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Durham Review (1897), 12 Feb 1914, p. 3

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Hm. if Imam Mend w to b. M. he "A ten to 'oclin. rifieso I to 1 005 if “to is to ed mu- t. of " to mini- I? orth y who ' mg? um hand” out- her. rd Tl- a 1'9: "I'D " as! the the an no: e tho 0f W " " Tt succeed a m‘ work to her llkmg, and (mi'.(. m, tman her mother beggin‘ hr " m .tt,,supiiort hone]! in omistoA, a Weil no he: widowed mother when uh. 1m labial in tune. he did A dengue}: from North Bay WM Octavia Founder, . Frenchman: about so pan of use. I» “ha trom an - tmin at North Boy on Thuudq on amount of_bor com (mm, winch imitated 'ee.itr. Sbe is unable to speak Enahuts. She came " this country about 'hreomo-routttthdhorod pouring “new” iiGiiFGii Woman Used All Her Money to Get Home to France, But Got on Wrong Train INSANE THROUGH DISTRESS 11 President Wilson and the Bennte( tat',',," rolnllons committee of the ’nitui Mute: appear to have been dis- casein“ the question of the Pmme tolls. t is Assorted that President wu- Ion is in favor of tho British contention that to exempt United States coastwise traffic will discriminate against forelfn Yuma”. British or others. and thus w ll M a direct violation or the tlay-Psunce- tote treaty. which axvressly states that “the can.) shall be free and open to tho Vessels ot commerce end of Ivar of ell latte-Is on termu of entire equality so that there shall be no dtqttrttniruulort tret', my noon notion or It. citisenu subjects In "event of the conditions or (merger of "we or otherwise." Over this clause A trod den! of helm!y hes Been around y thee. in the nited tans who are unions to twist the lion's tall, as the pastime is popularly full-:0. on every possible ocossion. It] was argued. and the ornament Wu hack- ed M? In latch places. that tho eta-nu did not Include the United State. tn the meaning of Tell nations." . _ _ - -. wr. Are told that “my back in tho In-hmuy or Egypt. which nut rained win-u. I In"; grew only two gain! and than were an "In.“ a humeral. But since than days the hem): nnd the gains tuna boon getting much Inter. hm Is tarsal)! due to can And cul- ture. On. more fun to the head of wheat would ad much to the r.- Iourvn and glory of the country. And " can be done and will nomo (tar who“ money and business Ion their throoes In the hearts ot men "Arr.' and plenty take their like... , I r. mun-n In In the ttround Limiting the magic touch by which evory mun. wo- man and child In tho country will have I hult'-ttusttttt more Wheat than they not porlin‘ 'rtth"snc. there would be morm- Mr. Samuel w. Aiiorton. In o hook on: oust we.“ m probobio Ihortalo In tho titiett "The Hog: The fret, Poyorf vumuu -trtnion Maple: upon thch lay. [nut stroll upon tho mportoneo m mound. of menu-In: tho output of pork. cope. This won Ice in a bumper crop. All cioliy In view ot the oquInI shortage ovm' mo North it ha. formed in ucoi- of moot products. Ho points out that tour. quality and almost limitiou Sl'lvni the prom In hogs Is (not. and “their tity Moreover. tho cundition- " gresonco on the farm makol for tho been unusually fuvorobie {or horvoot- one!" of all crops by sunglyinl a no- trot Thom can in no ”must: for a short turn] fertilizer." Ho my: t o only aeri- oum-i) or for high prices. The ovorue out; obstacle to success In ho. chol- thlr “was " from ten to fourteen Inches era. and this may be avoided by pro- and it has format! in a way to mnko " per feeding. He recommend- {round Clear an“! loud. The snow ta but o barley as a food. and as thin Ira n can ought. abuts-action to gathering and In he xrnwn in this Province to perfus- unu.y Mellow-l there wan ulnplc tune to tion, tho recommendation In of spool.) hum-u aynu's supply hofore the‘onow Interest. . cmnn. o Is an Important factor n the - Ono-f .9. your}: walkdolng and well-Ming and A d the w . l on. may (alienate nurserol upon being f n nay another great quest on elr, manna“, wen provided tor. S'?.'.'?,?.,'.?..'..:')!'., co_tTtet,_tf $359 a.'re/ n In with good much that In Point to our nuns-u u the hou- of our pro- sperity. But more are tunes!- ot win- ter as we” I: Nirvana of summer. Ac- comm. lt our pro-cm Immuno- of liv. Iug, no Mrdly It»: I necoulty than wheat or potatoes. It I. “nouns! to bum: - comfort. Without tug con. ”rung Nuanc- than would be worm- ou: want. ngtd DIOMDIQ ”tonne tn tho vumuu -trtnion Maple: upon which in depend. Thu won Ice in a bumper crop. All .vm' the North it In. formed in axe-l- tour. quality and almost llmmou quan- tity Moreover. tho condiuon- " an. we, to hue practically the whole cl hie flee newly limped. Allen entered the hoepitel about two Int-the ego with his face dis- titrumsd hon on noeident in 1 new- mill the ye." previously. Mia nose and lips were missing. A section of ftrah duped to the form of his lower tip we. cut on his loreerm in December, and . gnlting juncture made with the lip base. The can we: bound about the head until the grafting was complete. This oon- mum-d about two weeks, when sum- ciunt adherence having taken place, the lip eectiun was severed from the um end the lip shaped. The some. ppm-Mun was followed in the up- per lip treatment, 3 section of It/ I deqtateh from Bcltimoro. Md., an: With a Mo! his [om “Mating for new lipa, Ron Allen. g young Cardin " . hos. tital here, seems to be in s favor CANADIAN GETS jiiiiirjii"ifi Comment on Events Remarkable Series of Operations Performed on Ross Allen at Baltimore no Panam- Cuu foul. Amha- - or Wheat. mm by her inability to sped the lamps- of the country, her "not: became impaired. Her condition bu grown' steadily worse, an} it will be necessary to commit in to a ”In. I and bad purchased a. ticket with her mt reserve, but found on the train that her ticket was to a place in Whom, and that oho was travelling westward instead of out ward. Ber dishes. v.9 {amp ind, n day. Bho docidod to return to France, No Mention Made of It " Lord Strnlhoona'e Will. A deepstch from Winnipeg says: Speaking editorially on Wednesday morning of Lord 8ttasthoonaU will, tho Winnipeg Telegram any! in part: "It will not escape notice that the Canadian West, which laid the foundation of Btmrtltooms'a Sor- jtunee and opened the way to the 'public - which made hie mane famous, in quite penned over. The (uni-aim will Mouse no resentment in the West, but it my be permit- ted in the circumstance: to mmusrk at a. time when no much is being said of his services to tho Woa6--. and they were undoubtedly uln- tutle--tlust it we the West that made Btrathoona and that gave him l his great fortune which he tttir,) elsewhere with such a. lavish hand." Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the lstomach. improve digestion, etrength~ len the nerves and restore debilitated ;syeteme to health. Br cleansing the iblood ot longstanding impurities. by ibringing the system to a high point lof vigor. they effectually chase may ‘weariness, depression and disease. Good tor young or old, tor men, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr. Htunittott't, Pills of Mendreke end Butternut. _ TBP""" _.._ “my, u...” lior any work. My stomach was so disordered that I had no appetite. What I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick head- ache and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon my drugxist's recommendstion I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "I felt better at once. Every dsy I Improved. In six weeks I wns a well woman. cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason that I strongly urge tgutNrmn, with stomach or diges- tive troubles to use Dr. Hemilton's Puts." Halifax, N.S., Dee. 16.--Whem inter. viewed at her home at 194 Argyle Bt., Mrs. Haventock was quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. "t was always 'blue' and depressed. felt weak, languid and utterly unlit a-.. ---- ---- ., -- ' ' And now (mother great question con- fronts utr.-" tt correct to take a wo- man's arm when Milking with her? This question has been made acute by Kaiser William, who has tuned an edict that othcers of the Oorman army must Pflt take the arm of a woman compani- on. not even If Ibo in his wife. This is hi simple rule, And a noted authority on these matters In quoted a. sayinl. "Only a boor would take a lady's If!!! excodpt to hand her to a carriage " her Inn a were engaged with her gown, or 1n...t.hy oyont_of gang" or 111nm." Halifax 89nd: Out A Nova Seetizi Case of Interest to ill Women This doctrine is generally repudiated in Iociety these days. It ought not to be. because. it encourages dignity and rennet-t. There is a certain distance be- tween the sexes that should never be forgotten and when it is the natural courtesy between the man and woman easily f,"',',tgtt'",t It is hard to say it, yet this a! ttht familiarity is a step to- ward making the woman seem more common than she ought to seem. Frsnoe, whore they could both ', the mother said, on so com.- industry. for the enforcement of it: will. And they did the work with a. pwiftnou and thoroughneu that commanded Ip- probation. But the strong hand seems to be too strongly exercised in throw- ing the offenders into exile without their conviction by any legal tribunxl. Thi- crentea a fresh South African difficulty for tho British government. which can- not approve, and yet must not interfere with the action of a self-governlnx do- m n on. It is expected tlust the urtihge will adhere to the itch] bones, sud in time become an integral part. of the skull struoture. Several months will be needed for the complete operation. When Allen mumulatea sum- cient strength for another opera- tion the surgeon: will try to build him . new nose. It is planned to cut ”my 5 piece of healthy carti- Iago from one of the ribs at the Junction with the breast bone, nhnpe it to the form of a. nose with the nostril openings. and insert it in place of the misusing organ. The skin, which will have been previ- ously slit for the insertion of the substitute bone, in then to be drum over the bone and healing awaited. THE WEST PASSED OVER. um flesh being grafted across the upper arm and the um strapped tr Allen’s head and shoulders until this section, too, had taken hold. mic.“ nda Out a Message of Help to Many People. u Homgq Punt. Charged With Negligence and Min. I conduct. A despttoh from Norfolk, Vir- gin-l}, up: Formal charge: against Captain Berry, of tho steamer Ran- 1tucket, which tank the liner Noam ‘roe with a loss of 41 lives, wen formulated hero on Thur-adv and fox-waded to who“ trtle handguns"; a is . any chap "7 vi new sud ninonduct. The bond et dam- bod Wu at Philadelphia will .1 it. mud with. CAPTAIN " TIME NANTUCKET. Members of the Matt Have Mad Ex. perience at the South Pole. A despatch from London we: Lieut. Sir Ernest Shackleton has issued the names of the seven mem- bers of his M who will so to the Antarctic. All except. one have had experience in the region of the South Pole. It is understood that l several of the tseiezttiBe staff of Cap- ‘tein Scott’s ill-fated expedition will join Sir Ernest, as well as some of, the men who accompanied Dr. Mawson. Lieut. Shackleton has practically decided to buy the new Norwegian BOO-ton ship Polaris, which was especially built for ice work. She will be converted into n oil-burning veseel and renamed Endurance. She will operate in the Weddell Sea. She will be com- manded by Captain Davis, who is now in charge of Dr. Mawson's’ ship, the Aurora. an army of 189,000 men with which he is opening a. campaign in the north, and he is wiring to pay the expenses of reporters from any ten American newspapers to witness the operations. President Billinghurat of the Re- public of Peru, wag taken prisoner by the military revolutionists and will be exiled. President. Huerta, in a message) to tho New York Bun, my: he has The Philadelphia Quart-z Co. will give 3.10 per cent. bonus to thy men at its Chester plant who pledge themselves not to drink. Anglo-German relations were mud by the German Foreign Minis. totto r, "ts good." President Wilson announced that he was in favor of repealing the clause exempting American coast- wiso shipping from the Panama Own] tolls. The British Colonial Secretary has notified all the Dominions, col- onies and Protectorates tlust oil do- posits be leased only to British companies, and with a. stipulation that the war offieo may control the export during hostilities. Addressing the Institute of Bard- tary Engineers, Six- Wm. Ramsay asked if it would not, be betterto allow the unfit to die. are alleged by George Alexander of Montreal against two big con- tthing thang, one of them of inter- national reputation. The laborers, it is said, were charged such exhor- tionate prices for supplies that their wages were more than eaten up. Gross ihjustices, if nol - swam] frauds, upon foreign laborers en- gagedjn rarilyray construction work The new C.P.R. hotel art Calgary will be called the "Nllisor," after Capt. Palliser who, in 1847, led a Government exploring party be.. tween Superior and the Rockies. The Canadian Forestry Associa- tion, at ita sixteenth annual meet- ing in Ottawa, decided, following the suggestion of Premier Borden, to hold a National Forestry Con- gress there next January. It is stated at the headquarters of the Salvation Army in Winnipeg that only domestics and farm labor- ers will be brought from tho old country this year. Magloire Bernard, a farmer of St. Dominique, Que., was caught on a spike in a. barn doorway as his horses ran through, the nail pene- trating his eye and his head. The Alert has been ordered out of commission and the preventive officer at. North Sydney suspended for carrying "passengers and lag- gage” without permission. Kimberley, an Englishman, who told the Peterboro' police he had helped to murder a. m in Kid- dorminster, now says he was only fooling. Jams Hover hoe/Wed as tax collector of Gueltlhi because the en- forcement of payments makes too many enemies. A movement for a winter hit in London was commenced " the en- nual meeting of the Western Fair Association. Wm. IE. Ellie, manger for the Wm. Davie- Oompsny at Belle- ville, woe humane“! in his room. having been seized with heart fail- ure. ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION. Arrest. in Toronto Last year up- proximted one for every ten per- St. Catharines has only 88 work- leas men. Non Booth Legislature open: Feb. 19. Canada. the Empire and the Wortd In General Baton You JAPP .NINGS "" ALL OVER THE GLOBE " A . 30181131.]. illf NEWS III fl Mllillllln Great Britain. United States. General. Canada. “My bead WM clearer, nerves steadior, than for months. Ierday my stomach is strong, my ',ttfl,t normal, my bodily power Q endid, and head‘dwaryo don.” “So I began with some stewed fruit, Grape-Nuts and cream, a, soft boiled egg, toast, and a cup of Postum. By noon I In. hungry, but with a. healthy, normal up? the. The weak, languid feeling was not there. T "Yet a, breakfast of rolls,'fried foods and coffee meant headache, nausea. and kindred dioomfortl. Either way I was losing weight and strength. when one day ' friend suggested that I try a. 'Grape-Nuts breakfast.’ “Indigestion had troubled me for some time, and in fact my slight breakfast was taken more from habit than appetite. At. first this imurdicient diet was not noticed much, but at work it made me walk tsnd hungry long before noon. "Three years ago I began work- ing in a general store," writes a nun, "and between trequentUeliw cries and more frequent customers, I was kept on my feet from morn- ing lily night. There’s more h, the use of proper food than many people ever dream ofreysreU the pity. Getting the right start for tho day's work often mans the diner- ence between doing things in whole- some comfort, or dragging along half dead all day. _--C,.vv n... .uuuna 42-":- aumuuw, a young woman he had married through a. self-performed ceremony while acting as a. priest at St. Jo- seph’s Church. The penalty of the crime is death in the electric chair. Schmidt's defence was insanity. This was his second trial. The jury on the first trial disagreed and was discharged. Prom Weakness to Power by Food Route. Bogus Prlest’s Defence Was That of Insanity. A despatch from New York says: On Thursday Hans Schmidt was found guilty of murder in the first degree for killing Anna. Aumullor, an army airman, aged twenty-nine, who was killed at Montrose but May. The will, which was proved in the Dublin courts, loaves the whole fortune of £12,500 to Winsonne Constance Roper, dau h- ter of the West Hartlepool ship builder, and granddaughter of Sir Robert Roper. On tho dead body of the airman was found a. minis.- ture portrait of the girl, which he was in the habit of wearing on his breast. Recognition of His “Herolsm and Staunch Allegiance to Duty.” A despatoh from London says: Capt. F ranch Inch, commander of the steamship Volturno, which was burned in mid-Atlantic on Oct. 11, 1913, with a loss of 135 lives, was presented on Wednesday with the freedom of the City of London in a. silver casket, and also with a. gold ‘medal, db gold watch and chain, a. 'purse of gold and Lloyd's silver medal. The presentation was made by the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House. He told Capt. Inch that the tokens were in recognition of his “heroism and staunch alle- glance to duty.” At the same time a diamond and sapphire pendant and a. silver teas service wore pre- sented to Mrs. Inch. The Lord Mayor and William Marconi, the wireless inventor, delivered eulo- gistie speeches, in reply to which Capt. Inch modestly denied having done anything but his duty. An Army Airmanh, Attaehnuutt to a Young Girl. A deapmh from London says: A mantle attachment to a, girl of fourteen years was disclosed by the will of the. late Lieutenant Arthur, HONORS FOB. CAPTAIN INCH. Sickness " night is rendered s. nightmare ot the put it Nervlllne is handy. It may be eel-ache, toothache or cramps. Nervilirte in every case will cure at once and save calling the doctor. Nerviline is a ismlly physi- cian in itself. The large 600. family size bottle, of course, is most econo- mlcal. Small trlsl size costs a quar- ter. All dealers sell Nerviline. _ “Last Saturday night my stomach felt like an infernal machine." writes T. P. Granger from Hutford. "I wes awakened from a sound sleep and found myself lulu-in; the worst kind ot torture. 1 was so doubled up I could hardly cross my room. I had used Nerviline before for the some thing and took a real good dose. Once I felt the warm. soothing sensation of Nervillne in my stomach I knew I was all right. It ttttttshed the ertunps--lutrt one single dose.” Thin isn’t more tau--U'a a solid, truthful tact. No other remedy-mot a single otte---wtu cure cramps so quickly and harmleuly an Nerviline. It hit: the spot in a Jilly ttttd saves a new of misery. A real cum}: cure? Yes, a. real ondr-4n a twinkling the cramp II a and one, sad the last squirm In over, once you [at a at!!! doe pt Neg-villus on the Inside. "liem%t":. ares Cr amps Ends Misery Instantly. G CH,TY " MURDER. A ROMA NTIC STORY. REMEDY SO SPEEDY OR EFFICIENT. TRE WAY OUT third-clue anticipated. Cut In Ocean Rates May Lead to Large Increase. A despstoh from Moptroal says: The shipping rate war, in the opin- ion ot looal Icon“, is likely to lend to a lane in“ in tho unalign- téon of Etergpenl at tho Mn; clan, providiig ample New]; railway and other ooqtatruettiott work. This my rank; in Jan:- Mad Many has of Weapons Stored In Native Compounds. A despatch from Chrpe Town am: General Jan Bmuts, the Minister of Defence, spoke for two hours on 1Thuraday in communion of his speech on the, bill indemnifying the Government for any possible losses growing out of the operation of martial law. m continued his in- dictment of the labor leaders, and declued that may tons of wespons were stored in native compounds And my hands of dynamite” had been organized. 1 to Fi,',,; milk." And 39117166813. up to gy has? and Itrmbtp-- ight own. 5.50 to I . navy " to 38.15; Sfrlnou mm» ".36 to $9.60: puck: " to u . with he off. ddiirU-5-7Ga veal. "" Itll.': common. " to 36.50, Ptr-h'. to r. 6, ha and watere ; 38.05 tt ".80. "tlg, 89.10 to 89.85. on can. antral, Fob, Mh--Beat stars clued sold at tt.M, while the bulk of Y, mam, wu done In cum. runny n prlco mm P, to " and tho lower {rado- lold from t at down to " per cw But- oturre comm And bulls were steady It from " to " per owl. Choice milkerrr, from $100 to Pit good at $80 to ”On Ind medium n t.'ll to to cull. Cholco‘ lamb: told It ' .60. and medium at " whit. Show brought 86,60 to " per BWL (7-.va- ranud In. " to 818 min, " to lilo and ntralttr. Prlces of hogs ud- vmoed 10 to lie pu- cwt., with . (M. demand. and ulu of selected Iota wero' than}: at ”.76 to $10 per cqrt., weighodl o c n. Toronto, Feb. 10.--4uttN--Cttoio. but- cher-0'. ".16 to "o; good, tr." to $8; medium. " to $7.25: common " to git' choice cows. $8.60 to ".75; good, a to 36.“: medium. 86.50 to ".16; com- mon “.50; outta" and earthen. l'u'l to :5; cholcc bulk, " to 01.26; good. ' to 6.60; common, " to $6.76. tockar- and feetders---8teesrur, chem. " to ".'y..'crtrof,...tir.o to. “.69; light. $3.50 I Minneapolis. Feb. tth-Wheat-Mar, ‘18 7-80. bid: P,t 90 1-40 naked. Cub --No. 1 hard. ' 3-het No. 1 Northern, " 7-8 to " 8-80; No. 2 Northern. " 7-3 to " 7-8c; No. a wheat. " '" to " 7-80. Corn-No. 8 yellow. 5614 to 5051-20. Cuts---.). I white, " 1-2 to " 8..4e. Flour and ban unchanged. Duluth, Feb. 10. - Linseed -- tMatt, W! 1-4,' May, '1.51 1-4: July 81." 1-4. oab--No. 1 hard, " 8-411; 2&0. l Nor~ thorn“ " Me; No. I Northern. " 8-40: 'drvi..d.' 8-4 to " Tae; July, " 3-4 to Montreal, Feb. Mh-Cotm-Amertenn No. , yellow. " 1-2c. otrts--Cartaditstt western. No. g " I-tc; do., No. , 411-2 to 420; extra. No. 1 feed. 40 1-2 to 41e. Barur--Man. feed, a to We; malung. " to M. Buehwheat-No. 2, 56 to 6"e. Fiour---Man. Spring wheat patents, ttrsts, 85.40: seconds, $4.t)0; strong bak- ers'. $4.70; Winter patents. choice, $4.O to tr, ”might rollers, $4.36 to $4.50; do., bags. " to 82.10. Rolled oats, bar- rels. “$5: do.. bttgrs,90 War., 82.05. Bran. 822. Shorts. $24. Mlddllnca. 327. Mon- ille. $28 to $8t. "ay-No. 2, per ton car lots, 818.50 to 815. Ch--k'lrurst westerns. " 7-8 to Ho; tinert cisterns. " 1-2 to " 8-40. Buttnr--Choittetrt crummy. " m " 1-20: seconds. " '" to " s-Ic. PlTc,2rt we: selected. " to "e: No. Mock. ii to 34v. Pota- mes, per bag, our lots. " to M)c. CHARGE AGAINST STRIKERS “'Innipeg, Feb. Ith-Cash priees:- Wheat-tlik l Northern, " 1-40; No. 2 Northern, 8 1-4e; No. 3 Northern. " 1-4c: No. t 77 1-20; No. ti, Tlc; No. 6, Me; food, Blte; No, 1 rejected seeds. " 1-40: No. 2 rejected “min, 79 1-4c; No. a rejected Honda, 77 l-4c: No. l amutty. 81 1-40: No. 2 smutty. " l-4c; No. g smutty, 77 1-4e; No. 1 red Winter, " 1-4e; No. 2 red Wlntor, " 1-40: No. a rod Winter, 82 1-40. oats-No. 2 CW., 330: No. , c.w., 32 1-412: nxtra No. 1 food, " l-2c: No. 1 teed, 31 8-40: No. 2 read. " 1-40. Barley. No. t, 41 1-213; No. 4, 400: rejected. "e; fend, " lee. Flax-No. 1 N.-w.c., 81.26; No. 2 CW., $1.88; No. ' C.W.. 81.09. ' med itiiv’vééiFIJisf 31.56 6618.75. on track, Toronto. Baled hay-No. l at $14.50 to tiii a ton, on track hero; No. 2 quoted at $13 to_$13.50, and mixed}! $11 " $121.50.“ Btieott--tontt clear, " to 16e per lb. in one lotl. Pork-ahora cut, $28.50; do.. men. 824.50. Hamm---Medittnt to light, 16 to " I-M; breakfast bacon. 18 to 19e; bucks, " to Me. 1.:ardrrTitrreetr, " 14¢; tubs, 141-20; __ 1Ard-oriirAieC ii pulls. 14 3-40. . "Hijiurc-iriiiruieia,"iCtfa," 11 to per lb. for No. 1; comb! " to g:'ll tty',' for No. l, and $1.") to '2.60 o. . Potatoircontirioi" dire-i/dr has, on track, and Delaware: at 80 to 850. on track, In car lots. ( Butt_ntoice dairy, " to Sue', In- ferior. " to Me; farmers‘ aepnrstor prints. " to Mc; cramory prints " to no; Iolldl. " to "e; storage urinal. M to Mc; solidi, " to " 1-20. 1Wtr.-Ctoes lots of new-lam. " to 40o per dozen; storage. also“. as to 8ht, am; storage: " 30 $4e Per, glotgn. _ - t'oiiitrv--rowi. " to "e per lb: chick- ens. " to 18e; ducks, " to Ibc; (one. 14_to_ 16e; tufkeyq. " M? Me. _ "Ehiéiéva'eir' “Eek: ff 3-4:: tor Inn, Ind lie for twl a. - 7 U u -"iuarTir-Uiu1iirpTaed, 32.10 to $2.20 pey_bushel;_pr!men._52_ to ”.10.” _ -- Inna, .uu .. w - van ..-%.... --_-'_ei. l oattr-No. , Ontario on... " to as Mo, outside. And u " to " I-te, on track. (Toronto. Weltern Canada on“. 401-16 for No. 2, and " tbu (or No. I. Buy ports. P---" to " outside. Barley-Wood mania. barter, " to Mo, outside. corn-No. a American, " I-ge, all rail, Toronto. Btho. a u " to “a. outside. J.'"'""'"-"" , at " to 'tht, out- I e. Bran-ad-tttob. bran, $82.60 . ton, tn 95355 Tgronto freight. Shorts. '" to €51.50, Edi-dim. "652.53 'irciiiut%.' {a tiiiOte, out- lide, and " pojtc. pn tret.. Torte.".oc ""iiaiiiWGG'riat--Bar pom. No. 1 Northern. Mc, and No. s, " 14¢; Oar Arrtqtr,_1-M, you. New! tfet,tpti MAY AID IMMIGRATION. I Toronto, rob. ".--Ptttttr. Onurlo yvhont ttours, " per cent. "" to ”.10. ‘ucbou‘a. sad It 83.“. Toronto. mm- tot--Ptmt patents. in jute bull. 85.40; do., “con“. “.00; strong mart. in tutt bl". "P. ... A u I dutch. i-to ‘mon. No. 1 Nor!“ North an. JI.?' 3:2. M? 3109.33 If.'?. "In. of Mttt% cum. - - at»: m n “on. an m PRICES tlf PM "(WINS luau" m. m LIAIIIB mm “It": " will“ 11th Inc“ Huron. In". It»: “on. In!“ my sud ltnw. Fm oaaiori, .. neutral Ila-ht... Wham»: mun. Gout?! mango. novulonl. “whit: lower " to 24c: tn.. 12e "tor Crave House, which Lord Crave bu now lea-ed to Jamel B. Duke, the American tom man. has mung du- tinetive features. It VII built ' Ed- ward Shepherd, but when " was tsought by Lord Wharnuittm me mama Wurli- was House, It was way noon-tract» 0d und the door wu not at the back and tho old door wu made Into a window. Lord Crew. rout-red Shepherd”. door, which faces Curzon ”reel our in rather generous strip of garden. but Crewe, (mac still has the ditstirtvtior: of mm. Me': amt-o than all but three or tour 0qu tn Mayfair. It can look- . mnor mun in town. Willlnm (“Voted more than thru- Icoro yam a! his “to to calm-ml: work and an woman! of hlu nun-cho- tn the region of Mule” 't,'tt%t'tt when only " you" old was publi- so lone no as March. 1849, in the Inn- in; Journet. In tho mum of his ex- periment: at that (In. William“ had obtain!!! ulna] aim have“ length! of alone? who About IM feet nun. which 1 him "to draw “tendon to I prlnclple upon which tolemphlo com- muniutlon my be obtained between Ergllnd Ind “no. without wlru.” l his I: probably the earliest record-l ed propheoy u to tho ponlbmuu of I'll-elm tolegnphy bud hw, urinal facts. A few you: “(or Wit tarmy took out two Hunts. on. for tmprovemertta ln clout-to blew-splu- and the other for Improvements In obtaining power by electro-nnnctlnm. (So unwra- of the world, John Walter llama. who w credited with having tmttt the ttret telezrnph Mn; In the world. l 8h. do" not. by the Iny, any the but “Sch II the "wart-Mo adjunct of the modern walnut. 8110. of com-u. never to” out alone, and the Indy In Mary do” not us. a powder puff. doe! not we a powder putt. new " -. Dead. There puma any last week " mutton-on-‘rhtmu. at tho advanced 9". ot 30. tit? lut_luf_v1vin¢ pfyurty yr Own Mary 'W germin- be describ- " u "the tut o t e Vitorlanl." She has tn old-fuhlonod objection to re- mu‘k- about rgr'rd th""22'r2 Btte - man t on: hor f And the du- llhkel than "on " made by her bro- t on. an Erna-t in dalllhted at tbs wide spread intern! in the expedition. All Ion- and oondldonl of gum). are “loving tholr Iympathy wit hll pro- tect, by which they hog: to plus. Great Britain at the tor of t Antarctic hon- or list, many of them tn a practical manner. l The lroundu for this judgment were not um there wan any inlwrom unm- uess among women which prevented them from “wearing in law pram“, but merely “at there never had, in In“. been u woman lawyer in England. ite, court hold mu this common law '; liability was further supported hy a idlolum of Lord Coke, inauod over 800 {can ago, concerningr than who had _ ecomo entitled to practice luw from itlmo immemuriul. An old as it is this idtctum In still binding in English law. i mm" m, to loan: you. i _ The work of org-mum: the - Im- port-.1 trunloArcuo oxpedizlon foes on “no. Ind-0d. " Emu: Shack eton in Lu“ now one of (no busiest men in ondon. All any lonl he and hit, staff are working hard at the emce- of the oxpodltion. in New Burlington street. ruling with correspondence. con-lau- 'dd t a apyllutlonl of voluntuu who III to shun in the advontun and ar- ranging the oomplicnud bulinou of ltgrel_gmd trquUrtmtnt, -. _ i. -- {fl The matter hu been fought in the court. tor several you: an the deci- sion to introduco n bill results from tho Ludmnent of the Court of Appeal. whio , in December, declared that the present law did not give women the right to practice and that the only tri- bunal which could gin women such right WM parliament. 7 - c. E. Ashtord. head master of Dut- mouth. said that the genius of the Enl- lishmsn was more to give orders ihsn to do more routine work. . Would Adttttt Woman to In. . A bill will be introduced in the houso of commons next session which aims at CPt English women the right to prac- ico as lawyers. n is u question who- ther it will receive the support of the Iovornmsnt, without which it stands lit- tle chance of success. "It takes ten German- to do the work of two Englishmen." “id Professor H. H. Ann-tron: in a speech at the public Ichool lclenco masterl‘ conference at Mouth Remington recently. Professor Armstrong was discussing the alleged superiority of the German in research work. "It in all nonsense-all moonshine." ho declared. adding that it was obvious that Briton- utood on n level with it not higher than the Germans. The Ger- man can get only one pot to bull at I time," he said. "We huve only to con- sider the tuedieval conditions which 010 ist in Alsace to reuliirt, that n country which can stand that can stand moat thinre. and is not a country where or- lxinjality and individuality have devol- ope ." I." On Briton Haul. the Germ-ml 'LMyBIok, , ilt!!tlili,i,'iiiiiitiiiiiii V 'iiilt i7iiiii?iii'?iiiiiiii,1 ' Ledt! jthelltllli2 " you can't on I mov pleura that" or year on, on can st - Moon. B Preferred td'a"QMa.'r' in Canton nono- New” {mo-Mos. unn- od, whtch calm-ol- III of the In”: Inch-clu- hon-u In Toronto. W reai. Ottawa. aad Rune. The “at." 6.!us prottu " tho nu of High CI... ProN-8bha+ Bonds. "rto.-.too. .600. .1000 NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED Edvard (roam & Co. Our London Letter Moving Pictures Make Money no Proton-ed Mock curle- lntorut at , pr oent. and n bonus of I” not cont. Common Stock. Writ. to u. to: In"! complete information. It you know anything of the " In exceedingly "dub". Wyatt-dot mm. - - mas-onto T'hrr-r.arriswth-emr-tu--qepy I 'm'utqldobtti-ud cum-Alumni- '0 azmmumdmm Among mm gym on tho felt-dst.-- charm on. foundation.“ chWooduoek. on. dewmm 1tt3yeetnet.eu,Ett." ro-or-eds gt at ”any, " Ttgt ' I“... Ytr, curd WW0. Alum. Tm a menus. Atta, Yo Ytotet From ‘..Oto ..75$ . Writ-form. . Municipal Debentures Jl/i'itil,ttiaELtl!Lt,i,tr1"' CONFIDERATION LIFE IUILDINO INVESTMENT n" b. irtth drawn my than gnu one ru- on 60 dare' notice. Eminen- " but of that. Bond. nub. lubed 28 you”. Sand for spoofs! folder and lull particulars. A. E. AMES & GO. "_. s-alt moonshine.” ho at " was ubvinul n a level with if not autumn. The (lore no pot to butt a! I TORONTO $IO0,000 A YEAR or"r'ii'oT1 Sir Ernest Shackleton will tako , or four only men between 30 and 40 on hip In town. Anni-ode trip. lanolin!" haters. (Int-bunk“ I...) Motion new" Indian], you not M nun, were oenteneod on Wednet.. d‘ltooarvo notmomwnaayw or loan than nix month- in Bietef5irte PM and to My db $1,000 tine. Louis I. Walter, s politician, was sentenced to tlu-soothe and tused 01,000. Willett wu ooetvietod " pain; s brtho to Caddy for a Supreme Court ooanination. Wat-, ter m the tro-betmreea. A dmpatoh from Now York M. Joseph Caaeidr, tonne: Dementia ban of qummu County, nod Wir. liam Willem, a. former Congrats- Democratic Politicians and" sat W's-ted. Wanted.--. Twelve well-aim“ conscientious young women 14 pupil nurse: in City Hospital, Cleveland“ to fill vacancies culled by grain.- tion. Unusual miety of experi- ence. New Nureee' Home noon to! be oompletod Fine-t oontagioui disease building in the State. Chil- dm’e Wand end Maternity De- perement. Two months' Vidal. Nunel’ work. Monthly nllownaoe from time ot mpunce. Add". Min Frederik. K. Gui-er, Prinir. lee Gave Way and One Little Girl Went Under. A dogma: from Preston an! A littlo Murmur-old girl of the Burrell family wan drowned on Thursday afternoon in the Speed River. A crowd of children were sliding on tho ion when three ot them, all little trirhs, got on 1 thin, piece of ice and went through. Help '1. soon on the ”one. not! two at tho ohildmet were mowed. but the third was curled under tho we. a remarkable old man and multia millionaire associate of Stuthconl in many enterprises. He will In 86 on June 5th next. with In long. low front behm tree]. which not long we had a ery, but the little rooms hive opened " Into M: on" during t ancy of .ord Crewe, and the re trust mg raceptipn rooml are um ttrai the ot the tit BROWSE!) IN SPEED RIVER. NEW YORK Jl’STICE. Lord Mount Stephen. m " lug. “loco-w. TORONTO, CANADA "iiatt ' Fell." Sentences. 0'!“ no! “fill. behind tho had I rook- luu'e been vault I. w 50m. W , . _ f ”I. an: PREV. 1 it

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