West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Feb 1914, p. 4

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., (i. $jlp1pylfl',lljiil1, THE SHOEMhN of Boots, Shoes, & Heavy Rubbers Immberman's Heavy Rubbers, reg 3 25, sale price. . . . .. . . . . 1,75 lioys' Heavy Rubbers, reg 2.60, galeprice o................. 1.25 Youths Heavy Rubbers, reg. 1.50 saleprice.................... mi Women Patent Gunmetal and Vici Kid Shoes, reg 3.60 and 4.00, sale price...................... 2.95 -ai..tt:rt:i.tt'.s.rrt.ttmF.tt't:t" i What to Give and -- 'll w t, The Central Drug Store gt Buy your G 1. R. tickets here r. 'ir.aceov.aa:a:sas,ssr.s.a'.sariiria:i'ssiii) --- Settle the Question Row - Pot Quality. Class and, how Prices our line is the fittest in old Grey. m... & 'O‘IC. Articles Cut Glass & Brushed BNOS W - not, nrrtt PM" Leather Goods, Hand Bags, lalau "org. See th ern Purses wallets, etc We." Sets Fancy China, and last but not V"! Mamb one lent, the greatest offer ever late lashes. Cloth Brushes, made in the country lat Brasher, Hall Brushes, Until our stock of Mot Water -- “on, and Rosewood Bags are sold we will allow . 50c on your own bottle, any Fancy Stationery shape, any color, a don't 'atetr "zors, Meto83.tt0 make any dimtrence where Candy, all kind: you Bought it on a pur- - chase of Central Drug store Ptres, Tobacco gy'"'"" hot water bot- t e. Smotrers' Supplies to. to. Merry Ch: lstmaa to all 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY at $25 per ton Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop at $23 Larg Quantity of Y. I Feeding Hay Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry'Flour 2rt John McGowan Att kinds of grain bought on Flour The sprei My desutael an! up-t rd Ate method now generally adopted for e.fccatug pravntin; eatrg of ad draught, snow. slat. rain or dust of an: kini, thareby insuring an even temper- um throughout the building. Every window and every door be equipped with Why deny yourself the maximum of comfort at the minimum dupe-99. All metal-weather strip costs less, is far more ef- fective Hun storm sash and is a permanent institution, requiring no naval. Most public building: in large cities are equipped with it. Architects specify it, the Government demands it. Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Edi-late: cheerfully given. Work [taunted Wtthq Phone or Call. Manufactured and installed by CR'MPED OATS for Horse Feed at $23 per ton CHOPPED OATS at............ $23 perton THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Fresh and Clean at U.50 off car. See this tiay before purchaslng elsewhere. It will pay you. Every Bag guahntoed. If not satisfactory bring It back and get your money. EVENTUALLY All-Metal Weather Strip . Furber dk Go. Why Not Now at market price. and Feed in ton lots DURHAE. ONT Where to Get it iii BON'T MISS THIS . SAUNDERS EEK}?! where ever made of wood will Special Reduction Mens Goodyear welted Patent & Gunmetal Boots, reg 4.50, 39.18 " Mens Heavy Felt Boots, reg. 3.50, sale price............. MO Mens Long Leather Boots reg. 4.00, sale price. . . . . . . C". . . . . 2.50 Misses and Children's Vici Kid Shoes in red, black and chocolate, reg. 1.25, sale price............... .86 f.t.t It.l It! (0! (i3 tt.1 '0) ii) Next Gamfraxa Street Bridge TV parka”: 'ttie The Week in Provincial Politics (Special to the Review.) Woodstock, Feb. 7th. Mr N. w. Howell and the Liberal party in On. tario are giving more and more atten- tion to the agricultural situation in the province and it is evident that they consider it one of the most press- mg problems ohhe day. At Woodstock on Feb. b'A, Mr Row- ell laid special emphasis on the ques- tion of rural life. He pointed out the nerious situation arising from the de.. cllne in rural population in Old Un. tnrio and showed that it "eotssd ull branches of life including the school and the church. He referred to the agricultural commissisn appointed in 1881 by the government of Sir Oliver Mownt to imesugutv rural conditions in Ontario. .. That invegtigMiou," declared Mr Howell. " started a new era ttt the agricultural development of Ontario. More than thirty years have passed since then and the time has now come when we should have an- other stock-taking and a thorough ag- l riculturnl survey. Let us get at the l fa ts." Mr Ilowc4l referred to the ()ppoai- tion's proposal at the last Sesalon of the Legislature Ast the government should appoint a thorough. inleper. dent and non partizan commission, and pointed eat. that the Gave rumem had refused. The Leader of the 0p- poemon promised that the resolution would be re-Iutroduced this year. Mr Rom.” took up a number of questions of interest. to the rurnl com- muuitiee, including farm labor. good roads, extensxou of the Hydro Electrlo to the farmers, Indinl railways, co-op- eration and agricultural educatlon. Class t--S McGillivray, M McKenwn FMcFarlane, D McArthur. th 3rd--. Thon E-IWurds. L McKeown, N McFar- luw. J1 3rd--John McFarlnne. Mny Edwards. " 8rd-Allan MJInnisn, Euher McIntses, " 2nd-Wm Ed- mu-de. Annie E Iwarda. Cum-run Snmllw. Int-Marie MvArthur, Mar- )pu'rt Smellm. Prumer-A MuArthur. N McArthur. Hue! Edwards. D. MCDONALD, Tencher. No. 6, BENTINCK Hr 4th--Eva Reufnrd, Etta Twamley Jrlrh--Dotme Nuhn, Btr3rd--WNl. [or Boyce, Edna Com Sarah McCallum J: '3cd--Esttttw Boyce, Hazel Bailey, My: tle Bailey, vannie Adlam. Sr 2ud El>ie Boyer. Annie McCallum, Jame l‘wunley. Ret:" Boyer. George Brown Jr 2ad--Elv" Ynndt, Howard McCal- lu n. th li-Mildred Brown, Melvin Adler". L~wen.cMc(¥allum, Primer-- (iellie McCaltam, Blanche Borer, Pe ul Remy, deie Unrub, Stanley Rely. . .. - ... . . A. M. Rummy, Teacher. No. 8, NURMANBY . 5ch--l Mar-hall, C Young. 4th--A Ttmmpson. G Robinson. D Wldmeyer, E Young, A Robinson. 0 Monger. th 3rd--N Anderson. Jr 3rd-M Br ers. H Young, i Beim, P9'ttqmpsoh, a. 2aur--.u Gnu) A Ptetter, R Fritz. Jr 'dad--h1 Wttitettord, M Robinson, It Diplock. B Mullet. in Pt 2tut--ht Sena, tf Whilefurd, u Miller, lf Keel. ler, l' Schenk. Jr Pt '2nd--ti Garvey. P Young. tir Ist-met" Byers. B By- en, V Ptetfer, R Feick. Jr Gt-ad Gilmore. M Ptefter, Average Itteuduhce 29. P 'tittte $211132 , FsTriEiF2. Tiotel 'i"i"'=-d2-C, School Reports In Cenlro ot Shop-pin; and butsittests District. Met "ttq8--ttt0 “It mm: lath Rummy: um Amen Fun A I: Cart! “In! No. l, GLENELG FEB. 12,1914 TORONTO .0..- TB! DURHAM REVIEW Mr cad Mrs Joseph Atkinson en taraused u large number of Manda Ind neighbors on Friday evening of Int. week 3nd all say they had . mos! anjoyable time. Mr cua. A. McGillivmy. of Pais- ter, nailed u D. Manydou’s for the 1aet week. Will Williams and Thor Collier " tended the L. O. L. meeting It Swin- ton Park one dny recently. Mr and " Thou. Ritchie visited friends in the Glen one thy last week. Mn Robt. Ector and daughter. Thos. Turnbull, spent a few din» week nth Mrs Jno, Lime. M t' .5ir and Mrs Joseph In” 'i, of Stu Paul. Minn.. visited 1' l). siofi'syden'ir one dny last week. Mr and MN 'ilus.Bil.chle enter- tained tt 1|er numb" of friends and mighbon 0n Wednelday nyemng hat and all mpon a. good time with music, songs and dancing. si, Will crulosr was engaged with Arthur Greenwood for the lot wank. cutting logs and lath timber. hire "s. Edge is visiting with her hugbter, Mr: Wm. Scarf, oftown. for the Itat couple of weeks. Mrs John Collier and son Tom visit- ed friends at Boothyille one day last week, Miss Muggle Firth, of Bolton, visit. ed over the week end at her homo ed o here. Two sleighloada and a. couple of cutters upon: Fnday nightwith Mr and Mrs 'i'. Moore. They enjoyed themselves in dancing. etc. Mr and hits 3. B. Fisher and child. ten. Fleming, Slain. are visiting the Ritchie's and Edge’s and frieuls around Durham ttt present. Mrs Jas. Edge rammed to her home here last ka. utter spending 2 m I) Weeks with her daughter. Mrs Wm, Scarf. ol Durham. Think the matber man must have forgotten himself uhu time to send up we!) a storm. but we hope he will fa- vor us by sending some fine weather soon Imam. "Mrs" k. M. Dtrguvel returm-d on Sn'urday. after mending a couple ol w eks with her daughters In Toronto. Miss Lyla Meh'aigut spent Sunday with her parenus new. Ameeting of the Woman’s lum- lute was held on Weduetulity at. tha home of Mrs J. H. Parke. Quite a number of the Iadmu attended. . Misses M. Warnoos and I. Dug-xv. ol took in the Ilnckey match m Ohms- wnrth on Thursday. Muss L. Ridden visited at Mr ly Bu ‘eon's last. week. Mr E. B. l‘umavel. Accompanied by Miss Jean Richardson. took in the hockey match m Ghatsworth. DORNOCH SEPARATE SCHOOL. Br " -. Wiltr,d vnse.v, George Vasey. Jr ph-Nellie Smith (arrtsr'rsi). Jr Bulr-Jmnes Cotrey, Rose Parke, Hugh Vast-v, Joseph McArtnvy (al.- neht). PL 2 "r-Matinee Variey, Kulh- bout Sullivnn. Marlotrie Sullivnl, J T Sullivan (ultsem). Prirnet_ttvittut Parke, Norn Sullivan (absent), Mr Asket Allen visited at Mr c. Mortley's on Sunday. With the American markrt own to our Canadian (Rule and Premier Borden hkely to be compelled mso legislue that our Wheat and Wheat Products will enter the United Stuns wnhout duty, the price of Ontario farm lands is bound lo tuivoure, You cannot do better than to BUY NOW. New Ones for I914 The following are a few of the many humming H. H. Miller is crtferirtg; Joo urel good loud in Em mom. name bank barn. comfortable dwe‘img. good soil. IOhOUI very convenient. who only $3,800 for ver quick mole. 100 Icrel Hemlock. about 7 notes hardwood‘ re-nlnder cleared. Good frame house and from. born and other ouwulluings School i on next lot. Well watered. Only 3,700. t 100 acres near Hanowr. Excellent soil, well) watered, good buildings, including brick I dwelliul and frame bunk barn. Orchud. ', Only 55.200. " 120 one. our Hanover. Good soil. fume l dwellmF. {nine bunk bum. spring ruck. i, [ good on] loam soil. otrerud ior55.600_1 Would bring 88000 wily it in Normnuuy. _ 200 not" in Nomonby. Very urge brlok Queuing lone bulk bun Inge silo good soil, 1 tine neighborhood. t H.000 ind chew n the money. 300nore|ln Egremont. The "Fettiw tarm ot- tered " . amp a: n solemn" be made. I Other (All: in pentpTiEs.iten.y.y9 Noann- ";','ira'llt,"7ur'ruuiiirt.i/i', tdit'rCiiGi'. - Hmo- vet properties. All kinds of property (or sale or exchange. DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLA RS Talent! in hunireds. thousands or moons at lowest current, "tea. with payrnenls to gut: the borrower on tpod mornings: se surity. Dams col- lerted. u, P. R. and Ocean Tickets " “do at. loves! rates. "Always prompt-Never Negligent" ti. H. MILLER, MacFARLANE Kco., EDGE HILL Botd und rerottmtended It DORNOCH M. WARNOCK, Teacher Durham. Ont. oton. Hanover v ,eee-e-eelreeee"!e""'5"'""=="--" Wand Mrs 'itil,"'" Remem- 15-555 7} $33333 ssrriarrarrarrili'i"""lti ere ' lb: _ - -""""r" _ . .7___ I M M h? On Wednuday. Feb. 4th. a large'l gathering nearing the one hundred " and My mark met ttt the home of Mr l; end In A. A. Milne. Louise. to show in a slight way their t" we! at the leavrng of this "term d family from the neighborhood. An addruo was read and o preu ut of a leather couch. two leather upholstered chairs and twrnty (lulllrl in gold was given. "ir I' i ...e replied in a euitnble manner lanrl ixpreaeed hia regret " leaving 1 s _ neighbarhood. where be had spent I .ne beet part of his life. Mr and Mrs Milne and family will be much mieeed both in church and social work, in which they alwaya took such interest. He has been pre- 1 cantor of Crawford Presbyterian: church for many yearn. always givmg great satisfaction and his place will not be eastly filled. l Following in the address: To Mr and MrsA. A. Milne and famin , The friends and neighbors of Mr. , and Mrs A. A. Milne and hamin have neueitibled here this evening to ypeud it SOCIRI time and to :xpress their ap- ' piecmtion of the minutes of this home, We bend with deep resin that era long you were about to leave the ham. where you had resided fur so long. Our [on will be the gain of some other locality. You bus taken an active par) in everything thut tended to the uplilt of the community. Yuu have been good cmzm- and neighbms and yunr wise counsel mud kindly deeds will be wrely misled. You took an active part in religion. Work ;your place there will bebard to tul, Va hope that, you may tiud "p mutuhle home nut Gr away an that we may see you all Hum“, Our prayer is that the blessing " [he Most High may rest upon you: that pm may huge the kn dance " thrau'ood Shawn-rd durmg your pli- g: image here; Asa slight token of ourregard please mcept those. two cbairs, couch and glvld piece._ Slgnrd an behalf of our ii/e/ii. and neiihhura. Rum AIL-Cash"). J Andrew Green, J Dayid Hsstie, J Donguld McDon: ll One of the Wont snow storms that We have experienced in a long time m cturvd Sunday and Monday and‘uu 'l'uekdny [he slnlmutu of (he lacllun wwre out breaking roads. Mrs, Wm, Luum-y and son Arthur m9 visiting, rein! iy' a in Palmerston. Plettsen .0 have a call frmu Mr, Hugh MrKu-non la,t, Wet k. Mrs Rwh ard Irryee euiertained a. tew of her friends um Thuladiy even- mg. ”A. number from this seniun altend ed the farewell gnlluring tat, Mr, A Milne's and report. an A 1 time. Miss Itetta Boyce was alright-Ming one day Inn. week and comma in con- tuct Willi " tence, reorived injuly w hrr the: k. Mr. Jnck and Mus Fnilh Brown nt- tended a party " Alex. Unwpbrlls. Crawford Int-l Flidny. No. ll, JENTINCK 5 Sr 4th " Vollett. J ngrull. n 4th ', --E Sh up. S Lawrence, M Smith Br , 3ru-M Weller, A Munulalh, 1! 8rd l, I Alexander, M Lawrence. lir '.ta,d- H Mountain, I.) Iluchte, w Noble. Jr 2nd--P Noble, b' Sharp. M Langrill. lsr-U Ritchie, M Alexander, Prune-r c-H Lawrence,' Annalrong. Prim- er B-ls' Noble, I) Styles. H, H. \VILLIS. Tam-her. If Large Sales Have you bought an Overcoat yet ? Try McKechnle’s pure soap, 8 cakes for Me. The Highest Prices for Produce Have you seen our tt ll f Flannelette Blankets ? Departmental Store, ”his sink of Fresh Groceries bought closely MULOCK so that they can be. sold at reasonable prices. A new stock of the Ceylon tea, "Star of India" the best in the market at the money--25c pd Light of Asia.......... A lat.ge stock of Salada Tea If not see our stock before buying. The quality is good and the prices are right. Made on good roomy fitting lasts at 1.35? Just the thing for Zero weather. new stock of Shoes in newest designs h!fdKahr1'it)'tiWeeklyNeisirs rettll, Jas MrD mun” Jun Walker Jno McKechnie G. & J, MCKECHNIB E i'l'aaxi,paassrsr/segxxxlexl= 355 333% IF YOU ARE RUN DOWN The Down Town Shoe Store EGGS TAKEN AS CASH The Old is made from a formula that is recognized by physicians generally as valuable in overcoming general nervous and body debility. It contains properties needed by the blood to rest' re vitality, strength, and general good health. Price 3h If you feel spiritless and out of sorts, your strength impaired and your system geuenlly feel- ing the need of a tonic and bracing up there is nothing that will do you more good than H "firy-piiosphites . P, R. Town Office be TORONTO REXALL TONIC SOLUTION Oli' HYPOPHOSPHITES Custom Work and l"pairing as usual. MacFARLANE’S DRUG STORE Perfect . . . . Woman who Lived -‘ in a Shoe The Be xall Store Sold Only at l v 't n FEBRUARY 12, 1914 We in unttItee gem! satisfaction. The shoe is more attractive than lbennc who cccopies tt. In fact many of her troubles would tsaxedisapered if she had provided her large family each with a pair of our reliable 80013 or Show Our stock is huge. prices small, quality cou- sidered. Mitts, Glove. and Hosiery at close prices. Trunks, Suitcases. ClubegI. Telescopes, etc. Leggings and Spats for men, ladies.missei and children. Call and get prices. Buy y ...... 35c . S. MCILRAITH "our tickets here Mall 1 pared “w slum We 'eg"' date vuu funn‘ 'ti pun-bur". How-l '- . on " P tumou- att? W” ' and rtri, it" tttsr' We wnll tnke I fot sawing m d [or “we. Marty people an a this leas'm to Best Exterminator In Vermin and Dimm- MS in stables. poultry m. do. that Mil cotyt but I few ccrtts. Du! MCK' humid MrK bun) [a hen died in “W alter a lunar! Mr lluuh In . callvn an. - Heee it is ; I WiveSuhhm CMoride dtssol Vt a bot water. , ndd water to ma thmty every n” well; leavefnrt‘“ I thorough cml In»: Jack M Luz. hue rclur A. u.» hnv? I The correct I gladly be supph E Alll kinds if Goats FO we QUALm PHARMAC\ Pawevuua. irl S L] L ___ d AROUND "il .» " '.' x x _. . I‘HWJ-u. Lam- FIBRUARY l2 1914 PRIC " in“ P" “In" ttck, c McKt l “0' ll THE Gl we Ltrg ot th in ii: FRESH (I h “aqua! We e are aux The ti TIU' 'ef en my 0 W VILLAGE ONT ne mung FOR M lf]

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