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Durham Review (1897), 12 Feb 1914, p. 6

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sly"; Lt f; " gm tll sot from new oontn Pink than they In th Sh Indigastion can In Guru! Ir,, the Use of Dr. Illlhll’ Pink Pull li your digestion u not you enn- nut derive pmpor nouridlnnnt 'n.m your fund. The pain god}?!- IN MISERY Ri. it ks' "trt OF MOTOR CAR. tin were ds by the app for the trra are els, either ridden by whites or at- tached to vehicles. This particular ”plain; prty. however, not out in n powerful motorcu to tavern the you expanse of country. When they ume unong the wild ' natives m boneless on treated a. "mandnua sensation. Many of the blacks bolted from the “any alxarition. snd howled du. mali). MI me rounding the mo- Ior w- a new kind of Bunyip. or evil thing. coma to destroy them. Tho mph-rem had hardly reconciled the mstives to the prcsence. of tho “I when a new evil armr- and spread oawterrtatiort muons the ehildren of the Lush. An eclipse of the moon F.elip'". ot the Ind the apl " pa, “hm the 1mm: was suddenly ' blanked out" tho native! were much perturbed. They mshatained a ruarina singmng for tho three hours during which the eclipse last- ed. and about 300 do” hops up I bowing aecompartiment to the noise made by the aborigines, in order, m they said. to frighten nay the “dc-hi7 dobil" that had seized upon l SHAME?!“ “IBM FOB LITTLE BIBS “Mn " an Tablets are the only mo-d’cme for little one: that an hold under a guarantee to be per- tertiy ale Those Tnblets no ban-kn! by the guarantee of . troy" .-rnman analyst to be strictly free hum opibtés, narcotics and other harmful drugs. The mother may _ assured that she can ttive them to r-u-n the new-bom bahe with periecr. unfrty. Thousands of mo- then no. no other medicine for their little ones, and from actual oxperieseo they .11 u] nothing an equal tho Tablet. in Milking “whom! ailment; The Tablets no cold by medicino deal." or try mail " is out. O box from Tho Dr. Williaus’ Moduino Co., Brock- mu. Ont. _ " A party of mining men recently in Wyndham on a trip of " lor- iun into the interior of East tT rerlry dLoricr, when the abori- no: are will numerous and in wir mums!- state. The” native: Mom we a white mam, but. they re mun-wink, familiar with the Dmuram‘e of homes or even cam- hr -trree, I) >8" pw of the “on Added to Ter- ror of White Inn's Advent. a» the primitive savages of the {hem parts of Western Austra- were duuhh' frightened, first the "pearunce in their midst the tirtst time of . motor on. then by an m'lipse of the moon. maul m nn interesting mum. rtweiveel in London by the '11:. Hanna] for Western Austra- "ttut, MI." “it! tho "wet tl. "don"- be hard on Harry. Re bound to can. out on top some o." " My. mu “tin. . It uu Tbtw, isn't. he?” said the /illiarns' Pink Pills no sold mum-inc dale" or will be mail at 50 cents s box or " for $2.50 by writing CHM) 'ianur' Medicine Co., Brock- o Pills until I had taken us. when the trouble had mod. and I hue to thank iamn' Pink Pills for retor- benlth after I hnd punt am up hope of ever being time the- party of motor, near a camp of 300 na- a Mace called Wolet Val- " n mule station in main- the West. Australian Gov- in order to sup ly the Ah beef, a plan ',"dl'dh bu “what successful in pro- lhe black, from mating mad by thr neighboring in MEAL TIME {ho "y blmdmu aid to In due tol sleeping in the moonlight ot tropi-l cal climates, while name observers have reported a deviulizing action of the moon’s radiation: on "tro- table lilo. Thom u even quoted . death the mule of which was 0M1]: stated to be exposure to moonlight. Ap- ttty the food moot Nnouoly asf- ected is the moonU Minions ls lash, and seemingly trustworthy "tatements have boon made as to - "Tie-tg-tities It is an old,tmditioat that to sleep in we MI man was . danger- oul prveeedine, and than is welt a string :5: "motblink,'/ a tetpor- s..u. Mylo-2 ftltet!tt Subsequently, polarized light was obtained from a. powerful metallic filtrment lamp. the light beingI po- lurized by means of a pile of s eeta of plate ttUss backed with silver and placed at the con-co], angle. The experiments showed certain marked results rhea ful, wag sub- mitted to the pokrized light ob-i, mined in this way, although it is) gobnblo that stronger effects would obtained with n more powerful source of light. When two slices cut from the game fish were hung, one in the direct light and the other in the Tolur'ized beam, the Utter invariab y began to decompose be- fore tho iormer, though the temper- ature of the polarized beam was several degrees lower than the dir- ect light. There were indications also in the use of other “Eerishable food substances of a te ency to decom- pose when they were bombarded by polarized light. The question is worth further investigation. and there should he little difficulty in pursuing such a line of research. There are so manv influences as- cribed to moonlight that it would be of obvious interest to have some wientific evidence tracing a, definite section to the rays. It would be "norious to find that such terms of ihlonuy as "moonstruck," "moon- lshine" and "moony" were, after lull, not entirely empirical. But the Healing Fume. of Catarrh- ozone. Which are Breathed to the Furtheat Home... of the Bronchial Tubee. Bring Quick Relief and Sure Cure. Every sufferer from coughs. colds, bronchitis and all throat and chest ailments needs a soothing, healing medicine which goes direct to the breathing omens in the cheat and lungs. attacks the trouble at the source, disperses the germs of die- enee, aud cures the ailment thoroutth. ly. And this medicine is “Catarrh- ozone." The [em-killing balsamic vapor mixes with the breath, deecende through the throat. down the bron- chial tubes. and finally reaches the deepest air cells in the lungs. All parts are soothed with rich, pure, medicinal essences, where with a syrup the affected ports could not be ruched, and hum would result through benumbins the stomach with drugs. "t have been I chronic eufterer from Cetarrh In the no“ and throat for over elght yearn. I think I have spent four hundred dollars trylng to get rellef. I have spent but " dol- lars on Catarrhoxttne, and have been completely cured, and. In fact, have been well for some time. Ca. tnrrhozone I. the only medlclne I have been able to ftnd that would not only give temporary rellef. but wlll alwaye cure permanently. Yours alu- onmly (Signed). WILLIAM RAGAN, Hroekviilo, Ont." For nbsolute, permanent cure ulo Catnrrhozone. Two months' outfit costs $1.00; smaller size. 50c., " all dollars. or The Catttrrttozouty Com- pnny, Bumtlo, .N.Y., and Kingston, (and; " Largely Depends On a Woman "t Her Age is Taken. What rubbish it is to try and lay down any rules about tho age at which a woman is most charming. Womtur-tutd, for that matter, man toe-mot combat with certain physi- cal disabilities when once they have come to their fourth decade. They may be good-looking. active, children st heart, and all the rest of it, but old Nature will have her way, and wllly-nllly we have to give in to her. it is true she can be held at bay to some extent, and it is no use giving in too readily. but there are various ways in which she will assert herself. One need not. particularize her dis- agreeable methods. But to come back to the point. of what use is it to tie one to a particular decade wherein it shall he said that so far and no 'further shalt thou proceed with the lnrt of fascination? Obviously sweet sr",t'titF?t't1 has the mere charm of [,tyii,ji,'iiii:'ri,. But that sort of mm;1 is wholly out of date. At live-and-‘ twenty a woman begins to find hers Mt. At thirty she is assured. She can think, she is not carried away by illusions. she has more or less found Flier balance, she knows what the (world. as represented by man, exnccts (of her. It she is wise she has suffered [all angles to be rubbed down, she has learned the use of- "tifiee, she has cultivated, it she is still wiser, the art of charm. so it comes about that between her third and fourth decade no is a wiser. sanor woman. s more agreeable companion. than the callow maiden. However. to " forty as a woman‘s most shaming an is nonsense. She is no not! charming than she is - to be at sixty if she fl,'rerML','tgn'.'rgg."g'i,e and if she has to the “as that to she ls tgrqM.t.M. at W”. mismanagnsnumsls when she has not 22tdtt'tt& " also o'clock and " a - It _ m - an on. has! In Iii', a 'Mra.es m m up. "ate you In. with . Liquid Cough Mixtures (hit Cure Bronchitis " looxnuxl " " “AL. THE CHARM OF AGE. The Old Family Doctor “on: to lo om of Fuhlon. habitation. which in t sin of the than, mutton- some old cus- toml. Among the mom: tsignttitsant choose: M may to the banning tuld ot the funny doctor. To him, " im- mortalized by Baum. were eonfided Pt loci-on, hopes 3nd woes of many , household. Modem medicine with its many branch”, its lpeciaitiee and sub- specialtiee, bu perceptibly reduced the scope ot operation of this old standby. Each ailment new sus- geete its own specieliet. One might almost divide life into the “seven nee of medical treatment," from the obstetrician " birth, the podiatrist of early intency. the orthopedic surgeon 1to correct the natural deformities of gcbiidhood. the oculiet to prescribe the ‘ghsees of adolescence, the surgeon for the tnumatisms of manhood. the metabolist for the digestive troubles of middle life. the aurist for the deaf- ness of old age. . . . And though the change brings with it a higher degree of emeieney, there is much to regret in the loss ot con- tinuity ot the friendship and counsel of the family doctor. His interest in the patient we: personal. He knew the physical weaknesses " well as the disposition of each member ot the family. He had followed them from birth. He was more than a physician. He was a guide, philosopher and friend Pleurisy Pains Vanish! Chest (folds Cured! Don't sufferl Nervlline is your relief. Nerviline just rubbed on. lots of it. will ease that drawn, tight feeling over your ribs, will destroy the pain, will have you smiling and happy In no time. "I caught cold last week while mot- orintt," writes P. T. Mallet-y, from Linden. "Mr chest was full of con- gestion, my throat was mighty Bore, and I had the tieree8t stitch in my side you could imagine. As a boy I was accustomed to have my mother use Nerviline tor all our minor ail- ments, and remembering what Conti- dence she had in Norviline, I sent out for a bottle at once. Between noon and eight o'clock I had a. whole bottle rubbed on, and then got into a periv peration under the blankets. This drove the Nervlllne In good and deep, and I awoke up next morning fresh as a dollar and absolutely cured. Newl- line la now always part of my travel- ling kit, and I will never be without it." déaler. u"The iarca 60e. family size bottle is the most economical, or you can eat ily get. the Me. trial Iize from any Better a sweetheart than a sour wife. _ _ . ._ -. iiiGii, 306713197 he to_o busy talking about themselves to talk ttrout others. “WEEK-1‘s. iiGiridr boys, but not all boys are _trpotl for_work: _ necessarily txrtleyr "iGGtiirrririht, wine ot life and divorce In the morning after. . --. "K‘GSBEH with a long-distance com- plexion doean't show up well at short ranga. - ___ _ _ h " . . ___. “N;.Cordellia, it Ian't physical cul- ture that makes a woman strong minded. -- -- _. . ”Witt. a satisfactory old world this would be It we could sow thorns and reap roggst .. _ -i; Lftiftion to the love of money there are the queer ways we have of getting rid _of it. . . . I '"iGiiGaiarir" expects his wife to be a lot better than he expects her to expect him to It _ _ .. . -AGGiidi. inever disturbs the slum- bers of her second baby to see it its eyes have chsnged 1olor. - . . “I 'iiiuJaGiiii; ate thinks she is her husband's guiding tstar-but most husbands refuse to be guided. - with); a girl managSs to strangle her actions because she has discov- ered that weeping nukes her nose red. "Am I the only woman you ever 1ovedt" "Oh, no," he answered promptly, “you are the sixth." "The sixth," she exclaimed, sud- denly relieving his shoulder of the weight of her head. "Yes," he said coldly, “more were five be, fore Pr1r--rny mother, an aunt, and three sisters." Try Murine Eye Eemedy - - I -'- -- _ - It you have Red, Weak, Watery EyeI or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Soothes E e Pain. Dmggists Sell Murine Eye C,,f/17, Liquid, Me, 50c. Murine Dye Salve in Aseptic Tuba. 25c. 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. 1iGvUiL-iofeora-,.tt""y,t'Pe.t Mun-In. 170 Round! Co.. Chic... Many a. man’s failure in this world may be attributed tothe fact that he used blank cartridges when firing at the target of success. That in LAXATIVE BRUNO QUININE. Look tor the sign-Jun of E. W. GROVE. Carey 3 Cold Lt Otto Dar, Cures Grip in Two Days. 23c. Only very young men understand women. "Well madsmy' inquired the shop-wajker. "1 wish," she said, "to get a. present for my husband." "How long married r' the man uk- ed. "Eleven years,” was the re- ply. He pointed to the lift: “Bar- gains down that side," he said. WANT CPIGIAle NOW. 'iiiie girl wh? does not paint isn't Ed. L Dr. Morn" Indian Root Pills iiiiiaFiii to imp-wean formula or (Sepals. Dr. Mot-e5 Indian Root M11ieho.urytuge.ir gums!» out the world foe fit'tStetr, and an Kidneyand Liver tron lea. no on ”only and ethsctively, and " Clean-o tho Symon llnlrd‘n Linlmml Guns Dlnhthoru. NERYILINE TIAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE. m and: according to a tenant in 9-..er _e.ent'"rPr1'P"y?'N, 'ht no nearly e century won. the Edi-m. and 1'l',l'dW,',',,f them by . Morse. Though repeated ut- tunpn have been made. by phyair _ildGkrricheetutn,1ttetyen 19ml POINTED PARAGRAPH8, Only On. “IIIOIIO QUININE” ISSUE 6--'U. When a Woman Satan's With Chronic Ilulade There le Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their feet. attending to the mu of e large end exacting funny. women often break down with nervm exhnuluon. - In the stores. factorial. and on a arm um weak ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains . . "Eigh- iiiiiGiG -iiiii't natural but it's dangerous. because due to diseased kidneys, _ - _ . . The dizziness, insomuit, deranged meme: and other symptoms ot Kidney eomplaint can't cure themselves. they require the assistance of Dr.' Hamil- ton's Pills which so direct to the seat of the trouble. _ To give vitality and power to the kidneys. to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of pol-ans, problbly there la no remedy so suc- cessful " Dr. Hamilton'tt Pills. For all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. 7 _ Because of their mild, soothing, and healing efteet, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. M cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any Butt. atltute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. Large Majority Are Received In the Head and Hands. Dr. o. Laurent, a surgeon who served as a volunteer during the Balkan War, has rendered recently to the French Academy of Medicine ty very interest. ing and inatructlve report concerning casualties in battle. - His statistica Show that, in modern warfare, 82 to 84 per cent. of the wounds int1idted are caused by bullets, 15 to 17 per cent. by shrapnel, and 1 per cent. by cold steei. The pene- trntlve force of rshrsurnel-bu1letts is, he declares. very much less than that ot rifle bullets never are. On the other shrapnel bursts at some distance from the soldier; tor, whereas, shrapnel in often found embedoed in clothing. rifle bulets never are. On the other hand, complications arise very much more frequently trom shrapnel wounds than from rule bullet wounds. Dr. Laurent has observed that now. adays, slnce the soldier usually Brea under cover, lying either prone or In a trench, a large majority of wounds are received in the skull and the hands, ospecially the left htutdrsf To combat this, he suggests the use of a light, resistant shield to protect the head, and that another shield should be fixed to the left hand or the rifle itself. A third might be placed in the region of the heart. indeed, many of our own soldiers who fought in the Boer War owe their lives to the chance presence of a cigarette case or wad of papers in the left breast pocket. Much has been written in the way ot advice to women on the choice of husbands, but the method of one lady is original. “Never decide," said she, "until you have met the father of the man who seeks you in marriage. It the father in an old foggy, you may be sure that the tendency to bore people which you mar have noticed in the son, T,NT2t later into all the features of, redeemed fogeyiem. If the father " indolent and irrespon- sible, be eereful to note it the son shows any signs of the same trait. however slight, and, L so, be warned in tlmel ‘lee father like son' is a true saying in the majority of instances." Evil of Substitution Exposed. A dealer substitutes because he makes more profit on an inferior article. A local citizen was induced to take a substitute tor Putnam‘s Corn Extractor, with the result that the sub- stitute burnt his tnes and failed to cure. Putnam‘s contains no acid grid is guaranteed. Always ft) Putmm'l Extractor, Me. at an den an. “"8he’a the most insulting woman I ever met." "I never liked her mysoll.” "Just think. The last time she visited us she didn't wipe her feet when she came in, but she did wipe them when she went out." any! "'2 ra- -rhr,2,iiiii2ifhr/tdthnfp1, may. I bathed it well with INARD'B LIN!- EIENT and It was as well an ever next By. -. -___ A "'"i' consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BEST lingmqng tthue. ,, - _ A ._, Where the Pamrhy May Have HI- WIeh FruMNd. All over Europe there are to be found springs and wells, the waters ot which are supposed to pone; some heallng quality or some magical power. Throughout the northern part ot Eng. land there are “widhlng wells," where the passer-by may breathe his wish and rest assured of its fulfillment it he only drops a crooked pin into the water. A curious custom is still to be wit. nessed in Cornwall. Two pieces of straw. about an inch long, are crossed and the pin run ttrough them. This cross is then (ironed into the water and the rising bubbles carefully com» ted, inasmuch as they are held to mark the years W" months or days that will pass before the happening of the event which is of concern to the wisher. John, awakened from his dreams, answered with a draw], "Oh, just the same as you are," and was cur- pried to trpt tAtrpetort'. 77 In the old days aunties were drawn from these crosses in other ways. They were made BO as hardly to Boat. Then, as the cross swam, the thrower was to outlive the year; it it sunk he was to die within that period. Other matters were to be learned trom the position the cross took as it itoated on the surface. John, a. rather backward lover, at at one end of the sofa, and his sweetheart at. the other. Both mind. were too full to carry on conversa- tion: put at. last the lady spoke; “John, what are sa; alight}: about t" . The Nov: loath "Lumber King" When Choosing A Husband. "If you a, I’ll box your can.” WOU N D8 IN BATTLE. WISHING WELLS. Your: veg truly, A Single Thought. d.-iiaiLrLLEN, FACED MEN CUTICURA Constantly for all toilet pur- poses, 1ei,special1y shaving and shampooiitg, with occasional use of Cuticura Ointment, because so effective in removing slight irri- tations, redness, roughness, pim- ples, dandruff, etc., of the skin and scalp and promoting and maintaining skin and hair health. Has Been Praotlscd 8inee the Be motest Antiquity. The art of transplanting or re- placing human tissue has been practised since the remotest an- tiquity, states a writer in Paris L’Illustration. In India a caste ew. isted that was renowned for its skill in reblacing cut-off noses, and had a great practice, because the re- moval of the nose was a very com- mon punishment inflicted on cer- tain criminals. Guam How “a mun-on In sold “washout the world. A llhenl “no“ ot nob. wllh 32-pin Skin nook, um pant-(m. Add". Pena Drug. Shem. on. Dun. MC, Boston. U. B. A. From India this sort of surgery found its way to Italy, where, in the fifteenth century, two itinerant Sicilian curgoons, the Brancas, fa- ther and son, enjoyed quite general fame as readjusters of the human anatomy. Similarly. in the sixteenth cen- tury, a Bolognose surgeon, Caspar Tagliacozza, who died in 1599, be- ntune a celebrity through his at- tempts at, grafting and tun-plant- ing animal organs or members from one individual to another. I.“ “It "t,1'tf." I"! About Mrs. T, Hurll. of Tamil“. Ont., knows an about CAN P Am, " am mung my third box at GIN PILLS," she writes. "Tha pun! ncron m.v buck Ind kldneva in? almost cone. t was r great sufferer for? Rtunirnatitstn but t as all left me. strongly ad- vise all women, who .utNr from Pain in the back and Woak Klan-ya, to tvCGHN gangs; “u a , ' Gin Pllls for Women 1rloasie--"You have a, wonderful memory, mamma." Mosrnmss--. "Why so, my child?” “Because you’re always remembering to re- mind me of things I forget.” "'sol."k' n'orrr"ror Pig; 'Urrtple frog If you, write Nations Drug A Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. Geraldine-tWon haven’t been to see me since vou asked my father for my hand." Gerti1d---"No; this is the flmrt time I've been able to get about." Your drug?!“ will refund money if PAZO OINTMEN “All to our. In! one of Imb- ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile- in 6 to u dun. 500. The richer a. man is the richer he wants to be. lunar“ Llnlmont Guru earn! In Gout. "When a man tells his wife he wishes to speak to her it means he is going to be apologetic," says an observer; but "when a. woman in- forms her husband that she has something to my to him he can be sure of a severe scolding. Ulnard'a LleoM Bum Distemper. GRAF'I'ING IN SURGERY. "LI! 011.!!! IN ' To " DAY. Apply lam-Bah to aii wounds and lore: and you will humanized how quickly it stops the Stunting and bring: can. It Cove" the wound with l ata', of pro- active Ulm, ' when [mu My In the would, ad new“ qrtheeB doting. h M .12.: link! "reno" then held up from the baton. hat: that and tn I Ttesderfrttr that In the wound b but“! In an“ ”that; Bind ca "A. bths_uasi,U-iiiriii"exaE Mun-Ind a! the In] Mr... 'ifn'Sh','.t 'tttt 5mm M',,12gr'fi'l an: a in ioFtOiiGit"iikG in” 00.. W. itdrsitiieiFr itraiuiia7. 8ta-nhld use Tlmkmy Mona Dom. Inn rwm Mnhltttt Good. A grant an! of meat is lost in the world for the vat ot I little courts. Ivory any send- to their graves . ‘ - rm --.. ”kn hath only livery 'tV "an. up - -"-" number of obscure men who here only remnined in obscurity become their timidlty bu prevnted them from nuk- in; n lint "ttrt; and who, It they could hove been induced to begin, would In All probability hove gone great lengths in the career of tttttMr. The not is that, to do anything in this world worth doing, ,h, must not stand back shivering end thinkiu of the cold end denser, but jump in end ;scrsmble through so well " we can. ‘it will not do to be perpetually cel- culatin‘ risks Ind adjusting nice chances; it did very well before the Flood, when n man could consult his friends: upon on intended publication tor 150 years, and then live to see his success afterwards; but " present a man waits and doubts, and consults his brother and his friends, till one fine day he find. that he is sixty years of age; that he has lost so much time in consulting his first-cousins and particular friends that he hes no more time to follow their tutviee.--Ritiney Smith. Men, like watches, are judged by their work. Asparagus is good for rheumatism. The only thing moat people ever achieve is old Ms. A ship's life is " yeurs. Some girls celebnte the anniversary of their birth by taking a day tttr-the more popular idea, however, is to take a year on. -iry -tiie-ihni, a tntttt'tt daughters get old enough to help him, they decide to help some other my]. - FGii GG forbidden by law in Scot land in 1841. - - -. . Mr. Justwed--P1l be back in t moment, duckie. What is it, jani tort THE VALUE OF COUMG!‘ Give Your Bush . Ghana: ttnd IEiEaFaNiiiigm m “one tttdm,." Cw. using oM-fturttittned mrih- can. 80 up to date and inns“ a “amm- Evapomtor and make more Ind batter syrup with [an tune and fuel. More rovonue A! redueed colt. Writ. at one. for from booklet lug oatosquer giving full inrorntation amen buying your Piano ., insist on havmg an iii iii-ibis". is told by drug ,ibll everywhere m. w a boltle,6 bottles ii,') " Get I free copy of our book“A Treatise oath: Horse" at ' our druggbt‘s or write us. 85 or.iiitmttgg,ia,Irtrsgrg, runs.“ with it FORA BRIGHT ANuatg"fli tl " am no. co.. human on Woman; IL. lent-nu. Qu- Enforcing the Rules. Piano Action Facts and Fancy. TORONTO Inna IodIoSI'ééi. chaise; GouliiAUiuid T. foLUr.Cdit.s. I For Pink Irma munch: ing D ISTE M PER lover and (Ilium-bu p.53. Sure cure unmositive preventive. no mutu- how bones at an I” are lutec or 2at2." Liquid. given on the tantrum act! on the Blood and 0 ands, expel- the r/et,".",',',", gems from t_he _body. _Cures Dirs.9yrser. in Dog- nud .new, and Cholyrut m Poultry. Largest. selling live stock remedy. Cures " any“, ttttic,',"'?,'.' beings And ll I tine kidney remedy. Cut 1h.- out. cop it. Show it to Four druxgist. who will get 11 bu' you. Free Booklet. "Dutomper Plums and Cum." - _ -- __ iiriiiimt"iiiitirricT WNOLEOALE DRUGOIITI From --------"-'_...= 1QTEAWBEKBIER. BASPBEBRIEB, [15‘1" ,L, \urletim. Pree Cat-log. lemons. it Son. Gmuaend, Ontario, ---------_. I? you WANT 1'0 BUY on CELL A mu. Stock. Gnu. or Dal" Inn "It; R. , Elm-on. Brampton. or at {Jain} MY J, inmate Emu. charm a w. tTii7sim, nonma- Quebec, w E t:ll,jjjii"tijjKCii , In nnvu FMFMW-.V"'- - " - "open-tel tor all. in OD. lnrio town. " right prion. Ann], quick" In rubeeription 1'"!er use totrt open: !nc. Win-on Publiahlnc 00-pin]. " Went Add-ids fU.root, Tomato. "Licks the Bucket Clean". Blatchkrd's Calf Meal AsgoodasNewhsi1katu1fthecost. -----" CANCER. TUIOILI. LUIPI. ETU, Sam“ and nun-l. enrol In» all pain by our loan mac-ens. Writ. no Mon too Into. Dr. mum“ Heated 00.. “mind. Cont-ond. Ont. Itlttstttyedeairet' look-unmet Perfect Send for pamphlet; “How to Rain Calm Clan-ply and Sumeufnlly we...» Milk." GrGanother Says: We that won't “Mel an? In"; “all and bob-o-ttrt" on poor tnrteuterst, and luv. but an "It. 0 a 1ltl!llll:11ly:ll!yll - "rt-Ta-ur hm) 'tv' And Kindred Two-ma. The - “no of LlQl'lD IDLI'HCI baton Inch and in your bill. will (In you III the iiGiiol of I mm to a --_, ---_i__ - a"sriii/rToGr" your dn'unln. And prov. It for yourself. Price. a mu. 511m pRODUc’rS. GUot G)idriltoustr ltr, (In not sun-nun spam w. DAWSON. tum" Yum"... At your Data: or STEELE. BRIGGS CO., ii-_---'-'" NEW‘PAPERS FOR $ALE. Ari-mar coon conven‘encel‘ 1 .---------"-_. NTED.-4ALL KINDB or “Ln Animals. Box " Cook-hire, HAVE SEVERAL GOOD NEW!- -. - - A-.- a. "" tti' Toronto. Ont. Cumin. It... POI OASI- - ---.- --...._ -r--- T-_-ei'.."'-"---. Wilt“ noon. - Fun-um“) " brings within raw ot ever;- 31cm. ”no": IIIEIIIITIBI, ENE'" IITIIIS'I 0'! I”! WANTED. ' FAB"). ALL D. . Kerr. Neu- in Tannin. In.“ of" , \ 3.4 l Iii';,; through uld\\\\ Me the bodiy q ,'ikr Ir roll "nun! v, 'lth'r' he n "Yes! I met a unlucky allow l 000nm! should of inte, down t, hall lur] Only Bobby , hark wt more hr had Duh not ro-u " an "id tin “rhu'. what I I Betroeu, “(Hen-u ' all. "elh't'Jd"' r an. P cook; limo-u u 1me. the you er. I’VO". Shun [or the mu“. m 1he_yrul pm. oft. nie in} or Rho 1: . “0“" re, muwlipd 1.: ”I." "Mir. trut “'1 III-H Want-I. fo, Ito Wt - finned an] In the “dad roman .- ' M It,"','."'..: Invxm _ m f‘ . an t%i.i,, H- I Olen; rnnmvlpd ttlet. .u 1"a, dolly? W D“ " n ".., Tmy-a- hnpwnu lr, "Ma. Bet Nthouttt, In “1.3..“ Buuty, I" lr "uni TGiitr""i'rtel woman Ind been "tt "But. up had been t't l,'e"te'i'ttht'ri; We 0 the 010 r would not "ttttttt lt " mt to co wha: 9.. Lia than ttir .tir__ III qogtduet nu n... - V __ “u- unu " " tho lay of u..- Mm - more at Wu mm. and taut, (not! that tho Kirl v M! £50 detertntiicti,,l' trut “I Ml!» Lord ' run-1M. for he: n. L. locum. When Devian- h III the “(in t " cue-med to 4. . with MI fun or “my “on ttte roreet luv tetrtsrtt ot" India He nicked mun- 'ttrte RNA-rd ttet 124 Sgtttteo Oh" "I ti." - had rullucu. I‘m (an: to uri:., quietly each morm "ttttyt it) [guru and " "a. otptr In the PM": that Dyein- " Ind her love. Perm. Pulling Inn-nomad I him Aur'. this hind gun, but rerun; 'I)’ the )"IHH‘I'II‘ all)”. why the ‘hwh "er lou- .urroguuonu wm. 9"." by lheulogl; to know eve-rum: (hunt Wu no el than). that he l ' tanner: to hit! I .11 lrlllh. ther ‘R 01M.“ -- MIC "right Ree, for he a Drank!“ dawn It. Belford hr grout couuren. ttre ertt over [In wh an evtdcnue v“ Wound Guam. thin wanna-u to ‘okrnuugr sharp. “Look here. I pml“.l)'. mm Imps-gun. than on. "I'm afraid Nixon." . "Pray doatot'." NM ink- or "Pt.CyrlFra um onouqh. " you (in not , that Um. he wilt trural 1 can the you no u... watch my be Hum! (Moment of Wtttst m-vun 'neu-M" Ulla. ”can a1tterettt or unlruh‘rul you an MM In trty I no eiq.trq to an" am who has boon Mum-d. l 1 1 tool will. helluva», m In that condition--" H. wary gesture with hm Mir June- uhruxxen m "We witl do all we can out I.“ that In put-mm: l concerning tho unnnpm menu nlnce Ihe plum: '. know no aemu- or NH "‘er - “Anomaly nothing ttate." “All [he Wm bro: of.’ "Your ulster In: imm- od, anxiously. "Yen," Wild now-)- "It in good fm het (hum; "but you mun l film This " [ml at n on will luke can at r “dad in u tow votrr, a bond away. "Aunt l’nullno wlll do tri "I can't loan: Ln; tar the trial. I want any, Um wmtched whe Gum! put hid ,h‘, der. _ -7 - - rv‘l- I'In‘ ‘ “rm! 1"l'2 h "Wit in: y m /' lllh tndifreortrttr-. “I'm “In. all now to I and Robhi'. ll he took hlk cum. to CVO no “one u must ttttd tho w "uh? "And an). t am nu he (out: ." all Guam an- The Guy. tted on Hm My. Linu‘m‘._ at“. or r. -". - “new '4' The day: tate, on Fl, My. “gum and. of ' may be "wilfully and t Ingu were In! my." lwvimu. “In in. down where, 1vrrttAt'tl remind man who“ life m in t. IM’ time aim their fir, tehe lovod MI more do” "An.yprer m. "We will pend on - Mr. Bell'ord. " tntormctton we run we will not bring hi “out. for the Illh “Jamaal." A mu. 1-137 ddiitrt Bobby; um, u any io (In; to Ice him. "Yol in indeed t Botrtrr." he laid. Bybby'. on! crew. mum:- tn a Wtttrlted p ttt to tho hotel u: Gounod tearfully "L ”-21. “In! '"o'--lrut l tot-l n r of Inn-Ins! in teh and l MI down to the not. and 1-" bag [mm-d up_ again." Only too Btad or no: Bobby went OR to Moll luck with the inform.“ Bore had been can or A Md DIM his an before I ”Ln-lump! to the hols " um all!“ -- aid-‘31}: , and Gaunt. “but t hope In my: T Mm. ll. wu druid en!- mvoa tttm more ad“ ""lliU"tt m. - A y M [old must crush thi- |ow hm and she trted (yin in, "Ill-n [he “I”! of 0 Wm M in. 1"r'tPltt'.t Eh»! r1 her MIN III! 1m. lkr‘ldm- hore hem” l-wa tere. no "Io-1|: In. trtest In eve-k cheerfully; hr: 'Ja'ttop, 18',ti, and “r V I" ll! ol as If I: mum crushing dam. u. Hut nvory a” n...- w“: “M". that mull"! tll f I II I I i frock 3.93.3"). ." "tuit' “Rey went. a “(any language pun "In than nothing, mam-.5 r you?" unt shook his head Tl.» " he were glad lo and .ssttrt on! Thu night I nan-hm I -1 a man. a fellnw pun I ' y 'l'monooy rum" '1 - _ . was tn a wtwtclaed nlm “n IF the In? "ey' Hubby. "tum. "it: GiriTiit, ip, vim the Not." itgethe bodily functunsI,ecomt, . Natrw.co La give gentle, 1.1L! ettective aid, T dimfon or dv.; 25e, a box k Ma‘s I gym giggly an t "30 In your pl Iq "MEDAL 'L' q t. "HIM run.- MPt,t tutu W Khalil” [IQ-“om tttet “NV hit-JFK, I”; In. In _ ulna-fully; My: Sea: and " LA,“ u " CHAPTt at Ame}- WI trrem " ban! l .h“ been Loyd Filer Great “My": he'd whom fshtrrV al L ‘IM Unwed. ukf Fro- u or. A Struggle Fo you re R XXXIX :Q natives wt " the MI: ‘I

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