West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Jan 1914, p. 1

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Astor and If” 116 tom in ato I.” JS\ h ll Try Excelsior Con' ition Powder-- nuno better. 25: at M "lane's. A mr oi No. 1 tuled Bay for "tr. Mrs A, My. 8 Son. W't/.' has 100 ton! of good In) for _ ;I.- " in”) per mu for chth. le- D VOL. XXXVll, NO. 5 warm! (on: of good heavy [cod JO pet ton (has tom-nod). '; .ssyt"rian Sunday School I ',' ' .nr wunnl concert for the a l t, nu Funny evening Ins! in the I -- (s', I of he church and Wu I t . _ ' (m4. i'he programcontnmed l 2v l l, vecttations, drills, songs Ind I _ l-' ". c.ttu.',tlib. from the sublime tq l mm ulu'l-I. Popubsr numbers ware i man by the Buachlen twins of YS 9.! ye no to“). back Ianin " nnd, It“. 's me luck shoot the Home ' Ft 4 ml Mulch vernacular. Mr Allan' ., "rr., was chairman Ind votes of ',t Inks were ttivtrrt It clouto Mn Dr. 7 F'. Grant and Misc Lyln Kelsey to: uncu- truuble in training the pupils. Luna [maximum --. Writing from r'mlev on 22 hm, Mr Ch". achon aid sends kind Words for the BIVIIW along with bu nub-crlptlon Inn gin. Mme interesting items of our slum f uunty's pronto“. Weather eondi-" nuns have been lit. our. and wood a nd logs more plentiful than and ow. mg to high wind. but uni-inn, mum ing a lowering of prlcoo, but hunt. on the whole new to be well treated, time being good maul-for “not. everything I farmer ban to (“0,000 of. - ‘-’--I- -h“. ttrar w' M at Mactarhi M'ervtmug I mu...u ....- _ t' mic fit tor shipping bring " while h-rrwa and hogs also bring high print. Runway seems to have plenty of feed and a hub to spare. The Run] Mail is ginng great mush-non and real estate norms to be brink " Tho pruspnivy, h npiuliry and 're-at Hum-whore " this township on wonh LGnkan wu I piece of land when {mm the qreetrte" corner ot ll.- land, lacking only Iriuhmon. toe tho ("new y .. 1:".on "sado up at Ham‘- Meu‘nhvnyo 334 HOME.” II .rimn Blanch Women's In- _ ‘l mun-i "t we hum-3 of M" ' In on Thur... Feb. 5. " 2.30 ‘Iw I', NIL-Comb will speak on H, a: Methods ol Pnparmg ml Mr, u. Baum;- "Diagn- ruuuhu of Great vanadium." ' It Drawer. All Indies no cor- *l-IDINH .r--No says Pete! Me.. . fnl'nwrly of Pricoville neigh- I hut this torwtwd condition in " by hm address t, thuitornia." tr " done, some cutting 31h": z .. picking orange. and lemon. _re a tint. crop. The REVIIW we vmltor ie, “Int. I you ugh 17 year. since I left Glen- tnl erj .5 reading". We on_ m- (dx'm‘u western letters, -}' (If t:isvsrv." Mr MoKu‘h‘ tF ma ricewat sends the . sub. "other, Thanklfoi both. lir, of nut tl )urs and food. «I. Phone 58. Durham ed to attend " h U men installed a phone (u week. The Lwdin’ ‘y church are inetra- ‘mu tins roniieno it 1519. l poly "Wil Evan, R. H. No. l, Durham "any, Jan, 10. be- ence’s and the own- thlin. Finder will in“ to WM. WEIR. Headaches. Carr's - prompt n- Wes' “ya t White oat- Tnndny evening. Mr they (tamplwll Homo. derof four penis in ;.-r seeking informa- Luxu Listm--Rotrrrt a u'mrurivd farmer wl'lun. w“ struck on t!sinq limb kill": on May last, while work- md died a few minutes 1 with an unmarried In and was . Mother m. councillor oi Arte- th u they are worth of Trinily Church Moment in the hue- |next Monday eve- " of Tumult), who ion for public emer- .h the program. All od. Admission 10c. test bulletlns from nr James Whilnry t he ii annual. out of eating and sleeping n- tuoved In hi! own not 1skely he will up- Ill " is poultively humans. 23o Bale, nine 36 x " School Double Home timber Ilaigh nndl woodruk for “In n35 Apply to Mn.“ WILSON. Lower Town. i Regular meeting at " Nevil Camp} falls on Fridty, 6th February. A fall Attendance of All members within tench " reetqessted. " you no feed. all n Ontmn' Mill and no In le of Ground Wheat and Flax they to clot-in. at $25.00 per ton. At the print Sunday School ox..) amination held by tho Anglican B. I. throughout the County of Grey, the bronze medal w“ won by Mia Venn Merriam, of Chatsworth. w. do not know what percennge of the nuk- wu taken by her, but think Mina Dor- " McAnloy, ot Trinity 8. 8.. Durham, w“ uclose competitor, M Bhtt tech 88 per cent on Scripture and 86 per cent on Prayer Book. In renewing his sub. for the Re. ' view, Mr E. W. Hunt, of Sash-tel" 1 wan, Glonclg's former new. any. in _ his letter dated Jan. 17. “We are , having a hemuilul winter, Iencely enough snow for sleighing. We are taking the cutter lo town (McGee. Sank.) thie afternoon for the first time. " in a heau,ifttl sunchiny day and quite warm. We were quite pleased _ with ' P. tt.U' letters in the Beyicw.” l Sentinel: Council has a can!) balance ' of 810,680 to start business on for 1914. If such a thing happened In a town ttt village the members of the new council would hardly know how to proceed, luring accustomed to borrowing at the ant meeting. While it is nwellnn- derstood principle of political economy that no more taxes should he raised in a year than are actually needed to meet the year's expenditure, still . neat surplm " a mighty convenient thimr.--Enterprue. (ILEnKs 4, Hum ScuonL 2-A bum-h of lad: of Dullmnl's rising generntto" chnsed the put k last Thursdnv night and dished up as interesting a game from an unlock") standpoint, as any seen here this winter. The Clerks, minus the Sumderu boys and Cam. McLachlan. were up "ottsoBitrrt School tean'. reinforced by W. McGirl ( and managed to double the score. though at half time it was ar-I tre. It was the first game the Hugh Smnol boys ever pautiuipnrrd in, nevertheUs" they kept the play even and tore " some neat team work at (iuwl. The Clerks were a mun-when heavier team and cinched the game near the start ot the second half, when they scored mm... m u"rzrwssiott. Fred Laldlaw Clerks were a munwhat manner um... and ciuched the gumc near the purl 'iil ', the second half, when they "ored 1 three in succession. Fred Laidlaw I wan perhaps the most eihretore lad on the ice, while Frank Morlocll. the I smallest player. pulled " the star play when he went up from centre ice in the last half Ind dodging three, scum-d the tual goal, Bub Snundera jnlglod the bell and kept both teams playing hockey. cues-goal, V. El vidgo; point, M. Moorby ; cover Johnston Allen l rover. Bury Voila; centre, George Kress ; right, Earl Mc- Donald; left, Jno. Mallrmth. High Bctyoot--goal, [an Campbell; point Viva": Haney; cover-Frank Moll: rnith t rover, Fred Laidlaw; centre- W. McGlrr; right, Prank Morlock l left. Victor Canton. Enter Store and Steal Whiskey. Light Hazard gum- presence known in Mae drug “or. hot mun: they entered the hum lune whiskey. tfntran tally and. through a w Light fltssr,ere, zom- undo their , prenonoe known in Murat-lone & Cou drug “or. hot Pridar night when they entered the building and Mole . um whiskey. tentrance was success- I tally madolhrough a window on Mill are". when the - 1n: blokon and the tram. later removed. A keg con- ninlug I "pull quantity of liquor, kept for medical purposes. Wu taken as also a few box" of chocolates. of which the contents were colon and the i hone left on thet ttoor. Nothing elsoi l has been missed. l un- lay-.- ..._V- This is not the tlrst occasion this!, year where the light ttneed gentry: have taken chances of thelnw. A' week or so ago, a former living new! town had his hen house entered and the roost. robbed of ball of their birds, I About the beginning of the month a south end reeident of the town bad had placed o new parlor Itoyeinten house where he intended to move. Two days Inter when trenelerring hie household eirettts to hie new abode. he til-covered that the - had mysteriously disappeared. _------ iifte ii For Fine Commercial or mm BANK uquVI " -- - __ Notice is hereby given that a. Dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN Per Cent. Per Annum upon the Capital Stock of this Bank has this day been declared for the quarter ending 31st January, 1914, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and at its Branches on and after Monday, the 2nd Day of February, 1914, to shareholders of record of 23rd January, 1914. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head 9514.: of the Bank in Toronto on Wednwday, the 18th of February next, at 12 o'clock noon. " van.» - _7 - may next, at 12 o’clock noon. Br order of the Board. -----.i-------" Toronto, H v - - V, OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice, No. " 16th December, 1918. Mr Wm. Breese, Reeve of Chats- worth, was elected Warden of Grey County by seven majority over Mr Wm. Calder. The election took place on Wednesday. WALTEn Duns . , To those who Ind seen the above! towntletttstt1 Hound mum quite recently the announcement of his death has! Thursday cum. to a gun surprise. Though he has been unwoll for some timo, only on Wodnnsdny he took to bed and next day passed may. 90m: kind of heart trouble hung the cause. Mr Dunn was born in Dovomhixo. :England. in 1889 and as a young 1mm M, 18 came to Gerunds. and lived in Darlinutou. Durham 00., for. some I)" In“ nun. “a, r.~-V, - - kind of heart trouble hung the cause. l Mr Dunn was born in Devomshite,l Englnnd. In 1889 and as a young man of 18 came to Canada, and lived in Darlingtnu, Dru-ham 00., for some years. About 25 you" ago he bought. the well-known " 'watretuld farm " a little south of Varney. and timing his ttay there he and big family approved lhemuelves M Rood and kind neigh- horsand tue anna. remark Applies IO Durham, where they came about 6 years ago. _ -.---. 7 __-.....,., an “we ..,,.. Deceased in 1877 was married to Mio, Elsie Ross of East. Whitby nod tour danghwrs remain to comfmt their mother in her widowhood white atl mourn the departed, who though quiet and unassuming was postaestird of deep tenderness as husband and father. Thrre years ago. the family sullen-d a 6,'F'Ter'r' blow in the, death of 'ho-only son and hiolher John. The (laughing are Alive, Mrs Wm. Farm“, [Tmontoz Mabel, Mrs Pinkerton, of Iown l Gladys, Mrs Murray, Ethel, Out.. and Agnes at home. All were home for the funeral on Sundav last, Reg Mr Grant, nupplying the Presby- tvrinn pulpit for the day. conducting appropriate ss-rvicvs. Interment took pl we to Maple-wood cemetery. A sister-in-law,) Hugh Ross and mo" Arthur, Columbus. Out. thr., were piesrm at the fluirral. as were also Miss Janet Raw, Punt Granby, a sisler of Mm Dunn and Mr Jns, Smalllaromln, in lllulhr r-iL-Iaw. also of (‘oluluhu5. The pill hearets were the. three son-- :n-lnw, Mesnits Faun-ll, Pinkerton and Mmruynod Messrs Wm. Grant, J.J. , Wilton and “lip. [under from the ' m-ighhnrliontl of the old Egreluom " hul c. We noticed nu article in the Chron- icle of last walk”: tseur', Whtrrtr the tr- portex criticises the siuigerton-Dar- ham gun" plnvvd m Durham Thurs- dav night, Jul]. 15, which Was an may vieu I-y for tite Durham 19am who Were found hy lbw Walkvnou teuu co tro good sports No doubt there wer" upenings for urn-e brilliant plays by m. but being imdly out, of cumlitmn. We no dumb show ed our lack of pric- . -___H 7‘..- mun-Ho l.- Hi. l‘llb "c"'r, mr '""', .,_, We no climb sown-d otM? lack of brac- I tice, We uiv . any reporter' credit for . uphuidung ttis ow" [can] In any mailer I but the nvwsy who knocks and an outside train at tltat, shows himself up as a _%or't' hvnd, or a mighty poor Wort " the cheapest kind, Jim McIsuhan did give good satin faction we know. Well, tripping is nu offence and suui"eity the offend“ to the penalty bench. Funny only a few Walkertiut players Wrre " and no nnv more than once, noes the nim- sy'a "ory hold out well 1" We should Ihink nut. According IO his view ot the game. one wouidn't he surprised to nee his ottice filierl with money hum: for Sick Children's Hospitals miner than business utensils. People, withl the high cost of living to-day. can a ‘ man expect. anything more than n _ necktie [Ionihis wife at Chttstruas? ' If so, who should won-y ? Judge n om the Chronicle write-up, because we are all single and well do We know how hard it ia (0 Ram) an injured giH- jot from Mowmg (11f. . \V.\LKERTON HOCKEY CLUB. EMiddaugh House, 3 Durham, Thursday, _ February 5th PROF. E. KATZ Warden Elected. I guarantee to cure all defective vision, eye strain, headache, even when others have failed. DURHAM, 'iiiiriiiiiiiour, JANUARY M, 1914. it) tittrittr, AK, Emma. the well-known German eye-sight Specialist, will again visit the Letter to the Editor GEO. P. Obituaty. -------.i-----'- . KATZ SCHOLFIELD. General Manager: Mnxigi.’ any kind of Job Printing give the REVIEW mwBWtho trit lirpuly Grand Master Jun. Now-i lyiggon Willi D, U. o. M., A El Hermit»; tun .nd D. '0. Vice (lurid E D Bolton of Listowel visited Gray lodge No 109. Tuendny evening and installed the om- aerator the (mining term as follows; Noble Grand. E. D. McUlocklm l Vin Grand, Dr J. tr. Gran: Ree Becy., P, Rama” l Fin. Secy., P. Gagaon ', Trans” A. H. Jnckuon: Warden, A. I Thompson ;Uonductor. E. Kn”: R. l S. s., Ed Lnnudon ; L. 8 B.. Thou Me- ‘Ulocklln l Chaplain. Jno A Graham; l It. B. N. G.. W. B, vollet t u N. N. Cr., Jul Brown l R. B. V. G., J M, Krnzie: L. B. V. W. Rom. McLean l Inside G. Uhns Ritchie l Outside 9.. J. H. Rose. Following tho installation a. social hnur wan spent when brief addresse- mum given be the visiting tram, Mr. Following tho Installation a. social ‘ hour w.“ spent when brief addressen were given by the visiting team, Mr. Irwin, Mr R. o. Whitmore of Alberta lodge, Calgary, a former member here .md the Nobln Grand elect. A com- muteo at live was appointed to near- tam and report y an): guit'alile proper- ty I o.O.F. Ormczqs Jytrp1ayrD-c,Dit Paper Delayed i Mr Alex McLachlan Wu this to wulll l -0 'over town tor the Brst time on Satur- We regret that some of our mails are i day, after hetatg ooBitned to " tMgugtt a clay latckthi? week t.r2f, 1'd pljfvok- .[or a few Weeks. n r l . n wa . . . 'gt,'piyst1ttl"',lhe/j,'y1 Ar,lut.'deil'/ for“ Mr Robt. wan inspect: quite Ill the noon, usually come: Tuesday. ‘paat week but IS now Improvmg nicely. -----_- o . V---- ---- Miss Inna Dayldmn, Toronto, in vis. itiutt friends, in town for a few days. Business Men's Opinions 011\ Mrs Michael Kym and two children Local Option rel urned from Toronto last Friday, I where they had heen visiting friends. to the limitless men" in thirty towns in the: province in which Local Option is In force asking statement as to their vxpericnce " the effect of Local 0p- lion unun business. credit, collections and eftiviency of employees l also an]: [ mg for a definite statement at to " nether expelient-e would lead to preference tor a. wet or dry town as a place, to do loudness in. The circular WM sent. to all the men in hes» towns who are doing business I .xI ~ut‘licient extent to he rated in il, "isitvoei'ts Unnnnereinl List and re- f» iv. have been received from 396 of thew man and of that number '337 um in sit htiligh vxprcsa their preference l'annt-nl Option as against license. 337 to 59 or almost " lo I. Thaso men Were not selected as ftiendrt of the temperance cause l muld not be, hut nimply men who had' “Kinetic-HP? of ho'h systemn. From ')urh.~un 11 u-plies Were received and " Ihew " MP in favor of doing busi- _ in a dry town, 2 favor a wet one. o, illia voted dry 10to l, Owen Sound 32 v0 t), 0r "utestlle 11 to I, Chesley 7 Fs) I. Cullingwood Mane divided evenly will; ife'iiGeiidsea roriodgeiodms “7 10 ttt 10. l Mtttty um um of 33 newspapers in [goal option of list Wet towns 28 "poke strongly m luvur. il pxpresat-a dwapproval and 2 non-tom- Mr J. St "mm. \laid off lh 45 out of 47 heads of Local Uptiuu "orefittget1 towns and villages (mayors m reeves r, d: huitely contradict the misreprasen-‘ Mr and union that. Local Option has been n. week an: dimdvanLuge to the community in‘ W. J. At] which they live. ll Rev k The Pioneer hstely.sep.t 1l'i Phone " lied J. Welsh ii), 22 :3 trixxgsrxirsarngrir8tiaaseslsliiii'llMil wnu'n lur'y IIvr- _ All this In overwhelming testimony‘ to the valua of Luca] Option and whoml to this we add tbofacl thntnot a single a- mum to repeal the law was succes-‘ ful, the. case is stronger still The traific is . blight that modern enlight-; entuent is removing. Mcturtror.---At Long Beach, Ual., on Jan. Nth, 1014, Annio I.uwson.be- loved wife of D. Mcenllum, What- lmd. Wyoming, nged 71 yearn. In- terum took place at Wheatland Jan, 10th. . Young men and young women, are you aware that there is a batter position in the world tor you ? There is. Be determined to got it. Once you have some to this decision you must think of prepNTtion: If you de. we to enter businosn lite you must have a businsss training. THOROUGH- NESS is the watchword of the - od, Med/Q mime» 00 . ye Do we gnnrancee positioas to graduates ? No. positions to anyone. If you are a worthy stadent position whether you gradulte or am. Will you b EEEEEHHMEEEEEEEWEEEEYEEW W Ill an (Durham '0litts g a, Baled Hay Two "Wets" in Durham 'li! at $25 per WINTER TERM FROM JAN. We are offering 100 tons of good Hay, the bal- 'fit ance of a 300 ton purchase at H $11 per ton for casts),'; 100 tons Good Clean Feed ---- - . i---"'--" The quality of DIED out circulars (Wheat, Oats and Barley) r Ton . (Bugs Returned) d our Flours are never questioned Min May Yong vinted friends in Toronto our the week end. misc Jun Brown, milllnor,'1‘oromo, is visiting her potent», Mr II‘ In Adam Brown, Br., for a fortnight. Mr and Mrs Herb. M Hanover. Visited ova-r with tho latter's puenu. Andrew Ritchie. Mr Cnldweil and Miss Zena Marat“ upon: th' Mginmng of the week with Hana, " rolnuvel. Mr Thou. McGIrr. 2nd can. (319mm. has so in recovered from a. critical heart attack, no as to have hil bed nod sit. up for a few hours every day. " though not yet well enough to leave the house. Mo Hinds. Sr.. of Haeristom in on an extended Visit with her daughter, Mrs W. H. Hartley. at the rectory. Mrs E, A. Goodwin's post nuptial ‘reception on Thur-day last was well ‘takeu advantage of by town Indies, a large number turning out to meet her lfor the first time and convey good [ wishes. Assisting receivmg were Mn l Wm Calder, Miss Ainsley from Toron- to and the groom's mother. Mrs Gout win, of Hamilton, while in the dining room, Mrs Will Lauder and Mrs Thnmpson. oi Ridgrwwn. served the coffee. and tea and Misses McKenzie and Bigley, of Camille and Blythe, re. specllyely, made most attentive tsssis /d"i"l,', Mr A. M(Cnhe, Toronto, was in town on Tuesday and took a sum“ through the Cement works. Mr Mc- Oaho has conudelahle stock in th concern. Mina Tookey, Fergus. is at present vi‘iting her relatives, Mr and Mrs Ze- mrs t,iark. ”-Misa Barbara Watt returned Tuesday of kat week from London. Mr J. Stedman of the Chronicle, is laid off work with a felon on his left Mrand Mrs W. J. Young spent the week end wnh their daughter. Mrs W. J. Atkinson in Holstein. Rev. H. M. Jones, of Thoxnhury. will preach in the Baptist Church this coming Sunday. Rev. Mr Grant, of Clinton, had charge ofthe services in the Presby- terian Church last Sunday. Mrs Grant accompanied him and they were guests at Mr R. MacFarlane‘s. The two ladies Wale school mates in Nova. Scotla in former days. Mrs Dan Mrs John spent over 1 friends. Les? No. We do not guarantee by stadent we will asmz you to a Will you be with us on Jan. 5 ? '. E. WILSON, Principal Dan hieAu1lite and her sister, lohn Henry, of Shallow Lake. over Sunday with Mount Folest Baled Straw E: 2nd can. Glanelx. there is a bttter Canada Cement closes tour Plants Under the nhove heading the Globe of Tuesday bu the following despulch from Montreal: The Canada Cement Company tut. nounced to-day that it would close down four of its plants. Lnkrfted, Mulbtnk and Shallow Lake in On- tnrlo and Calgary, Alta. The general slackening up A New Flour and a good Bread Flour made from the choicest Manitoba hard wheat, Easily baked & makes I whole-- l some bread Trial THE lllillflll. BANK OF BANADI LONDON, ENG., OFFICE Bank mdgt--Peituet St. DURHAM BRANCH: MRS. A. BEGGS Er SON ai Branches Throughout Canada. Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds S. F. MORLOCK Wiil, a Hearty Expression of Appreciation for favors during {he past I extend my cordial wishes for your continued progress and pros" parity during (he years to come. GREETING Savings Department at all Branches. TORONTO of I-uild- NIE, i TREE FLOUR INCORPORATED 1869 hm Wrstttr " th.00 . m a. mum: a 30mm p Ita, ing and other construct ion won: " given no the cam-o of the doting. which In" rennin rtfoctivo until the end of the vault your. t Several cement comp-mic! have " ready “one under in the 0mm utresl said Mr Ford, Gwen! Bole. Manager " the company to-dny. and it was .lrtV possible for tho Cement Comp-av longer to keep in operation will: winch m...“ -......a... n A loan. No fun-thew “We running on a mu. .w ._--_ slupnwmu of ompty bags will be “ken at the Ouurio milk utter Februnrs' H : S. HUGHES, Manager. NEW YORK AGENCY Cor. Wand Cedar Sh It is the i BEST & ti scold your Cook but 8 25,000.000 I 1.680.000 I 8.000.000 costs LESS. buy Ijon't Bag of Flour this PHONE 50 " It, lo"

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