West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Feb 1914, p. 1

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rly iorSale H IORS Danni! or Ana! 3." i:irttiiiTth', fled lot I" i ham and "t and in . teeming I- ibn-b. 0- dan- dri.'$rd good hunk Pill . Adminis- ue detect the 33..“ he ”I". “can!” otice that the pt he “A” pat' IMF.“ i of who" .'r' been I. win-ital" , is I" tine about at. put-null“ , 811.!“ rll was... hill)“ the vrnO. Ae- L tho 25th . hunk“ .ie-ln‘vr to I ttte Ad. a . 510m. n is any " L‘briuinl with pl- ums, I“ s and I” My D - bratutet" tot Die I mth I n mad " Hal-in {nhip of of Greg, I tut SI "In”! t Wou. no sad Forest. r I " Mann and" gbbol d SI! undo, siting yr her U" estll uh wood tun O'c- \"lenli . comiCII Ind hney. " the C'entrnl " $1.050. R. R. No. I, Darin-1 Tur Serum)” and Nhndennhochoy l Ieamg wdl Pho a chullongo - on Thlllsd ly night. in Ibo rink. Not [tom MnllLerl and Dunn; thov‘n local [than but, it mil bojuuu "eiurm. Friday, Feb. 20, tgt4-On thiadate Mr Dun! Lesth, Lot 12, 13, 14.00:) 3 Normanby, wall all farm "och and lmplexncntl. 12 mos credit, Ibper cent discount for cash. Sale " I o'clock " Ll'llll'lll "m - I ”non \VAXIDR once. Apply Mrs " we Jami n . t ROBT BmGHAM,Auctiooeer [he Clerks and High School lum- agun met last Thur-duy night. It liukvd hkeIhe Clerk. un on In the “and In” when the H. B. (All). strong. scored Saul-m uwhirlwlnd flrsiath, And won 6--4. Buy It Ce Haw ovsut.--A vigorous, well-m- wncd article by Areh. McCain. ob. "cum; to the propaganda ot noted“: for great trunk roads, arrived too late to find accommodation in the - we had Mt ttua week. No mute mum ortttotttrhttut net nu done hut Sundnv morning than that pelfauued by RUM. Scott. when It. got nu wtth his snow plough um and.- tiue tracks on tsevssratstreet.. Show: at wor.hsppert' dpmuialed the though tut actioo, and this to not. the ttrmt titoe by any mount. Mr Was. Buckie. Br.. Edge tbl has b n his two hunts. the one: tut-Mum". to Jos. McNtlly sad the (arm txry this on loMrThoa. G'len- nu». He hm purchased the hunt. rn Bruce Sn. {mutrrly occupied by Mr Jan. (lava-t and a! present owned by Mr J.u-. A tuna. He will likely move tutu “mu in tir. ,ijii,;gi,e,i,."ti",i.'c'""'"' come th In to our c nuhip. uy iwr anon'in; and ttet it It Cr:.?l'4l " Store. ., " frame In for Dole. was“ wan: m foot pools. £9912, __ into lnwn In the sprl emu: th an to our cl! A pr. tty ”mosh q solemn-.1“! at Hast fume th In to our cmnubip. A " my though qmrt wmding w.) wlemn 7.41 al Huupden nu Wednu- day law. the 6th in», when Mm lu- Andur-nv. mm of the atttisr young h- the,, " ti"' kumy, Immune the bllde ot m |.. Byers. aha of the mun occ- um. ll "'. Mr ”than, of Hannvev thr" p I Jul. omciatiettt. About “I!” [numb And relative. witneesed the “I. W th W rketitt dun I Md VOL. XXXVll, N0. 7 c Jauneil at the last meeting " ". rim Mr Herbert Pettigrew n the _ t l w Nicer who combines the duties of "stable, caretaker, street inspector a I a few other things, bat not Am- sore Tae salary II 8500 end lees. - At the same meeting. Mean Koch, John tirmth and John Mommn were appointed to the High School Board. Rev. Mr Hartley 1. the nominee of the School Board Vanquished waieortott's Curlers Three Durham rink: went over w Waierrton last Friday and pm. lt out the home knights to the tune of ' mun!- out ot6. The locals won kind- ly cum tamed try the “'Ilkerlon boys. The score t _ - \VALK slum! I Joan-s T Pro J Harmon N nommon G Smith as Um"--. A Job-“ton J S Mullrtill O Mqu W " Lands] 3 Pcugally IT skip " g P Ieittrrs J Vogt 0 [Joy N Wallord T G aoodetut J "hit. W Vollol A Coll-no 10 skip 19 W I than" Total l Wulkonon M. Durban 48 Tu: NICE! 6AM: l _ . _, 1, .ml relnllvei wilnnled the W9" ”WWW "‘"I- ....,..,.. __, I t y, Miss Bessie Park " in Glcnelg Lenin. kilsyth, Msrkdnle and i _ p y a t 'br HilllK march. Mr and Mrs tgtrattutnirrt. l I I .Imm Welland. the uroolu'u A resolution was [tuned mking the tl H‘hlll‘d the event. Dominion c, "rernsuettt to remove the t' "X 'sgttt, ladies gunned at the duty f" ”pain to traction ditching t ~--=.‘~. lzumu a meeting held at "uu:hiueic t n , tlt' at” Mr- J. McGowan on . -.--- ' "V I it list Business over. In T. POPULAR PLACE I tti, (t J, We a wry iusrructire pa per - I ilu' "UT: .‘uelho‘ls "! Tere.'.?. Born-To Mr and Mrs GPO. Hopkins. I mi i- H C, let',' . EFL"? on Monday, Frb Sud, a daughter. ' 'h' "h" of Great (mundane , Miss Agnes McGirr. Shelbume. in NI iutrresttntr. She trave ”hurt we,“ Bandar week with her parents', h of the most prominent Camp Mr. “a Mrs T. man", w when an 1 on Lord Strathcoua. Mr. Joe Porter of Mulock. visited in lulm McDonald, Sir Wnhid L'iut- om burg» week “l1" Sunday. . mu Ruben Service. Mrs T Mc- Mrs. H. Liwrence retorned home the " “a" "'Yr/'.r.? t.tr the 'ft- nltrr virillng her daughter, Mn D Mc-T , I'M-"me CottTentron held ttt Cal-mick. Swinton. Park tor a couple “in m November. ot weeks. ------- . -----" Mrs. o. Burns of Portage la Prairie, Public Ijtility Duke, Mum. In: been visiting her aunt Mrs Jae Whitmore and other friends here - . i __sc.-. a- the past couple of Werks. ' -- ‘ . -d.c., nnonl \vnlkerlon N Hum! J tatyNeitl 10mm A Wilma L I! IcN mun 16 ship 18 A Ionizing" . a Human“. A 3 mu.- . w Inn-n " O tttrphat' LI I 'tour" J “(urinal H ItcKar ’Mal 3 Altelnoon - y- 13 "ip ll Nahum“. c meeting. Messrs Koch, and John Morrison were the High School Board. " m the nominee of the 'j;ii,iiii,iif,i.""i'-" I l whip. _ quirk, wroding was mpden on Wednes- u., when Miss Elk hr Actiu- ynun' la- , became the bride lio of the wine we- plmm. of Haoovete 9 ship 13 skip .. DUB-AI ll Allen 8 Bush“ J P Humor 18 w. Caldor M mustard J s Mullrnilb w " Lauder n J P lettered G U T G G-Mcm w Valle" 19 w I Hung" went over to 11 Allan 3 Bush" g P Bantu P 10 W odd" o Lloyd, T G q “child W Follett u W s Hunter a Gin-dud J . Mellrmlb w ll hand" a J PTeitord Durham Mt, School reports and one: matter; eroqed ul. I Vaslonu es of all description at the Central D mole. Big February Horse Fair lenThurn- day. 19 h inst. Keep the date in mind and bring your borne: out. Dun-bun Min Alice Ravage. Glasgow. Scot- land. lg a. guest with friends " the Re. viow Ottier. tu" has been spending the winter with her sister, Mrs J“. Taylor. Brampton. In his report as Secy. at the annual l nation of the Grey County Board of Attriculture on Jan, 3ist, Mr H. th Out! upon) of the labor prohlrm. Al- lendy some men Were “hung tor u- ulntnnce. but, it is not. known as yet what will he done. During the past you a stock census of the county we" put-pared and while it is not yet enm- plele. it is beginning to till a long felt Want. Now uny one can get pure bred sloth wit hum going out of the county. The list will he published in pamphlet. form tor di.,trtinttiort among the farm- er: " the county. Uouaulemhle inun- est In“ taken Ht the ICCUIIIII of the fruit vlhilnt M Toronto and the win- nings of Grey's and; M Guelph. "The hardest feature of (Jo-opera- "The hardest feature of UO-opera- tion in the upp-untment of proper man- agers.“ mud Mr T, H. Bunnle in address on that sutret . He must be nu hon- Gum“... Durham. No, 9 Ulenelg Mr F. C. " trt, " the new Cu,- :pern-\ U. S. S. and Somh Bent titrtt and Manu.ts Lvanch. gave tttt "C.. Su-honls may he said to I coum, of the "orli of the Farmer's and ullduing good work. Clubs in Waterloo cnuuly. H" also M. S..md W. ll M.S. I woke of the line of work whichtite repor'tstor the lust liml new branch hoped to follow dmintt nr'EC they "rt' to be ulna the next "M n" tbo. . no doubt the uniqn wil Lin“ and um um.- 'r'""' .., r."- _'"' I 11. . . ' j. " t nuns u...’ .._. - __ _ a“? " tt," "1,"k of the. Farmet , and "ll doing good work. The W. F. u " m W'aterioo county. Pye' M. B. and W. ll M. 5. gave septum. spoke of tire lme yr Wink which the rrpor'rsfor the last time for on May Fl tww hrauch hoped to follow dining ant. they are to be amalgamMed and m the next year' M tut. no doubt the union will mean even “I Th” tollowirtg wt're Avcted to the I more concenttatvd Afort. Knox Col- ct Executive for 1911 '. Chairman, Mr lege Students’ Mio. Snciely secured .31 Brownlee, llavertrte 1 tit'cya, ll. H, Bm' 830 this ymr a little less than during tl we. Pricevilie; Messrs H. c. outr, Dol- Mum qunhMgon's man-ment. The I pttio, Breen and Moirst. Delegates "Ladies' Aid" ant-tn Justified its mm. m were menial from Ragnar. Hauover, try some good tinancinl work during I I ateoelg taunt" Kilsyth, M "kdaie and the ymr under Prostdrnt Miss {Inuit F Strathnnirn. McKenzie, Sec-y Mrs Gallnort McKerh- ' A I'vsulutinn w u p need mining the nie. "nd Tteas, Mrs. J. p, _Teltord. L Dominion G wvrnmrnt to remove the The report of the Mummers is " t duty on teptiu to traction ditching waysthe chief item ot the day and ‘t machines. this year there was an optimistic ' _.------- o F------ alumina that must have untitled ev- POPULAR PLACE wry lover of the church. New (amne- es tine been installvd and newly purl Born-To Mr and Mrs Geo. Hopkins. for. Rev. Pr. Fniqttharmn w” pvd . thr, full years salary and there were on Monday, Fri, And, a daughter, ther extra A memo invulvm ve Miss Agnes McGirr. Shelbume. u p y tr o r . $300.00. yet all were met, and I "mm ' spent Sunday week with her parent.", ' . . _ , balance on the right Bide still. There Mr. and Mrs. T. McG'irr. . _ . . IS a balance due on the organ of $520 ' Mr. Joe Porter ot Mutock, vsited tn . . . _ _ which It. ts expected Will be cleaned out burg a week ago Suuday, " this 9)" .. Mrs. H. Ltwrence recurned home y " - Mter viutlng her (hulxhlfl‘, Mrs D Mc- Rev Mr Uooper, Mt Forest, presided r. Cormick. Swinton Park for a couple “meaning tnr the tall and conducted of weeks the proceedings mm! tsttly. it must Mrs. 0. Burns of Portage u Prairie, have been innit. gratifying to.htm n Mull" has been visiting her aunt Mrs Moderator dnrtttg the Vat’mncy .0 haw- Jas Whitman and other friend. here “my, a I".,',',"',.",,'",":,',' '2,',')l,'i,"i The call the past coupleot weeks. . 1,w)l"r,el',',y/l, In t l c usrc JI,' '12t te Mr. and Mus. A. Ltwrence spent ""3" .0“ . “"21“": a: “'1 I',' _. “land" mm Mr and Mrs. Angus‘ an} pages were 2 wt nuneo e- for the meeting dispersed. The toilowirne were armed lo lur Executive tor 1911 '. Chairman, Ml" Brownlee, “avenue l Sena. ll. H. Bur air. Pricevnlle; Messrs H. c. Duff. Dol- phin. Breen and Moitat. Delegates were preent from Ragnar. Hun-over. Glcnelg Ceotre, Kiln-lb, M uhdale and tgtrathnttirn. A I'vsululiun WM puied mking the Dominion ti sverntuettt to retuoFe the duty on ”pain to traction ditching machines. Farmers (Lo-operating t “I! van billyr-‘ - Mr. and Mus. A. strehce spent 1'hursday With Mr and Mrs. Angus Hooper. Top CM? f " - __ - a . L... Mr and Mrs Th0: Mefrre young folks to a jolly jim Filthy night, t l‘llun, "-5.... Miss Mae Brown vhited’ her sister, Mrs w... mum of hunger Friday. Mrs. Wm, Porter of Shawn Park,; visited her parents, “mind Mrs i) Lawrence th few days "eentlr, ,, "h Mr. Alex Bell, teacher " Milverton, spent the week end wish his mother, Mrs John Bell. .4 -- - "-4.. ...,A umnv. Mr and Mrs Hugh r trtn nuu ........,,‘ and Mr Eamon of Markdalo, attended the party at Mrs FU brother’s. Mr. T. Moore. * Mess” Alfred and Goo Plumber are busy wood caning at Mr Jag Hopkins. ---- ‘ _-__ in- nnrchnsed a Mr. C. w. Arnett Inc 10098 horse t" of Baum!“- For 'tyratiisijiiiiiiii,s1), BANK OF atgutitalthA n “In puied mking the sverntuettt to retuoFe the Min to traction ditching Fine Commercial or fit B my Hugh Firth and hmily,l I of Markdalo, Manama“ Irs FU brother’s. Mr. T. BhRHAM 0, Magre fretted the iourjiood dance oo the annual , ...- -- - In. " purchnsed a from M: John (in! |Presbyterians call I a Minister i; Splendid Financial Showing IO Feb. 191r-Ttte annual muting of the Presbyterian communion wan never more lsmely attended thin to- day, etsaily explained perhap- by the "traitdueemettt of the irtterestitttt process of calling q mini-Let. lnsp. Gumbo}; was voted to the chair in the nhseuu ot . pastor and aftpr drvntinnal emerge took up tho various reports "sttoitied in the Arr. nual Stutenwnt. The Session report contained a fine letter from Rev. Dr. quubmson. written by request to a farewrllmrssagv while yet the con- glegatinnuu without. a pnstor. It l, hxeathed tender exhaustion! and wmu good wiuhu to the congregation “that oft terreetted me during, the-e (nut-teen years with their mutu'al him nnJlnva and that showed such un- andlnva and that showed wen un- feigned kindness to me in my wett- ness" The report in closing my» "The Session hopes that Mia and prayerful (‘Ounsclu will prevail and that the uhuoar. bmunony will mark o very Eli p In the ooosinkotapotor." This hope u-mL have been conaider- ed by the Svssinn as practically tuW. . ' L...“ C1cL'iLLuidu..at'rrt""G' ',,"1e:ii,a,'i,t',1r2"u'l1' 'T" uh"... ....,, had , l mthe minoritt (hechoice WM: mud? unanimous. Th.“ QrtM5 a most Gppr cuhuhmnon nl a‘qlluntlon that is snmelimrs fraughl wiit laxi- My erurnmg to the t trid of a roll at, In“. and after balancing Ion-.19 (hrough death now stands ttt 359. bl BRANCH! aag___.___' , - BOOTHVILLE SCHOOL ' Claus 5--hiary Cameron. Sr Mtv-- Aouie Maccsnnel, Mary Mnctunuel, fem Mia-029mm, Annie Witter, Annie luau-ball. Br 3td--Nla Runeimln. Norman Haw, Gun-don MacDonald. t' 3pd--Fiocsie MacDaunol. Kane Inc- Cumwl. An Lane, Ghnrlea Scales. William Lane, Jr ttod-init' Mac- 1f:yy.y1 Pdeds Witter, Gordon Mac- Cantu-l. Harvey William. m bur-- Ada Wilton. Ellwood Kin-man. Nath- , an Haw, Boy WrillammJobnny Maw . oumei. Primer A-Willis Mar-hall, s Annie Machnnel. Alex Mace-and, y Purl Williams. Russel Lane. E. M. MARTIN. Inch-r. DURHAM. Emu is JL, "nmarark ard "iiTiiLu-sise'""t' Iii-w-" newsman-”9"“ mhwsug-a Nn.9 ateueig, Edge Hill a Noun] Bentinck Sunday v he said to be prospering lo the Session repartit at lawn statement of 350 glancing the gains and 2h death and removals, it School Report ,ee-eee-""""""'TT-7C" any kind of Job Printing give THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1914. Ber. P. K. Darfoot, Gen. Superin-| The tendrntot the Baptist Sunday Be.hool been r, Aseocintiott of Ontario, conducted an Comm vices here on Bandar last and as 8 15 memts - . I ,,,-...__ .- i... Vlytu u-.....___, _ p. m. , non-denomination“meeting wu convened in the Mothediet Church‘ to be adds-eased by him and by It Aitken, the student supplying the Presbyterian pulpit tor the day. on the subject of Temper-nee. There In: a. fair attendance for natormy night. -- .. - --- -.i.r. nha:n‘“n was a fair ntunaauce [Ur "obo."', “-7“ v night. LU:L,Aii'7rFi,"i"i'tTiirTf."2ler" . Rev. Mr Prudham was chAirman storm any develop at any time. ant) introduced Mr Aitken tirat and Nova Senna. and New Brunswick Uter he hid given his mum". Mr enchloav2leatn; Manitoba has Iii, a Dsyfoot gave the main addqu ot the gain of 5 ', sank. 16, gain of 6 l Alberts evening. It was tuitotpttntrenthut" 12, min of tr; British Uolumbin 12,'I relating to the present. day standing pin are; Yukon l, “cataloged. of the lompernm-e movement and Tho Westt, whim member-I. tstmitt “rut-lug than movement through the of 22, itt r,etuntraroiets. Quebec has an'ioui steps of prohitsitOe Ioglshtion still 65 tnomtusrs--its number never up to the ptesem.L1cnl Option victor .changes, and P. E. Island will likely In, when over tturee-fHtt" of the prov- be allowed to keep its 4 aembers, iuce iit " dry." Lhough strictly entitled to only 3. National Prohibition by Mo. ‘Only He related tothe recent meal Vic-l tories of the Canada. Temperance Act. - ally in Huron Co. and said the wonder in Welhmd wan not that at carried, but, that under the conditions e-xmlng they dared to try at :11. The movement to abolish liquor sell. Ing WM! making astonishing progress I m the United Slates and he thought. Cmnda abould join in the Slogan they were adopting it National Prohibition by 192.0." To a gathering of Sunday School workers, Mr Dayfoot conducted an in- teresting Question Drawer hour. Each person was supplied with slips contain- ing about so questions, covering every‘ phase of Sunday School work and dim" culties. Tne audience picked out any question that appealed to them and Mr Dayfoot gave his matured opinion and iiiiii'i'i,1i,i discussion sometimes result- ed. Every Sunday School teacher or ....-,M,e.r must have been benefitted.. ed: Every Sunday worker must have b Ex-Mayor Col. D. C. McKenzw. m I Fort qucea. known to old Durham- t the as "Dave" McKenzie was signally i hum red two weeks ago by hi: fellow 1 citizens on retiring from the Unab‘ airy after 8 year‘s servme during which lite plane grew from one to tour thous- and in population with great Indus" _ trial expansion. The uddresa freely give-x him credit tor the advance. The program consisted of ahummg one watch, chain and charm with belle that strike the hours, hall hauls and qumnen, a Inonogmm of the ex-mnym' on bout andthe coat of arms ofthe town on the hack with inscription. Tue. illuminated addveus concludes u follows l "lt is the wish of all that the hours l and days marked " by this gold Linw- piece may be few indeed before you are culled to Larva your fellow Gums. dlnnsin a. broader f1eld of pnhllc en- deavor. and when the cull comes the unfailing qeninllty, the Ikilful diplom- aes, 'he nnerring judgement and the unwavering honesty which has char- scterizvd your administration of num- iclpul uthirs mll not he furgotten by the electors of Fort Frances." Honored and More Annual Moet it Grey and Br' cc Insurance 00. Nutice m hereh given pursuant to Bectton 127 of the atnrio [murmurs Act 1912 tttat the Annual General Meet ing of Ibo Grey nd Bruce Mutu- ( all Fire 1neurt""lr unfunny will be ho-ld in Miller’s Bull In the Townuf Hanover. on Saturday the 21M day of February, 1914. at 2. o'ciock in the alter-noun. for the par " ot receiv- ing the Aitditorts' Staten; t, the elec- tion. of Directors and tr: action of 1 other bualnvin. . n __ ---- nan-acnrxt EEEEEa-mxflfisxaflszNEWEEFx Ri M 10urham 8llittt, ii 32 hated my MONDAY EVENING l'ii.'s. a have!“ the tioutittts mm ti at $25 P" Ill ' a iiiii'2iisriraissrsrrisrtiti'rre"%"'l"* ii -.-------q_'- We are offering 100 tons of good Hay, tho bal- R) ance of a. 300 ton purchase at M Ill ttttq oer ton for Cash g $11 Iyer 100 tons Good Clean Feed The quality of on: D. c. McKenzie. of m: judgemant tutti the meaty which has char- administration of unm- Ill not he turgouen by Fort Frances." MILLER, Secretary. Promised that the hours (W heat, Oats and Barley) r Ton (M Returned) The new stiauritsation Bill In S , . been introduced into the Home of r nd-. , Bell. Jr4 Lommonl and_ Octal-lo is to lose fo a? M ll 1 Ue2iG,.yNrli"ira o. no , s', ' Jr 3rd--V to luv. 10 numbers. formerly ttt two u o Bell l new constituenclu no forum! in New I, 'i'riiiiiL' Onmrlo, thus lowing 8 m n to R M F I taken from Old Ontario. One of than c ar I IS to be taken from Grey Co., Eat -eee"' Urey being divided hotwun North and ----" South Greg. .rge..et1tle.le1te.t,,'.ede'e' l . i‘tllquII-n .. -e-e 'ttt accomplish his death, - many practical lessons fro r certainty surrounding bu :tiuns and the necessityl (ways leady to meet the and if pouihle. with the C optimism of tit, Paul. Be a striking fact, that of 18 d rf pnrish. wittun the past " them bud hem sudden, Wt y init, and possibly some wl _ __....I.| Friday last the remain' ot in. nu" Mu Torry were laid to rest in Durham l cemetery, ami'd many evidences of sorrow and respect. A brief service was eonducted in the home, Rev, Mr Prudhnm assulingaher which the remains were when to Trinity church, where an impresswa and appropriate service was conducted by deceased'a tpualor. Rev. W. H. Hartley. The church, appropriately draped for the .* "-.. -. SQerCe v".- Lu..-_-___, . pastor. Rev. W. B. Hunky. The church, approprintely draped for the occasion was ttlied to the door, some 800m more burning out to pay the Ust tnbute. ' Floats are never questioned tiliytrittt). -the REVIEW a Trial Baled Straw i,8, h: Illllll.ttiititieigt"ifkialllllllllllt , , :‘u-f-yiw' _r'Cr'uk"" V , .. l £39315“ _. F _ J . Itil; . . “eh a)" tho ur. . I I - v u - A full line of the above kept in stock. We buy from the largest wholesale Grocery in Toronto and buy for cash. therefore can sell you at a close price and besides give you the best quality nhtmnablc. When you want a rush order phono at No, So, irtstairsatjle. When BEGGS' GROCERY. Save Money and HIGH CLASS MINI 'iiii"jiiiiii. BANK or BANADA Five Rose Flour Purity, Flog! Purity Flour 3.00 1.55 ow Pine Tree Flour 2.50 Tut. Put upin Milyerton Jewel Flour 2 50 1.30 700 " lb bug. only Chesley good luck flour 2.50 1.30 7oe at 2.50. Every McGowans eclipse flour 2.50 1.30 6se bag gunntecd Cheslcy Belle Flour and McGowan Putty Flour no. nncxcellad for pastry uses. Try a bag. m nR00ERlE§ No I Lake Salmon Trout, ‘pickled' No l qualla Salmon trout ‘Fruh' No 1 Superior herring ‘pickled' No I Lake Superior herring ‘fresh' Digby Herring by the box LONDON. ENG., o'rrlc: Bani 2raita--8imr' St. DURHAM BRANCH: As Lenten season is netting now in your um I supply of fish. We can all you Salmon Trout I 100 lb or 50 lb kegs. These fish are No. 1 (ado. BALED BAY, No. I grade. A good supply kept can sell you anything from one bale to 5 to”. Co f you need any. Remember our phonejn No so ' groceries or flour m a nutty. MRS. A. Blades (b' SON School Report SALMON TROUT MI) HERMES: New and There is always something interesting " the store that gets the new things first and February promises much in this respect es new goods are pil- ing in every day, which together with extre value and February sales, will create the greatest activity at this store. New Black (h' Colored 1 yd. wide Silk Stirring Activities NEW DRESS GOODS, b NEW ENGLISH PRINTS; Special Offeripg si; 'iiranches mpggpgpt Canada. 25 Ladies' Tweed Skirts M, Great Bargains in Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up ReservoFunds S. F. MORLOCK Large amnment, nanny sold at $1.25. pricttper yud...... ...... ...... ...... Ranging in price " 5 co to 15 oo, going at tgtut "Urifiee, 25 per cent Ranging in mice from 94,00 to 5.00. and secure a These area brakes line at! stun. u we “sound on during stock-nth; Rock at one price, they not: in price --- ., _. .__. “.5 we ISBOHGG um um...‘ Ttr-i--." i, . - stock at one price. they no“ in price hon 7.50 toto.oo. Whilcthcy lut.onch.............. Always at Sump Department " ill Branch... Spring Goods Coming Sales Goods Going 98 lbl 33.00 INCORPORATID 10.9 and - n “m - a. “In. a 303W a has of Redpul’s Sugar Ott our Car this week 4i . . . a 25.000900 . . ' . t 1.600.000 . . . . 13.000900 iiihsriver, department filling up Vida New Goods. ' in Ladies' NEW SCOTCH GINCfleMS am... argaddrStt. . HUGHES, -r. Halibut by lb, fresh frozen QIIHI Salmon by lb ., tirperiorper,i,'yr fresh fr”:- Fran Kiddie NEW YORK AGENCY your tine to secure your Ion Trout and Herring in this Store 15 Men's Overcoat' 1y kept in stock. We II. Call in no see us No so when in need of To elect cont-’9! Our 1 into on lot Bit hing: fy?? the 1.00 2.50 “5.66 l oii D To it -

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