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Durham Review (1897), 5 Feb 1914, p. 3

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) " had nary hi. uni; tnd whit it"! wild We " m tho 'Wo'l like Mes the. hon! of " 1V0 an. Fen ur- heal " We p " " m my Rod " a W Service Will Be Placed In Operation at Once Be. tween Hamburg ttnd Halifax ghyWjR(i-hihElllilhy LINE he I tn l dentateh from Ottawa up: Dome “busting facts about Cunn- dian than and the statistics in connection with them are contained In the; annual report of John Lam- bert Pym. comptrollor of railway mama. tabled in tht, House on Thursday evening by' Hon. Frank Cochran. (lhiNhl)h's RAILWAY LINES The Dominion Now Has Under Operation Over Twmty-ninc Thousand Miles of Steel During the year ended Juno so but operative mileage increased by 8,578. bringing the total up to 29,- 304 miles. Ontario leads, with 0.000 miles; Saskatchewan in second with 4.63]; Mnnitoba is third with 3.993, and Quebec fourth, with 8,986, At the end of the year 18,- 647 miles were under construction. During the y-ar a. csreful and judicial revision was made of the [udxmu wvmon was made of the capital uatoment. Duplication and extingniaied liability has been cl?- rird atoms for many yet". Tho re- visiun led to tho elimination of 0157,(Nx3,m of stocks and bonds, and In". as total in force on June 30 " " h,'i.lf"..'r,/,, This wu di- vidnd aq lo! NW: Stocks. $750,645,- our, consolidated debentures, amok», $itysp..t:,7.rti.t; bonds. $325.- - - Much has Cur London Letter " U th M it“: In, labor one Your. Lu". y', ago Aldermnn Vernon Hun Lord Mayor of York, mm!" of Pontefract. oner- , of ttos Inhnbltuntn ot York mm ft' during the last your " (mm cortvieted for drunk- of new: Growing. beort written convrnfng s-tt will be “fouled to the HI when the, savings of dale classes and peasantry d by the French loan might mural Samuel has lilt- t may propane to abol- "Y principle altogether. 'per henna open to pop- . sumo as the commonl. ntmiit1cationn um being it different N',',',".',',',,? lords will, 0 course. re- , which. with Chancellor lam! reform mow-all. t issue at the next gen- illhmmh not more than of the existing peer- hvmsoives in the work ' lords, they will mm iu.st being deprived of " Iona! "WI! an I to continue touring ~99. Thin yen he Yorkshire or the u of tho Tyna. He 3 vlslt to Porta.. the French tteet re- " Splthead. as ho foreign tteet. I to town he will War “crusty number snvon ware that a" the? with ands and ”ends, utter which Mr. , each of them u {manning a deposit ear. to town he wilt tonat bnchelor din- ted last ya". They L considerable do- md were saw-d in am in Bucklnzham riday evenings. tt of deletion cut han wu added mm appears I tlv, total for "itimatrriy "we. nt. on "naar I, ll thirteen {ad 5 In all between 771.110 the twenty ers In a thrltty omlsod that to amount remain- 1) up that KIM: ”at. visit to his cannot be ednvicttona th 191 ”W" .'iiiil Wanted. , they. I t h,. grunge“ Wanted -- Twelve well-educated, bv/li,"; ii cotvrieatious young" women_ u . u (layman: pupil nurses tn City Hospital, In 3 thrytzi.Cieveu,rtd, .to ful vacuum" paused 'fh 331:”? by graduation. Unusual Ninety of 'tttter '/hit'tiip'lri"ii"s7. Ntw Ifures' Home yr drunk- von ware "r, with rtendm ion Mr. them u c I deposit p a thrmle stocks Tho was Cronmeyfor'stid thai the freight business looked very promising. nouncemem in the foregoing words, that his company will open its own offices in Montreal on Monday, and that a direct senice between Ham- burg and Halifax will be immedi- ately placed in operation. When the {on of Montreal is open this will 0 the Canadian port of cell. The Montreal oihets will be in charge of Henry F. Doryelch, at present in Boston, but who we: until recently in charge of the oompany'n affairs It Ban FraneUoo. m thought trat- he would oruinato from Continen- u! Europe, including Binnie: yr. I Afar: from the tur, the terrible fetid- (ttut for which thin animal is notori- ;nus is valuable madivinnlly, being pro- ‘scrihcd for asthma; though an uthmu- luv clrrqyman who took A bottle of it into the pulpit to inhale when his Month grow troqtrleruymo, found that he had relieved his malldy but dispers- ed his cttrtqrerrtrtion. London, Jan." 26, 1$14. soon to be completed. Finest con- tagious disease building in the State. Children's Ward and Ma- ternity Department. Two months' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthly allowance from time of acceptance. Address Miss Frederika K. Gliser, Principal Attorney-General to Take Charge, As Senior of Council. A despatch from TOronto says: The Ontario Legislature will be called together on Wednesday, February 18th, instead of on Feb- ruary 1'rtht as originally intimated. The offueitd announcement was made by the Government on Wed- nesday. Last year the House open- ed nearly two weeks earlier. Al- though no offichU intimation has been given concerning tau leader- ship of the House, it is taken for granted that Hon. J. J. Foy, as senior member of the Executive Council, in tho James Whitney, business. Incline! do" font Ann-ton: Ikunkl. Although Britain has indulged in ex- penslxs methods of social reform and earmarked further large sums for thln purpose its national debt durlng the last ten years has been reduced y ‘no less than 8500.000.000. Thls is all the more remnrknble when it in remember- ed hr . the other countries of the world are riding to their indebtedness, and powerful neighbor. llke Germany and France are reduced to ralsinf funds by mean. of assessed contribut on: from Que wealthier classes. ' natural remit of the recent boom in furs is an attempt to breed fur beats ing enimals in Enxlnnd. In this con- nection a large oonMttnment of N01? American skunks ham lately titil; ' some of which will ehortly be eeteb inh- ed by Mervyn Chute in a Inge hillside enclosure on his estate in Northumber- land. has?“ . meladorous reputa- tion, the e unk seems it dainty feeder. subsisting cttiM.v on insm‘ts, and it is con-Mere doubtful whether 'uMneunt food of the carrot-t kind can be procur- ed. Moreover, the value of the fur Tro- 113ch may be effected by our ml der (- mate. Gross earnings for 1913 aggre< gntod $256,702,703, as compared with $219,403,753 in 1912, In in- crease of seventeen per cent. The increment of 837,298,951 In: con- siderably the largest of any yen. In addition 824,588,410 was earned by Canadian railways in 1913 from outside operations, making a. final total of 8281,e91,113. Passenger earnings were .74.- 431,994, tad freight $177,089,373. operating "expenses aggregated $182,011,690 in 1913, u against $150,726,540 in 1912. Railway equipment includes 6,119 locomo- tives, 5.696 passenger cars, and 182,221 freight an. _ which is uhnrtiy to be floated. Britons are apt, howeu-r. to overlook the growth of thrift in their own country and in their colonies. Whether tested by the income tax returns, the deposits of the linint amok hunks, the post office nav- ngs bank, the tkeutnuttitton ot funds In the hands of hire unions and friend- ly societies or t . contributions to the Government':, insuranro Icheme, the middle classes and working {population ot Great Britain are becom " more prudent in their expenditures. This is a wealth "cotNr" ot undeniable import- aura. By the Dominion, 09,176,234; by the provinces, $554,510; by munici- palities, $27,350. The additions brought the total account on June 30 up to tho followimr.-By the Dominion, $183,251,469; by the pro- viruses, 038,500,015; by municipali- ties, .18,078,324. The movement of trains in 1913 resulted in the killing of 710 per- sons sud the injury of 2,968. In addition 39 persons were killed and l,600 injured from other causes than the movement of trains. Ot the killed from all causes, 41 were pu- sengers, 324 were employee, and 418 were eltmMed u "others." Of tho injured, 667 were passengers, 3,107 were employes, and 498 were "others.” One passenger in every 1,216,599 was killed, and one in every 71,124 was injured. This was th compare.- tively low record in respect of fatal accidents, but the prqwrtion of in- jurrd passengers was gist-.4; Tho, number of emrrlhies increas- ed by 22,751 in 1913, bringing the total up to 178,652. Salaries and wages amounted to $115,749,825, as compared with $87,299,639 in 1912. which is "hortly to are apt, however, to of thrift In their c their colonies. Wh hr EETI NO " LEfHFlr,hTrltE. absence of Sir will direct the Instant Postman - is a soluble powder. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly in a. cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a, de- licious beverage Instantly. Gro- cers sell both kinds. Namo given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Write for a coFy of "Tho Road to Wellville." ostum now come: in two forms: Regular Pogtttrrt--must be well boiled. "I heard of Pustum and derided in try it. I did not like it at first, boonuse. as I aft-nrwards discover, ed, it was nun made properly. I found, howeeer, that when made after directions on the package, it was delicious. “I: had a soothing effoct- on my mum and none of the bad effects that wife-c had. so I bade farewell to (axffoe and have used only Pos- tum since. The most, wonderful account of the benefit to be de- rived from Postum could not ex- ceed my own ,xptriene."' of "On a. visit. my friends deprived mo of coffee to prove that it was harmful. At the end of about eight day; I was less nervous but the craving for coffee was intense, so I went back to tho old habit as soon as I got home and the old sleepless nights came near making a wreck Tuxoda Island, British Columbia. Short ot Provisions. A despatch from Vancouver says: Vananda, the busy mining centre of Tuxeda Island, was swept by a. dis. astrous fire on Tuesday night, and a lack of provisions in tho camp will mean that some tempo'ary suf- fering must exist until a. boat ar- rives from Vsncouver with a. hash supply. The flames broke out in Deighton‘s store, and within a short time the eonfugruion had spread and consumed tho general store. post-Omoo, telegraph othoet, and Customs, as well as Kirkneo' drug store and pool-room. Dyna- mite was used effectively on the Miners’ Union Hall to keep the flames from spreading to the hotel. Very little wu saved from the path of the flannel. “Thim furrinon In gettin' an aw- ful hold in this counrhrT," said Tim. “Thruo for yoz,” answered the other, aa he transferred his corneal: to the other side of his mouth. " wuz readin' over last ovenin' the list av min naturalized be Judge Corcoran, an' ivory wan av thim wuz furrinl" What's the tut, When There's " Easy Way Out. Along with the tea and coffee habit has grown the prevalent dis- eagwneryous prostrntion. "Five years ago I was a great. ooffoe drinker, and from its use I became so nervous I could scarcely sleep at, all nights. My condition grew worse. and worse until finally the physician I consulted declared my troubles were due to coffee. (Tea is just as injurious because it contains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee.) "But being so wedded to the bev- erage I did not see how I could do without it, especially at breakfast, as that meal seemed incomplete without coffee. Two natives of the Emerald Isle were discussing, with evident irrl- tation, the _imrm)itration, problem. The Nyberg Auto Co. will locate at_Berlin gnd eryployA00 hands. - Owing to the cumpoign that has been carried on by a. lady Dominion customs oihcer against smuggling, the stores of Port Huron, Mich, have decided to stop advertising in the Sarnia papers until the special offieer goes to other point; _ It is reported that the majority of the municipalities of Quebec and of its representatives in Parlitv. ment, as well u the Chambers of Commerce and labor unions, are giving their support to tho Cham- bar of Commerce of Montreal in its demand for the immediate con- struction of the Georgian Bay Ca.. nal. Canada, the Emplre and the World In General Bolero Your Eyes. Canada. Middlesex county council may de- cide on an industrial farm. Gen. Villa has repeated his pledges of loyalty to Gen. Curran- za, head of the Mexican rebels. Feniun Raid bauities paid total $1,585,600, being 68 per cent. above estimates. The F oderal Government', adver, tUing and printing bill for the put yefr f"" moto than $1,400,000. Great Britain. London's strike of coal porters hm collapsed. Tho London Times announces that Sir Lionel Carden, British Minister to Mexico, will shortly te- turn to England on leave to report to the Government upon the out- look in Mexico. l'nltcd States. An antidote for bi-chlorido of mercury poisoning is said to have ben discovered by a. Chicago phy- sxcxan. The following letter shows the way out of the trouble: "If NEWS ill A PARAGRAPH "A?!" JNINGS FRO! ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN A NUTSIIELL "Thore's a Itoaaon" for Postum MINING CENTRE BURNED. A NOTHER WRECK. General. ticaiisrirt" the will under hia maintain the prestige pertaining to the office. Any appointee who can an " within n. rmonnbie degroo of the ef- tRLenttr 9t t_h_e In. gltoemod incumbent subbed lumen no mentioned u pro- ablo succouorl to Lord Btrathebtttc The office, can!“ with tt loch! ro- spoqlibipty my Apltco it. beyond tl" Another of humantty's fearful mala- dir‘s hithrwto set down an incurable is yielding to modern BPiPnce. Pun-sh. commonly called softening of the hrain, was the cause of Insanity in 17 per Omit. of the turn mlmixted in one war to the gimp hospitals of New York and the proportion probably holds good among the insane elsewhere. Former workers in the Rockets“? Institute for Medical Rey-arch have discovered that un agent known " salvarnn injected into the spinal cam] will conquer one of the dire" scourge. of the race. and several comgleto cum of J't'il'llt are now reporto . It in no wil I'u"fti,t1e,' that 3 generation now born w u live to no the day when Inc-dict) science recou- niIeI no Inch min; u incunblo digreaae of bod): or_tpipd._ _ - _ - Faiirtriyr" in“? anlgry . Inge " The goaitlon of High Commissioner at Lon on " ttttt blue ribbon of the Cnnadiln civil sol-vies. Many distin- guished - no mgntlgngd " pro- The awful sitrniftetut" in the census shnwlng In that it rem!“ entirely to a decrease in the number of male Bulgar- bans. Yet In the face of this extraor- dinary slaughter the war splrit grows awn-e and the day is coming whon Bul- garia wilt press forwtud to regaln its lost ground and wreak \‘engeum-e upon 1303:; Tho have so nhockintriy deapoll- e or It is figured that the male populatlon of Bulgarian Macedonia was reduced In the course of hostilities from 175.800 to 42,500. In Bulgarian Thrare there are 225,000 male murvivorty out of a pagina- tion of 494.000. In the distrlct of us- tapha Pacha, to the north of Adrian- npla and close to the old ','/,'df,t1t'l frontier. 4,000 men and boys rem n out of a total of 33.000. The" "ures no only for 1lultrarttc., . . "ttl", tried every other experiment on all prisoners, including operation? on the brain for the removal of crimi- nally affected part: of the cerehrum. the theorists now propose to improve the morals ot prison inmate. by regu- lating their diet. The Process is under way at Oak- land, CI. The food furnished the pris- oners is exgerlly treated both mm to qutntity an quality. Each prlsunnr ls nudled for Mu fmmriduai tum-s und Is {Ivan such ediblos an will. In the be- lof of the exponents of the idea, in- cllno him to reform. A - u ..‘..n._..x O“:1.'\r‘v tc. fnund. lint wholly nsido from this unhappy condition of things. which will doubt. less stir the heart of the wurld Bo that 1,'1','ly," relief measures will follow, Japan cannot afford the luxury of war for many years to come. Taxer, have more» than doubled since the war with Russia and are now about thirty per cent. ot the income of buslnms men and property holders. The induutries are crippled by the lack of iron in the country and the lack of skilled labor. These are some of the handicaps set forth with much detail by a It‘t'uill ob- server, George Sherwood Eddy, in “The New Era in the East." lie de- clarea that, except an. matter of self- defence, Japan is for too poor to dream of another war for generations. He is also convinced that the recent succes- ses ot the {maple as acidic-rs. sailors and merchan a are only an outward de- velopment. and that the heart of the natiirn---thoArs the moralg. tho ethic: cum: mm uo lulu-m. Path-p9 the Oakland theory is found- ed on the proposition luld down by Mr. Bumble, the pomgous parish bundln in Dickums' "Ullvar 1wist," who declared. in an analysis of Ullver'u outbreaks. that "It isn't mu‘lmms, it's moat." This in borne out by the fact that their men- us for the prisoners largely cornprise fruits and “th articles of food which one] in nutr the qualities. However, they should remember the Injunullon of Augustine. who said: "No iuan should indie us in meat or drink. 1ti him not despise him that eateth not, an: let him not that eatuth, Judge him However, they tri Injunuuon of Angus iuan should judue 1 fd hlm not despise an let him not tht that ,attrth.." cent IIILIUII'" tAAD -.-u, ‘..-l P__'"_ei'". ., of the people-rare null under the spell ot the Mlddle Ages. ”(mung Iona by reading; that eatem." Nehuchadneuar W13 a rampadt ve- gotuian. and we all recall his curious antics. Elijah. on the other hand, was fed with tienh, and John subsisted on locusts. Meat of swine is forbidden to the gnomes of at least two religions. and sh ia the favorites dish of others. What is good for some is pnIsnn for others, nnd what makes one thin will make others fat. Just whether this dish will cause crime and tho other pro- duca a bemevolortt, kindly (imposition, ramming to be seen. nmpuon sud Samantha. Thu volcanic erudptinn and earthquake which ovrwhelme a populous city and several v Pftt in Japan in tho worn! disaster of he kind sine? tha French inland of Martinique was aid Innate in 1902, with the loss of 80,000 lives. without doubt it is the most ”wailing catastrophe in the history of ippon. Katro shims. which hauled 64.000 poo- m. a. I. modern Pompeii or Karenin- may) Dunn-n. an»... .._rT-qre. -.,..- V7" pie. in . modern Pompeii or Herculn- nrum, buried under ”he: and stones. Thousands who escaped the whirlwind of are and the rush of molten lava were drowned in the tidal wave that swept over the city. Others fled only to be trapped and 2mm; in blazing for- ests. Tho tale 0 horror may not be {at complete. for two other volcanoes n the same range have burst forth. The Bympathy of the whole world will go out to Japan in this manifold visita- tion of woe, and there is need for im- mediate aid to the multitudes of home- less refugees in a atriuken land. . The Ileana“: of 'ltu1gaMans. . At this time. When Turkey is care- fully preparing to take from Greece what was forced from the Ottoman Empire by duress of arms by the Ila!- kan allies. and when the heart of the tsutrerintr, destitute and frenzied Bul- garian is racked with the bttternnss of venom toward Sonia and Greece, the heart of man is bowed with grief over the shocking spectacle presented by the dexastations resulting from a de- sire to place the cross above the cres- we This reiidie household remedy has broken up thousands of bucking, per- sistent coughs. which were just as troublesome as yours, and what it has done forsomany others it will do for you. Mit KEEP tit MlMillttlf Do you twin the danger in a neglected cough? Then why on't you gut rid of it? Yes, you can shake itotf, even though it has stuck to you for a long time, if you go aspt.lt nigh}. . . . . Keep out in the fresh air " much " you can, build up your strength with glen” of wholesome food, and take a-Dm-Co Syrup of Linseed. Licorice and Chlorodyne. Na-Dm-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne contains absolutely no harmful an: a. and so can be given safely to chfldren. as well as a ults. Your physician or druggist can confirin this statement, for we are ready to send mom on request a complete list of all the ingredients. Putin; in Me. Ind 50c. bottles by the Nations Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada. Limited. 311 HAIR REtbYORRR Your Gray Hair can he re- stored to its Natural Color. Comment on Events 'tttnv "3" T"'"'" " itt " At all Druggl-to .00. . Bot: Fha_ptes_ertt.je.,.p1tiiAptseat: LU BYS ance before your time? 1km0liemh1ulm'lltk" FW"rWTtit Scout. of Punk. Ovens": Juan. By utlng $66111}? 'd"iairiii"rTird He de- of self- .) dream He in Winnim‘g. it. L-caah;--Wheat. No. 1 Northern. M ' No. t Northern. M78e; No. 8 Northern 82 7-8c: No. 4, 711-4c: No. l5. 701-26: No. t. 65 1930;. No. 1 rejected loads. 81 ltr, No. r "jaded locdl. 7914.0: No. 3 113th seeds. 77 1Ar, No. 1 amutty. 81 I-N; - o. 2 ',"dl%; " 1-70; No. 3 granny 71120; No. 1 rod mm. a “a No. 2 red Winter, 34 Mo', No. 3 red Wivwr. B? 7-80. ‘Oatl. No. 2 c.w., as Tbe; No. 3 own 520; extra No. 1 food. 32 L40; No. l Med, 31 34-0: (No. 2 food. Mo Barley. No. 3, " 3-4c: No. 4, 401-40; rejected. 381-20; teed. 38e, Flax, No. 1 N.W.C. 5127 1-4; No. 2 C. W., 01.24 1-4; No, 3 C.W., $t.tt " nelrby tortitatioo 111023 on Wednesday. Five sold“ one civilian were killed end nine other: W511 Italian Soldiers Killed and Serious- ly Wounded. A despntch from Genes, my. up; A ptyyder. magsdpop the Gets Sewn Years for Allowing Pri- soner to Escape. A despntch from Winnipeg says: Fix-Constable Robert J. Reid, (we of Krafehcnko's guards, and selb. confessed participant, in the plot which effected Krafchenko's escape, appeared before Sir Hugh John Macdonald, police ma istrate, on Thursday morning, uni was cen- tenoed to seven yen: in the Peni-. tentiuy. t "I ho.pis that others may be help- ed by Dodd'. Kidney Pins. I am well known here, and anybody who wishes more particulars of my cure can have them by writing me and enciosing stamps Mreply.” _ _ ’Dodd’; liidniy Pills nVver fail to cure any form of Kidney Disease. “I inherited my Kidney Diva-3e from my parents,” Mr. Burkett states. "I Waa touched by a doctor, and tried various medicines, but it was not till about eighteen months ago when I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills that I got any per- manent relief. "Since then I have not felt any effect of my old trouble, and I feel that t,y,h1t,trt2etl with Kidney Disease will benefited bv the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills it they tol. low directing clqsely. _ _ _ Dresden, Ont., Feb. 2.--(Special). .-Whethor Kidney disease is here- ditary or not is a member of opin- ion. Mr. Samuel Burkett, a well known resident of this place, is convinced that he inherited his from his parents. He knows that Dodd's Kidney Pills cured it,. Mirtnoapoliir, Feb. 3, Wheat, 891-8 to 891-4c: JuYy, 90 3:4 to 90 7-80 asked. Cash: No. 1 hard. 91 " to 91 5-80: No. 1 Nttrthnrn, 881-8 to 90 No: No. , Northern, 651-8 to 875-80. Corn, No. 3 Vonow, 58 to 58140. Corn, No. g yellow. tA to " t-4e. Oats, No. , white. " 1-2 m " 8-4". Duluth, Feb. 8.--Wlteat, No. 1 hard, 890; No. 1 Northern. Me; No. 2 North- ern, Me; May. no to 90 1-80: July, " 3-Rc. Linseed, cuh. $1.50 1-8; Mar, 81.63 1-8; July. 81.55 1-8. BUT DODD’S KID‘XEY PILLS ALWAYS CURE IT. Tenor-m. Feb. 3.-tr1our-0nurio vb.“ tour, MI per omit., b3.66 to 0360. ”aboard. and " 33.55. Tommi». grisnrtottsr--nrrt ”tent; in Jute has, $5.00; do., -tonda, .90; 9mm: when; in was bun. 04-70- ' aniwba wheat Vlmy ports. No. t turtherv. 96 his. and No. 2. 94 Lac; truck. Goduavh All mil. tio. 1 Northern. “.01; No. 2. ”up. A _ -- - - Ruled hnr--No. 1 quotod at 014.50 to I ton. on track hm: No. 2 quoted " to 215.50, ma mind u, 012 to 011.50. Huh-d struvvCu' Cote, '8.50 to $8.N, truck. Toronto. "H.orir. , ti.ys "tir" $5.36 a? Esra? 0mm; £15323 val, 88.75 to tit; common, " to Minna”. Fab. 8.---PNmtt been... 7 3-4 Dresden Man, Who Inherited Trou- ble, Finds Speedy Belle! and Per. manent Cure in Dodd's kidney Pills. CONSTABLE REID SENTENCED. Wtatrio when Prices of No. , no I? to 88c, outaidm and n to ”a on truck, To. romo. Oats, No. 2 ontario m“. Me, “um. and at 38 to some on mi. Toronto. Want" Cum one, 40 1-20 tor No. L and at, no tor No. 2. Bay not“. Harley M to 560. out-m. Cort, New No. 3 American, No, all all. Toronto. ttye- No. , at 63 to “a. ouuido. Buckwhoatr--No. t " " to tio, Hui-MO. Bran-Manitoba bum. 081.50 . ton, in bun. Toronto freight. sum. .24 to "4.60. Toronto. Montreal. Fab. 8.---PNtmt beevrar, 7 3-4 to ' 1-20; medium, 5 34 ttt 7 1-20: Cum- mon. 4 to ' 1-20; much cows. $40 to '75 each; cakes. 4 I-t to Te; sheep. about 5 I-tu; lambs, about So: hogs, about 100. Kidney Trouble "Péiiioéib'u't'irfé. ii, Fii. bu. on tuck. and Indium“ at no to Mio, on track, in our tttgg, Moon~non5 Ittg 15 to 16o 0150 his or -ilhort cut, mm. $24.50. mmsa-Mtsdittnt to 181-30: heavy, " to trt-N; 161-20: brvaklut bacon. 18 to tt, to Mo. Toronto, Fob. 3.---Cuttle T"" Good but- rlwrs. " to ".35: medium. " to $7.50: convpgg, " ttt IM', chptyt sown. 10.50 Bunch Choice dairy. u to “c: inforior. 20 to 21e; hrmon' noun-“of pr nu. " to t6e: creamery printa. to to Me', ”Ma. ct to thr, “out. prints. " to Mot wilds. as to M lac. _ _ _ Egg. (‘ule Iota of now-laid, Ah, var dol- en: storage. when, " to 800. Ind nuance. 32 to Mo gar down. Choose -'r ow 01180.0. Mi.t to " 34° tor lane. Ind 150 for was. _ Bt?e--mutd-piched, O2.” to 02.15 D» Chm -tiiri. chum}. Mi.t Iareo, Ind 150 for twin. Btwta--mutd-piched, .2.” tryholt pgimee. 18lil. .. _titrrdr-rturoea, 14r4ts, um, 14 14 3-40. St: "itoiifrrc-FaTrCi'f G 1'53"“: 13.? auce. em. 16 to 1hv, duclo. " to Mc; some, " ¢o_150; turtera, " y: tN. " _ . PRICES (lf fllllll Mlllllllt "irai/rr-irrGUtdii,"fn tine, 11 to an per lb. for No. 1; combo, " to $3.25 W. down tor Np. l, 5nd_u:4_o to 12.60 for“ o. t.. A . "tees " cut". cum. Chub. an: (NIH "an“. a: Mom. uni tit-1‘ KEFORYI 'lBI fill LIADINS TRIO. CENTRE! OF AIERICI. ii; "N; Muir," Nf ahhGrtiidrtitr/ tioa to b, .o.b.: 89.25 to $9.50 " can. Culvetr--- MAGAZINE EXPLODED. seriously wounded. United Into- Kuhn 231.4 83y Ind Straw. Live ltock Ina-knit. Country Imam. Winnipeg Grim. I'm-mun. trovillonl. ls Hereditary? Gi'.' Ib., in 28.601 do., " mm. It will. 15 w IN,' back» ltr, pull $16 $13 on “Tho ttrrt or loo-i rate in tive t'ettttt tor the at". pound and one cam, for ouch " ditions] pound or fraction thereof, up to ' tour pounds, sud two oenta for each sub. ‘muent pound in to Mon-n pounds within . radiul of twenty mile. an tho place of mailing, trel," of provincial boundu'iel. This I to [in local mer. clunu an “hunt-1:0 within their own neighborhood and a ,"r,',"gg Ind raf- dnnora who run “to the ml! for pond ling produce to their local market at a " lulu. In the Agriculture Department the detailed Votes include: 3770.000 for experimental farms, an im‘rI-ase of $110.00): for the entore.rrient uf the Destructive Insect Art. 8.31M 000; dovelopment of dairy Ind fruit indulforiu, $225,000; cold Image 4snoouragemeatt, $200,000; health of minds, 0500.000; administration Tho largest increases no 81,- 266,500 under agriculture. 01.911,- 640.75 under postman. $250,958.22 in provincial subsidiea, $383,550 under immigration, $405,533.33 un- der trade and commerce, 6745.570 under runways. $584,041.67 In civil government and $1,738,013.32 on account of public debt, including sinking fund. During the fiseal you ending March 81 last the total authorimd expenditure was $184.196,31T, but of this amount newly 840,000.000 was left unexpended. During the you which closes March 31 next the expenditures on largo natiorul undertakings and in conucrtion with investments bu been very heavy. A Geq ltd: trom Ottawa at”: A memo mkiggxc the? method. uni worn"! .ot the u" glared: you "Mom has been tq. cued tir, on. L. P. Pannier. maul” a.ergg'g,ttttd, f " .. ttor condor n (at! a 0" plane of the parcel: post question M patuuur-gcneru has decided to Adopt the Ion. ”Item In ”in; mm! pout at. on amount ot the (not no. om which dbtrlbunon has to be undo la Chand- sad the oomnuntlnu nun-o 99291310} of the Dominion. m . In nu won tiaod that would not can“ too {not I Ion to the donut- mu tn outrun; pumi- trom on. and of tho Domin n to tho other. or mu "on the mtntry provinm P? we “Irony DamoJoodn wen ordaed from a dew mom “or". Tho former can and I oern more than 20 mile. dmwnt. it mu can about 5 centl a pound tor posts; Virtually Burned the Entire City! of Lion Chow. A despatch from Shanghai, China, says: A force of 2,000 ban. dits on Thursday sacked and l)iirn-. ed virtually the entire city of Lion Chow, in Ngan-Hwei Pr0\inc¢-.l W. Entwhistlo, of tho China Inland I Mission, with his wife and children, moceedcd in escaping to Luchnw- Fu, but the Catholic missionaries are still in the looted city, and it is believed they have not been in- jurtrd. Tho brigands apparently are connected with the bands com- manded by "White Wolf," who have for a, considerable time been ranging the eastern part of Honnn Province. A delpstch from Otto's. an: A reduction of almost $12,000,000 u compared with the expenditures authorized for last year " the con- spicuous feature of the main esti- mates for the fuetsl you 1914-15 which were tabled in the House on Thursday evening. The trend total is $190,735,176.42, as compared with $202,tm6,166.ly9 last year. Ot this total $146,786,124.42 ls on consoli- dated account on}! A43 949 050 is chargeable to capital. this largest decrease, that of $3,'r03,702.48, is under the head.of public works chargeable to income. There is a decrease of $150,000 in the Naval Service appropriations, another of $138,750 under railways and cans]: (income), $114,214.10 under miscel- lsneous, and a, decrease of $71,905 under militia. 'iii-iii- PARCELS NSI' 3mm out to m. tho raw would be too high for oomparstively abort duh-nu- or "on between Pointe within the unn- province. tad the only practical plum aground to be tho limo 'ttom, urfer whit; the ram "0n mum. of the 1t'f,'J'iety pa"- tion of the province. of Gun-- and their ttrNpghrgiyhtt,tlr,, the - 095!!! when tho Maritime provinom "Q van! Orr. ed to on. it In totitut that (In prodnoinl boundaries would be the most oonvenHnt to adopt an the “111.526 of tho mum. and ',1',','t,tnllr, the rum were tix" by urn» vines. I Inst“- the ayatom a vary simple one, much guin- to folhw nun ttttyou, 'rttrumlred upon mileage alone. "A oprrel 0' 11 pounds cu be qtettt so mils fox- t cent:- I pound end this ulmu}d the the farmers a 'diiiiihi" manage m mutating as? and other pet-Mable mat- tcr. It V II I no [he I decided “vantage to the country merchant over the depart» mental norm. The farmer can .eund on: (node in parcel. up to 11 pound» to hir ouawmcmva, I '"'t"? pound while if tlw Ric-“cm - iiiltuYrie%sFdtiik iirTtii, aTiiiiia' I Ducal will have to be our“. Brant county councillors again reject the proposal to join with other western Ontario commie: to 'ecure an Industrial Prison Farm. Guns in the fortreil near St. Pe- torsburg were fired all night to warn people of their danger when a. cyclonic storm drove the water of the Gulf of Finland into the river New and flooded the lower quarters of the city. THE FEDERAL ESTIMATES: Grand Total for the Year I9l4-15. as Tabled In the Mouse on Thursday, ls $190,735.!76 Provincial Boundaries Zones-Local Rnus Wlll Ard pIy for Twenty Miles From Each Post office 1.932003}. trom 9Mewa a9”: Aumom}: ”Hugh OI... ProeTt-.hortrt. Condo. .or_-.too. 0.00. “090 tf,,"d%I',er,', any bo withdrawn say tin. um one "If on 4”.- nion... Duh-I a . ch of a». Bond. unab- lilhd I nun. land " add Lu" ntrd fun pmwulon. NATIONAL SEOURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED CHINESE BANDITS Provincial "ttttV Jyi'AlNll1f,llii1Ct,.!llll,Liiilll),il,',r Large Inc-roams. QONFIDIIATIOI LIFI IUILOIIO . TORONTO. OAIAIA TORONTO ditlonat" bound 4 nu. Pt, j §3£;"1;.m°"q;€m. ' 'l win...“ Tltf tiF, a: I“ Mdmrabir lit,?. lam for the “It and you weigh. of I puvll. "Th. 1 In WM: um may 6 oom- for ouch on an 1"hf the province Cd 'llR's"t"i - m: p 1!]ch u out! I m I {out wut " in (C out “0. hat u n be to ti. geittaattoar, y! m. pm. tsl, up to a In!!!“ dum ot The Railway Department "tlu mate: include:- New harming]. d Hnlihx. $2,600,000; vhuh and docks, Halifax, 0100.000; instills. tion of block And telephono IyI-' tents, £164,000; new on ferry 3nd dock at Port» Milan». 0066,“; new rolling stock, 81,000,000; eut- em extension in Hnlihx County, "i0,000. For the Hudson Bay Rsilwa, terminals and elevators, the vote in $4,600,000; for the Nuioud Trun- continentd, 88,000,000; Quebec Bridge. 33,000.000; Welland Canal, 04,000,000; Luchine Canal i rove- ments, $215,000; Trent (71:3: ti,- 000.000. 12...ifititi" "3:36nt Public Works estimator include the following capital expenditures for the continuum of works " ready in progress on harbors and rivers: Toronto harbor, 01.000000; French River improvements, "to, OOO; St. John harbor “5.000.000. and a million each for works " Victoria. Vancouver, Quebec and Port Arthur and Fort William. Public buildings votes are llrgely for tho Imnller class "maul-n, and practically all re-votes for tho continuance ot works already in prone“. "Tho "Huh-0d of finafue the rate OI ."y parcel 1.. our.“ 01mph. Batq M: will he lurnulhd L all gonna-WI! an for diabrlhumm to the u Ite, than Wa I 17tTg an! for tbt ”Minot. OI th var in ttiron the Amount ot - t-luu-gv-ahle on yld pun-J up to I t ot 11 pounds with u tho provinoo In w I a parcel in pan“! and to all other UN Hurry- of the Dommkm. of Meat and Canned Fond Act/ $240,000; development of the live dock industry, $400,000, tn in-f emu of $200,000, "When . put»! I. mum-d tho Don-I0 ur new from Kudzu" tho product a which lt bu to curl-d. attd . I‘ll”. at thin and chow him, without liking HR, tasuuauttott, uh: the was. grt The ftert nu I. five oom- fof mum pound and one cont for out " pound. or [ration men-09f I. 9o to" A delpntch from Philadelphiq say-z Because of the unusually mild westher, tom of the 1!)er cite ooal producing compMziu an“ greatly reducing their output. The Ranging Company’s oollieries, and! playing 30,000 men, closed down on' Wednesday night for the remainder! of the week. On Thursday the ool/ lieriea of the Suaquelunnn. God Company, . Pennsylvania [hill-3n corporation, Iuspended opentiom until Mend: . Miners any they cannot 1‘0an Inch long oontinuod‘ mild weather at this season of tho. Under the Agricultural Instruc-. tion Act the provincitl vote. in: Onhrio ................ .230,368.83 Quebec ................ 1t)T,400.ur, Nov: Booth ........... 01,144.09 New Brunswick . ... . ... 40,407.90 Prince Edward Illuld . 27,882.81. British Columbia ...... 58,700.31 Manitoba .............. ilthirille Snukntchewnn “up... 1li'.1'f/.'d,t Alberta .........unn.... Mil.4i"i Veterinary colleges .... 90,000.00. 'Thd'iwi't rid u had tor do kttt to where tho Intel" u pound. in! pound in to b. ton otautq and not tuddk tiotutl pound tour oenta. For an adj-cont pNVInoo the rum ot Urn omtta tor tho ttenrt round Tritt IUD”. but for push addition! _w_und ou. our! A demand: from Berlin uysz‘ There wu an annual event " Rumor, in Silesia, on Thur-day.‘ when two volt-on were executed for murder. They VON beheaded b the use, in ”canine. with a... pauudn. and um can. for end - uncut. pound I? to 11 pounds. within I radius of to mt at from the a!” ot huh Lug: erpmuvo 9f praying!“ Jremrlar.it Pruuiui custom. eharro at two eqttU will be {not-0d, - inn the run ton out. toe the am. poundl and " cant- tor each cub-quota pound: Beyond tho province adJolnluc the on. in which A parcel in mulled. tn Maiden 'wo noun a pound will be Impound tot ma. province the has. ta ho run-ed ta he denim-Mon ot the panel. up to t ,uuxxmum of 12 cent. a pound. Pennsylvania Coal Mines Are Shh (In; Down. They Were Executed in Gerunyi for Murder. 'otal RED UCING OUTPUT. WOMEN RICH}? l BED. lulu at In”. ck ........ Mllluld . nbin ...... 1 '.'0...' 'e..'..'.'.. 111632. .... . . . ' $800,000.W it n tret

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