West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Feb 1914, p. 5

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- -s,i Alll kinds of Fur l, Goats to: ALL nun” giaRaWSqii2iiii ---" ,v - .__.......a ' aiaiisaiaa '___-" _,li:ss:s;ivsz:issa" ' 1;; ‘ f i1rnarzesmmretire ior Vermin and Disease l', Germs in stables, mm houses, etc., that will cost Ill but a few cents. I THE QUALITY iii PHARMACY l-1zeczzaaazaaEie1eE..ie8 td Here it is: Equal pom cl yorrosiveSubltruate and Soda. .‘hlnnde dissolved in on. [3110' ,f hot water. ll hen dl-thed old water to make " “no... SptAx every nook and entice l t i 'cavefnrtwo days then give x tl, mug}: coat of whitewash. PR|CEVILLE. \RMNI) THE VILLAGE‘ N ICE "" have pun-h ned vapolly, We .19 .. ‘IW Lululwr y 5 1g?” and (In I no? Vhtl we r I ', 'l wum-‘r, but , ml muwnvg not I FEBRUARY 19, [914 PRICEVILLE 91%:er l milis' Husk-rat Lined Coats with black broadcloth shell and Persaa Collars, regular $50. to clear at " I adies' Mink Marmot Rutts and Mulls regular " for...........---'" .. I3.50 a adies Cloth Coats, very latest make, regular 8.75 for..........-..----'-'" 5.00 1len's black beaver coats with imitation Persian Lamb Lining and rubber in the lining and for - collars.regular $20lor ..... .... ...... 34.00 1ien's Cloth Coats reducedto. . . . .... . . . . . . .. 7.50 Boys Gray Tweed coats with fur collars and heavy flannel lining, sizes from 27 up to 32, regular 7.00tor .--r--""'" 3.95 \\ t have cut the prices in Ladies' Fur Coats i, Fur Lined Coats. Ladies' Cloth coats newly ", J. and are up-to-date, also Men's and Boy's , r, lh fur collars as well as Mens cloth coats,-- , rthem atless than the manufacturing cost. Yul}? chances are good to buy reliable and up- :'..::r,- {mm 50 to 600 on the 8 and I'm sure that ‘ -‘:".'. tlic the opportunity of buying at a big re- .minn which we are ready to sell you. Be sure mi all before buying elsewhere foryour ownin- THE? CITY BAKERY We have a large number of other goods reduc c 1 in prices bat space prevents to mention them all C we and see for your own benefit. crarect proportions will be supplied by calling a Lille ship n1 ttq any]: A\\re:t t), tlice a week and on ml" of m: gnu de tttai hr (rsters at u not. tho, In I": to be in first clasa ' omimm when y arritm have. M ib.. ul1sartert: for Gmhrotionery and all Ihdarty goods “(with Mv-ip »n went to the city OI w.th .1 Unload of sheep. uh 1.'eArthar, of Port Mer. is spending I few dlylih ”ng - for Butter Id 3"- FRESH OYSTERS rest . The weather tor the last ten days 1lvliinnon spent MruUr " bu been cold and “mun and little "r and warned to Tor. at interest has token place in our _ "- ty F [bum Songs to an the cor'ohavo l l, "n wept to We city on 1 was tho new: tangled up or wrong“ n li, .. cmlnad of‘sheep. informed. Maybe they guessed at 4‘. \fc.\r!hur, Lt Port ,,e/2'i'ie'e','f.. , w" mug n few duyoin Mr Geo. McCormick is at present t visiting in Toronto. Tite anlon hum; ont'" is having than! in!!! nIlIIp-'t:<dat unchinoty .e “wt-class wmk. (Inu- nilwl luleay their log: "ufer. nn mil property w lug-x or shun ie timber mul allow would pder pun ti ned tho Pricevmc y, We 'tpeet to tterm- Lmnhur r mid-manner. 1nd t ht “ruin tatrr on. n! WP (' um accommn- mar, hm )wing to large nun-g tat n previous to du not ex a to hrauer. mll be a your service Irie and as no you lbw .Il up-mdu III vchinety bl Tu law of supply and demand *9. a: but]. LEVINE dk CO. pe we! fully. " WATSON dc " FOR ALL KINDS or PEOPLE E. AWWE Ilia Maggie Aldoarn. olSwiaton Park, is visiting friends in town at pram. Otto Konold in IN is: a earlond of mat to Toronto on Runny. Klan Kate Brown and In" " Koehnla. of anford. no visiting "Send. in town and " the Six Cur. new Glad to lay the arts.ttter bu quiet- l nod down Ind Jack Frost duos noti bile so severely. i Mr and Mrs Joe Black. of Price- ville, spent Sunday with fr'iertide here. A rmmber from our bare attended; The Hydro Electric survey gang u."' "rtrt.rtp Club tmmtintt on Friday who are on their Way trom Guelph w nurhl. All report u good time. f. point on Georgian Bay, are as far I'm Kata IcDunIld. who has been 1 as Fleaheruat new. They cm” ttte nu Toronto Ior the put few nuntm. '; 16th u. Birdell. returned to her home hora In: week l A load at our youth 5nd beeaty Misses Katie and Tens MoC wnick Ipenl. Sand-y uitbthm friend, lies Came Dunbar. Mm Nellie Lunoleuc. ot see-ire . Very plea-3m evening at Mr. M"rtr, Ipem Sunday at Mr Ed. Sulli- l WJ Wilson’s m: week. Van‘s. _ - g... --..._ - Misty Katie Inf Tens. 1.ucyrey.sk 'I, sc0TchTOWN _Mis| Florence HcVicar. of Price. ville, spent the week end ttt her home here , Mr Duncan Dunbar is seen driviha ‘soutb quite trumemly. Mr Gordon Snakes: and Mr Elm r Riclmdaon. ot Pniceville. spam I Very enjoyable evening an the home at Mr D. McCormick. Some Intrac- tlun boy s. Mr Ovey Anderson, ot Behrieber, in m. present visiting an his parents“ noun: Date. Glad to report that Mr Hugh Mc- Gianna is recovering from an snack of la grippe. Mm uk, O"Neil is visiting friends and relative. inOn'en Sauna. Mrs.) S. Black 'spent Sunday at John MeVicar's. Messrs Angus and L .nchio Dunbar. ot Mum-lo, spent the week " the" home here, Min Katie Black Sunday-ed at Mr Alcb. Mchunld'g. . Mr James Doherty paid a fit tug vim to Irieuds around the Centre. GLENELG CENTRE fur collars and - 41,, t om 27 up to 32, '/Keet r......-'.".. 3.95 i1on 1.0mm 'cxnsl of other goods rednc ' law is to mention them all in” netit. be”? ji, M1 paid & can iii t "re M tMtatst's8BMKl88El icon; "e-er-ere-e-err-r-e-e-e-er-ee-e-e i!frt SWINTON PARK - . l Edge be acceptva as security 10? me é! Treasurer in hen of Wm Rimbie who 2 ms Bald his farm, Carried. ' Young-Pears-Th" Geo. Walker 2 be and is hereby appointed. High Sch . " I Trttstee fur Markdale datrittt. Car. busts Marion Kurt who in been under the or: can all summer. it we are (he! to uy. you” improved ”fTrustee fur Markdale (union Car. E 1'ong--Ptsart--Tly" Reeve pay to - ‘Trcasurer the sum of $16.0t received br/it' timber bought from Angus lie- - LKechnie. Carried. Maura Walt Knox and Geo Camp bell visited last week at Howiek. A numb. r from here attended the sale at Mr Tom deemn'5 [as Sn. Wedding bells are ringing again in two_plteea. - _ _ --- -- Mr and Miss Brown and Ir nod Miss Butch": at 11owiek, who hive been visiting " Mr John Aldoorn'l. rrturned home In: week. - w"joi/d is engaged with Wm Me Cormiek dnorustt logs. 1 Mr end Mm P. J. Haley spent *Sunday at Mr Irvine Andersen“. F (Hench Centre. Mr Angus McMillan. at Middle ' River, who has sham the past few months with his mother here, he rammed there. He Woe accompan- ‘ird by his brother Michael. - Mr Bert Knox in working for Mr John Haw. Ber: says the wlephono Is a perfecg hum aver. While purlaking at some salami recently, Mrs Archie McMillan dis- covered a pearl. which mu pronounc- led try thejmellorco be very valu- able. J Ur Dan McPhea and Mr Corrinln. Marurdale,rpsruf5arui" " Mr J. A. McMillau's. Mr J. P, McMillan lenvenhis week iirrToronto, where he bu secured I posninn in the Parliament. Buildings. Ue will be grenllv missed, but I 'u1pp1rs0 there ls more attraction in 'ruruuto than in Sculcbtown. Mr D..nald McMillan disposed of s om no Mr li Warm") fun the goodly cum oi $86. e ss Alissa Mary Ind Sgdie McMillan it your town, spent the Week end " their home here. The Cannon met February 'ith pur- manna adj .urnrnunt. All members present, the Reeve an the chulr. hiiutres of last meeting read and cun- tirmed. Communicatiuns read " follows: John Kelly, atatemem re hank ae.; Wm Luau & 00.. re Traw cl'stun bridge ', Wm Emu, acct. tor sundrles " hall ; bl K Richardson. aces. tur searches in Registry OttieAy ; Murgure, Gordo, M. D ' Munic'pal RHMmdum Cumumeu B law No. bl4 'rowmstr'p LEW-fl and gyluw Nu Mfr lixuug Ole: k and Treasurer salar- lea mm m roamed and read a titntt and second time. hieMilltur--Pearr-Tbat the Clerk instruct. l he (ratnty Troamrer to emu the taxes tur 1913 charged agtu'n luzs west halt uf 54 and " con 3, E. G. R.--Catried, - A -- Pesrt--Liuoar-Tlhat the Reeve be insuucxed mpurchaso timber re. quired to put a new top on Glenoroso or'dge. Carried. Y mix- McMillan--That the Audi. tors iteirorr as reandlted by the Coun- cil b: auvpted. and that Clerk be in- strucued to get 100 oopies of the lame pruned in pamphlet. totatt. Culricd cueuillau-Liutrus.r-Tlu" Bylaw No blt appointing township oftieerts ‘be now read a third time, signed. ’smled and engrossed on Bylaw book, Carried. 'ticsitllan--Yoantt-That Sheep In. isptaetots be app hated n to1luws ; ‘Ward 1, John M, frat; Ward 2 IGI, i Melluia: Ward 3, Sam Wright: Wd. 14. Colin MuArthur; Ward s, John 1()Nell. Carried. geMilltus--Yottmt--Thttt Arthur D. " Edge be accepted -ttytr.rty. {or the - Mcuitiau-Ptsrt--Thtst the Reeve, be, paul 87 for attending the Highway Commission in Guelph. Carried. Lindray--hioWillan-Tlnst RT Di. wards and W J Rncnie be paid $12 eacu tur serum " audituu. Burned On motion ot Peart--Lindioy, the Ccaneil appmves oi the scheme to cmnstruct an Electric Railway from Guelph to 0w tt Sound u " only a date as pussnble. 1ieaitian--Peart--'rut Wm Buck be nid 900 for broom. pail lad dish for ell sud that ll K Richard-on be paid $1 for searches 3nd R. Linduy " tor examining into Trainer‘s aunties Carried. McMillan - Young - Thu Road Com mimosa-s be tttttt as tol. lows: Ward l, Rob: lnduv ; Ward 2, J A McMillan; Ward 3, Norge. E. Pearl; Ward 4, Juseph Ynung; Brid- ges and Townlines, Thus Nichol. Cu Yoanr--LiodPrrTlpt, Bylaw No. 545 be now read a third time. signed sealed and engrossed on Bylnw book Curried. ._ L'uui---Yountt-Th" the Clark be psid $40 on salary; Carried. The Counéil ndjomed to April 4th " 10 I. m. J. 8 BLACK, Clerk GLENELG COUNCIL Dear Mt. Editor,-Belieeintr your Impathies are in lavor ot fair play and the general good, and as the Motor League are now, and have been for years endeavoring by all means within their reach hammer or otherhrite, (excepmlig honorable or omerwuw, “snug“... the one dung needtul, paying the primn to have high-class, perman- ent trunk roads bunt connecting the main centres orthe Bowman, an tor the avowm purpose ot mew good and venture 01 the mrmer.) and of course ms educatxon. A5 a tamer, it it woum not be presuming too much, 1 beg leave to subnm some at the reasons 1 have tor not apprecxatmg their pretensxons. . A A _":i"jiiiififrT',titt to. b, " C,'. thsoj..i...tt1'rf2 M"'"'"""""" ut.-utte costs of the proposedI roads have been trom $0,000 to‘ $13,000 per mite, to those wno have undertaxen to tnrutt them, and un- stated annum expenditure in Keep- ing them m repair, and in buuuwg require ueep uucnes tor propel drainage, so that n 15 only Winn: appruacues are mane that it IS euner pleasant or Hate to get on _ A _. -.. “A an“ .nn..| TEE mm Ulluct y-vu-uu- -- _-__"--" _ - or on them. Ana Wane our local motor owners as a rule snow ev- ery reasonable comma-anon tor the plume, " u an open secret that many owners are more in, under proper supervnuun, to be bunmng we roaus than unvmg on them alter they ale bunt, as the number who break them own new“, and otner mnocenc peoples _ as wen, amply proves. gna.--Att mums loaus when built would be an luuucemem to lay- riuers tram an poutts to travel on them, men-Dy mareaamg me num- Der ot motors, and also 1mporouK an unacmrame clash, thereov m- creausmg me man to ouchlVeB anu _ . A I.o “a mum... -- _-.,, __ rambles, and awe our hamlmes tor damages for accidents to noocuums If any defects could bei attacned to me roams. Auded to this a tanner driving to market With butter and eggs, or a load ot nay or hogs or anytmng, and is it not easy to imagme What a sorry picture the tanner would cut dodgmg automobues back arm tontt ot a tugh rounded road. over the ditch to the fence, and the likely mix-up he would (mu hunselt m. _ . tiif.tuiiii to ask the farmer to Jnortgaire. his land tor the luxury .. . . 4-‘._L A- All‘Iln “our..- -- --'_ee-- -- - t travelling in the ditch or along he road fence, whlle joy-nders ccupied his expcmnve and well- bullt trunk roau seems so ridicu- lous that it is hard to see how it could emanate trom any other than those accustomed to teen 01 the public, ml now they behold themselves "the King of the Castle," and all others "dirty ras- ems.” 4tn.---As to the educational val- ue ot the proposed trunk roads to the tanner. 1 Ian to me any Value in it tor road building, snugly ne- cause tncur COaL m on; ot all pro- portlon to them usetulness. But on summer phase 01 we question It would certalnly be concluslve BVI- dence even to a farmer, Le. man tho tanner nlWays has been useu as a beast Ot warden, and those wsth a strong back and a wean head are the most ueslruble ones. As evidence ot mm, on nus one quesuon alone, ne can low: back tor more than hall a century mm mm ne has been lelt to ouuu and malntaln nus roach: as neat he coma, a penou he neeueu goon roads mucn more than ne (was ‘to-uay, on account ot we railroad aectrutu1ouatsoIt we now have, anu also we lmproveulenc In our roams. and one new only to Travel over ’tnem to yes we amount or work that has been aucosupltsueu. . otn.--Agao we are now -1acing a sex-mus question m Urey county. ot out Wuoueu nudges 11) every (lirechon, wan no umber to rc- ptuce mam. And to mm our ac- pendauce on (Au-Mum; ouuus. and that several. ot Luau: naVe " reaay ”when turough. Anu tamng mm accouuL we risk to) ute and mun and property of a man and engme (ll'UpyAug’ turuuKu a nudge say anywuet'e uncut ten or tWeuLy Leer. “no me trtver Den berw, and Is It too mucn to am even tne Motor League to allow reasonable protecuou to the man that nuns on a trucnon engmg ttot, beiore he and muse depeuu- ing on tum wousu be expeuwu LU mortgage mew propeny to bunu a smootn roan tor a man in a 'motor cart . " In concussion, deSpite the cry of “back to the mnd’ was year “one owmg to the exit away trom the land, the rural repreaemauon to Grey County Councu has been re- duced by three, white one has been added to the urban repre- sentatum, manna a adherence of tour votes in raver ot the latter in one year alone, which, I thunk, " more evidence that the farmer " quitting the job, and leaving an open held for those that think they can do better, and nothm- standing, that those on Pt, farm are considered such blockheaas, when given an equal chance in competition with those ot other cuttings, We find they make a Very cremtabxe showing. " it anv wonder then, that the farmers do not try to keep the boys on the farm? _ .. , Further, are not our, railroads' entitled to the assistance and co- operation ot every man, woman and child in the Dominion? " so, is it a good policy 'or our Gov- ernments to build trunk roads in competition to them tor the pleasure of a privileged few? But as a substitute to such a scheme I would beg leave to suggest that our Governments as- sume the building and mainten- ance ot our bridges, and make a reasonable allowance to municipal- ities that have already built WOT', manemt ones. And why not?) First--Some municipalities have,' been tor some years been: assistedlI by our Government in road-build-l ins. Becond-ds it Mir that the1 country be divided into blocks of, say ten miles square, and each; saddled with the charge of hund- ing its roads and bridges, irres-| pectin of the mount ttf the tub. or ot the ability of the land k") produce than”! Ann 'eds" Highway Improvement. 'F-'" V. out -.-M__-- -7 ---" or ot the ability of the land to produce the means? Are not riv- e", hills and ravines otten in close touch? The Motor Page If? up with the fume: in requesting Government: to do ”nothing tangible to mist the venue of the country as I whole, and a manure of mace to the farmer. and not an heretofore, allowing their generouiti to vanish into vapour, throng a mun with a fat 1t,tit m good clothe- Bit.. tine on t e fepelellintt u, whilg ting ting on the fence, telling a, while we are doing the but we an, thnt there are a dozen other things‘ We should have done. I think all' will admit that the farmer ha: done his full share in the develop- ment of this Dominion, and Heel cafe in vouching tor his willing- Your Oven Gaip, mm Efor Men and Boys llt i1'uooooiisitsissswsstaheetrgsteirsirs4i4'e'er"'i""4'h tbasi)egssg;sb4Fs*iF9iF jrgosiesti)tiisir6iFirtiMrtob t L, Good Line of Suits? Also a fine line of Boots 8, Shoes Our usual good make. Come and see them "sifrrtfr,.t,xrd and Better Bread" and Feed Feed Feed We have a car of ground feed (Wheat and Flax,) now in stock that we are offering while it lasts at and we will allow 50 good order. Ryan I.“ to make you! wile happy, buy a huge. " It you want Good Heavy Feed it will pay you to see this Feed before yon buy. We have lots of other good feed in stock at prices The were: at e wife'e success Is thu-she e1 weye mam To are» he: heebend with tk smile Led nee Bleck'e " Happy Thought." No men should ever think ot getting married unborn are. e-intent which in the beat Renae to buy Every who person will tell you Blech'e .. Heppy Thought." No one ever bane e " Herpy Thouht. " but wee delighted. Remember there ie no “he: tttte fer ehie Renae. It bee en cquei. There an be no jut es and " null pHtatiett new In much. lore eheu eeythhg elee the " m Thou!“ " eeld to the heppIIeee of m hquhold t my a”. Ileele on Tue Properly Prepered _ Rainfall! Cooled . ereeoleome work. Where he leeee ie eon he the “He Thought " Reese h with pp ' pp! If yoiLsli1 fee'd of any kind call and see us. If you want Hay or Straw get our prices We are paying from " to 36e for good Outs at our Elevator. Remember the pscisr--ourneu Mills, Durham. McGowan Milling Co. $25.00 per ton cash Stoves and Ranges Poe ale by from $12 to $25 per ton We have received a Made by the W. E. Sanford people of He. "i; milton, one of the oldest and best manufac- * turers of Clothing in the country. We ask go you when in want of a good Suit, to come '99 and see ours. , Your oven becomes a certain producer of more bread and better bread. We can promise that. ' For tgorn each .shipment of wheat delivered at our mills . L. GRANT L/lake a ten pound sample. We grind it into flour. We bake the flour into bread. If. this bread is high in quality and large in quantity, we use the shipment. Others wise we sell it. V There is no guess-work about our promise of more bread and better bread from f..iop: bearing this name. by flip.; Oven Test . W. BLACK no“ his full time in un- tttut, ltd roads for the whole public. _ ---.--. u. .1!" A"! February 9, "u. Good new brick house and t on. of Land, well piqued on El. 1: “not Durham. Apply to each for all sacks returned in ARCHIE McCUAIG. k Prieevilht, Grey ctrytt.. -‘ ngpy 313ml. J. P. Tumour) TORONTO 6irtirio. With the Amer-non marks! opeet to nur Unnudhn (huh and Premier Burden lkely ttt ho complied to " Imp-luv um our When and Wtteat Prudumn " enter the United tSttstett wnhuul duly. the price of outterio fur u lands is bound Io udvuwv. You ('ullnm do halter than to BU Y NOW. New Ones for 1914 The following an a few of the Inlay human-I. H. H. an!" in “smug; 100 “In good land In ligament. tum. but bun, comlomble dwell f; good tiott, school 'fld convenient. "he on y .3300 tor may an ok GHQ. _ mail- human. The “Peak." tarm or [end " . Inn I n ale mun be nude. Other (an in Bela-0k. meom, Norman by. In", Garrick and the Noun West. Hum Yet propel“... All kinds ot property ior mm or “can“. DOLLARS DOLLARS DO LLARS To lend in hundreds, thoumsnds' _nr Tolendin hundreds, " million- " Iowan. current. payments to unit the b good pron-tall: neatly. mllli‘oul " low.» current rates. with paymonu to “it lbs borrower (m good mot-mug! security. Duns my looted. O. P. R. and Ocun Tickets for gale " lawn: “In. . ., "Always prompt-Never Negligent ti. H. MILLER, On] I You can enter any day at the tetsNttRTmttu), AV OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN We have a large range to select from end prices are moderate as well. An early call is your ed- vantage. The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route hon all points east through Canada, via Chicago, Detroit or Btgffalo. Full particular. " Grand Trunk Tic- ket Outed. Toronto, or write C. li . HORNINO. D. P. A. WM. CALDER, Tom, Ticket Agent J. TOWNIR. Station Ticket Agent also on Won In. o Walpolo'u swim and are tithing of beauty 1mm ee,hs't'g'.C.t" Loch luau- of Harm. A gen an! ttnagsetinl mu tun-cued. Mimi. tttry. - Town LOW RATES noon-0d Autumn tut 90. To California, Florida and the Sunny South now In effect. ' MoPHL’La’ J. P. TELFORD ‘. H. BEAN Big 4 tptr9qdl )u . ”do ltr '.Ut.qhl'afiw'rhm tor in Sum-em will Comm-nonu- 5mm Hanover oppoulu 'Grriiai " b _ ”In” gy' but“ UN

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