West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Jan 1914, p. 5

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‘F Man y people no tuition. at this season to know the ior Vermin and Disease Germs in stables, paltry houses. etc., that will out but a few cents. Best Exterminator Siam it is: Equal pom of r-vsiSny,tintat-dSodt- r.P.e dmolved in mutila- l a: water When am i Vite! to make as "Ito-. "k" 97.17 nook and m earth" to days th- the 'rcugh. eoat of whim-t. JANUARY 29, IO“ PRICEVILLE'; éxcM l Pl: " p tun arrive dirset to " "30: a weeks-d o.'rae gnu I’llti (or Omen " cum may no .1 rat c ua has! audition when M “dam Tho my on supply and d-ante up any. --Tccr-uc2cu-------""""""""r"""""-" t THE CITY BAKERY l "icruiqorte" foe Lusutrettyetta?,,,ttt,i? : azimuth-5‘ Danna-II ’- E5. FRESH WEE-'5? TAYLOR, In: bmty of hula! I" we prices are based on sound. clean. unis!“ ,r-d loan Lnes mm t in length: of lo, 12. P 1,; (no: N) lags shatter t 10 feet or less than r. was in diameter "ll be p9 and. t, soft . l, rock swood, r1. white pay the toll wing prices for Saw- ‘n. Cars Palm ton or if drawn by in our yard I: Palmerston. l, SCOTT l a: co. Palmerston LTO. " 20 18 14 14 AROUND THE VILLAGE Inc Little up.“ tho not and with Indus in Swim” Put. Mr 3nd In June. P. 81mm of Durham, up": Sand-y with kind; but. Mr George Waco». who own. a portable mill. bu purcbuad the mill "open, here, chopping "td “mm In connection, and It Us!“ num trom mill-work in the manna. oyster" is huh! .tttali' It". In Maren“. Ind Mr “and rout»; The monthly 09“ng of the Worn horn null-work m a. Inn-ulna. Ion" Inunuu will be bold la Wed- Goldwm Function who In: been 3 and" in Fobrnuy a 2.90 p. n. A! in Alberta line. Logan "turned to f the home ot Mrs. E. Bound”. each his home on Monday. 1 number to m 0 "their favorite book His 121.. new"... at Gland; I and 'eby " WM" "Mm Centre in "tending School here new. l Mr sad in Wdl Hairy and babe Mr Bani. Lane in uniting u" i gangs“. renewed uquununm here Durham for I few dun. i,, 1"f I). . Mrs. Livingstone returned home '; Mites Ewe and 3’0"“ Barnett, _,,__ _;.;,;__ c., Thrm.,aho. are “suing Dun-tun friendl. Otto Ronald no shipping gtoee to Toronto this Ink. Mrs. Livingatou returned homei the: visiting in Wuodby. l Death bu again entered our mid-I talung from as In Riebnd 3.11.; the no of " of heart kiln" on In da, 19th inst, The funeral wu- held our until Suntan, for the u sple........$l4 inloek.... 14 S ce...... 14 As ........ 18 Pine .....l5to 20 HOPEV'ILLE 3"th i, Mr. D. HeCornuk tad men as " ipnsem caning and htuling logs to ! Prlccmlle. rival of but Minot Ellen of " Wilma but ab. ditrnat gas hm on- ui Sunday. Rev Ksndell of Drama- bold a shot; some. ll be: late mi am. hem to “may church. when ammo! In made. She In". to mourn be! long a husband, on dough- ur Ellen of F: lelum and no son: Thou ct McIntyre and Will " bums. To the relatives and friend; '0 " Lend annexe ”Input, Mm Quinlan "med Salem Manda Sand”. In» Manon Knox of Flnhenon High School. spun In: Sunday " be! home. Mr and Mrs B, In": oi Dominik, tuned Mr and Mrs Hound WMIou. Ir Geo McCormick of Moose J", " homo tor In: winter. - A happy even; took pine n the home of Mr and Mn Jno Mannlu. ' the": eldest Masha: was unit. " m hazy bonds at murimony to Mr Ned (Inmgball oi Vulzm. Aha. Oniy Nu Unmpbell of the mum-Le fr Rev Mr Levee " the "mun-Le fm-nda were pie-em. Rev Mr Levee [pug the nupl'ul knot. Most of the young people attended the 1:.er at Duruore and a?! report so eXcellem "my. Mun Jam! McDonlld is vmling this week mu: her friend Miss H.191 Frrgmon. Mssa J. Aldcorn of Durham Sun- dared under the puennl roof. Mr Sam Gobeeu In I siiitot In our burg Sundny. Mr. lien tnd visited " ttr John Aldcom'a we Brat ot the tack. Mr E Mch'. sachet hue. visited on: 4trsuiar at his home near Durham We would hire to know vim at" tumors them Brtt on: at outer'.', Lake ? Wanda nail whom Scbelis t The initial meeting of Amman Council for 1914 was held In the town mu on Jan 12. T R Mekengie, teen; " In Artteortt. Frederick Brown, Alextusder Cameron and J I Graham conncmurs. Emu ot the, members made me required deelaradon of of- Me and quaMeattoo. The Rama ottdrtssesau"rcauio.l as to their re- ,npunsibxhty “d duties and certain {nation that Would likely be deals 1 mm dating the )enl'. The minutes " Deccmber meeting were mad no rtserstirateti. The follow»: communi- cations were presented and passed 1 Jan Sun. menus fur we furmsbed Mr Guide". $47.35; W a Tttttr-, {priming tinaceul statement. In: I cilia. cleeuun In Amery, cm, $47.24; 1 anut. Teitord & noun-1d, my ' for legal luv-cu, $5 56. ART EMESIA COUNCIL SWINTON PARK Quit Dosing Your Children M's-lib“ The newly cloud council to: no TomhipdGlmclx not Jan. 123. u per, cums, mum pron-l. Thu. Nichm. Rave ' Robs. Linda). J A Holman. Geo-E Pan and Jot. Young, councillon. Each member made tho nectar, declaration and tool their sun. the reevcin the chair, an“! co-igatioets and "e0eutttr having been read, bv-lurl 5-H stadiums. trig Inca] Board ot Health and .543 assessor. In: intro- d_ncod tnd read I first 1nd second tune. Linduv - gtetei0mt---That R. T Edward» 416 W. J. Bumble be audi not: for 1914 " (lulu; of 312 etch -Curicd. teeaitran--Yoartg--Th" By-Luu bil, 542 and 543. I pointing Audi- tors, Lou! Baud of Eula: apd A. was» be now road . and time. nin- sd, sealed and engrouod in By-law Boot. --Ctrried. Linduv IcMann- -That Edwin Lmlejohns be paid $1.50 for work portonmd on Snyth's NIL-Carried. Liiaisayirtott-- That June- Emson be paid $4.75 tor gravel taken on; at his P" by Tact 1eioeh.--Car. Menuhin) - Lindsay - Thu the Trruaret be paid 85,00 and the new $2 00 tor preparing the humid eute- u.ratt.--carried. Pt-eo-img-That Tho: Nichoi be paid $5 00 tor no tripe to loGilli- vruy bridge with the engineer And one trip to Marti-lo and that the chat ie paid it'.00tortrip to lurk- one . --Carried. Lindsay - McMillan -- That the Clerk be paid 310.00 tor propsring Council mm ates tor pablieouiom-"Ur. Farther panama were nude ui (mums t l C. Ramnge &Son, printing. .. 30 2C Bell Telephone Co., quarterly tax. r................. 400 Mumeipn! World, 7 copies tor Council and supplies.... .... la 86 Due In, .et‘nuds where there iauodng ... .-.... r.... ... 6 oo The Reeve and Mr lemma II! I, primed to male I settlement with E, lulnnn Ind Dan McLaohln n In!" trough appetite lot M, con 5. The Reeve was appointed a dele- gate to attend the meeting of the nghwny Commission " Guelph on the 20th of January. The Council adjourned to Feb. 7th at 10 I. m. ISTEAL A MARCH ON FATHER TIME Don't let Gray tfair Make You Look Prematurely Old lowing will so quickly and ,ureiy rob a woman of her charm u may and than! all? and nothing is so mil; ple- vmuhle. A few applicuiom of HIV’I Unit Hahn will "do“ any hair to it- nnwml ulna-um! lax-vilnco. It " not . dye. [Lin 3 Logic thar “Haul-ten ind lnvignrarcq thr scalp and hair roots to the proper p-rformalce of their fane- Hans thereby bringing hack tho origin- trl mior cum bur, It cur" ds"tdrafr Your money will be refunded if it Your money fails to do (his. MacFARLANE & co., Drugglsts Durham . Continuation sun and [anion-oat the school ts momma! 'g2iPdtrgffit 0mm. in and“) tff, at a my. Ae., mtg]: tttSiem I‘m; . - can. follow”). eotn m r! um I was nun. "pteue' all may)“ .111), Mk, 26e. Get it at our store. Sold and recommended by NOX A COLD the numb" a“ waning. 108 No: a Cold. This u the We“ no! not! wonderful of all cough mm Me and 508 per bottle " .31 Cm “out. GLENELG COUNCIL Refuse inituiom. Even bog}. bu " Capra-nu luvs-u, ,v....- . 7. tie- tur. Mud sleeping Car. Tactics WC". Dining Car. Enoch" Gotcha. Cobain Us: on Am" "A“: an." tieteta as low rates. IE WINVH’M Luv: Toronto 2 a p. " ‘VANCOUVEB my. Toto-u 101) I I'- WINTER 10m rmaipamndm Durham. Ont. IN ONE DAY non-mm ,etiUWest 108 J 8. BLACK, Clerk mm on School i-,ae-ivivi,airairrirairiirostir-oaroti'*4r'rir*t tgl s'iivaosasirsstaiiyesaagutss-ir4uostsas-'aeseseoar4s PLO: ”WAD" “A" I . "Ht. opening ...... , .--r.....-....-u I 2 12h. opening ...... $555-$472”: rd F. . 4 Ith. opening ...... giglggigk ' 14-h. opening ..... , 'Pau".Let',es% q.Y.%-t-d _ 6, STAPLB. 25 u; but, freight tnie--, ., . .....W_____.__.. i .75 BRACE WIRE. 2541. rolls, freight and _---------.-----. I 3’01 STRETCH!“ TOOLS. Con-rpm: tatt-ine oatfit. ft. pd 3-00 " Tbmpn'cu subject k BIG. DEMAND FOR Page 1hhirtrturie Direct Feed Feed Feed This is a special price on this feed : it should sell at $30 per tttrt. If you want good feed, it will pay you to leave your order and we will advise you when at arrives. Remember the place-at the Oatmeal Mills, Durham. N . B.--We no paying from 34 to 36 cent' for Good Oats at on: clatter. our Chance for New Overcoat No. ' ;;;.&T'&I;;,,W I. It UWuIIun-awg (Jose bars ................................. lClou ban .................................. McGowan Miling Co. tbl Thor. i no bump more stimulating when you In attain-pudenda... . Tinnitus“: iuDuthm that you an get s -te-ritroCNaPouttt" pm an gum W. Buck's. any Room! In Pena from 2a, up. 31-. 3.0.01 To. You Iron Met "- White Bound To. Pm (um 40e up. Conn Nickel Twp!- !n- Ttie IP- Deemud Isa-pm from mo to t6.00. Silnt Tea. Poo luu $5 ". cut-d-ue-tti.'" ts-tot-tra. mam. roan? mama . WM. BLACK $12 Overcoats, $9.00; 10 Overcoats, 7.00; These are all new goods bought this fall made by one of the best makers in Can. ada. If you require an Overcoat, give us a call. Only a few .left. . L. GRANT Pots! Tea Pots! ..,...._ . ............. . .44 .u ".y.y.y.y.y.y.y.y.y.y.r..i.r. .47 .u .u mount: ' " ...... :EFEEE?2"E"W: T. " ...... i%BEEE-1ll 4 u. -a%it.t.+jR.6..tj.tit 6. "' ht paw---. ._H-t..- I i',', , "teight-r---.-------------- . d , PM hh‘uhlm‘f h at. .m I 9 {advance without notice. (Freight Prepaid) ak. bfortheput so day: have Been amazing. The enormous demand for QUALITY Fence means that no wise farmer will use other fence, that: ii,uEirriie7Gafuse other fence, when he can get PAGE QUALITY FENCE at these remarkable We; It] rnun rub-syn T-r'-'"" Gr, w PAGE wire rally in. when tum perfect fence. See how PAGE PM mt “a bun, after 20 ya!" m, is " (“a yum more. _ TryAfAGE ignczgo-pdf; coup-e the-Paar-ues-it-Pie at common fencing. After " year: of M. PAGE Fence is still FIRST in quality and the bunk-d bigHm4o fence. Competition cut an! lower PAGE QUALITY-nor ruck It. um: high standard a PAGE. To-dar, you can Tet PAGE FENCE direct from in when It the price of ordinary fence. You get quick shipments from a nearby PAGE m- tio-freight paid on 20 rods, 200 pounds atom. You get te. per rod discount on wind Ion. You an order through you: dean-we'll snowman te. pared. You“: buy hom PAGE the but m at low cub prices. Tome time and get quick d, ir ry, send yo- order to the mum PAGE 3m I TORONTO PAGE WIRE m 313 C0. “Page Fences We: it UNDERTAKER an km Funeral Director ALES of MC!!! ”I” 1232 King M. w. . T. 'ttoy TO m sr. an nun?!" -2 ”mm 104 A Rare Opportunity “it I Youun enter“) dayatthe ,ts,tuittTiitRVi, "f' PAGE CATALOG a t .nquzd. a . I!!!” / It P'll OWEN SOL' N D um M! at “cam-ta 1.4mm Instruction mum (unwed to endang- C A {INCLFCA G, D. FLEMING ”can! for " year: Secretary Themsefveo tr . a v t ' R1, 2N,nalft H2 Lt'. for and Mt mm A Spawn:- Picture Framing. Shortest We P.m"DwAtk-- M. t ho sou Lavend- t2k,,tlgltu','l,a, J. G. EDITORID, 0.1.1 labor (MW “(lunar . ”Flirt: on L I - II. “all “In,“ 3 ENGR: “C “tho! - 'eiee,i"a2"fffalW'lr' b-1tcttt Hp! meg”?! 1 ARTHUR H. JACKSON bem- W.C\.P|CKER|PG u. 115.,LDS "axon mu u Lawn. M" of Dun-lit: . c Orer J .1”)! "ttre-ir Jove an. Pan oo Llama? 0.3.3. L...- 0:0an . 'err I!!! "- It Boon-Acre“ tromp6iddatt" New, Public. Comm" ttttrtE_8NttliAt. want. on. new Town J. P. TELFOBD EM? l wfor out: not!!! 1111.12 11w... but £59,”!qu no hum}: “can. Bi."BSo_ FENCE pun-mm m. up... " Best" 540.90 - Ar'. I! if? *3; l 'iliii ot) H “I

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