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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jan 1914, p. 2

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Throu bout {has}; la grim all" then“). prost nus thousands ”of bu men and wumen every wt- 1'" 'lu/dd',','; their health end .MV‘DI behind numerous serious ,ihe": n i. the aim "esets of I: up»! that case such widespread rmsery. l Here is the res-on. IA BTW,” leaves behind it weakened "tell pawn-rs, a shattered nervous. sys-; pm, impure end impoverished Um d, and ‘n low state of health that renders the sufferer crtresnely liable to rheumatism, indigestion, wurelgin and nervous» disorders. ,anu can avoid hs grippe entirely by keeping the blood rich and pure through the occasional use ot Dr. Wdhamts' Pink Pills. Or if, be, can»!!! you have not recognised your bland weakness, la grim futons 2N fangs upon you, its disastrous after elects can be driven out by the same medicine. Dr. Williams' Pink Pill, increase end enrich the bl-d 'supply, feed the starving nerves, and thus impart new health and new strength to enleebled men and woman. Mr. G. St. Cleir, con- nected with the Sun Lite Aunrnnce ('o., Halifax, N.S., saysf “I wss taken down with e heavy cold and In grime and wss oonfined to the house for some weeks. I had the best of medical attention, and al- though the doctor said I was cured I wns still far from well, and did not have the vim necessary for e strenuous business life, and did not attend to either othce or field work. Talking with I friend he said 'Why not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.’ and e box felt on impmement, and before long the Pills made me feel like s new man. I can. there- fore any too much in favor of this "liable medicine, and hope that any who they read this and be in nerd of medial attention will be persuaded to try this truly wonder lul medicine." You can get these health-renew in: Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail post paid at h0 any. . box or six boxes tor 02.50 from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. I decided to do so. and before I had Beats Extend (Ivor Hundreds of In” ot Desert. Curoisity has been expressed " to what are the functions oftseamel 4irrps. In reality the camel corp- IR a iorce of military polite whose, "heats” extend mm: Eundrodo of milvs of desert land beset with hid- den dangers. Thry are the baffle“. worked and the bravest Sundial): M law and order in the world. The corps. to the number: of nearly MO men, are composed en- tirely of bueks-spleodid types of British East Africans, chosen ape- cially for their strength and endur- ance. These men are cpmmnnded by eight British among. Odicinfiy their duty is to patrol the t,000 miles of coast line from Suez to the 6_hslt of Aden, to suppress native diwrden. An Miter oCthe Egyptian army who is home in London on furlough, gave wane interesting details of the camel corps and its work. "Britush odieers who juin the camel corps are men who want excitement and dan- gor and plenty of it," he aid. “The oiBeial headquarters of the corps no at Cairo, but the men are seldom or ever Been there. They work principally from Aden, but have no not instructions. [Immune by the the or Dr. liama' Pink rm: Whenever there is trouble or Sign of trouble among the native tribes there the camel corps goes. Always they ride with their tines ready to hand. alert and on the watch for the dusky enemies who know no well how to hide in the duel-t." The duties of this splen- did force no. in fact. analogous to mono of the famous Royal North- west Mounted Police. "h is a noteworthy hot," up a writer. "that a woman’s mind keeps much your: or and fresher than a mn's." KLll,'rl, adds I cynic, because she changes It more often. AFTER EFFECTS (lf DKLADED l.h GRIPPE CVt0',r, POLICE " AFRICA. Let the Breakfast Call Post Toasties Just the thing for break. tart, lunch or upper, winter or summer. [o‘delrbro'l and with s sprinkling of my and tome rich cram. Ton-ti.- no Iold by uocuHmyVhero. This delightful food made of choice Indian Corn- fUked and mac-dag ready to no". direct from the Fundin- M‘- MI 0... Ltd A try tell. why! of crisp, iEmEta " A FINE ENGLISH SPEAKER. . , harm-menus! Wait " '.,3 s" IOWOMo Mont Entrlult-ttroakrtitt Qtnsdism think of Sir Wilfrid Lanna: u the one Canadian of l? remrharrigin orho has achieved the greeted. success in .pogking the English tongue. There no others who yield the palm to Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux. His won- derful command of English did not came easily to him, but is the re- sult of years of hard study sud per- sevennce in the face of difheulties. Old Parliamentarians have a painful recolletcion of his first speech in the Home of Commons. He blundered, “mannered. and " ally at down in utter confusion “I will never try to speak in Eng- lish again," said Mr. Lemieux, in deep mortification. In the recently published bihgra- phy of Sir Wilfrid Lawson there is a crop of good stories. One of them refers to Sir Andrew Clark. It is said that, when he recommended a patient to drink wine, the Utter ex- pressed some surprise, saying he thought Sir A. Clark was a temper- ence doctor, to which Sir A. Clark replied-oh, wine does sometimes help you to get through work; for instance, I have often twenty let- ters to answer after dinner and a pint of clmmpngne is a great help." "Indeed," said the patient, "does a pint of champagne really help you to answer the twenty letters?” "No! no?" said Sir Andrew, "but when rve had a pint of champagne I don't care a rap whether I answer them or not'." pnqimv. mutll of Alicante, whence th wcuuntrfs supply of these ani, n-u‘s generally comes. About 60,. 000 of those animals are slaulglltel'-‘ rd mph year in Barcelona fur cowl smnptinn. and the export of goat-) skins from Spain in 1912 amountedl to 1.7922754 pounds, valued "l $573,647. _ The goats weigh between " and 96 pounds, and the daily ever-(e milk given in . little over two quarts per son. The milk retells at 13.5 to 14.5 cents a quart, ac- cording to eupply and demand. The animals are ted entirely on dried mm. end been, end tty.' out of food coma-ed by each will Henge about . cent. Mtr be Ul,",', at which they no yeti“ weed land .35, mouldinctpthe e a the met nhd the quantity of milk {she gives. They live to the use of To keep the baby healthy and strong his little stomach must be kept sweet and his bowels working regularly-that is the secret of health in little ones. The mother who keeps a supply of Baby's Own Tablets in the house can feel res- sonably sure that her little ones are going to escape the results of childhood ailments, for the Tablets instantly relieve and cure such troubles as constipation, indiges- tion, colds, colic and worms by reg- ulating the stomach and bowels. Concerning them Mrs. Jas. De- roche, Cache Bay, Ont., writes: “I have used Baby's Own Tablets for three years and have always found them the best remedy for lit.. tle ones." They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. without herring impressed his thoughts on his audience. After the awkward silence had been broken and the wheels of procedure were revolving again, an old gentleman rose up from his seat on the Con- servative side of the House and crossed over to tho Liberal side, where Mr. Lemieux was sitting. He was Mr. W. R. Brock,-who w“ then sitting for one of the To- ronto constituencies. Derived Mainly from Goats-ar. gienic Dairy Farms. According to the most recent sta- tistics published here, there are up- ward of 3,500,000 goats in Spain, writes Consul General Morgan, from Barcelona. In every town of the country bands of these animals are driven through the streets dur- ing the early morning and after- noon hours and milked in the pre- sauce of tho purchaser of the milk. There are few goat dairies in the country where the milk is put up in bottles, but they are of small im, portance. The entire production is consumed in the country. and only a small portion thereof is made into cheese. _ The fincst breed of goats and those producing the largest quan- tity .ot milk a_ro raised in Murcia SPAIN'S MILK SUPPLY. Hon. Rodolphe Lenlenx. HEALTH FOR BABY A Stimulant. Tho Beta rays of radium have a velocity of 180,000 miles ‘per second. The Alpha rtwtt or helium have I velocity of 18,000 miles per second. There no 90,000 tons of radium in the can. - “like! or [than you: and ure productive at the second yur, In $trhner mu mm." mm. -- v, Mee.'-- "-'%. ’9..- In Arrmer yean 303w milk up and almost exeiysive1r, throughout the country. and even now it is more used than cow‘n milk, and it y highly recommended for involids. And as he demonstrated he drop- ped little items of information which will perhaps be astonishing to the general public, such Y' In Bacchus the consumption his fallen oft in recent years on woount of the fine hygienic dairy farms which have been established here, these dairies being regarded by competent authorities as among the finest in the world. The cows kept on these farms are imported from Holland, England and Switzerland. One ton of radium in equal to 1,- 500,000 tons of coal in point of radio-energy. - -. -- _ __ Like -an ultra-modern conjurer, working with the latest medium, Mr. Phillips achieved other results illustrating the remarkable proper- ties of radium. He took a balloon, and electrifying it with friction from a handkerchief, made it follow his finger about; then he passed a. speck of radium in a tube over it and the electricity was gone and the balloon was unresponsive. He produced a blue speck of light which was easily influenced by a. magnet. He showed the rays penetrating lu- minously through an opaque sur- face. Backache isn't the only malady Nervlllne is quick to cure. ' For lum- bago or sciatica you would go far to find relief BO speedy as Nervlline gives. For chronic rheumatism there are pain-destroying properties in Ner- viline that give it tirat rank. The way it limbers up a Mitt Joint and takes soreness out of strained or {heumntic muscles In simply a wonder. A mum of radium diminishes to 115; its quantity in 1,750 wars; it in slowly giving oft energy during that time equal to 3,600 horsepower hours. From the Capital to Extend Fifty _ Miles East. A million-dollar railroad is to be stated in Iceland at sn early date, extending from the capitsl, Reyk- javik, in an easterly direction across the plain of Thingvala, a distance of about 68 miles, to the Olfuss bridge. Ultimately it is proposed to extend this line to Thor-sins, where the line will branch off in two directions, one going to the geysers and the other to Cerbak. The foroposed line passes through a rather populous country, and one which is much frequented by tourists. Hereto- fore the means of trafhc in that country have been rather meagre. There are some few carriage roads in the southern part of the coun- try, and a few sehicles are avail- able, but journeys are made gen- erally on pony-back, and in some instances are long and tedious. The country opened up by the new rail- road is already an important dairy section, and with the operation of the new line the value of the lands will increase. Every trace of lameness, every bit of stiffness. every ttiept of weakness in the back’s muscles can be rubbed away for all time to come by good old "Nervitine." No other liniment can do the work so quickly, can penetrate so deeply, can bring ease and comfort to the back-weary ttutterer as Nerviline in- variably does. If you have an ache or pain any- where, if you have a sore back, a tstitt neck, a. Btitt Joint, a strained tnuBele--if you have lumbago, con- gested chest or sore throat, Just try Nerviline. Rub it on plentirully -it won't blister, it tAn't do anything but cure you quickly. The large '60c. family size bottle is the most econ- omical, ot course, but you can. trom any dealer. also gm the 250. small alze of Nerviline, t1 , king of all pain- relieving remedies. "I am not saying this with any seriousness," he remarked with a smile; Gut an experiment he car- ried our-one of a series in the course of his lecture-indicated that there was foundation for his obser- vstion. In solution radium decom- poses water, giving off an explosive mixture of gases. Mr. Phillips pro- duced these gases, and by fusing them with an electric spark created Fcurrent of air which drove a small an. Gee whiz-thh; of it! No more stomach dosing necessary to cure your lame back. 7 A Hint of an Age When Substance May Become 3 Fuel. An era when radium might be ur ed as fuel for ships and motor cars was hinted at by C. E. 8. Phillips at the Cancer hospital in London recently, says the London Chroni, cle. Another experiment described was a "sporting event," as the " turer was doubtful whether he could encompass it. In practice it was very successful. From the stage along the roof ran a glass tubing, 25 feet in length, connected with a tube of zinc sulphide. The lights were turned down and in the dark, ness radium emanations were pumped through the tubing, and in an instant the sulphide was glow- ing luminously while the audience -many of whom were medical men --loydly applauded. In view of the fact, he said, that tho exhaustion of the coal supply gag put " too years, science must bash; to look abut "t4JrGCilieTe"i; source of energy. “This,” he ob. Good-Bye, 01d Backache Nervilinc “ill Fix fa! RAILROAD FOR ICELAND. DRIVEN BY Rh OI UN. I Wanted .4 Twelve well-educated, conscientious young women as :pupil nurses in City Hospital, (Cleveland, to fill vacancies caused Hoy graduation. Unusual variety of ‘experience. New Nurses' Home (50011 to be completed. Finest con- rlaginus disease building in the jState. Children's Ward and Ma- ie.Ti.ty Department. Two months' iVisiting Nurses' work. Monthly Iallowance from time of acceptance. 1e.i.tr,.te, Miss Frederika K. Gaiser, ) Principal. A man who knows how to do one thing right pay try to prove it by doing something else wrong. A Scottish agrieulturist was re- lating his experience to an Irish- man, and was very proud of the fact that he had plantvd an acorn seed which had sprung up into a beautiful oak tree. "Ah!" said Pat, "that was nothing. Sure, I once planted a dead oat, and in a short time up sprang a sanitary in. specter.” Womaniwith‘ Sim-Skin Here Is {100011 Treatment! Dr. Hamilton uk- overy weak and debilitated person to use his Mandrake and Butto.aut. Pills. They make old folks feel young, and weak folks feel strong. Their elects upon insomnia and langour is marvellous. Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet tho nerves so that a good night's rest al- ways follow their use. To look well. to feel well, to keep well, use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. They are mild, cleanslnx,’ strengthening --good for the young or old. Bold by all dealers in Me, boxes. Womanly beauty I: largely the out- w-rd expression of health. Every Woman with pole cheeks and poor complexion needs medieimr-- needs n potent tonic to regulate her system. If nervous and can't sleep your re. medy is Dr. Hamilton’l Pills-they search out the cause of your condition and you rise in the morning refreshed, strong. vigorous, ready tor the day'a work. _ . Some hymn housewives appear to have regarded ugliness as a quality to be desired in their set- vants. When Eliza. Coke, daughter of Coke of Norfolk, wu about to marry, she wrote to her prospective motherin-law: "Pray have the goodness to decide as you think best, about the pretty housemaid. I wish she were less pretty and less fond of dress; but it her conduct and principles are good neither are really objectionable faults. I think our establishment will be a. pattern of morality, particularly it Mr. Stunhope engages the squinting butler and the terrible housemaid he mentioned to me.”~London Chronicle. A little girl of seven or eight years stood one day before I. closed gate. A gentleman passed slowly. The little girl turned and said to him '. ED. d. "Why, iny child, couldn’t you open the gale totryoyrrtltt' . . "He telephoned a, few minutes ago that he had just left his office," answered Mrs. Jimpson. "He will pass six saloons on his way, and will probably spend 10 minutes in each one. I expect him home in something like an hour." "So you've decided not to get that new gown that you had order, ed from your dressrmrker?" "Yes. 'She’s so busy that she couldn't hang it done for at least three weeks, and by that time it would be out of style.” Dr. Hamilton's Pills enable you to eat what_you 1ike--.-tttey correct cou- stiptttiorr-umakes nourishing blood-- instil fcrce and vim Into a run-down system. 7 "Will you please open this gate for me l" The gentleman did so. Then he sairlrindly: - ., _ -- A "When can I surely catch your husband at home?" To tone up the stomach-to insure good digestion-to give new lite and vitality to the whole system-Wham is Shell's? a remedy like Dr. Hamilton's a "How lung before Mr. Jimpsnn will be home l" asked a man's voice over the telephone. _ A “That's hard to tell, but he's nearly always here for breakfast." .“,Becaus;,” said' the little girl, “the paint's not dry yet." i---------- oy _---- - -» A Man of Regular Habits. Mlnard's Llnlmom euro- nlpmhlrln. Wanted Uglinem in Olden Days. You Get Results Quickly. At Home Then. The Reason. Too Mow. Wanted. ISSUE d--'14. Era! Agent}. Ont-no. The Result of Suspicion. "De man dat don't trust any- body," said Uncle Eben, "is mighty liable to figure out moral responsibilities in a. way du'll pre- vent anybody t'urn trustin' him." and always, pro to be found in california, the ideal wintering place, ruched oom- humbly and coniiently 12t Chicuo. limo" Paviftc and North gown: Lino. via. tho {um-v. and man direct, mum. amidst the luxurious tsurroundings of the compartment. club and observation pa:- lor. or more moderataroriced and home- like Tourist cu. Three JP/lf,?,', trun- daily- The Overland Limit ' fastest. "gin to San Francisco: The Loo Anselm Lim. ited, three days to tho Mattie City of the Land ot Sunshine, via Salt, Like City; And the San Francisco Limited. The Overland Route one“: furetr-MPeed Acetttrrr and unexcellod dining car gunner-ten. it. Run. illustrated matter Ind lull partic- ulars on appljgntggn. B. n. 1lt""t,t,b, f.ey Try Murine Ere Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doestt't Smart --Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liqui . 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, Mc, 50e. Eye Books Free by Mali. ulntucmmummmm Murine Eye Remedy C... Chic-[o Minard'g LMIMOI! Gum Cir.“ "PC...- Your young physician very speed- ily acquires a wage look. If salt is not essential to life, why do those who have little or none of it crave for it l You should we. as I have seen (is rites a cor- respondent) the whole population turn out of an African village on the approach of white prospectors in tho hope of obtaining salt. The men danandcd it, the women clam- ored and tho children cried for it. Even tho coffee-colored babies slung astridc. their mothers' backs thrust forth their tiny hands and devoured it as greedily as our Eng- lish children do sweets. A spoon- ful of salt all round established amicable relations, and when it came later to bartering I found salt by far the most valuable medium. Value for value, salt procured three times as much as calico or fancy goods.-London Chronicle. Flown, Fruit and Sunshim In “nutty "muu Russian wolfhound. Bi, 11st is Mickzewick. -Every time I sneeze he thinks 1'smoUling him." Briggsr---"You must have a lot of trouble keeping your wife dren- ed up in tltheitrht of ,tyle.l'. "Why does your dog keep gun- nirttis yenlt" _ . 500. I Bor, 6 for 32.50. Bungle free it you write National Drug a C omical Co, of Gunman. LimitedcTorooto. Griggs---' 'Yes, "but it’s~ nothing to the trouble Pd have if I didn't." Right. "A girl and things to eat have . good deal in common." 'Wowhs that?” “If they don't agree with you ith, best to keep away, no matter how much you may like 'em." mn Pills leo Prompt mm! " Curing The Kidneys. Mr. Samuel Longrnore, of Montreal, can: "Just I word of praise for GIN PILLS. About Bttoen months no I could not Wllk across my room. sum-ring severely with Rheumutiam. I took GIN PILLS and bo- ume quite well. Two months no. I had Rheumntic Pain. with Ntrurulgit. I M- lorled to GIN PILLS Again for one "Oh 5nd became quite well." "Hiia"iri"ir'iie. . He takes some of mine before I even 'ttt a chance to look at the pictures. ' Ilelpkss From lilmmlmlism Chance to Escape. "Papa, now that you have bought Laura a piano, you might buy me a puny.” "Why SO, Tommy?" "Then at least I could go riding when she is playing." “Dobbs says he takes a number of gamma” . _ altrhmtu'nmomuu. “boa-W Imam.“ _ mymmooutln g5jii.lui,ii'",ii,rii ptmpim Bndl _ A could not ghtttp, only found no relic! until I mod Cuucum Sup rd Ointment. I put the Cancun Oink went on my hands after wuhin; them with the Cuucura. Soap Ind in two - they were paucity and." (Signed) Mill Bridget A. Brunei. Mar 17, 1913. d, G. win“. them who in . "' ' 'iititfi' ' t of pIn-he-dl ttlied with "' l""'. ." utter. [waning myhandsmwnwrum. The {moving in . most denim and eco- nomical tumult: Gently mm the " forged pan: with Ctgttetttt Ointment. on tho end of the am. but do not. rub. Will! of the Cancun Ointment in nvo minute. with Cutlmn soup Ind hot water trnd conunuo bublng for some mlnum. This We” 1: but on rising and retiring. At "the titttqq use Cudmn. Soap may for the toilet and bath, to aaqist In preventing manual» don. Manon nnd clogging at the pom. Ctttieurtb Hosp ond Gunmen mid ovory~ where. For “but! has ample of much, with 32-3). book. send pow-curd to Potter Drug & Chem. Col-9., Dept. D. Boston, U. B. A. FOR PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS Salt Rheum Egan all?! winged ulnard's Linlmont Cum Colds. Eta. $gtttard'e Malina! L'Auo t mum. m4 "1 {HM ,rlut "I tree-------,------- iii'i"Jiii,iiii1iiii'ut Cured In Two eeks. mum Begun with 2,1'U"i, ing. Wamfimpleg. " utl Nukes Like Salt. The Be Taken “em. 'ii""iiiiirr girdii," Toronto, False Alum. Evil. ( llFttMtr a! m Cab- '- ‘ an ”In”. What in to tab tho plot. M tho Item boomed" - considered recently by P. W. MM! In . British sued-don paper. um and, 5 out": ot “who with unabated “anti-ll. tho will. of this machine new to be not: u hand, and railway dmlopment in progressing along the two distinct line, of oompleto 'eimrtristion nnd the adoption of internal combustion angina. In the former system the prime mover in Itstinnnry, the power be ing ttnnranitted to the loomnotive electrically. The use of tho inter- nal oombuntion engine in takirv.r two forms-411M of turning the wheels directly, in the old wny, 1nd that, of serving an n portablo power station, genvrnting electricnl cur- rent that in turn drives electric mo- tor: connected with the‘nxlen. . Tho traso1ineroltctrio in . mixed tgstarn between these two. A late pmduct is the gasoline couch. - ble of running seventy miles an hour, and it is hoped that in the future independent coaches my be can pled together in trains under the control of the leading coach, and then uncoupled " independent loc- ti no at different junction point- along the line. ' t “So you didn't marry the rich Miss Jenks after all. Was it your own_ doing l' , The Mother-at you grow up to be polite, my dear, aod have good taste in dresses and my discreetly I shall be perfectly "thdied. The Daughter (aged twelve) - Then I don't need any education; isn't, thet lovely. Year by year may - harder sad in- cident-11] more painful. Why ruler when 'ou can be cured for Md. ”out on Put. nam'o Corn Extractor? Hm yuan In In. und guaranteed to can. Uu Putnam} Extractor, no. u “Lu-Jen. "Oh, sas. You see I 19 an answer. . "If ristiiUd" tsehwUG the lands Ind in. haled. bequeath. it will never rm to gun cold in the head in tWOnty-fouf ours. - 7 "He's always finding something new to worry about." “Whit/s his latest t" "He's afraid that if beef goes to a doll” a pound hie doctor will prescribe it three times a. day." PAIIINO " m MOOIO'I'IVI Dartmouth. A striking illustration of the ter- rible human waste in war is fur- nished by the census just taken of the new Bulgarian territories ac- quired by conquest. The male pop- ulation of that portion of Mace- donia. allotted to Bulgaria was re- duoed during the hostilities from 175,000 to 42,500. In Bulgarian Thrace only 225,000 males remain out of a total before the war of 494,000, while in the district of Muc- t-sphs Pasha,_ where fighting waged Lsndudy--"Will you take coffee t" “Honesty always wins in the long run; _ _ -.. . "Yea, I know; but a man is likely to be regarded u an old fogey or A weakling if he doesn't take the short cut nowadays." ' Sink! in" used your IINAKD'S LIN}. KENT for the out, 25 yen- nnd whip! I In." oocmnonnlly used other lmimenta I can "rely say that, I have Dover med Mr my] Jo. you". A A yoy “II he a good oculist l" “I wouldn't trust him to treat the eye of a. potato." gender - "Which ever you call it. Clerk-Were', n book just out: 'Wow to See Europe on Two Dol- lan a DWI - _ _ ---- _ Married Mtur--Huh'. What I want il a. book on "How to Exist it Borne on Two Dollars a Das." Hymn]! ‘Linimanq Co., Wpprtr1 “I suppose that your son is de velopimr npa_.ce." . - . , -irfGr, 313: pace that is much too fast for one of his yum." 50:10:13 and fiercely-, orfy 4,000 males are left out of 33,000, the to- tal before fighting began. Defendnnb---1 don't know what I'd have done if it hadn't been for Lijhgs-1, know, though. You'd have one time. li' in the tho Beat tor bruins. Isl-aim. CORNS ARE LIKE KNOTS. The Long Run is Unpopttiar. Boarding House Criticism. A Poor Plea for Woorrs. Modern Development. High Cost of Living. Wat's Awful Toll. The Lawyer Knew. As She Saw It. Not an Export. Dark Outlook. TORONTO You: tralr ii ’ul' LESLIE [In for or She----".?; yuu must admit that women are better than men." ' Oh, I don't know. History doesn’t any lnything about seven devill being cut out of man." Bhe--"No, of course not; he has every one of them still '." ‘VI HAVI IEV'ERAL 000!) NFRir - proportion tor ”I. in mg. tub town. u rich: when. ALI)! awry " Nicaraguan romwn‘ use Cl upen- Inc. VI - Palm-Mn. 'Ttmrp.rtr YI Vim Adah-Ma, ”not. 1mm”. . The cl... "maul” " old all Itri2, - " and» In comparing 96‘ "all an! rho-ml": -43 “a - a Ili) .lt.l!:1ltll!l,llt f “ _ tr--'-".) I . " 97 per cent. pure hu‘phm rl liquid by u kw other by” m diam. just " pun- and hen :' cu: ful. You um use it cafe-I) Md my endure}! g: u], _ANTIALP'II gruinuxm. BANPBEIEIIH rr)'" t “no“... rm (bu-Int locum A Son. Grove-end. Ogttario, _"Once upon I time, James." said his governess. "there wu . little boy who ate too much udding at! ho burst." 'i"lu'flh1'411'fe isn't such 1 thing as too much pudding." Governemr--"Then why did the lit, tle boy but»? “Not aloud: boy!" ci"sntTrattfeiTi FritU KI W. Fo'bnrno M . - M11: Bi tilt Enid-é. or any other can you may have. [again Dunn roan-land It Price. " out. , bottle. For In "lt t..tll Ir.yt.tti'. ..._ M. um ("in ”I'm. who" WW“ """- h an enemy within the amp. It will undermine the strangest constitution and ruin the most vigorous health. It leads to Indigestion. biliousneaa, Inpure blood. bad complexion. sick headaches, and in one of the most I uent muses of appendiritin. To iiilii:' it in slow suicide. Dr. Mom'- I kn Root Pill. positively cum Conuiglation. They' are entirely with; e in companion and do not dc en. weaken or gripe. Prue“. your health by taking Dr. Marco's " ludlnn Root Plu- I w. ”mu. 000.0?!" "You're so nice to your friend Emma. I've never bend you an} atttltintr but good of her." "'rhat's verf natural. I hard know her yet." Biz-a Always keep my would" to_myselt, A 7 m, Dur-out- right, too! When you tell them, you are taking up the time of the mun who in waiting Gr tell you his. r'n'w Set.), um f'dN in,” . . P. I. or Wit P.r.lricdlit'. fa'l,Uf on" Anal _ wagon WEEK?! nu. KENDALUS In the barn. You can't tract: Spin-in, Maxim“. Splint. of Curb mm with. your home h the barn but you an In... that trouble. from keean; bones the barn very but. You can " nun '.rirtsttt8Lattetetee,, for mud 's-'h'ld'liParge'd. 1ttetfdltMre,erd, and horsemen will new Bo. Our book “rte-thee: the horse" free. M Br. B. d. mm C... Mr. rant, " Taaa, Uesraiorn.t. and VHS ein by cynic-'1 "ttt,ety2'tlt aa "ae/Tied-tir "ir-tand Lhrttifl1mr-erd. on The - clam-locu- "Mort, Month. "OTTO HIGEL" Plum Action HIMQAPIII POI DAL! Which is Ungtuterosm. SPAVIN CURE The clue human " and no In! to mm In ”nun". um an! rho-ml"! nunlnv ITOCK. - uncut New Friends. St . 70"!an SIRATHCON Estimated that the Holdings w, 1 inputs]: from Quebec MS, death at Lord Strum in” n tunnel-in! "ttect on the hue of the province for the (-1 year. It in understand tht humane ho1dintrs of the I.” Commissioner win fall nude! “nonunion in" of Quebec, all Galatians no. etwily made the avenue bon the estate unount up to millions of (h It in "id it w“ anticipzuml PRICES [If full FRUIT In”. "on You Luau-n can“ or sauna; ”I... " “an. Cum. - m "It“. " “on. on. A." “on”. J" ' 90 prr m 50. Toronto. I am. ban. mu; baker-cf “not“ what L lantern. 96 ltr, and Much. All nu. Io. t, as I-K. _ "ii-REM filled, -Pri to no. oumde. to! ma. - O.to Ko, ' Omar! otrtaidm and n I tm Wt Wain-n Car . L and at 'e for in! {I m 31.06. ol B.rur-A2ood trtalt otMrrae. H -- - t'ortt--New No. 2 all. mm. [yer No. 2 at 65 (n Iml'ml No. 2 I Irwrrlwlmb- br g CONPES td in... Toror ”4.50. Toronto. Idol nu" - _ on can) here and mind at Brgtter (“have dsiry " o bo.; Grmerm' open In; awry prime. ttt .0: qtorale printer ‘o I bit. In (no Iotq M n M; “let'l, 86 to _ to “u per doun. m _ Kev than. last set_stler._t',r "fin; mum-W" ballad; grim-nu 'r Foam-r Fowl. n u an, " to “r; duck- tes 16rt balm. " to Downs ANttarlo. I mard Mucus u N in Iota B.oort--qimttt chat on. lots. Pore Sh! -.. "uit. Ila-mo y bt no; bony. 17172 , 16140: break“. bar I“! :Eltrnrted B!” No. 1; mml tro. l, {"4 ftff -ttiud aunt-Cu track, Toronto, It','.",",'?,'; ' o. 3 Non) tte, ko. 6., n his: No. 2 “any. w, No: tto. t rad W: M Winter. I814“. 1 .1140. orta-No 2 I' GW., M bit; "in Ru tNed. u rar: No. 2 " No I. " Ifr: Ee. B, - was. no IO tro. i ryfot F155. - In; x; that” Tiered. " Hr ti t. W: Arr. ko 3. " " Me. "rle, ”1191144.: h Calming. (I w “r Flukn‘ “ tro. Flour-Manitou" in! . Eula, .5“. Ow. on s,' d are, “70: Whaler 1.; .75 to 'r, Itrtkbt mlirn .. an ban. " to $210 In NH. “.0 to .4”: but 14‘ 'ttti-C, “NIH Bran 01 hum-n " o .27. man: " 'o. I. ... tun, cm 11.1 M I‘m-t hum-rm " Wu. 1314 to 13 SA, l . "" bn tBe, n E'E,'u?iir" e m u. o. launch. Dr. M C, a. -Per Inc. cu Lu. Y: t, l liulnoupolh. Jun . H to I? tae bid locum). In. fl ( MW:- pr. Jue 4 an. I " m G " m 74.6; No. I who: - No. 3 113110.. 66 “hilt. 36 H to u Dub a} lar I lar . M Bron all! um." < medium l Son um In!“ In Personally Gav, Aid tGLble Thob.ert torce, one at mo “w in: John Krafcheuk apt-d, made ' tall “mined” halo“ a mission, and implies' gel, tho buyer, " John Weltlake. C T aron the 1 guard tgre Huh N how!» no " - May and mic Country in“... des‘ wit“? Na Immun- Iay. . r .r.aettt"tt, day out“ lulu n " Ilium What... Cram locum! lurid h yd rew In " Mn that IN anmom tttr If Itch from " treig Robert. lid of tho ('01 " " d- mmimon ”VF no: turned l What may about! -"Figqt Flour rem Ola-r bud gnu Roi tte Fort - CC) 3A

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