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Durham Review (1897), 26 Feb 1914, p. 5

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dive m it. table. t she "oily "able ck ls y cos- I and ITH lab-gs. " and 33 and ham non 1y t'ii"':c'y Here it is: Equal pans of corrosivet5tstrtimate and Sodiu- Chloride dissolved in one gallon ot hot water. When dissolved add water to male " (mono. Spray every nook Ind crevice well luvefortwn dawn than give " thorough coat of whitewash. For Baking Success --This Oven Tit. FEBRUARY 26, 1914 PRICEVILLE (rsta'lml) :31 Mea's black beaver colts wan ......_---_ 'l Lamb Lining and rubber in the lining and int ,1 Gitars,regttiar mm .....-" 14.00 , sr,,.,,:':'";,:;-""::-,'.:.,",,:,,",,',,', Mo rt.:,-), Boy's any Tweed cuts with int callus and ,1 heavy ttamid lining. sins from 27 " to 31, t 'r'e'l2r"'Girti7Tr-t-"r 3.95 ti: , L} We hare a lag. nmnber of other good. rednc j1 e6 in prices but space prenat- to mention them all k. Come and one tor your own bandit. _ A - ' 'jj,,ld91it'lb" - right More to old as. uin's'rabt.ctsacewotnanu nd~~ked the nerves, lid ' stop hcadaclses, keep an n a 1d assure good health Tuy them. as. I m and Denier-u by “I. l “ More (:5 sam) LEVINE ar/if).:: 1 -s Brthand Bettv'Brread" " Bates tastrvl'l‘oo " _ I I _-----.. girlhood through middle line. Kate Brown and Ilry Ic-i Kvohnio returned to their home: in; Bannock on Friday. after visiting; Mold. for a few as”. , Mr and Mn Park. at Allan Put. spent Sand” " the homoohheir daughter. Mr. W. I! 'ther., Dr Lune] little girl has been van I in. but We are and to any that Ibo m doing nicely now and In uucouh 1 hope that Ibo will soon be welugaiu. l, in John MeOrath, who recently moved to Streeuville, upon the week up here Sunday night, 2to Feb. The winds are bowling and the tempera. tore is lowering. The good rows " .110 In: tow a." are beginning u. an in agnin It is aid 'swem Sn. night and sour Monday morning' by those whose duty calls mom trum ou- ly Mondo mu hing till lateSuurd' y mam. As far us our experience goes “who we. when l "'%"". ..-.... ..- -_. --. _ We cannot discern which In! the' We Wert, reading Mr Avch. Me. gnaw. or busercst. fol" our te 1:ai'ij'ris' letter mule Review and other Jd' Te1t,/tiAt'l,il'r1ot')r'lkp'll)'li, paganism in minimising + at gwdd. . . .uuun l we. r c nan: lea goo trd',',",',')', .t21ytgt'r'f/r'o 3:11:32" ',, Ievelheadrd man and hard to beat m e I - ' . . . . .gwmg the pubhe un insightot what [:53 a? yd,igt'rti tgt,',Lt11'l'rtd' _ turd: to be tor their general good. February Tl',',' 'd',?, olenmmer "mi? Oar churches were amply attended in 90 in {be shade is hard to bear, an l on 33““? minimum ut the storms are the frost: ot winter when Ibeim Ba:urma:1nllg It. m.' il l k (n mercury rum down to 300r 40 below. I the "lf l' 'lt up“? " if er i ir'. Some 'tttte they prefer the trott, tun l and Sunday "V 'rf'2C',"'il Sung 'l the majority uy they prefer the tyeririiriia b0; who meets everyone for in zen-rd I" classes ofthe people with friendly greetings . are not prepared tor the billet coldl " ' . wouher web as we have eXperien-b Meggrt, Alex McLeod of town and ced "My 3John McAerur ol the (Hen an; mak- In the "rlr history of this pnrt, the l, mg "YW,t' umber at Ed. Sulllvun s. inhuhitunu. in their Parly bush aettlw l ”Kev“! ({len‘elg. d b h J h mums w,“ thanllul to ttteen shack) e are p ease to earn at. D n iMcArthrtr Sr. who was land up tor OUTSIDE OF PRICBVILLE Ki FitilfLii'i'iP, and , Fay .lh vale 0! Mr Don MuDuuald, Proton. 33 t 1 Mr and Mrs Bell of Lewiston, Mon- .Iana. had the wistormne ot losing itheir baby boy lately. Mrs Bell is a :duughter ot Mr Malcolm McMillan. lwmh Hue. Anemesia. In giving the - of the late Dontrld IcKeehnia who died "ro new” new t mist-luv Ins unde- in the auto-35 wears und um 45 as stated. He WAS buried in McKeehme‘s cemetery on Tuesday [Ob lust. lbw Mr Mntheson "ttieiativtt " the funeral. His ail- ment was pneumonia and not " phoid levar. u was then stated. line Tenn McFarlane. Woodbridge who upent the Ings couple weeks WU) friend: in 1lopeliff vicinity. lets tor her home on Monday, 23rd inst. Quite a numbcr ot the young people lrum Top Cliff wok a drive down to me can rmiderce at Mr and Mrs Wm Brown, Bane sun. on Friday night last. and t imaged themselves till all nnurs at the Light. and probably they h und the rum crooked cumiug mm uhn tlrlds as the tpderoads in general we tilled in by this time. Wu... ., Ar.."""""..' i We are pleased to bear thet John lMcArthur Sr, who was laid up tut humus time vim inflamatury rheuma- ( Liam is getting better. ... I I '" t., nb., News Alex McLeod of town and John McAthur ot the Glen are mak- Iug equ~re timber at Ed; Sullivan's, oqH, Glenda. T "._.... ... .-.-...,. "w - The sacrament will be held in the Presbyterian Church new on Sunday 15th Match. Also at Swmcnn Park same day. . .. q Mraud Mlsf’ark of Allan Park, visited at their dattghter's, Mrs Wm Wither on Saturdm lust and amend cu church on Sunday murmng. Mr Arch MeMtllan,wn of John Me. MiIlan, south line, woo spent must. at I the Winter at his fuher's. rammed to {the Wear. on Saturday luau. I Mrs Huggins. who was Christena 1McDanald. is, lying Very In? at the Mr Arch McCuaiz attended a meet- ing of the, Grey & Bruce Insurance Co, " Hanover or, Saturday last. We wank Mr John Mchblin Sr. tor a 1sru1ple copies ol the Oban Times given us lately. lie delights m get- Ling the news from old Scotland as ho has many mends there yet. I c Prayer meeting will be held Wed. l evening this week at the residence of C. C. James at town. Miss Jennie James is will confined to her bed. It Iis now nearly eight yea" since she l became an invalid and she cheerfully Area" her long illness patiently.. Mr. lJ-mes like many of his fellow beings, experieneed his own share ot this i world 's troubles. Excellent Mme: weather 15, still with us. Miss Dolly McIntyre, Duudnlk. is waiting Muss May tiauth. Mr Dan Widemnn Is engaged With Mr Wm. Wehz for the summer. Dan ind Mrs WIdemun moved down last Thunday. - n' " “Vlll n:1-nn.. Messrs Joe. Black. Will bumeu. Dan Ind hire Widemtsn Wale among Illa many who attended Mt. Forest lair Wednesday. ll‘lvuua me. v-..__,. The funeral of the late Mrs tied MeEnchme on Wednesday of last. week was largely attended. Servnce was held m the house by Rev. Mathe- son. waisted by Rev, L. D. Huxmble. The oonegc proceeded to Swinton Park cemetely, Psll-beBrerir, Messrs lAroh. Burnett, Geo. Sham]. Dan Me. I Innes. Den McDonald. S McGlllivray. To the eon-owing friends we extend lam sympathy. ' . n. m II" 'TN9%."_""'"'-J' Mme Eva Dwell went to the city Wednesday week. Mr Harold Love vimed Alma friends over Sunday. _ - A- -,._,u__ MAJ our sympathy. u. mu an- n. .....___‘ . The: Womm'n Institute Will bold a ll snob made are to be bull: and concern m Schmidt's hull. Tuesday, (Ie/eel!.""?, ghmugh rough country. March 3rd. at 3 o'clock. my. "Un. M'metsn was your opinions. dont, clr Rube" to we givon by Dundalk Itt, m" othes man ttrrtutfte things "lent. A 30:41 mm- Is promised. and you weekly walk up and w" Admission. mulls Me, children L5tr. l", bill. " wguldhke “an” every Com. and ip" them a full house. correspi nd_em give as the .geliJgI of . . me people in than community. Regulu- meeung of Women's lum- tute will be held as Mrs Will Burnetl'. . . - Weduudny. March 4th " 4.80 p. m. EDQE MLL Visitor. “guinea D W l i,. I . nu . u are " - ..f la...“ mm in: s'll. “Kenya,“ Miss Annie Collier. of Toronto. in "ia,tintg ll home. . $23." 1". and D mg m it sine: In mo. _-------- Between Hopovnlle Ind New England Bell. n gold much, plush: use. tit» oo, Illinois movements, with chat-Inge. Fund" kindly [can at. Post ofbse and obtain rewind. RIV. L. D. Hum-nut. 'Hopevil'o There will be an Aux-t on Sue held an Mach M: of Begsutere" Ulydmdale amnion. nod Mm», Fa rm " wk ard [upkmnu on but 0. Gun. 19, Proton, a. papacy ot I“ Pun]. Rogistéred Stallions, ac. {ti HOPEVILLE Black. Wilt Barnett, nu was Christena (very low at the v-Dmald, Proton. Lost. TEE DURHAM REVIEW wnll Dan Mr Fred White, Slwlbarne, accom- punied by M-ss Margmes McGirr, of Umham. spent Sunday with Mr E. McGu‘r. Mr and Mrs C. Moon, Mutkdale. visited Mr and Mrs Jas. Hay Mon- day last. -.., .w-.. . George McCormack returned to Moosejaw. Sash., after tspt.pdimt a few Weeks at Lit, home here. Mr Jas. Paton intends buying 3 Shin ot smock 'n March tith. MlsAlex Ferguson underwent a mine-a! :peraum recently, We giro MisAlex Ferguson underwent an came-Al ,peraum recently. We are l glad to rcportthat she is improving s rapidly. f Mi i1arry Milner invested in a fine g oun4stvrnt recently. Harry be- “th9 In enjo) lug life. Lives“ Knox, Fox and Ferguson are busy teaming logs to Ceylon. Brand Mrs George Black enter- trim-d their friends on Tuesday eye- I mug last. l These winter roads are bewilder- " They turn a driver badly, Re. cently there was a young man try- in; to reach the station am finally alter several taule efforts, was oblig- ed to disappoint his fair partner and give in that to thui Proton Station Was an impossibility. Yet another brave man drove over a. road not brokui and wondered alt the time Bhy the roads Were so heavy. Cheer up boys, the roads ml] soon be back in their usual places. Old King Sol mll see to that. l , After reading the article written I by Mr McCumg to last week's IN. ' view and Mr J. ll, Philp to the 5 Weekly Sou. We felt that these gen- , tlenien have voiced the sentiment ot , a glean man} and for our part We . we glad to endorse their views with " tttts old timers remark ':Them's my il Sentiments too." There lie too nanny 10 pt " _8 48 8 Close bars ................................. to 60 8 Ciosr: bars w............................"..' FAQ: "mom" 9"" 4 10-tt. opening . . . . . . 'EaiWW7RifiER , 4 12-h. opening ...... iFRifiEWf%ieu' - i 4 13.tt. opening . .. . . . l,E%Xiiittiiili l 14.tt. opening . . . . .. " "5.%FP.S.ee,P.."id -. ' STAPLES. 2rlb. box, freight paid ....-.....----.-----.- BRACE WIRE, grlb rolls, freight paid-.-. ...._............_.- STRETCHING TOOLS. Complete labor-saving outfit. ft. pd Minimums too." There we too many ‘ people ready to plan var-hue im. y movements as long as Lhemun be.), hind the plow pnys tor it and the) get. the credit tur the noble idea. Mr illCUllhlg claims that if the gov't has: any BSslBlallce to give, let it be she-i“ wreplnciug bridges. Now there “1 not a Luwuslilp in ibis part bat feele‘ Ill“. very human in. plrsellt. With. 1} m one ml, (l Swlnwn. two costly; bridges have had to be built. Within three guru and within a radius of five miles there are three more just album needing to be replaced by new was. Who bears the expense ? The lxruier ot course. Mr Pailp pointed oat the feet that alelluugb the farmer would have to oaiat nnd maintain this road, how lime he uses it tor drawn»: heavy loads, as his teaming " usually done in the winter. It Lhe motorists of our country want such roads. let them build them and maimuin than Ind become responsible in all use: of sc- ' cidoms occurring thereon. When , tanner: come in to their own end the I how-vows devour the nvarielouu ' imudlemlu. the lumen mil tue - .-. - -ct-" .Lni- n.“ - - - - (Freight Prepaid) These prices subject to advance without notice. Q A} " 42 26 " " Sol " BIG. DEMAND FOR . Page Wire. .lF'.tsru.te Direct Iniuuluuau, only ....._._._ 7, __ - . turisttt and will not shirt weir duty at paying their share. There in I‘ howl abonl the high can of living ;' n. will mm to advance 1flor,r lee,' . A" L.. .nlr a. Miss Annie Canter. of Toronto, ' naming at Dame. Mr and Mrs Fred sutplett give . pm) [m Fruur night to some 66 guests. It um 5 mm. whoa tho nut detghttor' tucked homo, to than in no dumb: there w“ I good time, Q A elelgblotd went. an Brown] nur' Dromure In!» Tuesdty mghl. This Tuesday some are in sited to I “no at Jun. Mch's. w.,.,..-""" I133 ll. A. Bilge. '0 no plum! to "y. in [bk to be out new: lid vim- " rm not in Durham. P SWINTON PARK (Mumme Provlneu "I“. of Idllm W013". 5,";ch Poultry Faun. Include pulnllnlv) Ner. , Twit and Donna. and No. " “In Car Hornonhu between; No. " Uprlnun: No. " [out _"ii'i';s,)"ii'i'ii'iiL'c; akf,iiti' 'it'fiiii,StaEitiit tititittfiitititm FEME I “I! luau quulu v-. l extmining which in am will toll you Buck‘s " tb Happy Tbomrhl. " bu mbu‘ume for shi' Rant um. ig ju; asetri"etuiir More than am-thlt , gun s to the happlleu of the we 66 Hull on Th in net! Proper! there in a. 10, are some of in work. " our i Thought " Bantto in a I. This -, I In» For “I. by mud to , Id vim- I'aiiia--lliilllml. $¥¥§$4¥$¢$§$$$$$$$$w$$$$$§ I', for Men and Boys * . V ',fasomsoqsitiitsi-astasoeesiraie'4"i'-'s""d' V .. T";" ___ v krri.'I,'U st" .,,. A,” _ .N: ",CFrtro (iufp; 'i1:t'lt2, "st'f9itiel'a'gsft'i', lhi'G, W“ w 75- ”an , A, kGl 'i?i5,"Sd,g 1 " s tt4 " Eihl Bi'i'iiighaicff - . W, " Good Line Also a fine line of Boots 83’ Shoes Hay and Straw In Ground Feed ifiJjf J 3: It you wut w make your wile happy, buy Rang. . " The The secret of a wife‘s success Is thle --sttes alweye ought Te greet her huehend with a smile A d use Bleok'e " Happy Thought." No men should ever think of gating married without first cumming which is the beet Renge to buy Every wise pereon will tell you Bieok’e " Heppy Thought." No one ever bought e. " Help” Thouzht." but wee delighted. Remember there ie no eubtt tote for mu Bettye. It he no equal. There can he no ju; es q oi " and ptrfsotlon meets its match lore the euthluz else the " Happy Thought " eonduce' to the heppieeee of the honeehold t Meals on Tune Properly Prepared Heelthtully Cooled ere eouteot he work. Where heppitteee le sought the " Heppy Thought " Henge le eeeeutlei. Stoves and Ranges We have received a Made by the W. E. Sanford people of Ha- milton, one of the oldest and best manufac- turers of Clothing in the country. We ask vou when in want of a good Suit, to come We have a few cars No. 1 Feeding Hay and Straw to offer that we are offering at special prices for the next few days. If you need any, leave your order-it will pay you. you when in v and see ours. McGowan Milling Co. (iiJilti7Fs Our usual good make. We have on hand Mixed Feed, y Crushed Oats, Chopped Oats and (Oat Shorts). We expect a Car of CORN In days, and if you want anything line, get our prices. Special Prices on Five . L. GRANT I J ,'fd, ALES of PAGE WIRE FENCE for the past 30 days have been amazing. The enormous demand for QUALITY, Fence means that no wise farmer will use other fence, when he can get PAGE QUALITY FENCE at these remarkable prices. Try PAGE FENCE yourself. Bee how big PAGE wire really is. Bee how We woven Into perfect fence. See how PAGE Fence, on nearby brine. after 20 years' service, is still good tor 20 year! more. - - I f Compare these tow PAGE mica with the price of common fencing. After " years of leadership, PAGE Fence In still FIRST in quality and the loved-priced WW. fence. Competition can ----.. In..." PAGE tyUALtTY--nor reach the um Tiiirir Frd'irduApIrY "me high standard as PAGE. Today, you can get PAGE FENCE a'roet from its makers at the price of ordinary fence. You get quick shipments from a nearby PAGE were- tiouse--freight paid on 20 rods, 200 pounds or over. You get 1c. per rod discount on carioad lots. You can order through your den1er--we'11 allow him lc. per rod. You can buy from PAGE the but fence " low cash prices. To ave time end get quick delivery, send your order to the nearest PAGE Branch. IM-PACE CATALOG sent on request. PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. “PageirFences Wear Best" 1232 King St. iii." . TORONTO MITRE“. ST. JOHN WALKEIVILLI mum W. BLACK OATMEAL MILLS a Car of CORN here iua few if yap want, anything in the Feed -jil" Rare Opportunity Quality Themselves That Speak for 'bemselves Come and see them ton Lots. Suits Am ' ' Btrppy Thought Wheat Chop, d Feed Meal TORONTO = New Ones for l9l4 With Ilw Atttertcot with“ orret to .uur 0."...er Cattle nod Punter Bur-dun Ikely In In- (‘omp'lw tttro I-uiplur um uur Wheat Mud Wheat Prndm‘ll " run-r me Untted - Wuhmn nlulv. the pum- of Ontario Gr n bout, i, " land lo ndvnnrv. You annual (In Man-r Hun to HU y NOW. The fulluwinz an n few of the many Human». II, H. Mdlrr is nth-ring; .00 um and tand m lineman. fume hunk horn, rumfamhle dwelling. good mil. “Hum! vtiottrcnieut, price ouly $3800 for w!) qaick sale. [00 100 um um tuisover. Excellent mu watered, good buildings. ‘lncludiux - . . u... .--.. Ann (“Vanni um! {um bank bun. un-uu. Only 05.200. 125 one not amour. Good soil, [ml dwellmF. (ml-e huh bun. opting t'lrt aged on loan sou. outed for ' ...‘ loud will. guano may " In Nortuturt9 200 was in Formula. Very urge by availing large bull bun lune mo good u tine neighborhood. “(.000 Bad cheap at money. 300ml: human. The "trettlr" [um feed n I “up an n ulc mun be made. Other III-I In Beltinvk. Emmet", Norw by, lam, Carrrteir and the Nomi Wert. Mn rcr mpenleu. All kinds of properly for l or “obtuse. DOLLARS DOLLARS DULLA IO won-I Benunck about 7 new. hair rel-hide: cleared. Good Innw Imu- lnmo bun no on)“ outUuilututts on next lot. Wall watered. ouly 'i70 To lend in hundreds. thou-numb ur millions at lowest current ”new. u ith payment. to suit the borrower on good mortgnut security. Dent s vul- leeted, C, P. R. and Ocean Tickets for mu. at. lowest rues. "Always prompt-Never Nrgligen." ti. ti. MILLER, OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN I You can enter any day at the dyjr)-e.erdff,3ftfi ; '," @1497 , 5%?!” We have a large to select from and are moderate " well An early call is yo vantage. Em: c A "He"!o., FCA G.l Pnnctpnl for " years The Grand Trim Railway is the most direct route (tom all points east through Canada. Ha Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. Full particulars " Grand Trunk Tic- ket tMieets, Toronto. or write C. E. MORNING. D. P. A. WM. CALDER, Town Ticket Agent I. TOWNER, Station Ticket Agent and are athing of beauty - OWEN SOUND Large Butt of Speculum In Alvldunl Instruction Posluonl untamed to graduate: LOW RATES irtjMESEEKFlri', E X C UR_SION_S [Wu Ira-nu...“ ._eie-""" _, um! {um mt burn. orchar EachTuesdly Iiarch "ooctoher 27.inrlus:vo. Winnipeg an! Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 has Toto-to. nu Sud-n- West and North of Tomato. Ptooorumuste (are. I'm Sud-Io But 1 Toronto. Return Limit two months REDUCED giiTLERs' [Hugs (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS EACH TUESDAY. MARCH AND APR” To Californln, Florida and the Sunny South now in effect. Wotan!“ to Winuitr' .md Wain cmord Au. nuns. No_ctm.re for my. _ - __ m--1;._ Mar Arc-nu of no u...“ w. _,.,___, Paul uh" from can-din an ma. G. Murphy- D.P.K ---.-'."""-r'ri." Suds! "swelling um: live stock w: effect' we take iiht"t"taWp sPECd.M TRAIN dud: m ' Toronto t m! Tum-v duriu mud! and APR" after arrival regular "3,201.31. train Mun Tannin Union swam. MANITOEA: ALBERTA SASKATCHEWqu Mt-r-r-"""-----" . Sewer-w "trarteg I‘mhouk Isve a! _ k muld we “Gum TRANS. IcumL -- -- --F a. .. v Thmmrh “an: WW -7"-.. "er Toronto t0.80 on. DA" Y. Tumuuh Colman M, Tandy. Show”. . H. BEAN Big 4 is your ad- G. D. FLEMING IN Secretary DOLLARS “A; Town Hanover range prices 'u' tor M has: Acut- or m. m cn I“ “I

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