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Durham Review (1897), 12 Mar 1914, p. 7

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TY NOD EPIDEMIC SPREADS 2.0( I) IA? AEWS IN A PARAGRAPH II 'l"W't) SPIES TRIED IN LONDON lb Persons Out of l ' the limp!" and the mm try Mum! Reroro You nmts on the British Navy Found In the Pop session of Two Germans Hum FROM All. MEI Tur, mom: " A KLTSHELL -'-*1'Iang important docu- ""mg to the British navy. “as arrested at, his home 'A min. when it is tinged nmimting documents eon- " navy won found. In. med all but!“ of the a! its "new, and her "nttirared ht. _ V ..In‘u {rum London, Eng- _ l rwumrkable story val o- l’w'. rltreet Pu'ice Court b. nu .:‘wrnu..n in unfold- .-.' I: which Frederick , “-1.241, a Apr merehnnt, Lie. Maul Gould. were mth es,itiatnatm. Tho to- arroced at tho Chitin man Ist February!” I: I50 t to depuz toe M. ct her nonunion tin-OI- xu-h from St. 1013..., QI... he seriousness of the ogri-. , mild typhoid M Ill /d of the Tom 0! 3. (I Iherville Ind the M um generally. is cec- in but two thousand person, u”! of a popuhtion of r” thuumnd are safari“ .i.-r-aw in its vuiono Many of the Royal Cun- brt My” s,tationoU here u" .i H, and the Militia De.. ';n "ent down Iuior, seusewtitriste. rrl mum's are over-work- it}; atoning the cue tor "I lied 'itate.n. Canada. I H; 5-? sections and polluted. . H: nfeeping can, ------- W 'tle :.~m ago an- CANADIAN PARCEL POST. , 1-.léiwa3a, have been! - :10 Railway Commis. EIeven-pound Limit ot Weight Is ." "“"£{'y'h d Now In Elect. t'! 43‘ ' . q t: “In,” "'i/,fd,"2 A degpatch from Ottawa gays: . |,, Grain Growers' The ultimate elevenjmund limit of . , MM.“ will pay an 'rehrht for the Canadian parcel post a. I,“ bu. the output was put into tirtet on ffhursdoy. nrd will retail it. Thus tho rostrietion to sax pounds n Railraa' Board de. for conch package accepted for tram yearn“ frniglrt rates lmusmn by parcel post during the w cr, in for some months of February, March and , “I: .4.» difficulty on- April, has been removed. The or- }.Uwhumg Eastern der that has gone forth from-the V,“ ,.‘mmm‘iliun isa PostoNee Deportment slso elimi- __.. n the West. nates the additional fee of five cents - " .. to In prepaid by pushy stamps on '11 Britain each parcel mailed for local deliv- ' . ory in places where the letter car- v'," "-"y?"' were en- tier system is in operation. The in. '"":' tum at a Labor nuance of packets does not become “" T" . , loperative until the first of May. as l "r""'"','.", Ba." the _ st ftrst set forth. and in the mean- "”"""'..'f i',1 fin!.sh ll! I time packets of the parcel post my col Wl.t trrt di:,sclvo I merely be registered. all-hmau; aed 55. General Felix Dial, " Britain. humus were en. rm: tight at a Labor , , drunkenness and s Minimal has result- "ion MW which went -v Heme? on March I, l, pioneer manufa- ruhes. died at Bart- t carcinoma of tho by X-ray page“. d mm! hy 310 mm- sh Parliament. in- Hah'uur and Law. 5mm members of (ally all the " l mixes. and over Liberals. asks the "It! to exhibit at m. in his massage Thursday. urged mu! of the Pumas t the 'on 'l, not long Mo from apt-nee to become a penny 'utiun has grown - from alcoholic atrial): observed Shackleton', trip Put-1r continent. irre'..y :0 provide huh Ste. Mario a deputation to ' Federal aid in units in the Lake ' Out of Tooo Population Sufferin With Disease in Quebec n attending sixty dc tt addrosainz the " considered . imze' flight too conned to in- pension sys- ' present time, u. as sentenced oting and kill- McGibbon, at th n " Lumber it haut min!) of mill at 'Shackleton received o lgrant of 3100.000. and a received a, similar sum H900. Gould carried on corn! 'dence with .11 individual at I [iii supposed to be mm. Ior eiln Governments. ow, wi1 isaid Gould told him he v“ gage!“ of the German Govern , The prisoners were waded. A dosrafrh {mm El Pam. Texan, says: The ruse of E. Goodman, a British subject, born in Canada, now serving a foo-day sentence at Juaraz for al- leged theft, was placed in the hands of Charles A. C. Perceval, of the British Consular Service, hero on Thursday. Mr. Percent], whose at- tention was called to Goodoeau's plight by Thomas D. Edwards, United States Consul at Juarez, said ha would make an investiga- tion. According to Gustavo Padres. Mayor of Juarez, Goodneau was of- tered the option of a fine of $50, but had no money, and was thereupon sentenced to jail. The Deutsche Modizinischo Woeh- enschrift, Germany's leading medi- cal journal, publishes a vigorous demand for State control of the sale of Dr. Friedmann's turtle tu- berculin in consequence of the death from blood poisoning of a male patient and the critical illness of a girl, it being found that the reeeptaeles containing serum were polluted. Receives $G0.000 More From the Brink!) Government. A despatch from London says: The British Government is making a grant of $530,000 towards Lieut. Slihok!etun's Antarctic expedition. Of this sum $25.000 will be voted this year and the remainder next year. For his last expedition Shaekutort received . Gown-nont- I'rant of ”00.000. and Capt. Scott the prosecution, aid it was fairly clear that Gould, whose reel name is believed to be Adolf Friedrich Schroeder. acted f 'r a long time as a spy in this country. One of the documents fuund gave a short his- tory of Gould‘n life. Mo In born in Germany in 1864 and lived in anlmd from 1858 to 1808. Be then returned to Germany to complete his education. In 1870, when the Frarseo-Prusttian war broke out, be joined the army, receiving the ttl Cross end aCaphincy. Gould . to Amorierjn 1890 and epi- , As King Christian of Denmark was entering a new church an old woman stopped him and said, "God bless you. I mutt you to build more churches." _ --F"'""e'". v.7 surgeons in Paris. Denna-hes reaching Buenos Ayres noted that Rio do Janine, the capi- tal of Brazil, was in a, state of siege. Mamhisa Matsuda, Japanese Minister of Justice, is dead. He was born in 1815 and educated in France by Government order. who went to Washington to find out what lupport he would get if he re- turned to Mexico to lead a revolu- tionary party, got a chilly recep- tion. The two French "Siamese twins," born last. fall, 'wero papal-shed by l Canadian ls Serving a Jail Term In fdrxieo. who tail .tsiI.u'iiLh"1'0?i't4 EXPEDITIO‘N. GOODS Eh U'ts' FLIGHT. itié m. F9JiE 'sift'. ef, ai him he w" an Germ Guam . were remanded. General. , receiving the 1m puincy. Gould vent 1886 and again in rried on corn”- individual at Bru- o be - for for- But the woman in question forgets that tho drama suit " not. beautiful in demo. mzka. " puts 511 men an a social inno- tion on a. level with one another and as”! them from the hitter rivalry of dress. You never Rnd a man (injected and bad tels gorad because the fellow sitting opposite u I. better tailor than hie or hna been able to could more mom-y upon his drama tie or shirt. The vanity of mule youth mime, exrrrP.rg “as” in any)” or his ordirv ary azure. Tho demon-mu: dram mm. is “and. The people in many instances have been belated trom eorttmtrtticatior: with their neighbors owine to tho Shannon brenhimr it: bank. The tiooded Mream via cany- lnl mun! “mm of oatttltt and other live stark. whil- hur-“wks and outbousue arm how! v" ”W1 army. The Fhi'rivr,r hn: hm»: thet ttrttM'rtrarR'tt " a trrr' >h-r'---~ nmmm broken my by fluke tkxwrtm mm wrth water. Desperate one". are being made to drain away enough water to check an advance of the mus. Porn-pa New today it, brat remembered as the rather of tho m mrrly eccentrm Jun” Camden Noild. his second child. The non lnheriwd his tire/I fortune and WA!) " the “can“; of the rectory at North Mutton. when " henna» trauma" to ”our the lad roof ot the church hteft and tho cracks with "rits of panned eatioo. which. he said, would but 113:: mm and on. on the roof all dar. nun: haul boiled (an. to see that the workman am not slut. Wttern ho died it was found that ho had left Queen Yicterria hall a million pounds "?.ti00.000). can“ KM": Envoy I "her. The surprise visit of tho King and Queen to a Drury Lane pantomime was mrurked by a (‘unnu-I moidont that hut not before been made public. The box manag"! at the theatre received a lelephnne call on Saturday to the otteeb that lung George and Queen Mary wmh- ed to know whether the royal box Wad uvallablo [or that night. "Ott, ring oit, yon joker," was the reply. Again tho query culm‘ over the teletrhone, only to be revolved wuh rmwwed no; n, and the rpya) emissary was promptly out out 1'ho third bnd dam, call was couched in such stern otricial phraaroolotry that 'it left. no doubt, in tho mind of tht) oMcial that he had u!!- wittintly been guilty of Ian:- majeme. Con. mggnatlon wag 1n1ux|ml_mlh qelistttu_. In the heart of (-lublund. within a hnn. dred yards of the kill, them- " shunted bite unknown club in Lunch." To thn un. initmtnd it in merely Urs "Carieton Rho!- per"; .10 ttg habite.ea--and their number Is buxom it is the "Junior '1'art." Dining room and kitchen, Iounza and smoke room, are all rolled mm one: on a cold day it, In the ooriert (may in Pte. oudilly. open ovary minute or the Fear, it wu a "ttlrper club botore the “mm was hard of, and when the muuhnmm night clubs clme their doom it, 'yu Mill ready to do bu.irro. And it [on it. . can Icn'l Dru. Gull Dull. ' Punching on the promising text of green hair a well known woman wriw ha. been indictintt men in .enetal for the dunno“ of their dress. Bite even venture!) to ttitto at the dram unit, and to amine that dinner tablm woald bo far more vivid and pictnrmqno " men would launch ouf into brilliant colors as woman do. tttdid/i is -thai%Wdr" biiiiG, "irt"ii"to,. Lory of the theatre had the royal but hqon "taken" per "telephone call" by tho an3. It was a unique incident. in tho moan-y of tho Theatre Royal. Drury Lane. Small.“ Club In London. _ Tis. thr heart of clublnnd. within A. hnn. drCit Fir/is' Gi the Small?” 0 iniualad it Is The boar slicks have been brought about by abnormal rains. Manv mourands of new. an the counties of Leitrim and Rm- rommon are submerged and the roads "3 impawytttyr (dump in boats, - Overwhelmed by an Avalanche Dur- lng Manoeuvres. A despatch from Vienna. says: Seventeen soldiers of the Empire Rifle Regiment were overwhelmed and killed on Thursday by a great avalanche while they were engaged in manoeuvres on the Ortler Moun- tain, in the Tyrol. Bmoothrd try Change ot Food. Worry is a big load to carry and an unnecessary one. When accom- panied by indigestion it ceitainly is cause for the blues. gushing mas-m of but travel-ml square miles In area. urn on the move near Car- rich, Inland. and the panic-stricken in. lubmmu of tho countryside are Beeintt bwre‘the phroagening disaster. _ _ Tue krim‘ess Inherits her mother’s low of 1',t'"t',,'"li, Ind wan-Lu: uncanny. Tho Queen tn t mum. of hlviul a number ot Mum-noon and evening psi-Lou tor the "tone. of the Planet“. There ml! be (know: at (such ot were. Jam Nolld'l ton a mar. On February tii, one hundred yearn no. In.“ Maud. the prison retormer (had. no downed m. Ina to the improvement of 13mm: prisons and hm wax-k. "um mun oLPnuon-{j him now humus a. tum-sic. But the whole trouble may be easily thrown off and life's road be made easy and comfortable by pro- per eating and the cultivation of times twice, ever smce. "At the time I began to use it life was a burden. I was for years amicted with bilious sick headache, caused by indigestion. and nothing seemed to relieve me. . “can“ cinemas In we mane: ha: been commend by many who me: not. "we“. Mary I Danna“. Prune“: Mary. hke the Prince ot Wild. is unnumbuwly land ot "tbneuttr. the Kins and were" awe cucouruzmg her and 900 has unnamed men- consent to resume we dune-mt clam pus-Men much the and nt buchuthun than” Lam. yeu when the court. “as in town. “who cum no hem runny. [morally on wednnuay. ind a number of we an {new of we Prra. oqup we .srtvrteq to be prudent. _ 7 _ irocu cheG. Read what an Eastern woman says: "T-ru rants ago I made tlte, ac- "Two years ago I made the ac- qmc'm'r- M a? (Rape-Nuts and have used the ford Cnet? P. Wu: and same- times twice, ever since. Nuts. while wo winter, and trar ter in his life." Name given h Co., Windsor. u...” Mound." adhere. to the old mun. MUM] on account of be #oartMr-. 't'ne into King “and. moan no Moon: on “you“ 000.901". “.3 on we mule a on.“ omrrur ot the rule wictg "nedtrett " unuuty" autumn ma run of ham: “("18st on a numeus. tot when he was unymyarm. white queen King George and Queen may ha" - an Inuouuon m court mum-m. Break. mc down t,radtuou under much when! must “an"; we maniac-h units um, min (a. war Ila-new.“ antimated mu. an; private "utuer 1.34.“. M mat. the (menu nun um deJw cursor to male bu annual "man, or "on to brown I new “03ml ot convenntmn. As we Inn; Bud “new: an- Bor" to clue. out regularly we “HULK “0'30". we mnoumon I cal-mg a 3.9M an: In circles m which ttunurv.itr " Lug to b. exuuded to loyalty. _ _ M A __ "The trouble became so severe I htd to leave my work for days at a time. _ _ Mood In Watt for Km; to but Elm. AUSTRIAN SOLDIERS KILLED. 'mon, March 2, 1914. Moving log Teerittes Irllh News. Our Lon don Lotte: _ a? Wenvine, " a Benson" LlFl-I'S Ito IO by Cundhn Postum Ont. Read "The 11d to in pkgs A - - they French Roy Who Mew Seton Got the Maximum Penalty. A despatch from Nantes. France, says: Marcel Redureau, the fifteen- year-old lad who last September killed seven pin-suns with an axe at Basbriaqe-eta-Landreau, was found guilty on Wednesday of the charge against him and sentenced to twen- ty years in prison. The sentence is the maximum allowed by law. In summing; up for the defence, the boy's lawyer declared that at the time of the commission of the mur- ders the lad was laboring under ex- cessive nervous fatigue, due to hard work. When asked if he had any- thing to add to the, words of his lawyer, Rcdureau rose with lowered head and wept, but said nothing. Typhoid Fever Almost Wiped Out In London. A (lespatch from London. Eng- land, says: The 1tegist.rar-Gener- al’s figure, for the last week of January furnish additional evidence to support the belief that typhoid fever will soon become a, rare dis- ease in London. The total deaths from typhoid only numbered six, and during the period only thirty cases were admitted to the London Fever Hospital. A specialist in the disease claims it has become as rare in London as typhus became twenty years ago. Many of the younger medical men have never seen a cage, and they flocked to a. city hospital recently when it was learned that there was a typhoid patient there. This specialist believes that in a few years typhoid, like smallpox and typhus, will become almost a memory. This result is. due almost wholly to improved sanitation. "At last rheumatism was added to my troubles, and I also suffered from lumbagu. dropsy and gravel. I felt that my kidneys were the cause of all my troubles, and decid- ed to try Dudd's Kidney Pills. From almost the. first they did me good, and after taking twelve boxes I am again a well woman." Women who suffer should learn that the cause of their troubles is bad kidneys. Having learned that, the rest is easy. Thousands of Can- adians will tell you aubof their own experience that Budd‘s Kidney Pills always cure bad kidneys. Many Jews Have Fled For Fear ot Their Lives. A despatch from Cracow, Poland, says: It is reported here that there has been serious rioting at Lodz. Russia. Poland, because of a rumor that a Jewish merchant and his wife had murdered a Christian boy. "For about fifteen years I was a very sick woman," she says. “My sleep was broken and unrefreshing and I had a bitter taste in my mouth in the morning. I was often dizzy and flasslret, of light iloated be- fore my eyes. My limbs were heavy and I had a dragging across the luins. A mob attacked the couple, who were seriously injured. The rioters then tried to raid a synagogue. but were prevented by tho police. Many Jews hate ficd from the place. Pembroke. Ont., March 'h-w-OW- citrl).-Ot peculiar interest to wo- men is the story of the cure of Mrs. Morile Lance, well known and high- ly respected here. Let Mrs. Lance tell that story in her own words. Illsi)tlhitrtst Pembroke Woman Sulfa-ed for Fit. teen Years Before She Found Quick Belief and a Complete Cure. HOW DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED MRS. LANCE. "tirallral DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Proved at amt Valli to In” There is only one ee.rp1tyt.a.tion for the numbers of erituusiostic Imus: that we receive praising Na-Draio Dyspepsia Tablas. and that is that these tablets certainly do cure any kind of stomach trouble. 7 _ . Here is a typical letter from Miss Elim Artr.strortlty, Catwo, RSI: "it i; -ritlr. flaws,“ It-rite ttt inform Rl', that your Na-Dru-Co Dysrcrria ablels have proved of great vs at to me. I tried remedy after remedy but without any lasting good. Having heard of your tublcts curing such cases as mine I decided to Five them a fair trial. TlLey proved. setis actory it: 19y can?" ““‘J r-‘nr- _e_e""-' .. - Th? remarkable success of Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets is such a success " can only come to an honest remedy, compounded according to an exception- ally good formula, tom pure Ingre- dients, by up“! chemists. If you are troubled wit your nomad: just ask our. f,',.,',"?',',,?.', about Na-Dm-Co gyspepsia ablets, compounded by the Nahonal Drug and Chemical Co. of Clnado. Limited. and sold thronghout the Dominion " soc. I box. "a TWENTY YEARS IN PRISON. Cnnston Cylinder Press, bust machine for six column, four page lump", used very little, in perfect condi- tion, low price. Wilson Pub- lishing Company, "8 West Adeiaida Street. Tomb. FOR SALE IMPROVED SANITATION. BIOTIXG IN POLAND. To Every Woman Winnipeg, March 10.-Ctshy-Wheat-No l Northern, 901-20: No. 2 Northern. an 730: No. 3 Northern. 871-40: No. d, 83 L40; No, 5, 770: No. 6, 121-20; feed. 66-; No. 1 re. ioeted new, M lue; No. 2 rrjz'cmd mrruss, 8tt.-'c; No. 3 rt-ject-ed SW5. 850: No. l mnuny. 651-40; No. 2 enmity. Mia-, No. 3 amuny. 8te; No. 1 red Winter, 90 1-13" No. 2__r_~_l Wipior. 88 7-80: No. 3 red Win No. 2 rod Wimor, 88 7-80: No. 3 rm! Win ter, 871-4c. Oats-No. 2 C.W.. 35140: No 5 C.W., 341-20.: extra. No. I feed. 541-4c' No, I feed, M l-4e.. No. a med. Me. Bar " No. 3, 451-50: No, 4, 431-40; rtiretod, 421-21': trsrsd, 421-. Flax Yo. 1 N.W.C. “.33 3-4: No. 2 C.W., 81.30 34; No. 3 CW $1.17 3-4. Toronto, March 1ih-t'tttt'e-t'boioo huum. ars’. 81.25 to 8175; prod. " to $150; medi. um. 36.50 to $6.75; common. 3554) m 35.7.3; ehoicey COW'f. 87.75 to 88; good. 85.75 to $5.60; rommon. 83.75 to 8620; (tuner..- and can- MN. $3.15 to 13.60: ohoice hulls, $71.15 to 37: good. M.80 to 3650- (‘OHHHO'L 84.15 to 85.40. StNkprq nnd feeders moors. choke, " to $7.75; good, $5.45 to 86.33: light. $3.50 to 85; snrirutors. to ‘82: moers, to 897. CalvoeH1r,bd veal, $8.65 to $10.73; Common, 3160 to ts. Sheep and lambs: Light "e,tas. $5.50 to tr, heavy. " to $3.50: Spring lambs. 89 to $9.60. Hogs "'ed and watmrod, to 89.35; (1041:. to, $9._15;_0[Y 6'r'H't'. to 8t.60, Baled hav No. Gt $14 tn $14.30 . ton, on track here: No. 2 ouotmt " “I to tWit!, {and mixed nt m to 31250. "thderiisiG7-riuy idartiLiii T, $8.N, on track. Toronto, Montreal, Marrh 10. '. Corn, Amurioan No. 2 yeucw. 72 1-2 to No, trats, Cansdinn Wtotern, No. 2, Me. Canadian Wuwrn No. J. " to " tee: extra No. l (and. " Hr. 1ateyr,.sftyt..retd,_o to A0v;tn.pttipg, 65 to ' Bm-kwhoat. No. e, 56 to 570. i%ur. “an. Spring: whom patent-i. tlvrrta, 85.60; What 85. 0; strong bakers'. 84.90; Win. ter patents. choice. 85 to 35.25; 'straight when. 84.50 to $4.75: do., baud. 32.10 to M.2a. Rolled natal, hurrah. 84.23 to $4.3r, (10.. barn. 90 lbn.. 82 to 82.05. Bran. tu. 'Thoto, 825. Middlin ' ti.ar. “numb. $28 to $52. Hay. No. gap” tor, t'tbr Iota. .1550 to 8U. Cheese, titteqrt westerns. 14 H to 141-24; do,, enter-r25. 13 3-4 to Me. But. ter, ohoireaL vR-amnry. 27 1-2 to 280. Elite. mm. " to Mc. Potatou, per bag. cu low. 85 to 950. M_'!rttsttttolU. March 10. Wheat IT 90 3-4 to 90 Ttkr. July. 9214 to 92 3-89 In _ "d; No. 1 hard, " 3-40: No. l Northern, 915-4 to " 5-40- No. 2 Nort,heru. 83 F,-4 m 90 3-40: No. 3 win-m. as IA was We Corn - No. 5 yellow. 57 to 530. Outs No. 5 white, 37 to 37 1Ae. Flour *quzy pntanhl $465. in wood; flrgt Izl'satsir, “.43. m jute: mound churn. 12.60, in jute: 'rhipmontas, 61.3% her-rah. prank“: 7 - - Capt. Playfuir Plunged a Bayonet Into His llrvnul. A despatch from Lundun says: Captain Norman Ernest Mayfair. who srrx-s'd with distinction in sev- eral British military campaigns. committed hari kari on Wednesday. He was talking with his wih. in the drawing-room of his residence when he exclaimed. "I will put an end to the whole thing." He snatched up a bayonet and plunged it in his breast and died almost instantly. Baeon-Lomt clan 15 to 16e new Ih.. in one low. ii,r:icuib,irt cut, 823.50: do., may, ttN 50. "EMF”MDdHIm. 18 m 181-20: do., heavy. 17 to 181-: runs. " m 15 Me; y.reaktaus bacon, 18 to 19c; backs. 22 to Montreal. Man-b 10.-Prime browns. br to 8 3-40: medium. Or to Sc: common. Fx. to (w: milch 00v”. 340 m 880 each: Hnrinxern. Mo to $70 and]; (when. 3 1-2 to 7 l/K: shown, 60-. 18?;21. I 1-4e to 814k; hogs. 10 tMc to Com-- New No. r, American, 6be, all n11. Toronto. Bye-No. , at 62 to 63e. out-idem Bturr-Manitotus bun ttt a ton. In MIC. Toronto freight. Sham, $86. Country Produce. Bubter-Choice dairy. tt to 'Yay. inferior. It to 19e: ttuanern' neparator prints, 22 to be: creamer] prints. 30 to Mc; DONE! 27 to 290: Image prinvs, 27 to 28¢: solids. 25 " to Mo. Bttg,se-A'aaso lot. of new-laid. " to Mc not dozen; atom". saloons. Me, and swfue. 3040 Me pre dogen, __ _ - A . troGr-HEiGirtai'," G" 113.2?“ to w- an- lb. for No. 1; combs. ts m t3.25 W'r dozen for, " l, and 32.N to 82,50 for No. 2, _ "tGidirF-rriiGrCii ii; TsrrG'r" it}?! (Thick- em. 17 to thr.. ducka. 15 to 17c: new. 15 to..AK; tarts”. to to_Ne. --- 7 bard--Tiercea, " Me; tube, 14 Ho. Shipping in "anger on the New. foundland Coast. A desgmtch from St. Johns, hHId., says: The British steamer Iliver- dale, Aberdeen in Philadelphia, reached hrro vn Wednesday. and reported that ice fieldu extend for 200 miles off Newfoundland. eualarr gering shipping. The fliverGle was forced to put in here far coal, and had been 32 dlys in making the trip because of the heavy weather. "t'huid--'iiGr.""irir, 151Ae tor large; and 16_ide for twin; BF/uri-i/Grisham'. $2.15 to 32.20 per bqghel: pyjama. 82:10 to $2.15. 7 Our-Nu. 2 Ontario can. 87 to Mt-k, outside, and " 39 LE to we. on "not. To. rumo. anu ru (‘auada out. lie tor No. 2, and 591-2 tor No. 3. Bar ports. peas-N to " ouwido. Barley-49ond mama: barley. 56 tome, outside“ “aiding go quality.“ .. .. - PiftdtoGir-RhiGrroc%TG 870 per bae, on track, and Delaware: at 90 to 95c. on track, car Iota. Duluth. Much 10.~I;ins-ed. “.56 38: May 81.57 b8.. July. 31.5914. whetu-No. 1 hard, 931.4c; No. I Northern. 321Ae; No 2 Northern, 901A to 90 3Mc; Montana, Nn 2 hard, 901-40; Mar, 921-40; July, 93 1-8c Toronto", lurch 10.-Flottr- Ontsrln wheat loan. 90 got ceut.. 83.» to $335. mbogrd. and at ' an. T. with). Suuttotr,us--Pir" Enema. in mm ban. 85.40; do.. month. .90: among bakers", In Jute ban. 54.70. Manitoba wheat-Bar ports. No. 1 Nor- thern. " to $1.00 ta, and No. 2, x " to ” 340; Goderich, 14c mo'e. No. 1 Northern, North Bar. 51.0414 to 81.05. and No. 2. 31:021-2 to $1.06. "thitVrio"w'ireTsb-No 2 at 96 to 'e. out- side. according to height, ind 990. on Huh. Toronto. A despatch from Lnndun says: The Home Rule for Ireland Bill was introduced again into the House of Commons on Thursdnv In Axum» tine Birrell, Chief Secretary for Ireland, and was read a hrst time amid prolonged Ministerial and 'AU, tionaliat cheers. Read a Firm Tinte Amid Prolonged Cheers. Appointed Commander of Form in South Atria. A despatch from London up: General Sir James Wolto Hurray. descendant of the Colonel Murray in whose arms General Wolfe ex- pired, has been tppointod com- mander of tho Imperial force: in South Africa. was or rm mums! OFFICE“ CON H ITS NI'H‘IDE. "Ml of cum. emu». than In! 6'3. (ll-vs. at Horn. an. AM.“ CE'ORT‘ 'R03 7". LEID'NQ T380. GENTREI or" AIERICAI. GEN. SIR J. WOLFE MURRAY. 200 MILES " ICE. II0N E RI'LE BILL. United States Markets [and Hay and Straw, Live Stock Markets, Mammal Markets, Wlnnirug Gram Provision; Br6attstatit, MI duo hutch. 750; medi. " to $5.75: 75 to $5.60; and can- h, 36.75 to n. $4.15 to -m. choice, light, $11.30 tsails, Tho Ark list. tho month ol 2:30.000 mum-s. 2am "'litrltt'.v ir oocthipd ct , of the sick were in the h.nrrn4-ku . In all armin turnout- taite tom and A wildicr with a eliqbt cold tlist not keep 1 civilian may from IL may be ordered to may in hie qua-n til further notiro. 'lhe mortality w; 'ight, only 260 of the 230000 ones- nm running Cii1.ly. A hard mm barracks orercrod.-d lay tr,rit'te' tut in E_"M"Pqt"'tre', of the “human term of sen-m» expl. in inn w.ure n; ot which the oppodrion iu maki much. 'Nesertheiess, the Him-dry 1 in: van titnn m the puddl». t'ae " dier jaun- may he 'eufticiecr to “um manthird ct m; rlroavnh mum Haw ceived medical anemnm. At ffru um this ahtmlng new“ to be a trrr: He :11 mm”, of the pmnqm- of the hum-h diary. bat. hen, is a nrcummanm- t ought, to row-train 11.wa judgment l? of the sick were in the Mum-kn . In all armiM tut-[mm- taite row r War hum“. haw m-hirn-d Mum, win we have a "mum public rerrfm {an ‘vnfoks gum otoek breeder whirse fat Mon- “um aw 'rd, ed the wnrld'e 4-h.|mpi<n:nlnn u' tderrd ho a Magnet. but Week th" '/Cll Arm f Botuxt ot Trade extr-ndret .1 aimilu" hum'r to R. man who nun-Mam] in gl‘uwlux mar-r. poumh at potatoes in a given 'utt.Ve than any other twidmlt of the pruviucr. “for al!. the owner or the fax moo-r and the Lr,"/?",1?,' oi the proliftc na'aioen may ave rendered " traum- vrlvm-nl and irtthsstatttial '0 no» to the cuuwtry than thetr more sperluvumr oorttmmvorario,, in England and Wan from who‘re-"bald ha. Mllvn by tlurtynvn Irt" (mu! Tnat Jean“ to ituirate that ‘rmrummmn' i. a rapidly dying di t'N 'e. ittisl "onu‘r any "onfdentl,v lunk forward to a Crne when it will hr exam-1. 1): "0TH"F'e, <otttethtttir mum hu Illtmwl for Imnrovrd Fluritlllnil, but at“ murr for a ‘NDWIHK - in the hurttnn ”no In rum-t the tri,llttr. Otto [run qulIurily hu mun- um tar as to maintain thtet ilk-running ”mummy a dur to an alarm“ "Mn-NM inu-ulallwz. People can-h sour, whwh Ire "any tu. bowulusu. but do um know it: and. lun- in; thrown them on. are nonunion“! nur- vittgrtesd urn-inn the deadly form or thte connlnlm. Whatever In" b. and for or "Mm thir. Iheorr. there o no doubt about the mmdorful [:0qu of resistant-r obtained in prw of time. From an)“ body‘a mouth anon-Mia mun an M collected. wt to their normal hum thee are harmln-I. and thr arming 44w"! of the middle um- hm- dentin-Med mm the iMturttttn o! radar Par mnlrl. when European- Hail " “up Inml tor tht' first (In all. or rlmmt a'l. the v‘nlmlv': Tho Km; It"! Rum. The lradilimui vu-A' in tha, tl Lhonw and innuom-e or Ilte bin; l lund haw hue-1 thu' d tr N. um and in .. no uouln Vrm' Um, in , tho telfaso. m thr I'miwl Kin.ds mainumu a. mun-II attitude and i Licavlly “whom. pow”. lhu ht n and privnte madame .3 Mr grrtuo .5 popularly iruawirted. (In Loitr My can the 'utrtyirierr l 'ic,', Mar Durinr the but tun yawn norm-din! H the report. of the uwdu-al ofhrer In. the [may (iovqrnmontwmmrd. the death nth- “We driotoi, kink-"I‘VMVdGT En. trittitse qettpiairttw Imvmg m l""" srrtrtrtilirur H'UIITIVI. Tr A New York man will gen-elaiu. Me in hum-M mum and hats 'ree forty yen-- to noun-1 P for huinln' murm- 1~ I inch thivk. I'll he hm: ton at"! trium- l-kt- tha The ttoeweUin home. ' "trertrth and warm: an term-ml and newprm it I'm-{Hun Edwina}; ta', [In Nu: o,irnuri ttode “my null it will doles: 31mm! nny humus m m. cm], INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD Comment on Even;s NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED. ngh Cl... Proftt_rttntr Bonds. Godot-.000. 3.00. .0000 By raising them and choosing the best you will be nble to improve 12:. standard of your herd and makeJJigger pruita trom it. INTERNATIONAL GROFA}! GALE-MEAL cmbles you to lo ‘it 1vithotit enabled "9Bi' to do it without using up your milk for the pur- pose. It is a scientific prepar- ation that contains all the nourishing elements needed by the calf. Mix It with skim-milk and you Fave our cream or butter for mic, [hm feeding the an" without decrvnsinq tite reveuuc from your dairy held. It costs but a fraction of 1Ue value of the whom milk that would othenwise be required. Write for our booklet on mining calves. French Army's Hospital List Tutttrttulqsls DyInn Out, The Foreman! Noun INVESTIRNI‘ may In withdrawn 'ttr tuna nttor one your on 60 dan' notion. Burma. at beck of that! Bond. cub lubed " 10:11 Send tor "win! {akin And {all ruminant! CttttFEttEttATit"t LIFE nun. DING am and Potatoes 'Pi. itrtttt,rtten and MI Inm- JH tbe m 1)/ifltlt,llyfi3iiii.".hlt,llii,,,tLT, RAISE YOUR CALVES of the Fro January I An the an .osuAi " ”mum; .00 at the Human esvlc.iy 1ho.wave of tal h uvy “Po .m “‘ng tH,0in, morn mm In must mun- m I, AL tfr'st mam-c 11m .‘in mm Kl_ Kintryipm l‘w a. the nu. bin. of Elm- a, nonvuuty, :, in Inert of rmy mar whn Jhlu TORONTO inhibit III“. are HAWK hem '.ring thvt COMPANY, LIMITED. TORONTO, CAN he VIII Hum". 'teeply IHVUSJNHH‘; Mr. Amncu. Wrong. slrewd. J, lubed, but Il-vl indifteretit. T , I!” numb" (hum is to bo an ndditiou. Sir Thomas Shaughnva is aiming tor his portrait to Mr. F.oie Fuchn, the society painter from England. The picture, it is uudrrst-nwl. malt" good map-cu. For a may with such an egg" temperament u Mr Thom-I. the latter makes M Mm?“ able uiuer. The men momimwd did groin- Himm- for the company in tho due of its beginnings: but Sir T'm- was hrnught to he" "pun the ohirf (I'm-11in” cuhrged id‘eu. Ho though! it! t'tistttd'u.. Hes #3704! and tis' mm: who made the f'.P_R. in its beginnings. .The: FTP an it, wiratiun lo the tureholuertr--ioui Mmmt Ftcp'M-n. with his Kees, yet lu-nimnlm lw-L: Lord Btratherota, Waugh! in vttsttH'u.. rr. Ir utilized great opportunit KI\P it new and mvre a meaning. Van H It is lining that his portrait should hang with UNA-P who did thoir Work avd did it welt; but Hm 1m to the present Afef F.zevtttitrq the marv- orterottx task of nut "My smuinimx the familiar role but " adding int-ak-ulnth to it. mlkinl it bulk and express added value and 'ioirucae. lain l NIN " " nun-had will a home aw. While ordinnriw has been nuda tum»; I which pmmm-n to matrucbion of bonus: 70.0"". CANADA Cttl, (IN THIS It UJ l! mhlful: Hr WiiGo Maply inttrosoeetive: tromt. shrewd. do! mnre Ggrtif'teant

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