West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Feb 1914, p. 1

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the an t Utmmu3 mono! " ut pm 0 in 3093' ed tender , "tor of the Isle of the the Coun- 4 up to12 my, the tttt r the put? +.h 09-009 gig-no.0 in gem In." aid ttt N. ies in in" new . ttttttd uu. The and 10%|d otettitNtV aated Ibo" 1?he big“ lily - Dr“ . ID! tlt Janul’!’ HLGOUR Iii" Inn in of the PM? he: WIM‘ It an. Sash. g rods but the Mid." est Wig“ \Vedllm hen thei s manic ‘ceived by wvnshlp ot t are! pd " tho Hobbi- Chalet. “at. tho in" din- ulna-nu f Hope. a [an of null“!- , coupl- Dunc!“ " a fur rio. 'I“ Kinnol at. in Walter which Wetrt my "" fill! ‘OI’I Dai- 'ce of Ola " of Um l, Suuhu l'uHeginle recently "- mgm /. t lhrir Litrllly ml,- Alum .' all?“ otticers eleeted ls Wilt“ Hunt, humanly of Glenel'. and Dur- lulu u. 3.. wt)” in ihe new Vice-Plai- ' [TC->0W‘Naaa 1,,'i'sitii1_.ii.i.ii8lrTli'!li's'ii" Vale" all descriptions " the 'IItrIIW‘ te. anvmum. 1- 'ical and hncy, " " than D ”ham! pm In the tteavr at the M VOL. xxxvn, NO. a {EMEMHBRED THEIR "e6udw'.N""" .. ost pleasant social evening was spent the home of ur. Dave McAuliffe on mdny night when the Catholic choir d 11 nu'nbcr of friends in the conne- tion, paid a token of appreciation to rs McAuliffe, their leader and organ- t In recognition of her services. This as in the form of an address read by r. Dan McGrath and presentation of mutt, silver tea pot, set ofsilver spoons id J gold cross and chain from her iioa choir members, Father Penman :-.J a tcw othcr friends. The present:- iin was made by Misses 5Uttgie Me- i . r"; and Irene McPhee. The even- _ :..:e'.\ly passed in music, - and ht " ht I, olden] and “my, " D gSlore. lllll‘|‘~ tit Pt,imer--ibtttlr Cameron, Willie ilry ti, Alex Laban, Anne!“ Me- la" In. Arthur MoDondd. I’lnlntr A--Mnrtraret Yirn. Emily mm: it, Ruth Jacob, luau-ct Brown, Fmreucv Kr- AM “I. W. s C, E. of Knox Church, lil hold I uocinl on Fab. _ good prngrnm Is being x1. nc will he tarniastted by nu. A) Lon quarrette and mi. mu be served, Ad- D m he at . up send P cm t.M MM SCHOOL REPORT uh ti qretqttm---1in route home ..-.r the week end, R. 'i) «upped over in Durham ', J reports no eaciting Ind :11 KS such as occurred last :h-'itrrtturXM the naVy buy .g: ..' On the contrary every- i _ , run smoothly, and the m ynll will be introduced f. '. which he looks foe no feree n I- Lin-la Teasdale. Don Ruth Stewart, Mabel B . Mail”. ll h ,at-aasts.--Ttte Set- .‘x‘huI/L Irmrd hit. Ml l I um r Cit-IR that OJ. ted for three yen", S. , years, G. Rummy tor y was quite an". lurln. lmrhnm hockey 'ill'; "Ir“ though not bsst. a match was phyvd. Mt tbt up their town’s strong- with one exception and I " the half 2--0, The raved to be better Its-yen rgotrtR and in the but In" rating with 3 goals. thus on top. Jim Malachi-an 'ree wd gave genom‘ sat- t'orw,rerttiorosi Inb‘ ytertrm church mil be v m-xl. 10ch February, -|iuwing the basin". m- a” another meeting d by Rev Me Cooper. um. for the purpose of .II lo some on. of the lat have been unpply- 'v'tr"itr'ia,fi?.t5,,t'.,',',tt yet a e in appoint- mu thaw Wr. Emma BtttgT.--. »ntl: u d thaw, the ice n.(|Work on our new Dal states. in to be spring? THEIR 030mm?- 4l Everybody 'r thes game an. a Bar her a,r,nriue and get, it at uhe Central Dru tore. Horne Four [himmonth Glls on 10th 'tnat. Alwarq the Thursday following the third Wednesday. Rev P. K. Dayfoot. supplying the Baptist pulpit next Sunday. and the Presbyterian pastor that day will ad- dreu I temperance mas: meeting Sun- day night " the close of the evening eerwcen in the Methodist church. \ We were pleased to lee in a mum“ Wilkie paper that it Dan McKinnon of town, son of Mr. Allan McKinnnn. - elected Vice President of the Board of Trade in th u growln town ll built the put year a s','Flr',le.i'r'ir',itt rink and Town Hall, and are now look- ing hr more worlds to conquer in the line of manurnc' “ring establishments. As usual we gm the undue.“ of the on ardeu, the hrst minimum County, ed is year Mr. Wm. Bree-so of Ghata- .9 orth. In thinking the Council for tti the honor done bun he said there wove en time. when words taited tn express the al unmade one fell. He wan not >0 {,3 accustomed to the Wutdeu's (hair that at he could anytime the pl we nom-hulant- ti ly He was deeply gratPfuI for the honor that had been conferred on him. I for h" felt, it W-t'd no "mm mm k of n appreci"tion to ha ve tho cormdtutce nndsupport of the r preseotaiiy"s of " the ditteeent municipalities of the tt county of mey. He frlt it admllrlr p honor which Was his fur the I'O'HSOII‘f that Grey was one of the largo stot' the C counties of the province. It was by " no means one If the ~In-lll counties l ind both in rig . and pnpul tlimt it Wilsl one of the must impurwut. Ha alst' t (all ir no small llumzr to ha allowed In , follow in the (mum-pa of the nhle men ord shrewd 1tsuinlnittte"i lh ho had In t n , ' wardens All tins (madly in the past I , He kan that he lull much to do ttv l tlst the place as " Uvruld be. lie was» ' glad to he warden of a county lhut f had lortwo of its ctthrirls such mm a as the County (tlelk and the County Treasurer of Grey, amt knew that ifi It any time he were to be at a In” to -- know what procedure to lullow thu e would certainly be willing and able lo 0 advise him in the rurht directi "I. He 0 noted a number of chnrgea in the pet- a sonnel of the County Council of llnsl t year. There were now only 391mm:- g' hers where there had been H lastyemr, d Twelve of the faces of the 1913 coun- " oil were not to be seen and others had " lulu-n their plum-u. it. Wttn' an indica- M lion that there Wns no life lease for no: nnv man in wanicipal matters " year. Int-Ir "tic BFN hers where there had Twelve of the faces tl oil were not to be see Lulu-n their pure". 1 lion that thete mus any man in municlpu [urn-"s. .. was an indim‘idn that in every t'cun'iy, cipality more than on" or two or three men were considered to be tit to con- duet the afratrn of that antnitutpaiity. He wished to say that he was not an n not-I in municipal bu: hoped that he men were considered to be tit to con-- duet the "airs of that anusicu.rality. He wished to any that he was not an ex pert in municipal bu: hoped that he was learning and improving. He hoped to have the support of the whole council. the sympathy. the us _ elitance of every member of the coun- cil in carrying out the won k that would fall to them for the year. He would be the represent"! ive of no clique. faction. creed. party or class. but would do his duty itrespective of any portion of the. people. all of whom he, in a manner speaking. represented. He hoped to (re it every one alike. He would Mk for the heat judgement. tht heat ability of every member of lhl council in what they had to do, HI expressed the hope that. they wuuh when broad minded outlook on ml the quenions thnt might be suhmitm to them he their consideration. " A . , I--.,.. M.. (he The Warden's Address As the close'nf the address Mr. L m.’ der thought it would nor be amiss for} To husband tutd children, deprived mm to add his word of congratuln- is" suddenly of a loving wife and moth- tion to Warden Breese on his mecca-a. I Pt', the sympathy ofthe community is He had he?“ in the race but had been extended. Her friends hear testimony deluded. Pwlmhly as the years went!‘to he" worth as " "flKhlIOl' and the by he would yet have the support “My ; church she loved will min ber pres- esury to place him in the ivaraien'r""""" chair. He would do all in hia power) Interment will take puee on Friday. l to awe-lat In the work of the Council [ following a snvicein Trinity Church- and would abide the result gracefully.‘ A Slater of deceased, Min Shopplrd "The fortunes of war have hwn‘ln‘ Appleby, Hallon Co,, chute up'Nes- against me 'tnd 'f"? ytu 'and I offer " day evening to render Issuance. but you my congratulations. I: e thanked I of no avail. Another sister, Mn Beal, those who had supported .uyy. lives in Brandon! and two brothers Warden elect Bree-e fun he Ir."'?"'," on the old home in Nullon township. iated very much the spirit manifested -.--------" by Mr Ctldel and trusted his words Good frame barn for trule, sise30 ' were a harbinger of the harmony and 60, with 16 foot posts. Apply eo-operauve spirit that ought, to exiet WI EDGE, b Lin-ound any County Council Board. ' R. R. No. I, Durham iifttt iii) (lilly mm BMW} . " ili""NRE ”13??" a Sratig,py.jyjiyjtt, For Fine Commergial or 'li',',',.,','; t:)i,ttawi'/rrt,1ri,c'i, With startling tuddonneu camellia i,, inf that "iunirryalily. oall to the above lady. Ott Monday N . evening last she was in her usual 'tsay that he was not "" twalth and with her daughters was t icipal tur: Itoped that h" visiting in the evening at a friend's and imeVmg- lie lmuer- in Lower Town. Here she was v JH. the oupport " the <uddenly stricken with paralysis and 1he sympathy. theaw from the tivstthe case looked grave. a TY mtuubct of the “mu" liar husband was soon at her side and l “I out the work that next day she was moved to her own ttem tot. thet"'. “whom? on a couch still unconscious. I a represent"'""' " nolii,i/," lingered through the night, l " creed, party or I'"'-", i breathing heavily but the end came at his duty itrespeclive "”130 Wednesday morning. bringing a f the pyy1e, all of wlsorrt grief on the home that only those who " speaking, ”pnfsemed' have suffered aimilarly can appreciate, Ctr' a every. nine alike. 2' I Mrs Torry way a Miss tSheppard, it rthe be“ lt" geuwm. t w ‘. trative of " illon Co,, having been " every member of thet') burn there almost 47 years ago. She t,st they had to do, i:) mm married to Mr Rabi. Torry In‘ a hope thrst {he}, wouls .(ieorgelown in 1891 and the union was muuied outlook on alll blessed with one son, Fred. of Walker- l r,r,tjyc:,ttit,2isounl'mitf." i ton and three daughters, two of whom :93; :1” address M}. um aurvive. Misses Mnggie and Beta. it would not be amiss for To husband and .chlldren. deprived his word ot congmluia- so suddenly of a loving wife and (hotb- den Breese on hiu succeed. Pt?, the sympathy f” the community is I in the race but hadbeeo lextended. Her friends. bear teatimOny _ . __.....,,.,.,,',", her worth as n neighbor and the - ... .__, L“ m-.- [YUII- I , uneven MoKim-on ' chiounnn.i '.' qtt of the l Vin town x-w ac on. c pnnwlouk- t we: in the Il nliahmenls. " Kind Farewelrto Mr Jas R. Gun left on Tuesday tor) Haruslton where he Inc also tum- terred his famine-us. believing that in the arnbittous city he will tInd more mom for expansmnthan is panible in his native tow tug Gun follow: i5 a. few 'ii,iiiiet, the be: wns e. of umny (men a here go with them. . few dazsfnd the Fteu-iFurht9 or I many (men 5 here go with them. “ Thurs is a. very diltinctlou to the I own in luring Mr Ind In Gun from ur citiunship. Both have been pub. it spirited and were Altogether such a! make up the beet element in any comm-.nilv. In the social life otthe town they will 1.1m he missed. for both wmr bright and genial and tsospitatrU tondvgne. But more than all per. haps, their absence will came a “up u I Prunyu-rim church circles, where wrath were ardent workers. l On Mumhv hat they were waited ’nn by a number of hiends and present- i/Ji “ll! a hamlwme silver tea Invite as a Small Ill! memo of the ”and of flit‘ml-a and "vcompanyintt the pres- vulnliun was the following addross Mn 11 voives the sentiment of many I tuiend, beddea the Ba. " Managers whose chairman signed represent". . I tis elv. -- " " Il\‘l Durham, February 2, To Mr and Mrs J. tt. Gun. Trent. Friends l--" lt iswnh deep and sincere regret that the metulsers of Durham Presby- zermn church come to wall-e that tho pleawtt and cordial relationship which fur so " any years has subsisted be- " et'tl ynurwlvw and u". has closed and the parting of the ways is before “a Um-inglhe years In which it was our Immune»: to be aesoclated with \ru, Wt' haw- ever found vou ready md Willing to bear cheerfully your an ue " the hunk-n and wining at, all times to urn-mt whatever responsi- biluws might be committed to your clrrrge. In wishing you God speed we do so wuh the sincere desire mat your ways may be "Ways of pleasantnesa and all ithy path be peace." A .L_ "ar..TIt..8- “-1 r~-- - . We " k you to accept the accom- p mying tea service, a! a mark of our esteem and appreciation of vom‘ ner- vices to our Church and trust that you uny lung be ypasrd to use and enjoy u. Signed on behalf of the CogreRa- Lion. I Intermeut will take place on Friday. ‘ following a svivicein Trinity Church: ‘1 A sister of deceased, Min Sheppard f L of Appleby, Halton Co,, cum: upTueI- l day evening to render tttrsutartee, but I l of no avail. Another sister, Mn Baal. lives in Brandon! and two brother' f on tbe old home in Nellon townsblp. DURHAM. iiiriG, Jun“ R. (1311 (‘hail man M us. ROBT. TORRY Sudden Call B. MCILRAITH, Hoard of Managers. ee-ee-e-'"""'"""""':".-" any kind of Job Printing give With which is tneoerorated the Match; Leader iiiiiiirfiiiEa, *FEBRUARY 5, 1914.- 1911 i Strettttotts Time in Town Council Iris very likely that Mr Elvrdgo. assessor for 13 years will again get the appointment. Au application for the moral sup- port of the town towards the projects of lhe Great Waterways Union wan. we think unwilely. shelved. This part of Ontario is much more bound up with the [ulna and Welland canal trattle than with the $200,000,000 Geor, gian Buy Canal project. Annual Meeting 11r and Bruce llÂ¥urance 00. Notice " hereby given' pursuant to Section 127 of the Qatar Insurance Act 1912 that the Ann I (irnoral Meeting of the Grey and Ice Mutu- ( ul Fire Insurance Comp y will be held in Miller’s Hull m t Town of Hanover. on SMurddy. the . t day of thruary, 1914, at 2.30 o'cl k in the atlas-noun. for the purpose receiv- I ing the Auditors' Statement. " elec- ltlnn of Directors and tram-ac ion of Hair bushes". -.csa-uuau-i-aau-u-teetr.TrdTT. -- _r'r'CC, I __ - w..,.,,.-------"--":".'.,"]",.-..,.":,;." $33333HEEEEEEHEEEWEHEEYEEES M 10urham Wills t ti Baled Bay Fl) anus Us a - w». ii $11 per iii, 100 tons Good Clean We are offering 100 tons of good Hay, the bal- RI ance of a 300 ton purchase at M Ill $14 oer ton for Cash ti at $25 trer Phone " it TTU Jo "DIUAQ 'ith mwflqfiflflmsflfixmflflaflxflfifl‘ The quality of H. H. MILLER. Bect!etarr. ly that Mr ElvdeP-l years will again get: Good Clean Feed (Wheat, Oats and Barley) r Ton (Bags Returned) 'CC','." . . Coff1a J , I g r . a' 1.". . . . " Jnlm aim Iri N”. "--- I - . - McGl . - - vV . Fitzs a.-------'--'-'"'"" Gear: S l l Mrs R. MacFarlane and Mrs Arthur , I.." Jackson went to Toronto Saturday to Ledit hear the Mendelssohn chair. t y, _ _ no Miss Rita McComb was rrTaueiph Friday attending the Annual Conver- sat at the O. A. 0. there. Miss Winnie Smith. Mt. Fore“. is visiting Mice May Young for I. few days. Miss Jean Mchwau h Toronto, where the , time before attending Openings. our Tv-dny, Wednesday, Mr James By. ‘ era and Miss Ella Anderson of Hamp- der, are uogiunited in wedlock by Rev. N. McLean, of Hanover. Con- grutulaliona. Mrs Gilbert Mckechnie and Mr A',etul G. Gun are in Toronto attending l the Mendelssohn Choir Concerts. Messrs Sam Robb and Peter Ma Queen, of Egremont, called on Mr Jno. l McQueen while in attendance at the' County Orange meeting Tuesday. Dr. Ed. Lauder, of Cleveland, Ohio, visited his brothers here last week and with his brother Thos. 0.. took a trip "o Kilsyth to spend a couple days at their sister's, Mrs Mundle. Her two I sons are now home from Alberta. Mrs John Kelly left on Monday morn. ‘ing for Toronto. The condition of Geo. Douglas who his been seriously ill and suffering from hcmmorhage attacks. is still critical- The young man was an employee of the I" Flours are never questioned DID gFred J. Welsh _,,ii,'ii" oo,,oxavsmhstgir1eRRaigglgifiM The weather has turned stormy again while Inst. week looked more lake April than January. Mrs T Ware and hays left Saturday for Toronto after spending a few Weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 1 McKnight. - , I‘fb Inn. monk Mia B. M. Uil‘guvu urn...“ .. -'" to spend acouplo at weeks with her daughters in Toronto. Misses E, Frook and Jam Richard- son visited Dm-uoch friends Saturday. 1 M rs Colin ttty is vi~iting friends in [Toronto. if . _.a , “AranvnI mum; M Warnock took in tlie hockey " Thursday last. A joint nun-ling of the W. r. m. u. and W. II. M, B. w“ held in the Press bveriatt church Monday, a large number of ladies attending. Mrs J, Suliivan and Mn, J. Parke visited o. Bound friends Tuesday last. ( Mr M. MnAuliffe. Dmham, called on ‘Dornoch friends Sunday. 4th cwus---Attnie W Smith. Bots Manley. Ruth Lvdinghsm. I Wilson, Kathleen o iii'; REVIEW tb.. Trial No. i hated Straw 'iifl, M. Dargzgvel le‘ft last: , Young tor a new l wan left Monday for the will visit tor a riding the Millinery sday, Mr James Br. I 3. BEN. & GLEN. of tht MI turned stormy IIIII ek looked more -- Iry. ___----- lye left Saturday spending A few his. Mr. and Mrs, vel left last Week weeks withher " Id Jean Richard- n lends Bat urdny. Whiting friends in k and l. Dugayel match It Durham )f the w, F. M. S. , held in the Pres- Mind-15', a large tending. and Mn, J. Parke ends Tuesday last. Durham, called on unduy. 4, & GLEN. a siorrisop,_P1ly Morrison. Ruby t wm Gibson, Sr Jrki--.Bess1'ur coitield, Martin a large my at ehe enter- , Y. P. A. in evening and the bal- 'trt, cottield. Jr 3rd--Mary Monisnn, l John Wilson. PenerLedingutsut, Annie McGlllivrav. Howmd Smith. George 'ritzsimmons, 2nd---Jtshrt Moniun. George Gibson. Marv Fill-human I. Sr Ii-Hattie, Moriley, ermn Sch-m- y”. Jr tst-KV Morrison, Q'unley Ledinghun. Curie 81mm, Kmbleen B. 1. Annie Svhaufel. Prim. r clrriws-- [ L90 CottVld, Pearl Mortler, Joho " Braun. -- __----. J). ... 'r-h-r ##â€" t A full line of the above keit an strck. We luy hum largest wholesale Grocery in Toronto and 1115' In (ash. then- 1 . can sell , on at a close price and besides give vou the lust qua .- ' ', “'iwn \nu want a rush order phone us No, A full line of the above kept m sucu. largest wholesale Grocery in Tomnlu and buy can sell you at a close price and besides give obtainable. When you want a rush ott' BEGGS' GROCERY. Save Money and secure a bag ot M. - P-., ill(lll CLASS FLOURS iiiihmt. BANK or CANADA 98.1bs Five Rose Flour $3.00 Purity Flour boo Pine Tree Flour 2.50 Milyerton Jewel Flour 2 50 Chesley good luck flour 2.50 McGowans eclipse flour 2.50 Chesiey Belle No I Lake Salmon Trout, 'pickled No t qualla Salmon trout 'Fresh' N01 Superior herring 'pickled' '7 . . ,,_:__ Ac--.“ LONDON. ENG., OFFICE Bank Btdgs-Peincet St. DURHAM BRANCH: No l Lugs-Ema; Girink ‘fresh‘ Digby Herring by the box As Lenten season is nearing now supply oi tish. We can sell you S 100 lb or 50 lb Legs. These fish ar BALED BAY, No. I grade. A gc ‘ . “ ._____ La! [1|sz .ncnuu‘ u, _..-- --_ As Lenten season is neating now in your time to senate your supply oi tish. We can sell you Snimon Trout and Herring in l00 lb or 50 lb Legs. These fish are No. 1 grade BALED HAY. No. I grade. A good supply kept in stock. We can sell you anything from one bale to 5 too. Call in no see us i you need any. Remember our phone is No 50 when in need of groceries or flour m a hurry. . . MRS. A. BEGGS G' SON BLANCHE SALMON TROUT MI) Illllllllliil 325 Branches Throughout Canada. Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds S. F. MORLOCK it MD. Teacher, Jfrnour a io 1.30 70c " no luck flour 2.50 1.30 70c at 2.5 ipse flour 2.50 1.30 tBe bag . Flour and McGowan. Putty Flour are for pastry uses, Try n_bng. With a Hearty Expression of Appreciation for favors during the past I extend my cordial wishes for your continued progress and pros" perity during the years to come. GREETING 5X24 Savings Department at in Brmches. INCORPORATED 1869 TORONTO kept in suck. We buy from the Tomato and buy for cash, therefore and besides give you the but quality want a rush otderphone M No. 50, Publi I quU! a 11.00 - 0. Mine! a scum-mu" a bag of Redpmh's Sugar on our Car this week Kb Best for Bread use. 49 lbs 24 Ibs Pine Tree flour $.55 Mc '7' 7 7 . U - t.55 8oc The Best by Test. Put up in 1.30 70c 98 lb bug. only 1.30 70c " 2.50. Every l. 30 tBe bag gunnntecd lor. Willie Ritchie. at a." --- Inn. George Willa-mu. Mui- Atyyieyy Joe Mmrioon. Jr Jld--Ftt, Inch e, Jr 2iiiUiiowntd Ritchie. John Bow. Tvm Mmrioon. Jr let-Murion BOW. Willie Morrison, " FrGirr-rNi,n I RI" bie, Ethel Anderson, Helwlle l Arsdrresotr, Lavirtn Pasriet" l, Average amend-nu M. I M. A. 'irGWri.'rr"c'""' Ti---------" No. 8, GLIhEm Jr 1 b-- Katie Hanlly. Re lor. Willie Ritchie. Br 4th-- Inn. George wiWt"rtr Uni. . - " i.a....aot . a}: -ii-ia. and Cedar Str S. HUGHES, Man-cor. Halibut by lb, fresh frozen Quail: Salmon by lb .' 'hrperioryr.r,iytr fresh fr'rn NEW YORK AGENCY Fittnan Haddie . a 26,000.00!) . t 1.500.000 . . 13,000,000 .v'-"-- hilly. Reuben Pu). Br uni-(33w .9") unexcelled Pilot; E 50 r." f if" _i'is.1,,,, t In: m tml the

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