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Durham Review (1897), 26 Feb 1914, p. 1

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alluded Find-y in". wrong Au " '0 u- sanso a. an“ " MM " In” having h and “jug Ling was ’bundny [whim in; to For, low I in B. a. but up!!!" mu of the can " m in u- a no"- mt. bod d3, - (ut w in“. it A but m In vol "no of I! mum. N lulu", de the box“ Friday thund- at. ttetn- - ml no m- an of "no and” liv. olstein, " " - terminal In but no 'e. gull new" TG hool u al. Ion. tho ' Huh ad I to" me (to. evening in In“. follo- J, Ind ( Ion turned . tor $rttr'g " " M a «a t's'v'it,tsi,-.tt,', once. AW” '. Davi I Ja e-on‘o. ( H. ll uvdlng ha. moved hi. the 1. , g mu plnmhln' uock Adoon " . J tm. R. Guu'u old “and. lm- 'd,siars Cram lord "mum! Ion- ' trep mchrrol, n. B. No. 9. Run- ' rr one and I In" wool- ll I', ‘WHH‘ In Illness in the "dbl. ,» t lulu and High 80th I“. _ vuh taken a mum- “on pp. " tt; H VOL. XXXVll, N0. were I did I” these hon. " "nah mm" " I'IQ“" ' bl "c. - ., . _ bet, l-l the Hahn Hotrme, ttas her If!“ ,wrsusr-d, while Mr George Woods, llllilt r at hb ”mum's. was caught an- dev the unmet. He ottocdGdtsto- cate" shoulder and a badly ire-clued knee, which was ttrtrtstir swollen oom- mtle time after. The tscetdeot your plan- nbouz a wile this “do of Mr ilrirrron% when he was conveyed and w ill lives, being a yet eontined to bed and unable to turn. Quito n dampn- was plgced on tho until. of the paty by the uni-luv and the in- mud. it is hoped. watt “only recu- "lute [lulu-7-. -77 “up. was called. cvivvd '9 (“ill l 'stair-d "ith " nmrmblv tho I' MAM". R. '" until-Mm _ Aid o the Baptist lend hnvinu acid in the [mummy event" ' rd Ian-ch. gram id in Prep" lion And amvnl! will be " " l. ‘m "L.-The Ladios' Aid '.rrv2 .1 (‘nurch are holding [ in lite hmrment. ofthe i' , pl n 27t.tt Fahruuy. at , tIr_rt1tr T, cur. A good pro- mmlmn dune-bumm- ti; , IS AN Urssrr.--Whi1o . ' .r “mun-1mg Minn iolly v-uplv hum town. "I. cutout- .nmy an Ale: Unicnoh'u. Ben- lut Thursday. Lhry tampon"- " the road and one runner drop- s-mn mm the ditch u tho my. mg th" mum to overturn. A" :hruwn out, hm two of the puny rrl cm- 'pe Wllhuul mjurlos. on at . “that new“. Mm Maud Web- HI the Hahn lion". has "s "In. an HA9”!- y night. i,, 1vedies' Quart!!! pre I'nzmnl um! vu'ied pro- em at the Fltmcn’o w 1 wn Halt, Wednnday tri. r. ,. Manama-MA "ti'" Mar? o'Nei rm " Kuh n .. " urn! ..,. a of m t' vie Fm I: h. Th 'tttia or-h t,.,c-tvett I . tvt' this week Mrs Jam “\‘vll the snd new: of the mow, Mrs Geortte Chu- wv, 2nd d nughler of her b, Iw ml MNaren, stay- w-ml was held on Tu”. (was? wsos--Where'er they Tl,) u " invariably out in i.» valent'trvr plonnonude Elli" 1'ottettiate, l numb" .. gnu-H 4nd that In! the «In!» on the ttoor to" to .. (Tumor and Mr Art bug h ”6%.; in. Mnddiugh -hv. bat no mogul Ii- w-rml on the [“1“]!in I'TkiiliQQ. Laimse In-' (‘nnstnhle Peltignw " All": Cook M ngloq. cr.--At once, Apply Han-9A?!" conduct. nun-was here for three "tru, "ince thr death of ‘IHNPII. M, Jan. Schulz 'ld nut In Mr Allnn Cum. t' the proprietors of the .1. who has now ' M, tichtttZ run an up to. m kept homes and oqui t ~h th'. m' H. Exnccnvz ham rt Hm executive of Bow v s Maul Auocmtion mu w [F 'd on “Irina-day In". _ l, tm tor the damn Emmi,“ game " tho T " MMNHHJ Soprano. Vex reader And ontol- i uh en Wallin, Holin- H mm Atkey. pianist, ‘ ul' m .lnlio Lndirs' ' Ita bhr Ion's Calico". I ”u. The tome will“: A pun-hear ttem. Ad- " u'wl gonna ".2. Phil mi Dung Show _ Lw A coaorm.--Owrtt .1 h wkey lwuu this you! w -v mm uh» semi-[Imu- ', A,» ullia. and much of its m- m 'r be attributed " a --f K wl Lmmhan, n for- l t' "w. ttttrir “matte”? rue o. H. papal bu't’ "m lundvd him houqur" .., luv week in summing tri', work tor these-son. 'lllillln in anal u only» nth 1:0th more you" to I w um um work in trout . .mmr. this another of th., to be uncovered this "N tor the ddr-rent a work was tsppoiett. .h.. Tuwushlp. Mr " .unvPr is Pruideat, "ier, Salinas. of 'I A Sand"! Reba“ _ v... held in Elmwood [June Durban hockey team played in Mt. For.“ Tend-y night and wore rather bully tru-mt. The Durham' nch Women'ts Insti- tute are holding ocial in the baument of the Preabytc " church. Durham, on Thurs., March th, " up.m. A food program in ing prepared and ightrifreshmentts wil served. Ad. minim 10c. q Owing to a broken Mil, tbe baggage 3nd panel-gen coach" of the morning outbound O. P. R. train lat! tho track Tundny at M-pla Hill. West ot Harm- vor. our of them turning sideways. Little durum! was done and the on- gim- went through 1-: usual. but it wa" night heforr an auxiliary again had the curs on the track. Want Hydro-Electric Railway Durham to Owen Sound A martian in connection with the» proposed Hydro-Electric railway from Gnu-I'm to Owen Bound, with thr huilding pan-kw! to the can" and rep- rrwntnliven from the {our towrrhtpr of Hull-Ind. Su||ivnn, (“rm-lg and Ben. tinrk. and from Wittitouriord, Louise and Cunwlnrd. wan held in Thunorb In“ on l‘huwduy ovrmng. Erbium-y 19 “I cttris Rtmerhnn was app-{mu d Chnlrmnn and 'tddfrrses by I. C. P: iv n Dr Smith. J. H. Puke. Hugh Irddell, Wm. Lister and B. Puthvlhough were given. These mllnly emphns zvd the [and of thin dioriet for a railway, thr lay of hind whuh admits oh; fairly level route, the wmonm of freight and pnmnger trome "vastntrle, which would put any lineon an imutediats' paying basis. the ottmttustiaichar"c1e' and carrying capacity of elruet ric roads, the Get that. such roads are comm-um - ed hy the Hydro-Electric CorumNsior, and" the Prnvincml Gnvprnuwm nun ultimately belong to the municipal“ in m that neither the nvul‘h du'mlvrl "Company“ or "Bonus" have to Ire ransidorvd, and the necessary tsteps to he (“to to secure a preliminary um- vey, etc. by the Hsdro-Electric (tum A resolution. in the turn. of a INN-l to Hydro-Electric Cotu.. prepared and presented, by L. U. Privut, Wnsuppmv- _ - . . -I_ I,-.." h-v ..II r--"----"- "I -ee -., F . ed of and uuhwquvnlly signml'hy all present. This resalutitn cmnluermml with a diagram of a proposed route fun Road from Dm ham to Owen Bound v r. Dornoch. Will'umstnrd and Dmlmro. showed tirtst the! need ot railway tavilr. lies and the alight engineerlnu mm- cultle. to he met with along said rottie and second. the prmpvcts of mud hr- ing a paying prnpmitmn in that It go through a welt tlettled and ri, h tar. ming country. hundrrdu of urn-w of undevvlnped marl beds, avveml unde. voloprd and partially developed “New powvrs. numerous thvivmg villvget. lid thus be a-murod of a .mnd annual neumo- from the height on merphan- dise nmv cunning in, and the 1avHe wan-Hy Ihipmenls of stuck and tar u: prnduce. (By our Dornoch correspondent) Bttttttuiatstitt loaning n Dornoch J. H. Parke and Rom. Cullen. who. bud been Appointed a commillev to intervinw Beutmck Council and serurrI men- approval of a petition to the Lv..‘ GINQI not to av..k the Hydro-Elvcu'u Uom. to nuke prelimznarv surveyi um! eolleet data that. If antisfnotury to than. could be made into an Mun-men! tor ttte comsiaerar.iort and favorable or unfavorable vote ot the rue-pavrrs of anlincb. reported that they had met the Hove and local councilman on tlv. 17m Fun. who Ind promised to bring l the, may" bffore thr bond. Thuy also read the bdlowiutt communication from the Clerk of Buntim-k: "A' " 9w- cml meeting of C-vuncnl FM) vi, mnvm by Juan-u Turnhull. see. by F. Schmuh 'Lhal Council " unanimous m refusing to sign anreemvnt as presented hy the “dial Rnilwny Cu.’ Owned. Geo. Brown, Reeve" o. u. l"..' --- V v, that tho meeting regrets thé action of cr, d, "to” 'wtstart the _ , . " . . " . _ .. . puny 't"'pet'treu, :35.3:122:31.f:~:3;°;.,':2:::,:.'::3h'::’.::1;\wed my, "ll "atistied pwvvcdwem tttt no In: binds the council or Mdmcuv- b 3&3; [2:13;th I . box acted alny to any monoury payment, hm “ _'L'lC', -.. -------- distinctly out." any agreeuwm made through preliminary wrvey In: to he- DORNOC“ submitted to vote of ratepayera. takes «way ull prospect or chance of secur- ---- 1 init iaiiroad, The Women‘s [asthma is holding a . It was also moved and. carried {man- |coucurt in the hall on Much 27th. 33????3133 'lfr"ll'ttlfl' 4'o'ii'iii2."/f,ij)i gorril progryu mil bt giorn in B. [gust-though. R. J. Car'letl and W: dlnltlgqea, P'"!" tuid comm 809‘s by Lister be Appointed to inlexview the Mesgrs Ih.B.mn.i,t and J. 0 Neil, ttto. UOunoil with n view to getting lecon- A he yrei.el "m. be held in contact:- uuemion of the petition. lmn- Ladies brim: your boxes, ttirls rmiv. The wunz people are busy LATER~A meeting. at which the , Brnunek Council have agreed to meet uppolntrd depuu. ion. and at Wthb D, Jamie-on. M. P. P., Wm. Under,‘ Reeve of Dar-tum. C. Burden, Clerk of Owen Bound, and other: are to spvnk, I has bun umngvd In! in Dornoch hall I on Friday, 27th February at 8 p. m. I It It Fred lelntosh of wathern Alta, hate, batty and energetic as of yoro, is visiting his uncle, Mr P. McIntosh at present. He "porn good crops and good times this year in that pan ot the West ulcu lilllIv-l - - - - - Geo. Brown, Reeve" " WIS moved by Dr Sluilh. 9:0. by ll. Pare" and unanimously carried. at tho meeting regrets the act ion of 2 Council of Bannock, as they by re- Mrttr to approve of Damion, which in a w», binds the Uuuncil or Munlcxp- A- ".s _.-... man-.Ar' mumenc. hm At the minimum-y meeting of the E. P. B, on tGbttattt night, nlidrs shnwmg Ill. need for and the gond results Inf. lowing Minion work in Genital India. were shown by magic lame": to a hug. and Intetuled nut‘ionce. The srANDN3p.gAtilSof CANADA For iiTi 'eirfiifiiiGG'iiinii. any kind “ulna-db Canal MMndNound “datum . Geri-D-it-'" Dub,“ . . . . . lew-Ul Cam-d. Mmidru ard . och-Nana . . . 1540-27752 Cabanas-633:. . 1,659,665216, 1C2'izi'iii7rTdiii'utitE)hr278, Lynn-4M . nti664,50r.4t "tet Conn ot "3955-37 H K2il"i' Fwd. Masada-ab- 1.0515055: Mb - " a a "919.f4, - -- -- -coNDENSED From Retort to 09mm” Government, a l ' 3 D I 'l , $l PR _ Te 37.9 I MO .95 130,000.00 6tii623.02 2.540.2715'2 165954536 STATEMENT all Conservatives in Convention. Friday last the Anna-ll Convention 1 of 5. Grey Conservative Association was held In the Town Bell tt-re. Weather and roads were tavumhle and there we. ugond attendance. the lower nun being weil tbled, Mr Jae. Wilson, Hanover, wee ap- pointed l’rundenl. I. pun-non be onec ‘Ileld helme. Mr A. H. Judson was re-appumted Stacy. There Wu consid- --nune busiueu along urgnuizuliOu hues, twurcapousmlo workers being m cttettfe of new ward in the Conu- my. As announced two purl. "nentarians 'Mele pret"tul, T, W. McGan. M. P. M ' Ruin-w nun ttoitcitot Gem-Ian Memb- ttlt trom Ottawa. Basins-a over, these Knuth-men, Wendell Breeze and Edi- Iur Lunbrrt of Mt. Forest Were iuvn- rd the hunt Where Dr. Janna-on and Mrtt. J. Ball, representatives ot thin mung. were seated, We can give Only brief notes of the apt-“Wiles which ware tit,tetsed IO m- lumvely with ocCa-ienal bursts of up- _ plunge as some tsuupursedly good point, Wnts' nude against. Lmerul men or tt.ettFuteti. 15mm: long likely u simi- Lu gmnuiug ot lint-ml» wul tssstuutrie and appuuul ”nu-menu uttered with qu u amenity nut Lnkinxi the mun "I mwulumy nppuquc new: ot puluic (luleUllb. It. " we cul'ae at lmnynaln ”mt. mm are kept tsptsrt, few Indeed tteat' hull) Slat-'3 pretrenteU, uptake: . know that m.- uuulelmes un- curdmlly 't u-plive Mud mun are no ovum some- ltd',",")', led to any thing» that In a more tuixett alluuapuene Lucy would shun. An cmmple of this was the change made try M: MelKuell that thr Warm Luther, knowingly. gave take prom- I c, through 15 years and 5 elccuonu. How umnv at me mum. rabid Conserv- .uvra can behave such namleweut. Muwevrr we turn In our hole». Dr. Junie-mu gave his thanks fur "se vicury of 1011, jnmed In congratu- |a||tn|s over toe ”turn to haul”: ot Vim J nut-u \th Hey and Wu: glad that l ( “at u"y tiny wmuu new. In Mr Mc- c, my a waiuple ot the men ot the” pun y tulu dto any czntnuet position. Mr All'Unl‘l') said Dr. Jaunraol. was a mine-d Hummer of the party and al- Ways "st-tttttl to wnh resprcl, He “In! lurk lo the dymg dnyuuf the It as govrruluent, dep! mad the nut-g ed a. h tut-hwy of the tune and as an vxunple oi unprovmnent amid out of 240 ehcunua since ttttt change not one "T Enham iihttrit;tt). -----i.i-----" lt w.“ [my you to know about, the 1- w pun-u on Elly. Iris, Corn am) sl u key. A. th Burma“ & tux. Mus. J. M. Benton dunes to “we emphatically she I. not we writer of .m unuuyumm letter received by the .nmyur Ida-ring m a "use of Indigeucv u- lnwu. A town otticual told her she _ _ ' -c --w.a=.. an... v.0l """", llll>w - .v,,, .Imyur ”fen-ring m a. can of India-new m lawn. A town 031ch told her she nad hevn judgrd co h. the writer. titte «)3: th Nero' in my life have 1 WTIL' rn nu unspgnvd letter and if it fell Ill "ry way to call the notice of ottie.Ot tO t dun-lung mm I certainly Would um 1w "struued to attach my signature." The dauee given in Um ham. Feb. 23, by Bent-dicta Wan dec'n “Iv spacious fl "" We vsed by those “mum The dance Riven in the Town Hall, Um ham. Feb. 23, by the Bachelorsaud anedu-tu Wan decidedly succeuuful. t'tie npaciirus fl ml was kept well Occu- wed by those anxious to indulge In the "Oc t'tsatrsatte and muse who Wen- hunched with p‘ruall't) to the land of he Thislle. h d thett' mnhiunns tsatis. tied win-n Piper McDonald, Px‘lceville (Bot Um, m he Is popularly called.) 4.: u k the k ylmte on the pipes to mum popular Scotch Mir. Messrs. J. Black. W. ti u ken. on the vmliun, us- sinied by F. Hunciumn of Swmlun l’.u k on the Piccolo, and Dan. Merton. aid on the puma. rendered such mum: ”In-oughuus the evening as would do tcredst to sauna "tore touted "tudetsl organisuion. Wuh intorntission and lunch. the. prngrmn Instead till the wee ona"oors, whnn the puny dispersed, med but all punished they had spent an ‘Hujrvyahle awning. Mr W. Cox acted la: tiour manager. "8er to hear Mr up with the grip. her racuvery awn. come our NW DURHAM, Nun-ah, _.. mun-nu . . . . hiiUka-urut-t I "r" 1, 3,.“ t. " ,, F." ‘ "r _ i r. V."-‘ .9 __ 'dii"tt'tit 'paititgtgiiitliitd MEMS Ft aka: MT, days of the the an?“ and as an mid out Of With which is hamtatcd the men te".. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY M, 1914. OLD BOARD anemia-A message from Toronto announce. the re-election of the old Board of the. N. P. C. Co., with a harmonious meeting. '"s Mr Jno. Adlam, of Mulock. met wit ' a bad misfortune last Frlday in getting we; Lyle Krluv left Monday to at the front finger of ms right hand cut off tend a. phnmgrnphern' Gnveriqon.!.n mth his gasollne eawln; machi hile Toronto and will npcnd a. isumthrrittt cutting woo . I I grow ' Iriendl that. and in it. Outbuineu. again or M, is not‘knwn yet; Mean. alias Shrppard, who ttan rem-lard whlle he, I: plucklly contlnulng work, with the Torry funny since her liq. driving with his left hand. let’s death, rclurnod Int. Thur-day tn . , Ooruintr--the Otneett Event of the her home m Hallon Go. season-Friday. Merch 6th. Durham Mrs. Abraham had a successful " At Preillytrriln Choir will preaeul In the! Home " on Monday at her new residence Town Hall. a Musical Comedy. emit-E NryJaqt.ie!ytry Mrs (Rev) Hartley, 29d led ', The Tale of a 11at/'--tAt lira! ell-5 Muses Vollet, Hughes. Kelly and Whit- tri/e,','.'"?, of this nature eve: boil: in; more assisting. nrlmm. t ml! he a rare neat. rep this dale five and come and enjoy inlwgrl'; f’idi (if 1.t,rl,c,"/ihey'gbf, Admission Me, reserved trtt?N""tt"; Mrsp 00:3: ',efdr,'1 are pirtyred ir, Plan now open at MncFarlnne tr. 1rrpon, in recovering good health, CLENBLG FARMERS' CLUB Mung-4 Mrs A. W. H. Lauder returned on Ovcr 100 were present " the meeting) Monday, after spendlng a week with of Glenelg Centre Farmers' Club. on,Toronto friende. Monday evening and . trroflt.able night! Mr Brock Grant. who a few weeks los. spent. P. Purdy it)?” on t).t.e 1 ago. underwent an operation for ID- Azricniltural Collcge, detrcribing the dit-', " ndicitis " the General Hospital. ferent courses glvcn there, more cspec- i Toronto, hm .0 regained hi- utrenglh ially the short course, which he had I that he came home an Tuesday lam. pcrsonally taken. It was an able maid. l and though .tlll nut. strong, In getting en address " Success m Life tt was: taround, He will remain home till the subject spoken on by Mr Jno. l 141 "ter, x..." “A u str,Irrradid and eloquepr, Mr LvnnGvnntvshomett'om Toron- um IUthyt alum-.. “V _ O’Neill and a splendid and elo%ucnt‘ presentation, of tt we: made. . H..) Bmme rendered several appreciated. songs and a dance followed the regular! session, Next meeting-falls on March: 12th. I Fo" [Ur Jun-mum. B.'N" "e"F" LIN." tuipt'rsd h'nlll 81000 to 812N "nd are planning tun an addillun tothe nuns» this summ r. with all mndeln c-rnwnwncvu. Hee, Sir Little's op" m-mutu', cheery puny was PTP" am in- apnmiun and bia unny friends here " inix-p Inn-r his surreal. omTr'ttbr'nC't"'. Nev. an n... .. hr humane, cheery ley was PTP" am in- wuotiott and bia tinny friends here rt juice Inn-r his sm'vess. . I anD on Du-FIERBNT CHARGES.-" Charged, with an infringement of the Local Option Act, Mr Thos. McGrath appeared before Pohce Magistrate Tel. ford on Monday and at the same sitting Mr Jno Burns of Bentinck. was also on trial for assault on McGrath. The [ town was prosecutor under the name of Constable Pemgrcw and engaged Bar. rlster Menkle of Uhesley to handle the Case. triu_l being held in the basement e! . _. - ”JIM-- o a LOHSIaUIc rem-5”... ...... _..“, " rister Meikle of Uhesley to handle the Case. trial being held in the basement of the new Library. In the evidence, the stories of both the defendants conilicted With those of the witnesses for the pros- ecution. the scene of the trouble being on College St. on thth of Feb.. when the defendants were at the side of a sleigh in the snow. Magistrate Telford. after hearing the evidence, imposed, I fine of 83 and costs on Burns and $20 and costs on McGrath, with a four day time limit. Canada's Our MISS GLENNwill be Hahn House, mum Thursday, ttsal-s..)), 5th with a full line of ltd Goods, including Switc Pin-curls, Bangs, Pompadou Transformations, Partings, , W'â€" of Job Printing -give the REVIEW a Trial Ladies desirous of having Miss G kindly leave address at hotel. i 'ii' (iLENN=AUiARLES, Board of the N. P. C. UO., 1 aonious meeting. l tl thm, of Mulock, met wit I trtune last Friday in getting N iger of his right hand cut off ten saline sawmg machi hile Tor a . I I grow ! [m t is not known yet.. Meai'm‘ a Men's Wigs and Toupees We are HEADQUARTERS for all kinds of heavy " Feed and have in stock Corn, What Barley and Itll Rye at close pnces. ii . 6-6 Phone " $er J. Welsh iii iiaguiaarsaasxgaar.vargmxsiasiii We are pleased to dem (iLliiNNr-fy?,ry,1E,,s, l, HAIR GOODS of this noted Flour. Dated Hay and Baled Straw Custom Chopping and Oat Crushing d Hair -.---. Fashion ..---. Store VII: mull R. R. No. 4, DURHAM.-This in a new all l route thh Durham as a centre, Mr lies Hartley of the Post Ottice Dept., was trt' up last week and went over the route H"- sshich will be started aboulMay Int mil If not earlier. It goes by LImbton St., the turning south to Smith? Eng Henry - . .L AI-.." " A“ to 'C:2TC'Ji"iTri1ITil-a" - ei' 'l I a MK MY MVA' .Hgs ' 17.5.. ary j, .'. 3 1} . "" " I -.-La-d-----'-------'-7= l Mrs. Abraham had I succcsafql " At . Home " on Monday at her new residence E Mr! Jamieson, Mrs (Rev) Hartley, 29d i, Muses Vollet, Hughes. Kelly and Whit- ( more assisting. l Mrs Reid, of Lucknow, spent a _ C(mplv d tya last week with her cousin, , Mrs que, who, we angel !tlt,tted to Mr L'ynu Grant. Is home from to tor a tew days. turning BUUlu u; .......... - V - Lawrence's, south along 2nd Con. to Town line east to base line, north to lot','.?,',, corner, wcst to 2nd Con., north to urham Road, west by J13. Atkin- son’s and home. About a 10 mile trip. M as. DUNCAN Gunman Suddenly, on Mondn last at the home of her daughter. My" Wethernll, in Tumnm. the above well-known lady pal-sad away from bran failure, Flll- _ viving her humand 18 months. Her) unexpected demise came as a. shock In H knives and n ivnds. She w“ in her (57th yen. Interment is taking plun- w-dzu' in Hanover. .She WIN) her well known hunhaud were rpsidenlsnf Dur- ham m the early days: and her family snrvn'umz I”! Mrs Dr. Ball and Mrs. Engel, Hanover, Mrs Duukes. Owen Huund. Mrs Braddock and Mrs (Rey.) \Velherall. Toronto, Mrs John Mc- _ Kechnie, Durham, George In Michigan Iand Duncan in Seattle. Du NCAN CAMBBELL Obituary. Wham-sour. 4111 MARCH --On this date Mr J, J. Walsh, lot %.Uon. ii,, Glenda. will otter for salt: farm stock, implrmcnu and some humehold tut. iture. Terms: 10 mm. credit, 5 per ent discount for cur-h in lieu " “are: accppmhle to Merthuntu' Bank. Sale a! 1 so p.m. GEO. CAxPBILL. D. MAL‘FHAIL. THERMAL BANK or CANADA LONDON, ENG., OFFICE NEW VOM Bank 2rldrs-fbour' St. thr DURHAM BRANCH t S. HUGHES MRS. A. BEGGS 8f SON Manage-r Sale Register New Spring Goods Coming and Sales Goods Going There is always something interesting at the store that gets the new things first and February promises much in this respect as new goods are pil- ing in every day, which together with extra value and February sales, will create the greatest activity at this store. New Black tb, Colored 1 yd. wide Silk Stirring Activities NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW SCOTCH GlNGHAMS , NEW ENGLISH PRINTS. Every department filling up 1' with New Goods. l Special Offering in Ladie' Coats UPCUICI Ullcllub In --rm. -M."e".'""- i 32:12:33? J'tlt dgfdt 25 per cent off 4 25 Ladies' Tweed Skirts A E Great Bargains in 15 Men'sOvercoats ttii Branches Throughout Canada. O n e H a If C a r Rennie'sNo.1 Clover and Timoihy Seed Bought against the advance in the market. since hurt Fall. A Money Saving to the farmer who has to bay seed. We guarantee this seed to comply with the Government Act. Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds Rennie has put his stamp and seal on every bag, which is evidence of its grade. This is the finest in the land for parity and germination. Leave us your order now and we will save you money on your Seeds. Money Saving Large nmrtmeut,uully sold " $1.25. our pticopcryud...... ...... ...... ...... .... .... Ranging in mice fro. "oo to Foo. To elect The" are: broken line and dun. grouped into one lot l we "sorted oat during stockvtakin; end ell ate: into stock " one price. they “on in price from 7.50 5 00 t to (0.00. While they last, each” ...... ...... . f D, UCPHAIL. Auctioneer . F. MORLOCK 1. Always at this Store Suing: thspartment " all Branches. TORONTO INCORPORATED 1869 E NEW YORK AGENCY .Wiruet sr. an Was-cud Cedar Sh. m... - " mom-- 0. “an a 30mm The well-known Laughton fur-k mile and 3 quintet north od Daemow l00 arm. on - under good In of cultivation, " an. pan-turn, h, -. " _-i-a Frau of cullivuloo. "a... _ _ "we buUt, moody harlwood. Fran Barn, 3) I o, Dug And Fume Buhk Good mind {not and ttrout house. App y to J. ' LADGITUN. 50 Hull tit., Port Arthur, or to J, M. FINDLAY. Fanntorsaie, . 0 25.000.000 . I 1.500.000 . . I 3.000.000 , Mung”. PRON E 50 Dream! "rtm--- a 1.00 2.50 a Ill "

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