West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Feb 1914, p. 4

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ti f SLAUGHTER SALE THE SHOEMAN of Boots, Shoes, & Heavy Rubbers Lumberman's Heavy Rubbers, reg 3.25, sale price. . . . . . . . . . 1,75 lioys’ Heavy Rubbers, reg 2.60 adoption C.".'."'.".".".."."'.'.".".".".' Idlli Youth. Heavy Rubbers, reg. 1.60, saleprico.................... mi Woman Patent Gunmetal ‘und Vici Kid Shea,'" 3.50 and 4.00, sale n " up What u w W w m l 'it Por Oust“; i it) was a " ' W MI " I . . Id.- lvo: * Manicure Sets it) M It "tel21'l,1t, w - Inn, Ind w [any “Ilium W but, [not W My, u: Hm "aaiar.tair.e.a.tr.a.t:r.r:r.ttr'tttt':f, i What to Give and _ _ -. 'l) ‘h (UNI w PipesJoncco W -rers'Stsrtrttes n" he. " -.. Buy your k. 33133333338 915%533 s9:aT9.9.aT.5 aa.Sit) pdcoL...'. --- Settle the Question Now -- '0: Quality, Class end. Low Prices our line is the Anest in old Grey. In“... a Toll“ Arne!“ mm am a - “a Par- m- lvoty. See them “I. Ivory. See than Pum- wallets, etc “are Sets Fancy China, And last but not V"! Mant" os" leut,lho greatest otter ever his mum cums Brushes, made in the country In lea-nu. lull Brushes, Until our stock of Hot Water - - “a '“c'ood use are sold we will allow 50c on your own bottle, any - ”mm“, shape, any color, - don't - 'tnxors,MetoM.00 make any aileron“ when CngMg, att - you Bought " -oa a. put- CUM" chase of Central Drug store mg, fmcco guaranteed hot water Bot. e. 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop wnm AND BARLEY at a The Central Drug Store Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop at $23 Large Quantity orllty l Feeding Hay Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry'F'lour All kinds olgmin bought nt mark-t price. l on Flour and Peed in ton lots. 2,rt John McGowan The sp:cially haunted and uptrdtte method now generally "opted for emctnlly grunting eat." of all draught, snow. that. rain or dust ot an Rina, thereby insuring an even temper- ance “toughen the building. Every window and every do" where ever made of be equipped with Why deny yoursel! the maximum oi comfort at the minimum of “page. All metal-Weather strip costs ltsse, is tar more ef- loclin than atom "att “d in I permanent inhuman, requiring no removal. Moat public building: in Inge cities ue equipped with it. Awhile-u speeity it, the Gunman“ demands it. Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Estiuutes cheerfully given. Work guarantud Writes Phone or Call. tgarmtaetaeed and handled by CR'MPBD OATS for Horse Feed at $23 per ton CHOPPED OATS at............ tii?, perton J. G. Furber dk Go. THE pE0PLE'S MILLS Fresh and and": at 14.50 oii car. See this Hay before pnrchaslng elsewhere. It will pay you. Every bag gutfrvtoed. If not sai,i'actory bring It back and get your money. EVENTUALLY All-Metal Weather Strip ‘1.UU,bulU 95 Why Not Now ticket. here. . L. SAUNDERS BUREAU. ONT Where to Get it BON'T MISS THIS Out Glass & Brushed Brass Leather Goods, “and Bee, Merry Ch: istmao to Bit Special Reduction at $25 per ton Mens Goodyear welted Patent & Gunmetal Boots, reg 450,313.16 " Mens Heavy Felt Boots, reg. 3.50, sale price. . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Mens Long Leather Boots reg. 4.00, sale price... . .. . l . . . . uo Misses antl Children's Vivi Kid Shoes in red, black and chocolate, reg. 1.25, sale price.'.............. Sli wood will It) I It) (t) tty 'll, t (tt It! Ity ft) N ext Garafraxa Street Bridge Elle Early“): Emma: With a function marked by tho us- ual hnlliwce and formality, the On- tario Legislature opened on Weduor day, Feb. 18th. The compumvo cenvulesoence of the Prime Manner cnnoumgcd' more gnyecy than would have been the case n Sit-James had an“ been in n entiettl condition. It x5 generally agreed howu'er. that bur James mll be umbls to re- turn to active political life and the problem of chooaing his successor is givmg the Consuvauve party more worry even than the general public would imagine. In fact the Cemen- ‘auve members themselwes admit a _ trace of pessimism. Hon, J, J. Fey will lead the Home this Session, but he does not want. we post pcrmanently. Who, then, Will be the leader of the Government ? The Conservatives feel so uncertain about. It that they are comparing the present simmer) m Ontario with that which followed the rvtiremenl of Sn John A. Mmcdonald in the Fedeml led. The Conservnnive party one! a. " years of weak rule and (hasenaion Went to pieces and a Lmernl Goeeru. mum. came into power. Such I blank- dowu is feared now in Ontario. Hon. Adam Deck will nouervo un- der Hon. W. J. Hanna, nor willtbe latter act under the former. In spun of lug undoubLed elemenu of strength moreover. there are increumg pro tests: against the selection of It Han na. Not only " In still under the shadow of the l’roudloot charges which establuhed s serious case 133m“ the Minister, backed up by his own ad- mlssion and winch adminedly were not gmm a full irweguguiott, but he -eeev 3.7 - a - - Is also Cnrpormon counlel for the Standard Oil interests 111 Ontario and this Important. fact “one is milimmg strongly against the selection ot Inch a man ior the position of Prime Min. liter. Mr and Mrs John Shane of Wiartou are vxsiung at the home at Mr and Mrs light Lcdingbam. Mrs J Kennedy and daughter Rita spmt a tow any: Int. week with her parents, Mr and Mrs T' Shewell. Sorry to any that Mrs F Cronin who is vi.ir.ing with her daughter, Mrs Flannigan. in under the doctor's can bat hope the will soon be in her usual mulch attain. A _ n . . , Mr and Mrs Robert Bartoot intend moving shortly to their now home " Scone. We will be sorry to lose them lrom the burg; _ _ - _ I Lime Miss Katharine Lister, who spent tho pans mo week: with tter grandpnreuu, Mr and Mrs Snows”, returned home Monday, Thou Bailey J r of the Rocky, vlslt- ed Sunday an his home In the bug. unlock}: Campboll is engaged uk- ing out. timber tor we erection of Mr '1'raax's mill. - _ - _ _ . .. . 'ii7ririG Robt Lodmghm visit- ed on Friday with the farmer’s ulnar, Mrs Alox McDonald of Crawford. Min Glam: Campbell of Dal-hm Uth School. visited for a few du- recemly m her home here. V VReov'e Brown ot Ls-luh. and. a business trip on Tuelday to Councillor Shewell's. - - Miss Emu Ritchie. of Dundtlk, spam the week and n be: home hen. Miss Nellie Hepburn in Vilnius friends on this line. A numb-t from here “tended church n Zion on Sand-y to but Mr Will Hawk, . forum Ieuhn In". pinch, - Mr C. B. Mom: was up n Outr worm for a couple any: lot wank mth lb. Dun-hum curlers. Mr and Wm. Bitehie gun I large party on Fridsy. About 90 were pres.“ um! um» I good um. dancing all nearly morning. Mr Herbert Edge and Jinn Mu! Valarie "and " Mr Wm. Rum-p1. North Egremont Ind "tended nuns. n Amos and Eboum. (Special to the Reviow Legislature Notes FEB. 19,1914 WELBECK EDGE HILL -- -va THE DURHAM REVIEW Council met Fob 14th. Minutes adopted. Mr Cook. I repromittrtiy" of School Fairs. waited upon the council solicitin; a grant. The mat- ter was discussed in detail. tgeBobtt-aordtm--Tts" no when he taken.--Wrried. Robb-Gordon That this Council nus s resolution ttternoriaiizintr me Ontario Gout-men: to amend the system of appointing the Dep.-reeve try population u a present and sub- mm. by Assessment and s copy or this resolution be sent toDr. Jamie- son. M. P. P., to present it tothe government and the clerk send s copy to the tuilonuntt mtusicipdiries. -Csrried. Gordon-Mists That Cllns Setui. her be appointed lenee-vlewer and l pound-keeper in place of T J Gordon L-Carried. A __ ifiii;T.ieitotm That C A Drumm’s tender for cement tor tile making be ncgeptgd. -9rrud. Gurdon- Ferguson That the ap- plinuion or Joseph O‘Connell. Jus Quinn and R Shut to beanimi u be“ on baseline be granted and clerk prepare a by-law to that effect. --tyw W" Iieeolved'zhu thetollowing be the $1.: Division for the Comrs " Division No l, TJGordon. Comr Count 4, G, 8to blind i'me eon 8-9 and oat Kelley 'a sideline to 08 R and south to Mr. Form. No 2, C W Robb. cons 9, IO, ll, 12 to blind line con 12-13 and out Hul- er's nidolino to O S R then south to frulidar'a aidolino. A - _ “Nail, BEBWMéRobb Comr from blind line. can: 13 ; " 16, 18, 20 22 from Proton T L to 10 sideline inclus~ ive No 4, Comr Ferguson cons 14, lil, 18, 20, 22 from '10Lh sideline W tn OS Rand from Sw-nstcn'a sideline north to Glenolg T Line. A resolution was pared in accord- nnce with Chap 36. 3 4 George V. an ace respecting the public construc- ion and operation ot Electric Railwaxa. which this Council desires to be brought into operation and the Clerk be and is herebv instructed co fir- ward eopiesofthis resolution to the Lieat.mint-uovvrnor-in-Coumsi1 and to the Hon. Adam Beak, chairman of the Hydro Electric Power Commia. sion of the province of Outario,--Ctt The Audizons presented their report which was care'ully gone over by the reeve and council. A _ . (3ordnn---Fergmsttn That the Att. ditors' Report for 1913 be adopted and each reeeive. $10 00 tor his serviccs and clerk get 200 cnpiel printed Car. Bv-law No 283 to appoint, Cnllectnra tttl F Hopkins for N D and E obbfor S D were appointed, salary $40.00 each_._ U . "iivriGirtio 284 to appwint path- mnatou panned. List will be pub- lished later. -___ _ . _. By-la;wNo 285 to authorize the reeve and Trans. to borrow money vagsed-_ . . The 'I'reagurer's resignation wss read, asking it to take ether Ot3 March 5th. I%reason--Gordon That we ac- cept of the Treasurer's resignation and that tho clerk ask for applies Lions tor Trousnrer. to be read at next meeting of council and that the new and clerk are'herebv appointed to wait upon the Treasurer and take an Inventory of nil books and documents in his possession. belonging to the township. --."arrled. Iteisofved that the following tttV comm be paid t L B Nich Ilsa " use of hall for... " M Notnitttatirtn..., _..... ......3 3 00 Peter Match. bonus for wire renee...... .... .... .....'. 8 00 Wm. Lougheed, use of Council r00m...... ...... .... .... 2 00 All applicatlins for building wire fences. fur whicbn bonus is to be salted must be sent in to the clerk in writing and will be considered by the council and notice given clap- provnl or rejection. Robb--MeRobls That we now ad. journ to meet on Monday, March 5th, to appoint a. Treasurer. Appli- cama are required to name three sure- tieo with mrmsuhes to enter into bonds with the oorporatiort to the amount of $12,000.u0 freehold; and other business YotmiFt)L APPEARANCE EGREMONT COUNCIL An Asset to Every Woman Gray Hull's a Source of Discontent Every woman wishes to look young always. Gray hairs mean the pasmug of yoath's charm. They are the source of many a headache to many and many I womuu. But they need not. be. Hay a Hair Health restores gray hair tn its naturaloolur- It " not tt dye, By its tome qualities, by promoting a. new vigorouu. ttmtlthy growth of the hair. by ramming dandruff, by furnishing to the “up sud the hair-roots a new lite it bring back the In! color and [name ot lho hair. . If the: a. fair trial according to directions. it fails to do this. we will refund yum- money. 91.00, Mhr, 25c. Get it It our 'tttte.. Sold and recommended by MacFARLANE * 00., Drugglsts oHave You Bilious Attacks? Chamberlain Tablets keep "'- the liver right up to nor- mat all the time-and than why they are no eEecdve in cure of Stomach Disorders, Fermentation, Indigestion. and all ailmettttt which are the toro- runnen of biliousness. Try them. Me, a bottle Druggilts and Dealers or by Mail. tlh.aNr1e_inMedidnetu, in?! Durham. Ont, D. ALLAN. Clerk. ....$300 Rev. Mr Paokover delivered . very forcesble sermon " Knox lot Snnduy. Mr Ind Mrs Wes. Starry. of Durham wanted on Standby " Mr w. C. Cald- w’ll'a Mr Will Willace. of Ebordule, upon: Saturiay and Sunday n [Hyman hare. Mr and Mrs A. Fenian! 3nd tdei' J: Petty and funny spent Friar evo- mng at John Marina's. Mr Melville Hey. of Val-my. spent Suudny with his uncle. Mr Jag. Farg- uson. MIDI Gunn. of Markdlle, in spend- ing a couple of weeks with In Aston Follett. Sorry to hear that Mo Webher ll under the Dr's care at preont. Hops we will soon b0 thighs nglin. Mr. and hire J. Morice 3nd family wanted one day last. week with the lolmor‘u sister, Mrs W. Petty, of Ben- muck. Mr and Miss Mink, of Sulhvm, spent over the week end " Mr Thus. 1iohlistet'tr. The concert under the “spies: of The concert under the auspices of the Y. P. O. A. was held in Knox church on Wed., Feb. 11th and wee in every trey successful. The pro- gram which was rendered by Dromore choir. end the male trio from Ayton was greatly appreciated. Recitation: were gun: by Mr Geo. Lotblen, Muse Scott and Muse M.McAI1ster. Mr W. Allan noted as chairmen and bed ex- (Sellout, order. in Ipitu of the cold imam” there was " good attendatute and I very enjoyable eveumg was Edna-EAST NORMANBY spent, Miss Hillie Suthcrby was united in the holy bonds of matrimony t t the man of her uhuico, Mr Clarence Io- Emain, on Wednesday afternoon in )won Sound. Atwr the ceremony mu parlormed, the happy couple Look the tour o'clock train Lu her home In Shall N! Lake, where they will spend the Week and. We wish them long life and prosperity. Mr John Fraser of Manitoba, visuing tlienda In the vicinit.y. G, 1nmsuumustl arrived home Saturday We, alter spending 3 Lime with mums in Clumsy. Mr Ed. Bleich look aloud onus \Vlllinmalnrd bug: and girls lathe Chatswmlb ikntlng rink hm San. eve The lee being iirist-e,letta, they all seemed to enjoy themselves. Call urouna agun Eddie ! Messrs Joe Byers and Ike Water. tuu,uf8uuny Valley. spam Sunday mm fnends in the burg. Muscbe some attraction. Mr Ed. Woinomki. ot Massie. speutSatuiay With his parents here. The Women's Instimm was held ttl the home of Mrs McMiwhell on Wed. . tstterttotrtt. There wr re about thirty I members present. also two new mem- ' hers. Alter the buuiness partot the? mating was over, tt dainty lunch ', was served in the dining room by the Minus Elsie and Elm- MoMitchell Min Duvev and Mise James open: Friday evening with Mrs Cummmg. A number of the young people trom the burg took in the carnival in Cbntuwonh on Monday eve and all report a good time, lf Large Sales WILLlAMtiF0R0 Have you seen our tt x f Flannclette Blanket: ? Have you bought an Overcoat yet 't Try McKechnie’s pure soap, 8 cakes for Me. The Highest Prices for Produce select stock of Fresh Groceries bought closely If not see our stock Before buging. The quality is good and the prices are right, at 1.35? Just the thing for Zero weather. new stock of Shoes in newest designs tdoEearf1e'tiWeelrlyNem 33:: W apartmental Store, ads on good many fitting lasts ' 8c J, . McKECHNIB ig - -- l 3 Do not take “be M even take our word 3 ---------""""'"" M M‘ -- w. til ' est M in t Do o---------""- , a Wbeo we say to you tit m the must honestly madr, the , NI live. neuron pun-fem in every . ed fur the relief of human lil a m the limit. Every “I. of c ' XI i J‘Pexa/Z l . ' ls always made with the pc frurtrotvutlv" it will tue rel " M of tt--or the money ’Jlid for tt Ill formality. This gupranlau 0 Retail Remedies. It is ' w 9 Ill or! and hmked in every in" a lil There is no ted tape lot , X sign. All you have to do in ' does not give sa'iifuctiun- " 3 that you expect of it-is to d M on your more any-am, We WI w your man pr. H M Eatt't that In"? Can a Is there any reason for Ill Sol ig W MacF. in Ill DRUC he Ill f' igl The m x 2 E C P. R. Town Office M 'ii/tlysis, Us ijiP1itomilli'lll' IN _ _ 'ikugxxsygtr'.'dieyrrli©%l 1txxglgpeMliMNtl8llyt' Do not take anyhody’s word for It. Bo not ik" even take our word for It. Make us prove it bt _--------. N! When We say to you that we helm the must bunntly nudr, tho most sch-mi tive, neuron porfect in .et?t'Y way of any ed for the relief of human We. we are r: to the limit. Every ulo of every one of is always made with the positive gunnntee the! it will'gln entic- fsetton-utty" it will [we ri,tief--tbtt it will do null that in expected of it-or the money paid for It will be refunded without question or fnrmality. This magnate:- Roe. wuh every ule of every one of the Resell Remedies. It in l gunman-e Authorized by the msnufmul- era and but ked in every imam-a by our oWn pen-0nd (annotate. There is no rod tape to this-no string to Ibis ottrr--motttitstt to sign. All you have to do in anv 'ttwtartee In which a Retell remedy does not give "twitotction--deet' not do all that we clum torit or that you expect of it-is to come bu-k to as empty-handed. and up- nn nun mere 'ttMr-wt, we wnll cheerfully and prmuptly give beck The The Down Town Shoe Store EGGS TAKEN AS CASH fires TORONTO Custom Work and Papairing as usual. MaapArrLAN1il'ti DRUG STORE Old Woman who Lived m-ttqt-li-ll" in a Shoe ’exall J, 'tH. u w The Bean“ Store We hack our claims by an hon- est Promise to Refund your money in Every Instance in chh You Do Not Derive Absolute Satisfaction Sold Only at Mt we helwvr I“. - m--..r - - most seientibumr mule, "getttttet other. F Way of any line of "mum ever otrer- re, we are r' may to luck that summon. up" one of ibe FBBBUAIII you do.“ our honesty of purpose? you to Innate or doubt , we helinj: tttt Rte? Pt".r,teu',7. e gramme: good satisfaction. isargtirrteMiNlrrin2ll The shoe is more attractive than the one who ccccpiu it. In fact many of her trouble: would haxriiisappeered if she had provided her Inge family each with a pull of our reliable Boots or Shoes Our stock is lame. prices small, quality can- sidered. Mitts, Glove. and Hosiery at close ptiees. Trunks, Suitcases. Chm“. Telescopes, etc. Legging. And Spats for men, ladies.mism and children. Call and get prices. Buy your tickets here BREE I lit, 1914 McILRhlN Durham As '0 have pm " Panpuly, gnu-ed In mm In” On. shingles an We regret H. a date VIM] Mum.- contra-u " NN “v pundit". We (In However. tIre " .000 " plmmhlu W will inhlullv and trtrntutute" t “It!" Ire im il atad stricale (um We will take tot “Wong in for amp. may people are anxious at this season to know the In: Vermin and Oisea.sc our“ in stables. poultry houses. etc., that “I" cityl but a few cents. Best Exterminator than! “ck: " - here- ontu on “out: Here it is : oterosivesuhlur Chloride dump} \' a hot water. odd water to m: - every m we": 1eavefortw . thorough cout H. B. Md. Mondto gtitl ttr um: N00”, is I to". The correct I - be suppit Tue QEAU1\ PHARMAU magma. Known Itll "BRUARY 19. 1914 PRIC All kins: a; Goats .'x',t THE Cl FRESH Lug: :Txip nut. arrimdtt ol m: gun dam-d lam [I Eat can he“ "um #igtteqt prices for - and Eggs- Tat Milly of In“; up: Not' M The law of uupply tn‘ I“. ---- LEVII er FOR m [El

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