West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Mar 1914, p. 5

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20c aper ts here salt, ents. ipper |14 attractive upies it. _ troubles ed if she ge family r reliable stock 1s ality conâ€" oves and er ived oe AITH *L |ColeSule®nl0" m yon prices all fits ubbags ses an 20c 25¢ last 4 <â€"Sh1ilohBM .: for Vermin and Disease 4 (ieerms in stables, poultry E houses, etc., that will cost i but a few cenots. "‘rhe Family Friend for 40 ." â€" A neven failing relief for Croup and mfiu Cough BURITY Buy this ovenâ€"tested flour npommorpt o gomae neommoney: PeSeqReqitf q | ontain reward, ap mome ocmeie o eS oc oiemeri ces ES memt C w clgcgf.4 | ontain rewnard, "~jmm rmenpnop‘c‘‘ m Best Exterminator THE _ QUALITY PHARMACY PRICEVILLE, Many people are anxious ait this season to know the Here it is; Equal parts of orrosiveSublimate and Sodtum hloride dissolved in one gallon [ hot water. _ When dissolved dd water to make 25 gallons. pray every nook and crevice ell: ‘eavefortwo days then give thorough coat of whitewash. yos e en eed THE CITY BAKERY L ze ship usits arrive diract to as swice a week of ths great damniad for O;sters at on# store the; ia Grst class frasa coadition whenr they arrive he We have cut the prices in Ladies Fur Coats aud Fur Lined Coats. _ Ladies‘ Cloth coats newly arrived and are upâ€"toâ€"date, also Men‘s and Boy‘s coats with fur collars as well as Mens cloth coats,â€" to clear them at less than the manufacturing cost. Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods All kinds of Fur COAtS roxr arr xmps c FRESH OYSTERS . MARCH 5, 1914 Ladies‘ Muskrat Lined Coats with black broadcloth shell and Persian Collars, regular $50, to clear at $25 Ladies‘ Mink Marmot Rutis and Mufis regular $20 10F . ......eccerell.lrycsritaivamens es Too0 Ladies Cloth Coats, very latest make, regular 8.75 I0F . ..%....i.l.l.llls...1 .. seeean.. > yes 000 Men‘s black beaver coats with imitation Persian Lamb Lining and rubber in the lining and fur > collars, regular $20 for ..... 0 .......... 14.00 Ven‘s Cloth Coats reduced to................ â€"7.50 Boy‘s Gray Tweed coats with fur collars and heavy flannel lining, sizes from 27 up to 32, regular 7.00 tor ..................0}}.. 3.95 terest Highest prices for Butter and Bggsâ€" We have a large number of other goods reduc B4 are m charee s _ d i reas hi ]l }WOG.ALLAW ed in prices but space prevents to mention them a el School Come and see for your own benefit. | AInfértaing Stadents | aing of the term if por VYour chances are good to buy reliable and upâ€" »date from 50 to 60c on the $ and I‘m sure that ou‘ll take the opportunity of buying at a .big reâ€" uction which we are ready to sell you. _ Be sure ud call before buying elsewhere for your own inâ€" The PRICEVILLE frcofiur? Th; liw of supply aud demand keeps orrect proportions will e supplied by calling at beauty of havinz oysters is having them fresh LEVINE & CO. c Bread and Better,Bread” and *€ Bcttcr‘l{astry,Too” 527 From each shipment of wheat delivered at our mills we take a tenâ€"pound sample. It is ground into flour. We bake bread from ’this flour. If this bread is high in quality and large in quantity we use the shipment of wheat from which it came. Otherwise, we sell it. h\ The baking quality of flour Boid under this name is therefore art exact certainty. Bu}' and beneiit! 3 Your oven will certainly proâ€" duce more bread and better bread as a result of our oven test. FOR ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE . A. ROWE On account of the severestorm no mails were received bere from Torâ€" onto on Monday . Miss Aonie McDonald of Durham is at Mre N. McKimnon‘s for a tew days Miss Effie McMillan, of Dromore, visited friends for the past few days. Mr Rebbie Conkey, who bas been | surveying for a number of years, | came bhome on Thursday, on account| of a great number of survey parties | being cut off trom the C. P. . and | he is sherily to take charge of a store up about Sudbury . We are sorry to hear that Mr Robâ€" ertson is laid up with pleurisy. Mrs Rubertson is ably filling bis place in schbool. Miss Little spent the week end at ber bome at Owen Sound. Miss Margares Tryon was home from Owen Sound last week with a seyere cold, but she returned to ber studies on Thursday. Dr. Lane bas been kept on the move both night and day for the last week or more. Not very nice weathâ€" er to be ealied oup in the midd:e of the night. Miss May Muir is spending a few days with friends in town . Mr Aldeorn got a car of baled hay cn Monday. Bornâ€"On Satarday, Feb. 28, to Mr: and Mrs Donald MeLachlan, s daughter, (Jean Ross). ' AROUND THE VILLAGE sefit. | Inten | fandd & l .uam“ & c m ntroke frati ons ; 4 | cations and pu goemenpemrerm®_E «l e a week and on account tore they are sure to be arrive here. ps us busy. 5) UNDER at ' March came in fierce, blowing a terrific gale on Mondsy the 2nd. If | the old saying be correct that if March lcomos in like a lon, it will end like a lamb, we may look for a flock of young \larabs by the 1st April. The lion is | â€"upposed to hbe the fiercest of all aniâ€" | mals and the lamb the most harmlâ€"ss, | but then it is said that the lions and the lambs shall feed together and a {little boy and girl shall lead them both. Many a poor family have felt the fierceness of Sunduy mght‘s winds and if the wild storms of March Ist | and 2nd are to be compared with the ‘ lion, so is the poverty of thousands of tfamilies to be compared with those | who are so comfortably situated, as | not to feel that the howling of March storms are raging outside their comâ€" fortable h« bitations. \_ The aged pioneers who have braved the many March storms and who can | say thas they have seen the storms of | March twiee forty times return, can in many instances say that man was | made to mourn. The aged men or | women who are for many years de | prived of their natural sight and who | are sitting by the stove side, can bhear | the winds whistling outside and some | who are not so comfortably ‘situsted, |ean feel the bitter cold and may be : shivering from the effects of the bitter [ ele ments outside their humble dwell | ling, they hear and feel, but cannot { see the snow blowing hitbher and | thither forming bigh drifts along the tlanes and hbighways. Ob ! what wou!ld these poor unfortunate ones !nge if they only could see with the natural eye. True they can see with the eye of faith, vet they cannot help pondering over their unfortunate sitâ€" uation. â€" ‘This also shows the truthfalâ€" ness of the poet * that man was made to mourn." * March brings sad memories to many who were deprived of their dâ€"arest friends some long years ago and some in years not far back. ‘To those who bhbaye experienced over &A score ol years in loneliness, March comes in as a reminder of their unâ€" fortunate deprivation in that month. Snap, 320 acre Nrm, Saskatehewan choice lawd, No, 1 1, good district, good buildings andWyater, 30 acrs cultivated, 50 acres femRgd. â€" Price $13 per acre, â€" Easy terms, dress owner Joux BEaton or Joux McARNIUCR, PricevilPy,~Oot,. Between Hopeville aud New England Hall, a gold watrch, plain case, size 00, lliinois movements, with chatelaine. Finder kindly leave at Post Office and UNDER arld by virtue of Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be froduced at the time of sale there wiil\be offerbd for sale by public auction & Habn‘s Hotel in the fown of Darbkm, on Thursday, the 19.h day of Mardb, 1914, at the hour of iwo o‘clock in th& afternoon : ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts oftland and premises situate, lying and Neing in the Town sbip of Proton in th¢ County of Grey, Province of QOatari@, and being comâ€" posed. of Lots Numbers Six (6) and Seven (7) in the Nint (9(.%) Concession of the said Township ¢f Proton, conâ€" taiving by admeasureent two bunâ€" dred (200) acres, more or less. The property will be ofered for : subject to « reserved bidjk and to | ther termsand condition® which : be made known at the timeg of sale. TERMS ; Twentyâ€"five per cent (25 per cent) of the purchase money wili be required to be paid at the .time of sale ; the balance to be paid in thirty days according to favorable terms and conditions to be madt known at th« time of sale. For further particulars and condiâ€" tions of sale, apply to Messrs BRISTOL & ARMOUR, 43 King Street\ West, Toronto, Solicitors for the Mortigagee, or to J, P. TELFORD, Durham, Ont. Dated at Toronto this 27th day of February, A. D., 1914. 3 Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equipped £1 teach ability, in chemica} and dectr&nl 8 3 Bttings, &c., fot‘_ull Junior Leaying â€" i@ation work. he following compe saf age m charge : THO8, ALLA cipal and Provinctal uodâ€" el Mmlw 1st Class CertHicate Durham | Continuation * School taitRd at reasonable rates. . Duscham is m apd attractive towi, maiting 1t a ozé pAune for residence The recogd of the R&:oo!l in past years isa Mefi:{c\ne. The twustees s!wosdn eduâ€" cationaly aud spare no pains to 4g€ that teachers and pupils have every‘tdvm-rpgonhe proper presentation and acquisition of wledge. FEES:$1 per month in advance. REV. W. K. HARTLEY, DR. J. F. GRANT, Chairman Secretary OUTSIDE OF PRICEVILLE Rev, L. D. HUxTtA®BLE, Hopeville For Sh&Xt Time Only. Mortgage Sale You get a bilious aitack when your liver refuses to do its work. The bile does not flow. You become constipated. Food sours instead of digesting. You have that " bitter as gall" taste. ‘~he stomach becomes inflamed and inflatedâ€" turns sickâ€"vomiting, and violent headache.â€"The best preventative and cure for biliousness is Chamberlain‘s ‘Tablets. They make the liver do its workâ€"strengthen the digestive organs, and restore to perfect health. 25c. a bottle â€"All Dealers and Druggists, or by mail. 1 You Get Bilious Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. Lost. ecause Your Liver is Lazy enter at the begip Baguxt can be o# sale furâ€" wili THE DURHAM REVIEW |\ _A crowd from around here attendâ€" |ed the Farmers‘ Clab meeting on ;Monday night of last week and reâ€" | port a pleasant time. | _ Miss Mary Anderson spent the |\ week end at her friends Mrs. Peter | O Neill‘s. Then again March is a reminder to some of us that in the biggesst half of it we landed into the cold and dreary world naked. Probably the elements were not so bitter then as they were during this Monday, the 2ad March, 1914. (We ask to be excused in giyâ€" ing the other date.) 3 A méeting of the congregation of the Presbyterian church, Priceville, is called for Wednesday, March 11th. at 7.80at night to take into consideraâ€" tion the fixing up of‘the sheds in . bet. ter slfape than they are at present The tnhanagers thought it wise â€"to consult the whole congregation before taking any action, thus the necessity ofall that can come to be there avud not fault finding afterwards. â€" The repairs will probably cost some 400 or 500 dollars. / Mr P. McArthur of Bruce attended charch here on Sunday last ascomâ€" pamed by bis cousin Mr Dan MeArâ€" thur of the Glen where he is visiting atpres ent. We extend congratulations to Miss Eva Pierson, only daughter of Mr and Mrs John Pierson, of Egremont and to Mr John McEachern, youngest son of Mrand Mrs Roger MceEachern, of hbe south line, Glenelg, who joined bands in wedlock on Wednesday of last week by a Durham clergyman. We hope the young couple will fight life‘s battles gill they become as old as Lord Strathcona and we join the many friends in wishing them much happimess during that long time toâ€" gether. Vet. Maclutyre was called out of chureh on Sunday to attend to a siek horse belonging to F, McCuag. The horge got allright. xY McLean and Stothart were to ship & carload of stock this Monday but on account of the storm will be delayed a few days, Hugh McPhail sold a fine horse at Markdale fair on Thursday of last week for $185. _ SBame animal would haye brought bim $200 not many montiis ago. PÂ¥ , Dr. Lane was put out of bed at eleven o‘clock Sunday night in a ragâ€" ing storm to attend a patient at Ceyâ€" lon. _ He took Joe Black with bhim as guide. The choir in the Presbyterian Ch. is ably led by Miss Conkey as organâ€" ist who hbas yocal talent as well. The voung ladies who always make it a point to be there are deserving of creâ€" dit for their attendance while we do not at all ignore the young gentlemen who attend there also. Mr Alf O‘Neill and Mr Din Anderâ€" son visited at Mr. Ed. Sallivan‘s one evening last week. Miss Katie McDonald accompanied by her brother spent tbhe beginning of the week at Mr T McKeown‘s. Mr. Dancan Danbar and lIrving Auderson Jr. spent a pleasant evenâ€" ing at Mr Donald MeMillans, Scotchâ€" tow n. A sleighload of youth and beauty from Priceville spernt a pleasant evâ€" ening a; the home of Mr and Mrs Jno MeVicar. â€" a Miss Effic Black of P:iceville paid & flying visit to friends around the Centre and Pomona a day iast week. Miss Cassie Danbar spent *Sunday afcernoon with ber ftriend, Kasie Mcâ€" Cormick. Mr Dan and Irviog Anderson and Mr Andrew Meagher spent an alterâ€" nuon ai Mr Dan McCormick‘s. Mr Michael Burke is visiting friends and relatives in Paris at present. Mr Gordon Sackett, and Elmer Ricbardson have been seen driyving around Ssotchtown and the Centre recently Whass the attraetion buys ? "~ Mrs Joe Black of Priceville visited friends around the Centre and Poâ€" mona on Sunday last. MARRIED. s CuristIRâ€"FERGUSONâ€"â€"At the resiâ€" dence of the bride‘s parents, Proton, on Feb, 25ib, 1914, by Rey, J. A. Matheson, B. D., William Wallace Christle, of Steyesville, Alberta to Sadie May Ferguason. GoKEENâ€" CAMPBELL,â€" At the r$ denee of the bride‘s father, Swinton Park, by Rev, J. A, Matheson, B.D., Feb. 27ih, Samuel Goheen to Florâ€" ence Campbell, ./ ‘The Assessors are now on their roupds. â€" It is the manifest duty of every person entitled to a vote to see thet bhis name and qualification are properly placed on the Assessment roll, no matter whatâ€" his status may be. Do not depend on some other person looking atter it for you ; do it yourselt and do it now. _ Elections are won and lost by perfect and imâ€" perfect lists and your vote or loss of GLENELG CENTRE Is Your Nams On ? your vote might win or lose an elecâ€" tion for your party. _ It is altogether probable thas a General Election will be decided on the Voters‘ Lists to be prepared from tne assessment rolls now being compiled, so that it is esâ€" sentially necessary tbhat the lists should be tull and correct. _This wlarning applies to Grits and Tories alike. <io o oo B oft vGeoie ol aiin oi o uie ofe oo ols of e ce ols oi ufltsn ie ty n it 29939933399 1232333993099 39B W W Halr Brushes, Cloth Brushes, w’ Hat Brushes, Nail Brushes, W â€"Ebony and lq)uvood y Fancy Stationery W Satety Razors, 25ct095.00 Ny (Candy, all kinds W Cigars N# Pipes, Tobacco > \; Smokers‘ Suppites w1, â€"&o, &c. ; for Men and Boys dp Ip Ipop ip p is ppap i i App i ptep t ie ip e ty 4: vpaeese&eepeeese&&eeeeeeeg What to Give and ° pf Good Line of Suits $ Also a fine line of Boots & Shoes We have just finished stocktaking and have disâ€" covered that we are overloaded in some lines. _ In order to reduce our stock we intend to sacrifice some of these goods. Fancy Stand Lamps regular prices $7, now $6 .00 Fancy Stand Lamps regular price $5.00 now $3.00 Invalid China Sets composed of Tea Pot, Oream Pitcher and Bugar Bow!, regular price $2 50, now $2.00. Afternoon Tea China Tray and Cap regular 1.00 now 75e. Individual China Decorated cnp and saucer, regular 30¢, now 25e¢. 25 gairl Cattle Clippers reguinr $1.25 now 1.00 50 Stable Lanterns regular 75¢ now 50c. 25 Horse Singers regular 85¢c, now 25¢ 50 Bottles Ideal Silver Polish regular 25¢, now 20¢ 116 bottles odorless Stove pipe enamel regular 25c now. 123 curry combs regular 15¢c, now 10c 106 Rittool Horse brushes regular 15c now 8 cts. 13 Broom Holders regular 25¢, now 5¢ Selected Western Seed Oats here in a few days. If you want to change your seed this year will be a chance for you to get the best Seed Oats grown in Canada as these oats were specially selected and recleaned for us. The price will be 50c a bushel (sacks free) and we will allow you 5e each for all sacks returned to us in good order. If you want these oats shipped to any station either on C. P. R. or G. T. R. within 30 miles of Durham the price is Rerfumes & Tollet Articles Toilet Sets in Ebony and Parâ€" isian Ivory. See them Manicure Sets 52¢ per bushel bought prepaid in lots of 25 bushels or over. The above price is strictly cash or we will take your grain and allow market price for it but we will not charge these oats to any one Where to Get it ,‘R â€"â€" Settle the Question Now â€"â€" n\ For Quality, Class and Low Prices our line ,‘x is the finest in old Grey. oi Some Western Oats were sewed around here last Spring, The yield and quality were both satisfactory and as these Oats were specially selected and test about 47 ibes to the bushel the returns should be something extra, _ Some fields of Western Oats run 100 bushels to the acre so you will make no mistzke buying these oats, The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Buy your G. T. R. tickets here. We expect a Car of No. 1 Selected * This week we will offer you ; And other articies too numerous to mention. Srock â€" CGaking Sate / Made by the W. E. Sanford people of Haâ€" milton, one of the oldest and best manufacâ€" turers of Clothing in the country. Weask you when in want of a good Suit, to come and see ours. We have received a Our usual good make. Comeand see them Very Hand: ome WESTERN SEED OATS L. GRANT W. BLACK Oatmeal Millers it, If he cannot eupply W / the MARVEL, accept no other, but send s!umq for illos» is trated bookâ€"realed. It filvu full grtlcnhrl and directions invaluable ladies, WINDSOR SUPPL Y CO., Windsor, Ont General Agents for Canada. Every Woman is interested and should know TORONTO k ORRTETTE NEC C KÂ¥ | she follo: o | bargains, F 100 aeres good 4Â¥ very eon ven * quick sale, 'fl' wnulndel.-e * frame barn a on newt lot. @2 | 100 nores near watered, . g¢ vflq Awelling ar Only $5,200, Vfi‘ 125 mcres mear * dweumf‘ t vod clay * ould brimg 200 mores in * dwelling lar fiee nekgh be * money . 300 nares in Es vev fered mt a su Other farms 4 * by, Brant, Car * over propesti or exchange. K | DOLLARsS * To lend i millions at fl' payments v&,( good mort; lected, C, * sale at lo w J The t.llo'ir are a few of the magy bargains, H. H. Miller is offering ; 100 aeres good land in mont, frame bamk barp, coméertable awelling, good4 soil, scheol very eonvenient, price only ©3,800 for very 100 acres Bentincls about 7 meres hardwood remainder cleared. . Good frame house and frame barn and other outbuildi schoot on newt lot. Weil watered, On:'ly 8,700. 100 sores near Hanover. Exoollent soil well watered, good buildings, including brick Awelling and frame bamk barn. Orchard. Quly $5,200, 12 meres mear Hanovew. Good soil, frame dweuu.lf." h]u.e bsflk bon‘x. r:sfl(l( aro:):. ?‘d oam soil, Offe or $5,600, NS ould bring $5000 easily if in Normanby. 200 mcres in Nowmanuby. Very large brick %::lgztl‘%?'uamnk bg'l large zllo geod soil, meney. oed. #14,000 and cheap at the 300 nares in Egremont. The * n {â€" fered at a sump as n sale uc;l“‘F.c:l}.:.d{.nrm ® Other farms in Bentinck, Exremont, Norman With the Americarn markes open to our Uanadian COattle and . Premier Beordea likely to ba compelied to.so legislate that our W heat and Wheat Produsts will enter the United States withoent Auty, the price of Ontamo farin lands ts boand to advance, You cannot Go better than to BUY NOW . New Ones for 1914 by, Brant, Carrick and the Nofth West. . Hanoâ€" over properties. . All kinds of property for sale orexchange. DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS To lend in hundreds, thousands or millions at lowest current rates, with payments to suit the borrower on good mortgage security, Debts colâ€" lected, C, P. R. and Ocean Bickets for sale at lowest rates, "Always promptâ€"Never Negtigent" H. H. MILLER, l You can enter any day at the j NORTHERKYY J _ AUISONAIILLLILIE Full line Oi&u holle Rohes and black white Oaps for aged people. Embaiming a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Roomsâ€"Across frompMiddaugh House, J. G. HUTTON,M.D..C M UNDERTAKER an Funeral Director OFFICE HOURS 9â€"1L1 a. m 2 â€"â€"4 p m 4â€"8 p. 04. Telephone unication between Off & ofldm at all hours. pe t Officeâ€"Over Jeweliry store nd o ppo site Post Office, W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L BS HONOB GRADUATE 'lu&n:o-lr%:m Gre Dentistry -'flf-%. HONOR GRADUATE of Toromo. University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Qntario Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Btore OUR SPRING PRINTS AREIN We haye a large range to select from and prices are moderate as well. An early call is your adâ€" vantage. #g~ Ne Mn aal Gence in Ceplon. Large Staff of § ,5_ y Individual Ins y **% Positions guaran graduates C A PLBMING, F CA â€" 6. D.FLEmING Principal for 35 years Secretary FFICE: Over J. P. Betford‘s ofice, nearly opposite Kegistry Ofice. Member Col J. F.GRANT D. D.S, L. D. S. and are a thing of beauty ENCE : Becond bhouse south of Rewiitry ce on east gide of Aibert St. W. H. BEAN Big 4 A. BELL OW BN, Paall mas a seueproqsia Ranover 11% PG# o o‘ Ibei: w6 h a side h OB ivgs lants 63 ;ob Ad ~a waim M a

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