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Durham Review (1897), 12 Feb 1914, p. 8

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?'" 5 Mann A o; and Blsmoro Rum re< tamed namely from I two weoku' "up, Taty vuml (new " in '3ij tl wood Ind other pines. but week Mr 3nd Muss Beacon, I whoa home is out. of Durham, “um! um. any. viming their relatives. Mrs I In Rurn " ', family. I A .no on n wintry prospect drear, AI tho pathway flak" come down, And higher and higher the dnlts no piled That sour the nrth no brown. No It” at lilo In the white “page Al the sky Into . dome oi Ind. Tho wind moms through the leUttm tron. All nature indeed reams dead. We regret to ban that It B. F. Shupio ill. I!" Human in lsomefrom Hild- mny Ind we no planed to bani: improved in balm. . I , Wona’, J8esa', and JGetiea' r Jweafer: a? reduced p) ice: Menu Cali Skin Cost regular 832 for. . . . . .$ 22.00 Menu, Wallaby Coat regular " for .. . . . _ 37.00 Udies' Fur Lined Coat, regular $42 for. . . .. 31.00 Semtss and JbudiW Ctoth Coal: a! gturgain Prieeo Wom’ f, 3013’ Werer, Sltours to glean Areeas ; 'i1lerto' d acad/es’ fur Coats TAYLOR&GO. Dromore THE J. D. ABRAHAM co. SOUTH BEND Luther Coats, Men's, at 4.75, regular Drill Coats, Men's at 1.50, regular. . ' . Whipeord coats, menu, at 3.00, regular the stock We'havo reducai them so thairs/rr, won't be any left. 80 late in the season we are going to clear out our stock " prices that you ean't afford to miss The Store that Sets the Pace TAYLOR & CO. Three Days of Abraham’s Nine Day Sale be a Hummer DROMORE Wooden Candy Pails 0htsff Bakets tor. . . . . Stable Shawls. . . . . We received a letter from Mrs W, F. LeGr, dated Calgary. Alla, Jann- It] 27th. in which she says her moth. or. Mrs Hunt. had been very ill, but we: better. The weather was very mlld until the 1811 of January. when n cold Imp arrived. but. although very cold the sun shone brightly ovary day. Our friends are domg well than: Ind have no intention of returning to the Bend at prusent. but Mr Leilar mny visit Ontario in the spring and we know he won't forget bis South Bend friends. Cotton Seed Meal Oil Cake Molasses Meal J 'ues. M39115 FOR SALE 'lll5llillMitSllirAJllir' FRIDAY and l SATURDAY These are the last three days of the Greatest Sale ever attempted in Durham. It takes more than stormy weather to keep the people at home when we put on a sale like this. This Big Store has been crowded with eager buyers, all day and every day since the Big Sale opened and the end is not yet. For the last three days we have planned to give greater bargains than ever. We intend to keep the kettle boiling right up to the very last hour on Saturday. It may be years before yoill have an opportunity like this again. Hundreds of Special Bargains that have not been advertised in the posters, will be offered. People from the North, East, South and West have driven many miles to attend Gris Big Sale and the last three days will eclipse all others. Come with the crowd and get your share curisue%oeir, Holstein Pumps Gasoline Engine Fattine Meal ;' At the celebration all the children eXeept Mrs Dickson, of Manchuter N. Ir, were present. The guests were as follows: the tour lone, Chum. George and Urine Hunt and their _ wives and children lrom Egremont l township and Wiutield and wife and Ichildrvn from Belwoud ', the daugh- ', ters, Mrs Collins, Toronto, Mrs Tyn- j nail, Egremunt. Mrs o, M. Seim. i Uepworth and their husbands and ; children ; Robt. Davis, a brother ot . Mrs Hant's, from Smuhroy ; Mr Ind l Mrs Geo, Hunt. Normanbf, a brother land ister respectively oi the groom ' and bride; Mr and Mrs Ellen: Halli-i day trom Gleneden and Mr and Mr- , W G'. Pettigrew, Holstein. There iwcre sixteen grandchildren " the f event. Those who could nor be prel- i eat sent telegrams of congratulation. l After e splendid repeat of good things at the dinner and tel on Tues- day, when n three-storey wedding cake was also e tenure. the iriende assembled to spend the evening so- ciully. Music. guinea. songs, recite tions and speechee were in Vogue and the hours e ed on the merry wings of time. 'lllll, for Mr and Mu Hun: were e planning feature. inking place during: lull in the evening! programme. In bebaiiof the broth- are and eietere. e puree oi gold and addreee were presented end read b y Mr and hirs Gen. Hunt. while I nee ond puree of gold wee given to the parents by the children, Mr Winfield Hunt reading the nddreee. Numer- oue other velnnbi: ttitta. were glen contributed. ( One ot those interesting events. a I gnlden wedding, ever beautiful like ‘che angels, because they are so rare, Itank pluce in Holstein on Tuesday, Feb. IO, when relatives and friends of Mr and Mrs Wm. Hunt. mumbled at their home to celebrate the 50th anniversary oflhe marriage of this well-known and respected couple. Both on Monday od Tuesday the guests kept arriving and on Tuesday eve'wng, when the climax of the eel. ebrution took place, there was not a jillier assemblage of people tar or near. No. IO, EGREMONI‘ 5th clan-Lillie Hamilton. Clinton Bunnton. Br 4ttt--B-te Drimmle. Thelma Brown, Ounle McArthur, Gladys Lamont. Br 8rd--Rytttr Philp. Angus McDougnll. Annie Nichol-on, Gordon Long. Jr 3rd-Domud Main. new. En! Bunlmn. Colin chrlhnr Murray McGllllvny. Hazel Oumpbell, Sr Nd-At" Bendemn. Norm": Drimnne. Murray Long. Br Pt 2ad-. drsitord Bunuon, Mary Dlimmlo Ind Don-Id McArthur eq.. Melvin Long Jr Pt 2nd- Iboet Nelwn. Lillie Me. Dongall, Bots Henderson Md Alex Nel- mn rq. Jr Iqt-lretrt, Hamilton. Average Marylin-r ' - Fifty veers ago, in the village of Ayton. the initial ceremony which united Wm. Hunt, a native of Somer- eecshire in England, and Mary Davis trom near London. Ont , took place, the Rev. Mr Hiltz omciming. For filty golden and continuous years they have been residents of the town- ship ot Egremont, ageing as Father Time rolled offthe years. but ever remuining young in spirit as they saw grow up to manhood and woman- hood,theirhumly ot four soul and [war daughters. One Son died when bat a youth. Joyful Re-union at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunt’s to Celebrate their Fiftieth Anniversary. Many have come from Elmwood, Louise, Hanover, Neustadt, Ayton. Holstein, Varney, Priceville, Dornoch, Williamsford and many other places, and all of them have gone. away happy. HOLSTEIN Golden Wedding L. Walls, Teach". In the passing of Mr Moses Ellis, ofthes6eom, on Sunday morning, Egremont township luses one ofits staunch pioneer Settlers. Mr Ellis, who was " years of age. had been ailing tor some time and those who were near tum at the last; were aware that the span of years was al- most crossed forever. Deceased was a native of Push-ch township near Guelph, but over So years ago, when in young manhood, he moved to this part where he has since resided. He is survived by his wile. formerly Miss Sarah Jane Scott. and two daughters and four sons t Mrs Walter Ferguson Hrs Wm. Eecles. Richard, Thomas and Moses. all in Egremont and Charles in Lloydthn. Sash. The tnneral was held to Mount Forest cemetery on Tuesday anemone. many frauds turning out to pay last tub-tea or -. Word was received here on Tues day that Mr John Orchard had passed away at his home In London, Ont. Although the deceased had. been nil. rng slightly for some time, he became worse lost Friday and relatives were sent for. Messrs John and Wm. Or. chard, nephews. and Mrs John Dur- ant, aniece, all living in Holstein, left toe London on Saturday. Mr Orchard died on Tuesday at 10 a tn. He was formerly a resident oiOt. ehardville and while a resident of this part was held in high respect here. He is tsurvived by his wife and two sons, engaged in business In London. The three day storm from Saturday until Monday completely blocked the roads hereabouts. On account of this eondmou of affairs, the township council durnot meet on Monday as per schedule and mil hold forth on Saturday instead. The mail carriers were allo unable to make their routes on Monday. T!mll DURHAM REVIEW The monthly meeting at the Wo men's Institute mil be held at the the home ot Mrs Il red McClocklm on Thursday, Feb. Igth at 2.30 p m. The meeting will be taken by Mrs P. Match, the topic being " The Ideal Home " and the Roll Call " What we eat." All ladies welcome. LOST.- In Holstei or vicinity, a sum of money, bills different de. nominations. A rew d of " per cent of the amount foun will be giv- on by returning the m ney to the owner, Dr. J. L. Wilson. Mrs Burns, of Portage La Prairie, who has been spending some months visiting among the McCrIcken and Whitmore families in Durham and vicinity, is now visiting ia this local ity. Dr. and Mrs Ferguson left on Mon. day afternoon to spend a few days in Toronto, Miss Hizel Thompson, of Listowel, was tlt guest at the home oi Mr and Mrs C.. Drumm from Friday till Tues. day. Ice cutting commenced on the mill pond Tuesday noon and the creamery company are the first to lay in I sup- ply. The ice this season is laid to be a fine sample. Miss Gertie Hay, of Mount Forest, was the guest of the Misses Manary for a few days. Mrs John Brown and daughter, Miss Lizzie, left on Tuesday to visit in the city. SLOCAL AND PERSONAL ,5 'ttam-a-a-sms-dt fr'? f'1"P"1'tr"f _ - ___ - _i'f'r1t'ff'T kiir,3kUSri' ci'28, itd ""N - -..--....5 - uvu- 'Cl'lbc' a selection entitled " Jesus Bids as Shine " was sung by seven lime girls and later a quutette of ladies, Mrs Ntch Ison, Mrs Henhey, Mine- E. Hunt§r and E. Brown, favored with a splendid number. Both Rev'dl James and Mulligan took part in the reading end devotional exercim, while the latter also mg beautilnlly. Dr. Harsh preached a powerful ut- mon and we. followed by e duet by In Nichollou and Min Brown. A unrmul long by the eboit cloud the service. the bee: of the mien: Yeovil and Orchard budgets and Drnmore school report. arrived this Wednesday utternool u we wen going to press. too late we we! to: this week. 9ritttdruralrmrtartrotr, “unnatural” in eta-sit. I Contrary to what may have been: general belief and verylng from a. common custom of evangelistic ser- vices. there was no effort towards making any conversions in a diseet manner, in the series of meetings just held. The leaders did not resort to this method, leeling that if there were to be fruits l0 their labors, thev would come naturally and in their proper time and place The union finished on Sunday night and despite the storm there was a large attend- unce. It was also the best service of the kind evrr held in Holstein and e greetdeal of credit is given to the young ladies' choir, tor the part they took in organizing and aeone it tlsro,4h. Following a song mice, [ Friends of Mr and Mrs Gordon Legge will " mpathize with them in the death of their little two-year-old daughter, Henrietta Viola, on Friday, after a brief illness. ttttlat-titat of the bowuls is said to have been the cause of her death, Everything that care and medical attendance could do for the little tsufferer was done, but to no avail, Working with the two lo- cal doctors was Dr. Groves, of Fergus who was brought here to operate, but decided it was useless to do so. The funeral was held to Mount Forest cemetery on Sunday afternoon and was well attended. Rev. W. E s. James officiating. Rev. Dr. Marsh braved the 1ttotreih on Sunday and with shovel in cutter, went to Dromore and Knox Norman- by, where he declared the pulpits va- cant. He has arranged to have Rev. Mr Peckover. of Toronto, preach at these appointments next Sunday. The Holstein and Fairbaim pulpits were ably tilled by Mr Mulligan, y Peterboro. While Rev. Mr James was officiat. ing " the Legge funeral on Sunday afternoon, it was impossible (or him to keep his appointment at Yeovil, so Mrs James demonstrated her abil. ity to rise to such an emergency and occupied the pulpit there with accept- ance. Anniversary services in connection with the Methodist church are being held here on Sunday, when the Rev. C. T. Bennett. of Harriston, will preach A tea meeting willbehcld on Monday night. With commendable enterprise. the trustees ofthe Village are going ahead and fixing the street lights and these will probably be in readiness by the week end. Rev. Mr Aitken, who preached in Durham on Sunday, is visiting his relatives in this vicinity. Mrs Dr. J. L.Wi!sou left Mondae for Palmerston, where she will reside for some time. Dromore budget on page 5 Title Mum Rico visited; Ea,, on Sunday. Quinn . numb" “tender! the Grange meeting in Yoovil on Thur-dc, nuns. 1tt.tel August A magma; will be “in Sophis Fro-inn. of Mt, For- ut. yi-uod "J. 3100'. In: "ck. It Mulligan (no I tine sermon at Furbum on Sunday. It IcAnhur returned from his Conmy Council dllill. dug, Walter Hot-burg delivered tome ihus cutie in Holasein on Sunday for . good price. , Wm. (iron won: " Durban Tue-- Mr and Mrs Mormon. old pr of this "etghberbood, oelebnted golden wedding on 'l‘huradty. A number: In tho Vicinity sounded tlt: tspeetal muting: itt “chain In: week. Calder MoArthur spent Arum: Visiting his con-mu Quite u number "tended the box mm in Drumore on Fwd-y night. Ind report. prices for boxes 39011.. 'ltuethloLi going from tho nelghbor- hood. Calder MoArthur opens Sundny m A........ ..._:.;_., I . ' We In" htd pm of our mnunl three day storms. which nukes the mud. heavy for a while. I On Feb. 5th Mr and Mn Walter Morrison. Hnlsteiu. celebrated their. kolden wedding, only the immedi- _ to relatives being: im'ited._ Mrs lex Hamlin n and Miss Jennie" Mut- !risim were the only [In mum of their family prewut. Five, of the gurus of titty years ago Were among the company. Mr and Mrs Adam Brown, (whu celebrated their golden Wed. ding two years tutu). Mrs Siner. Cedarville and Miss Liable and Max, Hamilcun. children then. Te gun served at 7 u'cluck. to whinh ", 'tc. onplejastlee. A program _ 'n prepared, Mr Wus. Grainy as chuitmun and each one r ing neutily as their names were dhtied. Mr Morrison addressed the cum- puny With I. hemrte Welcome. com pared the times of titty “an ago with the present. Mr Adam Brown gave in recitation. Mrs Brown In tter, usual clear sweet voice. a“: thoi mid Scotch mugs. Mr and In Ad.i Mr and Mrs. Walter Morrisorr, who on Thursday last, celebrated Fifty Years of married life. TORONTO THISTLE TOP VALLEY THE J D. ABRAHAM C0. he'; to cumin: The Store that Sets the Pace thi pioneers I864 " l9l4 if? thou I Cunuurlsinu 210 acres, being lot 21. can. w, and In: 20. um. 18. Egremnuu Wett taunted. ttatt a mile an of Dro- more. On th.- ttrat muoned lot u? a ltd brick can». bank turn MIQ III in Pure in MI eluted and in P good rule of with-ulna "eeptitte+ bow 26 um a... hardwood but. On (In mm " can a nut chu- drilled Id]. IN, ttetumd lot is u good but Mn with Nubia; (Mu co h all “Hf mtttimsted [and and; about '25 - but ml puma. My will he "rid toga-ugly or toga-thew “In". pom. A!!!" ettt “Ln-u or than“; 'btht+ P. o, I R. No. B. In DAVIDL 0.318113 Valuable Farm Property for Sale [The Review senior editor adds hm oougruulnuum to the worthy couple on reaching mu milestone. In I In on now line. .. Wang rt Ind the editor titat (new 6t Elwialord.’ Adamts lunch Ins then passed. ntter which all joiuod in tinitintt one ot Mr Mun-man’s taeorite mum. 't t) God ufBemeL"-nlso "God he with you nu ma meet Again. 't I All letr. hr home 'ua.euaarsiti- ttc,', been present.’ " “on I r1" on . Ag going to pow. we undersupd John [has 10-1. put ot hi! thumb m the turnip sheer. Powsat--gtcuut-As the residence of than bride'. 'meeuta, by Rev. J F Dianna-n, on PM). ah. Ila Joan Victoria, daughter of It and MN Arch. MoOuw. luremom tp., to Mr Jun-r0 Wale-y Pom-ll. of Avonlea. Bark. Were ttiven on D. Allan and W. Jor. dan, Instrument-ll by Harvev Grout. recitation! by Sadie and Lloyd Hum “ton. humoruul scotch reudmxl by In Grout. ll: Itorrison also added to the evening's mnumem by slag in: n parody on " John Anderson. my Jo." Brown, In Bert Stoocbouu and list Jun Brown an; lulu. dnezs, trim. qu!rrbettea(rursatrd Scotch) In tho aehumot the company. Speeches This has been the Greatest Sale ever held in Durham It closes on Saturday with the Biggest Bunch of Bargains ever offered EFi, T. UAR! 12, Mt Cook WAvTrip, At I. “D Itoid J Ullll‘ thr, W De. HIJWn. 'U. flu-0M. will b') hon. Im. 21. a". unto-(f and a Thirteen memlw all» took I trump I - of 10 milets, tr M returned on th "do. PLACID Btuctw IN H r-ttee of Thu I. Inertial trrvelierr' an. town recently and pf .. helm- of the n. to". This IIK'irly h. Win atl the ltsrgi't ota-r'tcts during vh. 'sc.,..),-.,., ‘~7=;.-.->uw l Nia-" ‘65» b"iitl.i'-'oprC'.r. a and while Wu havr the 'es'st kin.“ Hg an... D. A. Sun” County. Writes : .. we Into beautiful m no chow." the" will be t two ot the inn and The former I tll Mth and Auttust 'd “are. 12th and N- am: on the 24th , "sis country, wt Meucts 12 wsl', " 11-120! her 'Wi' tl kiddo . Alt!) "lit [Hr "t the S'Odub Wer L. iley |Hrrrhl a! tutu" hm“ k t I: ll Eulo- 13 n. In. tl ”kw”, .0" Hal! edict] upo" 1-1 T “an. AtcCrae ttl "taces nun gnu '. Ion l Dunc-m [In - of ttetr In“ ”at unuhu : CI“. some on. he “ tho gulljru “he: Spain '0“ t All. " N, - h‘rueu. I M Ionuu tat VOL. XXXVll, N at“. And A, “an ot the n... Hun-g sputum) I“. which hl' " T. a. Biurnc NI “CAI-(bur H'uh tl In: “dice." l h on I'd). 23m. Tae Seaman. a l‘ C... exclumus H" “be". challvnr' " We! Samm- M "mun/ecu 'u t, nonm- In! Tqu ”on Mum-a \- Iu nub-Idi- mm" 'trqtMt Snuudoue . Wanna-I comm-r! “Cacti than ot Wu led " wul " on!» whe, In“ "tth ttt f TmTrPNRTP, “Lb, ttte bu“ Hun. 'l" MM [beacon-l 2 I " tht second hall. rnl m Quill)“ ”Hun ”than of lite. lor (In-y haunt-ion and We” fin “I'm" btfme h M“ "ttrefr'""'" t “only ‘I‘MI helium p would ueu. hut cf ”. In '0 In illlt'l'rs! 'er, it“! Ipleudid u H” "mot-rum». Jun Fr await!“ like. " 't - Thence-um. '9 .W point ‘9 Onion ouvrl V dmic-Allen NWT the ',.w willie l"! 'dg't,'tg' right mug Au h “it wiug ' ttr IN Ayn-h Vt MI‘ " " l) " Am Bot Pl dd gh

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