West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Mar 1914, p. 5

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for Vermin and Disease ii Germs in stables, poultry il houses, etc., that will cost but a few cents. Shiloh 2: . ', czir2aaaa2WaaaaEaa+ C1553"! '37:: 'vs to most women 13,531.74 rGUGi ." A W" relief for Group ad “will! Mini Po no a in?" .... . MARCH 12, I914 PRICEVILLE (m,lfmll worn an's surest cure for 'r, m ost common ailment... l thcm. 25c. a bottle. Ar, and Dealers, orbr mil. Thin Medial. " Toronto "firG'ts trect proportions will supplied by calling at _ This cmbeyow experience if you 'Po use Chamber- q lain's Tabteta-- they cure head.. aches by remov- ing the 6auae-" smothcring the symp- , -v ."T.._--i" --"e"_' t If this flour bakes into _ bread high in quality and t large in quantity we keep the x whole shipment of wheat and _ grind it. Otherwise we sell it. _ More bread and better bread from this il.ut is a 'lhitarcty'. I’ "More Breafkand Bette’r Bread" 2 “Better Pa§tfy Too" 5 No More Headaches For Me 2 "ao Wi BEST Oven-tested flour is for sale. Instead of buying ordin- ary flour you can buy flour whose baking ability has been provgn in an oven,: t . euie for In“-.- ___ --- V A ten pound sample is taken from each shipment of wheat at the mill. This is ground into flour. The flour is baked into bread, - . ’18? Will IeMillan cum homo from the West on Buurdny night 5nd will re- mun a homo for name limo. l The home of Mr and Mrs Archie Farguaon was the scene ol a happy event on Wednesday 26th, when their second oldest daughter Sadie was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Mr Wm. Christie. of Brooks, Alta The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. J. ;A. Matheson, B. A., Prieeville. Mr ram) Mn Christie will VlRll. their many friends here for two weeks, before h." :turning to their new home in the l West. Best wishes. l An interesting event took place at tho homo ot hit and Mrs Donald ‘Campbell on Friday, Feb, 28, when their daughter Floaaie was united Ill marriage to Mr Sam Goheen, of Mil) con. Proton. The marriage cere- mony In perfumed hy the bride's puator. Fev. Mr Muthenon. of Price- due. 0 tly the trt imi'e friends were Min Annie MoDomld returned to Durban Frldty night. Mme" My. McLean Ind Eda: Ferguson Imyod home on Saturdny from Owen Sound, having contracted the mumps from some of their fellow student; We hope they will won be better Ind be able to return to their studies. Min Park Bud line Mather are Tis. mlg n the home! of Mrs Wm. Math. " nud an John Mather at present. In“ Ell. McKinnon spent the weok end n her home Ind returned to Woodbridge Monday morning. We noticed In Dawson Items in the Dundellt Herold of one youth hunting tiger and mother lion. NonsenSe, why there in only Block Bear to in- hotit those Iwumpv tlate. The high voter two years ago chased all the Fox “my end now can only be found on the 14th can. V We up": read of two young men mist-lung t mull Owl for an Eagle. The question ir-dui they want glue- " 9 Mo Alox Ferguson. of the 14th com. is Improving as well " can be “pound. AROUND THE - VILLTGE SWINTON PARK are present. The groom’s gift to the bride II! I handsome plIDO. Mr and Mrs Goheen left on Sword-y for . than honeymoon to Toronto. On returning they mil ruido In their beouuful home on the 16th can of Proton. Congrntnlntioni, Me J. F. McDmnld lelves this week for Cataract Jot. Mr Geo. Campbell, “is: Jeaaio and Miss Rae. of Mount Forest. “tended s party near Duadnlk Ian wank. Mr D. McCormick nude a busmeu nip to Durham lam week. t Mr Wm. McGowan. of Durham. visited " Mr John Aldcorn'l Sunday lust. Mr (Jidfuld Sundnyed us Mr Dontld Campbell's. Mr Bert list made a business to the city Int Week. Mr Wm. Lawreneo vilitod hi: liner Mrs D. McCormick. last Sunday. Mrs MoLeIlan and Me H. F. Me. Dougall, of Aberd en, spent the week end at Mr Wm Stewari'l. MISS Lizzie Aldcorn vilited week in Toronto. Miss Ruth Stewart spent Sundsy It her home here. Miss Marian Knox Sundayed at her home, Plentyolsnow for March. We hope it continues " thruughont the month. A number ot old Durham friends of Mr and Mrs John Watt drove over on Wednesday utternoon and enjoy- "d a social evening with a number of invited guests at Mr Watt'g born . Aloud of yuung people :drove from hrru to Mr Ben Smith-H's, can: of Dundalk, to a party Wednesdav ev- ening returning early the next day. Mr and Mrs W. Christie, leave this Wet-k [or leeir western hume, Steve- ville, Aha. Mr Frank Scots ,goinn with the our. Success. A Kitchen Shower was given to Mr and Mrs UmSLurrnck Friday evening a! mu home or his father. A very social evening was spent. Mr Jus Fates brought his unmo- phone ova to the village Saturday ttvetrnr and treated abuse present to a number at splend'd selenium at Mr E ll enridge's More. Come again Mr. F. A number of the youth and beauty attended the rally at Dromore Friday Ing ht - - - _ _ _ Mrs Will Donald and um daugh- ters, Conn. were visitors at Mr Wm Sean's over Sunday. - Mr Harold Gallium renewed ao- qnmnmnoa around his old home, Uundalk. during the week end. Mr and Mrs E. Hockridze were .isimrs at ngscnte Sunday. before 'dr and Mrs Irel-nd leave for their home near Goose Lake, Sank, some four miles trom the home of Mrs Huckridge's parents. Miss Jessie Mchcbern accompan- ivd Jno Morrison to Ins home. Max- well, Sunday. ? Snap,320 acre f: to, Saskatchewan: Tchulce land. No, l s l, good district, Lgnnd buildings and at". 30 nor-N cultivated,t50rurres te ed. Price $13 ipvr acre. Easy harms. ddress owner I JOHN BEATCII o t Joux mm 1mm, l Pricev lo, Ont. Cnotyrtte--FtgrtuvieoN A very pretty wedding was that of Misstiadie Ferguson to Mr w. Christ- ie. son of J. Chrialw, Hopeville. at the bums of Mr Arch. angusnn, Rev. Manson. Priceville. oftlitiug, The mide, given away by her father. wore wluw palleue silk with real lace and seeded with pr arls. carrying a hoqqu of white can-nations and maiden hair ferns, wearing as he! only ornament. a gold necklace and lunhurst with pearl setting, the gm. ot the groom, wnu unattended Mrs Will Hendry played the wedding march, the groom’s gill being a gold bar pin. After the ceremony, about forty aunts repailod to the dining-room, where I dainty dejuenlr was served by Between Hopevi e and New England Hall. a gold watch,' plain use. Ava oo, Illinois mowment‘ with chntrGirte. Plunder kindly leave Post otBce sud obtain reward. _-_ - _ UNDE and by virtue of Power of Sue coma ed n. a certain mortgage. which will " produced at the time of ,ale there Iil be nth-red for tale by public uncut at Y1attn't, Hotel in the [own of D rhnu). on Thursday. the 19m day of M rah, 1914. at the hour of we o‘clock m he afternoon I ALL AND S NG'ULAR those cortain‘ parcels or 1mm of had and promlsra dun-t9. lying n d being in the Town. ship ot Proton I tho County of Grey. Province of On ado. and helnl com- posed of Lots 'umhvrs true (6) and Seven if) in th- N nth (9th) Concession of the said Towns ip of Proton, con- Iaininn by ndme moment two hun- dred (200) acres. m re or less. The property will " altered for nle -uhject to arc-norm uid and to fur. her [arms and eondl ions which will ne made known at the' time of ale. TERMS: Twetttrtt a per cent (25 'rerrceut)ot the porch. money will . no required to be paid a the tim- of ale l the Nance to he " in ttu'rty l day: according to ("on term: and fiierre'ii to be made k own " the June of ale. For further partiruhrs I d condi- uions of tode, apply to Menu ISTOL & ARMOUR. 43 King Sun Wert, Pnlonto. Salient”- far the I pages, or to J. P. TILFORD. Durham Ont. mm a Syrete this 21th yo! Riv. L. D. mrxNrar, Hopevilh- Wedding Bells For Shorkrhne Only. Iuleaderlhst' (as! (rock prtgage Sale HOPEVILLE su. on .ost. lust trip TEE DURHAM REVIEW tho hride's than. Mum Florence Ind Anni. of Toronto, Hugh: and Nellie Laue, the bride 3 mm. min; decorated with the cake and hee hoquet. that of the guest. having yellow " trumpet major " narcissus. The evening was nptrnt in games. music and dnncing by about one bun- dred Ind titty invited friends. the bride wearing a shot rose pnilettc, with tum: of shadow lame, receiymg nanny uwful and costly prawn. The young couple wall spend a short honeymoon how and will be " their new hone. Suvuville. Altm. thou! the 18 h cf Much, the bride travelling in a “it of any blue whipcord and In! to ma'ch. A quiet wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs Donald Campbell. Swimon Park, on Feb. 27m u 5 p. m., when their dnughter Florence In united in mu- rluge to Mr Sun Colleen. in the pres- ence ot the immediate relatives of bride and groom. Rev. J, A. Mather. non oft1uuatiutt, The bridal party on- hred the psrlor to the strains of the Bridal Much, played by Miss Genie thy, ot Mt. Forest Tho bride wan attired in a silk bro. cadcdcrape do chem, with Inca trim. mings and wearing a veil with wreath of lily of the valley and carrying . b0- xurt of roses and maiden hair fern. The bride was attended by her sister Jessie, who were a cream French cum with Swnn's down trimming and car- rying menu roses and term Mr Bam McLean “ruined the groom. After the wedding dinner. the even- ing was spent in mania and names. The groom’s present to the bride w“ a piano and to the hridumuid a pearl pendant and to the organist a gold pin. V The out evening the bride and groom left for Toronto to be absent a short time. A very pretty wedding was gui. emnized " the home of Mr and Mn Geo. Shand. Wed, Feb: 25, pt 5:30 p. m., when their eldest daughter u. came the bride of Mr Peter MeTatt (an, son of Mr Malcolm MuTtutstttrt, hh cun. Rev. Mr Davy, Codarville, performed the nupid' under an arch mt evergreens with white trimmings As Mrs Frank Hendry played the m (Ming match, the bridal party amend the parlor. where about titty guests were “ambled. The bride, cnterinz on the arm of her hither. was prettily zowned in while embroidered tut', white satin buckles and Rhino stones, tulle em- brt-idwred veil, caught with lillies of the valley, weaving a sunburn of penis, the grootu's gilt. Miss Agnes Slum, bridesmaid. Was prottily dressed in Holland blue musaline silk, wearing a pearl brooch, the groom’s gift. Mr Archie MuTaggart ably supported the groom and mu presented with a pair of gold cuff links and the organist ll gold bar pin with amethyst setting. The gueszs. received by Miss Mary Shnnd, then sat down tO a dainty dimer. served by Misses F. nieDoti. ald, B. llmpcr. l’meville ; ll. Ged- des, Holstein; B Spicer. Dundalk; Messrs E. Coons. RiVerview ; o. Grddvi, Dromore ; Archie and Will Shand. Guests were pre8ent from Priceville. Ceylon, Conn, Mt. Forest Holsxein. Dundwlk and Dromore. The evening Was socially spent in music and dancing. the bride wear. ing gray massdine Iilk with embroid- ered ehiffon points. The presents re- ceived were numerous and costly. The happy 1roaplm afar a short hon- eymoon here, will be at their homo Pause. Sssk., abunt. the 20th, the bride travulling In a navy serge suit mth hat to match. To MRayD Mus H. EDWARDS AND FAMILY ', Dear friends,- . . It is Wllh sorrow we haye learned that you have deemed to remove tram oar midst and m the your home m a distant part of the country. We are sorry to part with you, sorry to low your ctoutirtsnionship and social Inter- enume. To-nlght. is number of your friends and neighbors have gathered to spend with you a social hear in your hospit- able home. to express our appreciation of you as frirnd and neighbor, and to wish you a long. happy and prosper- ous lite in your new uphrre. For u long limo you have been amengu m and we have War frund you true friends. kind and ubllglng neighbour and pletsuatst, social eotuptsuionts, ever Ie-ulv to help where help was needea and greets friend with A genial smile. For a number of yours you had con- trol of Bunessan Post OMce and the kmdly, obliging and orderly manner in which (he busint-ss W“ conducted. gwns much tspptecuated by the putrons :0! that omen. While you are living far from us, we hope you will sometime, think ot your friends and neighbors m old Glmulg and to keep our memory gran. as well as in a. small measure to mark our appreciation of your worth and Integrity, wo preterit you With these tokens of our eaten“. w. hnpe you will uccepl them, not for what they no worth in themselves. but at what they represent In your old hiendg and neighbors. In bidding you ttood-bye, may all good things attend you, may the “In of life be few and Inrht, may the joys ho nanny and Iwul. and may happi- m-u to the full be yours now and ovum tisened on behilf of your bleach" And neighbors l [ Chas. H. Knnlmdy. tlhas. McFarlane Thoa. H. Bmuir. Thu foregoing address was read fry I}. H. Blam- on Tuesday evening of but. week, when about. fitty friends Ind nelxbhora ot Mr and Mn H Ed- ward. gathered to bid them good-by. before moving " thail new home In Luther. At the proper tima two hand- coma chain ware pnsentod to Mr Ind Mrs Edward. by Mir-"sauna Kennedy and Kate McFarlane. Though tnkcn hy tam-prime, Mr Edwards nude 1 Icel- lent ropiy. thanking all for their kind- a no“ and quad Wlihei. Short addrus’ l were nude by In“: Thus. McComb. John Gr". Geo. Binnie and A. Bent. on, all wisttirsg tho Edwards "milr prosperity m their new home and ttop- ing tor tome on. to come In und an their - In the communny. After the much-making: song: was sung try T. B. Binnie and [nitra- moenul music rendered by Mm Leah McGunh. Lunch Wu OCIVOd nd the evening spent in gun" and unnu- ment. In lasing this family, Glenda loan on. of be! but hmilin and it will be hard to rrplsce than for tho, took . Ilu‘intomt " nll manor- co.- unlu tbt all." of the many. Address and Presentation aomerrtr-CUNPBma, McTAccAraT-iAsD air.: a ‘IE. I! 4"rilttirqbi)r666* $$$$$$$$OW¢OQO$ ii Good. Line of Suits liior Men and Boys ik In iiegssts4aqsttsitsi-tu4sgutrgiqsitsits4s#s4Mr4i*4iiF Only 75c for the Review the balance of this year to New Subscribers Also a fine line of Boots 8, Shoes Our usual good make. Come and see them Silver Pine Healing Oil Just naive-d another large shipment of the celebrated Silver Pine Healing Oil. The granted remedy on urtb. It will heal I cut, remove l swelling and grew hair on a bald head. " you our! mlng it in time you will never "quire to look for Thupul or Wi‘l. It, also euros, hula”. scratch“, burns 'ttwo, sores. Ipnlna. injunc- m ttie by rusty nails. flesh wounds. muscular rheumatism, etc. Also for animal use, curn barb wire injuries, bruises, "rolling. burnt. scalds. ulcers, calls and in Incl anything that my other liniment fails to cure. SELECTED WESTERN SEED OATS Horus a " not quite as valuablo as they were. Every owner In foolish to " er their horse for me, u ho mum). (at vnluo for it. If you use so me of our stock food you will produce vim, III. sud flesh and you can secure the highest price paid for you Animtl. We have a car of No. 1 Selected Western Seed Oats now in stock that we are selling at at mill or 52c per bushel freight prepaid to any station on C P R or G T R within 30 miles of Durham in lots of 25 bushels or over. ' Cattle and Rows are telling for a high figure. One of the mo" mum. farmers in Norman“ In: stated that It would poy you to: fold to use our Shock Food when fattening Hogs. It your cattle no lousy buy some of our Lou-o Killer (on you cannot produce flesh and feed Lire, These are the best Seed Oats you can buy as they are free from seeds and test 47 lbs to the bushel. If you want any order them at once as we are having a good demand for them and the stock will soon be gone. We have a good stock of Feed of all kinds on hand and if you want any Feed get our Prices. If you have any grain to sell we will pay you highest prices for it. The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Wanted-To huv the thinnest young light home in Grey County. round and rlnhr. not under four years. no that we no teed him on our stock food. Highs“ price paid. A bluo "In proton-ed. If your Horn: are coughing buy a puckngo of on Cough can. Delays are dangerous and I conga very often termini“: in Haul. It your horses hive Heaven, buy a pacing. " our luv. Can. as there have been home entirely cured by ulll‘ our preparation. If your hom- have can Net use some of our loan Tar Fool Remedy. the greatest our. on earth for Thrush And Dried Huh. We bought the celohmted “Guinea Gold" by “Pun Gold" g.iol, dam "Oliver Wilkes," from Mr Lemon of Han-into: for 8176 “I after improving him on our Stock fond, sold him for morn monoy than any other undeveloped gelding that had been Iold In Grey 00. for over ‘t year. Try a package of our Stock Food and be convinced for yourself, Then no now open to (may 125.000 free Iolumdl In Wet. ern Canaan. The bulk of then are loam! “on: or not the #dhlh'd NORTHERN RAILWAY which in mulled In the Wegt as t a From March 3rd to the and of October. Bannock". Excunlon tit kets no on ule "cry Tue-dxy and are gnod In return within two month. from Onto of inns. Prior to MY, a.“ m II, be extended (or two month. on ”ya“ of “.00 to Agent " man Ne etch neither put - pr over Per- mitted as any (Janina Northern Sudan We“ ol Don Arthur. "Forty (We Vim Quutlonu". " Paco River. Alberta and low to ttmush It." "Write": Gama}; bu n Home for Yom" "Thirty In Thousand Free Roms." For Tnuriu Car mnodttbn and " patient." in “In!“ to than publicntlnn, apply to your new.“ th N. n. Ago-t. or to Genonl Pun-user Dona-mom. 68 King Street In“. Toronto. On _ 500 CENTS PER BUSHEL CASH (Sacks free) C. L. GRANT Sage Canadian Northern Publication: Made by the W. B. Sanford people of He- milton, one of the oldest and best manho- turers of Clothing in the country. We ask you when in want of a good Suit, to come and see ours. We have received a Pioneer Farmer’s Railway For Far- Sighted Farmers W. BLACK FREE FARMS Oatmeal Millers was CT: TORONTO and Stock Food ii With the “can. mark“ - to our (handk- (Junk “I Punk!- Bula- Iihly to in 00-le loco halal.“ that on Who» “a Who» In“... " one: the United - Dubai duty. tho - of One-no km land. In bond " "eteter. You “not do but” than to BUY NOW. fl. tolkwir I" a low of the may hum-I. H. . num In oat-rial: Moan-nod had In “no”. lun- but taht,t?,t"g'tt%ee,%' iif,tlPa"el'r' is“ “It. ' P? G 0. , , , was Betttt a .. and ood rounder 'll'd% . "itu,u'ur,iNlt'J,"'Jl;'ji him. but: and on»: outbuildln school 1030.33! lot. Well #313106. On?! 3,700. Ben IT F . E ll It, ll am. 'ititriiiihslt'i,e?i?ii"ir,' an.“ Only 'Mat." {nun bulk mm. Orchard. “"1 my. 'er Kinny-v. new! s-jiL (an. New Ones for 1914 -eiiiiii7eiiriii,iii tiii2irii,i, Em . tt,'t cs low: so“. our to: 05.609. mud = “we eaatir " In Norman]. 200 m in Nmnuby. Very Info Back dwelling lute bout bun luau ullo . md sou, the “Method. alum and one-p u m may. sore) 390mm". 'tsts "Iettits'lran of- GUTGikiiiii aa." if iGdiGiiGiGi ir tilde or exchange. DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS 1.2.336 G'iiGrGiGiuatVdiGdij." other [ll-I in Bent-ct, Emmono, Norm-I- try, In... Ctrrick .16 we yam: West. - “my Tulend in hundreds, than-ads or mllllona at lowest cut-rem, "In. with payment. to suit the borrower on good moi-tango security. Debt! col~ lected. C, P. R. and Ocean Ticket' for uh " lowest rules. “Alwayl prompt-Never Negligent" H. H. MILLER, I You am enter any day at the c-tal,')','),',';-,-';)-,'-)'?))).,', (ry (CP 1.tntcU, I/iii/me, M MI V o Large Sta: Individua Position- c A nuum Principal j OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN We have a large range to Ielecl from and prices Ire moderate as well. An early can is your ad- vantage. Picture Framing, Shortest Nona UNDERTAKER an Funeral Director Snow RooIm-.Across ftorurMidtuutrtt Home. J. G. HUTTON.I.D.. o, M RBtrrDtrraat---Fimt house south of Lawrence"- thksmith Shop. 01m: om. & A film'- clog - and” m “It I I“; t.atmCltq-rttttsotn-tgtr '%,'l'dl'iultatQ'atttt. , 0rwrm new F-u s. In b-' in 7-0 . t. W unto-In have“ one. and "Et'd'llr. at All noun. U08 GRADUATE Toronto Un {is}! 811 099-9, new 'lLTll"ly Gm "tBee-Ate" Jewell" stone nd oppo um Post once. vulva-Ivy. granola! In 50le none“. of Dal-l Dungeons “(hut-Io Rooms On: I .1 UNTIR‘S Rn Emu W. C. PICKERING B. D s., L D S Ramon GRADUATE of m. Dam. grain“: af Roru College tor. Solicitor in Supre- CMomy Public Cowl-dour an on Umhron Bt., q It. o 'wupole'. swan. pp“ OWEN so L' N D Luce sun or Speclwsts Individual Instruction Positions manned to gradual c A ammo. PCA G. u. pummo Pdnoipll for M year: Secretary ARTHUR R. JACKSON Insurance Ammlloney to Loan. hound lame ‘cmuu. A [on on] launch.“ on: mum. D. McPHAIL-’ and are a thing of beauty 'ira"i't'hi tAi.2,iE'iillkhitli', " up; w" " human . . will no mm ID. mow-winnon to limbo! 001 J. LGRANT D. D.tr, L. D. S. neon-ed Auctioneer for Co. Urey Notary Public. Uo"uuiaaioeter, MIVIXANOEI. he. DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town Full line of Catholic he! and black and tltiMt,t Gl%iri'isiikiur, Embalmmg a Speciality W. H. BEAN Big 4 J. P. TELFORD I_f!"{ill In! “an“. In hin III A. BELL D.IcPliAlL. Ccyloa qt.tot).RAlludMi, Durh- Hanover a III In...” -....-Pe-. -t-.--- " 'ri' tii if hp is! "rl the In

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