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Durham Review (1897), 5 Mar 1914, p. 4

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nonee â€". e s~» and haye a demonstration of THE DORENWEND TRANSFORMATION. They will give a charis and attractiveness to an other wise plain face and will assist any woman to keep her youthfal appearance. They are superior to all others in effects and in quality of hair and efficiency of workmanship, A Free Demonstration is offered to all. Wigs Transformatins, Pompadours, Bangs, Fronts, Waves, Switches, Braids, &e Youths Heavy Rubbers, reg. 1.50 Sile PMIQG.......«.«¢ .. ndrs «.+. .75 Womens Patent G ‘nmetal and Vici Kid Shoes, reg 3.50 and 4.00, sale a a, with an immense stock of the latest fashions in Hair Goods 4# _ A Style to Suit Every Individual _ * Lumberman‘s Heary Rubbers, reg 3.25, sale price.......... 1,75 Boys‘ Heavy Rubbers, reg 2.50 g saleprico..................’ 1,25 THE SHOEMAN of Boots, Shoes, & Heavy Rubbers 103â€"105 Yonge Street SLAUCHTER price...... ~‘<+ John McQowan All kinds of grain bought at market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. 500 tons of No 1 Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY at $25 per ton Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop at $23 Large Quantity of No. 1 Feeding Hay Fresh and Clean at 14.50 ofi car. _ See this Hay before purchasing elsewhere. 1t will pay you. Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour "Ladies With Thin Hair‘" Th: sp:cially designa:d an l upâ€"toâ€"date method now generally al»pted £)t eT:ctually preveating eitry of all draught, snow, slest, rain or dust of any kind, thereby insuring an even temperâ€" ature throughout the building. Every window and every door where ever made of wood wil be equipped with Why deny yourself the maximuam of comfort at the minimum of expesnse. All metalâ€"weather strip costs less, is far more efâ€" fective than storm sash and is a permanent institution, requiring no removal. _ Most public buildings in large cities are equipped with it. Architects specify it, the Government demands it. Estimates cheerfully given. Work guaranteed Write, Phone or Call. Manufactured and installed by THE DORENWEND COMPANY OF TORONTO. LTD Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time m / _ l HAHN \/ nouse DURHAM ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH iith J. C. Furber & Co. CR!IMPED OATS for Horse Reed at $23 per ton CHOPPED OATS at............ $23 per ton THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS Every bag guarantaed. If not satisfactory bring it back and get your money. EVENTUALLY Allâ€"Metal Weather Strip Heary Rubbers, Mens Goodyear welted Patent & C price. ... /....; 1.75 Gunmetal Boots, reg 4.50, sale 3.5“ ubbers, reg 2.50, f Mens Heayy Felt Boots, reg. 1.25 9.50, salé price......~..... 2,60 Rubbers, reg. 1.50 Mens Long Leather Boots, reg. ,75 4.00, sale price........>.. .. 2.50 it G ‘nmetal and Vici Kid Misses and Children‘s Vici Kid Shnes in 50 and 4.00, sale red, black and chocolate, reg. 2.95 | 1.25, sale prite....,;...."*..2.. .85 GENTLEMEN, â€"If You Are Bald Call and see THg Dorrxwrexo Saxtâ€" ITaRY PatExt Toork®, which is a perfect protection to the head. For natural effect, strengtb, darability, hy â€" genic qualities, they are unequalled, Besides this they will muke any man appear years younge~. This Toupee is protected in all countries and may be purchased only from us. Do not fail to call and see them, and remember date (The House of Quality Hair Good#) Why Not Now â€"" Prof. DURHAM, ONT â€"â€" BBILG makes every womar beauâ€" tiful and all who desire to make the most of their apâ€" pearance baye the opporâ€" tunity of paying a visit to Or Toroxto, who will be DON‘T MISS THIS «* BEAUTIFUL HAIR " DORENWEND Ki oronto Next Garafraxa Street Bridge i‘.‘?l!c Dutlgam Review quickly stops coughs, cures colds, and hea!s the throat and lungs. :: :: 25 cents. Homeseckers‘ Excursions March 3rd to Oct. 27th} inclusive From Toronto and stations Noith and West of Toronto. _ Proportionate low fiares from stations east of Toronto. Keturn limit two months. Full particulars at Grand Trunk Ticâ€" ket Offices, Toromto, or write C. E. HORNING, D. P. A. WM. CALDER, Town Ticket Agent J. TOWNER, Station Ticket Agent We are sorry to lose Mr and Mrs Eph,. Boldt from our midst, as they intend moving this week. Miss Bella Camming spent Sunday afternoon with ber friend, Miss Mabel Davidson. To Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan Each Tuesday Mr Art, Byers and Miss Elsie Mcâ€" Mitchell took in the ball at Holland Centre on Friday last. Snow â€"shoeing seems to be the topic of the day in cur town. The Misses Krause spent Saturday eve in Thatsworth. A number of our young people gathâ€" ered at the home of Mr and Mrs Jno. Eckel on Friday evening, A very pleasant evening was spont in music and games, . Among the games was a progressive garme of crokinole, Mr Perey Ellict and Miss Mary Camming winning the first priza and Mr Reuâ€" ben Spies and Miss Mabel Davidson winning second prize. Sorry to hear that Mr John Collins bas been sick with la grippe the last few days, but hope to near of his speedy recovery,. Miss Eima McMitchell left on Tuesâ€" day for Sask., where she will resuame her duties, Mr Harold Steubing wili leaye on Thursday for his home in Hamilton, after spending a plessant month with friends and relatives in the yillage. Mr J. M. Robertson, of Dornoch called on friends in town on Sat. eve. Come again Jim. SEHIILOH Intenaed for last weck Mr Clarence MeElwain and his bride returned home on Friday afterâ€" noon after their wedding tour. Mris Patason returned home on Wednesday, after attending the tunerâ€" al of her nicce, Mrs Hamilton, of Shallow Lake. Mrs Will Pears and Mrs Jno. Armâ€" strong weut to Wiarton on Sunday to attend the funeral of their gister, Mrg Cook. Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton‘ and Return 43.00 Through trains Toronto to Winn.lxm and West.. COLONIST CARS ON ALL INS. No charge for Berths. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or sls 1P e ad e d Z From Toronto, and Stations Wootrand North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations East of Toronto. via Chicago, St, Paul and Duluth Each Tuesday March 3 to October 27, inclusive. Winnipeg and Return â€"~ $35.00 Edmonton and Return â€" ©43.00 HOMESEEK ERS‘ EX CURSION S REDUCED SETTLERS‘ FARES (ONEâ€"WAY SECOBD CLASS) EACH TUESDAY, MARCH AND APRIL Settlers travelling with live stock and effect s should take SETTLERS‘ SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves West Toronto each Tuesday duting MARCH and APRIL after arrival regular 10.20 p.m. train from Toronto Union Station. % should use MANITOBA, ALBERTA _ SASKATCHEWAN Return Limit two months WILLIAMSFORD MARCH. 5, 1914 without live stock THE DURHAM RBVIEW â€"â€" Form IHâ€"Madeleine Murray, Aliz Edge, Fred naidlaw, Cassie Russell :nd Murray Findlay eq., Wilfrid Barâ€" our. Form IIâ€"Edith Edge, Russel Ecâ€" cles, Mary Mcliraith, Reta Roberts, Howard MeDougall.. _â€" Form 1â€"Linda Teasdale, Gienna Campbell, Doris McAuley, Katie Ritâ€" chie, Mabel Beaton. Pusuic ScHOOL DEPARTMENT 8r 4thâ€"Cameron Wakefield. Anna Clife, Agnes Wakefield, Edith Hughes Georgie Lawson. :« copptimey, JIr 4thâ€"Edna Browning, Stel!ls Mcâ€" Rae, Clarence McGirr, Harold Sh« Jemima Lawrence. J Sr 3raâ€"F Lawrence, E Schualtz, L Smith. A Jacob, 8 McA uliffe. Jr3rdâ€"HK Snell, C Anderson, K. Mcâ€" Auliffe, W Koch, S Pust. 8r 2adâ€"wWillhe Abraham, Jessie Davis, Clara Gordon, Willie Jeeob, Mae McGirr and Bert Pettigrew eq. Ir 2adâ€"Royden Burnett, Mary Mcâ€" Keehnie, Harold Eden, Sadie Russell, Irving Elvidge, Ir 1stâ€"Willie Welsb, Mabel Crutcbâ€" ley, Daniel McInnes, Royden Mconâ€" ald, Kathleen Hugbes. 8r Istâ€"Edith Willis, Bttie Levine, Lillie MeDonald, CGarrie McGirr, E«â€" ther McComb, Class A. Primary Diyvision ; 8râ€"A McLean, 8. Iâ€" vine, F. Hopkins, A. Lawson, A McDonald. Jrâ€"M Yiirs, M Browne, F Kress, R Jacob, ESmith Jr4th â€"A. Hoy, E. Mellvride, W. Brown, E. McLaughlin. _ Jr. 3rd=0. Grant, L, Keller, T. Finnigan. Sr 20d UGrant, L, Keller, T. Finnigan. Sr2ad A, Marshall, R. Morrison, W. Barber. Jr2odâ€"S8. Ward, L Keller, V Blythe, R McCabe. Sr1â€"â€"R Grant, T McCabe. Jr1â€"R Blythe, A Brown, A, M. PETTY, Teacher. Srrarars ScHour No. 8, Guex®Lo Sr 4thâ€"Wilfrid Vasey, George Vasâ€" ey. Jr4thâ€"Nellve Smith. _ Jr. 3r4â€" Ross Purke, James Coffey. Hugh Vasey, Joseph McArtney. _ Part 2â€" Kathleen Sulliyan, Maurice Vasey, Mayme Sullivan. J T Sullivan ‘absent) John Matthews, (absent). _ Primerâ€" Marion Parke, Nora Sullivan. Mayxo Warxock, Teacher 8.8. No.3, BEMTINUK Beginnersâ€"Laura Bartleman. Priâ€" mary Bâ€"Helen Milligan, Rupert Johnâ€" stov, Ora Livingstone. _ Primary Aâ€" Harry Reay, Elmer Reay. â€" Istâ€"Rena Livingstone, Wm McDonald. Jr, 2nd â€"John Matiher, Susie Grierson, Sr 2â€" Albert McDonald, Vera Reay, Jr 3rd â€"Susie Adlam, Jim Milligan, 8Sr3rd â€"Tom Corbett, Bessie Mather. _ Jr. 4 â€"Gorman Johnston, Eilsie McLean. S8r 4thâ€"Effie Milligan, Rex Lawrence. Average attendance for menthb 44. Jonux 8. W1ILsoN, Teacher Pouruxax, Mar 5,â€" 1914. Flour per ewt ........ 240 to 2 90 ghtmea.l per sack..... 12143 ‘2$ CWL..: .1« +. to Bm'p%ren 50 tw 55 Fall Wheat........... 90 to 90 Spricog Wuneat........ 90 to 90 Oage, feed............. 87 to 37 Oate, milling.......... 35 w 37 Potatoes per bag. .... IL10 to 1.16 Bidel....p........... 10 00 Beef, dressed ...... .. 12 00 to 13 00 Hogs. live, f o b.... . 8 80 Dried apples.............. 05b Hay, per ton...... .... 12 00 to 16 00 Bervices were beld last Sunday in the Baptist church, when Mr Barclay student from. McMaster University, Poronto, preached vriy acceptably. Srrvices will be held next Sunday also. A large party of friends and neighâ€" bors was beld at the home of Mr and Mrs Ait. Redford last Friday, Ocâ€" casion was taken to presens Miss Eva with a Bible and Handâ€"bag from the Sunday Sehool here, as a token of «ppreciation for her services. Miss Linda Teasdaie, High Schoo; student at Durham, spent part of las; week end with Miss Maggie Lunney, Mrs Arch. Brown and Mrs Anod. Hxstic attended the Ladies‘ Institute meeting at Mr Wm. Hastie‘s, Louise. A load frim our burg spent a very pleasant evening last week at the bome of Mr and Mrs Aod. Milve, Loaise. Mr and Mrs Colin Mclatyre, Dorâ€" noch, visited ths Brown families last woek end. Facts,â€"Merchants there are who lock upon advertising as an " exâ€" pense," but they are wrong, absoluteâ€" ly wrong, Advertising is really an investmentâ€"an investment that yields returne proportionately to the amonnt of energy and brains put into it. It adyertising didn‘t bring returos, how do you accoun: for its popularity toâ€" day, The man who knows how to adâ€" vertise considers the invyestment deâ€" cidedly trifling as compared with the benefits derived from it,. Howeyer to be able to write a good advertiseâ€" ment is an accomplishment. An " ad" thrown together in any old style is not likely to get the business. Parmms spent in writing an * ad " is well worih the whileâ€"therefore take pains and aboye all tell the truth.. _ Advertisers who fill their space with lies bring their busiâ€" ness and newspaper advertismg into disrepute. Mr All. Redford is holding bis sale ot farm stock and implements this Thursday before leaving to reside in Duarham . Mrs Kellington and three children from Sask., visised at Mrs Geo. Mighton‘s recenily. Misses Mary MeKecbnie and Kate Brown yisited Priceville frierds last week. DURKHAM SCHOOL REPORT Miss Laura Beaton, Bunessan, is visiting her cousin, Mrs Win. Fulton. Mrs Robt. Long and daughter Edith, of Walkerton, visited Mr and Mrs John McGillivray last week. List has been carcfully reyvised, Durham Markets. Hicex ScHoor DEPARTMENT 1rrived too late for last week U. 8. 8. No. 1, B. MULOCK + t# + 36 A very interesting sermon was deâ€" livered in Knox Oburch {ast Sund»y by Roexv Mr Poom. < Darisg the ser viee a duett was rendered by Mrs J. Backas and ber sister, Miss Jackso® of Mt Forest which was much appreâ€" ciated. Mr John Backuis who bas been visâ€" itimg his pâ€"rents and friends in this vicinity leaves this week for his bome in Beâ€"skatchewao. It is reported that Mr David Mcâ€" Auliffe bas sold his farm to Mr. Smallman of T ronto. _It so we‘ will be sorry to lose Mr. Me Aaliffe but waelcome Mr and Mrs Smallwman and family to our neighborhood. A number of relatives gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Will Petty on Tuaesday last. _ The gathering was in bebalt of Mrs R Ferguason of Camâ€" nock and Mrs Pettigrew of Lamsden when a real old tashioned time Was spent. _ Mrs Ferguson left next day for her bome. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Wallace spept ever the week ead with triends near Arthur. Op F hss g _ Mr and Miss Jackson of M+. Forest visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. John Bachas. l rkge" _X _ Mr _Albert Marshall assisted Mr. John Merice in the swamp a few days last week. Te 98 Our mail man may understand the delivery of the mail but has a lot to learn in driving a borse, being too well acquainted with the whip. _ Mrs Jas Ferguson spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs Domnelly of Allan Park. s 24 A number of young people from around here s‘pem a pleasant evening at the home of Mr Jas Wilton. A number from here attended the danee given by Mr and Mre W. Cook Thursday eyening. Miss Maggie Ritchie attended Droâ€" more really on Friday. f Miss Mary McAlister, of Normanby, epent over the week end with Miss Alix Edge. carck 2 Mrs 0. Burng, of Portage La Prairâ€" 1e, made a few calls around E4ge Hill on Sunday, before leaving for her home on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Adam Pettigrew, of Biggar, Sask., who this winter are visiting relatives in Normanby. spent Bunday at Mr Wim. Ritchie‘s. Good Places go to Hay‘s Hair Health restoresgray hair to its natural color and vigor. 1t is not » dye, it is a tonic easy and safe to use, stimulating and nourishing the scalp and bairâ€"roots, imparcing new life and vigor and giving that bealthy natural look which 1s so essential to a youthful appearance. _ It removes dandruff. MacFARLANE & CO., Druggists Its up to you to be one. Gray Hairis the biggest handicapâ€" but its also the one you can most easily escape : Your money will be refunded if it fe‘ls after a fair trial. $1.00, 50¢, 25¢c, Get iCat our store, Sold and recommended by AGE BARS YOU from Opportunity A full stock_ot Corna Syrup in all sizes We also handle Canned Haddie, 2 tins for............ Pork and Beans with Chili Sauce, 2 tins Sardines in pure Olive Oil, 3 tins for .. Sardines in salad oil, 7 tins for . . . . S agk Campbells Soups, all flavors 2 tins for .. Cauned corn, peas and Tomatoes, 3 ting . Sea Water Trout, Salt, per Ib. ... Frozen Salmon, Fresh, per tb . . . . . . Finest Smoked Haddie per Ib . .. . . . Boneless Codfish per 1b . ... ... ... Quail on Toast, pound blocks, each Cod Steak, pound blocks, each .. . .. Large Sales Departmental Store Now, that Leat is upon us we hayo stocked either in bulk or tin, niso new canned goods We handle nothing but the freshest and best of try some of the following and be convinâ€"ed of t 'ry a pound of our â€"BAST NORMANBY EDGE HILL Dorham, Ont Brech Eog, o0 , "_ _4 51268, Jams, Marmalades and Canned Fruits. Fresh Eggs always on hand per dozen 290 For a rush order try phone No. 17 Highest prices for all kinds of produce. McKechnie‘s Weekly News sx: Youngâ€"Looking Men LENTON SRASON , per Ib.... 12ic _ Choice Sockeye Salmon, Clover Lcai égmxmsxmx REREERNEE $ Last Chance TORONTO BE C P. R. Town Office Buy your lieket: _ve? ~CBRepnppymyySmn o HAHSXYCCNECES new canned goods and other Lente'x} req airemen freshest and best of quality. For dinner or su; d be convinâ€"ed of their superior flavo» : Ingersol Cheese best quality per lb 20¢ ‘The Down Town Shoe Store. EGGS TAKEN AS CASH The Old Woman who Lived y * e iA s in a Sh()c f ‘for i ; Bargain Wall Paperi 2 Days More Friday and Saturday of This Week _ McKECHNIE 124¢ 12%¢ 12%¢ 10c 10¢ â€" â€" 25¢ Owing to the severe cold weather of last ® week, we have decided to have ta For Bargain Days in Wall Come and see what we can do Custom Work and Pepairing as usual MacFARLANE‘S DRUG â€" STORE Brand, per tin ............â€"â€" Maple Leaf Salmon, (red) per Ib . â€" â€" Excelsior Brand Salmon (red) per tin Tiger Brand Salmon, speciat, 2 tins Choice pink Salmon good quality, sterling brand, special, 2 tins for a wX s ts 3 en Ned F1 o Nn io: erpatals e t * ol »aiek ie USE STAR OF INDIA TEA The Rexall store a full line of fish, fresh and sa REEREERXMEEER EYE MAKCH 5, 1911 would have disappear had provided her la: Trunks. Suitcases, C Telescopes, etc. Legg Spats for men, ladies, m chiidren. Call and get The shoe is more att than the one who occu; In fact many of her t each with a pair of ou: Boots or Shoes _ Our large prices small, qu: sidered . Mitts, GJ: Hosiery at close prices J. S$. McILRAITH Buy your tieckets itham O1 we fat vou dX 20c 25¢ 20c €8 d€ C6 « Shiloh """The Family Friend for 40 years." . 4 m%wg Croup and Whooping PURITY Buy this 0o A q i for Vermin and Discea Germs in stables, poult: houses, etc., that will co but a few cenots. 'i““""“"----zn._ i All kind ’i Coats â€" Many people are anxio at this season to know t Best Exterminato Here it :s:;: HKqual parts CorrosiveSublimate and Sod1 Chloride dissolved in one gall of kot water. _ When dissoly add water to make 25 gall Spray every nook and crev well; leavefortwo days then gi a thorough coat of whitewas The correct proportions gladly be supplied by cnllina THE _ QUALIT PHARMACY PRICEVILLE, d t zzi t tm "**ann e dors . MARCH 5. 1914 arriygd a coats wit to clear t toâ€"dat you il Lak duction w T HE C Ladies® Muskrat Line and Persian Col Ladies® Mink Marmsg h0 . .. .>>>..M% Ladies Cloth Coats, : 0 .. . > . . . + x 43 Headquarters for FRESH PRLI collars, regular Men‘s Cloth Coats Boy‘s Gray Tweed heavy flannel li regular 7.90 + ea in pr Come a! Highest p Butter an« 64 * We ha 1 Fur 11 W e hbeauty ol havi LEV D A sec € aing an regular b adl lor| W TLE ()

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