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Durham Review (1897), 26 Mar 1914, p. 6

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I l mrf a. month oblate]: poo- 2 why-2: "ieted with rheuma- hgm begin to have undo-nut HF rrinders of their "cubic. The wear ther is ehangeab1o- balmy M .priy‘liktone any. cold. raw and pierriyg the next. It Is such sud- den changes of weather that sun the pangs and tortures of rheum- tism, liming“ and sciatica going. But it must be borne in mind that “though weather conditions stun; the pains, the trouble is rooted in tho blood, 1nd can only be cured through the blood. All the lini- ma-nts and lotions in the world can’t -ure rheumatism. Rubbing may rm to ease the pain while you are rubbing, but there its value ends. Only by treating the disease through the blood can you cure rheumatism. That is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured so tinny thousands of cases of this trouble. The new, rich blood these pills actually make drives out the poisonous acid Ind rheumatism, lumbsgo and kindred troubles me banished. Among the runny "aNer- as horn rheumatism cured by this modicine is Mr. R. J. Sinclair, of Boson, 31.8., who says: "About two years ago I was laid up with rheu- matism. For two months I could not walk and had to stay in an in- vulid's chnir. My feet were badly swallen aml my urms seemed to be paralyzed. I had been using doe.. tor's medicine for a long time. but it did not seem to help me, and the doctor finally told me that tho only thing that would cure me would be a channe of climate. At this time I decided to give ltr. Williams' Pink I'ills a trial. and got 3 supply. Af- ter I had taken them for a while I found they were helping me, and I got a. further supply. and they cum- yvletely cured me, and I have not born sir-k one day since. I strongly n-minlnend Dr. Williams' Pink Pdl" tor this truublu." " yea! suffer from rheumatism. or any "ther direa-e of the blood or day luniaMFll The Dr. Broekvill 7ictims Can (Burs Themselva With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills "Mr. Lune called again this morning. sir," said the new once boy as Mr. Stuart entered the of- "Did you tell him I'd gone to F.arope. as I told you to, F.dwardr' asked Mr. Stuart. "Yes, sir," answered the boy. "I talk] him you started this morning." -That,'s u mud boy.” said Smart. ' And win! did ho say I" "He wanted to know when you‘d be back.” replied Edward, "and I hid him 'After lunch,' sir," . ace "Yes,” replied Mr. Dustin Sta. "and you can work in your shit sleeves and speak Four mind, ll quit work when your regular hon are through. I've trot to wear high hat and guard every word weak. and keep husv IO hours His Flesh Horr;bly Burnt Supplied. Maid --There's a man called with a hill. mn'am. a speak ands E TiTGaGraaC'% _-i-_---" 77 . 'pifei.moitatr.Bo-.lr.aA. Mara. Soap And Ointment Treatment: On retiring, soak the hands in hot water and Cuticura Soap Dry, anoint with Cuticura Oitttment, and want soft bandages oeohtlooset*rvesdudstgthertight. ”mummucmu nova“. A and “aw.wnm Fisriaisttteet1ietete.ete.Lef IN r , - N "r' - ',irn 'tate.' is no longvr acute. ti) .'ot - "s I F.ngiueevs my thet the tunneling , I , V I' I through the impel" mus chalk of the .- NN' l, ( Ex-‘mnne! bed could be easily accom- lh x} 22iFet. 'plished by a boring machine built , " I La, - 'ITIS “"‘ .011 the plan of a huge carpenter's Ci b') ’ Tr" k Sih 'LI' d thotn nel fterw ds lined . . _. a _ .. an n a ar , Tr - " u "“‘\ “ith steel. The mute is about 25 Iephrhuls Ite.'. re ready. ll es. begin to euro yourself tty- with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, 'h under a fair trial will do for what they have done for thou- ls of others. Bold by all medi- dealers or hy mail at 50 cents 1x or six boxes for $2.50 from Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., :kville. Ont. I represent the dignity of 1a /' laid the man in his shirt (Soft tullhlt trtt'tt drunk! sol, what he an " and not: Patna-‘3 I at and guard ever and keep busy If I represent {ha lab Plenty of liNinetion. him; MARCH Convineintt. tell him 1'Ctwne _ £0 I hun achnp ac! mm have bench Summon it'd ' in 24 hours. In: him we have some , purely India: on e. at. all Sum shirt and 1oit rs d ig, COTE n SCENES IX Men Work in Armor In PM” of Winners, in England. All the way from "Fairy1and" to "Helltown" range the nicknames which have been given to the town of Widnes, in England, by eminent visitors to this strange, busy little world where chemistry is king._ _ - t to be used cotton mill their bleac tars get t The name ”Hellmwn” wns con- ferred upon the place by a journal- ist who once visited it and was hor- ribly impressed by the chemical factories. A scientist of equal em- inence with the journalist took the opposite point of view and was so delighted with all the extraordinary processes which were to be seen in the shops that he called the place "Fairyland.” The town is a flour- ishing (mo. The workmen make good wages, and in some of the worst trades have short hours, but even so, their lives are shortened by the unnatural atmosphere which they inhale. _ of chemiea. co used to perks other factories town. More al Widnes than fr the world. C Amnng those who have the moat hardships to endure in connection with their Work are the bleaching powder packers. who breathe through twenty-four thicknesses of fbannel, wear goggles and calico clothing around which brown paper is tightly wrapped. This is may surily because these men must enter the chambers in uhioh chlorine gas is turned on lime. It used to he a tradition that nothing green could grow within three miles of With“. but the inhabitants, who are very loyal to their unique dwelling rlaee, point proudly to their large and flourishing public park, whose ver- dant foliage dispruves this tradi- tion. There are 30,000 persons in the town. The men Work either in the chemical factories or in iron or copper works. - BABY’S OWN TABLETS Once a mother uses Baby's Own Tablets she will "over again use Castor oil. that barbarous purga- tire which all children loath. The Tablets are a genrlo laxative: plea- sent to take and are absolutely the best medicine a mother can give her little otter Concerning them Mrs. Hector Blanchette, Rouville. Que., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets in plaee of caster oil and am well satisfird with them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers .-.r by mail at 25 cents a. box from This Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., lh‘m-kvillo, Ont. First Milo Was Completed, Work Then Ahandoned. Thirty-two years ago the frrat mile of the English Channel tunnel was completed. Travellers saw vi. sions of mun being able to dodge the rough sea trip between Dover and Calais. But the ins asiun bogey seized the military authorities in England; Parliament Would not let the construction proceed. Each successive year that the pro- ject was proposed alarmists arewe to picture the French making use of the tunnel to land an army in ling. land. Parliament rcgularly refused its npprmal. notwithstanding that the promoters devised schemes whereby the pressing of an electric button on English soil would put the tunnel um uf commission in war time. . Tilk', CHANNEL TUNNEr, AGAIN Tuday that first mih of tunnel is all that has been done toward hon “In the con . . n . " gun. by Jul, was the an- ing beneath the English Channel. But the project, is alise and is com- ing before the Honor of Commons again. with prospects brighter than ever before. France and England are un cordial terms and the inra- siun bogey is no longer acute. Engineers say that the tunneling through the impervious chalk of the channel bed could be easily act-om- WhiV travelIing on a steamboat I notorious card-sharper, who wish- ed to get into the good graces of db clergyman who was on board, said to the reverend gentleman: "I should very much like to hear one of your sermons, sir." "Well." re- plltd-tho clergyman. "sou could have heard me hut Sunday it you had'bcen where you should have been.') “What!!- that MI"; on the plan of a huge carpenter's i/r. and the tunnel afterwards lined “m: steel. The mute is about '25 miles. “hick. it completed, Would I' umitute the longest under-water tunnel in the world. The cost is estimated at about $80,000,000. m CHEMICAL LAND. BANISH GASTDR OIL Mam met on Neuraluia Webbing Pain Gees Quickly No person reading this need ever again suffer long from Neuralgta. A Nerviline will quickly curd the worst Neurugia. and Mrs. G. Ems. in her strong letter written from Rus- Bel post once. "rr.---") long year, the. longest of my life, was almost on- tirely given up to treating dreadful attacks of Neuralgia. The agony I experienced during some of the bnd attacks was simply unmenuonable. To use remedies by the score without permanent relief was mighty discour- aging. At last I put my faith in Ner- viline; I read ot the wonderful pain- subdulng power it poaaesaed and made up my mind tn prove it valuable or useless. Nerviline at once eased the pain and cured tho headache. Con. tinuous trkaiimeut with this magic. working remedy cured ma entirely, and I hove over since stayed well." A YEAR'S SUFFEREB CURED BY "NERViLtNE." Mrs. Evan's case is but one ot hun. dreds that might be quoted. Nervi. line is a cpeeifle for an nerve, muscu- lar or Joint pain. It quickly cures neuralgia. sciatica. lumbngo, lame back, neuritis and rheumatism. Forty years ta use, ar.d to-day the most widely and ”lament in the Domim Son. Don't take anything but "Ner. viune," which any dealer anywhere can supply in large 500. family size bottles, or in a. small 25c. trial size. An American Girl in England Sizes Up Princess Mary. "A princess in her fresh young teens, with blue eyes and golden hair, sounds like quite a fairy-tale sort of creature, doesn't she?" an American girl in England, who had recently had several opportunities to observe. the royal family at chose range, wrote home the other day. "Well. Princess Mary is sixteen, a rosy blonde, and is blessed with glorious, shining hair, which, after the English fashion for girls in their middle teens, still streams loose over her shoulders much of the time. She has, undeniably, marked points of beauty; but she is not beautiful, and dues not even strike you as pretty, although if somebody who knew how could somebody who knew how could catch her and dress her, it might be a different story. But taste in dress was not " characteristic of her grandmother, Queen Victoria, or of her mother, Queen Mary; and she is said to take after both of them, with the added drawback that she doesn't care about clothes anyway, and ennsiders them just a bother. That mightn‘t be a drawback, after all, if it meant that her dress- makers were allowed a. free hand; but they are. not. Queen Mary has decided ideas, and duapproves the present styles, and the duds the court dressmakers evolve under her direction are simply awful'. Lady "On horseback. willing habits can't be easily out of taste,---eanter ing gracefully beside her father in the park (for she and the King are inseparable riding companions). Princess Mary really does look both pretty and prineessy enough to sat- isfy our republican ideals ; for, since We regard royalties as ornamental merely, we quite naturally demand more of them in that line than their subjects do. But on formal occasions, she fails to look the part as well; she has an air both stiff and shy; and, if it's anything out of doors, not Sairev Gamp herself could cling more passionately to her decrepit green unibrell' than does the Princess to her neat, cor- reet, tight-1y rolled, eminently pro- per, but somehow unroynl and dis- illusioning umbrella." m-ee- , who knows, tells me that the London mediates actually hate to have the court rustnrn, instead of being proud of it, and never let their more stylish customers know, if they can help it, that they hue made gowns for the Queen and Princess! Perhaps, with time and maturity. the little lady may acquire more of the superficial graces whose absence royalty makes always disappoint- ingly couspicuous. Perhaps, also, her more than British devotion to her umbrella may wane. At present it is so marked that as all England has learned with a smile, her bro- thers commonly refer to it as "Mary's twin." Does Your Head Ache With Catarrh? CATARRHOZONE WILL CURE YOU. For the first time in the history of medicine', a treatment tor the cure ot Catarrh endorsed by the medical pro- fession has been given to the public. Hundreds of patent medicines have been advertised, but never before has the legitimate physician in good stand. ing recommended the free use of a Ca. turrhal remedy. HAVE YOU' SORE NOSTRILS. WA. TERY EYES, MUCOUS DROP. PINGS IN THE STOMACH. Tho merit of Catairphrpzryno I: m un- qur-stimwd, Its cures so numerous, as: to entitle it to rank as the one remedy by which ('ntarrnl disease in the head, none and throat can he reached and cured. The cures of Catarrhoaone are permanent. Even thou blinding headaches. that stuffed-up feeling in the notre and forehead, are relieved in tive minutes. Chest pains and dis- charge ot uausmttng matter ls stop- ped. Amt Just think of thits-you stop hawklttr- you no longer snf1t m- as Why delay? By using (‘nlarrhozone to-dar you Start on the way to health. ('atarrhozone will make and keep you free from every trace of cold, throat, chest, or catnrrhll trouble: has done it for thousands. Why not tor yqu? Large size lull two months, costs $i.00; mull size, 500. All dealers or by mall from the fmtnrrhoxo,rys Co., Bun-lo; N.Y., Ind Klintan, Ott. --beeause Catarrhozone has]! in?! noodles away all irritation and con- nation. Did we .For bear ot a married man who tuttered bis wife. T lunar: Llamas! for can "cry-hon. "MhRY'8 TWIN.” I??? The British Ambassador to Mexico is here shown posing for newspaper photographers on his arrival at Washington, where he confer-nod with President Wilson concerning the Mexican situation. Sir Lionel de- clared that in his opinion the Huerta. Government was Just as strong an ever. When a Woman Sulfers With Chronic Backache There is Trouble Ahead. Constantly on their teet, attending to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In tho stores, factories, and on a farm are weak, ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. Suetf sultan-his ian't natural, but It's dangerous, ‘because due to diseased kidneys. The dizzinesa Insomnia. deranged menses and other symptoms of kidney complaint can't cure themselves, they require the assistance of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills which go direct ,to tho seat of the trouble. To give vitality and power to tho kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to tree the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pins. For all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. Because of thrrlr mild, soothing, and healing effect. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are safe. and are recommended tor girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at an dealers, Rofuse any sub. stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. So llovlaros Famous Freneh Horti- culturiut. M. Jean Tiaud-Bruane, who is one of the most famous French hor- ticurrurists, has just published a little book on flowers, in which he advances the theory that flowers both see and hear. As a young man, he says, he began to study Bowers, for which he has always had a. passion, and he sought to "under, stand the intimatn life" of the blooms which he cultisated. When he saw the growing plant, reach out- toward the necessary support he asked himself whether the action was the result of volition, and whe, thor the plant had eyes. Drusszisu refund OXNTMENT falls to or Protruding Piles gives relief. 50c. M. Yiaud-Bruant. is no.»- appar- ently convinced that Bowers both hear and 500. There are some that are sensitive to anaesthetic sub, stances, ether in particular, which suggosts the existence of a nervous system, "like that of a nervous wo- man." And he would even. credit them with something analogous to the power of speech. "Ono knows," he writes, "that the perfume. of flowers is a manifes- tation of vegetable life, a living radiation. Perfume is as much a vibration as an olfactory sensation. The perfume is the voice of the flower; a bouquet is a wordless ru- maucn. Each perfume. or rather, each odorous sensation, corres- ponds with ti, certain note of vibra- tion; there is an analogy between the perceptions. of sound, light and scent. The strong scent corres- ponds with the (loop notes. while the delicate odors correspond with the shrill notes." I An Irish laborer one? went to Glasgow. As be was walking up the city after landing. with his pack on his back and a. blackthorn stick through it, a Scotsman same up to him, saying, "Well, Pat, how did the potatoes grow in Ireland this yearl" Pat lookedit him took 2e, pack off hi? back, drew iid Mac - tt"ttthi,t, 'td', M: a blow on e _ , in in: to the ttQprazt'rt?kdl Jt one of the stalks in; your. 1aFd] you can iuAre for tv'ottriselt the size of the potatoes.” _ . “Thu, girl has pretty hair." re. marked the young mym.- “Yes." said the damsel he was with. “and she has some at home that is even prettier.” Pr,hNTs' CAN' SEE AND "EAR. run (and In SIR LIONEL GARDEN. ti' u» kiitfift , ' a, G to " any! money " PABO curl' Honing, Blind, first iuiriiuttioti Wick are For ROBERT J. PYLE FOUND IT IN 0000’s KIDNEY PILLS. Ke Buttered for a Year, but Bis Return to Health was Quick and His Cue Complete. Bourg Louis, Que., Much IS.--- (Special). - How quickly Dodd’s Kidney- Pills will cure rheumatism and other forms of Kidney Disease when taken in the early stages is shown in the came of Mr. Robe. J. Pyle, a woll~known farmer living near here. In an i: "Working the cause about a cramps in "When Rheumatism was finally added to my ills I decided to fry Doid’s Wdney Pills. Ono box cured me completely, and I have had no return of my trouble." Dcdd’s Kidney Pills cured Mr. Pyles 1theumatism because it WM caused by sick Kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure sick Kid- neys. If you have any two of Mr. Pyle's symptoms, you have sick Kidneys and you need Dodd'a Kid- ney Pills. about a year I had occasional cramps in the, muscles and stiffness in the joints. I was often dizzy aad felt depmesed and low spirited. I was nervous and my skin itched and burned at night. _ b'MhCELET'ON HAS THE FINDS Mr Ernest Refuses to Discuss Aus- trim Explorer’s Priority Claim. A cable from London says: Sir Ernest Shackleton has now secured $250,000 which was needed to carry out his exploring trip across the Antarctic continent in the south, He wants $50,000 more to have a margin for the supporting parties. The government has given $50,000. while anonymous persons have of- tered $100,000 as a free gift; atl- other person offered $175,000 for the cinemasusgrsrph rights, but the ex- plorer said this remains to bo de- cided. Sir Ernest Shackleton is working frttoen hours a. day at the prepara- tions, and he is obliged to postpone his intended trips to America and Norway owing to the demand mad: upon him, Ho declines to discuss any fur- ther the Austrian expldrer Koenig's claim to priority of the idea in fix- ing Weddel Sea as a base, insisting that ho mentioned this intention “Whether the Austrians go there or not, Sir Ernest Shackleton says, is a. matter of indifference to him. soon after hiss [not return from the Antarctic, whereas Koenig claims to have published his (plan only last Maw. . I Imam": Minimum. Oo., Limited. Have mod MINAED'S LINIXENT for Crrrsup; found naming equal to it; me cure. Try Murine Eve Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart .-Soothes Fig', Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye emedy, Liquid. Me, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. umrmwluuuuulbucm Murine E1. Round! Co.. Chicano “m CHAS. tl. sunny. Havinluw, NIL. Sept. lat, 1906. "iriliiiir'-t%i'eaGr, air, if 1 get her. I know you'll do the handsome thing for us." Old 1tiehleigh--"8o you want to marry my daughter. What are your prqspects, J8fy luuk ". .. Low Colonist Rates to Ptutifir, Coast Via Phil-.130 a North Wemrn nr. March 15th to April 15tA..trmrt point. In (‘amula to Bah. Like City, gr“). hm Anni". Nan Francisco. Portia ' Tynan. Seams. Victoria. Vancouver. Swan” Dian-kt and ("ayzadign Nmmwgkuoinm. There are some good husbands, but must of them are dead. 7 "Oh, yea; he borrGred 895 more. off me last week, and only took 315.” Through Tnurisb deepen Ind free re- clining ehair a." {mm 2."nt,t Variable routes. Libel-M qt4ttr0FetM. or full in. bsrtntvtion as to rum. route: uni Hun- ture, write or call on B. ll. Bennett. Gem-I‘ll Arent. " Yang: Street. Toronto. “Has Owens ever paid back that $10 you loaned him a year yrot" Regain-n; It's ear.ier to borrow trouble than it is to tpre it away. Wanted-An Occupation. There are two reasons why some people don't mind their own busi- ness. One is that they haven't any mind, the other that they haven't any business. Mlnnrd'u Linlmum Relieve: Neuralcla‘ Minard's Lmimom Guru handrail. interview Mr. Pyle says: ' in cold, wet weather was a of my_tetAles, and. for Hints to Debtors. Cheek. _,',,",,',.,.,.,,.,, a ttelts, W o Ik" ff/tlil; ”in 51"" ""rv"'""et"- A otttt-irn of I“ n'titt will act as an escort to the B 'ish royal yacht which brings King George and Queen Mary harms the channel next month, rv1 “urn will be an imposing military - .1 naval demonstration in their hwy 'r, when they reach French soil. Every pre- - . . - _ _ "L..4 oh. _aw"eVM"Wr"i'"'"'- --- V they real: French coil. Every pre- caution will be taken to no that the visit of their Majestic: is unmrred by a. single unpleasant incident. While there is nothing to indicate any activity on the port of the an- urchista. every known member of the Reds will be kept under close surveillance until the royal visitors have returned home. The militant tsuftrageUo colony in Paris is regarded as more a source of danger than the anar- chists. Word has reached the po- lice that tho Pankllurstites are planning a demonstration ,but they will have a. small chance of accom- plishing anything. The French po- lice are. not :0 tender in dealing with such matters a»; the English. On the principal that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, they do not wait for an overt act before they take a hand. DUI” HAVE IlElllllllllSlll BET GIN PILLS NOW. and be [no of pain all Ilium. Mr. Bobm Wilson ot ILn,rdf1eld, N.B., can: "It “but no great pleasure to convey not only to you but also to all suitor"; from Backwhe and Rheumatism, the great. relief I have obtained from tho us: of Gin,Pilla. I (on! thankful to you. I recommend GEN PILLS to anyone tune:- in: u I did." Nkr.. a Box. 6 for 82.50. sample tree it ymx write Naxionu Drug & Chemical Co. ot Cumin. Limited, Toronto. Danger ot Contagion. When Bobby's mother returned from her shopping, she found her small son in a fine rage, and the pretty nursemaid in tears. --__ . . 1- n-v - L "What is the matter now?" ask- ed the mother. "Sure, ma'am. he's roamin’ be- cause I wouldn't leave him go to play with the Burton children," said Nora. "And it wasn't that I wanted to deny him, but Mrs. Bur- ton called across they was having charadee. .and I didn't know. maum, whether Bobby had ever had them or notl" 'reda 'iB'One Day. Me, To {ethic genuine. can for full name. LA ATIVE HROMO Q‘IININE. Look for signntum of M. W. GROVE. Cures “So dd I," she replied, with a heslGrtifled yawn. "It's an un- pleasant sometimes to have to say what one thinks." " wish I could read your ehotyrhtts,"Ae. egid. .. . '.. It sometimes happens that a. girl who has narrowly escaped matri- mony in to be oort-tauted, may 0:. “3.0.0 ovum" The big fheh in the sea can't be caught on small hooks. It is perfectly ufe to trust the devil to collect what is due him. All bets are on sure things, but some are sure to lose. Few men can remain cool when they encounter a frost. True love is never too good to be true. Each irirnake of a hmzilic. asylum firmly believes that all the other in- mates are crazy. Girls make up their complexion, befprq tying to make up quarrels. If wishes were automobiles walk ing would not merely be unsafe v-i “gym Jst? impossible. Some people have the faculty of being disappointed at not getting something the): never expected. The donut Gu you [iiiifJi,' ex- pect is larger than the ten dollars that you knew you! wquld get. Ignorance may be bliss. but the fellow in a position to enjoy its ad- vantages does not know enough to know it. The man who claims everytlu'ng in sight is in trouble “hon the article under discussion is stolen, property. No man knows the value of a. dol. lar who has not earned om, but. he may know the value of what the dollar will buy. Bright, famine prospects some time so dazzle the eyes that present ad- vantages cannot be seen. The results seem to show that many men take more care in train- ing their moustaches than in direct, ing their children. had tried both The question as to the oomparative cost 5nd worth of being dead or alive might be settled if an inter- yiew could be had with a fellow who But no Didn't Go, Even Then. llnard’u Linlmt_ Cum Inna. Eu. -i5NTA WI SE A N D OTHERWI NE. - v "--- - v For piles and all tomes: and irtiution of the skin Iggy " i, the best, safest and quickest remedy. Itll eigenbped lands, helps cuts and supple“: to quuc r. - mm booklet all “not the diitemat "Vaseline" W,,1','it?a't free on muest. Needed in every home. gtte W. mirVaseline ins PILLS to anyone auger. TORONTO To Owe! Jamal-h " older hon-u, toe death," but will up “Ruined. Full in drunhu. -- a -iiisa) ---_ "ri-te-t ess""" iiift s "Mr. - ' .mmp- may”! /t;iiiiisis, . . . IA 0" _ A IP00"! IEDICIL M., .ufgre.tt yP_1tetieat tofu)" trom mks “ - - .auu. u- ”avert - Jun-cumin lu s2'idi'"li't7, every bottle ‘AWI. l-IW»l----- -_-----e - - _ b and" cmn. funv equippul. “'er cum. My Lose, liming Alberta. to diatrittato religion: literature in Tour ta"",',',,',',',',, - days' work. Emu-inm- not mu red. Men or woman Opprt {unity ter promotion. Spun timo II] M med; ImrnLMonn! Bible Pre" Company. CENTS WE A Dominion fl For. Own-rum We will pay you $I20.oo iiriiGd GC TnTnm IF YOU WANT TO BUY on SELL A Fran. Mock. drain. or Dairy Farm, writat IL W. Dnmmn. Brannon. or M Cotttorrte At.. Taverna G COD WEEKLY IN LIVE To“ n In I York County. Stationary and “MK Bunting!“ In eonneetion. Price nnlv “.000. Terms Ilbornl. wtmon Publish- ing Company. " West Adelaide Street. Toronto. s6grl',aN1pt,'?if.'u'r')e 'iiikaihtams, r u r . “was. Free Cut-log, lcCoune & Ion. GroroseM._t1eri_o.: CANCER. ll’IUBs. LUIPU. ETO., laurnnl and cum-nu. and run. out min " our homo treatment. Wm. m hetero too late. Dr mum.- loam: Gn.. United. Callingword. on. e t and: “fit "niiCiGicrrG'ii; Kim. E?:..t.tr'9ir-~. hunk mm mu." s .------ a. w. DAWN)", Calhoun It. Toronu. Medlke. AWL, In. PA 19t,'t. " haee been 'tsirtg Rena-H'- S-vit', Cure for-{bod many year: with good results. In tact, a. - “uncut it." - ------ V II . bottte9 for 'a". drtmt+ts--or write fur copy or our book .. the on the “our" tte " aux, “whom, “an. no Maw - II ,,__l_~AJ TTr., I Ono rainy day Aunt Sue was Ph phining the meaning of um...” words to her young nephew Tumam "Now, an heirloom, my dear. luv-u» something that has been handed down from father to sort," she MM "Well," replied the boy Human: fully, “that's a queer name fur HI; pints." ______,V,, _ w. BAWSON. Ninety cabana Strut. Yth - ----.- Dr. B. J. KENDAU. COMPANY Elam Fall» Vet-out. UAA. 7" 'lt.', M- I- but tor m m. Ettt 'fillet","':'.",':)',",',',';,",?:: “damning. Zulu-link was recommended and it gave me one ahnoet In soon as applied. NOW my hind: are unit. ,77 _ i" -. ‘m'l‘F' - _ link 01m. Que., Bdb.V8t-- " suffered terribly from chapped hands. Noun-times 1etifytf.i'ilrd eith tht pain 7iG7iFiFiitVrttn SALE O a a t A o r o u g a application of Zam- Buk at night will bring ease y morn. lng. Zam-Buk stops the "ttartietg, heal: the cracks and make: the hand: Fill! FOR IILI- NURSERY STOCK. IIIEILLANIOIII I win YOU. warm - Adjunct- Co., wind WANTED. IN LIVE Toy? IN It. Rum“: are _ halt. (p "You cum I all sound-ml I truly wonderful Ill other pmvn‘ no.“ cum-h n u me your mmlm The you'll: 'toft-red fur was tow and "No-tnd , 1 do; though. I was quite n F u-SIII nun-’11 "till tower: . n 'Slater. 0‘“! WNW“! (hm Asuncion thut In the “Print!" we were on tl Lerft lImam. in .stP that tttet "No. l w: mum-lug my "Hinton! I and drain-4 mum. rhrumnlh' h can“. 'M8t'OF_ nu than mi at Norfolk nu (wood whim (M nun. III Meet were st “Burial. .. nod for NW drive you t - We m momma"! thi rht u "d I! which an“! you '." - "M 3 "rtaatst "iii I‘m “in": stream. Potting than: "Utah I'll be the Ital Iaue--s Have you k Foolish f lu-rmu CHAPTEI d It not, you do t be. You hold n h We!“ grceH--l ”a it: it has the h enough to nub There arr um “I “In! lather -- ”I; the glyceri Ask your drum: Hump“: rake to tl M, I'cnh, Oman ttte a cake. 3 for 25c. G " All " Id dttg V I tii. Glycerine Or. the Belle of Write for sample For all by Cl. (out to (III! in“ .,riil'liiiriili: _'s'i'iit8jl-?i'ii the soal fragran h " "

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