West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Feb 1914, p. 4

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w Beretta- C I“!!! - Gut Guns & Brushed Brass w W Soto a My “a PM" Lcnum- Goods, Hand Bags, a'. lung Ivory. See them Puts“ wallets, etc s.wastsr'eatr:eert:":1""""""""""rf.. .9 What to Give and ill., " Where to Get it w iii, ripesJotucco w s.otrera'Sugtr1tes .1; t0. " st: t, The Central Drug Store 'ii, g! Buy your Sale of Ho an save you 60 per cent on name guumteod to be No. 1 quality. The have to move out within the next 10 do room for new stock. Bo don't allow ttd ity to pass by without purohuing a pair. Men's Rubbers F - - 3§333é3399 iae) .a:e,,:aa:e,/.ec99.e 353W It you have not bought your Heavy Rubbers yet, call and sec W. L. Saunders. w.‘ I' -"-s""- v- v bod rattan. on m. h the y !.'te...ithteyA.'tf,' m plow? tension: untou- 4.m and mum. Prom-tun " and all ran! sentinel}: averted " %t Fhtiilit' 'tl m c on a new mm. co n o 'llsa Jailed to my addr.ss. 4ellaa'B'dd Co.. It. WIIIOI. on. Electric Restorer for 53‘. 500 tons of No l Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY at $25 per ton 2f."t John McGowan Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop at $23 Large Quantity orllty l Feeding hay Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry_Flour AllJinda ot grain bought on Flour Every window and every do" where be equipped with The specially designed and tsp-to- adopted for eff actually preventing 1 that, rain or dust at any kind, that} “no throughout the building. --.- Settle the Question Now - Quality, Class end. Low Prices our line u the finest in old Grey. Why deny yoursell the maximum of comfort at the minimum of up“. All metal-weather strip costs less, is in mote " ioctin than atom not and is a permanent intuition. requiring no removal. loot public buildings in large omen are equipped with it. Awning“ spocily it, the Governmont demands it. Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Write, Phone or Call. CR'MPBD OATS for Horse Feed at $23 per ton CHOPPEDOATS at............ $23 perton THE pE0PLE'S MILLS r-u a St. Bridge ' G. Furber dk Go. V _ --e- -- 'd Fresh and Clean at [4.50 off car. See this tiay before porch-sing elsewhere. It will pay you. Very lit-d1 one Evils bag guarnntsed. bringitt back and get your See the display In Ills window. Enhance dutifully given. EVENTUALLY All-Metal Weather Strip 'iiii2Yii5iiegit - " , nco I t "Th . I“. 4ttllaa'B'dd 'igrtau'fl1 . ticket. here. Why Not Now SAUNDERS at market price. and Feed in ton lots 'itiiiiiis,i, shilloh3iiilh., ' given. _ Work guaranteed Inuhctued and installed by DURHAM. ONT Fancy China, and lost but not length. greatest ofrer ever made in the country Until our stock of Hot Water Boga are sold we will allow 50c on your own bottle, nay nape, any color. - don't make ony iutrerence whore you bought It-- on a pur- chase of Central Drug state guaranteed hot water hot- tte. Merry Chxistnae to all I up-to-dato method now generally sting entry of all draught, snow, thoreby insuring an even temper- 'assszszsssssssssma"% 12 _ a: bbers Tttttl i Ieavy Rubbers yet, has? l io Le ily u hm. m Rubbers that are "ttti j 1'. These Rubbers boyo mi 10 days to make 3'3; allow this opportun- g a pair. Q oml THE SHOEMAN If not satisfactory money. ever made of wood will 733m: (074075." A new for Group and Win. Couch Special Reduction Ely: Furlgdm The Week in Provincial Politics (Speeiel to the Review. ) Opening of Lecteletnre Februery 10th bee been fixsil as ( the date for the opening of the Outer io Legielemre. it is not thought like- ly that " Jeuee Whitney will be able to be in the House this Beseion end Ben. J. J. Fey. the senior mem bar of the Council end acting Prune {manner will take hie piece ea leader ot the Home. Quite unueuel intereet hoe oppor- ently been eroueed throughout the province by the reeulte of the voting en the Canada Temperance Act on Jan, 29. The chief eeuee fer this keen interest is the unexpectein lerge ‘mejority in the County of Huron in fever of the Act end egeinet the li- quor traf%. The mejonty was 2.568. The Act also was corned in both the other counties where the question wee up for detinotv--Pool and Wellend. 1n the latter county the mejority was only 80 and in Peel it was M, There wrlldoubtless bee re-count and liti- getion in Welland. I Two Important Movemente 1 Two of the importent developments 'soi modern timer--tl" labor movement and the women tn-ent-were dealt With by Mr N. W. Bowell in 3 recent speech et Victorie College. Mr Howell paid e warm tribute to Allen Hed,.',','",',',': the only labor representa- tive in the House end declared that l he himself looked (award to the day l when there would he a score or more r i labor members in the legislature. In regard to the women Mr Howell thought that whatever our own arms may be, the forces of this age were tending to tho procuring for women their share in the management of the country’s affvrs, He thought par- tioularly that untried women, other- wise qualified, should be given the Ciiiitii,i,i franchise. " A married lwoman 8t he said, " Instead of being handicapped by her marriage should be bonused by the State." Favors and Abolition Mr George Wilkie, a wsslMrnownl . Toronto lawyer. speaking at the Belle- ville Liberal Club, under the auspices of the Speakers’ Bureau of the Liber- al Club Federation, declared that al though not a temperance man he was absolutely in favor of the Abolish the Bar policy of the Liberal party and I thought that the introduction of such (a reform would most decidedly be m ,lthe public interest. He also made a lplea for radicalism in politicl. In a recont letter to the Globe from Norman Lambert, their oorropondent in the West, there occurs this para. graph maturing lncidly the depression existing in the west. $k The rotundas of the larger hotels ere quiet In! empty ; the ueuelly bury ofiieialg as the immigration hell are enjoying e moment of peace ; the big atom are not vieited by their accus- tomed crowd: of cultomere ; the trad- ing on the grain and etoek exchange: in light; the telegreph operetorl can tall you the: they are not sending one mus-go for every ten that were sent . year ago; and everywhere one can (point to curtailment. end signs of re. itrenehment.” All this, Mr Lumbert alys. is be. cauae the crop of 1918, Iuoceuful though n was, has not restored the Western Province! to their old-time prosperity: In flat, tfthe corn crop - - -» . . PM . - [,1 .._A t..-, tr""'"-".'. -"-" ,, . - of the L'nlsed Stolen bed net been greatly reduced through failure, prices for wheat would he" been so low that l the much felted crisis in Western Canada lest Autumn would have been inevitable. As it was. the average price of when. Number 1 Northern, at Winnipeg during the first four months of the presan crop season. was four cents per bushel less than that of the corresponding period last season. County Council Busy with January Session Candi Temperance het Owing to the delay occasioned by l some at the members forgetting their eertifUBtes, the county cannon did not get down to business until Wednes- day atternoon. After the Warden had been elected and had taken the when. the committee was appointed " to strike the mending (',otntnltteSt, tor the your. Alter reading the com- auuiusat'tttrrs including the reports of School Inspectors Barge“. of North) Urey and Campbell. of South Grey, the council ndjonrned until Thursday lnftornoon " two o'clock. On Thurs- day the report ottho Committee to strike the standing committees of the your wot presented and passed no recommended . The chuirmen of the cemmltteeo for 1914 ore " follow: Ii'inBtttMs--A. E. Cordlnzly. Shallow ILahe; Rondo end bridges-R. U. 183101, Norgnnby L. Qounty anl'ty .--ata, A. Lemon, It. Vincent; Edn- "tter-W. H. Sing, Mouton! ; Print, inr--Rolrt. Beat, Thorn-urn Nut. miutieations and Ila-origin --Elli" Lemon, Owon Sound; Home of Re- fuo--iro)u,t Luau. Owen Sound ; Wade-‘- Committee-Dr. J , A. Her- shey. Wren Bound. Alto! the Wordon had mounted " oddreoo. outlining tho work ba- toro tho oooooll this you. the clork read the communications, which in- clndod the rooignotion of Ir J " " Lnohlon from tho taboo! board, on applieatipn tram the Grey County Beard ot Agriculture for o aroma! $300 to anoint in puttlog on on exhibit " tho Toronto Fruit and Honey Show, 1opplicotiono tor grouto to two poultry 11efif,tie, report“ Monger Bin. clolr of the Home of Rotate showing I Signs of Retrenchment FEB. 5. 1914 h' ii,, 'tetsietts . ton: of 36 Inmates in the Home this Bu, I en ru " n gen-h of Ivlt‘neh T ere from Owen --- ii? no . . - . b:ldl Jioif'y,t,ut',"u12i'ihHlet Well Mr Editor, as some umehuta sable, whieh has” to become ve- 2r12l'ldV, 'tttt pip: 'l'l'ld a GI ' tl",'."'"' of Inspector Btaff of East 1 paper, we thought we would send . , few thls week. " Mr McLeod. ot Fluherton. addrew . ed the council tirdiryt the Govern-i Mr Allan Mew.ll.tu1, of Guellphl.) 2t t meat grunt to Prieoville School. In lted recently " " parenta om I 1912 the school bout had been order. here. . . . 1 ed to "t tannin equipment in order Mr Archie McMillan has Installed I I to quelity tor the grant. Although fltie new range in his heme iron: Mr ', it had the same equipment as Flesh- Jatstt McArthur. erton mhool. which bad received the A number of the youth and beauty grant unountlng to $200. the grant of our burg spent an "j Jolt eve- waa not forthcoming. 'The board nl.g at the home of Mr Arable Me- rgd “sewed the grant for 1013, at ICuaig, Top Cliff. g"aW,t'.g't'h,l""RT0lh", “11.3% Mr Jar McLean and m .05 SW3; the mutter before Mr fluff mm- to!) PM!“ We.” txtistytsawiyttw, IPGClor but IO far had received no with their engine Ind “w for ia") nnilfntory explanntim. Mr utstr, A. Pe/l/tu': . ' . t, who was present. explained that be Misg Uh. MCMlllan. ot Prieeville, I had taken the matter up with the do ispsnt the week end at her home I pertment but could get no anti-fao- hero. . ' torv reason why the grant was not Mr Michael McMillan, accompanied a forthcoming. The matter was re- by MFAIOX MeViear spent the week l terred to the Education Committee. li.ri in Kenilworth. Wonder what's on.” .nm-mxinn hos. S y Mr Binnie. Secretary ofthe Grey County Board of Agriculture, asked the council tor a grant ot $300 to we Board for the purpose of putting on m oxmbit at the Toronto Fruit and Money Show. "Last yearhs exhibit Was a splendid sauce», and the coun m... - "r""-'" -__-, """W ty Won more prizes than any other county represented at the exhibuion The tonncil adjourned until this af- zernoun. Mm Era Blyth has returned from hot visit with trieuds in Paisley. Mr Wm. Bugle has taken a posi- ticn in the Dumam Farmlare factory. Miss Lizzie Allen is home from Toronto. She intends taking a few wvekl rest belore returu‘ng tome all y WKanber from Durham and 1'p,1tt'i11it,.' tor a few dgys, :me en- the. vicinity ot Prioeville spent Ivy.) joy ed “gr visit very much. movable nigat at tho “WWW Mr Thus. 11ellae is visiting in Tor. home of Mr and Mrs Wm. Meuntam ‘outo at present. Iast'0ursday. Miss hlt'lie Mcmuau “holidaying A (doodly nurnbar from ”Band here l at W. U. Itietttxrdsttn'ts. utteu ed thetunc 1110er mm lull . . , Mrs Dan McCormick was laid up Ire".: The (teamed ',r,t,'hN1/d,1, rl.) a? l top a week mud a half with la grippo. tor. ma:y Petr' Imue respec' ff The Drs, had to»! hope tur her re- residentot thus leech-y and his mt: uovery butthe people are pleased to and family hae, the heartfelt syn1- w hervarouud {Kiln patby ottheirt'ortaer neighbors. lt Mr Dan 1u','iiii of Schreiber. Mum] Mrs bus. Cooper: 9f Ctr- 10m., is visiting at his home here. lyle, Saul, who are on a visit to the Glad to a“ on back again Dan. form") pa'reririspipappdts,n: spenta M A 11ho, M A h w 3 via"- dsy with Mr and firs John Kerr. ." r 131mb: “-fU“ Iri, 2m: ti; While the retsertthsw lessened the i'lf, (l/ed'."' le, 1 t', om. . y road traffie ton considerable extent l. . P '.. . . n r - A- L..- " am a... hrino “my Miss Magma bulhvan " homefrolp While the recon thaw lessened the toad traffie to a considerable extent for a few days, itdid not bring any rest to our “or by blacksmith. Mr Robert Glad. who has been particu- larly busy ever since. any uuuy Oval. unuuv. The Granger: held an openmtet- Mr Alex Mchcar And D. Dunbar in: last Thumb) night. We under- spew. a. plenum cveumg at l, Aud- stand thete was-quite a "mnber pres- ernon's the u..her night. ent. Mr 'Murrlson, orgaiu‘Iz r, wast Wonder what "uraetion has Maur- the printsips1 speaker [he 0e'rlieis gut on this hue. He has been part ot tbo program Wag elven by lawn driving around several times. local Lnlem. 1 Better change the, bells Maurice! Mr Norman Kerr's mi l-yaru. io ' . . . . . which was un nicnly c}_e_enrud gaff last ohig, Piti2l,fiT.11i" '5 “mm“ Mr Norman Kerr‘s mill-yaru, l which was all nicely cleared eff lasi‘ tall, is again being tilled with saw I logs, shingle, lath timber. ete. This: indicates another busy season lot; Norman, who has been a. very busy l L‘Ulluuu, "nu ”an '.rFi9r.- w _ - man since coming to Varney Rev. Mr Kendell preached hist’are- well sermon last Sunday to Knox congregation. In spite of the stormy day quite a large numbnr turned oat to hear him. The sermon was very approprine. We are sorrv to lotus Mr Kendell, but hope our loss will be his gain. The Ladies' Auxiliary of Knox church met at the home of Mrs D, McIlvridelaat Wednesday. Quite a number were present and all enjoyed the meeting. The C. B. Society of Knox intend holding an entertainment in the church on Wednesday.1“eb. 11th. Dromore choir is expected to take part and some talent trom Ayton. Mr and Mn A, Pettigrew are visit- ing at present with Mr and Mrs Jas, Petty. Mr and Mrs John Leith and Mr and Mn Jno, Morica spent an even- ing recently with Mr and Mrs G. Shgrp. _ -- _ , t “Elana Mr] Jun. Backus are visit- 1" iug friends in Arthur and Fergus and k other plnces. 'i Mr and Mrs Geo, Sharp spell! “l plenum. evenlng recently with 1lr) and Mrs P. Patterson. I Mrs Petbigmw. Sn. and Mrs John I Murieespeut a plnasztm atteruoon re- comly with Mrs John Birr. I I Mrs J Andorsou and children spent In: week with her sister, Mrs Thoa. Moore. Mn. R. Eater visited with her daughter Mrs J. Little near Dandalk recently. NORTH-EAST NORMANBY Edge Hill U S. S. hat new a Home Study Dow. with 20 members. There have blwn a number of par- ties around here recently and those who attended repon a. good time. A week Igo F. idny night Mr. and hits G Ritchie: had a lunqtrom D 'r- ouch, another from Zion and the young pooplo of Edge Hill. Lust. Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McNaliy Ind a load (tom Zion and their near- "t neighborl. The name night Mr. and In Jon Atkinson entertained a large gathering " their home, Duncinc is the chief amusement. 108 NOX A COLD 108 is the number of the prescription once snblcrihed hy a wonderful doctor. It slop: u cough, relieves ”than. and la ttood for all lung and throat trouble. The boot cough medicine for children , try it. Me per bottle, All drug store- VARNEY EDGE HILL HM ' my Miss Maggie Sullivan is home from Mr British leumha. Her many triends cu- are glad to see her baex uua someone , Wears smiles since she arrived. Ulvn Anv......_. _ A number of the youth, and beauty 1 of our burg spent an enj nynblp eve- fling at the home of Mr Archie Mc- Uuaig. Top Cliff. Mr Jar McLean and son. of Swin- ton Park, Ipem adny sawing wood with their engine Ind saw for John ir. McMillan. . n ' A --t0.. Mr Michael McMillan. accom by Mr Alox McVicar spent the end in Kenilworth, Wonder the attraction boss ? Mr P. J. Haley had a bee cutting logs on Wednesday Int. and cuter- tamed a number ot bistricudl that evening. Arrival too late for last Item . Well Mr Editor, as it is . long gime muse you have heard ft om our little burg, Inhongh: I would write a. few Items this week. Mr Andrew Meagher, cf Regina, is visiting at his parental homo bore and he looks as it the west agreed with him. Miss Tens McDonald was visiting at her anelo's, Mr T. McKeown, tor a tew days last wank. Mrs mm MeViear was visiiing in Pricevilie tor a few duys. She en- jtyed hcr visit Very much. M155 Eilie Black. accompanied by amend, visitrd friends around the Centre one night last week. - What has happened to the Scotch- town correspondent? Wa would like to hearlrom them. We would like to know what attraction Flossle has when she goes to Priceville so often. Mt Donald Black visited over at Marehison'ts on Sunday last. I % Lana; taE.eohnit)'isWelrlyNasrs :33: Eggâ€"5W scoTcP"v? . gaagagzxaammamsmmmgé u a GLENELG CENTRE I Ana: Have you bought an Overcoat yet 't Have you seen our 11 x f Flannelette Blankets 't Try Mckeehnie's pure soap, 8 cakes for Me. The Highest Prices for Produce Departmental Store, so that they can be sold at re Ceylon tea, "Star of India" the l Lightof Asia...-....... 35e A large stock of Sa'ada Tea Made If not see our prices are right. at 1.35? new stock of Shoes in newest designs for last week t stock of Fresh Groceries bought closely on good roomy fitting lasts. Just the thing for Zero weather. ' & J, MdiUl0Hlflffil stock before bioing. The quality is good and the be sold at reasonable prices. A new stock of the of India" the best in the market at the money--25c pd o?ir, perfect......--- 36c EEHEEEEEE The Aristocratic When we reed in the Poultry Journals of hem that no valued from ibre to ten thousand dollars, we be. gin to reelile the! the hen is gettmgimo the piatooratie class. As a money mnkcr she has become I top notch". Just now vour hem should be turning out dal. lure for you. If this is not the ones encounge them with some of the poultry foods and egg makers we handle The Old Woman The Down Town Shoe Store. EGGS TAKEN AS CASH MacFARLANE & co. R. Town Offices muter poultry Custom vruggists what "ll oppli" W. 515-3335533333 355 333% 5-: Perfect.......... Work and Repairing as usual. We gramme: good satisfaction and Excelsior Condition Powders It is best Because The shoe is more attractive than the one who rccupies it. In fact many oi her troubles would have disappeared if she had provided her large family each with a pair of our reliable Boots or Shoes Our stock is large. prices small, quality con- sidered. Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery It close prices. Trunks. Suitcases, Clubbegl. Telescopes. etc. Leggings and Spats for men. ladies,mism and -- - " .. “A no «a»; Buy your Booksellers GVUKa nu ...-,., __,7 ' children. Call and get prices. IO I pure lpIce. IO thoroughly team! It "ttttsit" nothing i ions. It new quickly Try it. who Lived in a Shoe Me t package. MclLRAlTH tickets here Durham injur- a K»; ltny people are auxio tt this "Mon to know f, for Vermin and Disem than in stables, poultl houses. etc., that will but a tew cents. Best Exterminat Hem it is '. Equal para Cttmt.iveSubtitttnte and Sodt Cttoride dissolved in on [at of hot water. ll hen dinol odd water to make 25 gall - '0'C'Y nook nnd are we“: leavefortaro dove then n thorough coat of Sk hitcwa 'hdly be staN1,ie THE OL' ALI PHARMACY mmvuua. __ i All kin 'e.', Goats The correct pro; FEBRUARY 5. PRI and Par Line arrived and k costs with fat to clear th em teat Your c to-date fron you'll take duction whi, nnd call b, terest. (mu " or 10 in Ladies' Wuskrat and Persia! rum, l Elm, l Bussw Birch Beech Ladies TAYLOF Ladies Men's black b Lamb Lin Men's Boy's We We ed in pr Come at and quartly THE Tt Luge "s ot the e [I fiat FRE Ta: for The - bl tl I. tttdl Mink Ioth Ca lay " Ivy fiat Mir T) gent Ioth 0 [ya-um rs. re se

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