West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Jan 1914, p. 4

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...o.sirtar.r.t.t.rttt:st:rt"d-:r:""f. in What to Give and - _ _ .. :33 w MIC! & 'ouet ArMeten C Cttt 6..., & Brushed Bragg Kt Idle! Set: In - end hr- I Utgttter Goods, Hand 3.53, loan Ivory, See them Punt-walletsmtc Mttatteare Sets Fancy China, and last but not w Yer, land! orBe leut.tho greatest offer ever i In. Italics. Cloth Brushes, made in the country i In Brushes, “all Brushes, Until our stool: of Hot Water w - may and nonwoga Bag- are sold we will allow . We on your own bottle, any th) 'ee Stationery shnpe, any color, - don’t t Samtr 'tnzors,Meto83.tt0 make any difference where Candy, I" “I!" you bought ltnon a. put- _ --___-_-e n___ -6--. Sale of w; t, The Central Drug Store it. Buy your G T. R. ticket. here. 'tit) .Fa..i.G.e..asaasare.a:aasa:eca:saaaaii/; Men’s Rubbers He can save you 50 per cent on Rubbers that are guaranteed to be No. 1 quahty. These Rubbers have to move out within the next 10 days to make room fur new stock. s, don't allow this opportun- ity to pas: by without pnrohuing a pair. It you have not bought your Heavy Rubbers yet, call and see W. L. Saunders. GG iraui - - UGG, every nerve In the body LteE'2.'P-"li's' n: proper union; run». an aad "an”. Premature decay Ind att mull weakness averted at 0:90. Min-0| 'td m e on anew man. “cc a “pro " Jailed to any address. “on m P... It. Cot-nan. Ont. JNo, Electric Restorer for Men i -" x: Gt minus St. Bridge Pipes. tobacco Snotcts’ Supplies &e, " It."'; John McGowan 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY at $25 per ton Wheat. Barley and Oats Chop at $23 Large Quantity 0f7N_9._l_ Feeding Hay Sovereign, Eclipse and PastryFlour Allllliuds of grain bought at market price. Special Reduction i on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Even window and every door where ever made of wood will be equipped with The specially designed and up-to-date method now generally adopted for effectually preventing entry of all draught, snow. ole“. rain or dust of any kind, thereby insuring an even temper- atnle throughout the building. Why deny yourself the maximum of comfort at the minimum ol expense. All metal-weather strip costs less. is far monet- leclin than storm nah and is a permanent institution. requiring no removal. Most public buildings in lnrze cities are equipped with it. Architect. specify it, the Government demands it. --.. Settle the Question Now - Quality, Class and. Low Prices our line is the finest in old Grey. Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Estimate cheerfully given. Work guaranteed Write, Phone or Call. Manufactured and installed by CR'MPED OATS for Horse Feed at $23 per ton CHOPPED OATS at............ $23 per ton ' G. Furber at Go. THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Fresh and aa, at uso off car. See this Hay before purchasing elsewhere It will pay you. Every bag gdrsntoed. If not satisfactory brinsdit back and get your money. See the display In his window. EVENTUALLY All-Metal Weather Strip 2'3"" .1; ..,". is Why Not Now SAUNDERS DURHAI. ONT Where to Get it ',U'lll "Gi. 'st? Friend {of do an: ailing relic fite CAttttt Ind you bought it-on a. pur- chase of Central Drug store 'tit'."'"'"" not water bot- t e. Shiloh, Merry Christina: to all THE SHOEMAN I' Aging! ki, m (tt in m Ely Burham 33mg: Big Interests and not the Farmers " Consumers Have Ear of Govern- -- mom. Hon. W. T. White, Minister ot " trance, has dclsred in the Esme of :Commons that in his opinion under- 'prodttetlon is the main can ot the, [man cost ot living in Canada. He (stated than the remedy was to en- L courage production and increase the grunt! popalatitm, and he gave his I views us to the best methods by which ‘1 this might bebruught shout. Speck- ,ing about the Agriculture brought down by non. Martin ( Gil last session. Mr White ssid§;Bur- ii! " labs}! be vary much urn-ind if that bill do» not produce substan- tial results, just as soon " It is pt"- Iiblo to get itinto operation, taking agricultural instruction. to the far- mer, leaching him " to " soils, IS to his grains, as to his breeds of castle. A Gun: nmem that does that is doing Iomething to promote agriculture.” In other words the government remedy for present ttatier-prodtttrtiors Is to " educue the farmer. " Liberals, while admitting that nit-1 der-irtrluetion ii one ofthe con-cl ot high prices. do not stop there, but have sought a series ‘of remedies. based upon known conditions. They believethat the that step to encour- age production is to remove many of the hundicops under which the farmer at present labors. to provide? steady markets for his produce. nod to permit him to obtain the accumu- ies oi lite at the lowest cost. The ubolition oi he duties on wheat, and \the reduction on agricultural imple- ments have been urged upon the )Govei-nmem, bat without success. st It is peculiar that our honorable l lrivnds who are so generous to agri. I culture. who expect such magnif1tststtt" results from that zonercsiny should have refusal ispecifleally, so tar as the records to date show. every re- quest that had been mnde by the m- nhorized voice of agriculture in lhil mountry,” said lion. Frank Oliver "peaking at the visit of the Farmerl’ delegation to the capital before sel- lsiwn. That delegation but) "tryl tr that all food stttffs b. pleead on the free list: as we believe that the tax- ing at food is a crime against humm- ity, It is to be noted that in this demand the farmers declared their willing. nels to lose the bk promotion " which {their products now " enjoy.” But ur White does not think that thts farmers know what is bestior their own business and ugnin he is ready JO educate them. He and his Coy- . "tttttrent do not think that tree wheat "or' which the three Western legisla- iitures have voted, is to the but in- itr.rests of the farmers, l Osprey-John, Thomson, move; lr- l win Morrison, deputy reeve. 1 Proton-Jo) Gnodtellow. "eve. i Sarawak-Joshi" Lunar ,reeve. i b“ Vineent-Jai, A Lemon, new. 1 Sullivan-Tho, P Huston. reeve; 1 Hurry Carson. deputy reeve. I Srdenham--Jorut Campbell. men iJas L Boyd, deputy move. 1 Owen sood--Dr John A Hershey, lrecve; Elias Lemon, In deputy wove liJOhD Leena. 2nd deputy reove l R R L Miller. 3rd deputy nave. l Meatord- -Wu fl 8ing, move. Darhatn-Wrn Calder, no". L Thurntutrr--Robert Best, reeve. Chutuwonh~Wm Breese, reeve. l Daudaut---Jottr, Sinclair, new. I Markdale-R W Ennis.-roeve, I 1Iaiusver--gio' Wilson, move. - ' l, Frvuk. Dopum "twe. I Nz-ustudt-R Lippert, reeve. H Shallow Lake-A E Cordingly, l't'eve. County Council Members for I914 The Council this year is made up as follows t F Arternesia--T R McKenzie, new. Beutinek--Geo Brown, reevo; Wat Lapnty,deptrty "PP. -- - Collingwood - John MoLennnn. new; Alex McCoIman. deputy-rooms Derby-Jas C Smith, reevo. Fu-ont-John MeArthnr, reeve. Euphrasia-John T Miller, reov: ; Jas Murray, deputy reeve. Crlet1elg--Thos Nichol, reeve. Holland--A G' Chisholm, reeve ; Jus McAvoy. nepnty new Keppel--Johp Johnston, move. Noiinattby--R J Shiel, reeve; Chas Holm, tiepttty reeve. _ Fleaherton - Daniel MdNviah, reeve- The waist line which cut was so slender u: And sometimes was high and then '". _low, _- Is now disappearing completely, I iAs pictures in fouhion bookl show. I looked for the reason and found it, And no pan " on in all haste; We have cried, all these years t "Back to nature l " And in nature, you know, there', no wan. . No Tariff Relief That all our Cus- tomers andeFriends will have a Very a Jlappy ty Pros- perous New Year is the wish of JAN. 29, I913 Back to Nature. (Toledo Blade) . H. BEAN Big 4 TEE ”UREA! REVIEW Mr tutil Mrs in Walsh wit titiiifi) spent the beginning of $03.13}? Mr John Suulhn’s. 7 p Lr'Frfsi't" Mr Fred Hyman; AoqulI‘Lgke, Sash. isc " "prmm’ visitihg' with friends inun- vicinity . _ Mr and G. Thou. Flannignn Ind Mr ind Mrs Frank Cronin lpent Sun- lly at Mr F. Showell’a. Misses Lolita end Marie Wei-h visited for a few days u" week a the home of their uncle. Mr Jae. Sullivan. Damoch. Mr Jog. Truax of Walkerton moved two loads of machinery from Walker- ton on Saturdny and intends build- ing a mill in the spring. It will make our burg a little livelier to bsye the mill running again. Mr Douglas'Campboll and motor Gladys spent. Monday evening at Mr. F. Sbewell'a. Mr and Mrs. Steinfeldt and family of Bram. have recently moved to Mr. tsurtooths farm. We welcome them to our burg. A few young people from this v1- cimty attended tho party “Reeve Browns on Monday evening of last. week. Messrs A Shewell, F McIntosh and Miss Nelly Shewell spent. the begin- ning of the week with the latter's sister, Mrs J. Lister of Sullivan. Mr Jns Halley is at present Insulin; logs to Krug’s mid. Jim says he would sooner take them to Elmwood ifthere mstm't 33 many hills on the ION]. Mr The: Boyle called on friends in the burg one dhy ash week. The Women's Home and Foreign Mission Aux, of Burns' Church wall meet M tho hm m If Mrs A. McKech- nie on Wed., F yo, 4th, at 2 o'clock p. m. All the me uh. " no requested to be present m L! A: meeung. The Adult Livia Ctass held a local to: in the church here last week, when a very pleas-mt time Was spent by all who were present. bit Ind Mrs Walter Clark, of town, visited friends here over the week and, Mr and Mrs L. McLean entertained a large number of friends and neigh- bors in weir new and oommodnoul homo, when a very pleasant time was spent. by old and young together. . We ire glad to" see Mr Tuba. Scarf uhle to be abou again after his re- cent. illness. Well, Mr Editor it being some time since you have beard from us, we think a few items would be in plnca. We have had a tim, winter so far, not burdened with now and with the emfsmion of a few days it has been an . Rev. Mr. Kendall paid I have” vim around how betoro leaving for his new charge at Dandalk and Vontry. Wo-are pleased to learn that Mas- ter Jimmy Smail ins recovered nicely iron) an attack oi appendicitis. Mr James Geddu loft Saturday on n visit to his sister-in-law, Mrs Rum- ertord who we are sorry to any, in in poor health. - Miss Tenn McDonald ot Priooville, spun: luau week end with her sister, In Wm. Leith. We are pleased to have the Hooper Bros. living in the neighborhood on the! place vacated by Mr Jan. Leask. We wonder who the lucky girl will be, Isaac P Miss Burma Hooper, Toptyiif, spent the latter part of Week " J. Geddet'. In a recent letter received from Mr Jan Leask we are pleased to know he is halo and hearty and much benefit. ted by his recrm visit here. Mr Geo Landau was uppointed at the Annual cm eung " Amos to go to the Presbyter: meeting " Mt. For»: to he held Tmsd " of this week. In the maltero/ the estate 1f Maria Sterne. late or the To mahi of Eqremopt in (hy Coup of grey. widow, deceased. Notice is helm} given t At. pursuant to Sec M, of Cm; . m Ont rio Statutes 1911 "The True lee Ac:"lh t all persons having claims or dernan a scams! the estate of the ea , Mari Sterne, de- ceased, who died on or bout the " b day of May A. Ir., 19 ' an required to gend by Post prep " or deliver tr, tbs undersign- d tioliei r, for the Ad. ministrator of tho an Maria Sterne. deceased. on or I‘efo the 10th any ol February, A. D. 191 ' their Christian and surnames and a dresses with par- uculnrs In writing their claims, and stalemontl of thei account: and the nature of the Seen Itlea ( if any ) held by them duly we med by Statutory Deelaration, And Lake an! a that the Adminis- trator of the uni Man In Stern. decen- ad will proceed distribute the nut- of the nld deco ed “bong the pencil entitled theret , Invin- rogsrd ','tlg to the clnima of which notion lbs have been eived. And that the said Admlni rator wtll not helium. tor the said 'mrtr, or may part there- of, to lay p on or pot-om of who» claim uollc null no. In“. been re- ceived by m or his nld lolloitor " the tune such distributions. Dated Mt. For.“ thin 0th day of Jauuu A D, 1914. _ R. 0.7KIALGOUBA. _ W "agt,ioiGt, out Solicitor for Admhtutrator of an“ of In": Sterne. deco-Md. NOTICE TO CREDITQRS ROCKY SAUGEEN WELBECK,’ _ Ic/s'; ORE, __ l a: i. '3 _ _,, an a we. may: _,i:i3i.rg.sio.i a; the itrrrr " ',dftiih)grir, uni “1' r-srl". .t.2 " V _ _ “ *‘" a . I!" HUN >f qrtWulrt, imam? is?! gisitihg' with head.- _ C ' Glad to rep Flannigln um! is gaining Ifl in spent Snn- Her sister Mr. an out nun] on C if st" - ._ ' _ Tr" ',jrji.igyio.ihsrr1i of Davidson. Sukl W; smug old icqusimancea. F _,'tttlhtttt1usrr!?ry'.t.t, of Basswood. itGiiiiriiciiisrotr't1tPt neighbor- hood; _ f <- T . fr, . Glsd to report» Mhsli'nio Hobkirk is gaining the: her recent sickness. Her sister Mrs H McDonald. Durham was on; musing her. I . 'iL/rri/rt Boyce mu', taken ill wah pneumonia lust. week. Mr and Mrs Hector Brown, Mr and “re Annie Brown, Visited last. week . Mr and Mrs Hector Brown Mrs Archie Brown, waited 1 In Mrs A Brown's. Chasley. Miss ioiiG"iidiiGon im last week for Detroit. Mr Alex MoDomld. Sin, is improv- ing after hil link ape“. The annual meeting of the Cram ford Presbyterian church took place on the evening of the 14th Jan. There was a good Ittendanoe' though weath- er and roads were unfavorable. The reports Were all optimisv'o. All ob- ligations were met and a balance left in the hands of the treasurer. The contributions for missions amounted to $180. A choir has recently been organized and has been of great as- eistance in the servtoe of praise. The ‘ W. F. M. 8. was well attended during the year and has done a good work, The adult bible class is attended by a large number and the S. S. has been carried on with vigor es in years past under the highly esteemed superin- tendent. Mr Alex McDonald. After the business transacted the ladies provided refreshments and a pleasant um; was spent in social intercourse. TIRi congregation enters upon the work of the new year with hope and work of the tsonfidenee. Important Changes in Train Service, Canadian Pacific Ry. Train No.27 now leaving Toronto 8.45 p In daily, aniviug Sadbury 556 a. m. nrsll be discontinued between Toronto and Sud bury after Saturday. January 3rd. Train No. 26 now leaving Sudbury 10.4tip m daily arriving Toronto 8.00 a. m. will be discontinued between lludbury and Toronto after Sunday. Jan.4. Toronto-North Bay sleeping car will be discontinued with this wrvlce. mWFORD m: gt)Eear1it)'tiWelrlrNinsm 33:3 Aselect stock of Fresh Groceries bought closely Have you bought an Overcoat yet 2 Have you seen our II ' 1 Plannelette Blankets 2 Try McEeehnie's pure soap, 8 cakes for Me. The Highest Prices for Produce so that they can be sold at reasonable prices. A new stock of the Ceylon tea, "Star of India" the best in the market at the money-~25c pd Light of Asia.... ...... 350 A large stock of Salada T ea If not see our prices are right. at s.35? Just the thing for Zero weather. new stock of Shoes In newest destgas ade on good roomy fitting lasts. ' & J, McKBGHNIE ger!-le!!Eeee""""'""""""-'-T" w’gééossafiaammflfifimmmga iii The ' ti AristOcratic a g Hen stock beforé basing. The quality is good and the E} 'iilisairasizsnggas'ystgaoiaw%lrre giglgllgl When we read in the Poultry Journals of hem that I" valued from fieesto ten thoneend done". we be. gin to reelize that the hen in gettmginto the plutocrnic class. Ag . money melt" the he become e top notcher. Just now van: hem should be turning out dol. lure for you. It the is not the can! encourege them with some of the poultry foods end egg makers we handle. The Old Woman who No matter want in poultry have it. The Down Town Shoe Store. EGGS TAKEN AS CASH C P, R. Town Offices MacFARLANE & co. it,': E Custom Work and Repairing as usual. Uruggists will. you suppliu we Perfect.................. 35c MEDLEY fo, We gunman: goal satisfaction. n' Excelsior Condition Powders and Bookse' let fl It is best luqttse-- P.'rTx ba? The shoe is more attractive than the one who occupies it, In fact many of her troubles would have disappeared it she had provided her large family each with a pair of our reliable Boots or Shoes Our stock is large. prices smell, quality coe- shined. Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery at close prices. Trunks. Suitcua. Cilbbngl, Telescopes. etc. Leggings Ind Spats for men. ladies, misses and children. Call and get ptices. Buy your tickets here In a put. spice It's thoroughly tested It Genuine nothing injur- ions. It ”a quickly Try it. Me A package. . S. McILRAITH who Lived in a Shoe Durham more attractive for Vermin and I)iuctu Germs in stables. mum houses. etc.,thal “in m but a few cents. Matty people are a It this season to kt Best Exterminah Here it i, Corrosive.') Chloride (in: a! hot watcr add water 1 Spray ever, It“. leave. a thorough I 'il All kim 'ir Goats The Cot gindl y be I THE (if 1ld 5 PHARM ICH, PRlCEVIl.LI_. T JANUARY 20, 19 PRI and I" arrive cons v to clea to-da you i d ucti 1nd tens Ladies' In Lilies in Ladies te ('Illm " 'tr 1 10 inet Men's M Fl Bus Men's Bos', Handg THE ed in pr Come at fill} in Luge ' ot m: i In irtt a FRE 'bgttee but“ fm in“ W5 Ta ll tor -.'""'--'" _-----.- h ft Tho IN' LE ink " Pers tttr Ell auxnc 08 al

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