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Durham Review (1897), 26 Feb 1914, p. 3

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tho ' vb. ' the beat out m ot know of n his :0 m a) on son. It»; son. an in MK fob, mo hilly t 1. out hon qhout n hour some non; d, mm And W1: an. what uh: ma Riv untu- Bio t: LET: ar W u] JD Accra} Society of London, taking .1 Jargo party from Buckingham {um-u. H¢m1sndod mm). per- formers. .311an ei-ttos, shook hand: “1:th members of tho writt)‘. sud engaged in animated cummmrion on the program”. I The King “bladed ther smokin! fup‘mft, of u m M1919!- _ Luis when tho horse was? _ ""' ned by the touting of the: . . f tho automobile in which the l 1 a -- '18. going to s fox hunt on A. luuiay. The homo tried to .Im; ' hedge when the horn m mumwu', and tho driver was! '.h"-.us':1 out and his leg 'II hm“ l 1"m Pram-o took the man into his ummw- to..'. and sped to the iii/iid Milo-g" Not tiodine a baryon he! rook “.9 union-r to manor vilAirt. I nsrswartotutttutt. Mic An An...“ In been mtaeshod with tltr W of (kind. tor “In!" our. in “h Mine. Ibo provhion. " the "r'auV inn-uncut"! aet pound by the Dumb-km Pun-mom. to oonr . mm "t mm you; Ont-nob am In“! In. name-til; W. has been "and. and 'l' m apart Along the 11m- or tw qtPttet,,roo m demon-union. In to CMM, to churn tho inclined amen-n. on m of the M of an hm'éw'o II approval agricultural noth- min. " induction ot this b found in the Mat mm tho alum-nos n tho Out-no Mr "Hunt! Colleg- In Bbout doublo what " ma: Um you; "o, while the numb“ ..I urw “Mom. rrttaterod at the ovu- m; or tho prawn; term “on a an: ad mlvrun-e mm that, of tho previous yum. Ilo mount than mnditloml am "darted "wiinmr'tt ham two-I prodded. and plans fur murm- uu-m-mno no now receiving In Mao- with tho announooneml mod..6uquatmootirtitofttroh_', sure. I huh-ion on Roads and 1“th way. Du Doo- appoinud. sod In. Mull I tho [enlist-m work for Q ”homo! road ', Automaton throughout. tho Proving. Puma: hating. won hold st '3:an plum- an“. ot which the via!- of munid .mhorm- 5nd vuimu or”- :nunm m Wettod. Tho mics-mums: 'hua abut-d will be omttoeiqd In tho tr Mort " tho Con-hum. l In on... with our “noun-Him do. than Wu: and... the People ot Dam - "venom "on. sunsha- Hon (a. a. mum of In. Boys! Huh- I”. the Minor-Genoa] to an. comfy. my“ by Bee Ion] Ilium- [he Dacha a! Conn-us)". when. restoration to In“ In m u “up: ot “new math-cu. SPEECH FROM THE THRONE " W In. ”punctual u tho lawman (bnlmneo hold lam. Isl] t- an an“ of Dunn. In which on?! Prawn tn at. Dominion panic! Mod. In. ”acceding at tho oonIomoo tofu!“ I» oeoqat upon-m 01th of public "NAM um he hid bola" you for your can-Mum. to rm I, HER SISTERS THEY t VN FIND BELIEF IN mum's KIDNEY PULS. In. John Cabot. Alter six yonrn' Sultrring, Tried hodd'u Kidney Pilh and Pond New Lite and that”. Wan Head Perm, Que., Feb. 23. 1har “I an an. to u: own-Ilia: how“ for tho abundant hung! with which ("uric was bloated during the pat (on. an in had A ole-dying elect. 0- 2ttt'" and 'usa-trut continuum cen- nu y. Just “Ono-ah In: an Tiny-o u the math. cl the Dunno lam-r. a [aroma on Vein-day in u fouo-e-- " I”). nod Gun.“ of the lack- luuw “Dir 'tArte-, News in)“ PP In a. 7m -- - FGt-Fokritia it in. the min “to" ot the Limb-nth m Mun of IN. Mum; Opening of the Third Session of the Thirteenth Legislature of Ontario F ;Spntial).~0no more woman has my: to toil her sufrerriptr sisters my (in find relief in Dodd's Eid- T Pills. That woman is Mrs. in Fahd, well known and highly qwded hora, and she expresses r onthaitnam in these words: "I rtuin’y ummmcnd Dodd's Kid- NAM’R my Pilla cure tho kie "A. Hodthy kidneys snails , 1:, Ema m charge of . Mai- Iho Prince thou continual itt'P of Wales (buoyed II!- to a Physician. . quash (mm Oxford up: ‘r'Jooo of Wales is" prompt tho driver od a oarringo who i :rcd by being thtown out of mi to give hot experience, Cabot. continued: "Mr trou- m-ttd in a Cold. and I enacted q yous. Rheumatism, nour- tstitrnezu, of the . )inta, cramps A Inn-cle- and LAN Butter- " m among my symptoms, and , Bright's Disease developed. s then I started to use DoddU y Pills, and they helped me ' from the stat. ARor tak- ur boxes I Asel like 5 new wo- purities and po"omr--1sy we rd disassemut of the blood. b Kidney Pills not only cure use but. by ensuring good srivo new life and energy to art one More WA S Ith BIA' 'tt URT. ofthebody mmmcnd Head's nu There is nothing but. Woman Rises ml :1 It 3:21 An onuundin. tenure ot the education- Bl unusual during the you ha been the t tho emu-ion of indium-it! "lining through- ' l ll out the Provim In manly an the Inn Ut industrial cert". cumin: c1...- )1." . to? been organised under the induct“ Ind I'lt ' ,'qdtgext_ort act. passed in Ing. showing tho r'b'l'lurr.ittyEtad desire tor this cum, of in- D‘im’f I atruetion. _ m. P So Mina Mackenzie is going back hisgm London and window-breaking ”t; and war and humrer-str.'king. She haisays she likes pom-e. om ' portsrtt quit. The Truth About Earir Rising. Gibbir--1 believe in early rising, doirrouf, _' _ . . . 'Pia" iGiujiiU better for "the work] if some people never got up. in; the Herefordshire Chamber of Commerce declared that if land- rwners are deprived of existing authority they will spend no more money on land, but will ull and "iiii,g.--weii, there'a no abstract excellence in early rising ; it all de- pends pn why: ion. do aftor you "Yul! not, only tmik more than a nickel‘; worth of cocoa in a. sum. pot," Raid Mrs. Belmont., "but you insulted Mrs. Morgan. You must. 'spolotriao." . . Handout progress has boon mado in the work on tho ('emral Primon Pun " .GueXph to warrant tho ant'eipation that {the Font"! Prison in Toronto win be m “and in November next. The plan of prbo ‘_on reform adopted ‘n tho new institution I ha. passed the expnimenhl state. Ind in rmvlng satisfactory in "i',,"U',trfitc. The Ibo: of Mm prissones In ing utilized Ibo in convention wtth tho brick unnu- Jacturln' plant ambushed at Minion. I the product. at which in used only for pub. lic institution”. The new Hon-pin] tor the Imus at 1 Whitby is now well advanced Ind it u be. "ovod that I In” notion of It wdl be convicted and mom mommadatinn lor am hundred pan-nu by the latter part Iol' tho lament. your. _ . _ quired Aixmloa-n slang, that now Mrs. Morgan was 5 canto to the good. Ten minutes later she was standing in Mrs. Belmont} more or loss awful presence. Miss Elsie Mackenzie is a sweet, curly-haired, gentle-voiced. win- dow-breaking, jail-defying. hunger- striking militant suffragettv. Not lung ago Mm. Pavnkhurst sent her to America to help Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont get votes for women. The other day she ordered a. treernt pot of 00005 in Mrs. Bohnont'l lumh and suffrage temple in New York, The pantry girl gave her exm museum. Mias Mackenzie can break a. win- dow or bash a. policeman, but she doesn’t like to be spoken to harsh- ly. So she gave Mrs. Morgan on- other nickel. Miss Mackenzie to- marked as she did so, in newly ac- "Why," Mid Mrs. Marry Mor- gan, superintendent of the food de- partment, "not, to speak of the co- mm, there is 5 may worth of milk in that pot." _ - - Tho policy of road develovum In Not: the"! Ontario, and" Wig] 1031.le tion ot 1912. has been a ed from the mm to the western boundaries of an. Province. About 500 mile- of reeds. with the ”our"! brute. and draitrrBer mm- tioo. were wholly or partially constructed last mt. involving v: expenditure of than“ 81.1%“) The elect. ot thin work upon aettloatqtst and upon the 1-111. of harm land. lau already btert nor/eeaylo. The minor-l production of Ontario dur- ing the out. you VII the Inuit yet re- corded. than having been a con-idenblc ind-taco in tho output of nickel. copper and gold. while the yield of silver mu shout, equal to that ot the previoun Fear. I am glad to know that than In every Dronpecc befrre the mining indum ot I period of further “panning. . . . ue G Ifte I»? Tmrpetr "'rtrJcaGhAiai ii-ttod to revise and mnvolidnle the Statute. of tho Provineo, ttiytinir_rotttpletod iuClsyoe..At."r pres}!!- DanniJ the put your the Province ra- mivod t o Peder-1 subsidy of $8,134.00!) in Md of the Timiskminl a Northern on. nrio Railway. A regular train service hill hum inattguraiod on tho Elk Lake hum-h. and tho extension to the Ahttihi River h'H_bN-n ooatpletod. thrttletnont in qad magnum, In may to Aland - Jd G-Gai"reboA,Grttio will be hid ho for. you. In the moantlme the disrtribu. “on has ulnady been ooatrrseryod.. The Marquis of _i1alisbttty m.ldrest GOING Him Elsie Maekettzie. Provinc BAl'K mr tr [-1. “1 (“land it not only appetizing but that I could eat it an: I liked and that, it uatisfied the craving for , ml “Mum! causing dinner. and if I Wu} ttmt' Hm expvocim, “it fill- “115»th “l-‘nr months Grape-Nuts was my plincnpnl article oi diet. I felbirom the very find tint I had found the right way to health and happineu, and my anticipation ware fully realized. A "With its continued use J regain- ed my “and health and strength. To-day I m well and an eat any- thing I like. yei Gripe-Nuts food forms . part of my bill: of fare." Name given by Canadian PM Co., Windsor. Ont. Read “The Road to Wollville.” in pk”. "rhore's ' M” T “Having heard of Grap"-Nuts and its great merits. I purchased a package. but with little hope that it would help me-- I was m discour- aged. _ . “I had suffered indigestion from overwork, irregular meals and im- proper food, until at last, my Mo- mach became so weak I Could eat scarcely any food without great distress. “Many kinds of fond were tried, all with the same dimouruging ed- fects. I steadily but health and strength until I was but a. wreck of my former self. Girl Starving on Poorly seleeted Food. "Several years ago I was actual- ly starving," writes a, girl, "yet dared not eat. for fear of the con- sequences. £1:qu Bunny Import“; The. Pro- Germany. A despuch from London use: The South-eastern Railwey he: placed a contract for 10 powerful locomotives with I German than u Tegel, near Berlin. The placing of this contract is of more than ordi- nary importance, for, although some years ago the Great Central, the Great Northern and the Mid- land Companies introduced a. num- ber of freight locomotives which had been built in America, and the Great Western Ins introduced French locomotives into its Pad. dington and Plymouth express 'rer- vice, no German-built locomotives have ever been imported into Great Britain, with the exception of some small, narrow-gauge engines for contractors' purposes. Save $2,500,000 By Abandoning Naval Manoeuvres. A dmpatoh from Londnn Hays: Tho Daily Mail says the British Mr val manoeuvres-a for 1914 have been abandoned, ”stunnibly on tho ground that then- is nothing more to be learned from naval manoeu- vres. all that. was m‘ceswry havlng hum nu-ertulnrd in 1918. The pa- per adds that tho real reae‘on is a desire for economy in the Admiral. ty, to save the $2,500,000, which the manoeuvres would cost. It is re- called that the manoeuvres of 1907 were abandoned for the sake of oeunomy. V Marriageablo Women Are Also Wanted In Australia. A despatch from Ottawa says: Australia’s necessity for immitrra- tion, especially of female domestics, is sot out in the first report of the Dominion: Royal Commission, u.. bled in the House on Wednesday by Hon. George Foster. A demand for marriagoable women is also empha- sized, there being a difference of 226,000 between the male and ie- male population. The commission, of which Mr. Foster is a. member. visited Australia. and New Zealand last summer. An Old Blind Man mo " in the North Country. A despatch from Cobalt says: One of the meanest thefts ever per- Eetrated in the North Country was taught to the attention of the Co- balt police on Thursday when Adul- phus Meloche, a blind man consid, erably over middle age and totally unable to defend himself against attack, reported to Chief Burke that an unknown person had lured him out to a lonely spot beyond the Hudson Bay camp and there held him up and robbed him of '50, leaving him to get back to town as beat he could. The thief asked the blind man to huy a watch, but tlm latter refused, saying he had no mmwy. The thief then told him to hand over $50 at he would beat him up, and Meloche did Mr. Will Run " Trp-to irate Restaurant at Skogucss-on-Sm. A deapatoh from London says: Like many another member of the old Britiah nobility, the, Earl of Scarborough has decided to go into trad-o. Before tho sea:,ide seamn lu-gins he will, it the justices grant him a. license, be retailing {on rolls and butter. not at a charity bazaar, but evm‘y day in the week, at an up-to-dat" resmurnub at, "4kiT,rnesrr- on-Sea. In 31me tho F.arl has de- cided io rz‘linquish his investments; in real estate and to go into busi- nnss as a caterer and restaurant THE EARL " sch-tttHill. FE.“ ALE DOM ESTH'S WANTED. h " “Mil L'I'Y WILL FA'0?iOMizF, lo POWERFUL Locoxo'nvns. 1t0BBH0 " FIFTY DOLLARS. ‘cper l FILM!) TO I)” ircyEcftri/itarair'iii' _ ' Mm The Government May Establish 'Libraries in Them. A despatch from Ottawa says: Mr. Borden told Mr, W, A. Buch- mum in the House of Commons on Wednesday that the Prime Minister had received 5 number of communi- cations urging the establinhment of Jihad» in the mini. post-Mums of Fanatic. _ Tye Premier added tint the matter was under mmaidertr. tion. " _ 1Iadmcen t.hed By Five G'enetw. tions of Otte Family. A despatch from Trenton says: Probably tho ”Most. horse in On, farin, an Indian Arabian pony, died recently at the farm of Mr. W. B. 500%. Prince Edward Court- iy. The pony had been used by five generations of the family and was 41 years of Me. Mrs. Smtt's chil- dren and grandchildren drove her and rode her up to the past, year, when old age begarn to make its appearance and the pmly's teeth failed. She was then fed on grain. She had the Wetrtern brand of AB on her shoulder. Pope Pius has prohibited tho uni {nation of priests to America with, out sanction of the Congregation of Consistory. Authorization will be refused when the motive of the trip is weculation. The extension of the free tolls ox- cmptviun to coast vessels of all na- fiona, which would permit Cams, dim: vessels to so through tree, is one of the compromises suggested in Washington in regard to the Panama. Canal. Bikts-five benefimUrG haverbecn selected to participate in tho lakes, disaster fund, amounting to $110,~ General. A commission for tho study of tho economic consequences for France of the opening of the Panama Ca- sud was formed in Paris. It will make a report to the Government. Tho marriage of Crown Primes George of Greece and Princess Elizabeth, of Ihmrnania, will be celebrated at Atlwhs May 21st, and tho Kaiser, who arranged the match, will be present. Canal. the Empire and the msrU II General Baton You than. Cum. Northern Volunteer Ftremen's Association will hold this year's tournament at Lindsay on July 30. Henry Woods, 108 Oak Avenue, Hamilton, and four children are seriously ill with diphtherh. Two children have already died from the disease. Twelve. Hungarians who have been working in Brantlord for Sumo years are going home with about 835,000. One, foroman of the city sewer gang, is said to have about. one-third of it. Thomas Lyons, employed as a marine watchman at Barnia, was arrested at, Point, Edward on a charge of placing explosives in a kitchen stow at the home of Tho, mus Taylor. . Harold Gillsspie, M.D.. aged M), a graduam of McGill University, but grey-haired, was sent to jail at Vancouver as a vagrant, his fourth prison term in three years. He in a drug victim. Information has been laid agginst 15 residents of Itonfield, a small , Hinge 20 miles east; of North Bay, for booliganian in connection with the wedding of a local couple, who were pelted 1sith ice. That there was nothing in the Workrrwn's Compensation Act to deprive an injured person from 0b- taining benefit if injured on Sun- day was the decision nf Mr. Justice A monster petititon. 200 yards in lungth. and bearing 10,000 names, from Um women of British Cohun, bia, asking for the franchise, was presented to the B. U. Legislature. Gregory in setting maids ths deci, sion of another judge 1n Vuncou 1Pt'. The system of confidential re- ports practised in the British War Office was strongly condemned by a London court. Unionist members of the Rouse of Lords decided to support the mo. tion calling for an inquiry into the charge of the newspapers of tho purchase of tit-163 by subscriptions to tho party funds. Boards of Trade in the North. western States may he subjected to a, Congressional probe in regard lo alleged control of “heat and flour prices. The Alaska Railroad bill, author- izing President Wilson to construct a $35,000,000 railroad from Alas, Luis coast to tho coal f1elds, was passed by the American House, "If NEWS III A nllllillllN Great Britain. A militant suffragutle attacked Baron We-ardaJo with a. whip, mis taking him for Premier Asquith. l'nited States. A t,errifie ruinsbonn devastated six ortutito-growinsr counties in southern California, on Thursday. More than 100,000 members of the Salvathm Army from 46 countries will assemble in San Francisco August, 16 to 22, 1915, for tho Inter- national Convention, an» .leus non ALL on: rm: 0mm: " A xU'rsnEu. . Vote 230 to 87 RCRA L POST-OFFICES. 4h.Yr, l It-of," "Olly 33. law... on“. was to medium. $5.25 Lo W", "rt. tutors and c 'choice balls, $6.75 tii: common. 34.25 tsoders-fltoers. ohm A despatch from London, Ont” “ya: Thomas Watkins, aged 83, of the Second Concession, West. minlter Towmrhip, wars fatally in- jured in the woods near hi. home on Thursday, when a tree he was cutting down fell on him. He sus- tained a. fracture of the leg M the 2:31,. citriple fracture of one arm, injuries, to his head, and died '0 a few minutes 'W.Ul'. uuu View": uu vow. ..-... Praoet-aomq (an ot - [an '+ oent. - weaker. but ”new, the outlook in hvonble. Weather mud. 15ortttBrt--A ounce-clan ot keen-3 end thawing will result in damage. Wood»: in season-Ne. but not severe and than SI narml snow covering. _ _ tvslm, otqhqop were made “155.50 to $6. aad tamtw " “£3 to 6830 PP! can. “when Human! from $5 frl 317 Huh. up to A“ and nudity. “and lutu at huge mid ham 'to to MILE}, and for mm] 1013 " high " 010.50 In. Tsaid in t*qrmt' c-asu per 11L. weighed " can. PRIIIES (lf PM nllllllllit Urt1ted “I!” MarMta. Mlnneapoliu, February Mc-Wheat-Mar, 911-4 to 9173; July, 950 bid; No. 1 hard, 9534c; No. 1 Northern. " " to N340: No. 2 Northern, 907-8 to 98 S4htt No. ' when. 81 " to 89Me. Uorn No. 5 yol- low. 57 to 51 1-40. our No. ' white. "" to 370. Flourm patent; "m fir" clean. $3.45; eloang. 82.60. Mite mentc. 60,810 barrels. Bran, 821150. Duluth, February 24 Wheat,- No. 1 hard, 91340; No. l Northern. 92,540: No. , Northern, 91 1Me; Hannah: No. 2 hard. It81-4 to 8914c; Mar. 92 3Ar: July, 95 We. 1311500: (huh. $1.54; May. $1.55 1-2; July, v1.51 1. . Westminster Township Farmer Loses ms Life. Unit“ 11W~anr zonally a. Mable. and outlook tor prop: Be. __ -TGGiiiGr-iirGoaGsu from any. with wesxher sewn-bk. . _ "irGirrrTriGGiiiGtrure coming to hand ot_damaet from M0133, ttttfee? ‘(Vr-UIU. “It” WWII-kl -r_P.-'V.W-.e-. t'wtsirt-oatlooh unfavorable. owing to detioieut rainfall during tho winter. Wow ther mild. . - 7 _ _ gt___-= Toronto. I-‘obnnry M.-pioar-ontarip wheat hours, 90 per oarttt., 83.16 to “.15. ”Ibo-rd. and at $3.N, Toronto. Ee.t.itotry "iiiriU-rGGvTiaiiTa. continua {not able. with wether mud”, - ---_-_ inc. u the crop bu a very “(In mow pro- tection. Large 1'r""io" expected dur. ing ttow and Aori . Italy and Asia. Minor-Crop outlook ta. eorattlu, with vcatheg' campy-Mm . um uluu. India-General "in In; been ooaiirmod hut too lato to bmgeflt to my alum. Gil is against harvesting in early dun-bu. In northern region. offers of when are ww- tiertir, nil, "' ttf.sti, 'romrnto, Eggs -Cage mm ot new-Ilia. 35 to Mitt per dozen; storage. select... " to Mo, and storage, 31 to 32o per anion. ('heeserrrNew cheese, " b4o tor large, sud Montreal Harlan. Montreal. Febrmy urOox-n American No. ' yellow. TU. o.t-4uatodiart Wu» em. No. t, " no " 1-10; do., No. t, u to a2 lam qynra No. 1 food. " 1-10. Barur- Manitoba feed, " w 490: madn- u to b5e. Buckwheat- No. 2. " in Mo, FGUT. Mnnlmln. Spring Trhost pinball. ftreU, $5.40: do., Manda. $4.90; strong bnkm‘. 34.75; Winter pawn". chow. $5: ”mum MUM. “.45 to $460: do.. in b a. £2.05 to 82.15. Rolled on: -BtsrmN, TIs to $4.35: has of 99 lbe.. " to ".10. Mmfeed- Bran. 823: that“. $25: middllnn. $28: moulllle, m to “I. Tur-No. t, nor ton, oar lots, $13.50 to .15. Chase +1th was "rttq, " b4 to tut., do., assume. ll " to " 3-40. Butter- Choice“. cxmmery, gtrt to “Lac; treoondq, Mid to Tie. Btu . Fresh, 36 to 3ike; sch-mod, 3t to Mo; No.-1 stock. so to Ma. Pontoon Per bu. en lou, 77 to 85c. Toronto. February M.- Cattle. Choice buteheri, I7.” to $8.50: good. 67.50 to 't.tr, medium. .615 to $7; common. 85.75 to .6: dyeing "otok, $6.25 to 86.50; “cod. $5.75 to “a medium. 85.25 to $5.50: vommon. 8425 to 86.25: owners and cannem, 83.15 to 03.75; "i'ii;ii"iriea--ateoortn no contradictory, bu} pqnerdly Itto.r.tsttit. a? -r-- -iioiiirGrruiiaouanlt Sowing mogul.- ing, with woather mild. Rain urgently whim country Produce. Rum-mtg. dairy, 22 to Me., interior, 19 to aye., (many ”pumm- prinm. 22 to 25e; creamer-y printa. 30 to he; solids. 21 to 290: “on" prinu, fl to 280; Balk“. 251.2 to Ne. - . .. .._ anIulom. Bum: Lotte do”. 15 to 16e per Itt., in can 1otm Pork Show, cut. 185.50: do.. mean. 824.50. Btun-3tedlurrt, m to 101-90; do., heavy. 17 to 180; rotlts, 16 to 15 1-20; breakfast. bacon. " to 190; balm, 22 to 15e tor twine nanny " 1h. for No for No. 1; Poultry in Winnipeg. Februar, M. -Coeh: -Whastr-- No. 1 Northern. 901-813; No. I, do., II 140; No. 3, do., M 5-40) No. I, " lent Na. 6, " L211; No. S. 60tao', feed. 63 140: In. 1 1'0ij. ”all. 6 3-40: No. 2, do., " 3-40: No. 3, do., 85c; No. t mutt]. .6 “a, No, 2. do, 033-40: No. J, do., no: No. t rod Winter. 90 Ian; No. a. do.. 871405 It,': 3, do., 363-40. out No. 2 CW.. Mo; o. a. do.. Me.; our. No. 1 teed, Mo; No. t food. M I-br, No. 2, do., " 34c. Btsrlor-No. s, Mn; No. 4, 41 Iaot were“! 'le; fed. to tao, nas-Mo. l N... .0. "Mid; No. 2 CAF., “.29 1-2: No. 1, do., $1.15 M. Inn" .tttta, not Luann: 1"“- uuvnn a! “In.“ "iidriLrriiGiirviceed. 32.15 to 3220 per bushel; 1tunotVt1.t0.. ' .. .. A, ...- --. 14 "It. " can“. cram. - an "on.“ " um. and an.“ Ballad hay No. 1 at. $14.50 a ton, on crack here; No. 2 quoted M. 015 to $13.50. and wing atAi2 te, tiAso, -.. "iiiai"rtrariu' '16:}. mm us" $8.76. on track, anonw. nanny "utraeted, in tins. 11 m IM not h. for No. 1: combs. $3 to 3515 par down for No. I; and $2.40 to 82.50 tor No. 2. Poultry Fowl. 12 to 13e per lb.; chick- ww. " to 180: ducks. 13 to lie; :00... " Co IK', turkerit, 19 to 22e. Potatoes -orttarioq It 83 to Mc por bu. m track. and Dohuvueo 'nt Ne, on track. End Tiem. " 1-40; tubs our Iota KILLED IN HIE WOODS. can Outlook numb“. Baud Hay and Straw winnml an") "cannula. 5am! _yi" ih, " 1-20; mm, A Mi: from Montreal aye: Canadian PtuMe extension plans last year and this will involve a total expenditure of Hound 885.- 000,000, according to authoritative kreeaata current here. Yieas-Proar dent Bury is in town conferring with the head of the mad, but nei- ther as yet hu handed out an offi, cial statement. The large amount quoted, however, in said to be spread over a. number of years, and that double-tracking and other parts of the programme will be pro- ceeded with congservatively u the need arises. At the present time there are 133 miles of doubles-track under way be- tween Sudbury and Poet Arthur, on the Lake Superior Division, which alone will ood 33,000,000; 178 miles of double-track between Brandon and Calgary, to cost 35.- 000,000; 139 miles between Revel- Thm " I. simulat- mun-mum: at. the other and of the node. The man of mlddlc use must also stand aaide. Here the rule applies an curly u 40, the use at, whirl, in this Beld of work, the ethol- of a, slightly diminished vitality both: to tell. Thule autumn both mm 1mm. mar contra“- law channel". that few mm mm mull-rd for work at. the poles 1nd mu. hefnrn many yeah; was, none/ax all will ho nestled. They might even tro m I" ~- In vlew ot the Net that alandurdc and to survive beyond the need: of the C'lle8t ea'. Ono lino of work lug lately boon diqoov. and in which a young man. man if he hli not had tho lurk to trot into looking. at an only use, mu bu his opportunities. This work is that of polar exploration, “The younger the hot-tor" rule bu been tried and found WOIIUI’I‘. Th. - of 25 or no. on“ highly favored. tram uow b0- oomo tho minimum. From 25 to 4b-trttett m the limits set. by Mr Ernest Shucklv ton for tho pun-aunt! of him forthcoming expedition to the antarctic. The younger the an the greater the pnwcr of ondurnnco. But polar explora- Mon requires mud: more than enduranre. It demands mtueonerd Judgment. In a .00- lar expedition there in lime margin loft for much“. The Ill-mmidomd union of on man may lmperll tho live, of all What the mm ot 35. day. has lost in spring and vma In more than mah- up in -fonoe, judgment and auyinz power. Mun-Halon Mme" val 35 when he tsooornph'srhed lain cream march. Econ Win " when In: set our for tho alumna Ind " when I». died. A despawh from Ottawa lays: Information regarding the con- tracts for work on the new Welland Canal and on the Hudson Bay Rail- way were given by Hon. Frank Coehrtrne, in rcply to questions by Mr. Murphy, in the House on Thursday. The contract for the first section of tho Welland Canal, said Mr. Ooehrane to Mr. Murphy, had been let to the dominion Dredging Company, Limited, at a price of $3,487,725, with $200,000 deposit required. Baldry, Yer- burgh and Hutchinson, Limited. had obtained the contract for sec- tion 2 at $5,377,185, with a. deposit of $150,000; section 3 had been lot to James H. Corbett for 310.220.- 666, with 8400,000 deposit: section 5 to the Canadian Dredging Com- pany, Limited, for $135,788, and $100,000 deposit. The time limit for ths completion of the 5th section is April 1, 1918; that for the "theats is April 1, 1917. When Present Programme of Work for mu has Been Completed W.Il Have Spent $450,000,000 CONTRACTS folk MILLIONS Regarding tho Hudson Bay Rail- way contract, Hon. Mr, Coohrtsno informed Mr. Murphy that Mr. J. HEAVY OUTLAY BY THE C.P.R. Four Sections of the New Welland Canal Will Cost Over $ar,ooo,ooo. Tm An Limlt In "I" Exploration. Comment on Events hwy-o wan formed the ctt NATIONAL gimme: CORPORATION. Llama. “'3'! cl... Punk-Charm. - Com-OI... migtrarre-tortttar-eryet_nre.t_tyie “NWT”, “ab-Iota” loads-tub- “that.” "iu't'."Tuh'dtVui"l'aTlurlT consul-anon ml Ion-mo . mu". “MM %INVESTMENT "ti?, w: TORONTO In pr pool All thin in in addition to other worke going on at the I... (in. In other section. of the oottri-er lines between Bwi$t Current nad Sedgewick, . distance of m lib: two other breach line. on the mill line in Alberta; them u tho Wey- burn bunch, which a cow-ind in 476 miles, of which 108 mikm have already been oonatruotod. But while no new or eluding feature: an announced, the work upped out will menu as big eddebureement u if a. sensationel pmgrumne had been made public. More the Caut.. Idien Pncuie Mikey is through with ita present programme of work in the Wat. including tho irrigation works, the doublerarack. ing, and the new trackagm amount.. ing to about 1.5900 miles, it will have spent something like $450,000,‘ 000 in the water!) pert of the coun- “oh and Vancouver, to ottat "r try since its inception In on Ammo trip, "ttsito all noun ameliontionu through Mule-I. duly new-plrwl and "eilium ot - kind for ettutrta "mum. null to an» a thing that men must. piece out ita tew any: by _ Hug? In an. avenge run-cunt cull m" srrlt<soatfMrttt and mittsp oaniuderd a! to tum that ho can hold his own "Mum. the Manned proFiottrrl? or is m. "mohitterootn water . ooooocrated plume of no. travel vhtch every new tours-t think. he nut. indulge in H the savor of him Brat trip 11 to be complete, Bo A! thin M it may. wcmlnu have been many, the thp Immune: have sometimes chow- themnelv- m4ttrtarttt to aqt, and the run- tiouu [muenter ot tho umoklnrroou will do well to tap his - 0111th out, " main and (mu ol damn. no can no. D. MacArthur W... the contractor tor the three sections " the follow- ing than”: Le Pan to Thicket Portage, 185 miles, $3,078,364; Thicket Portage to Split Luke, 68 miles, 81,811,285; Split Lake to Port Nelson, 165 miles, $3.668,128. The time limit for the Le Pas sew tioa had been twice extended from December l, 1912. and was now Ire. oember l, 1914. as also for the other two sections. Deposits of 320(me $150,000 and 8160,000 had been made on tho three sections, na- spectively. For you! It In. bean unmanned am. New Zeal-ad was . veritable paradise an earth. to tae a tho relation- of labor and oaNtal were canoe-not Arum-Mon use cumin-0d by In". and It vu new that by the operation of than !uu all can don for about“ betwm employer! nut 0.9le m shut“. ”in. were elm u Among tho imPosaitsilittm. Bat tho new of the situation in New Zeahnd are vastly dimrresttt. strikes In"; bun [anon-ml for .4:va mouth! and hu- h“- uomlpuud by violent Mating so cutou- h u. 'sltataMettt that n. In.“ monum- (new rm mm. tho-ulna Ind joining the authoriuu to mean. 'troertr and to "no" order. The Minister of Railways told Bon. George P. Graham that the Grand Trunk Pacific had not 3;» proved of the change of grades made on the National Tranmth nentatRailway since the now G,rr, ernment came into Mice. Mr. Cochrme also said thast the rust, of the mountain section of the Grand Trunk Pazrith, wu estimated at 897,035 by the Government's chief engineer and at $102,775 by the chief engineer of the railway. The out per mile of the prairie section we. estimated at “5,180. on an an. run. Tho uh! win to he." to for rush-- and mm}, Inn-w " In advance-our old (Hand. “Maids Infamy Mon." The who "do" on. Oahu-men" [mum an low end of tho pool and mu. - side tttsta In addition. The mm ntnot, commonly a in hundred dollars. to. to tive mom-ml. " In Hm after landing. Should to "Intel In “no! an Mo. It In morutrirte to the nonoptpen that in ”its at all the publicity they (no. tho man who rock- the bolt. and in bog who didn't know it won mud. Ind the woman who hide. but mm In the cook own or under the pox-lot gnu. keep on Join. n. We on surprked that "one of tho innu- merable critics of tho public which or- nign our on.“ ot oducotiun bar-ma " mam mail that than thing: mm. not. be done. Neither education nor the pro- aucompl'lh- the task of the fool killer. And now it 1;:me Chat tho - trouble in Now Zeal-m4 in that the In" an not 93mm Ind do not apply equally to both ands. Min; to an taauenoetr of nun. who have boon on an (round. the In“ for Insuring uMlnuou Mm on- plonu and employ“ do oot tte'", the or-ir-thon. ot the lunar un they formally I'M in "enatete. to not” than. Ttttta, it the - of ”lion-.1 mm. they been” trreHrr. It b adieu “an nun-h will'huu to bo Ion-nod hetore the relation- M-(vum om- nloym and employed no: he mule mum-Hy “twin-m" and oosilr and " “Mindy aprrlivahto to the adiurta-t of all dim-"um through than. In", " ,." long “turd (in! the problem In“ "ren ”Int in Nov Zahalund, Nou- n 1- I. rpm gunman were. no Newborn. 1|]:th the task of ctr I..." "out!“ In In 3.00. "ood 3?? in ’eu io l,' i be? H

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