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Durham Review (1897), 12 Mar 1914, p. 8

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Cotton Seed Meal Pumps Oil Ctko Gutrolir Moi-3:23 In! Fauim A superior school with compe- tent inBtrsctors and through courses. Ittirated with Central College. ‘3 r 1tiord. We do more for our students than does any other similar school. All gradu- ates inpoittiotts. You may enter " any time. Write for particulars or call at the College. u. A. .UCLACHLAN, w. a. wagon. President Principal ”OI. um ..6'...6t.t.0t4ir Wt'. for“! 3min”: Col/eye MT. FOREST. ONT. ‘39,,(3’ and dGrties' Ctoth Coal: at 0turguin Priees Men's Calf Skin Coat regular 832 for. . . . . .$ 22.00 Men’s Wallaby Coat regular $43 for . . . . . 37.00 Ladies' Fur Lined Coat, regular $42 for. . . .. 31.00 'rrlos, 0toys', and dbudiea' Jweaiers a! reduced p) thes ftf'ey' 1lkfhusr' fang 17tutarrs to clear TAYLOR & CO.Dromore A Week from Saturday is the Twentydirst of Mapo1r-.-----ttyis first day of Spring. What about your Spring Sewing p This Store was never so well prepared to serve you. Every Department offers Special Attractions that will make your Spring Shopping a, pleasure. THE J. D. ABRAHAM co. This week we have opened a shipment of Men's Fine Patent Colt Bluchers, also Mens Patent and Willow Tan Calf Oxfords in Lace and Buttoned. We have also received our shipment of Men's Heavy Plow Shoes in English kip, Urns Calf. Come in and we'll fix you up. Come and pick it out. Jams. My": AIDE " FOR SALE 5901:: Leather Coats.. Men's, at 4.75, regular. . Drill Coats, Men's at 1.50, regular. . . . . . Whipcord coats, men’s, at 3.00, regular. . So late in the season we are going to clear out our stock at prices that you catA afford to 111159 the stock we'huve redncal them so tha'tvtiigre won't be any left. chrutie%oek, Holstein The Store that Always Satisfies TAYLOR & CO. What about that new Suit of Clothes ? (Bundling Engine' Fnuina Meal DROMORE Wooden Candy Pails, 4 tor 2-50 Chaff Baskets tor. ./. . . . . .. Joe Stable Shovels. . . . . . . . _ Mo SHOES Mr Wm. P. Watson is now one cf our large landed proprietors who wzil undoubtedly make good. he having recently purchased the 200 acre farm of Me Robs. [sane who pnrposea mow ing into the Black residence. opposite, Renew (Mice. Durham. / Atthe home oi Mr. Jos Moore Snurdnv "ith inst. to Mr. and M Walter Turnbull, u son-Wan" Just Walter Turntrull, a son-Walter Joseph Mr Wm Brown has sold his farm to Mr John Wilson, his nearest neigh- bor, the selling price being $100”. They purpose ICSldlng with their sun John for the time being before takirg up residence m Durham . k A wood bee at Robt. Baxter week was eehsbrated on the mg lowing by an old fashioned dame Mus Alice Haulage of Glasgow. liter nearly nzhree week’s stay with her cousins here left last. week for hrr sinus in Brampton It's here. NORTH EGREMONT March Came in Like a Lion; It will Go Out Like a Lamb Baxter's la the night. f0 ”HOLSTEIN LEADER l During the Season of Lent we will keep a supply of all kinds Iol FISH. We receive a FRESH SUPPLY every few days , Lachlan McDougall was taken sud.. l denly ill on Sabbath last and on Mon. day night was operated upon for that 1 very prevalent trouble. appendicitis. l, Latest reports were favorable. l Mrs George Dyce is in Toronto at, ; tending the funeral of her mother. Among those who assisted " the service on Sabbath last In the same churgh were Miss Elizabeth Brown, Holstein and Mr Wm. Rama”, Dro- more. As each of these", are talented singers, We hope to be tnyoted by them at some future time Mr Jno. A. Swanston is busy load- ing for the West. He expects to leave Holstein about Thursday of this week. Mrs Swanston and fam- ilv will follow in afew days to their new home in Sperling, Man. Dr. Marsh's lecture on the celestial bodies and his many interesting illus- trations, as given by him at Fur- bairn church on Mondav evening was well received. The attendance Was good. The proceeds will be given to the managers to assist in improving the church. Another very successful meeting of the Yeovil Grange was held on Monday evening. The membership is upwards of fifty. We havejust learned that the in. fant child of Mr and Mrs John Spicer died last tiabbath. _Funetql Tuesday Mr Wm. J. Yandt, of Normanby, is visiting among his former friends in this locality. MrYandt reports him. self as prospering at his old home in Normanby. v,,,)),,,?,)),!?,,,,,,',,..:',....)..',.,?),!),,,.,,) Mr Rom. A. Nicholson was in To. ronto for a few days lately visiting friends. Mrs John Dvce received a message from near North Bay, informing her that her father died on Sabbath morning. Mrs Dyce left Monday morning for her patents' home at Sunridge. p. m. It is a great heartache to pait with the tenderness of the. household Mr Joseph Switzer gave an enter- tainment to his friends and neighbors last week. He sent his car of settlers' effects away in charge of Mr John Hopkins on Tuesday. Mr Switzer and family will spend a few dass with relatives in Toronto, before starting to their new home in Sask. Mr Peter Hamage after spondinu nearly?! months visiting at home. reunned on Friday last. to his prop- erty In Battleford, waiting by way in Brampton and Toronto. Mr Arthur Blaes is assisting m the cutting of wocd at Carl 1nrrison's. A lug time is iaspeettl, at. the schpnl concert. at No. 12, on Malay evenmg the 13th when a fine. play will be presenkd entitled "In old New Eur, land." occupying one hour and 20 minutes In the rendering. Mrs. Rob: Hl-nry we regret to hear is under the Dr's care at present A large number of the farmers of this part. members of the Grange. [lied to Holstein on Monday m empty a car of feed corn oi high quality. Mrs. And. Henry and Mrs. Wm Brown accompanied the latters Guglr ter Mrs Alex Mormon to Toronto Monday on her way to the West. “W ---" v -areir.... flu"ttfgrflt.""...r"..P' “a; YEOVIL If you want a print that will wash and wear longer than any you ever bought try "Potters." We import it from the west of old London. It has stood the test fot three quarters of a century and its better than ever to-day. Scotch Linoleum on Fruiay evening fiue. play wi1lbe NEW ENGLISH PRINTS i"', §"LO0AL AND PERSONALE Among thos, leaving this part "h the West this wezk an t Mr and Mrs' Henry Illscock to Harris, Sask. ; Mr and Mrs Robert Adams and two sons to Kindersley; Jas. and Mrs Switzer and three children to Hilde thtry.amiis .tlr)rfhrynrt.tttttt amid until Monday ianoroixi-trc; and have taken a car of effects with them Mr Lunchie McDougall, 12th con., underwent an operation for appetuii-. citis at his home on Monday evening Dr Grows, of ngus, Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Sneath were in attendance Latest reports state that he is doing nicelv, Those who absent themselves Rev. Dr. Marsh's astronomical lecture in the Presbyterian church on Monday evening will min the treat of the scuon. The stars planets and the heavenly bodiep 1n general have little acquaintance in Holstein and the limelight View. and the address Pro- mise to be interesting and instructive. Miss Walker, of tibelbutne, has been engaged as minis" at J. W. Hunter's. Rev. thn Dickson, of Palmerston, occupied the pulpits at Knox, Nor- munby and Dromore on Sunday last and on next Sabbath these pulplta Will be supplied by the Rev. Mr Ed. gar of Guelph. The latter preached in Durham on Sunday. Mrs W T Petrie and neice, Miss Anna Cums, both underwent opera- tions for their health in Mount Forest on Saturday. Pleased to report they are recovering nicely J. A. Swanston is busy loading 5: couple cars this week and with his wife and family will depart for Sper. ling, Maw, on Monday. Mr Jas. Brown, having sold hid farm two miles north of the village, to Alex Aitken, is havmg a sale i the near future. ) Mrs Coburn and m in Chesley thm Wreck J. R Philp, of Maple Lane, wat', appointed Treasurer of Egremont township at the meeting of the coun- cil on Thursday Last. It is said that the members voted 3to t m his favor.‘ There were several apruyrttrtrmrettit posrtion. _ "Rtstest:ersr:srrrsrit:tsvttttit.tar.tse. Miss Ethel Hunter returned to De- troit on Monday morning. Mr and Mrs H. Strong returned to Toronto on Monday after spv‘nrling some time with hr r parents, -Mr and Mrs James ftecles We are pleased to report that the three children of Wm Orchard, who have been ill with the fever, are re. covering. -" Speeial missionary services ing held in the Methodist chi Miss Mary I. was a visitor at Sunday THE DURHAM REVIEW W. Lougheed is having a saleN furniture and other effects Tuesday of: next week. He purposes givmg up the Hotel business in Holstein this month but has not defini.tel decided. what line to follow nextl/ G'li titll now take charge of t , otel is not known. ' Mrs Geo. Dyce In“ for Sundridge M tsiiolia on Monday on the sad mis- sxon of attending her father's funeral Mr James Moffat Jean, returned to Wroxeter Saturday, at Mr Wm. Gum's. Mr Janus Matthews is visiting his son in the village. . w, and Fulton ate visitors mghecd at Toronto. ha home here over Special values in wide Embroid- ery Flouncing at 500 and 650. Very special 45 inch skirting em- broidery in a variety of dainty designs. Marked for quick sale and sister Miss their home in following a visit Flouncin g Ent" broidery and Embroidery Skirting tea are be. church on 4 srar"s wide Per yard 50c m “mt-hm Mr L chm: IucDougall was taken ill Suuuav morning and was operated L tot appeudtcttis on Monday night llc " doing " well as couldbeex- p c ed at present. ALSSTS Alvin and Scott Becks at- tended s:rvice at Fairbnim Sunday evening. -- Mash Harry Moss and Charlie L'cUougali returned to the vast, Tues day alter spunk g the water here. Harm Watt is menu; on to the Jordan mm: ttus week. irch-.-U Huulw, E Svnller. Ath--11 Fllldlny. M Scott. W Reuwitk. I otultieti. th 3rd--G Ramaye, U Atchl- mm, ty Tucker. N Bumjou. Jr Srd..-B ‘anme,nP R.e.t.tysch, Rn 1..tyteos, M We in pleased to hear that Mr Ono) Philp has received the position " Treasuxer of the township. f Mr Aux Wit H: held a wand-bee on Monday and also a pally at night. Mr Harvey Grout gave a party to a number of his friends last Tuesday evening. _ __ - Mr Juhn Swanstou left for the West Lvll Tuesday With two unload: ofeffcc.s, John Mclnues taking one car and he hmISeII' the other. His mic and familv, accompanied by Mr Roy Hunter. lelt also the same day. Mr Wm. Groat'ttt somewhat Indis- posed at present with la grlpue. 'l~.uc. 2ud--d Hooper, P B srrison, s Hmrinon. A Hutu». Lst--1 tim ul, E 8mm], l Hooper. Pr. B-B. Bmail, A MLMIHNII. ll Hooper, J Ad-rs. Pr. A -E Findlay. _ -- -. - 7 Dr Marsh gave an illustrated ser. mon at Farirbairn on Sunday night by limelight Views. Mr James and Miss Jean Moffat, of 1Yoxeter, visited at Wm. Groat's last week. The play held in Holstein last Fri. ray night was the best yet ever held u this part, except the show concerts. The year has gone by again and we are back to windy March. It came in like a lion, it will go out liken lamb. , Mr Finder and wife, visit, day last Week at Alex Atkins Walter uoeflin trom here was lucky to win a prize at the Carnival in Mt Forest last week. 11is,Jvan 1lo f1m l guneto Tur- 0'41) " h'rittltf tune, Mr and Mrs Wright noun Durham. visited Sunday at, Fa hingham's. Mr and Mn. J Smith has moved back to their farm hum We urn glad to have. them among us again Mr Albert Cameron Visited Sunday at Mrs Douglas'. Mr and Mrs Blyth and tumily have moved down to the village. We wekwme them to our midst. Sunday and the Indies are conduct. in: both services In the morning Mrs James wdl lead and in the eve- ning Mics Fuckc r, of Mount Forest, “in mlmess the tongregatiou. Mr and Mrs P. Cornish visited tho beginning at the week at W. T. Pinder's, Ttume that attrnded the"Uciop prut" Friday night in liolsteln. WIP. well pleused, The Ladies' Missionary meeting last Thursday alternuon was var) st1eeesgtttl. Mr Millet: from England gave an address to the ladies. THIS TLE TOP VALLEY No. 13. EGREMONT At A. M. va. Teacher. called ORCHARD wife, visited me News from the Wash Goods Section It's not too early to think about these. It will be a pleasu re to show y what is new. ticular it's you we're looking for. We think our special Blend 400 Coffee 1 just a little better than anything you have used. Try a half pound an you‘ll be a steady customer. Among the new materials you will find Crepe, Crepe Voile, Ratine. ('I'inklt Bedford Cords,'Ginghams, etc., in the wanted shades. Do you like good Coffee ? lf) i1)“ master. Reg. Hunt and [inward sDrutum; mm m candy stand, Fred {McClocklim bout black, Arthur Ir- [Win ; mu Snyder and daughter Mi - anda. Mrs [Listener and Doris Irwm ; ? Mn Larkin, who waits all day tur her Imam, Mrs Fred McClucklm ', Miss fSupma Piper. a " thitria-striuuiden " lladv. Miss Lizzie Brown ; Mr Jones, ion his way to be married. C. C. Ram- };ge; wuuian will) baby, who intro- cpmh’ eumplicates affairs, Mrs Mush; Uncle Jun“, who waits tor “hands. A. ll. Hershey ', Jasmin and Nancy Pot, lzer, who mm: been seeing sight: m itin- cit). Harvey Grout and Mn Her- "ttee ; Mr Armstr mg. a narrowing i widow-r. Fwd Mchv; his childieu. 'Arthur Kerr, Willie Main. Irene Drumm, Viola McCIucklm , whom 'girls. A Mauary, J Brown, Cr. Peni- new; Dude, J, A. Marsh; Mn. Amalia Hummer. who missed her traio on the way to I Inner-l. Mrs Htgttrtr; Italian musicians. A Rogers and Ben Boole: ; Munindule and wile, nu ill-sui'eu couple. C. u Run- nge H. il Ker; bzide and grain. Fred McCaw and Lana Rive: two ladies, Z Mcthycklin and I) Icmu ; (minced ("in the lame! tm, a ladies Huward Drumm, [Ian " Wont, Ito, Dixon, Will Hunter; deaconeu. ma. N. Pullp; old fashioned children. R Hedda. W lulu; angling couple. J. A. Marsh and Z. llc locum ', the latter', puma who follow. Bert Hun-i ter and Misc Ann: Brown ', we cul-‘ leap quantum. which rendered nov- er‘ul 1olliekiug iithqra. R Hunt. J. The second part dine plat thored all the puma-"103710.: the depot on the Manned exprcu. la the prin- cip~| rcles um mm: were H-Iold Band and Zen MuClootlin, tmbthed " a farmer and his wife an... a ride on the " sound can. " 'Dr limb and. " excellent chair- man and game In inure-Lung Iddleu 'ur/iid. also Room Munhnr who nu A. Marsh, L B. Ntcuunsou, Blouse. If a prrfessorwt p53 chulogx had dr-l sired no make an nnah tieal study all human (emporium-m m to View the! cuancrr rd persons, when they Irel ruhln d of much ol their 'sate" waver. i Ill-u us when those people were In ehartuyetustie pose m turtle. luau and flacry or w be calm. cullecvrd and composed. as their varied [nu-mes wunrd allow them to appear in me heights of madde'ilg atlrmpls u. catch a mun. or to "xistin the .qual- Iy maddening cundmon ol wnuimp several hauls tor their tram, that iii) [cam-r could um. have done better [mm m attend gt The Union Depot " can- cert in Hulsteiu last Frida) night The presentation of chi: thrill'ng drama gave excellent opportunities for such a study. . The Women's Institute are to be cnngruulated on the success of [hell efforts and the} In turn owe thunk: tumemburs ot the large cast which took part and performed credibly. There was not a weak character In the production. special mentluu our not be made of any. llavvewr the committee in charge, Madame: 1loa- better, Marsh, Rugms and McClock- lim had especially excium: times in doing the executlve work " the at. fair. (her $50 was made by the ladies. The stage was the depot and on this plunorm. li e hustled hither and timber. The personnel ot the can, and the churlcnero they portrayed are as follows/ 'i'tefyet agency"! De. THE J; D. ABRAHAM co. The Union Depot upon. At intends, J. i 'a"E13, The Store that Sets the Pace TORONTO Pemttaott--ttobtr--'rtua we low ad jam to meet on May 30th as . Court If Bullion and ask t 'r upplicnu fol Sanitary Ioupecwr and other business. Cancun D. ALLAN, Clerk, R-snlwd mm we,the members of Cache.“ ot the 'l‘mns'wip of Egremom. HMO. his 0ng "uttuty " acknowledg Mix ' ur uppl teeAttttott wt lb. services t f "or aetirlux Ilre ‘ourer, It Jno A Swanuon For about seven yours he has dietsttartted his dune: " Troum " of we vanibip ot Emmom in n enable Ind t mom: runner and M wonld not owrlouk " kind cad ohm ititt dealings. not My to tho Counczi Boom. but In ttll um: whom " du .mc. cune in enamel. And we lutlv ruling and display ream th a the Ihwmttip of Lite. mom II lama a his“!!! and eftitsient “IV-ht We will) himself sud family health and prunperity in " new home in In. fur "at. Carried. fotegouut ..-. ... ..... " 2 (t Treourer's salun due. ..... . 22 " Trensurer. pun. & stationery. . 3 tt , Clerk squarwr‘s olary....... so u DGrIor. Bet wees an “er... . l J lt PMlp .' .... 5w Wm laugh ed, use at Cullen roan .. m...... ...... ...... ' th) The following resolution VII read and presemrd to war taming _ lllul' : . By-Lior No 286 to appoint I Tp Trust or pn-Ied she usual reading The name " Jam ll l’hllp was insert and in Bv-an as Tretststtrer, "In” $t0u.00 as year. Money Orders were grant“ to ti blaming : Kiowa. making Inventory _ M-rsh rand 1rd II ttottple, of egeelu Sula: and Was heariy eneored, I'll an archesua ot eigut pieces supp“ hair " the trest music that a bum this k ind haw ever done in Hulsze Golden - Ferguson-That the s; in audit of tr we a now ambled accepted, the auditurs receive , each for their servicw. eried. Auditorn' llepor' ; Receipts bi Jan lat, 19il. $1507.93; Bani. of l gram $40.51; T'otnt receipts $15M! Expenditure $308.65: Bil. I $1239 59. Certified correct. D Gr Jno R Pbilp, Audxwrs. Csttuttil m't Murcia 5tlt. Minn udop ed. It ceiv d Iron] the y vine”! Scan an ueceipts of res Mott reietit tt mm building and pruning m. rim-Iric rullwuy fr Ihteipts to OM-n ti and. Also mm: trom Gen. Lama pattunatirer, count of snow chm clung, &c. Robb .Fergtutm--Thtst the reei' report be udupted and he rect' " 002m his services. Clrried. ilobb-G'ordom-T1mt D Grier til l Jno R Ptsiip be appointed to make A special audit from January lat, M: to Much 5th. Curiea. G'ordmt--McRobb-Ttut the cit: k iulmm Mr Lu a mm the pmius 1.}. {erred to Will be crediud by ILn‘d mat on this your} list. Carried. By-Law Nu 287 to amend By-l.-.w Nu738 to road Bell! removing ur- um parties trom Beat 1, con " '0 Beat an batwline. Passed. The new: guns n detailed Us books. goods and chuck belong to the township In the Treasur: oosaession, as nquuted by comm In: meeting. chalk not being abr assist. [AT CH 12, 1914' EGREMON f COUNCIL ABRAHAM John McArthur, Rave Pa SQUARE FAIR AND ou're f8 ., d WF' " s, "ttei Dr Br ' ' Eye, Ear. Nose Throw. "ill " Hahn Hotel, Du mm. 2t. H mi2 to 5 p. m. hated and glu I Iupplicd. of on wres- for "ec. I III”? Mr A Methodist t " pay- to cm ' It!“ sound-Hung l all trt the Oairw Wound-n Seed 0 sale. an“ CCRLERI Dali-4e. But. Ads .000! of II hmh Mitre G'tleil, well won glory on skip The] - first pt bmststitul clock" " In“. Cup. Wu Inn's - ? DAT: FOR F. QIImInllimw Idiom And Jun ulna .lull on to inuuuuium ttartoteut " high schmul I at." on June', mm. wtsiie tl “one ('cllllinllo Nth. Apri all-cl: m): it Publ" [hum Imam v1 .pcctu M, made aunt Durham tr comp“) nude " M: in the no It“ in dst'si the law a that a cl tstew hou current th evening. Sunday ht the Cum leg"). d" "tttsissy 1 will doubt " " Whde in H editor had tl- through Rev. I which curl prck Ind bring the “me. nearer Wo beauhlully dim ucopc nttuchcd III the beaumu Dr Marsh‘s so: mucuon of tc and adjust cv cept the lens" complete talcum The workshop only ol the In with“) the “may. WIISKEY M: N Standard his! v... eideot to Mass tie: our Markdalc. m oft“ men In s-ng the iOuencc ol I . and her cousm " L: "ieand had turnn up! to pass “In: Mind datslwd ofthe first Chum. her clothing uni feet. the "(and her and the No a the harm they hm m. collar huh ed and she sutl M; the was u " “to be hopcd: - the young - to othcrs, My " Whiskey in." \_.FIIEIK§'H (m o t evening In»! the Ii od wl'h a wel the Gunman twet In cieut The talettt --1 tette voteu'rt" EMIiunh'. “WOUND. Mt lint-1. MN m tbe val it' ed. oewet "lloss of any numl .- Waitin. tttode,. herWiUul Lott Mb” tite I ch Aetcls. " A II..- HUSH“ “a Ihv'r v 'eri" th'iim "ll t M Ber “mu-W qtie. The Old"! gnaw Fun-M " _‘.u’klnle “In" lttr m ttte ("woman- - M" Ttau-ir, " the CIQIK. "dd, inn-up The hut‘h' e-te, “m for 1" "a If in ttte l, 'gr,a,'l. cmcrtes; 74. wtttte at (bl P and. gube- 'l", tttttrp,'." n A _ . Clare _ may rm" . "t - Ibo lil' V - curl" ' MUM. - [lulu ' N _ I-a. thrill ttedr, it)' Sam pl" h ' “hm F ttt"ri VOL. XXXVll. N It Paulina: In taking on at Orchnrd urn c. Mr Edie, of W. p, ol tt [ new -itis I'll“ s F "t"r.--Apttlt. at B. D.' .. Clonal. 8.. L. HANTIlel) H ed oata,bre om ad o: M y t'eretu)t' ill. C - K New and

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