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Durham Review (1897), 26 Feb 1914, p. 8

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"_-- t Wens’, J8eys', and JGdieo' . swealers af reduced puke: -------"-"'"'-'--" ”an“... ”atone-mo? t There are now open to entry 125.00t om Canada. The bulk of these are I CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY From Much 3rd to the end " Oetoher, I m kvh art. on “It! PVC?! Tue‘day and um- " Immlh- from date of IIIBP. Prior to lug " “team for two months on plymcnt destination for each month or put the mined m m, 1ua,uiiart Northern amnion v Weist as the "Fort, the Vital Qumtlom". .. Peace River, Aly"t,'r,t nqd Beach it," "Wt-urn (Tn-ad: has a Home for You, "fl Thou-nod Free Homostnds." New Prints, These are the three strong features in this season's models. You are sure to get satisfaction here. Come and let us demonstrate them. NO. 310. In Whit. Jumtwo hone supporters. In. trimmed, medium but, tor uver- 50 "etigares. Price.. .....w..'.. . NO. 130. Ind-in whit. Jun for "craze tip uru; lace trimmed, tour has. Iupport- Tli cmmediun but. Price.......... . NO. 606. For "can tie. low bust. MIR In bacidl'ud over In”, has no rill)boui trimn tour has. “worms, co uni: looks. Price................. ..... 1.00 NO. 116. In fine white coutil. four hose sup- portus, lace and ribbon trimmed, low but. coioniul hook: for Henge tigttres. 1 25 Priem..............-....--- . NO. 900. Medium but and very long over- hips, (our hon supporters. colodiul hooks, lace and ribbon trimmed. draw strings 2 00 ”Man ___-__.-.... ......... I For Tourist Car aeeoromodntiort and all particulars above publications, apply to your nearest. U. N. R. (Jamal Paucnger Department, 68 King Street. East, In the New Spring Models. QUALITY, STYLE and COMFORT NO. 310. In Whit. Jammie hone supporters. In. trimmed, medium but, tor (Wer- "etigares. Price.. ....._."'. NO. 130. Ind-in whit. Jun for "craze tur um; lace trimmed, tour has. apport- cn,medinn bun. Price.......... NO. 606. For "once tie-. low but. lunz itt.baok and our hips, has no ribbon- mmuod. tour has. supporters, colonial looks. Price................. ..... NO. 116. In fine whit. eoutil, four hose sup- poruts, Inc. and ribbon trimmed, low but. coioniul hook: for Henge tigares. Price........ ...... ...... ...... ......" NO. 900. Median but and very long over- hips, roar hon supporters. colodial hooks, lace and ribbon trimmed. draw strings THE J. D. ABRAHAM co. Mani d JGdies' fur Coats Men's Calf Skin Cout regular 5'32 for. Men's Wallaby Cyt regular $45 for Ladies' Far fenla' and deadl'es’ thoth Coats af .73atyain Prieeo 3901:: Bo late in the season we are going to e our stock It prices that you can't afford Some Canadian Northern Publications Price Leather Coats, Men's, tit. 4.75. regal Drill Coats, Men's at 1.50, regular” Whipcord coats, men's, at 3.00, regnl The Store that Sets the Pace Pioneer Ii'armer's Railway P arisian Corsets TAYLOR & CO. For li'ar-Sighted Farmers ifinlicoat'," regulér $42 for. . DROMORE} FREE FARMS 'i'.ki'iGG"iiGt these tickets may :on tunnel“ of $5.00 to Agent at of Oetoher. Homeserkers I‘lxuuzuiun lay "M an pond to rvlurn w-llnn Iwu New Gingham, New" Crepes, Crinkles, Bedfords, Piques In and all palticulnrs in addition to mr nearrst G. N. R. Agent, or to 68 King Street East. Toronto, Out 25,000 free homestead: in West- 9are located along or near the 'WAY which is reevgnized in the FarrCtistreor.' Slop m'rr Station Wes! ot Port Arthur Sells for Less "t [law to Thilly five p6 t' Now ready for your inspection. We call your attention to the splendid range of Women’s Fine Footwear, in all l Spring lasts. Values that are uncuyrvlctl elsewhere, and styles that are sure to please Fresh Dates ..... ......3lbs tor N w Vilenoiu Raisins . . .3 lbs tor linoleaned Currunts. . .. .3 lbs for 19ng Corn Elana...” ..3 tor (Spud Salmon....... ...... ..2l'or A" Canned Gooda...... ....310r Hues: Lent Lurd.... . ....per lb, ll 'i, During the Season of Lent 1 of FISH. We receive 'r,: .. HOLS‘TEIN 41429: Corn Flam-s. "od Sdlmon. . ' . . .. . ' Canned Goods... was: Leaf Lurd.... urge human Pickles mdv Ammonia.... lEx»racLs .... .. l A load of youth and beauty attend-l ed a dance at. Mrs Douglas's. I 1 Mr Bob. Pettigrew and his molherl have been Visiting friends around. 1 l Mrs Douglas purchesed a horse [rum Mr Geo, Schram. l Mr John Nelson, from the west, has been waiting his sister, Mrs Douglas. l Ile Dodds has a very Slck cow. A number of voung folks enjoyed themselves M Durham skating rink, i Mr Melvxe Hay visited friends at Orchard last week, A number from Orchard attended Mt. 1" most. horse fair. Mr P. Cornish and Mr Finder each selling a horse. i The Dromore branch ot'the Wo. l men's Institum will bold its monthly 1 meeting in Rusm-ll Hall, Wed , I Mar. 4. 'I'optes--Esstsyt' on Easter _ hv MrsS Paterson. Irish discours- i, PS, readings and solos by Mrs Ramon, I Mr: Adams and Mrs T. Atehisoa, re- lspecuvuly. All ladies cordially in- ) wed Miss Mary Douglas has been vimt- ing her grandmuzher. Mrs Schrum, in Durham. W'l‘hu Ladles’ Auxiliary met M the church on Thursday afternaon and all had a very plenum time. Mr and Mrs Kirby visited Mr Nel son Cannon: last week. . _ Mr J, Atkinson and Mr McClucklm. of Edge 1111). called on friends In the burg. __-- _ Mus \V.Smim, Mt. guest of her Mend, over the week cud. iley. Mr Unuun, at Dungwnon. preached in Amos lust Sabbath and Rev, Mr Thom, ot' llnwkesvillu. will be present. next Subbulb. Mr D. Christie sold a horse n the fun last week. -- Mr All. Garson, accompanied by bis aunt. Mrs K. Allen, are visiting in Wnrcnam. . will; ‘Agh‘es Reuwick vieited in lit. Forest last week. A few at the Thistle Top youth and beauty span” social evening It. the home uf Mr Johl' Hunter's, 10th 001)., last Friday night. Mr J.S;vnnstun’s ttale on Friday Was well amended. Miss Belle McAnhur visited at Wm Bruwn’s Sundny. Mr Wm, Groat went to Wroxeter Monday. . l Everybody attend the play in Bol- stein on March tith. William Reid has rented Mr Jas. baths firm. lot 3, can. 14. Mr Rev Ecclcs and Miss Mary Lung visited " Geo. Schr-m’s Sun- day. School reopened at S. S No 9 on Mondny. A new school is.taited of, On Tuesday evening. Feb. Ihh, , number“! the friends and new. born at William Ibsid'a, gathered " their home and spent a social even- in gum“, music and dancing. frn, Marv Ferguson returned home In: week. While attending Grange meeting Monday night, J. MoAnbur's ham. bung media the shed. became loot. nod started " home alone .nd mn- aged to bank the can" to pieces. [HISTLE TOP VALLEY Abraham The First Spring Shipment of ORCHARD DROMORE ..-u- Groceries for Less Money Fureat, was the Mrs It. Taylor, 3 for 3 for son of Lent we will keep a supply of all kinds We receive a FRESH SUPPLY every few days Because 250 25e 25o 25e 25c 25e 18o 256 25c Fine Shoes THE DURHAM REVIEW All Jelly Powders...... ....3 lor Silver Gloss Starch.... .....3 for 6 bars Sunlight. Swp for . . . ' ..... (Share th nva‘tSmp tor...... .... Old Chum Tobaeeo ...... .. .3 for All plus Tzhacc'r. ...... ....3 tor Od Dutcn Gluauser. .._. ...3 for 2 lb ting Special B tking Fowder.. Shredded Wheat Biissusit.,..2tor Exua sz'clul Japan Tea. . . .. ...' Mr James Brown, oi Regina. aniv-l ed last week to sititt, his Sister, Mrs: Petrie and other friends. Miss Ethel Hunter, of Detroit, is spending a few weeks at her home here. l iietett"r,',r,t,t',:'tCe,"fJ"t '5; LOCAL AND PERSONAL w rcii:iJciiisLisiesteetre.edlr Miss Doris Irwin visited with hm" friend, Miss Reta Roberts in Durham ov" Sunday. l Mrs J. D. Main visited her sister Mrs Currie in Alma, for a few days last chii. Mrs (Dr ) Kelli, oi Regina, is visit. ing with relatives in this vicinity attain, before returning home. " Scenes in the Union Depot " is the name of a play which he Wo. men's Itrstttute are staging' in the Agricultural Hall on March 6th, Over a score of people are in the cast and are trm busy practising. lellel Preshvterian Church in Nor. mnnhy and her Sister congregation at Melville in Arthur township, havede- cided to call Rev. It J. Sturgeon, of Angus, in the Barrie Presbytcry, to become their pastor in successor to Rev. Mr Came, who has gone to Alma. A travelling concert troop is hold- ing [0th in the village this week. So far a seems that they have met wim a frosty reception w. N We extend crm,etatulatiot" to Mil and Mrs John Fairbatrtt, Sr., who on T hursday of this week an celebrating their golden 'i"eii'firr,2riiiiiiiiiiiai? later. “I The liquor cases which came up before Magistrate Mclnnea on Wed- nesday ltst, resulted as was expected, The offenders were found guilty of violating the local option law and were fiaed a sum of about $10 and costs l A disastrous fire which occurred ohl Wednesdm evening of last week, des-‘ troy ed the livery stables in this vil. Inge, owned h, Hr 1mm Manny. but; rented by V J. Atkinson. The blazei started babe 7 " clock by a lantern cxplotitt!glel11ltt MrhALkigsqn twig doing the;-eliores "tt took but a ewi minutes Ji,tcr teri'ithi'/d alarms of 15 were givegut, for the whole village to assent . and prepare. to battle ‘against the flames. The first on the‘ ’scene led the horses about ten in number at the time. to safety, but a flock oi hens could not be saved end were the only live sto -k which were burned. From the first it was seen that to save the stables was n hope- less task and the driving shed was also despaired alter a time, But by use ot the axe and the muscle ot the brigade made a gap between it and the coal shed adjoining. But before this was "cotriplished, a move was made to save the drive shed also and by the splendid fight of all. this was carried out and the blaze confined to the stables. mit this took the sever , eat kind oi work for an hour, or two. Holstein men are always fire-fighters t to the lost ditch and too much credit cannot be given for the manner the] bucket brigade fought the 5e11atr,r.1:l tion under control. Praise must also) be given to many women, who by' canvmg water, etc., aided materially in the work. The flames did not spread to surrounding buildings and the fire was over be 9 o'clock. Over “on of hay was said to be on the loft. Mr Atkinson informs no that the loss is partinil y covered by innat- ance and " present he ttaa his hone: ‘Iublod in different pan: ofthe vii. Inge .9 ..310r 250 ..3 for Me ...r.. 250 ... ....250 ..3 for 25e ..3 tor 25e ..3tor 250 )Wder..258 ..2tor 2he 2M a; l Mr and Mrs Strong, of Toronto, are rushing her parents, Mr and Mrs i, James Hades. I Mrs James Hamilton, from nearthe l Crow's Nest, Alberta, is visiting with I numetous relatives and friends in l this part. ‘1 Mr John Manary came up from To, lmuto on Tuesday mg ht. We under- 1staud that it is his intention to to- I build the livery stable. " Mr Thos. Tribe, his daughter Mrs McLeod and the latter's little daugh- lter returned to the West on Monday. Mrs(Dr.) Ferguson and Miss Mar- shall received the sad news on Mon- day that their father had died in St. Mary 's. With Dr. Ferguson they lelt on the Monday atternoon train for that town. Mr Sun Smith has sold his team of horses to a buyer near Hamilton. Dr. John McKenzie, of Superior Jct., New Ontario is visiting his father, Mr N. D. Mckenzie and sister Mrs 1. D Rubuts Mr Geo. Swanston returned from Lumsdeu on Saturday and returned again on Nesdaylor the purpose of bringhg his family east With him next month He intends to take charge of the home farm in Egre- mont. _ Joe. A. Swanston's sale on ThursAl day of Iast_weck was a record break)? er. Large crowds attended and the bidding was brisk. The sum of 56500 was netted the proprieter, the sheep it is said bringing over 31000. All the stock was not disposed of, Mr Swanston retaining a few choxce ani mals to take west with him when y goes about March IO. ' A pretty wedding took place in thel, Catholic Church in Durham at 91 n clcok on Wednesday morning oi last week, when MISS Margaret Woods. daughter of Mr Ben Woods, 2nd com, Egrtunont, became the bride of Mr Thomas McNaney. (a), Conn. A large party of young pe - ple gathered at the bride I home In Eeretnont that same evening, where [the tune was cup) ably spent. i At the meeting in Fairbairn church! on Tuesday alternoon. Mr John Gil- lesplc was appointed treasurer of the‘ congregation in successor to Mr J. A, i Swmston, who recently resigaed af- ter spending about 15 years in that posmou After the busxnus was concluded. the chairman, Rev. Dr. Marsh, called J. A Swanston. J. R. Philp and David Gillies to the front and the former was made the recipi- ent of an address of apprecxauon and a l7 jewel P. S Bartlett gold watch, enclosed in a case, with a chain at- tached. Mr Philp read the addless ‘and Mr Gillies presented the gift 1 Kind words were also spoxeu to Mrs Swanston and of her won: in the church‘s behalf. Mr Swanlton re. plied suitably for both. _ H. H Miller,evM. P., at Hanover and John Hunter, of Durham. were waging in our midst last Wednesday. BestCorn Starch. ...... .,..3 for 25e SoapChips...... ..... .....4tor 25e Macaroni.. '.. ..... ...... 2fur25: J-umJams.... .... .... ..3 lbs. tor 25e In kn Superior Herring. . . . . . 25g dra Labrador Herring in 100 lb kegir,4 75 From-n Whitefish ...... .... ....5c lb Fimmn Maddie. .a.... .. A' lbs " 25e 5.1mm Trout.... _..... ..per lb, IG: Mr James' and Misses Bellsrnnd Mary Mclnnes went to WomtIand cemetery to be present at the funeral of the late Mas Kane Ferguson, I cousin, of the city of Hamilton. The deceased wn the daughter of Mr and Ma James Fer- guson, who lived on lot u, con. 12, about fortrfl" year. ago. Her father died in Buremont. but her mother is still living In Hamilton, Ont. The auction sale of John A. Swan- tton'e stock and implements was at. tended by very many people, Each of the adjommg townehipa were well r - talented. rain, hay and roots tonig- YEOVIL Buys for Less in all the new and Other Lines I THE J D. ABRAHAM co The Store that Sets the Pace ‘er with the stock and implements trenlizcd a little over five thousand lara (5000.00). Auctioneer D. Mc (had a very busy afternoon. Mr and Mrs W. Egrtmunt, visited ', ston‘s on Friday Inst Hope h l “Mr John Mchobi, had the misfortune! of losing his pure bred Clydesdale colt) last week. ; Mr D. Murphy and son \Villiam " tended Mr Swanston's sale and pur chased some Banner oats for seed. A number from here attended tht Libcral Conservative Convention It Durham last Friday. Mr George C, Swanst is on a vmt m his nl Mary at the old home. h ai b"en protested He claimed tha' in the handling of public timber they gut douhle the revenue yet took ooly m Hure limher. The l’l-uudfnot chug- eg were toueited upon, and be out?!” d on a list of cousin)“ lye work whu h he s-id lay to the credit of the Whit. [my gnvernnwm. ram-h as irutreosedt grams to roads, Hydro-electric pro- urpis. numeral"? legislnliuu. prim-a- Pon, "Rriealrure. &c. Referring to Mr tRnwell’s ctveustsioosttip of tho-mum» 'ployed and his, (Rowe-115) dum- for Box-Ml and Moral reform, he (mid .. r h a fallacy for any party lo app": irs tue "aver!" of the people as 1 mm. " tor gating inn? po.wer.'.' The remedy {wrath-- unompluywi, a sid tite upvuko-r. M'ai page! nut and work. HN [unm- of Hon Mr Hanna as to enforcing L.- qum- 1etrslstion was INDIE iuodi 4‘ about his IMIdntmn of Hon. "ts. Duff Ens an ideal Mmistvr of Aatieultare. Mr d JI followed dull-g wsitt the veclprtuuiy cry of 19” and taking crvdil tor his party because tho Iuvlf fence Wm nm'v thrown dawn and h at mm m naming; the farmers an” haw th " own haul? marked. H" took ravdit for the iuttodurrion of l'uInl mull 1iehvery all (we: N. Grey and [Mr- cel push would he :mmuer mum. Ir. tvterred In the liberal gram- In Ag: l- culture, pvt-mead by Dom. Gun-v 5 menr. tank a thug at tfte Smut-t0 whivh he said tletenléd the Gond Bond: hill M the behest of Slr Wilfrid so that the guvernmem would lose populnruly. Mr Meighen is a_clear pleasant speak- er and " looked upon as pumlhiy us- ing (0 the higher" position If " purl) rvlnnmsin power. lb, alonrd in tht drfe‘t " ttse trude pact, because u " h In the [on dI-uukinu Power Mill unm- fringed, Spvukmg of the grain "my. . went in Ihe west he mud there had r , "r, vomru hren an annual parmpm mt- 'ttttt to the 'ncoutpeteuce mt the Grits. $t They talked,we htttlt the Hudson Bay Railway " was the sun-stance of one at ttuweaert'otts, "The day of humhug is gone forever " ha amsetted and those who remember the powers of Wir. where am miilinnbull wu [zoning an 8 million out and other lurid tru- ttedeqdepieted, will fondly Join him in hoping the ttB.ePtto" nay he Hue. , The Nattomtt'rpamrcautinrnuu I‘m”- Conservatives in convention Th" NatronrdTrmnscoettiuettUu It“). way record under the Lino-ml: War. in rl '5"er Hue " Iugues' rluuu' that bung uvel' Gamma (0-day " The t.ttctrlsrtue of the road niuwd an by spttmttto and". easy curves wrung bride. to. was unuecennry .. A plume: mud _ anpioneg-r cupntry w“ good -~nnuuh." He dealt an length wuh the Naval quvsdnn. ' bdrm-d cmmstvnu for Mr Borden in divorgunz in mm hom the maunimuuu position of partir'. mrv'l in1900. Mun w“ and likely In “drum n manure of pun-sin" and um- uitiun, hence was we" Ucely, honco- n Mrotsg navy for protection ot the em- pile‘s vuwd inlrmto was A neceto.itr. hence I gram of 035,“.WU of (Janu- TORONTO Cantmucd from page I We have them here in stock. We receive a shipment every tw tains all the new patterns as l Fashion Books. Come and l Catalogue. ----The Designer -----The Standard Fashion Book .-----The Standard Embroidery Bo -----For Sale at mu LW" Ask for the They're free to all Standard Patterns stun, of Lumsden, mother and sister We are Agents for of Wash Goods New March our customers. sih stock. No long waits. at every two weeks which con- ;terns as they appear in the trmeaad look over the Spring FEBRUARY 26, 1914 din uh ch Ur oath of (Emu of tNIttP"P, hm mg: " Daily Ban: h, wultrw, O‘qun.’ 'h..l an"! a _ i, Id in a yvnr and 727 that unvn a xi, Id ofi45001br. wt i" ' _ and 727N121. of Gt. SIM tMtttV d 12.4 ll». of med May and fur it. The. ave-Iago, Canadian ttiran" 140 lhw. fut, was pethaps l don tree 'tdiiiP.tvu%.teouTilmres cola. and r than” and luau. " tt 25 u- Uttttn" Seed Meal oil Cake Molnskel Meal $3311.03 h D. MCPHAIL-’ ll " M to c, l'l'dtdlM', l ’D Mr lWh-Il In: 5 “lepton. In hm hue. (I! Call» DP .31: MAKYLL. I- mm no what bun lend swung " mas. 1 _ Ara Maya-d. t gives mu ' I chic-Ian M to “anion! {nimble 1sttuaNm0ra:ortscstiiixidwtod.or aural “no tor “and. beam-ed Auctmneer tor Co. m I‘m mum-um Arms emu toe um sewn. my.“ hinge-l an: Review . mum, u "'Ntltr “the: lung to m-ylon . I h prom mud to. Inn-Ion.“ to " :. " be eatsrtrrt by m: MARYL‘L. In “her ha and N"- Ara tma-oe-ot, l con all ttii:ii'iitiis, “Wilma mot wd meal Wt. oTorest (2tusiness Cottese MT. cougar, ONT. A superior school with compe- tent instructors and through WWI”. Atttiuted “uh Central College, Stratford. We do more for our stciden's than does any Other Ilmnur school. All'ndu- It" in pm moms. You may enter It may ttme W: a: for Wall-n or call at the College. D. A, ucLacuLAN. w. B._wu.|ou, Pfelldvnt Principal - of 5.95 ptrril a hullan rem Pt WM“? good feed on coax produt'n Fwd record to! n n record book will be FU.' on writing muddlessm .- tthi" ABRAHAM James Myers Ciutcie uiocli, Hm Feed and Profit SQUARE FOR SALE D lcPHA L, C Ion or WC. RLJMEYIH'IIH Fashion Sheet w ‘nld have yy FAIR AND “at D: t t stpply day m- l lam-d the meet -ow-ring the work Nomi poiulmg out . y had lo meet “will xpo-udimlc out m ti; as a clear "rump my" 'Cmum-il husiman i I . cotwervrttive, l wnh the day's plum Team a I Din-cum“ n. on tor the Smmlr at". which was hur haw-d. when ullll we tto the country h l have been In left ttu 0an (owioruhl? r |n-' "rer.itutouT, wntly irsund l Dom. Dept, of Briluin had d 1ttit, had tctM't't'" no uI‘nmndinn N ye " Pumps Guolme lib Pacino “till 'unter an feet a Store and Bee Miss tit “I Tale of n “It" day and“. Be It McFarluua-‘u My call We cult [ideal that their favor team, at " Hockey Clu The Cuuc Thaw More the P. I! thus “In ther, we lent Tr u Sn M M HI It pay. t ll rule reulil were very u tion. to the dgy and . lurch hrnul ummanm m pII'lo. (WNW thumb it I Ugh! d AK ' BAPTIS'I r Ladies' Aid um awe“ Tuesday nu cupring tl This was “yeah. rm instrument If GIICI K a solo. v0 not pan 1 by Mesran The tw Mr Allan H acting 'ns sts Orlham l'.' l I Lean m an --1 “in. in [CH 1 .1 popular num'w carved in the m ”an “hr "went- NS -edswerc " mg VOL. XXXVll. u Ii h ll gh C 50c Mr Se Cl I! " M

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