West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Feb 1914, p. 8

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21.; A Arrived too lull for last work i' Mr David Robertson. of Southamp- ; ton, died Tuesday. Wd Feb. Ho WIS I brown of Hanan Jam and lee' “chanson of hue. He I” IISO an old and»! of Orchud. I The Women‘s Missionary Auxiliary l met in the church lat Thanh, and ' wan . "" Innuendo] muting.‘ l‘hundny tho 19th will he I took! " tomoon for 3" number: of the church i and ah." are welcome. ', Me Adam Dough. is preparing to' build n put to his bun this summer. A number oi the neighbors attended I Mr Geo. Schrum's “I. Int week. Me 3nd I!" Ward visited n Mr‘ Dick-03's on Thursday, _ Mr Ken" lost on. of " no" laatl week. " . i .\ln Ala: Suphennon IN uniting her giant. I for a few days. --L-------""""'""-rrr= SLAUGHTER This is the Are the last three days. Wena’ d 2adies' fur Coats 80 late in the MtM0tt we are going to clear out our stock 36 prices that you carft afford to miss Men's Cstt Skin Gout regular 832 for. . . . . .$ 22.00 Men's Wullaby Coat regular " for . . . . . 37.00 Ladies' Fur Lined Coat, regular $42 for. . . .. 31.00 .99nfa' and dbaditss' Cioth Coats at J8arsrarh Priees soon: Wana‘, $0303 and [adiea’ Jeweler: at reduced P' fees We»! d Jihtsa' Inlay Rutarrs to clear the stock we have reduced them so that there won't be any left. 6reertrts ; T AYLOR&:CO. Dromore ORCHARD Luther Coats, Men's, at 4.75. regular. . Drill Coats, Men's “L50, Angular. . . . . . iiiihGra dents, mon’l, TAYLOR & CO. is your last chance DROMOBE THURSDAY, i The death ofThna. Parson in thv AuxiliuyInale ot Wyuming last- week culled reds, .nd- forth many expressions oi sympallh muting. llld regret. that s tine young man has mm " been em. down in the prime of life be church i The remain ware brought home and on Tuesday ware interred in Atom' . iChurch umetery. death having oi" 'pnng to curred in the early part of the week summer. previous The funeral was conduct- a "tended' ed M Mr C. McMillan, our local cor.- week. , duster. in the Balm hearse which the ted " ol deceucd has ior12 years driven IH i, like occasions. Ila w" also uml ) carrier for n couple years, taking up con but! a. route on the den h of Mr Plummur ‘Steru. The pail-bearers were Meer I children t Ira Goa. Lvnhian. Gurdon Geddes. - Robertson Joiner. Allau Hume. Peter Hay and I Walllce Fiudhy. Rev. Mr Kendall Wooden Candy Pails, 4 tor ClttdrBaaketstor...- Stable Shovels............ Closes Saturday, February 21 Miss Esme Dauglas In“ bee ing her maier. Mrs Jun Jolinst No nervxce or Sunday held Sunday owmg to the of 3.00, regular . . NORTH EGREMONT Greatest Buying Opportunity ever offered Smulm 341-013“; " A I' to [m- sL'lrnL , 4h“ In? 9. ll vi, A ”Jim " Ewan. 250 500 350 (liT,iiTiilll0iiiIiEiij, very kindly volunteered by phnn 0 pay their last tribute, He was young that h a would preach the lunerul In 1mm of excellent. ehuracter. a v- ly mon, which he did very feeling!) ‘kil'd dispoAtioy and highly r?9Pm""0 from no Death, where is thy Sling " In the communuy whvre he died. HO 7 . . , leaves to mourn, henides his sorrow- Miss )glerle Edge vMid brott"y mg parents. one than Bei. of Toronto Herb, visited at Mr W m. Manager! and Alfred, of Wyoming, to whom we nu Rum!“ Ins: and attended church rxteud our sympathy In ttwir corrow. Miss Valerie Edge and brother Herb, visited at Mr Wm. Ramage’s on Sunday in: and amended church at both Dtonwrts and Ebenezer. At the latter place she presented the claims of the Home Study Depart- men' ol the Suudav Sehmls. of which she has charge " South Grey. Miss Alice Raining», at Giaaguw. Scotland. is a guest with friends here. Phones are being treely used to as- certain Lb. latest markuts and the Globe is in demand even bvthose who do not agree with its politics. Mr John M. Lawrence has treated himself to a new ealtivator. Baked hay is being imported by anme. who are not Messed with too much had. Mr It :93 Acheson. from Alberta, is at present on a Visit to his cumins. the Patterson famiiy, and leaves for home Friday of this Week. Miss Viola Renate leaves the end of this week tor a school near Wiar- tom Her bright smileand pie-sing manner will be missed here tors time. Mr Arthur Backus. Bentinck, was a welcome caller in the neighbor- hood on Sunday last. A large danclng party was hold at the home of Mr Joe. Brown, 20th con., on Tuesday at this week, no big sloighloads from Edge Hill bay- in in attendance. Mme: Blanche Reid and Margaret Mordev. of Dornueh, were on 1 visit to thetormer’l parents hero on Sun day inc. Drumore choir are holding on Thursduv evening a [newesl party “the home ot one of their valued members recently married, brfore taking her departure tor the West along with her husband, Mr and Mrs Wat, Brown being the host and hours: of the occasion. Rev. Mr Peckover. of Toronto. punched here vary eloquently and acceptably on Sunday to an appreci- ntive e, maturation. Tue wire faucet arected during the summer on leading rmda have prov ed their eftimusr during recent storms. a wise proviso by the township fath- ers b "sting up with a bonnl. On aeeountct the severe weather, the In. ti. Club posurmrd us new“ hum Fm. 13 b to the ao, when the (lemme. " “snowed thh mankind on the whole values wealth more than manner.” will take plume. Mr Georges Driuume In busily engag- ed cutting wood in the vidnity with his Katalin. engine. Ammo pulpit was tilled on Sunday by the Rev. Mr Pockover. of Tomato, whcnn very impreuln Bermott wu listened to, Next Shims“: Kev. It 60mm, ot Dungsnnon, will bcpruent. Amos choir took put! in the pru- gnuumt held at KIM-x Chunk), under the uuwpicu of Y. P. a. U. E. on Wed. evemnu. - is,. "iid Mre R Bantam spent. Sun- day with Mr J. latitude. The and news was receivrd here last Wednesd-y tttat Mr Thou. Garson bud Mud suddenly in ButGlo, Wyoming. when he went but full to rend. With hm brother Alfred, hb. funds hoping that. an clung. would he bench-in] to uh 1mm: The remains remind here On loud-v. Icelrlnpluwd by oi. Mush- er. Tncjnnoral 'ff' he‘gi yo Tun-mi" iiid Ltd/tik. M r Kent!» -1 kindly cum- from Dundalk m condncr the service, which up held in , mp._Uhulnh. Per DROMORE These will be the best days. THE J D. ABRAHAM co. TN The Store that Sets the Pace THE DURHAM REVIEW at» Those who attended the funeral [mm a. diatnnu-v were Mo Annie K. Allen Ind sun, of Fvederick, N, York ', Mrs Parkand daughtrl, of Culling- wo d and Mr Will lukster. of Ware- hum i The Lama-.3 Institute are preparing a are“ treat for the peoplo In the shape ufnspluy “The Umun Shanon" gwtuch will he held in March. Over 40 I characters represented. We are sorry to hear our County Cinsttsttle has been so "any lately but it might be a lawn furo’hers to "void. The Muse: Ferguson “on! to Drom. ore on Monday. We are glad to hear of Lydla's recovery from her recon! “men. Mia: Jennie Lamont. of Owen Sound, is visstlng her brother. Hugh Usmont. S S No. 9 is closed at present on ac- canal of scarlet tever being in that neighborhood. On Wednesday evening 11th inst. , Mr and Mrs George D. Hum :'l',i':',i) mined a number of relatlyel and. friends. A supper fit for a prince well served. the: which I good prognm consisting of speeches. Iongl. ream- tions, etc.. was rendered. Mr Daria, oi Strathroy, .ny occupied the oheir. A very plensnul tune was spent until! the noon of night was our. when af l ter A vote of thanks tn the genial host and hostess, the guest.- diapened. l Among “was present were lit and Mrs Wm. Hunt and I!" Pettiunw, of Holstein ; Rev. end Mr: W. Hunt, of Belwnod; Mrs Collins. ot Toronto; Mo o. M, Balm end children. at Hep- 1 worth. Mr and Mn, Ormo Hunt invited all the guests at the nbove mentioned put, to an entertainment “(their homo on the following End-y evening when number very onjoyoblo timo III spent. A dainty supper won followed by . good prognm ond we know ol the ones" will endone the “tumult that Mr Ind Mrs Rant no fir.t.esla" on ermneto. Mu John Durant returned on Fri» day 13eh inn., from London, where Iha went. on the pronoun Standby on hen-mg of the nations Illness of her uncle. Mr John Orchard, who noted to the better [and the iollomng Tues- day. We extend aympuhy to the banned friends. _ We duo essend sympathy to Mr and Mrs Legge m the dmh of their litue child. pas w_a have dye glori. one {we of reunion m u lumbar hnppm- bump for Oh. who can tar a moment. think This Me in all '0 urban. . THISTLE TOP VALLEY SOUTH BEND un-.. h 'hom. AND PERSONAL: to”). W -‘--_- -- 3.349;” m1: and Mrs W.H. Rogers recently address- ed the W. F. M. S. at Fatrbairrt, giv- ing an excellent account of the Pres- byterial meeting In Palmerston. Urtt Carats, urday, Rev. Dr. Marsh and Mrs Marsh en- tertained thechmrol Fairbau'n church and their irieuds, numbering AS guests in all, at the manse on Thurs. day night. Mr and Mrs Allan Reid and child returned to their home In ruxlord, Salk. on Tuesday, after spending some time With his parents, Mr and MIST. td Reid, S. S No 9; Ezremont. school has been cmsed tor ten clans or two Wrens owing to a case of starlet fever break- iug out In the [some whuc the teach- er. Miss Crawford, bouldch The latter Is spending the enforced huh days in Durham. ‘ Dr. J L Wilson bade Holstein, adieu on Thursday. going from here to i'oronto His departure was ram er than anticipated and Ins leaving " generally regretted as the doctor ii a genial person and well liked. / Mr John Marsh is delivering a beautiful telescope, 3-in. object glass, to n purchaser " Coburg this week. Mr Marsh, along with his brother. are laid to be the only manufacturers of instruments of this sort in Canada. The monthly meeting of the Wo men's Institute Will be held at the the home of Mrs Bred McClocklm on Thursday, Feb. t9th at 2.30 p m The meeting will be taken by Mrs P Match, the topic being " The Ideal Home ., and the Roll Call th What we eat." All ladies welcome. The Methodist Anniversary ser- vices held on Sunday were very suc- cessful. The weather was crisp and clear on that day and large crowds attended both services' and all felt msil repaid by havmg two splendid sermons from Rev C F Bennett, of Harrlston, the special preacher. for the day. The Endeavor Society at the Presbyterian church cancelled their meeting on Sunday evening to attend the Methodist church. Rev. _ Horace Peckover, of Toronto, also as- lsiated in the services. Monday evening an f.eytioe.e.N tea meeting was held and was a suc- 1 cessinl sequel to the services on thel Sabbath A repels! which contained; so many dainty edibles, that all couidv' not be consumed at one sitting, was provided by the ladies and asociai was held on Tuesday evening to fiu- ish the remainder. Following the "upper, a splendid program. largely ‘musical in nature, was held. Mrs (tev.) Baker, of Drew, the possessor Iota deep rich voice; delighted her! audience by singing twice and wasj ‘eneored on each orcasion. At snoth- _ in time she appeared in a duet with Miss Rawn, and this number was also [agreat favorite with the audience. Mr John Marsh is becoming well known as a singer, but " vouce and songs remain ever new and the two numbers rendered on this occasion called for enema. The choir also gave e pleasing anthem and Mrs Nicholson proved to be neMeietst accompanist Res. Mr 'sl'ld made an able chain-an end Rev th Maul gave '"t emltest “dress. mm hUUlI- III-- I -.w--'e"" - 1iiuuail.Jeuse.ssaieed' W. T._Petri| and niece. Anna returned from Regina on Sat. nfts tauttyr, tor I e" found- to the People of this County! Miss B. A. Weir, teacher, visited in Durham over Sunday. Mrs Henry, of Paisley, is a guest at] B. Hunt's. Miss Elda Manny Is attending the Mrllinery openings in Toronto. Magistrate McInnis. of Yeovil is trying a liquor case in Holo ttl thin Wednesdav. Mr Geo Sharp, of Carman. Mam. wuss guest of relatives in this part last week. Mr Wm. Seaman, of It. Forest, is vismug at Mr] B Hunt‘s. TIl Reid's sale on Thursday Int was successful, cattle tspecially at guod prices. " "nurt Ccvrcil n-itlk5. page Mr Elijah Smith our popular bincksturth, was in Toronto over the week and. Rev Mr James took the services in Hamston t-n Sunday. P lcatwd to report that “I J,w Hunter is recovering alter a "uout5 illness. The remains of the late Thos Gar- ,on. wbodied in the west. arrived t Holstein station on Monday and he funeral took place the following den at Dromore. Rev. Mr Kendell oftieiated. . Mrs Mckechnie, an aged lady res- ident. of 94 tears, living two miles west oi Hopeville un'the léth con. of Proton, ll me home ot Mr Wm. McKechnie. died on Monday. She is survived by her husband 0191 gears and a family of sons and daugh- ters. Burial Lakes placeiu Swinton Park cemetery this Wednesday. Mr Geo Calder was the Victim of I senous accident last Saturday. While working With a new emery wheel In his mill the wheel broke and the ily- mg pieces "silicted SeVere wounds about the head. Had the revolutlom of the wheel been greater. the tesult would undoubtedly have been very serious. Latest reports state that Mr Calder is recovering nicely. _ Get your share-lies up to According to Postmaster Sharp? the people of this victnity are not falling (her themselvcs to make use of the parcel post To date he lays, very few have taken advantage of the new system. Mrs Re.-Rutst In: the tirst to use it to send a parcel "my, whtle J. M. Findlay. of Dromore, was the first penal: to nee"; I put cel under the new system. C J'7 Miss Sadie Ferguson, ex-teacher of Ski No tl and her (“and Mr Carinie of Hopeville. spent Sabbath with Mr J no A Wilson and attended church. Mr W E Gag-on, real estate neettt, Toronto, spent the week end with Mr Geo. Dyes. Mr Gag»: in e Proton boy who has done well in the Queen City. The "Yeovil" Grange was organ- ized on Monday evening by Mess" Bl, th and Les-son of Yuney Grange Membership about iitty. John Mc. Arthur. reeve. is Worthy blaster In. atructme addresses were delivered by each of the organizers It in hoped that all interested in" work together for the weltate of the com-unity. The young people of Purim": C. P C. accepted the invitation of their pastor Dr Marsh and spent a very pleasant evening " the Manse getting tet""" with than mime!“ a house- ttut . l Fr John Mani mined the choir It TORONTO Don't fail to get here. m_.7 - YEOVIL ht time of mining. we on having real meer washer. Th. north and south run in are badly drifted, muting mnellmg alumni. Impouihle. The utendmce " church and oohool ir' very hunted. Mr Joseph Swilzer'! “I. In Friday In! In: Well attend-ad, aluminum- mg the stormy Wanker: 4hrodsttrtts" ' were puid {at mule, ho‘l. tray Ind gram. Mr Swine: in going west mom the oegianirsg of Much. Mr Ind Mr: Wm. Butler returned Inn: Dore Ind no Ipeudmg uleu' (hiya nuke Intel”! homo before going Wot. A large and succeuful meeting Whit lnld u ttse hall here " Thuraduy Hauling, Abvut hunky-ugh: mem- tterr ju-neu m “swim. The next an NIH“ Wilt he held " the came plum) m. Fruity uemng a! this week. lix Mr Mulligan. Pumborough. con ducted dtetue - at Furbnirn U. P. c. Int Babbnh. but owing lo tit" conditions of the tonal. very few Were “do to get so chuuh. torm blowing. tears m “drained I or tbegnuug mun'l _ A 1w I' ; esslge made it “0'th In! i kiele sheltered in the hon. " e0. Dgce. On Sabbath mu. be 'ruved the norms and cuddly de. sited the boluod mail In 50 ham by the wuyside. --ryuouy loans did 0th, the fellow elup ut your MIC-mm. Some of our young people attend: i the Bus Soon] " Drama" on Fndu) evening and spent I plenum time. Mr John Mellon!) In I van Sick coll. Dr W. P. Ellis bu been in al. ceuduuco. but prospect. for ia recu- cry Me doubclul. It ilupure bud Clydeodnlo. Mrs John Culdor in visiting at lid aon-m-iuw'u. Mt Ala “dun. Very sunning was ttre new cov. veyrl by telophm lat Saturday m “mg. regards" our faithful Rural Mull curler. If Willey’num, . VIM! " [allow t " I III hung " here and can’t get homo. tell our Yolk: at numA." Such 3 menu;- rem‘adevi an of the dnyo who. Absalom. tls beautiful, w" lumen!“ I. tho tough at tn oak in the Ioodn of ”any. A: there In many new M the _wwn|mo of Proton and . “We“ The townth canmil held no ant lion on Hominy. the oonduion oi the 'roads bemg unfunnblo for panic; hs. ling a s dunno. Iron) Bot-um. to aad. I Min E. Wnlm. meter in ti. h, uNo. 10. w" nun-bl. in " to be! when in! labor on Monday. been“ allho [Mymm - r x Some of our “Imam hi I we experience whale getting home from Mount For." lm Guard" “cums beenuoe of the conduiom of an tends. Iwun'. r J It in to be hoped that the nap-nf/ of our mummy will nuke u "erltrttt " _ fur (Lu-mg the mung an“ to te won the ml {emu that also the snow blochde (but pron. " [mt Ill Incomenience to our laid. Mon al 0nd business but.“ tat Illiom bonds " "more the M. Cotton Seed‘ tieat Oil Cult. ' Mala.” ttral VARY 19, 1914 soon: FAIR AND FOR him. of ttatt at (Tenn-d u- ”min- I: " w b torerr lulu“ and a (all yearn. six the I." W Cahlwn-I I‘d. INK (Ink. um Mon. unc- " the Central Huh-l. wb puswoon. Me tich date lively and kept mom In good dupe lurttrtttcK I. S. E --A toee't"* of Hm tittrk Hum"! Scum-I ttrid " Eimmmd III Wham c-onvrnrn. I trra"ctteostth S u " throughout Hr (hm L on"! of “an and lbw. Ir You“ the A~mcmtiun. Coon WA. r.--At Nu m In Jf/ttSi-csc. J H. Mud-nu has mun crumb-nu mud plumbmx u. INN") ttt Jul. R. Gun} old, J H. " "dow but In savanna und plumluuu not!!! In Jan. It. (inn'. " In: Vivian (inn ford any to her .chool, N.' mom. Mter one and n I .003“, "win; to IIIlu'w The Uterke and bar, o-u‘h “it?" other. thee the d rink Timid-y “In The Out i, gout a ',1,Y,)/ gram. Ht M Ounce-w In lhe Inn-ch ll. The Ludin' church "tlend gland! nu Tun-m A trood mum-mu light r"reQm"' A NICKEL un of the “Him-U- their Foetal iv Munch all F, id " a, Adun~ 1mm f" WWW " WIL- on Vlollday “I “dim-an u-cvivrd deattt at her mvn' one: of Btos.v"er, iiraa"tue: F, lw .u A M. The “new! v dny. [huh-m horm ttt' flout. At the l' at o...” 'ioutctl ot tritr't we!" 't" I heat lw-king null” uh. Margate" Cre Hutton. k - f..',"T,".T,0 'r"vlattt o'N'ras Ldner, Miro, K "‘ in and Mase, ttrr in the ”arm-nut I “1 Qua-mu. n' tte Wed., In. I: n. hrillinm rep" 'rtirmioo '25/y I ”can“! LAD ' tioutts ' iumor hark worm-d an Gav I but lost oat to U: tll with"! clunh NH the (and work of K met Dachau! 1toy, um wan-on. The 1 tow-rut] than: hm and we tuna Inn up (he mun} w snyl: " lmuhu. young-t,"- wit In ., in up jam " l ID“:- him A ("in the In“ youths I than ." luau!) IN ”nu-Inter I' - people t In I patty " (Om-k best Tu " lug! the In bed dun" ml cunning th" ‘ Wore throw" u did a VOL. XXXVll. N dl U P hull area, M tste but WP an": -‘ I ‘ulk "lr', When -H bl m. "u" wand the r'or not ”and P erirrd u L!“ stared “in. Mbh tbv "Or. Irr an. The " " The Irs can Strum". , w" R. h “inane” ”or, human-- " you-a "inc w Caldwc'll. . "Ad out , no at the "' “girl. Whit m, Me tich" " and kept l dood dune. no: 3.8. Ex ll I]? Hull “A dtL D M M ll' " tive be

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