. Agriculturist paid for all kinds care and neatness. .100 200 1.25 o 'ii?i'ii, Price " Cutting Sale % make them at- ammmmmw$mwm$$wz Men's Overcoats Being Slaughtered If you've been waiting until the Price.cut- ting Sale started, it's your turn mow---Ws on' 5 Men's Littht-weisrht Overcoats. splendidly tailored with beet qual'm farmer satin lining. All sizes li no from 38 to 42, regular 10.00, sale price... . Mens 1e.500vereoats ...... .... ...... .... ...1.. ..8.75 Mans 15.000wrcnats .... ...... ...... .... .... ....900 Boss 5tt00vereastr. 3.75 Boys 6.50 Overcoats. ml 35 Bovs4.50 .. .. 3 25 Irrvi: 4.00 bt ..2.50 Iroys 7.50 " .. 4.50 Ens 3.00 " ..1.9C We want you to compare these prices with what other stores advertise. Newspaper talk is cheap. If you come and see the goods we offer at sucl stand why so many people trade at this Busy Store. 3w rilioLSTlfiilri.ly,l J. C' Assistant 0 tl, til l A: n t l Miss -0. stcsiGoi, of ------, was the guest oi Mr and Mrs R. Taylor last I week. 'i""i"h"i"i"i'"ii"'-i" D. ABRAHAM co. pl‘JAAJ nun... 'l , Bx-law 282 to oppoint a member of 2,} the “mid of Health The name ot T Jon -Vilkmsou Was inserted in By- w L law and “as passed. Said Board lc consists ot the New, bl 0 H Dr SneaLh A t l and John Wllkinsoutor 1914. Gordon - Fergnson That each u ; D R 0 be paid $9.50 on account of in. :0 1 creased duties imposed by recent. n I changes in Municipal Act. Said sum i to be divided as follows ', D B 0 5.00, . Election room 3.00, PM Clerk 1.50, 2 jun“ 9.50, curried. % t l 1i'euwsenr11tsh'ts.bb. That the u- t [Ward ofthe fence-viewers between It t Md-chhem and Jas Robb be paid, L i, mnnumirg to 27.05, carried. (V . (rrrrrmr-rreruy"on That a dona- I '/ I tro ol 500 be giveutothe Sick Child. I . iron a iivsprial, curried. livnd wwr‘s-Cumr Ferguson rc- _ _ pul'ltd Wm ll aid culvert. gore A can j 13. 05.1200 lwpurnadopted. 1.50 g FCum fem paid. Comr MuRobb to- l purud P Wsl nee rep. culvert. lot 9i ‘cun 12. our. 1.5-0. Report adopted. Cmur. Robb reported. A 11eTarislt drawing 93 yds gavel on lil & P T L 60.75; W Stewart. spreading laid maul, 5.25 , Jno Wtttrtter, cloning off sides of the road, 2.00: R Dunn. cleaning water-course in 1918, P T line 2.60: Bell Bron. Ipiku 26tt. Mo1totttr--Gordfm That {caning upon be adopted and Com mam 3.00 Contact, "rried. . _ . . __ d. Jun; Mr R. Smail and last week moved in1 Renwick's farm, east Mr R. Smuil and family, Glenelg, Ins! week moved into the house on R. Hcnwick's farm, cast of the village. Mr Wm. Hay has been ill for the past few days with la grippe.. M153 J. McNichol, of TTCT.?. was - .. n 'r-- ou- loaf Mr and Mrs D. Christie visited menus in Mt. Forest on Friday. Mr Wm, McLean, of Meatord. accom. panic) by his cousin, Miss N. Moody, Birdell, are visiting at Mr C. McMillan’s this week. I 1 Council met Jan 12th, members' 'ulected subscribed .0 the required 1 declarations us follows: John McAr- l, than Reeve ', W Ferguson. Chas Me. 1 Babb, t.) W Rubb and Thus J Gordon, ;Cuuncillors. The reeve addressed 1 the Council. Minutes road and adopt. I ed. Mr Chas. MCC' ent visiting at Hay. _ Mrs P. Lit: Wednesday to Keppel. [\Cpptl. Born-on Sunday, Jan. 18th, to Mr and Mrs F. Adams, a son. By-law 28t to appomn auuuuru WW ed the usual stages. Blanks were l'tilvd in winh rho names of Wm Ram- age and Donald McQueen. saluy $10110 each. _ V V . ' -- ”Ankh-I " Harold 'Bnird waited upon the coun- l ail and asked a. gum of 25.00 " ru- ral school fairs. Robb--Fertre That aid re- quest be laid over top tnrthor informa- tion, carried. DIV". FF...."-' Fewisson--Gor_don That the fol- lowing accuums he puid : J P Noo- nan. sundries " bridges, 5.25 ; six c..upons ll trt'l World, 5 75; W B Sutton, expreq charges. 2250; Chas Wilson, culvvrt. 0 S R, 1fat'sshare 375; Ramauc & Son, Financial] Statements and ballots, 17.75: Clerk's registration at births 62, marriage: 15, duds: 35. 't2:00urrrrt,eer ii'id"GGGii, 1:65; 'Clerk’l EGREMONT COUNCIL DROMORE McColl, Toronto, is at 86:3- '. at the home of Mr m. 28t tO appoint guditora pass- itstcr_ and children left on to visit relatives in North "iatie visited friends The Store that Sets mmm$$mm$$$mmmwfimwwmmmw l Half Price . Rubbers and Overshoes 90 ”WWW. F"-"""'" I yereason--llob'o, That we adjourn Ito meet on Monday, Feb 9th tore- chive Aaditors' Rvpm. appoint path. \mnsters and tax collectors and re- ‘cewu tendurs for cement and tile (making, carried. I D. ALLAN, Clerk. peOSHS. Good winter weather mm Il ing helps busxnces here and The young people have had ride to Robb and enjoyed as at the home of Mr and Mrs v mont. Another pleasant evening was spent) Mrs. VVal'nng Baum: w. -.-_-,,,,, , at the home of Mr James Durrant as a l was not so successful as many in this) farewell to Miss Ruth. (part have been. Mrs Wading, her F Mr Arch. McEacherty who has been \children. Maude. Bert and Mary left) in4itpos.ed for some “me back. It', re- I on Tuesday for Moose Jaw to Join Mn gaming health and strength agam. ‘Warling who has a pbsition with Jas. L C'lglecannuak: ‘gxgethg hot 1,"gi,'1rt'erl. Allan there. ‘5 _Lv.r-,%.r. iiiil'cGrchonTues-l . . , "5 L da , the 'Ill t:31.l,chv. Dr. Marsh re-R N the meeting ot the \Klomen l In- I suing. Total reccipts for is/le-rl/T/if-reef/he/nt' week, .theh ladies dfemded as. The Auditors' Report shows a iii-A',,'. o a concert m .t e. near. Pmte’ ance on hand of $156.02. Otftcerts for I thh the proceeds it " their intetr the coming year were elected, after tion to purchase seats for the Park. which all enjoyed the nicte tea supplied l It is said in some quarters that the {by the Ianies. As an evxgencc . of wo- . young ladies of the vicinity have mun 8 rights. MrsJ. U. Fairbairp wasiunattimously endorsed the scheme Fiith Auditor for the congregation. ‘and have promised to keep them free __ . q - *1 L---.., monupnarians from dust. OX‘ Three hale ind heart);a oe,eio/iei,yt"iit,1'l l Iron: uuaL. voted at ast ' lunicipa lection at o "i' EXECUTO ti' SALE " V ”CABLE 1.u-i mg Booth No. l. What do the y9unglvsiovrru FA 1 MY iii'si,iiii.U-rrGfidA' mun who stuyedlut hOIPC‘tillnk of them. i Will he recei d by the undrrsigned up' sclvei m the face OI true pluck of tho I to noon on I‘ll sday’. the 10 h day of. aged . lFPhl‘llil‘y, I9 tor the purchase of Master Arch. L. K. Molnnes had him Lot 15, Con. " wumnt. 100 acres, on might leg broken and dislocated at thclwhich is a. 2 Pu re? brit-k dwelling. ankle joint last Saturday evening. Dr fmme- harn with uhling. drilled well, T. H. Sneath is in attendance. r'f;'iii'ii fences and. leading mad about was on horseback and the horse stumb. if, miles from Mm t Forest. Terms lcd and both fell, with the above result. and conditlune on plication to . __ t-, Li.., l “.0. KILUOU Mt. Forest, Ont. Miss Vivian Crawford, Durham, in teaching in S. S. No. 9 here. This was the home of her father in his boyhood days. We wish her all prosperity. Mr John Snell has made fine progreu In regaining health, after his operation for appendicitis. _ - .* . - -_I_ sh-.- Monday evening, ot (ms ween mm. was a social gathering at the home of Mr and Mrs James Hunter. A pleas- ant time was spent until it was time tc return home and do the morning chores This mild weather is favorable for suck gatherings. . Mr J. o. Johnston, with his gasolim "nstflt, is cutting wood for Mr W. J i Philp. _-.--------'-- N Mr Robb. 8aelc, is 1 around hart. '""iiriiiiriG Harboule. at Durham. Visited Mr Eglkingham on Sunday. Mr and Mrs John Greenwood and sons visited Mr Falkinghum and their uncle, Mr Binder. LII: Bob Robertson has moved into his new residence. tsortr-On Tuesday. Jun. 13th, 1014, to Mr and Mrs Geo. Jones, um: Miss Snub Eidmgton), a son. On Tuesday. Jan. 18th, to Mr and Mrs Geo. Baker, 3 daughter, Mon'l Election, 50e, carried. These goods are all First Quality but lines and are bound to clear every pair J Men's Rubbers, size 9, 10, II Cl reg. 1.00, sale .....s." .49 Women's Jersey Cloth Overshoes, high snow excluders, sizes 4, 5, ll ('r, 7, S, reg, 2/2,5, sale ji/c)"..'."'.".'.;"."."-":',':';,," B --- . 7, ' " 1f,t,gt,ilt,),li..)),k,e,?,lt1l,t,,) te"""" Women's Fine Jersey Cloth Storm Overshoes, reg. 1.25 Baht. Pettigrem is renawmg a YEOVIL Rubbers ueather with fine sleigh- I was here and clacwhere.‘ eople have had a sleigh- I .nd enjoyed asocial party I ' Mr and Mrs William Li) r. 0"; evening of this week there al gathering at the home of ' James Hunter. A pleas- 1: went until it wt." time to ORCHARD the Pace ', of Bigger, no quaintnncos lise. We want you to consider QUALITY too, such startling reductions, yoill readily under" at Durham. T152 .75 " Dr. E. E. Kells, ‘school teacher and gushing among m2 1part. fafi-ge‘awwwagfianaaw I as LOCAL AND PERSONAL $l, 'ltt.'"si'd'i"s','iii.'i2ti/JiJl:sie.set"r, i Mr and Mrs into the House ling. l Mrs, Warlmg's sale on Thursday lwas not so successful as many in this x part have been. Mrs Wading, her [childrem Maude. Bert and Mary left lou Tuesday for Moose Jaw to Join Mr iiril,?iti, who has a pbsition with Jas. Allan there. p.-. Mr and Mrs Robt Adams of Regina who arrived from the West here a few weeks ago and since that time have.heenin Durham and vicinity, are gWssts of Mrs Hostetter. in "‘ - __ l The hospitable home of Mr. and {3:37'R'L'Qliiiihies all-d Marsh, L " a re Mrs]. D Itain was the rendevouz for Vicli'olsmi il M Tribe w J Sharp J. Milan enjoyable party of young people ii; iiiiiiG ' ' E tV i last Friday night ' . it" The social in the Presbyterian Ch. At the annual meeting or the liir- ch I last Wednesday night was fairly well If“??? Agricultiliral Saudi} on gues- t intended and a couple of hours was ay d ternoon le,,. to owing 'F, cert) l nel,enjoyarly spent by means of a aup- were elected '. l rSSident, W M Groat, I J. per followed by a period of social in. (fe'ekdtd) ; in l we Pres., Walter tercourse and on auction sale cJf,l,t,,rifJ,s.','t',1,e', fad Vicky“? lat. A. surplus, edihles. Rev. Dr. Marsh ad. ttttt :tiecy.. L. B. if“! Bon (one- .ded to his list of accomplishments by ceMbor to W, J. Sharp) , Directors, H. taking the role of auctioneer. lCowan, W Ramage, W. Ferguson, P. l i Mutch J Rice H Lamont, AStewlrt or. Dr J I, Wilson of Holstein has sold I ll Schenck I', MeCaw . Hon. Direc- use out his medical practice to Dr W. D. itors, ll Reid. J. Calder, 'r' McArthur, Ferguson front ilear.fh.a.tiyye Dr. 1 G. Harris, W Aitken. A McGillivray Jn, Ferguson arrived with his wife andgu. V. Matthews. The President trio little sons and Miss lilarshnll, (al Secretary and ist Vice Pros were up: ind siater of Mrs "rip."?? s) ot St. i, pointed a committee to cooler with‘ . 'Marys, on Monday night and have“). police trustees re the park A tetr taken up residence in the village. ivote of thanks was tender e d Mr. Ir.t welcome all to our midst. pr. lSwanoton tor his services in the so- nto Wilson was obliged to sell out owmg l ciety's behalf. Twenty have signi- to.rePoni' Y. health In.d hit: m“ l fied their intention ot entering the Sth, friends will regret his departure ,tiesld crop competition in white onto use, Although the new physician took 1 this year. ‘chorgo on Tuesday, Dr Wilson will '. remain until the spring months. -----ioi----"" Ind Mrs Wilson and children leave next 303! week for Toronto. Dr Ferguson who a: has over six years pro, essionnl work . behind him comes highly reeomnen-‘ dl tt"tct ':ti,,'ga'g.'" otd ilt ded to look after all kinds sick people" . ' t . - end “recently been one of the out} In Nonnuby. our Orchard. In. In. in! the City W1. Hamilton. ' 14th. terMr, and In. - I non. T w.:._4‘.‘m,,. "' FIN _ "'t?t.WiW, wy?'ii'i9'lf,i5:SE, “W “3*" 33%,: ’~1.::.&.;E»a=ss"~f’:?‘a:a§#fi¥2m ls! 1-1 ii' miles from Min t Forest. Lemur: and conditions ("I plication to It, 0. 'inii,'il,jrti,iii, Forest, Onl.‘ Mr. J. W. Hunter ade a business trip to London one day last week. Last week the interior of the G T R l depot was renovated to a great ex- Gf by having the walls and ceiling ' painted anew. Two cushioned bench- ‘es have also been recently installed and the depot in every way presents la more home like appearance. Mr. Adam Brown Sr. and Mrs. Stonehouse of Durham visited friends in the village this week. , Mrs Wood) ard have moved House vacated by Mrs War- E. Kelis, a former Holstein} :acher and Miss Ke11s are! among many friends in thisl ne1ee.,,rittpititi,,trt?lt?-l, m: we are overstocked in these r regardless of cost. Childrens High Storm Overshoes two buckles, reg 1.40, sale price. ...... .... .... ...... .98 Meng Leather Leggings, reg. 175, sale......, _..... .... Stl Boys Leather Leggings, reg. 125, tsale..., ...... _...... Sli Mens Jersey Cloth Overshoes reg. 1.50, sale...... ..... 1.15 --eelreee""-'"t-"'--r-=-"--- - eir"eli1 R Kerr vgsitod friends its', Mnaistrator's Sale by Tender Moore ad on Satur ay. lot a vuluuble term in the Township oi 1 Miss Cook of Mt Forest was thei Egremont inthe County ot Grey guest of Miss N. Rogers over Sunday -- . h P b l Sealed Temste.rcwill be received in The annual meeting M t e. "5d y'lthe undersigned ( marked tender l tertan church was held on rues ay ZSoIicitor to in.- Administrator of ti L ‘mgbt' leltute ot Mil Sterne. lute oi no I Mr and Mrs. Arthur McCloc lin of l Townshi Irlgremunt in the Conn iEdge Hill visited in the village onltr. of Ore "tlow, deceased. var tor.? "Saturday. 'gcloc:£ b oi. Wrdiiesduy. t ie 4tir . . , . nyo e our}. 191 ' tor thetulr i M?" Nelli.e Philp attended an ex- chose of lot No 14 in the 18A comes» _ i ecutive meeting of the Sunday School i f h _ hi f E ~" Association in Durham on Tuesday. son 0 t ' " r.n," IP 0 Ami-mum m " the County Urey 100 ocres more , Mr. Jos. Taylor, a farmer living in orleaa, un " i 1ot.tre Skid .tu be " \Normanby township, while driving good frame b m With out)“ in base whom: from It. Forest had the Momentum! 0th outbuildmu. a my 1l 3 1 fortune to be thrown from his cutter iomtortm We d "llitttt 1100”- 1 L" r [ and have his arm broken. (property " we 1 termed and lots I ' f) . i',',.'.',',,".' and in good lute niculm u ri Large shipments of livestock wer¢|tion 1nd conw ieiiiiy Situated aim-cs L i made on Thursdav, Saturday and l 1 mile trom Dr me. The high: _ lMonday. The price of 8 90 w“ paidlor may tend t L necessarily met v, Him hogslasr week_ and there were ted. A about 80 porkers shipped on Monday. Terms .,'rt pe cent ot the “mom " Hand...- n bu, mid {0"thth (I ',5iekm to: hogslasn wcw u... m-.- ___ about 80 porkers shipped on Monday. I Terms 3n pe cent ol the mum: of Tender u be and torthvmh l We "t Phased.“ report that Mr. notititmtion m acre “nee tbereot m CoburuisitnprovP& It.te.tt unus- the bnlanco 1 as a cum. ot We” ually severe attack with his tr.oyr!erlineatnbmnee beo wble in Tr) dh' For the sake of peace ou1 qulgt thei,tttereatter, When p 'session " 121 l family have rented the. 1ireeliMryt and a emu.” ce of the W property south of the vilUge .osd any. Title good.' Further purine will move there in New weeks'tlme. l hrs on npphvamn. -- -- . 7-- ..-o::-a 0.. Sn. Dated It Mt Fun-5:. 9th Jauuw Rev Dr Marsh was rrotiiied on 3w, unity that he had been honored by'; an appointment to the Council of‘ the Royal Astronomical Society of i Canada. His work and inventions in l this field of study has advanced Dr. Marsh very prominently in the 'd') ciety. . - i CORN-Farmers wishing a supply of corn for feeding purposes can have the same direct from the car " Hol- stein front Chas. McInnes who is pre- pared to receive orders for the same. A car expected about Friday of this --" um... tr ,10 net 100 lbs 1dEiADfiilli..l.. 1.25 Winter Caps, Your choice of on bool LISTEN cc of any winter cap in stock 75 TAKE YOUR CHOICE tor only We've got purse Fur: Coats Car Stock of Furs and Fur Coats is heavy. The winter thus far has been mild and we luwe Hundreds of Dollars tied up in -- ., vu-.u. VIII u‘v~_ -- Coats is heavy. The winter thus far has been mild and we have Hundreds of Dollars tied up in Furs that should be sold. It's the chance of a lifetime for you. Buy to-day at these cut prices and you' will have the good l f them for all of the cold weather. Today's your day. JAN? RY " l, 1914 the Knife in all Soliciwr for The und rt.orned is kinda of It u deliver: Holstein. ' also put 19, on. J, Em'omont.1w "reVcieated,lsd ncvswuuipwd and bush l veneei in 'k homo. hunk gun and driving sh" . Good gain and atmkt’arm “our red and watrrrd, This farm mu Al he bought wall “cu-chin Stink A implement. Ill merit-ct, rum-hug or or. Bur furilnl 1't',"ict',r/' “.1in bd the uremia-Mu the pruprieh " Rom. H. Cuullh-ld m llddrosa. Mt. Vow-t P. ., R. R. No. 2 Cotton Seed Mal Oil Cake Molasses Haul SudayWnl u 10. Wine a ll an“ . '.r4.c.ttotqp.trt. 145 acres REV. D, B. IARSH. M, D, KRJS. Pastor Bunduy Bchtml at 10. Service. " In. and 7.00 p. In. REV. In JAMES. Balsam Conveynncer macro! Ian-1m Licenses m to loan at lowest rum. uni can. to In"; Nat-mantra I-[i‘i|-o we imam! “olive. In dud to. on Sale 49c - W nun; wu..-,..... - Db bun-me placed in thou-Orly J-u- M...nu..im. Deeds. an iaiuTiratvptGirt, Deeds. Inn “as". In.» " and Mil. executed tri; alum-u nouce. All work promptly Fresh) lerhn Church Render will be received bv 'sizned ( marked tender r iy)', Administrator of u L min Sterne. Inge ttt no Methodist Church James tM.ets Fahn tor Sale FOR SALE Administratbr ,ogs Wanted 8rc,r00and Ittaed in open to hug delivered at his turll tGia%ou, Holstem . J. SHARP 9 and part 18, Con. H um. l, Enumoqt. tlt R. O. KILGOl' m Forest, o 1914 L. B. NICHOLHU‘ Pumps ' Gasoline Engiw " F attie" In! has Il Try Ext-el- Ion. hotter. We|~l In ale m teM.t Dou'v HAW-I “and“. ('l. lief. 2iw at M Our lmndrr a .2500 l" Durham. " She quali'y "a. 'ttsip'"' lino. Bela“ Uhil ttuaruet"ed II " 'roortattt M frame 60, Wl‘h 161m Loi-ou , .gggn Wm. l. erU, a lull!" ante hy rel No. l, Durban Th! tNephot " the rector y Onlld of TH meat-l for h aided. will lurid an on meal of the cis, mm. If cu has won a run (union. will In one cordially it Chu~w0rlh itttt oysters t Frank “Ann I“ the lucky one oruer. tiou it - fo about '20.io ”mum.“ the bedside wouldiudicn dmer. " but" and home loan Cl” pear in purl KILLI’!) m BIOI'II. a yo tielogt um" Fs the bend by ' “many l t (m h] tho bu. later. Ho h booth" sud " Mr Fred B temetsiis U WI The Durl "ittate oull J. Id! up " Brut PM " and br 'rtdral Bunch thiun Du didly un'ucd VOL. Bray it tt Keclmua tot borbood. “u (‘Iplllln d h Io Sont" ttt P My, III-um t With a" " . -elctttrt aad (hung! ettt, It Pli- torett the madly mi. vim hi (or bi. tttty) gum their wanna on “RINK I - uu‘rr . MU“ a, I chm-nun. r the ruig um the dunk I ttooo .'St'tr; ll thapt., 'tdr cl that. Bret e ft " Will " Thet The Prvd')‘ their rude" dd gem" “on. W some " county' “can I and log tag to L on (I titete Cam h tom t'str Pro-'" “mo-N weal" l W h It M Br m, lwkinl '1“ W!) n- Lug"? “Midway! arod JACK M He HM the JD " u

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