West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Jan 1914, p. 8

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I45 acres I lot m aim part. 19, thr; were. denied. Inh- huih ; veneer in it and driving slum Moth hrm well r This (um mm " firsveuss stock ' petite! running irartieutttrt apply the proprietor. I nddreet. Mt. Fun -.,,-i------------------e'i, " Jun: 's, And the mercury drops sixty below FOR SALE (Where the hardy trapper with dogs T , t '.. I and ,led (nuon Sud Me tt mm!” , . i Glides over the frozen snow. oil Cake (s tsnhuo Lngmes 'i A h dy am) of Auld Scotia ' l " "l “I Meal at . I. ' “om"! Meal 1 tttl w l J 1 Drum] tho hardship of that. North. Jauzs Myers ', em land. (my "ltr REM-k. Ill-1mm ’ lipsnlvcd wirh courage undaunted ,-,ee,,,,.---------------------e--i, Each obstacle ty withstand. . He was from obscurity to eminence $htgttttuttl,l.ilt..,, 'io the pinnacle of fame " h .. "a, d h ni And in the annals of his country a“ tr "mu-9°“ s. an?” “I. " 'Y,'d 2Pd' He leh an untaa'mshed name. quit”, "Donna‘s. cures tho that Ind lungs. v. ABRAHAM ”0'. W ”a.“ o-""'"'"!,' These are " thin also!“ styles. It is u sin to sell them " these prim hm we must am out the pol icy of this more to any no goods over trom on. anon to an- other. That's why we no cloning every out n halt price. 8.75 thrata now 4.37 11.00 Out: now 5.50 9.75 Coats now 4 87 13.50 Coat. now 6.15 10.00 Coats now 5.00 14.50 Com now 7.25 Felt Shoes Almost Given Away sgunnn Ian's 3.00 Felt. Shoes, sale I.” 2.75 " sale 2. 25 " are 1.75 " sale IMO 6t sale tientlcmerr=i0et a good Dollar Cap for 49c FAIR AND Farm tor Sale TAYLOR&CO.D1‘ omore 1.40 Take au and hula " 25 Cents. a your choice of any cap in Mock, only M --.. ......49c. Some were $1.25. rulervd. ltt with mm m further Don’t Worry about the com "i" . . .r. Here’s a, Chance to keep Warm -ts-r-,t-,i'tc'i"cl'2l'lt:,i,i'i,i,, at very Small Cost Md No, a?! good barn and 1m or l“ Lord Strathcona. Canada's gum: li old man. f. 1n the far north where the Hudson Bay :hl Casts ttty waves on a Rocky shore. iiilho the bitter blast from the frigid er I zone, P, I Rushes past. with a dentening roar. Where winter . 1.90 a year, 95 SOUTH BEND reigns eight months in 'iit,tgttryg!rrl(rtti'l'ltsl I w: cc, .4 c' V: “I, Cd Men's Overcoats Being Slaughtered If you've been waiting until the Price-cut- ting Sale started, it's your turn now--'it's on' 5 Men's Light-weight Overcoats. splendidly tailored with beistqaality farmer satin lining. All sizes 5 M from 38 to r..', regular 10.00, sale price...... . Mons 12.50Overeoats ...... .... ...... .... ...... ..8.75 Mans 15.000vereoats .... ...... ...... .... .... ....9.00 Buys 5.00 Ovencoats.. 3.75 Boys 6.50 Overcoats. .4 35 BUYS 4.50 .. .. 3 25 Bow 4.00 " ..2.50 Boys 7.50 sb .. 4.50 Boys 3.00 th . . 1.90 uda's grand Take advantage of our Special Offers while they last. Don't come after your neighbor has picked out all the good things. _,, riOLSTElllbl, RH fin: J. D. ABRAHAM co. The monthly meeting of the Wom- en'g Institute wlll be held on Wednos- day, Feb. 4th at 2.30 p. m. at the home, of Mrs Wm Pullp. Topics tor the papers are "Value of Sunshine. pure air and bath" by Mrs Findlay l "Home. Amusements for winter ev- elxillgi” by MISS Mary Rumage. A COIdlul invitation is extended to all mm to be present. l The annual meeting of Amos con- gregation was held on Wednesdty evening Jan 21st. All reports show- ed the, congregation to be on a nomad tiuaneial [males and although regret- [lug the removal of our pastor feel hopeful for the fauna, i mm. on siinday, Jan 26th, to Mr. and Mrs Robt Renwxck Jr, a son. i Born, on Tuesday, Jan. 27th, to ( Mr and Mrs J McMuxdo a son. (Still I born.) Miss Vivian Crawford, teacher, in S S No. 9, spent. the week end with friends in Dromore. Mr W McLean who has been visit- tng with relatives hero for the past Week returned m Mealord on Monday accompanied by his eousin Miss Ellie McMillan. Mr. Peter Hay was laid up last week with la grippe. The date ol the box social under the auspices of the D. S. Club has been changed trom Jan 30 to Feb. 6. An excellent program is being pre- pared and a mud time is assured. Ou Thursday evening, Jan. 22nd, the rrgrernvnt checker club spent a wry pieatont awning in Russell Ilall, Alter the members present had participated in several games. llevl'r Kendall, a valued and entbns-l instic member lithe club was madel the recipient oi the following address accompanied by a handsome checker hoard of walnut and maple wood with ebony border and beautiful carved men. Mr Kendall replied thanking I them for their Kind' thought and I token of appreciation. after which lunch was served and the remainder {at the evening spent in social chat. Following is the address ; l Dear Mr Kerdell,-- 3'25 Bob 4.00 4.50 Boys 3,00 lunch W83 served tsttd pe rernsmaer ria church was well 1 'st the evening spent 1n social chat. I o2eJ,ret'J,,t/,ij' IInight. when Rev. l b'ollowing iathe address; IDr. Marsh repeated his illustrated) Dear Mr Ketuieli,-- lecture on Bermuda. Many from iii Itis With a feeling ofdeep regret distance who were unable to attend! we have learned that you are about on the former occasion. were present‘ to leave our neighborhood and we. lei and expressed their delight in no y,tl not like to let this occasion pass With- certain language on the quality of nut expressing in some slight Will he e ntertainment and also on the! how much we have appreciated your beauties of the Tropical islands. Al, presume with us. and how sorry We few appropriate slides, dwelling on are that you are now about to leave Lord Stratheoni1? work with the Hud- us. It was largely due to your " son Bay Co. in Labrador, were also forts that our club was formed. and shown on the screen. These pictures our many pleasant 'rieettryr darittwere taken when Dr. Marsh yisited the Last few years, owe In a trreat ', that country about 10 years ago. imeasuri their success to your pres Lunch was served afterwards in the i once and the lively interest you have basement. Proceeds $40. I always.' taken m the “an" Althnnwh without a minister for You have shown yonrsolt‘ to ban good sportsman, you have never been too much elated when victory was perched on your banner, neither have you been unduly can down when defeat has been your portion, and We hope that you may long live to enjoy many a good game and to win the some tair share ofthem that you have done in the past. We ask win to accept this board and men as a slight memento o the m ttO' good games we have had tn. gether We hope you will make gm d use of mum and in using them that you will sometimes remember your friends in the Egremont club. T. li Sneath M. D., Arch. Mark Finlay Clark Dottttal McCannol Goo Lane R. J. Wlloon N. G. Wilson 7 DROMORE The Store that Sets the Pace ran DURHAM REVIEW 'iu.oght. AND PERSONAL; w I-VUn-n .66... . -._-e'"-"'- -- rtiiiiiriiiiaieare:l-." Miss Lyons, ot Alma, is visiting Miss H. A. Kerr. Reeve McArthur leiton Tuesday to attend the County Council session in Owen Sound. Mr John Marsh has $t tacked up a shingle" announcing Jewelry and watch repairing. Rev. and Mrs James heidataffy pull party for the young people, of the Methodist church on Friday night. The students oi the senior room in the public school have formed a lit- erary society, the meetings to be held every two weeks. The following are the otlicers; President, Ina Marsh; Vice-Pres., Irene Drnmm; Secretary, Harold Baird l Committee, Florence Mam, Pearl Drumm. Margaret Main, George Brown. Mr T. G. Reid has sold his 100{ acre farm north of the, village to Mr Morris Tribe, cactle buyer. The! price is said to be $5500 and if true, I is altuosta record breaker for thisl part. It will be managed by Mr. Milford Dowling and the nearness to the station will Le of great conveni- ence to Mr Tribe. Mr Reid and iam 1in purpose living in the house, for. '; merly occupied by the late Mrs Doyle. Mr and Mr:iP:ter Reid, of Red Deer, Alberta, w'io have been visit- ing her mother. Mrs Booth near Ay. ton, Since their arrival in this part a! month ago, were in the village on‘ Monday calling on Mr and Mrs John Swanston, Miss M. Ross and many ”other old friends here. The clock of time has ticked off 15 years since Mr I and Mrs Reid leit this part and they F see remarkable changes both in the 1 country and residents hereabout l They tormerly lived on the Gordon { Legge farm on the 2nd Egremont. --- - __t, - "_--, I_fA f..- tmmawaa: "dil"%airy morning ther left tor Winterbourue to visit tricnds. Although without a minister for six months of the past year, the re- ports presented at the annual meet- ing oi the Presbyterian church show. ed that that body had made satisfac- tory progresa during the past 12 months. Attended by a large crowd, l the meetintt,wittt Dr. Marsh preid. ing, adopted the report of the retiringl managers. Geo. Alles and W M. Ait-i I ken. Mr Alles was reappointed ttlong! iwith J. W. Hunter, the latter also l acte as treasurer, succeeding Mr John iSwanston. The general account re- cuipts for the past year were $1175.12 and there is a balance on hand of $88 30. The sum of 8282 was paid for pulpit supply. The Sunday School and varioua societies in con- nection with church were also proo- pering. The indebtedneea on the I church is now almost wiped out. These goods are all First Quality but lines and are bound to clear every pair 1 Men's Rubbers, size 9, IO, II " I Cl reg.1.oo, sale..-.-.. In", women's Jersey Cloth Overshoes, high snow excluders. sizes 4, 5, fi, 7, S, reg, 2.25, sale 1 " pri'ee................ Women's Flne Jersey Cloth Storm Overshoes, reg. 1.25 Rubbers the Cold Weather Miss Jean the guest of Hunter. Miss Sophia Freeman, of Mount Forest, is _visitlug friends in and near Holstein 'rl'; .75 near Holsmm. The story is going the rounds that l Bert Btebner states he was out on I l fishing expedition to the mill pondl recently and caught an immense fish i, there. But after he landed the motr- -, ater. it broke away across the ice and [ disappeared in the bush. l,, l zwwmwflwwmmmmxm Half Price - . In our list of officers of Egremont: Agricultural Society, reported lust; week, an arm occurred. Walter; Ferguson, who is a director, was named as Ist Vice-President, whereas W. J Eccles is the man who was elected to this position. FOR SA I..-- Two single comb Rhode Island ed Cockerels, one Rose Comb Cd erel and one Rose Comb yr. old Rh Island Red, all good colors: two , ng gobblcrs and one white turkey n, half bred Bronze and white. JOHN A. FERGU L Holstein, Ont., . R. No.1. Ex 2mm , SALE m: VALL'AHLI. In- Pnuncu FA HY Tii:smut---Tenders will he ru-ecv by the undersigned up to noon on lht day, the 10:.h day of February, 19l tm- the pun-hue of Lot 13, Gun. 3). Ei emont, 100 nCrPs, on whichis a 2 sto y _hri(-k dwelling. from): Lt/ii aria. Mi/sa, drilled well. good fences and on ading mad about 5 miles from Mount Forest. Terms and conditions on app ication to H,0, KILGOUK, .. Forest, Ont. To further the cause 0 Christ and the gospel Evangelistic services will ' ' _ ’ . " I A . ,IA _A__L be il%' in the Presbyterian church owing all next week, commencing Sunday. ;signe Rev. Dr. Marsh made this aunounce-lannu went on Monday evening and Rev. Mr James and the Methodist body Mr will unite with the sister church in the I making the week a spiritual success. i year: Mr G. W. Milligan, I well-known ”MY: Gospel singer from Peterborough, he:l M. ti been secured for the entire week Glrer assist in the service of praise. AISino meeting of the young people from‘CO'm both churches is being held on Thurs. i form lday night to make arrangements. “if r At the meeting of the Presbytery‘ in Mt. Forest on Tuesday, the an- nouncement was made that Rev. Geml Kendell, of Dromore, had decided to accept the call to become pastor of the Presbyterian church in Dundalk. Dromore and Knox, Normanby, det. egates presented a strong plea for him to stay on " their pastor, but if it was to be of advantage to Mr iKendell to accept the Dundalk par! (torate, they would not stand in his' ‘wav. They spoke in the highest laudatory terms of his work as a pas- tor and minister among them. Rev. Dr. Marsh, of Holstein, was appoint- ed moderator and will declare the pul- pit at Dromore vacant on Sunday, Feb. 8. Mr Randell will preach his farewell sermons on Sunday. A blue book just Issued dealing with the above subject shows that Co. Grey has 108 horses enrolled 83 being pure bred, 25 and". 38 have teen impact- ed rpvonllyund all approved. The Clyde is the favorite breed, that. class heme more lhnn douhle of all other classes. Grey hal 69 Clvdeu, 5 Percherons and a few of other “his. Among those from this neighbor- hood who have recently pnssed in- sppction we notice the names of Louie Brook. Priceville; Alex Calder. Wm. Grout, _Wtn., mugheodt Holgtoin: thont, Wm. Laughed. Holstein: Hem Fritz, Hump on l J. U. Nichol ind]? N. 1yaieitattd..f?. _cAttett.atie, gush-Iva w..- every pair regardless of cost. Childrens High Storm Overshoes Al "T haekles, reg 1.40, sale 98 'shocs, sd,'1'iiiiiirii y" ...... . ' Pf, em " er eggmgs, reg. s4,0, 175,sale................. .98 Boys Leather Leggings, reg. 1.25 i2h,sale....--- Jili Mans Jersey Cloth Overshoes .75 reg.1.50,aale........... 1.15 it! a i , E156: Stallion Enrolment Ingram, of London, is her friend, Miss Edna Overshoes mi of Egrgmpnt are overstocked in these 0on't Jul] uu \Il purcha’ue nfl Synonymous to the recent success- l L00 acres, on 1 es of the annual fall fairs of the Eg-I I dwetlmg, {remont Agricultural Society has been 1 drilled 'it) [the work of the executive boards Gl c/tuit,",,",,',','; promoting and carrying on thetta ex- l mu. to Lhibitions from year to year and chief Forest Ont ' among the members ot the officer, . ' ' and directors of the Society for nanny 4:1s.rist aryl. I years put is W. J. Sharp. the Secre- ;erv1ces will ltary for the past eight years, but who triatl church owing to numerous other duties re- " Sunday. "signed from the position at the last s announce- l annual meeting. C.'.".'..".'.'.".".". .30 "te.'.'".'.".',".'.'.".'.'.' .93 1.e.r.irr.r.T. .85 n ”my. while Well known oiticials as D. “a M. Naismith W T. Petrie and And- to l rew Seim held the Secretaryship. A I Since March 1906. Mr Sharp has had mlcontrol of the books. During the s. ( former year. he served as assistgnt. lhe was also engaged " a teacher in l Holstein School. Postmaster of Holstein. who ntiged‘ SBA W-~KIXNELL last week from the mrrtrnott,_Ayr,ifli, The homo as Mr and Mrs ti. K 'sttrttt,uh'dddte,1" Of umce m "ioweu Sound . reet, w“ the scum sec P y. Inappy matrin nniul wanton W . n. _ I - I a . A. _I. _ . Mr Sharp has been connected with the societv for 32 years, the first " yeats being spent as assistant secre- . .. .. ' --- _m_:-|_ _- n EOtiency in every department has marked his tenure of odiee and the vote of thanks which was heartily ac- I corded him at the meeting last week 1 when he resigned, voiees toss in- [ tangible degree. the thsnlss sud re- ward which should be meted out to him for his valued services. When Mr Sharp first became connected with the assocurtion, the produce exhibits were stored in the building which is now MeKinnon's More near the G T. B. station and the prize list was sumo- iently small. that the prize money was all paid to the successful exhibi. tors on the some day that the fair wss held. From these proportions he has seen the society sod exhibi- tions grow into the splendid sad popular two day hits that ligament enjoys to-dsy. The society is " present in s flourishing condition, is practically free from debt end the number of exhibits shown " present (sire find the accommodation of the present buildings to be inadequate , and wsrrsnts the enlsrgenent of l them. This issprohlen which the I progressive president. W. M. Grout I end the directors will probably have , to look otter in the leer future. The mm to step into Mr Sharp‘s shoes is L. B, Nicholson. miller, and his basin”; ability - tnd practignl TORONTO 1.25 Winter Caps, Your choice of 1.25. TAB W. J. SHARP Ink; him I. worthy cc of any winter cap in stock 75e, 85e TAKE YOUR CHOICE tor only . . . . . . We've got the Knife in an Purse Fur Coats Gar Stock of Furs and Far Coats is heavy. The winter thus far has been mild and we have Hundreds of Dollars tied up in Furs that should be sold. It's the chance of a lifetime for you. Buy to-day at these cut prices and you will have the good of them for all of the cold weather. Today's your day. BcrLttre-GArtDet' A quiet but pretty wedding w“ no". omnized on Wednesday. Jun. 21st, u (our o'clock In Proton " the homu Me And In John Garden. when the' young”: laughter. Min Elite Wilma] was t-ried to Mr William Hyde Bu hr. of Abbey. Suknchewnn. The bndc'l attendant w“ Mio Eff Denatl. of Hope-ville. The gloommmu VII Mr J A. GRHOka‘, also of liny ville. The ceremony w“ conducted by t Bu. Dr. Mar-h. pastor of Hqu and Fdrluirn Presbyterian Chut, After the signing of the register, ', can“ on down to a very damn d net to which "ildid omplejunu r, On Thursday morning the In” couple left In visit friends in Llu Dundnlk and Toronto, after m. {they mid. un the moon“ [um Saskatchewan, . day afteruom: Jun Nth. whm il" r daughter. Ne " Louise, was “WW:1 io Mr Minus Iinbson Shgw, of lev Bush. The it,r,et.oteiU ecu-mom mu part“... b) Itrv.W. N. (In ' M Ventry. In t a: menace of a n l I t llmmediuo natives of the cot.'titt" tug parties. ’lho hsppy young l wu- lch on the evening brain for Ir-, up l and St. Cuba-Ines and mm t Irtt , wet-hf honey noun in Ontmw. um '. make, their hum in Webb. rank where the groom has n dry gown bur I hm. The lienld Joins the Hair" t may Bunlslk trsendritahetn yit? _ foe u up" w-ylgo through I - m . ddk Herald. [The brtdellnnleuw , In Baht. Humid: and It Wax-in . Hulk,“ Droenore.l Administrator" Sale try Tender the Knife in all ot a. 'tttt mm m the Towns; out. lathe County ot (in x Seal Tendon will be receivm bv n” no mulled (mnrked tev/er I Bolle tame Adatiiistrator tf the unto turiil Storm. hue at the Town!“ ot Egronontin Hm un- wdafo Widow. downed, ug- 1N2 ‘oolock n n on Wedheeduy, u -- Hz) darMtys wary. um, for 1.. .ur’ oh-, on th, 14 in the itid, omen Moi the owmhiu of lime-mm: In tho County t Grey 100 acruxuore ill... on 3 id lot Ire hid tc 1.” good frame m with “ables in haw not and ot a' outbuildings. a wad comfortable walling homo. The pemterty isw l (and and L ~01 Inter Ind In good ante oteal!'rtr tton and conve ‘emly situued a} m 1 mile from Dro ore. The hlpnest ordnuy leader n necessarily new te . Cr" 13! Mt, 1014 Terms -,Te! P' Ct of Tender tit ire "4 .rsotitiaulott of “use I the bah-co MS a Manhunt to be y tau-cum. When 11 (inn and A c mu." any. Thin good. tam on .pthMiOn. - It: Forest, thttuitoetor Administrator property is w l tersoed I Inter and m good state tton 3nd convc 'enlly aim: lmiletrom Dro ore. 'll or any lender m neceuur ted, l Terms ;Teh P' com (II t of Tender to ite ma fol mutton of uel't' tstteet than... less a cunt imamtsetuteetobe table Wt. when sew than and s ennvoy " l any. This (road. rtl In! on upplwulon. M at It. Form. 9t 1914. R. O.) I on Sale 4% 590:1: liytuerieal 1.00 and ....M9o cent ot the mull lid foM'nth "r y, mm thorem and I out ol pretest I "ble in 3“ a' "' union wnl be " of the 'prop' '. a palllCII‘ 9th Junum' M01 b! N ed by ndcr ) of the o! tho 0000' Oat er guilty ot' the i Immune by luv rhtt, " appois t " “be: fur UV one yeur. Tlu' rutsauorsotG (imam-cl bu m meal. I Ttues: n a ullducripuuus at Central 'Ste e. Vai,u-o.sbro' nit-Al and “new. LI my“: 7. a an." Atuorp the onion: Munt, turn-ecu of Ivan ll. B., who in den! a the ttoctety Ilue Y. S, C. bi. III kl Nurumnhy. '11 hold a MK lli'a, W“. good [my Itrrpoed. M w trtll hr I tromore Llwn. A) ton 1p V ' . "rirrgp.tii Pfit'riii4 --.2,-.l;;::;OPIcs- when. In than u) th Inn-ling " JI he c' 1utetius randing I prub‘l‘tm‘" " lumy. me from Ottawa ow Hull. M. 9.. st Saturday, and r strenuous Iittlm. rct8tMru'u' Io thte Week. uricus oppt pool-om“. commenced n The Annual l Id Fnuu“ "o boa Thu" Mt. font dim D VOL. XXXVll tit iuPr'. xibicai and iulcv 1.5,i,i?, Buy-e. . Sun (humid: "menu l d she-it bunny Bm l the otticer. elected in SV formally of Glam-lg. and f. B., who in itte new View ' N M Ind tion . mg qu dancn Aulif th ri » For" Had“! bell. H For“) ll tries. INN Nellrnll h Mch have DURHAM Aulvy t'ttrriw "uve" GUN: " tV 4 hr Hold, G 'l Nellie td (“I ma t'to" "cot \Vilheminu Br 2 ML Walsh. R HUir 'No n ton II tit Hum atet Cm " Br Isl "cit “ilk Bry he: " “an n. It Mace Ill ne h " M d " M up: M -Himtte MIN )herl Penis! Jeane Davin M W l " " Kr mu 10m M M Id

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