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Durham Review (1897), 12 Mar 1914, p. 2

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H z; L1 The net. earnings amounted to) over tt per cent. of the paid-up qmpital, which now amounts to the substantial sum of $1,985,104.00. After deducting interest on deben- tum And deposits, amounting to $122,521.00, tho balance nvnilnhle (or distribution amounted to 8888,- 80tr00, of which sum $118,471.88 In: paid out in dividend», $100,000 was added to the reserve fund, and the bdnnoe carried forward to tho cre- dit of Loss and Gain account. In another column of this r-r' will be soon the annual int-chl- statement of the Standard Reliance Homage Corporation. This in one ot the best statement: issued by any financial corporation to: the you 1913, and was highly mud. ed by the shareholder: who were present at the annual meeting held a the o,rnpany'ts ofhoes, 8b88 King Street East, Toronto, on Monday March the semi. , The present corporation is In amalgamastion of the Btandard Loan Company and the Reliance Lou- and Savings Company of On- hrio, the smalsnmation having taken elect on the first of May last. The president. Mr. N. B. Sto- _ stated that tho net wings of we corporation for 1913 exceed- ed tho combined net earnings of the two companies prior to the anal- gamatimx by Over $30,000. This re- cord is well worth noting, as show: tTillillilll HUME IglllGllli tglnlllW' in; not only the eauaii, secured by the qsombina'ion of tho two qom- panies under one "wingspan, but it shows also what an; be accom- plirhed in the way of reduction of ”primes of oreratie?n. - lt will be noted from ' perusal of the statement that the total u- Beta now amount to $5,110,332.00. Thr position obtained in the in.» cial world by the Standard Reliance Murtgage Corporation places it amongst the. largest and most proo- Dominion. Tho comservative policy pursued by this corporation is an important feature for the consideration of those looking tor tsubstantial and safe investments. The debentures of the corporation no issued in sums of $00.00 or mom, and inter- est at tho rated tive per cent. per annum on these smounb is payable by coupon every six months. The oorporathm invites corres- pondence with reference totho safe Investment of funds a remunera- tivo rum. All oommunicstions should be addressed to the head other, 8268 King St. East, Toronto. ost Tenr's Earnings our 11 Per cenc--urrretrate Set Earnings for the Period Emil-g Deco- ber 8tst, 1913, $351” Take the conceit, out of some men and you’ve hardly got I grease spot left. Missionaries always so to the bad. Wotaay? There no- no swear words in 16pm. - - Chinese gourmets eat baked " lips. _ “lumen are fonder than men of lute". yet they believe it lea. Iro?.land's railways kill on the were” only one person a. year. The golden rule is a measure of conduct that we by dorm for other People The best way to servo a meal in Bo at it. Law.ver--"The rrosa-examination did not seem to worry you. Have you had any previous experience t" Clieob--'aix children." Mill ill BLISTERS (Ill ARMS jlllll Gl Suftered Seven Years. Itching and Burning. Did Not Sleep Half the Night. Cured Completely by Cuticura Soap and Ointment. 982?; Yong. a... 10mm. thtt.--"M, - sum-red for sewn years with a“ 'rttetroubhth-oahor-ad has In ulna-r Ntrtem and aha when. In cmmmmhuound banana It. "Rn-ad from Itching Ind bun!“ 3nd Io- MghepottodgtirsoFrtutrtttt"tiettt. "wo-d-------,------------' -aodthod-mtodoatttreood 'trtltwo-Cutirttr-radoutmmtt by which to w. and: cued." lib-II) Xb - new Mar tri I t3. Iinard‘s lemonl tor an "amino". Muldmn. Qua." Duringtbomldwinzor rum" 1 waq tumbled with (hand had: .rsdatso-rtoeotrttseoeau-ttr- coldwindn. Myhandsmvcrymilld -ch+raeiredergte-lto- *t'ttoetiirttt-rsMee 'extq" -otttrregtturnrortr. lama-IveJaqld -nderth-rutmaodstutttt_ mum Asian-.muvbd- umwmmmomt. [can umMuWkwm-mm “kw, (Maud. My” HANDS ROUGH, BADLY CRACKED For more than a generation (Judson Sup “(I Cum-ul- (Human: lam-o mm the not “In“ "cum Mm d -plrrM .1] be. me and mm a week." M) ML: Jenni. PM. Jan. o. It“. PM T AV“ FANCY. tinaneiaCuutitutions ii the I E paw-cud Putt" Den. a Dun-D.W"J.LA. deco. Sum “an“ M (we. will. up. n new Will‘s Wile Capture! 'e Across tho sunny vista ot Edith BartlettU nix mouths of married life there had been only a single shadow, the always podble and often imminent, although as yet un- realized, appeuanoe of Will’s Aunt Sarah. Will himself could find little whee for Edith’s fonts, since all through hie boyhood Aunt Sarah’s visits had been honors den-1y paid for, and he had, nuny memories of the trepidntion, anx- iety, and even tears that preceded her arrivals and followed her de- parturea. ' . coyttUEWNG " THE DRAGON "You can't explain it," he said. "She isn't rich, and she has no epo- cial social position, yet every one defers to her. You might fancy that in some previous Matter ot ex‘ meme she had been a. Grand Mo.. gul and hadn't trot ave; the hebiti' "cidiJridiiil fimUly declmd, with spirit, “I'm net going to wor- ry any more over Grmst-Aunt Sar- ah. When she comes, I'll give her the best I have, but I'm not going to treat. her differently from other people, and I'm not going to let her spoil the whole year.” . In spite of her brave determine tion, however, Edith would have been reluctant to waists how often she had dressed carefully for her possible guest, or how my have: of cake she had baked for Aunt Sarah. Then one morning, when her younger sister bad come over to help her put up jelly, the blow fell. "1t'a a. terrible old lady!" Milly whispered, excitedly, after she had answered tho bell. "8he's conning right out here; she insisted, and I eouldn't do a thing with her." -iiili/tirned while ; then, apron, grape-stained bands, and all, she advanced to meet her sues}. _ - "You are WillU Aunt Sarah, I know," she said. “I am Edith, and this is my sister Milly. If you won't mind I'm going to entertain you right in the kitchen, Aunt Sarah, until this jelly is done." set the table for luncheon. There were only poached eggs, fresh gin- gerbread, jelly and tea, but Edith offered it without excuse or spol, ogy. After luncheon she showed Aunt Sarah the house and her pretty linen and _chim. She R", Aunt Sank surrendered her wraps, and accepted g kitchen chair. Her aharp eyes took in everything. Edith, with her hands trembling, firsished her jelly, and Pu", -...-.. W- -___"""'V _ - _ no sign of embarrassment, but when her guut had finally depart- ed by the afternoon train she broke down. "My apron was stained, and the library wasn’t ducted, and she doean't eat gingerbread!" she sob- bed. "Oh, why did she have to coma to-day t" The next morning, however, a note arrived from Aunt Sarah. It was brief, but satisfactory, and it banished the shadowrforovor: .. "Dear Nephew William. I like your wife. She has omnmon can”. Give her my love. Yr. aur. aunt, Sarah Williams." IS YOUR BABY A GOOD BABY? Mothers, ask yourself the ques- tion: Is your baby a good baby? If not he is not well, for it u the nature of all babies to be ttood--- only the sickly baby is cross and hard to mind. If baby is cross and cries continually give him Baby's Own Tablets and ho will soon be happy again. The Tablets act as a gentle laxative. regulate the bow- els, sweeten the stomach and cure all the minor ills of little ones. Concerning them Mrs. J. P. Rich- ard, St. Norbert, N.S., writes: “I have found Baby's Own Tablets all that is claimed for them. My baby suffered from his stomach and bow- els and the Tablets cured him." They are sold by all medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Island Colony Is Spending Twice as Much as Canada. Australia's defence estimates. for military purposes, of October, 1913, amounted to 816,250,000, showing an increase of $7,000,000 over those of the previous tinancitil year, 1912- 1913. The yen 1912-13 was remark- able as being the ilrst in which the sear's quota of men performed their personal service in the militia, un- der the chm” of The Common- wealth Defenco' Act, relating to 1rompuuory training. Up to De- camber 3m, INS, 184,328 persona had registered their names, of theao 73.242 were exempted from verione causes. 61.593 being temporarily ex- empted through residing five miles from a training locality, 108,763 were liable for training and 105.725 actually underwent training. This quota was trained as recruits in accordance with Lord Eitchener's recommendation, and it is claimed that the results are ,satisdaetory. The magnitude of Australia's new organization may be judged from the fact. that the 13 field latteries of the old force will become 56 in the new, and in addition there will be six pennznont. field batteries. Duriniom last throo yen; some 1,000 no: has been purchased tg,,,.'"' hum-y purposes " 0125 one . The Naval estimates of October, 1913, for lest construction amount- od to 35,”,000, and 07,000,000 for other naval purpose}. The Canadian estimates recently brought down provide lor " ex- penditure of '10,400,000 for military purposes, and u the population of Australia in only about one-half of that ol this EP,""', it will be seen that Am i expenditure tor military "new tlone, u new!) buy - CI lien MI 'troportion, Al'sm.\u.\"s DEFENCE. Business Men and Breadwin- Iners the Victims of Nervous Exhaustion STRENUOBS WORK -, S0011 TELLS ON Ti)1 When worry is added to overwork men soon beware the victims of nervous exh-tiow-msuraatheuU-- the doctor cells it. Some hey-e no reserve strength in their systems to bear the strain; others overt-.3: what strength they have. If you find that you are nervous and not sure of yourself, that you sleep badly, and wake up tired and arch- ing, your nerves are out of order. Other signs are inability to take proper interest in your work, your appetite is fickle, your back feels weak, and you are greatly depress- ed in spirits. One or more of theser signs mean that you should take prompt steps to stop mischief by nourishing the nerves with the food they thrive on, namely, the rich, red blood made by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills have cured thousands of cases of nervous dis- orders, including nervous prostra- tion, neuralgia, St. Vitus deuce and partial paralysis. Here is an ex- smple. Mr. Jss. A. McDonald, Springhill, NS., says: "In the summer of 1912, as tho result, I think, of hard work, I was com- pletely run down and found it ne- cessary to quit work. I slept poor- ly, and what sleep I did got did not seem to rest me, as I was constantly tired. My appetite was poor and f1ckle, and my nerves unstruug. I had treatment from a doctor for some time, but it did not seem. to help me, and having heard a great deal about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I decided to try them. In the course of a. few weeks alter begin- hing the Pills I picked up wonder- fully, and was able to return to work feeling like a new man. I have not had a day’s sickness since, and naturally am now a firm be- liever in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills}: Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will work the same benefioial results in any other tired, wornaout worker if given a fair trial. If you cannot obtain the Pdlll from your dealer they will be sent tt paid at M cents a box or six xes for $2.60 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brookville, Ont. Men Who Rest on One Leg and Fight With Lions. A tribe of black giants known as "Jiemr," inhabiting a district of the White Nile, in tho Sudan, a thousand miles south of Khartoum, has been described by thy Rev... C; mismon. There are about 8,000 people in the tribe and they live in the neigh- borhood of the,Buhr-el-GUxelt the lagoon asst ot/Like Chad. "They are among the tallest tribes in the world," say») Mr. Lea-Wilson. "They are in buck, typical ne- groen, and do not practise either cannibaliamjor human sacrhiees, I have never men among them a. case of cruelty (to women or children. For gome Jensen apparently un- known even to tlwmselvesr, all adults have six of their lower teeth removed. They have a habit when at rest of standing on one foot like storks.". _ Mr. Lea-Wilson states that the surrounding country is like a. zoo- logiml garden. Elephants, trirab tes, rhinoceros, buffaloes, hippo- potami, lions and leopards abound. "During the Ia.rt wet season eight people were killed and eaten by lions. The Jieng people are re- markably brave and they have kill- ed two of these man-eaters with spears alone. This means that the first men attacking the animal are certainly killed before their com- panions can rush in and despatch the wounded animal.” Killed by Blood Poisoning l'sed an old razor for paring his corn; Foolish, bum a Me. bottle of Putnam'- Corn Extractor will euro all tho com. in a family for 1. you. Site. helm manly vegetable. Uere only Putnam'n Extarootor, Me. at all dealers. - "I saw my boyhood chum today. one that has become a millionaire." “Did he recognize you l" "I guess so. He turned a corner when he saw me coming.” Try Murine Ere Remedy It you have Red, Week, Watery Eyes or Greenland Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Sootttes E? Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eve emedy. Liquid, Mc, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25c. 50c. Eye Books Free by Knit. "idNrUii-aaf-re.r"'e,tf.tl't Hui-la. Eye Boned' co.. Chic-IO An Irishman fell from the roof of a house where he was at work. A passer by rushed up to him and asked .,--'iAres you hurt?” "It's all right," said the Irishman, “I had to come down for ngils, anyhow.” To set the genuine. can tor full numo. LAXATIVE BRUNO QUININE. Look for slxmture of E. W. GROVE. Cures n Cold in One my. 26c. Irhe father of . lugs tsmile ot children was vtrrintr hard to read the evening ”per. "What'e that tgrrible racket in the hall, Mu- t at" » downstairs." “Well,” he replied, turning over another page of the paper, “you lil the children if they eait full downstairs quietly they'll have to atop it." ' . RACE " BLACK GIANTS. ,fiiiiioir,Riaaigr of a medical um: Lima 6m um. no. Pather's Ulthltlll. of the children iust fell "IMO OW E3 aed Him. ore Chili. The French Birth rue statistics no worse thanover. According to the calculation established by au- hority, three children per may would sttitico to maintain the “his quo of the populamion, because one of the three my not improbably disappear baton the use of Mur- ity. Unhappily the last document is of a pessimistic character. The grave fact revealed for the first time is that thi msjority of French families have only one child. . In other years the columns of figures were headed by families having two or three children. Births diminished in number Luf- year, and in some districts did not succeed in filling the gaps caused by death. The particular new doo- ument which he caused "grave oom- mont is, the number of children per family, taking into amount also 916 profusion of the 1yoad:-wian1sr. The calculations are based on the census of 1900 and a. supplementary inquiry ordered in 1907, and there- fore are not my recent; they are none the loan inking. _ They show that out of 11,314,917 households, 1,804,710 hamiliu are without children, 2,968,171 have one chiH, 2,861,978 two children, and 1,643,415 threoyshilden. _ - Just under tin million hive but children, and just over half a. mil.. lion five, There are Nsweyr than a. hundred thousaod tamilies having eight children. . Taior1tr of Families Have Only The.birth rate is still highest in the poor ngionu and lowest in the richest. It attains its maximum among the titrher folk of Brittany, then among tho factory workers; it is low among rentiera and business employee. As salary increases among the working classes the num- ber of children diminishes. Joints Unit Aching Nerviline Drives SnrenessAway There are 1,350,000 bachelors in France above the age of 20, and fifty thouwnd more winders. Wonderful "Nerviline" is the Remedy. A marvellous pain reliever. Not an ordinary liniment-lust about five times more powerful, more penetrating, more painnnthduintt than any thick, oily or ammonia liniment. Nerviline fairly eats up the pain and stiffness in chronic rheumatic joints. gives quick relief to those throbbing pains, and never burns or even stains the skin. FRENCH BIRTH BATE LESS. NO MORE STIFFNESS. PAIN OR MISERY IN YOUR BACK OR SIDE OR LIMBS! “Rheumatism kept my joints swol-, ion and sore for ten years. My right knee Joint was often too painful to al- low me to walk. in this crippled tor- tured condition I found Nerviline s blessing. Its warm, soothing action brought relief I had given up hoping tor. I rubbed on “mane: of Nervi. line and improved steadily. I also took Ferrozone at mealtime in order to purity and enrich my blood. I am to- dsy well sud can recommend my treatment most conscientiously. (Signed) C. PARKS.“ Prince Albert. Not an ache or pain in the muscles or joints that Nerviline won't, cure. It's wonderful for lumbago and sciatica; for neuralgia. tytitt neck, earache and toothache. Nervtllne is simply 8. won. der. Best family linlment known and largely used for the past forty years. Bold by dealers everywhere. large family size bottle 500., small trial size Me. Refuse a substitute, take only "N'erviiine." This Cocker Spaniel Was Tery Fond of Sugar. That one dog at least not only reasons, but has been known actu- ally to cheat, is the conviction of a. young English army oihcer who owns a. smart cocker spaniel. Among other tricks, the oifieer has trained the dog to answer "letter call," and fetch his owner's mail to the mess table. Pleased with the dog's intelligence, the officer fell into the habit of giving him a. lump of sugar frou.uhs breakfagt table. One morning, Boon after the trumpeter had sounded "letter call," the spaniel came in with nei- ther {papers nor letters. This wag unusual, for the officer subscribed to a daily paper that invariably ar- rived ia the inorning's mail, but he thought little of it at the time. About eleven o'cloek, however, the dog entered his smurter's quarters, and deposited a muddy paper upon the floor, The officer did not un- derstand the situation, but he gave the dog a. lump of mg”. Half an hour later the dog appeared again with a, very muddy and crumpled letter in his mouth. Then the own- er’s suspiciqms were aroused. He gave the dog another lump of sugar. and watched him. He soon found that the dog had buried the morrfmg's mail in the rear of the officers' mess. and was digging it up a, letter at a time, apparently with a view to a lump of sugar for each piece of mail. "It is aid tint more than one person has been killed by kissing." "Yes, but isn’t it great it you live through it?" Dr. Mon-00'. Indian Root Pill. EB. 4. A DOG THAT CREATED. in!“ Avis». medicine toy the children. Win-1': they are continue! -whsn their Mum are out of ordu when ',gr2thttg in come Inuit: food give, intimation --pr, Horse's Indian Root Pi will Purely vegetyMesthe.y neither dcken. when“ gripe, l'iftdit'etgrt'tt' Guard an: ehtitimt'o th by “way: tht be: of Dr. Man: I Min Rook In the home. They ISSUE 10-14. - CATARRH AND WEAK THROAT NOW CURED WITHOUT BWAL- LOWINO DANGEROUS DRUGS. It's simply wonderful to think how quickly a bad throat or cstsrrh can be cured with CtsttuTtumotte. Its rich bslsunic vapor is osrried along with the breath into the innermost recesses of the lungs, bronchial tubes, and chest, making " impossible for the gem of any disease to live. Thus soreness in the chest is at once alle- viustd--phietrm is loosened and eject- ed from the throat, old-standing coughs are removed. Stops a cough IN ONE NIGHT By Breathing the Soothing, Heating Vapor of Caurrhozono All Throat and Oct-rrhal Trouble I. Quickly Gland. "l lunar“ from an Irritable, weak throat for three yuan. I had a "tfet'tt couch. pain over the syn, tttttteta" bad um In my mouth, and none: In my can. " was chronlc 6atarrh. No- thing gave permanent roll“ till I and ttatarrhoatrtte. tn one hour It reliev- " and In I few wonk- drovo all "no of nun-h from my system." _ _____ “TIMOTHEUB A. amour. "No. 6 Lopez street. Kingston. Jo." REMEMBER THW-you Months Ctttarrhogotttt and it will cure my throat, chest or bronchial cold: urge size. summed, costs $1.00, and Itutttg two months; smaller sizes, Me. and 60e. Beware ot imitation' and insist on "t3ATARRH0Z0NE" only. By mail from Cnmrrhozone Co,, But- tnlo. N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. Llght on Domestic Attain, of These Long-Dead People. The archaeologists who are con- ducting the German Oriental Boci- ety's exploration of the ruins of ancient Babylon, Nineveh, and Ashur, have deciphered two brick tablets that throw an interesting light on the domestic affairs of these long-dead people. One of the tablets tells of a di. vorce case, in which a mum, who has made up his mind that he can- not live with his wife any longer, promises to give her what he con- siders a, satisfactory alimony: "Naid Marduk, son of Shanash- balm, will give, of his own free will, to Mamua, the wife, and Arad- Bunini, her son, four quas of food per day, three quas of drink; per your, fifteen mamas of cloth goods, one pi of sesame, one pi of salt, which is at the warehouse. Naid Marduk will not increase it. In case she flees to Nergal, the flight shall not annul it. It appears that twenty-five cen- turies ago the wife could be di- vorced in a, most summary fashion; but if she renounced her lord and master, a, hard fate was hers, for the second tablet reads: - W‘rr‘Iikme at the ofhco of Mushezib- Marduk, priest_oi Sippar."_ “Rinum, non of Shamkhatum, has taken as wife and spouse, Bashtum, the daughter of Uzibitum. Her bridal present shall be twenty she- kela of money. It Bashtum to Ri- num, her husband, shall say, 'Thou ant. not my husband,' they shall strangle her and cast her into the river. If Rinum to Bashtum, his wife, shall any, ‘Thou art not my wud,' he shafl' fay ten Shekels of mgney ff her aliens:'.' .. . The alimony provided in this case was about six dollars and twenty cents, according to Professor Eise- len. All prices were low in those far-off days, and wages were small accordingly. . One brick, dated 2200 13.0., records a contract by which a. man hires a. son from his mother, to labor for two and a. half ahekels a year-shout one dollar and fifty-five cents. Women with Salton Skin Ilene is a. Good Treatment! Womanly beauty is largely the out. ward expression ot _healgh. _ _ - Every woman with pale cheeks and poor complexion needs medicine--- needs a potent tonic to regulate her system. - _ _ To tone up the tstomach-to Insure good ditretrtion--to give new lite and vitality to the whole system-where is tr,,'! a remedy like Dr, Hamilton'a " Dr. Hamilton's Pill: enable you to at what you like-they correct con- srtiptvtion---ma%s nourishing blood--- mm force and vim into a run-down "ttem. A _ - If nervous and can't sleep. your re. medy is Dr. Hamilton's Pio-they search out the cause of your condition and you rise in the morning refreshed, strong, vigorous, ready tor the day's work. Dr. Hamilton asks every weak and debilitated person to use his Mandrake and Butternut Pills. They nuke old folks feel young. and weak folks feel strong. Their elfects upon insomnia and langour is marvellous. Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet the nerves so that a good night's rest al- ways follow their use. To look well. to feel well, to keep well. use Dr. Hamllton's Pills. They are mild, cleansing, tstrengthening-ttood for the young or old. Bold by' all dealers In 25c. boxes. "Yes, indeed, times have greatly changed in the past few years.” " suppose so. F'r instance l" "Well, Fr instance. A once tbtV tocutic plumber up in my, neigh- borhood now goes to the haughty butcher round the corner to borrow money to keep his lamina-u alive." An old Scotch body who had en- tered a. firat<rhuts oompartment in a train, with an unwieldy basket on her arm, was asked very trigidly by one ot the occupants of the carriage it she-did not observe that it Watt BrstuGaa, “Ag, ay." wan the re- tort; "but the ithes curiae. is all tu', IO I'll just hae to put up wi' any -xmtmodatimt I on get I” DIVORCE IN BABYLON. lime-l" um: Gm You Get Results Quickly. Me Stakes mm. Old and “on laid: at Trent- lelt Computed. It is evident that medial science. in its determination to master dis- euo. has found in radium . pawn-- ful weapon agai: at 4wrMNYr, cud the all upon the Government to retain its radiant fVlds in the West, and the proposition of distinguished phvsicians to aid tho general Gov- nrnment in a plan to cheanen the substance and tiniversalise its tren- rva, in beautiful in the extreme Hezekiah, King of Judah, who lived 700 years B.C., had a growth on “in body, which may well have bsen 113 Hwy, "my" wu.’ "V" _...._ a “no”, called in the record a boil. It was Divine power that wrought the cure. but a maria} instrument was used in the poul- tice, the primitive remedy. "And Isaiah said, Take I lump of furs. And they took and laid it on the boil, and he recovered.” (II. Kings, xx., 7.). We often say to ourselves, "1 would gladly do my duty if I know wut it is." Doubt}ess_therg ism can in which it is herd to decide, but . tenth of Goethe on the sub- ject is well worth remembering. “How can we know ourselves? Never by reflection, but by notion. Do your duty and you will find out the sort of man you are. 'But what is w, duty t' What my asks of you. ' Do not consider too hr, too deeply, too seriously. Do the plain, present taak, and do it well. It is amazing how pleasant you feel when it u done-and it, is net wholly un- pleasant even in the doing. lam-But Does can Piles Mrs. c. Hanson. wife ot the pro. prtotor of the Comments! Hotel. l Poplar. 3.0., mtttertrd tron plies for, years. Went to doctor after doctor tn ( “in. Finally went to Spokane and" had on operation. Twelve months i afterwards she was as bad again. She l says, “One day I read about Zam- Butt and thought I would try it. The 1 tlrgt one or two boxes gave me more I ease than anything else I had tried, so f I went on with the treatment. In a short time I began to feet altogether ditterent and better, and I saw that Zam-Buk was going to cure me. Well, I went on using It, and by the time l J had used six boxes I was delighted to: and myself entirely cured.” . l It you nutter trom this painful all- ment; or from eczema. ulcers or any skin disease, don't waste time. Try Zulu-Bax. 50c. all drum and stores. Any person who has followed the l sea for any length of time will have; experienced, especially in roughl weather, the annoyance which is, caused by the incessant working and hanging of doors, due to the rolling and pitching of the vessel. To ensure uietness the door of a stateroom, (for instance, must be shut. To place it on the hook would mean the rattle of the door, which is intolerable, even to those who spend the major portion of their lives on the hriny. Many ideas have been put forward, and many inven- tions formulated, with the object of obviating this nuisance, but none have been successful so for. A new device, which is expected to be on "hes market at an early date, is tho invention of Mr. Broigan, one of Liverpool's foremost Scotch engi- neers. His patent is simplicity it- self, and adapts itself to any pre- sent class of cabin or saloon door. It is noiseless. takes up no room space, and presents no obstruc- tions. 'So be praised her singing, did het" "Yer, said it was heavenly.” "Did he really any that?" "Well, not exactly; but he probably mount: that. m said it was unearthly.” Minard‘s LiMmont Co., Limited. 13ent1ettum.--My daughter. " your: old, was thrown from c sleigh and injured her elbow so bully it remained mm and we" “sinful for (have years. Four bottles of IXABD'S LXNIXENT commonly Fund her, and all. bu not. been troubled tor me your. - . , St. Joseph, P.O.. 18th Ann 1900, He-lor Heaven’s sake, woman, stop that perpetual nagging. It you keep on much longer I'll about my- self.” t.he---"You do, you watch! You dare fire " a revolver in this house! You’ll wake the baby 1" m cm! In I to " Buy- 2pgtpsN'kt, refund money " OXN MENT ntutt to cure Itching, or l’rolndinz Piles. Wrst app“ (We: relief. We. , "Did you but u bad toothache y' "I think fro ; bit if you know of nny other kind of toothlehe, perhaps it was that kind I had." An Important Invention. For any injury to the 'Kiev-cuts, bruises, insect bites, etc. .-Carttolated “Vaseline" is soothing and cleansing. It helps to Invent infection. Ecpecinlly useful for the W's Ind: bum Ind matches. Other "Vaseline" tgr/tlt,',',',','):', other daily needs. Valuable booth, y 1I1usuated, tree on request. l CuMhtt06tt [NAMES CIHtPANY (Command) I”. a.“ Ann-o In CANCER (DUKES. 1hiiiiiiiiii, In the Air. to ourselves, Yours truly. 7 J. B. Lumen: PINK EYE Etbgt oney " P I) re ltohlnx. 36:11. First. appllcauon “I u g, outta-i. luau cum». In... to “atrium relie4onq liMnmm in mm community. Shaw dare work. Bxprr‘mnm not mum. "cm or men. Otmor. tunhzy It: git-motion. 9mm than may in and. Internryonn] Bible Pro- (bunny. cr,a. (Mt, rut, 'Ty,ttyg,gt,',ep .WPRoWD rum, 8 [any equip“ rm or without that Write owner. as Wilton. Toronm. If TOV IA!!! TO BUY 03 "" A ”Int. Mock. (huh. ov Duh, I if!“ . I. hum-m. Bramttton, or a (‘0ch IL. qetrortq. irt-iioafLr.- Toronto Can-dun Me" Restorer c, OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN I York County. summery and Book Blaine-l In ronnu‘uon. Prlra only "OM. Terms liberal. “WI-on Publish- Lnl Company. " Well Meklde Street. -griveTT.it'tP"g; maximums. mm t Vuktm. Free (Tu-log. McConnell ' Son. Gromnd. Ontario. - CWM; IUIOBI. Mill’s. Em. mun-l and umruul. cured In). on pain by our homo Hellman. Wm. on heron too lam Dr Beltran loam: On., United. Coillnnond. Ont I W. DAWBOI. COIN?!" Toronto, Renown Grey Hair to original color. um 1mg”. use Iron nuns bottle, hair of one become. bin: k. the out" blond or other color us they wen- m youth. Sup. Pam“ Huh. Dartdrutf, Itch mg. Cures atl.baltt Dhaka, Produce! New Growth. Sada-mm summed or money back. mug-nut an hr 0-. his (m pull.) Before and After ”dag. Renown Guy Hail: m‘ujlllninl - ggrlu'iwo Eight - -__H __ Not sold m mm. warm and!“ "ir ”that N., MIMI. out. tCllr':",':":"'?)]"'."'))"" Found-Mrs. Clarke came rum ning hurriedly into her hushu': t I office one morning. "Oh, link." the cried as tthe gasped for bra-nil. “I dropped my diamond ring off "I." tuttrer, and I can't, find it MV- where.” “It's nll right. Bess." o'- plied Mr. Club. “I name on " it in my trousers pocket." )f, Mid horsemen , u have saved 5‘ money by using Kendall’s Spa- Vin Cure for Spavim Curb. Riugbone. Splint. Bony Growths and Limeness from many other causes. It keeps horses working. A " bottle may save a horse for you. Get a bottle the. next time you are in town. Sold Iv: druggists everywhere, tl a bottle. ti for to, also ask for a copy of our bu l. "ATreatise on the 1Iorse"-orwrite to . I.’. MP "a"a'd'MYdyWS'dd" k Probably nothing could have I more powerful elect upon social domestic and individual welfar' than the widespread ditrunion n: the spirit of truthulness. It unde- r lies all honest and faithful work. " right fuliilment of relations, "ll m dependence and self-telnet: for in who is in this high sense fuithfu': to the truth will be Isithful to him...“ and to others. ow; WE WANT YOU. warn Minion Shula Minuet 00.. Wind- Maui's LII-Mom Reliant vacuum; Cranston Cylinder Pun. fut whine for six column. tour page newspaper, used very little, in perfect condi- tion, low price. Wilma Pub, licking Comp-my. 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. FOR SALE Jr2" will pay you $I20.00 iiwuunu roll out VIC-I '0. .ltl NUIOIRV STOCK. mutually"; WANTED mtTEW‘Bl Quinn», teE"tlt mu ALL so“: we mun mum!" and" (or - but!“ I on. and 9mm. 61.. TONI-u ' 'IL, ' = h m r- . ' «A tr "hed. Ill . The duc‘lu' A m but "aunt Btt, lying on to! h " n.- u the "all. Is u- mi- vhleh has "thar, no. w, and how nanny g. III-Mom “UM-83M hon burn And had died kia imiii' Gin? haul: man A, “um «m h “In! q ha- o-ytp‘. Ind 0001“ 'm‘ "a an u- an u want an bun Me t " I". it! VIM: I am: I who found “a hr could vol II. m bo M .n nonm- n A. nu 'Jd'u'l'l, on to our; Mu For I -rtt In (I: Alt“. Ind would“ br u M It.“ " the Mn 10- 0! Hiram. no It I "utu, '__ 'u h-prnod' I“ bd_lod. What no I? m Tbe W - -do ‘h -ert; tTdarTriii. Bound when b "WW: of " iiLii do“; half t - a. In“. and 0-. man up. bur-pd . l' . and he tt 'iety'ir1e','c.u, our”! I when .rmeMed m tum-r L One, mn' mu and 4:. 09h? h 'iNmVOIId bu.“ 'l‘lo hb~”. i" t “MM "h '00- g M “to. k" I. ”can. "In “an I. An" P I up“ tbe War. wad. an. I but: I. " lb. tale? Tho limo-9| .n rqh It. - non-4v rwm- Mt C' r' R .‘m' In I‘M“ will“ "u,rr,'o, u' erthor and PAH dun ire Iva-av n ‘ hut the no: Ora-gown Mm , " “I. .- trot bur-l. are»: “and FF 'I eiod. low mm d d . "mu 7.0 “on “we?! Ma emu." “'MIQ gnu; st-free up ' ME Pt new TM I um . "My 1 Y u'pvu.‘ u- tttrt, a no.» .. n...- a ' .u 'trr/d',', I', on ," a" I“. ', . ”A h dmttat. It; mu- , " a? lk. dm"tor .retattt ud " " hon: " _ Gum 'vr 15;»,- nil t in": hid. WM“ " down)! I‘ dbrtdyruN / ast.Axadua.s ’r-wJ-m-w luv-Ma bad qua is? ye, "in! to 1 mu [1-5 Mf Ill NIT hi: Chan " Aro y.» I, "t it?! I "In-m Her G CHANT.“ XL!!! an m 't"B'r? No, I‘D: ttt"g,'Yd hull - " 'U"?. 't iii'd " . " O l . n I: but in: tUT all In M: It it ova? mod it”: NM In! of h Crow Corn his Jack Spat Hi. We © Snid she, “I I For which, Crown Syrup; We'll lick n!- ' Th mm in)“. or, A Ste tha, .ef, trto an. 11rT, 3.. in: Puoynlum.‘ "tto-UC" QMM'MG: U,utdlt,il,k . fl'; and fiEiii2,yi), 1 “mm Jinan" Ut '33.": h d 00m.-!u1 1mm eh inda "IV? nut um my [a CROWN who. A" I'd SR, la

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