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Durham Review (1897), 12 Mar 1914, p. 4

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ulnndl Bt-Mets. autumn-u: v,a.,i'i'iili'd,?iir',ii1,i'i'ii?r, mu m t'dr1l"lot'lt.2Sd I _ Gafgt',ri'&,'g,g. LL. Wu ot...ytt*trrst h, in mm '" a”; 'tgi2iSt,il','ftiidlifie TGGG: C Id le,', mm " “I he" a‘ w e "an un we r pvt-anon Ind-maniacs: mined... pe M" In; ple tGW 13¢?in teMrhtqt volt. a following com I. I cm 1 mos. A my. 1 W. Illl.l r. “All cm s. was! Durham . Continuation [r't"t John McGowan oll 'ei'i7i'iiiiiiiaaa-t"'"ms,,.. Ew. L. 1*", t Emma ta, &toemar"itte,t, 2 Evans (Bridge g 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY at $25 per ton Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop at $23 Luz: ship 11 , 1:1 mm direct t) as twice a Week and on aeeoimt Mthe treat d sat m1 lo! Oysters " out store they are lure to be in first clan treat: cmdition when they strive here. THE CITY BAKERY Large Quantity of No. l Feeding ifay Headquarters for L'atWotionery and all 831317 goods Ail kind: nfgnin bought at market price.- on Flour and Feed in ton lots Mnfr2'.E? Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour UOHUHUOIIOH Panama. Mar 5. 1914 school Flour perewt........ 340 t St." and Equipment. 8g,'ttlpgytt", .... 12fflt rrllj"ll)'A'eoa.r.el'gp2rf2ttpg 'lG'ltlt '! INuirtteat...... .... trot Tite specitllrdeaitaed aal aptrd tte mathod now generally alipzel for :.l':::-nlly preventing entry of all draught, snow. nest. raia or dust of an; kini, thoreby insuring an even tamper- ature throughout the building. Why deny yourself the maximum of comfort at the minimum of expense. All tnstal-mtather strip costs less, is far more " lective th in st mu sash and is a permanent institution, requiring no rem )val, M at public buildings in large cities are equipped with it Architects specify it, the Government demands it. Every window and every door where ever made of wood will be equipped with Estimates cheerfully given. Work guaranteed Write, Phone or Call. Manufactured and installed by Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time FRESH OYSTERS Tn: lmuly ot having oystos is having than fresh J. G. Furber dk Go. The In. of supp}, and demand h£epo tn tmar CR'MPED OHS for Horse Feed at $23 per ton CHOPPED OATS ac........... $23 per ton "Urn when. tn ruin“ THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Fresh and Clean at “.50 off car. See this liay before purchasing elsewhere It will pay you. Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactory bring It back and get. your money. ay. .6. (taunders ' ”WWW mmvvvmmmnxrdt': EVENTUAL? Call and see our new line of up-to-date Spring Shoes for Men, Women and Children. We have the verynewest lasts in patent gun metal and Tan Calf for men, and our stack of Womens include Suede in eith- er grey, brown, or black, also Patent Colt Gun metal and kid. We have a number of other lines which we would be pleased to show you when you call. All=Metal Weather Strip a and Putin-m holl- In at. Wgqtttratrt Why Not Now See on" before you buy DI'RHAM. ONT t Durham Markets. Blames per bag. .... 1.10 to l Hides.............. 'd) Iuef,tireissed........ 1200ttt13 Haas. live.foh..... 8 Drudapplets.............. Hny,perton..... .... 1200mm List has been earulully revised. 9m. milling..... NiRiwil I I gml'g Wheat. A ROWE Special Reduction 1200:01300 880 ..... 05 . 1200:01600 240 to 2 90 2 40 2.50 1 15 to 1 30 37 to 35 to 80 to 48 to 20 to 5t) 88 15 iit 90 90 37 Full particulars at Grand Trunk Tie. ket Otticea, Toronto. or write C. E. HORNING, D. P. A. WM. CALDER, Town Ticket Agent J. TOWNER, Station Ticket Agent From Toronto and stations No: th and Weo oi Toronto. Proportionate low farm trom stalions east of Toronto. Return limit two months. Irie parka”: $tettiett, March 3rd to Oct. 27th: inclusive via Uhimgn, St. Paul and Duluth. To M numb». Alberto, Saskatchewan Each Tuesday tromeseekers' Excursions Rev. Mr. Geigerot Elmwood, held his regular services in the Evangeli- cal church on Sunday last. It being such a beautiful night the church w" well fllled. Mr Collins of Chnmworth visited the Sunday Schools in the village on Sunday and zavn a very interesting add ress on Sunday School work. Mrs. Jas. Buchanan spent Wednes- day with Mrs McElwaiu. A band of willing workers gather- ed at the home of Mrs L. Print on Fridny afternoon to show a specimen ot their good quilting and completing three quills. All enjoyed asocial Mtel mum's chat. The meeting uf the Women's Insti- tutu was held an the home nf Miss Alice Davey on Wednesday afternoon when after the bustle” part was ower, a very dainty lunch was serv- ed by the Muses Davey and James Miss Mable Davidson entertained a number of her lriemis on I‘hursday evening. A very t-njuvuble evening WA: spent in music and games. Mr Will Elliot of Mooretitsld spent Sunday with Miss Zumuch. Mr and Mrs John Pears 0t Winrton. are wsmng friends and relatives in the burg. A number from the villnge attend, ed the carnival In Chat8wcrth Shun dny cveumg. Although the spring month. have come '" King Winter cull shown himself by covering Old Earth mth additional blank“: of the white man- tle, In consequence the logs still continue ta come into our local mill and colds are as randy as eye: for the unwary. Old to report that Mrs H: Dry Nuhn it able to be around again. Another of the pioneers of Bentinck in the person of Mrs P. Crimmona, died from 5 stroke of apoplexy on Monday. tho 8rd inst. Miss Annie Alexander has returned from Hamdton for a month', visit at and around her home. Mr Sam Kenton ol'Chesley spent the tirstot the Week in the burg. Mr and Mn, John Skeno, of Win. ton, who have beep visiting and re- newarg acquaintances m Ind around here tor the past two weeks, have re- turned home JL-is your drum!“ for If it. It hs, Cattwrt snyrty the MARYr.L, MW“. no other, bat um! 8mm; tor Hua- I tratod book-r-tttml. t gives tall l tratti_epltst1Lsyy0hrcetlomi invaluable to Indiés. wmnsoi: Arriiriiiir.rwouor, on General Ago-nu for Clank. A number of young people of the surrounding and Edge Hill districts. spent a plenum. night at the home of Chas Manley. The nigln was 3pm: in the usual pastime. daneing which WIS continued till the early hours of the following day. Another and likely the hot and worst of our Winter storms passed over this province on Sunday And Monday. Although it did no damage here. we understand that in some puns it caused greet desiruauon of property. Mr Michen. an uncle of Mr Puko's is waiting at the latter’s homo. Mr Thos Flumngan is seriously ill with pneumonia. From Toronto. and Sutton: West Ll, North of Toronto. Proportionate has from Stnyonl Eyytyf Toronto. Each Tuesday March 8 to October 27. inclusive. Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return .. 43.00 Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return 43.00 HOMESEEKERS’ EX C UR SIGNS (ONE-WAY sncom; cciil" EACH TUESDAY. MARCHVAND mu. Wedding bells are ringing. REr?9ppsjcrrraERti'" FARES MANITOBA"," ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN ReiiiAti'iiitGGGi' Tin. WlLLlAMSF0R0 MARCH. 12.1914 DORNOCH Every. View THE DURHAM REVIEW =e "e - in"--. '"'n."""FFtt- I ha Md‘uulz 75, Neil Shot tread M. Jr r t "r-En, Hooplo 78, Mabel I'ueker Ttr, ' f Minnie MrEucborn 74 HI-ich') L i M<Uuaig 82. thas. Tuck?! 79, Em. Me. ' Ember-n 15. JUN) Shay-tread 68, J Iny Manngnll 65. H-rtart Mela-0d Ti, Finn Melba-mil m. t-g 'Alet Ile- ‘0uig79. Allin Ichhem a Anal. Br4th--E Putwrsnn; CLmo.,, M Brll. Jr tth--E Rim-hie. J Bell, M Haley. tir Chd--M Atkinson. " 3 rd V Ritchie, M Davis, G Bell. A Lind. way. A Ritchie, 0 Bell. M No-well. 2ad-.-H ttills, R Davis. lst-U Lind- say. th Primer-ht Bitt. JrA Prim. eru-W Cox. Jr Primer-E [in-grave. ELIZABETH Soot Teacher. U. NO. IO, G. d: R. FrHsinr MeCuuR 81. Dr IV- Wil- trn bit-(Punk 75. Nle Auburn“; at I lth--H Mclhllivmy, Dan M'Al'lh~ ur, Flora MrF"tlarv, Mall McKenwu. Sr 8rd--Thors Edwnlds, Neil MrFM- lane, Lennmd Mrlirowr, Jr 3rd-- John McFarlane. Mary Edwards, Sr Md-- Esttwr Mclnnin. Allan Molnnio. Jr 2ud--Armie Edumds, Willie Ed- wards, Unmeson Sun-HIP. Primer-- Archie McArthur, Neal McAthur. MargurcrMrlhsHanr. HHZPI Ed warm. D, MCDONALD, Teacher. No. 1LBENTINCK Sr >l'h-I anlrtl. J Langrill, u Limp-Ill. J: lm-E Sharp, ti Law- Ient‘e, n Smith. b'r3rd--M Webhev, (I \lountnin. Jr 3rd--l Alexander, M M Lawrence. tir 2nd--H Mountain, 0 Rstchro, A Arrntrtronm Jr 2nd--N lmnzrill. P Noble. lo-M Alexander. u Ritchie. Pr. U-H Lawnence, l Armstrong. B--E Noble, A Noble. H. H. WILLIS, Teacher. No, 3, GLENELG _ Jr ' h-Kat", McNally, Reuben Paw lor. Willie Bilchw. tir3ed--Ureit Po. lor, George Willmws, Lizzle Mot-mum. Joe Morrison. Jr 3rd--Johr, Ritchie, Jr 2rtd--Howatd Ruchie. John Botti, 1'om Morrison Br "t--Marton Bo d, Wlllle Morrison. Sr Pr-mia 3min» Ethel Anderson, Melvin. Anderson, Vina Parlor. Average attendance 14. MARGARET Mommy. Teacher. N0. 6, HENTINCK Sr 4th--Eva Redford, Elm Ewan:- ley, Jr4ttt---DousieNubn. SI 3m.- Waller Buyce. Saul: McthUlum, Edun Cox. Jr. 8rd--Edear Boyce. Myrtle Halley. woe Auk-nu. and Bailey. tir aur-Elste Boyce, Annie momma, Rena Boyce. Jtosie Twamlry, Gvov'gr l Blown Jr 'hui-atv, Yandi, Howard McCullum. . Sr I-Melvin Adina. Mil. dred Brown. Lavern MeCailum. Pri- mer -Peart Itear, Vern Bailey, Stun- ley Re”. Blanch Boyer, Gertie Me- Oullum. J. M, F'rwrrr, Teacher. No G, GLEN ELG Sr 4rllu;\gnn-~' MAM», Oren Pram. Eduiv (Wk, Joe Edwards. Jr4th- Rubhiv JukkNHL ti, 3rd--Keitu Ed. wttrde, HeriutrTtrttttiot,s, Murinl Brut on. Jr 3vd-iti. Cook, Edna Mo, Ulocklm, Ray MrUl-wklin. th 2nd- Willm Or-y and Clifford Cook eq, Jimmir Pun”. Mrtrtrret Gr'venwoud. Jr '2uri--lhreleu" (hunk. Jucsir- R Haley Hum-l Firth. Sr 1-4»le Benton Jr lwt-BPH>ie Bertton, Hr Frimer- Willie Edwrtrdm (iharlie it mson, Ar erage andanu' 22. War R. WALLACE, Teacher. No. l, GLENELG Min Sarah McDonald returned borne last Thursday. after visiting relatives " Covlon. accompanied by her cousin. Mr Hugh McPherson. Mr. Allan McKinnon ‘of Wilkie, 8.3“, was home on a short visit to has relatives and reatrurd last Thur- , ay. 77 _ _ _ SI 4 h---.lohrs \Vul~h. Rube [mm Jv3,d---Mary A|"Xatl ctter Rddoll Gludrs Curl: Leclinah an. Hector Boyre. Mari» uuim, First-My, Marni" Ruldell, Hanna“. der, John (farm ' . No, 8, NORMANBY s5th-I Marshall. 4 h-A Balm arm and c, Thmupsun eq. K Young. U Ruh- immu and o Metzger "r. " Widuteyrat Sr 3rd-N Andi-050" Jr 3rd -M Ito. rrs. " Yotng, H. Thouwrou, H Horr, H "ttll. M, 2md--M Harv-y. A Prutr.; Jr '2nd-- M Rnlumnn. M \Vlnlufmd. A Diplnck. G Wuhnr'yer, A Pn tr-r. SI Pl 2usi--t: Whvriord. “Se-1m. il MI!- te: Jr Pt 2rtrl-H G .ney. P Yru: g. T Felvk Firl, -N “yaw, B Bu t'9, V Pretbt, Jr 1,i--31 G.lrnout, M Pt, t. fo r. Avratuure a! .mum- m- 25. "V, R. BINNIE, Tran-hm- We have not heard any more about the Railroad. Hope it will keep go- nng till It rvachvs Dornoch. Mr ll. M. lhrgavel purchased It fine cow the other day at the neat sum of $65.00 The Mission Band was held in the basement of the church on Saturday afternoon,. wile I number being pres- ent. Good readings were given on " Chim.” MISS Lyla McKnight spent Sand-y Wlth her parents here. Mr J, Ridden md his mother spent a couple oi days with old neighbors near Klnghurst. They expect leaving for the Weet in a few weeks. Some one will led bad. Eh Jack ! The Women'e Institute was lpld on Wednesday last. at. the home of Mrs Alexander, all the members being present. it being our annual meeting. All the old ttffieerg were re elected. Next melting will be held at the prom dent's, Mrs It. M. Darguvel'a. Mr 119de Hector Brown left le! week to visit friends " Arthur ind Milton before they leave for their home in Plenty, Svsk. Mr Neil Counts of Toronto was no on a business, trip in this vicinnj. the beginning ot the week. Mr and Mrs D. Mclbnnld enter mined a few friends to a party one "gain; reeendy. __ - Mia-Sarah Manama]! visited " Mr McCanm'a in Want recently. Mr Audrew Mine and tamily have this week to Iixe un their new 150 aeretarm in Brant. The price We beliew in $8,400 We Wish them all success and happiness in their new home. Mr. R. Twamley is busy drawing haytothe wants of some Durham people. The Bay. Mr Mllla has been laid up with the cold. Glad to see he wan able to fill the pulpit on Sunday. School Reports AGNEB M. Rum“, Teacher No, 13, BEN'NNCK -.lrthrs \an-h. Robert Lodinc- ','l,d---Mury Alum-uh". Flou- ldo ll Gludrs Chrrlett. Percy No. 9; GLENELG CRAWFORD DORNOCH 'ia'tutiAit', Utll'lrtf. Perry 're. J, 2ud-- MyrueAoys F, Al Gu Miga Moflatrot Greenoob. is visiting her many friends in this burg. T “in Susie Bell. ot Popular Flue. ms the guess of mu Non. William' tor a few dnyllasn week, A couple of sleighlo'ads trf the young people attended I party. " Mr Hartley 's, ot Duruuch on Friday night last and all report agocd time. Mr and Mrs W. J. IleFarlnne visit- ed Alon lrienda one day hm wank. ""iriuis,rt Williams, of Hamilton, visited with his sister, Mrs John Col- lier, I eoaple of days In: Week. MacFARLANE & co,, Druggists Mm Fred Staples and children are visiting friends in Mukdale this wee . The stately form of J. D. McFay- deu'g large Newfoundland dog " Guelph " will be seen no more, for on Monday last, he laid down and died just the same " other dogs do " the good old age of eleven years. - Hr Tha. carid visited friends near Px'icevillu one day lately. A Inge crowd attended Mr Wm. Ritchie's ule on Friday Int, every- thing going as A good price. - i; iioti.%joe"O Jn Tuesday ot this week f or me West, utter upend- Ing the lust (our monthe at his old "ii/i-ii/ii,. William of Saul: Sm Marie, visited for 1 tew days " Mr John Collie“. - A -- a Mr And Mrs It. A. Lawson, Mr and Mrs T. Lander, of Durham I d Mr Henry Brink-m and son Herbert, Allan Park, vinized at Mr T. Greon- Wood's Friday. Misses Chadwick, Kress and El. vidge snow-ahead to Mrs F. Edge" reggmly._ -- _ -- .. . Miss Agnes Moeat, of Nun, Bruce 00.. is waiting with her cousin, Min Lily Ritchie and other friends " Prepli. _ - __ ___ ._ . with hing-WA}; Ebenezer, visited her sister. Mrs Dan Edge. Mr ind Mrs G. l‘urnenux visited with Mrs Dun Firm Friday. . Mr Victor Jopp of Botuuwille, Saak. who has been playing with the Bali. fax Hockev Team. the "Crosoenu," Is visiting wuh Ins gtsndinother, Mrs Jun Edge, mime here, Mr IN J. Ritchie. If Grey Hair , and Baldness " threaten, you q can't afford to be without . O abs d I I Me")'. a] "ii Mr Ed. Pratt in drilling a well for It rental-en natural col- or to grey and faded hair. It eradicate, dandruff, prevents buldncn,and promotes I thick, healthy growth of hair. It in not a dye. Use it. 31.00. tne. 23c. " drum-u Liberal trial Mm mm on mun. or 2lkt Ind your mum“: mine. . Hula Hay 'ie" tis, Tm " 1 Departmental A full stock of Corn Syrup in all sizes, Jams, Marmnlades and Canned Fruits Fresh Eggs always on hand per dozen 29' For a rash order try phone No. l7 Highest prices for all kinds of produce. We also handle Canned Haddie, 2 tins for. . .. . . . . . . . . Pork and Beans with Chili Sauce. 2 tins Sardines in pure Olive Oil, 3 tins for.. Sardines in salad oil,7 tinsfor. . . . . . .. Campbells Soups, all flavors Mins for. . Canned corn, peas and Tomatoes, 3 tins. Sea Water Trout, Salt, per lb. . .. Inc Frozen Salmon, Fresh, per lb. . . . . . Ich Finest Smoked Haddie per lb. . . . . . me Boneless Codfish per lb, . . . . . . . . . 12,“ Quail on Toast, pound blocks, each log Cod Steak, pound blocks, each. . . .. l0c Large Salas ball and reromruentted by Now, that Lent is upon us we have stocked a. fall line of fish, fresh and salt, either in bulk or tip, also new canned goods and other Lenten requirements. We handle nothing butthe freshest and best of quality. For dinner or supiwr try some of the following and be convinced of their superior iUvor ; Lei _-.....----- EDGE HILL Durham. Ont a pound of our Ingersol Cheese best quality per ll, 20c hlfdlfe0hnitr'isWahlyNem :33; LENTEN SEASON 3% mmxxxzamw: 'ttgllgliQelK5%XXeat £2 Days More 'lil Friday and Saturday E of This Week iihiggggggiyrgexgxg 1p5talZ8'y'llgllMiXrlFlh' J, McKECHNIB The Down Town Shoe Store EGGS TAKEN AS CASH The Old Woman who Lived -Iltr5agt-i-llltqllltk in a Shoe . tor g; l . ft Bargain Wall Paperij: Last Chance P. R. Town Offiqs llc Choice Sockeye Salmon, Clover Leaf lac Brand, pertin .............. 20c tic Maple Leaf Salmon, (red) per h. . .. 25c 23c Excelsior Brand Salmon (rod) per tin 20c lik Tiger Brand Salmon, special, 2 tins Mc l0c Choice pink Salmon good quality, sterling brand, special, 2 tins for 25c Owing to the severe cold weather of km week, we have decided to have For Bargain Days in Wall Paper. Come and see what we can do for you ustom Work and pppairing as usual. MadPARLANES DRUG STORE lic USE STAR OF INDIA TEA The Ben“ More 1r92i11 ft _ for _ Durham The shoe is more ottractise than the one “he occupies It In fact many of her troubles would haw disappeared if shy had provided her large fath each with a pain of our rehubk Brotl or Shoes Our stock is luxuwius small, qualitv con- sidc . Mitts, Glows and 1mm, at close pt ices. Trunks. Suitcases. Clubbags. Telescopes, dc. Leggings and Spat. for men, ladies,misses and chtldren. Call and get prices. J.- S. MclLRAITH tithttth tft, 1914 Buy brur tickets hue "The remit P! - 1'lllN Shiloh E Many people are anxious at this seuon to know the for Vermin and Disease 0mm in stables, poultry hum. etc., that will cost but I few cents. Best Exterminator Rem it is.. Equal p. C-itreSubiitnate and t “kind: dissolved in out " hot water. ll hen du ndd Valet to make 25 g - way nook and well: 1envefortwo du h lb a thorough coat of white The correct gladly be sup} PRICEVILUi. THE QUALIH NARMACY -aEaarr-" 222 not by 1 tom-ro WV, n . ' . x . , -_-----" N News to n IARCH 12, 1914 All kind: Goats r PRIC “FEST ladies' “asks; Lir.t:d and Pers ll on: Lilies' Mink 11armol _ .tor. ....r.-" Lilies Cloth Coats. we tor...,. ...... Hal's block tamer l LII!) Lining an! collars. regular ii Mel’s Cloth Coats red Boy's any Tweed t heavy ttmtoel linil regular T.thl tor ed Wforlow remand“! "t " LEW thNT

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