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Durham Review (1897), 5 Feb 1914, p. 6

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'l* r . . Gd tag - tor, 'blr and "ouvrn'ettt'. by the Chicago. lnmu Pacino and Not h Woman] Icrte. Vin tho ham: and mort: dzrect routes. mum the luxuriuua surrounding: of the Mmpnrlment. club and olmrorratiort par. la, our more manure-”wed and home ihe Tum-m: oar. Three s lendid trains ttit Tho Garland Lianne-tr. harem train n n Fund-a0; Tho Los r?"d't'lp", Lim. tM. thrre days w the Int: ’17 of the " of Runshin. Yip Qalt he City: and g. tUtt lunch” Limited The 0111mm “no Men: ---45reed Scenery and munch-d this. on qerFqe"eat it. '31... ill-Juan! - and full trarties It“. on Applique-n. B. M. lumen. On. " ”It. U to... lawn. Toronto, an: that the cause or their “any " tue condition of the growins trirl's blood. At no time in her life door e girl stand in greater need of pure, red blood end the strength which it alum- cen give her, than when she is developing Into wow- lum d. " is thon that anaemia rapid- ly (revelops and the growing girl hndn herself in declining health. If your daughter complaints ot feel- ing constantly tired, if her appetite in fickle, it she in breathless 'm slight exertion, or if her heart pal. pitates violently on going upstairs, is in e certain sign that her blood is failing to meet the demands upon it, Immune it is thin end watery. lt is at auch times that Dr. Wil- "Jnns' Pink Pills for Pale People are worth their weight in gold to tired unecmic girls. They actually mnkn the new, red blood, that hung»; brightness to the eye, the Mann: ot health to the cheeks, and strength and activity to the whole l-ndy. . The following is an instance trtloeir value to young girls: Miss Hulda Pearl Snuwe, Bar-ington, N-fl.,, gradually (lumped under an and tho mu Flu-rs. in" and immune in January Anxious mothers who so. their daughters fail in strength, boom pale and languid, can be oertain that the cause of their untidy}: Them no numbers of circumstances which attend every action of a man's Iito. which can never come to tho knowledge ot the world -rtst ought to bo know: and wall weighed, bolero -tttetteq with any justice can be passed upon him. A man mar have diner“: views. and a different some of things from what his judges have; and what he ttndprntandn and fools. and what passes vithln him, may be a secret treasured up there deeply (mover. SAFE AND SURE lt to Guard Bar Health by [saying Her Blood Supp I Pun. Too many of us in this world do ttot know what we want. Ind con- uunuemly are "mm or less bound not to ttrrt it. Carlyle ones wrote: “The mutant llvinr creature, by concen- trating his powers on n slush object. ran accomplish something; the strong- mt. by dispersing his aver many. may mil to amplish anything.” Folks who am too tond of trying their hand a' everything or" up! to become "Jacks of m trades and masters ot l MOTHER'S DUTY Ti) HER DAUGHTER I‘d Hanikerchlefs In Dickenu' Tlnte, B d b than. no to be found in California ideal wintering place reached can 31"an eonen'utot't BL“. Chis-go ah)": Ow mormng .‘" a dare ym ward you 1 how jam tre, some other ma Too Fond of Trying GNIPI'al (‘cm lush"! an; 'gi there We .1 A W day FOR LHTLE ONES Judo. Not It n was their hand ot to become and masters ot M *d ma (I " fr tt The post au,, AUG fully 820,- 000 by unclaimed money orders an- nelly. __ Occurrences II the Land Tilt Reigns Supreme In the Con. more“! World. The canals of the United Kingdom stretch over 3,900 miles. "Thvre's a Reason." - -e Iver road tho IMVI utter? A In an anon. from than to “no. no, no (nun. tau. In mu at in“ amt. The aetth is announced of Mr. Fred. Moore of Stafford at the age of 89. He wus the oldest church chorister in the kingdom. Owing to the shortage of cottages in Roizate rural district area, the found} have decided to take the necessary steps and provide accom- modalion fur its own employes. _ Loid Northbourms declares he will you: an ox on the day Mr. L193! George dogma ofhee. - A badger weighing over 42 lbs bu been captured on Mr. Davis farm, The Grange, Beeby. Mices tershire. Yarmouth Corporation has decid- ed to spend $7,500 during the next twelve months in advertising Yar- mouth 3nd Gorieston as seaskle re- sorts. “l. muti't very long before I got SHIRE strength, felt a decided Chang" in my system. hope sprang up in my heart and alowl but surely I got. better, I couldylleep very wall, the constant craving for food ceased and I have better health now than before the attack of peritonitis. "My husband and I are still using Grape-Nuts and Postum." Name given by Canadian Postum ('0.. Windsor. Ont. Read, "The Road to Wellville," in pigs. Counter. Ostenplaten, who spent more than $200,000 a year on dress, has left her heirs 50 dresses and 110 hats and nothing else. _ A - The Lord Mayor of Lnndvn's fund tor the relief of the distress caused by the recent Songhenydd Colliery disaster amounts to over $205,000. A windmill has been incorporated in the design u! a stained glass win- dow at Blnxhall Church. sfs'uffolk, to commemorate a fim, mill that was burned down some wars ago. In the mining village of Bentley, nenv Dorteaster, some 200 children are heinq kept away from school by their parents on tha ground of the long distance they have to travel. Burton-on-Trent brewers distri- buted among their employes at ChrGtmas 75,000 lbs. of beef, 1,500 Birmingham corp¢ shortly take over th the Midland Mot-m0] mnv within the city, li don hosp executors foil MERRY ill.ll {HEM} $156,000 t Wcrlrint NEWS BY HArr, ABOUT 10113 BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. mum my. A railway sleeper which had been placed amuse the Great Western line near Briton Ferry station, was found by a. putelayer, who moved it jug; before_ a train passed. An old windmill at Long Buckley. Northamptonshire, which has been a prominent landmark, especially with members of the Pytchley Hunt, is to be pulled down. . . _ m attack of clot-hing for the families under the care of tho society. No fewer than 2,336 farming“ have Men subscribed to the M. Michael's church building fund. Crickiewood. during the past month. making a total to date of fr man th, 3119.592 M md its at he mind, hat one fl generally. An East Ito-dorm! " H. M {HM n Eastern woman writ sting letter. Slw say: Three years new I sum .ll n ds n evpra at pnstmen pursuod tn f tho letter boxes in Re "al boxes were found ' dark liquid and many were obliterated. FRIENDLY TIP I) he Queen f the poc rk Guild, “\Pd or died. , a friend asked me why V GrapP-Nuts fund. stop rftee and use Postum. I ith in everything, but to friend I began to use mun became very fond it m O H m0 ar, rl years of indigestiu) iant evil inftueneo m a not wry nurprisim y loses faith in thing perm Yea " the and p “I TT 1n IN years ugh. aparte scare. Fort b40141? stronghold d corporation it h at NW " says: I suffered from aiti., which left able condition. I suffered from mart. shortness shop. etc. x ravenous but ", time. I had did nut seem tu raged, stopped mt car-3 much )mnibus ' Ba) mi s sent to the through the urge quantity smilies under yas 000 brraoe of d ducks and anded and {Mom stees and H tyy,ttr arrzsnn W 'ern th ove r la AN, 131) ad ad " " D l This is the statement of Mr. Thr !vid Helm. well known and highly Imam-ted here, and he is only one of many in this neighborhood who “an“ fvur:d a new lease of life in ‘tho trreat Canadian Kidney rem- l edy. i It in cures such as this that have fgivcn Irodd's Kidney Pills their (reputation. They are now known 'from the Atlantic to the Pacific as :the remedy that never fails to cure ,kidney disease, no matter where or in what form it is found. I Dodd‘s Kidney Pills are no cure- (all. They simply cure diseased (kidtu,ysc. Thi, rcasun they cure ihau-‘xm-hu. drowsy, rheumatism, znvuraigin. diabetes, urinary trou- ‘h'vq and Bright's “have is that HUI of ste are either (linens/es of ithi~ kidimys or are rauscd by dir ii-y-dcred kidneys failing to do thcir MInard‘s LinlmeM Cum "Sarah," said her mistress, “I mm you to tidy up In; room an hour new. and here it is in terrible dis, 1rrrler."' "Yis, ma'am, and I did," mid Sarah; "but the master came in to put on a clean collar, and he lust his stud." Dodd's Kidney Pills Cleared Out Every Trace of It. Your drugglet will refund manoy if PAZO (\I‘ITHEN'T fails to cure nny case of Itch. wg. Bind. Blowing or Protruding Film in 6 to M dares. 500. For some W990tt the use of these names has largely ceased. We can understand why Ebenezer has been dropped. No modern girl could {all in low with an Ebenezer. But moat of the Puritan Bible names have I mums manly ring, and have been horns by able men. We can only hope that descendants of these ancient worthim, have in- herited some of their snarling quali- ties, though they do not perpetuate tho name. The civizen who was brandishing a new-e Faking num- aayn it wasn't suicide Lat norm; he was thinking about. Neod- Ima to say his wire bcu ht him Putnam's t'orn Extractor and his tho rmrwery wiso. bananas Putnam's our“ in M hound; try it. Mc, at all dogiem. Looked Like Intended Suicide. bases I was again examined by the doctor. and he told me that all trace of diabetes had disappeared." Our Foreiather. Labored Under Some Odd and Ungalniy Handica. A curtain set of Christian names taken from the Scriptun-s has heon in uso so long that we do not think of thnm as Adam, Moses, Snmunl. David, Daniel]. Solomon, Abraham, Isaac :‘nd Jacob Others taken from :‘ru Saints, like Peter, Paul, John, Smphon and Matthew, originally giv, wn to children because they were horn on the tiaint's day, are still so ('(HlifllOll that we think of them as English names. Those names antodatn the "so of surnames. as may bo inferred from tho fact that nearly all of them have zivon rise to patronymics. like Jacobson. Peterson and Stephenson. in the tweith centmry missionaries used to baptize whole villages at once, and to save time invested all the mnn with the name of John or mum other saint, and the women usually Mary or Martha. To distinguish the Johns some ad- ditional name like Short or Strong or White or Black was given him by the neighbors, and so Christian names and surnames were united. Afivr the Reformation it became tho fashion among the Puritans to who childrpn tho names of characters ' the Old Tpntamnnt and odd ones mm MMchiZAdak or Barziihzi Were nrefnrrnd. Among these were Abel, L9H, Jesse. Amos, Ann, Isaiah, Ephraim. Gideon. Malachi. Job, Ab- nnr, Hosea. Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Zac- hariah. Ashnr, Eli and hundreds of others. The uniqug "ientifle combination of three such reliable remedies makes Na- Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed. Licorice and Chlorodyne the best preparation that that has ever been offered for ttll 50223 of colds and coughs. Get 3 'Ne or we bottle from your Druggist and lee fo gunk” how effective it is. National rug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. 333 That'" Why Mr. David Bron, of Nieolet Co.. Quin-c. In Rttom- mndlng the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy To Bis Neigh- hora. St. \Venceslas. Nivolet Co., Que., St. Wencenlu. Nioolet Co., Que., Jan. 26 (fypeeial).---"I started to take Dndd's Kidney Pills because the doctor told me I was threatened with diabetes. After taking ten ' I suffered tram a hacking cough for over two months. I tried several reme- dies, but they failed to cure me. At last I tried Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne, and got such relief that I tried more, and after using three bottles was absolutely cured," Cured by Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed. Licorice and Chlorodyno Tort know hos, hard it is to get rid of a covgh that has hung on far even two weds, let alone two months. So you Wlll appreciate u hut Fa-Dru-Co Syrup rf Lin ced Licotice and Chlorodyne slid for M r. Patrick Holland. of East Baltic, P. E. I._ lit gays: - - - _ Doctor Said He Had Diabetes HAGKING DOUGH (lf Tlhlil MONTHS STANDING "ppm n to orn ( mnard's Llnlmcnt Guru Dlltompar. He Hubby-l wonder why Kate does- t mind her own business. Wititr-fhs hasn’t any. H ubby-Businmsst Wifhr--No; mind. Thero are in the United King- Ht ubuut three and a. half million us. and on the average each ulds 400 gallons of milk a. year. PILF‘I CURE!) IN 8 T014 DAYS h OLD FASHIONED NAMES, Irer Reason. Cami! In Cows. "as near as I kin whip it. f'urn do wav it has been sphined to me. cir- cumstantial evidence is de feathers dat mu leaves lvin' around after you has done with de chieken." An old nigger had been in trouble for stealing chickens. and was con- victed on oircumstlntial evidence. "What’s circumstantial evidence?" he was asked. "Well." ha said, "Not a new one," mid the young doctor, "I'll get that at a second- hand more. A worn one will be a. mich better advertisement for me." The ynunq doelor was Inning fur, niture fur the equipment of his new office. The eager szdesman racked his brain tn think of something else to sell him. He h-d sold almost, everything that could my in an " fiee. when he had a happr {Ir-unlit. "Oh, veg. surely. I nssnrl,v hunt that '." he exelaimed. "You need a that I” he doormat." Lanark Town, from which heavy political artillery is now being direc- ted tor the capture of the southern division ot the county, has a claim upon the interest or Parliamentary candidates second to none in Scot- land. For it was in Lanark that in 978 the firgt Scottish Parliament met; and here the war of independence be. zan when Wallace rose against the English Governor and slew him, along with 240 of his men. The famous "Lanark Declaration" was made by the (Yovenanters at the Market Cross in 1682--a declaration which tits, nounced Charles H. as a perjured king, and solemnly excommunicated himsiLondon Daily Chronicle. An English professor. who had been a fellow student and friend of Edward VII. when he was the Prince of Wales, was appointed honorary physician to his majesty shortly after he became king. The professor was very proud of this and wished his students to know of tho honor conferred upon him. So he wrote upon the black- board in his classroom. “Professor Baker is pleased to Inform his students that he has been appointed honorary physician to his majesty, King Ed. ward." The professor shortly left the room, and when he returned to meet another class, he could not understand why they should be so much amused at what he had written. Later, how- ever, he discovered that some one had carefully added to his announcement the following: Try Murine Eve Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25C. 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, Mc. Eve Books Free bv Mall. An Ir. Ton" a.“ for All lye. that Hood 600'. Murine Lye Remedy Co., Chicago Was Restored to Her Anxious Fam. Ily When Hope Had Gone. M. John, Nil. Dec. 1Gth,, At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White Bt., would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. "My t'ttmt attacks of back. ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present. When I ex. erted myself it was terribly intensified. It I caught cold the pain was unen- durable. I used most everything, hut nothing gave that certain grateful re- lief that came from Dr Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In- stead of being bowed down with pain, to-dny I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled into my blood --eheekg are rosy with color, and I thank that day that I heard of so grand a medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Every woman should use these pills regularly because good health pays, and it's good, vigorous health that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. The most important use of alumi- num in India u in making vessels for carrying their daily supplies of water to the native houses from the villsgo taps or hydrants or from wells and rivers. On account of the caste rules or prejudices. na- tives of different castes living in the ssme neighborhood must often go long distances apart in order to secure water not defiled or mono- polized by other castes or outcssts, and as a rule not only the poverty of most of the people but also their religion prejudices prevent con- necting their houses with central taps, and so the use of metal ves- sels or receptacles for obtaining wa- ter for the many household pur- poses for which it is required is of great importance in the domestic e c0n0my. When the natives are extremely poor they use earthen were vessels, but as their means increase they adapt the use of nutal ware for carrying .their water. In a. pros- perous. community it is customary to see people carrying vessels of copper or brass (usually on their heads) between their sources of wa- ter supply and their homes. Of lulu, however, the advantages of aluminum for this purpose are be- coming recognized, as it is not only much lighter to curry but also much cheaper. Another important and rapidly tuxteruling use for aluminum in In- dia is for manufacturing cooking utensils. especially kettles, grid- irons, saucepuns, Mew pans, frying pans, etc. One of the Most Important Indus "In of That Empire. The working of aluminum in In- dia is making most .Uniifeant head- way and promises to become one of the most important industries of that empire. Imports of aluminum inguta and sheets into India from Europe and the United States now approximate GOO tons per year. Math Nouriy Claimed New Brunswick Lady ALL'MINl’M I'SES IN INDIA. Tre Undetstot.rd Ilnnmu Nature "God "ve" the King." Cirtuunstantial I-hidonml. First Scottlah Parliament. Sorry For Their King, 1 The whole of human virtue mav Ibo: reduced to spvaking the truth : always and (Iain: good to others. A Sonichman while walking with n friend passed a jeweller'n shop where there were many precious stunvs in the window. "Would wm hut like to have your pivk T" asked Sand)". "Not ma 'ik but. my shot. el," said his idinld. "I would ." that I do not know of I medicine that has “nod tho tmst, of time liko mum‘s LINIMENT It, hm been an uninilinx remedy in our household over Mme I can remember. and has out- lived doum of would-be competitor. Ind imitators." Visiting Nurses' work. Monthli allowance from time of aoceptancé Address Miss Frederika K. Gaiscr Principal. "Better shave, old man." “Why?" "I expect, they will play kissing fumes. and it so. you may find yourself disqualified for rough- The IQ,1ith"i. of the beat Farmer} DI- per in the aritimo Province. in writing to us cum: - - . - Wanted. Wanted - Twelve well-educated, conscientious young women as pupil nurses in City Hospital, Cleveland. to fill vacancies caused by graduation. Unusual variety of experience. New Nurses' Home soon to be completed. Finest con- tagious disease building in the State. Children's Ward and Ma- ternity Department. Two months' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthly At breakfast restless little Tommy began to play with the cruet stand. His father told him not to do 90. Tommy persisted. and at last, upset it, and spilled tho pepper on the tablecloth. "New, Tommy." said his father, "you were disobedient and upset. the pepper mater, and I really on ht to make the punish- ment fits tie crime by putting some of the pepper on vour tongue." Tommy looked u) ln & fhuh and said-iota I lac punished tho same way, dad, if I upset the sugar bowl I” Roblewa feel awful. I just, heard that I'll not get uncle's money, my auto will be stolen, and Grace will turn me down for another. Wabyurn - Heavens, man, who told you that? RobleywA fortune teller. Wayburn--You mean a misfor- tune teller, don't you? ness'." " I tried two trauma giving each I fair trig! but they failed to cure me. Then I law the ulvertlsement in the pupa: shout Cuticura Soap and Ointment no I sent toe . sample mad I began to un them with very little fntth. but to my surprise I found relief from the very tht. I washed my hand- in with: wnter with Cuticurn Soap and dried them with n loft cloth. then I put the Cuticura Ointment on and bandaged them with soft doth. I used two boxes of the Cuticurt Ointment with the Cuticun Soup and used thorn neatly tor two month. nnd they entirely cured me." (Signed) Mrs. Holt-ma. E. MeCUll, May Ir, 1913. A mingle cake of Cancun Soap and box ot Cutlcura. Ointment no ofton numclent when all else has failed. Sold by drunk": and dealers everywhere. Liberal sampla ot each mailed free, with 82-p. Skin Book. Address pout-cm Potwr Drug a Chem. Corn. Dept. D, Boston. U. B. A. (In up my work. Than It upmd " over my m I could not rest, " night In the bod clothe. would irritate the eruption every time I would am or move my hands. Inmbudy. Ont. - " I had been was!” for two nun with new on my hunk And Inna. AtttmtmFhand broke outin . In. r,avgCi22xc,, ml: with . burning and On Hands and Arms, Broke Out In Fine Rash. Had to Give Up Work, Could Not Rest. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured, Minard'u Llnlment Cum Diphthorla BURNING AND ”CHINE Mlllll Choose which Grain gr. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES. you like best for your white Sugar and buy St. Lawrence Pure Cane Granulated white. in original bun-Fine train. medium or conic. Bach the choice-t tutu. A Misfortune Teller. Tommy Persisted. Ash your Grocer. 2640-13 Dundalk Urban Council hue ap- plied for a loan of $450,000 to carry out a scheme of housing under the Working Classes Act. Owing to the insaniury condition of Cari/iclr-in-b'uir fever hospi.ttl, the nurse in chase has been strick- en with typhoid fever. Sergeant Wm. Smith, who pass- ed unscathed through the South African war, was killed at. Antrim station by a Belfaat express. fully worked by Mr. John M's J.P., Cookstown. A disastrous outbreak of f, curred on the premises of S Gibson, drugzist. of Belfast. damage estimated herween and 07.000 was caused. Dr. Trimble, medial] ofhee.r of the Strahane district, hu mlgnod after 30 years' service. For sixty years in employ? .ot. the local cor ration. Patrick lamina has just critd at Limerick, aged tar Arthur Martin, 27, of Dublin, was fatally injured in a. collision whde Id/y a motor cycle new Gibbet- rat . ‘While Abraham Blonz, of Berry- villa, near Porurlinzton, was shooting crows on his farm. the Fun ---an old-fashioned one-burst. and inhieted serious injuries to his_nrm. Limerick Borough applied for a. loan of erection of 71 worker at Killnloe. Edmond Smith. farmer, oet, Gleneely, was fined 860 at Maehin petty sessions for being in posses- sion of an illicit “in. At a meeting 0f the local share- holders of the Killalne slate quarry at Menagh it was docided to raise 83.030 by debentures in order to TP- float the _company. ' _ The Newry Urban Council has de cided to increase the wages of al the men in the surveyor deput ment by 24 cents per week. " CURE A GOLD IN ONE BAY Talus LAXATii'E BRO)!" Quinim "bletn Drutgiam refund monov if it hill to ("we E. W. GROVES sianurc is on each in! f kt. "Did .mu tell the boss i'frtt were going to be married l" "No; he's down on all unions!” There is a 'reneral feeling that the Dublin police will be honornblv acquitted of the. allegations made nzninst them in connection with their efforts L, maintain peace dur- ing the labor troubles. PRO! [RIN’S BREE] Nf Mrs. Exe ~"I can't get my dnm'hr' fer to take any interest in kin-hm! work at all." Mrs. W.ve-'dravt' you tried calling it domestic sci-1 ence?" I Happenings In NEWS BY HAIL F301 LAND’S SHORES. Mlnard't not. no. vows and 'ritve darn lug. Two axles. [dun Ind child ron'a, Foe. A pm by mail. l, I you A co., Waterford, Ont. Considers IP, YOUR 810(11ch HERINK ',"hcTed7, and eg,, 'rt.' o ._cl0Mrenootnpltsitsi . Push ttatu 'l'y'iWai"tt uni. old nockmn fool and {gel-”like new, rrlies" tired HOTEL TRAYMORE CHARLES o, (I: you A e the above 9:". of Inn SHARE m ttrd UIb'IRXBL'HUN L nun-r3 you an 11:1“;ny mi." wt St he the "P at UM: Humlrcd " .la~. hum. " the prison out: (L: IN bunk lam-t “qu me man on Tum grins um he divided bent-ecu trem, be. .m tttgee when will hare to be dirtld, the who]. gang! ”my!!! bargmlly we when was of “can“! be .q..eilv amid (“ch her wax! ucmui- " mun” about Vb. hveul WANT ELK? OF t11ffl MONFY WHEN You out 'ATM H". I widen rut, uh. " u on. Pt Win It A ONCE. Au'dtems,esvrarsor Mir!“ Ever-v room ost-ttd. an "twatt water. “only“: in - c-hnmbur the latest do" opp»): in “can hum privileges. Clone"! (O. Write (or agggm m cow GIVEN "" FREE spiral. 'me month ' near LPAPE Crt" Igs In the Emerald Isle Interest to Irish- Llnlmcm Gum Colds. En a loan 'liUii :035 for the 71 workmen’s dwellings TORONTO I. MARQUBTTB. TRAYMORP. HOTEL COMPANY. 'un-r. o. . WHITE. 'remdcm hs the Armagh Stewartstn has been eucc Council have " cum“: 'ftrPT 60:an Council by A Pas-nil THE F. F. DALLEV @ch [No DUST NoWAsT: HAMILTONOM. No RUST -T=riettri--rr4---...-=u=.i.Luii. RCYRIII NR‘OCA srietor of Cot; . was kill- - " an MIP- C t, Belfast. T being felt Co. k of teveri -- 1hogeth 'r, M vNa Samu "lb \K “I!!! huh Inn-had! kg). . rm ntunr Iuv I hf _ii9v'i'ii,, T, emu il unrated Hon -----" sirtt,.'rgg,P"r'1' ttAyPr.EBttiEr', Fir s Variation. Free (mum. Manon & Son. Groveund. Ottt.urio " and light oerwirtq it home. wh or 'oarq time; tend par; Work sent 0 distance: chance prepaid. tusnd pm om- Iunrticu‘um. National Mannheim It “A!” n.....-.____ - " Duper properties for an]. tn On uric town. at right prion. Apply aim-Hy " "rt-tprion rrmowtt' time 6.. hurt 0pm. Inc. WHICH Pumkhing Campgny~ rt Went Adelridr $ltreirt. anvntn. tGmisiutr, I w E I.) internal In ra" pain by tutr us before too "' td.. Limited. Coll w Ai" "Licks the Bucket Clean" Blatchford's Calf Meal AsgoodasNew Milklt halftheCost. .---'-" T", YOU WANT m BUY OR HELL A Fruit. Stock. Grain. or mm Firm. write B. W. DIM". Brnmnwn. or II Folborno At.. Toronto 100 pounds makes 100 gallons of Perfect Milk Substitute. Send for pamphlet. “How to Rain Calves Cheaply all Successfully Without Milk." ia"' any- "ii/Ur.' -TC,roiho, V and ‘v send us his name. i , _ SULPHUR Pnomms (fi I) sale by all druerut: lt your (hush: curry it remit in PRU} PRODUCT}. VIRAPRIRE _-Clie-itll-fl,")))" “when. - 10'5”“ w, onwsou. amour cod-um an". Toronto. ______.i W. DAWSOI, Camera. 6t, Tannin. TANTED, A LADIES TI? JI? highest grade benul kept whole and med, by perfect blkill‘. mining their full strength, Flavored with delicious ounces. Ther in” .0 oe1. , uni: urinal-Mei; row BALE 92.4mm Ifict gay.» The clan Inmate!“ " 3m II um: REVERAP The clcn mums!“ gum to cunts! In gout. “-11:11 mat I iJtii,l??:!i,ll.y,,l,i.,ul Fume" "tttut. Gro" vol nu. incantation; M" . I'M -rtnriiiiiirti. Wit)“. LUIPI. ET and cxwrunl. cured In at home treatment Wr In». Dr Bollmun ledh bilincword. that to.) on” w R1 wel de l Pink il .Beans " ll TI Merrhr ll taste, wt Ind trevtt Winona“. at on! IS. “MDIPIHB Writ- Helm“ NEWS PLAIN of T' t' m N " tircd Mr. tis' lbw “Md t ve we! I'," Iverylmu; Coho." " um gum urn-um). " in. a l ' they mam: l or at the Pr' churn court' . "unmet. a mind. “4* we! him {an Warn 1m; tty furm ‘Thtl u u” “Q ”VOW" and if. “a”! m, Preview nt. "In than ttt 1 tist, wane m wGuam "on th_ my Ind. Ihnulq the mutton um um. culls In In t Ind o mun vs " -rod on t will Invor [an alarm!" m,t'/1" '2Ad't", nun4 nay l r wit" tally, Atteoo , Mr. BONord “y barrow, am on mun-yum The one lo WET Ufd vor y " we. tiion IG He var "15min mun won but why-l mommy. In.“ 'N'" "toro V" 'er in: Foie" not d {he ttotet c, totef. . "iii. a...” m. :d..._ uhrh tt o-ttt the I It"at turn- t “cum _ all"! t'"Fsr In use In": "on. very Ho (touch on- Hr. Lani " Mr. ttrut", For the th, “on fun-4 owl! alt " Inok hus haw tusl ""ttrrol "ttttti um. " uifu- nub akin! "I thul." your ulnar ,, "cable. TM with Huh MI in momIonn vuln- In. I ou- N'ill .1" L.“ M. vole "roll hat " mum“. in " (hum nun Input for ".' ”'nuvon no her: I kmnly he . MM nit-kw. tro hi l Ironblq Huh? “MAI"! uInor n... thot I In! It‘ll br. . and fortte "In"! FF WI ll '. Bottt “a! "T.. n ht. tatt I in“ C.” v Bud-Iv ed In I“. u th 'h Iw ward MM." lirlzh otttpttt "Thu: hour " Wo to! Pobby. I: um -I ‘l'm nu Tirrt, I Into Van deee Here You." HUI" I‘m no "Y't Tho Elli". V In h " tlc, rho Atrte, rl .1 Dow! .91 wt I} yet Mrt If Me “I! " I Mo tits " HM Her Gr uh " MINI v Or. A Strum -.

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