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Durham Review (1897), 5 Feb 1914, p. 5

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ive at. lea she ily ble (c.o,'li I " and and ts I Am-- Pitithiyiira:LLE emM f1 . rl All kinds of Fur 1 Goats FOR ALL runs or PEOPLE fr; if,LQ T'irifi I“; _',..! LEVINE dk co. tii FEBRUARY 5, 1914 We have cut the prices in Ladies' Fur C and Par Lined Coats. Ladies' Cloth coats (it arrived and are up-to-date, also Men's and B coats with fur collars as well as Mons cloth coat to clear them at less than the manufacturing, Your chances are good to buy reliable and todate from 50 to 600 on the S and I'm sure you’ll take the opportunity of buying at a bi duction which we are ready to sell you. Be and call before buying elsewhere for your tMt terest. Ladies' thtskeat Lined Coats with black broadcloth and Persian Collars, regular $50. to clear at Ladies' Mink Marmot Rutts and Mutts regular $20 for . w........----" ... Ladies Cloth Coats, very latest make, regular 8.75 Men‘s black beaver coats with imitation Persian Lamb Lining and rubber in the lining and fur coilars.regular $20 for ..... .... ...... Men's Jloth Coats reduced to. . . . ' ... ........ Boy's tiray Tweed coats with tur collars and heavy ilannellining, sizes trom 27 up to 32, rc.whtr100tor .......". .......".". 1'ia0$lllfi1 We will pay the following prices for Saw- logs; f. o. b. oars Palmerston or if ylrawu by team laid in our yard at Palmerston. These prices are based on good sound. clean. straight grained logs. Log: mus! be cm in lengths of IO, 12. H or US feet. No log: shorter than 10 feet or less than ll) inches in diameter will be parehtused. Elm, soft. Elm, rock Basswood, Birch . . . . Beech.. . . I I I h v. . - _-_- iiuad quarters for omhrotiontsQ and all Bttrrtl" TAYLOR, SCOTT & CII, l we: 'his nuts arrive direct to as "Inc.- a " :h: gnu dun-d lor Oysters at out not: ' I t'rst v Ii! in“ audition when they arrr The law of supply and damned keeps a THIE CITY BAKE-:5! We have a large I ed in prices bat space Come and see for your FRESH OYSTEEHS mgheupliua for Batter ma Bul- In: ba-nly of having ’r' . m 'rptr"C1', , 2 C'/."r'C'C', PM"? ',.2iaWh"fi GU" q. .\ '.:igiaiiiaEfif,'iti'if t L1"2iiii white Coats, very latest make, regular 8.75 beaver coats with imitation Persian ning and rubber in the lining and fur """ltnrfc;20tor ..... ..e..-.-". u.00 Palmerston large number oi other goods reduc space prevents to mention them all r vour own benefit. he prices in Ladies' Fur Coats I ats. Ladies' Cloth coats newly Ip-to-date, also Men's and Boy's an as well as Mans cloth coats,- " than the manufacturing cost. are good to buy "liable aud up- , 600 on the S and I'm sure that oortunity of buying at a big re- are ready to sell you. Be sure suvinst elsewhere for yo ur own in- $18 20 18 14 11 Ulises anell and loArtlio,of Durban. spent I short line with frunds in town on Thursday. lime Christan. leDomld and Sun. McEnchem. accompanied by Arch. E. McDonald. left on Monday to spend . few days in W: odbridgo ruse Reiley had a wood bee last Weak and not a urge quantity of Wood out. Mr Your McIntyre is athome as present, --A .‘. . na,rr'A__ " 0-”-..- "iiiirinoasie McVicar. of Pomona. is “leading school here now, Mr Burgess. our nation agent. but returned tram his vacation in Toronto Quite a numb“ ot people, from ad- joining towns landed the young Tht usembly in Watson's Hall on riday evoning last. “W'Aunio and Sadie McDonald. ot Datum. paid a flying visit 'rith friends here, Mr A. McCubo passed through here on his way to Durham he: week Mr wui Hunter and Mia Eftie, of Durham, visited the week and with friends. Nine of the yonnz people lrcm this vici'ily spent a pleasranhrtertirur last Thursday at Mr Wm. Mountain’s, south ot Darhnm. -iiiiiiiiiir-iiiirvuriiii" OUTSIDE on PRICBVILLE oysters is having them t to as twice elSCWDCTC nun Ju'"' yum... ._:i . II E25 tts with black broadcloth she 1 regular $50. to clear at " r:,, Js and Mutts regular " Iii) IT m G E Maple...... . .814 Hemlock. . .. 14 Spruce. ... .. 14 Ash........ 18 Pine. . . . . .15 to i.10 g; a week an tore they t arrive here. pa u: busy. fcr Suv- and on account are sure to be i a mg IO- Pre," -- , . T . Be sure a) NT e are afraid we Will be treepueelng 1 . - " l on the grounds of the young end oblig- A ttlr (mum 'l mg Indy correspondent from town. l E She deservos credit for the menmr l d l th h tl 2% she collecgaitems for the press week l C 0 S e ”after wee . ar at " ti The Presbyterian congregation 1 .d ‘ this town is in good “ending " was " " {glshown at the alumni meeting held . . . l3.50 cr lately. It Wlll soon be eixteen yeera .. 'smce the ptoeent paetor, Rev. Mr " 8.7ii 7 lMatLeson. was inducted so mlnietor _ . . . .. 5.00 glut this charge and during that time , . E11114; saw many on and young, to hu erstan Ir sorrow. laid In their resting places in nd fur J, 4 the different graveyuds in thuilotmlity. . T . . U.00 l Ir: Llulwson‘s charge is 18 mile! -. from One end to the other. .... 7.504%! rr, " ,. w. [1113 Saturday, slat January. the s and Q , east wind blew with tsrrifU fem ee- :0 32, E1; compumed by hail. which may end in 3 95 Llr, rain before long. . . . .. . {31 We saw Mr Alex McCebe. “Top C) onto, a former citizen of Prioeulle goods redue Ejacme 25 or 30 yegrebegci. ' ll; . l 3101b. is not getting y is " I . it [011 them a 1 5'h 1 old. although he comet be elaeeilied {at with the young men now. . i, Mrs Donald Cemphell. nerlhlino, o {a l was nppomtod delegate to the Guild I . glLodge, A.0. C'. yr. 39 .tt,lelhl,", LTO. fresh a The bluckamitbs I" buy " their harvest mace the rods Imam icy. On Friday loads ot timber could be seen left dong-id. the and.” on " conm of drivers thinking any could make their hora“ so Ilnppory shod. One fellow got turned our the bunk turning Imo Iowa and loll sleigh Ind load were an a warning to omen not to attempt to go up Ilnppuy shod. Last. Thundny mght w“ u blower and would take a good sound Ilupor from being a sramnsatbaliat . We were reading Poul IcKuh. nie'u not" trom Cnllfornn and tt mikei us feel uh“ no this pun of the world we are only " It we" hung m Greenland. Pour In I correspond- cm to the Renew u far back " 20 years ngo. taking it in turns from Prlcovillo. Pix-Reeve Hunt, lute of Glenolg, in seemingly enjoying the prune: of tee Wes: by not havxng any snow than till a week ago, Mr Hum. "periene- ed lota'oisnow during his - m Glenelg. We Ldn't hear Chulio McDonald say that no Inah need apply an real- dent of the township of Bruce. Ono Llnng sure Charlie is not an Irilhmun anyway, for when he shoulders his old bagpipei, playing Plobrsch Dhonnuil duch piobraeh Dhonnul. It puts all doubts asuie that he isn't a thorough HwJst.stitler. Take up the south line march of Priwwlle and we may say Law n, m cluelly composed of Mohuns MchllmH and Mullen-Ida and a few McKnmous. Gael galore. The Rev. Mr Matheson and Mr Neil McKum-un accompanied Dr Lane's hula one'a tunernl to Port Ill. swr--tlw former was the guest of Mr Ales Mc(‘wnel. uncle of “our: Neil McCanuel. ofDurbam and Arch. Mo- Cualg. of Top cidr, during his stay [here and was plensnntly unstained. Mr McCunnel attended school in the ( Id schoolhouse on McDomld'l plsce, I), Road, Glenelg. which was put out of buliuess over 45 yam ago, when a yeung man. Mr MoKmnon wu kind. entertained by his cousin, Mr McDon- , aid, of that town. The ether day we were so: It. liberty to “be Dr. Lane's phone. The doctor is In no way a gradger in letting those needmg the use of the phone have the same with freedom. Joe Black, the popular hool-kteiprl m town. is always obligiug and do 1 serves the patronage of tho trwellintt commumty. Joe has a lug pile of‘ wood outside and no one need go may cold, after sitting buideh'a comfortable stove in " main; room, Henry Hooper of Top Cliff, "dt steer to our gonna! buyers It this place which netted him the Inn) of $116.00. So it my! to raise good meets _ Raye Nichol. of Glouclg. we“ Jae: week at. the County Council u (Jwen Sound. 2 Mr David Hinoks “(Homily are Enjoying the comforts of their new buck residence. which was built doe. H118 summer and full. We saw a man disc burrowing tho om" day, but it was we Inowdrifta in his lane to the road. The two great leadari If our do- minion and local purlisment no lying opposite! one mother in the General Hospital. In natural for them to be m opposition, but we hope both will be able to be up mad doing soon Again. ' Our obligmg mail convert making their trips in good tint ':: he snow. rain or unwise. _ An old Scotchmsn who ml ' pm in a devotion] tel-vice so: Fiiiti, himself by “no lengt] ‘lpnyers and finally be aid “more shall we say."but not .Soombmnn sifting do?! ie tl uuuso. u. v- V. ..., __ Toronto in March. Mn 03mph!” was Master Worker the put year. Arch, D. McKmnon in alternator in case Mrs Campbell tttttttot attend. We notice that Durham lorttbo Wardenship again this your. It should be Durham's turn. The late Lieorgn Jnckson was Wnrden 40 yarn Mo, but was Reeve oi Bentinck then. Some of our timbermon urn think. ing of taking theirlogs to lurkdclo. The buyers there no paying 30m. $4.00 a thousand umre on first-els" than they are in mm town. An old Scotchmln who was "king part in a devotional service somewhat forgot himself by she length on" payers and finally be suid "qrttat more shall we say." hm moth" old Soolcbman sitting down in the Indi- ence, Mid “Amen and quit" no we say Amen or an: um sin broth 0. mail deliver”; no J-Il'u-J _'".-"'".. -_-' _-_, end Mrs John IcNIlty. we: tul, we at e be”, gathering whee friends and neighbors-e1; to bid len- well to Mr and Mn Neil Cupbell. They were presented with on eddreu 1130 e pane ot money " e totes of the good will of their friends. Mr. and Its Cenpbell Ietttor their home in Alberta on Pridev lent when they carry with them the good wishes of a ( host of friends. 's Ut it Mr. and Mm. McPhenou of Cedar- ville spell Sunday with Mr and In. Neil McLeod. Miss Ruth Stuart. Duham, - the week end at her home here. Mrs G. Blair of Glue]: is the guest of her daughter, Mrs Louis Frock Mr. War Frock Ina disposed of his yelueble timber limits to Mr. Barr. “on. Mr. A. Robinson of Bethel visited Mr. A. Robinson of Semen waned " Mr R. J. Porter. Mus Bella Hay spent a week with Vatney hieuds. Mus Sadie Herd returned from the Queen City on Sammie, last. Mr end Kiss Brown of Howick. are the guests ot Mr and Mn Juo Aldcorn and family. Mr R Ferris Sundayed with Proton friends. Swinton Park was well represented at the Pricevillo Ball Friday night. A good time is reported. Thursday "Gi" the hot. ot I: - - u,u_u._ _ . - Mr and Mn W. G. Penn and Mr. and Mrs Walter Broughton Sundayed with Mrs. IT J Wilson, Boothville. Mu. H. Lawrence retnmed to her home at Durham after spending a fortnight with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. McCormack. _ iiii'iiUGThursoy, It. " to Mr. and Mn F. G. Ferris a son. There still remain some venture-‘ some youths in our burg. As an ex- ample we might mention one who in at present engaged in lion hunting. The query is, it he is successful in capturing the lion (lyon) will he Join the large show or set upCn little show of his own on the side line? We sympathize, greatly with the young man who after driving all the way to Hopeville, met with such dis- appointment. Fortunately he found Iolaca betore the evening was out. CAMPBELLmlcNALTY An interesting nocial event to} pace at the home of Mr and Mrs John "McNtslty, 16ttt cum, Proton, when thetp daughter, Edith Mae. Was united in the bond; of inulzgiumny to M: Neil tt. Campbell, of Eastway, Albert!) formerly of Swiulon Pugj’l'he Bride. who was uunlteuded,“‘| given away by her lather and the marriage cere- mony was performed by Rev. J. A. Leece, B, ‘A.. of Pricgvnlle.“ til" Flou- utcxr. u. 5.1. v. - ___- . "is no Hampbsll. of Swlnlon Park, sister of the groom, played the wedding marrb. A large number of guests wit. massed the happy event sud site:- the usual congratulations all repnived to the dining room where a: sumptuous rslmst Wu served. The groom's trift to the bride was sunburn. set with Ft emlu. The bride was charmingly at. tf/ld in s dress of plum! sud slandow Ewe and we carried A bouquet of white) nd pmk 10m. Among the guests from I distance were t Mr and Mrs W. a, Jones and lnhy l In” Mamie McNully l Mr and “In Cumpbcll. To. ronto, and Mr Kenneth Jones, of Moi. fu. Thu happy young couple intend leaving ”In later part of mu Week for their homo at Entwty. Alum Ind they any with than the but wish" of a hon of trieuo.--Dundalk Herald. Fine ,retthttr sni- prevails the! our Jamar] thaw, than OI! snow ilarry of Saturday 3nd Mondny. Is is with regret that we have to report “other death in the ”rum at Mr: J u McDonnld ot tlte 14ttt on. on Wednesday morning humor . long and severe tllncu. The funeral Fri. duy to Swim-n Ptrk was hugely "tended commuting the lay roads. Bov L. D. Euxublo offuiated. The sol-rowing family have our dupe» tst/It') . ..U_;__._ -_.I An. "J iii'iiiii"ino, Sun-rock "d Alice Campbell an vuiun in our midat. iiG En Dezell vittited In! neck with Durham fricndn. Mr Will Novel! utnrnod whi- home in Alberta, that spending some weeks with " parents, ter and Mrs Geo. Newell. Mr Thou. H. Binnie was in Cm. ound last week. _ Mr Henry Benton attended the Mc- Nally sale on Friday. A gloighlud of "an: people Tlf . very plenum evening " Mr ohn Demon'- oa Friday. Mrs Geo. Binnie is wilting ttrl daughter, Mrs Herb. Beer, of Mit- chall. Ont. Mr Edur Putter-on. of Pricovillo, aimed a Mr John Dawn‘s on Sun- M. In Thou. IcGntb. of town. up": a low as” with Mr pure-u. Mr and In Insulin Hamlin. Gray Mn a Handicap Tendon? or Modern “or the You SWINTON PARK (“or the Young Ion Thin II the young Ill-'0 Me. Ev- erywhere you tind the his job- in the bud- of young In". The uppunuco 05 use discredits your nmlity. Youth md "us-r no ttrat conun- in the eyes of bull-u man. Don't lot o low guy In!" Ipoil your about" when its so any to prevent or can then. Hoyu' Meir Hum). tutore- tho u- tunl color to guy bolt and no on. will know you no. it. lt u not a dye. It in h but tonic that n'invigoram the hllt root. and the "nip, “when “w nourishment, s new In" 01M. for your hair. thug bringlng but in umnl color and luarurianoe. It removes dandrutf. "We-QB}.an " to do um. Your money will be "funded if I. In". shot n M! mu. $1.00. 60e, 150. Get It n our gtoro Bold and recommended by MPARLANB & ar., Orttgg1sts SAUGEEN VALLEY tiymeneal HOPEVILLE 1e? "l' y with the 9f; wing all the hte th such dis- aly be found q g was out. ' M.TY i' a event too a; nd Mrs John 4lt man. when ' p. was united y to beNeil tit gy, A emu yyl'rtmmae, Ht? tgiven nwny il, strings cere- y Rev. J. A, 'i' a. Min tnos. * tPark, liner a? the wedding of guests wit- 993 Ind after the l repaired to si), I Inmptuouo * groonN gift mm "I. with ilt hunumxly al- Q9 end shadow mutt ofwhite * the guests , Mr and Mrs '19 um Mamie e thuturbell,To- Qt Inna. " Mot. . Ont. Batman is to s but tonig sgvatijiriii)vfrtsitib9iit irieirsirseeeiro"i""i"",',t F, I - H one - 11iuaoooitsiei-ettssiisetiis"ir'-s'2'"""'t" Most people at some time or another suffer from headaaei---disordered stomach, liver or bowels is the ---nnr one can be cured-one woman says: Chamberlain's Tablets did more for me than I ever dared hope tor-cured "iaiaaei-suiousness---nnd toned up my whole system-I feel like a new wo- man." Home too hard for these little red health restorers. Me. 1 bottle. Drugglste and Dealers, or by Mail. Chamueuin Medicine Company. Toronto 5 40 up --------r-qeqrT=P'P, I - f? EST ti, "More Bread and Better Bread" and "Better Pastry Too" 530 les beitetit by Feed Feed Feed We expect a car or crown - - . ..... here in a few days and will sell it while it lusts off carat.................... $25.00 rerton,eash and will allow S cts. each for all socks returned in good condition. This is a special price on this feed ', it should sell at $30 per ton. If you want.good feed, it will pay you to leave your order and we will advise yo. when car arrives. HARDWARE AND STOCK FOOD Remember the place-at the Oatmeal Mills, Durham. It mow: you to use less flour. For only flour that makes more bread and better bread in our oven teat is offered you. From each shipment of wheat delivered at our mills we take a ten pound sample. The sample is ground into Rour in a tiny mill. The flour is baked into bread. If this bread is high in quality and large in quantity we use the ship- ment from which it came. Other- wise, we sell it. 'c3fg our Chance for New Overcoat 7 So your benefit from bearing this name is sure. N. B.--We are paying from 34 to Good Oats at our elevator. McGowan Milling Co. We are noted for quality in everything v best is none too good. We hove just received a large shipment 1 Nova-Foil 5 gallon Gasoline and Oil Can: best that money can buy. It Is not advinb Oil Can. Horses. Cattle and Poultry are glowing more valuable every day end it pays to rut them in condition. We have every line you require to Improve your Live Stock such as Stock Food. Distemper Cure, Hone Cure and Poultry Food ; also Block‘s Sublimated Flower ot Sulphur Black's Pure Chrystalized Epsom Salts Block's Cold PM Raw Linseed Oil Black’s Crystal tun Petre Bleek'e American Screened Oyster Shells Black’s Cubieel Mien Grit Black's Purified Ground Bone and everything else you require. Call end see tor yourself. $12 Overcoats, $9.00; 10 Overcoats, 7.00 E For Headaches Here's the Reason and the Cure These are all new goods bought tlsisfall made by one of the best makers in Can.. ads If you require an Overcoat, give us a call. Only a few left. . L. GRANT Teet a car of Ground Wheat and Flu cw days and will sell it while it lusts " .........."."' $25.00 perton,cash pillow s cts. each for all sucks returned in w a“: this oven test . BLACK It In 'ioi%iiiriae Gu, a cheap PURE?! w. handle. The of the celebrated i They are_ the trtitye6's," 36 cents for TORONTO " For WINNIPEO Lone Toronto 2a).). Mt. am, For VANCOUVER, , . have Toronto tos? p. m. duly Communion! Library pharyn- tion Car. standard BIOGPIP‘ S,ty Tomi-t Sleeping Car. Dmlng (an. First-clu- Coaches. Colonist Car on both Trains. .. _-tMe, "om Lump. d P we Pnrticuuretrom Cm; invn ac ' Agents or write M. o. MLRPHX , D.P A.. c, P. Ry, Toronto R.hhcFariane, Agent, Durham The Gum Trunk Railway is the most direct route from .11 points east through Canada, via Chicago, Detroit ox Buffalo. Full particulats at G md Trunk Tic- ket Ottiees, Toronto, hr write C. E. HORNING, D. P. A WM. CALDER, Town Ticket Agent I You can enter any day at the I tgf, "tmThf!)!W, (Sy {41/2/de ’z//yz/ LOW RATES TOWNER, Station Tic C A Prey".","., FCA G. I) Hnnépnl for M years MUCH. not“. a“ the any but Return tickets " iow rates. U NDERTAKER a n Funeral Director Embalmlng I Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Roosur--Acro" RESIDENCE van,“ house south Lawrence‘s cksmith Shop. _ OWEN SOUND Large Btatt ot Specialists individual instruction Positions guaranteed to graduates J. G. irtyr'r0NJl1.D"tr WINTER Ttttms 0-1! A. II women. macadamia Mum-a one: and Balance M nu hourl. To California, Florida and the Sunny South now in meat. Bolle, GRADUATE I“ mum Un am larva Gout-g; wean! , Doubt! In I l In much-I. ottiee-AI vvr Jove”! y um r site Post Ott1ce, W. C. PICKERINS B. ll s., L I) S HONOR mum ATE of Tuvalu. Univu'lity. grmdunh ot Royal Colle us of Dental Bur 60m «A innrio Rooms Over J E J 'li1h"-rihi4 New Store " ruMr, smelter in Su rem clti Romy hm: Comgoner ARTHUR. B. JACKSON no min! - To the West "trut: Out J. B WI out: "In, oppodte that! Mu. 'tlille,',',,": and loan uubh of "an on on can!“ at “but at. Insurance Agent. Money to LA. lunar of Mums Lineman. A I an] {humid hummus tramsactard, DUIIAI. OIT. (Low-w Turn lumber 001%! J. F. 'iRANT D. a.tr, L. J u tie. Full line of (whom- und black and white for "ed people. Money to m. use on Lunhron Bt., oppoaite l deole’u Sublet Notary Public, commitaloner, convuw- ' McPHALLJ Me Herb.“ has . duo: In uerhtrs. J. P. TELFORD OFFICE HOURS )wn Ticket Agent jon Ticket Agent “out. Money to Loan. rm. Linnea. A In"! may. Ind ONION" fl omotiddaugh “no t'soqmth, on '8th Hug-on FLEMING Secretary bu nd oppo 2-4 p. ll " it pd in! ttpl

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