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Durham Review (1897), 9 Apr 1914, p. 1

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914 AN D nsiblo Its "I - 4 yds mtract 'EIN _ rilllv. I " by "land I to "(an " Us will 50c n: govern- ends in tho F. Wood. Labour, 3 Meade. I holl, C Me {Id --B Me- I: Pr.-- Walm 046' Frau-on r_ttet AN.. , Schni. tre A.S. Pastor Ilium ppoail ion \l arttaret J . ard-- re. Annu- dMMnmiO stqr 30 h of when" coined ard (be rank n not " upon Frui- All”. phino '. " B .00!) er "gen Pl (at! " M K l Hm Mammal-<0"! tiny-Iv. ”A: 's me! " the home of In J. l Hm.“ I. .m rhundnylut. - - LLL‘II‘HU" "rcetintt of "I. Woman'- ln~lzrn'9 “a: held. Much interest 'N u take") in th . well prepared - glut" ly Mrs J S. Ncllmith on tho mu " l‘r-nunwut or Home Pinata. NIH/wins ind Bull's.” A good (Ii-our _ rr'.. t' " nun-d Mrs J. McGowam’a Inter- r.,t IV, paper on "Bread “akin." v ' l. " .n tum-ed us with a numb" s" rrir-iri,sr piano treieetiorts. Min 14- 4 n-a'i'ruion and Miss Black'- _ _ .- -.\'- vnjuyed by tut.--nom. l' mm. run nas" F--." a , .'t r meeting ot the Inch-aw An- , " " Durham. 9h. quantum of . l- ',ll4 0le under discuuion. .. mmhpr had expressed their u tu- 1: 1he nmuor a motion moved 'r i: ll, Farlmnr. seconded by John M lk V law. Ina unslimonnly curled. 1 ‘. tm to the following "eett has l _ awn-mum common! the work -x. .l’r tlt' " Mayor Wu Black in ad- \ l- u. "nd pushing the ”new of l'; wk .1, we fairsnnd hoped that ', ' l .wivo more mandala-Ii:- -' i'., m had in the past. in all] :. 3.. mugging than into notice. ir V , . rr "orse Fair in” plnco on . _'., 4 PM: April. when bayou for . _ ll d various dunes of horses at. c.-ss.iri--,. £36PiC'S‘ 1,. "l"' "or Wm. Allan had Inn Mil. ", t v nth of this town up before tl ".rvteSelford on Tuesday mm- 4 tll _ chnruo ot being drunk on \I ti', h ll, 'ttte Inspector had scouplo wsltti.H4t'M who did not simmer V tz. “when” to his aid. of the t, . .unl Ihe churn. I‘ll-u “I. you“ 0TH" wind .w 31me our In“. 'M isreat Mu. mam.“ Btu. than. u; w I Noble, who“ employed in _ i A 'urefactory, had the niolov "e' htve s hntter cu! cl In a . -irr"A w" 'e Jicr)r,'fsyV4 l “as-*3 tl" 'ts'l'si ts'crrcrno.--0nir on Moo.. ir, vvr-mng last did the adjourned Ar 12d MAUI-lug of the Durham “ht", w m» mnmh of electing the can" r '1 my The followip' nu the ole- . ' _ f. tho year : Prrs.--mq. Gunp- ., L : We. Pre. --Wro Irwin . Beer.-- t i0ruage I Tr-uno, lolly. Bo.- ' ti' matings no to be held on It“ t kl lay of each moon: and A uric!" _ I.) wanes to Ibo rule. at the Libra! vs' wan-d to demeanor In the Reading s 'l flu! should exist in public Read. ' .; rmuni. Sumo splendid new book. .. nu» recently been added to tho «Nina. MAM)“; Kncnnn mrvt...lhis dia- -ictly Olivunjnah nun. belongs to an Armenian punch-r who In been out In this coumry [or two yam and who occupied the pulpil in the Inh- odiu mun-ch on Sand-y "cling. He ruined in n vnry graphic moor, facts and stories Incident to the tite 0! his own country and of the " Unmat- ablc Turk. Although Aunennn. tsol otated. w n prnvmco in the - ompirc. than wu n dininct aileron“ In it" can and religion at Arno-inn. and Turks. the [armor being Chum in every um. ot the word. will. Inch pvrstculors no" of the lulu-odo- nub and what. religion In.» the. to vilcly ”menu nil China-no. It uyer amt-0‘ that his country would welcome with up"! - m from Tux-kink authority nail ttle " fr un Turkish authority and union m,! h ma Bntiuh Empire wlieh would A'r'.itf _.uc 0pm.com: ninth. an. to. [lite centurioo. British ttittser" - named annual 'rivitett" In In!!! n: were held in - has“. ". . u. " to be enforced. Tho Libra- l m‘lnplnins th a of In. he has Hm- in koeping the patron of the 'r img Room within the usual decor. wink" airr digit], "my - plural). typinlo! Arno-III sanity, mm wood ‘llnlh. I“. w - var, a good 73-3505. m. Tdll'." "14mm. English van-um ie G mg, Son. of lb. “at“ h m and t coded mummdmwu mnncenl - aasd -e.. - w um. m the on"... - S, ITS; AtLts' --A' Thoroughbred inf", dark can. rising 4 year. “Aloud wwn in ig. Apply to i-mlusod A. & J. 3mm f zv,2a.Con. 3.8. R. Olen'clg. v'm Lauder, Varney. in pur- -he residence north of Gun. r'usrntlr occupied by " --1. He will reside with his not ,ghver, It and In 090. Hur- I ho are u occupy the homo. ,l). Lawson, wtsu-otudit F "tat-ttme, party at If Donald i a. had a bone of hi. lett 'V an untimoly roll of I log. .v Men} Pants" .I.”. on! rr~, t'ieatmq, N-in ' In". {mu Goods, etc. - VOL. XXXVll, N0. 15 x. l HHQIIBCI’ and will be REIT 't for mm. inn. " thinklng o lacing a mono- hN time. or tying Inurip‘ vk done, shout can" " W. J v-ns and consult in: before 'll nudrr. Ila has vongood I 'tt and run supply at you , an. linuon very to nablo on Mon. ' 5a. At 2 p. ll. next Wedneldny the Pru- brtery of Gauge": will meet in the Prubylcrinn church here. The chlet haul“.- of the Mternoon will be the induction of Rev. B. M. Whaler, B. A., to Ibo congnguioml work here. Thr nll "tended by Amos and Knox church" to Rev Mr Smith of Clan- bruoil will he ndunced also. ll ttte "emu; before and following . metal ten in the bmmenr, then will be In lufurmel reception to the new pastor, followed by en impromptu penguin. Resident ministered other denominations will he invited. Induction of 0n Wednesday of nut week the in! ductinn of Rev. 8. M. Whtsler takes pinto in ttte Preshyterisn Church ttret than low word: about the new pass- or is 1n order at. this juncture. Me Whaley in on Ontario hor, born in Markham. You Co., and alter his clout-nun school dats And a you in Markham High School, took a Second Clan touhen' tJertihcate, completing tt at Toronto Normal Srhool He mm tricuhted while he was teaching and later attended St. Catherine! Coll, In. lulu". taking ht year University work and entered Toronto University in tax). .rodunting in 1893 and from Knox College in 1895, taking scholar- ships Ind ranking yer) high. Ho received I call to St. Ilelcm in tho I." of Itrl6 And was ordained Ind Indium in October, remaining there too you". Hi: nccond charge was in Zorn when he has been for over eight you". His work in hoth places as preacher and pastor and In a guide to the young, is Ipoken of most highly by his broth. " ministers and album In a position to know. Pia pulpit power is admitted Ind his eharacter is marked by who]. “only, energy. sympathy and piety, All will hope that his pan-tonne here may be [really blessed and he may be unwed of a warm welcome on Wed. noodny next. Joan MCCALMON Some tlme in the far gone you of ImAMy wns horn in the north of Ireland, destined to live Gr beyond tho allotted upon of life. This wits John Mchlmon. for the past 25 your: 5 retired reticent. of Varney and for more than that a farmer on the 8rd Cohen-ion of Normunby. His youth woe ehlehy upenl in his null" country though ho open: tome time in the south ot Scotlond Ind ultlmnely found his way to Unnadn while in the [ prime of life. The vigorous commu- tion derived from o vigorous stock eeryed him well in the hardship: of pioneer do” and has prolonged his life hr beyond the Pulmiu‘. limit, Stucco Presbytery Me ets He untried a Miss Hamilton. who" relative. still live in Egremonf. and to them were born 3 lug. hmily, of whom the only repruemnlivel in tho neighborhood an Mrs Jas. Ferguson and In Jae. Boy. Other duugbten we" Lani. (Mrs A. H. N. Jonkim) Ann Jane, bury, Agnes and Ida. Iheso Inst In with the mother, being dead many you". Tho Dom, beginning with the youngut, are Hugh, John, Aloxundcr. Willi-m. Thom". Dunn-l, low ull natured. .hiet1r in the was. i About . "an MID. donned married l In. Brynn. of Vnrnoy. who with out daughter Magic, now Mrs Arthur “It". ol mallow. survive him. For - part Mr McCahnon ha- hoon eerrtbsed to hi. home. since Octo- ber In. to his bod. In was s tran- quil long-dawn out old ago. furnish- in. a contrast to tho active sud nome- times turbulent you" of bis mnnhood's - .. _ E.--- Li... prime. The writer titat knew him thlny-Iwo [an 330 and "can: with plasma, may little word. of encour- “om-M hopped in hip path by the shroud, wuly III-haul. Flo died aged " only on Sunday morning Int and in being inumd bo- ‘oldo bl. kindred in Maplowood ceme- ( wry. 20-day. wane-6.1. ('tyraNshii'iitiii) In Durban. 15th April Rev. s. M. Whaley, B. A. BANK iiite ii? 1i,i,ilir,i,lrtli,I: W ------qi------ For Fine Commercial or EH The Roll Call ------_. V------ 'iii/ia A tLllRA N c Hs, Tuesday evening Rev: W. W. Wylie Ind wife received n moat - IQ} come to their not charge. In eddi- Mon to the mearherCip than were present I number of invited guest! in- cluding the two resident ministers. )lr Tho. IcNiece occupud the ettair' moat genial], and after . solo hy'lr. Giles. “Jed on Mr Thor Me1Jomb and "he new patter to flee each other. "file tot met then, on behalf of the con- gregntion. extended the right hand of fellowship and gne n hearty wel- come to Mr and Mrs Wrlle and family Iand also thanked the invited guests lfor their presence. Rev Mr Dmgman, Mt Forest, Rev'd' Prudhtm and Hartley and Mr. Wylin In" invited to the pinion) and the tlrst nameclgave an addreu convey- mg to Durham people the high re- gud mid for Mr Wylie in his former change by the Bruce Association and he people. He Was a mam who would \Wenr well, hits aim and desire would fe to sev his people glow in the know- lege of Jesus cums. things that tried a p "nor were worldliness, ptm'-'rtc'. trom prayer meeting, a low home life, and he reminded them they had not. called 11 man to do thetr work nu- were they tu load down Mrs Wylie with Pvesidenciev. A Welcome to Baptist Put» Exctlla-nt, music by the choir follow- rd nnd srvaral times as a whole or " quanrue or dueus stirring number- were given. Mr and Mrs (idea being prominent. special mention should he made of Mn. Dingmun'u nolo: which were Warmly applauded. Rev. Mr, Hartley congratulated the two parties to the nuptials being ede- nrated. a. dwelt on the valuo of co- operation and pointed out. the dittteul- He! that meets. pillar in bi! tirgt yawn. Us pruunaed bu co-operation with (Hollie: ministers no in the put Ind conveyed the hearty good wishes of llllust'lf and his people to the Bimini. pan-tor and cougregation, Rev Mr, Pmdhnm brought congrat- ulauom also in n pleanntly “reliant Vein. H. Wu: glad to no then [el- (ing under way “will ard WIS euro .hvy would get a good “:30. He pun-ed tiw independence of the Bay. “we. and hoped tb- day would come when outside auluouty would he re- duced to nmimwum. He hoped to have Lhe ulna lurmumom ulnuonh m the nature .53 in the past. "We cal make» the enemy run If we alllmk arms," but my muss magnify the pum- enco 010mm, Mr John Snell couyeyed for himself ond the Preshylt'l um congregation he‘ll ly gratings and was balmy in acctnd wth the splendld sentiment. already expressed. Mr. Wm Glider mu nu bu but. mood and gave the lupus! cougregnuun credit ior being me best band of workers in town man tor - Mr Wylie would tind some ttrtttht young people at. his back. Mr. Laidlaw welcomed them with warm words, spoke of the usefulness of the "liavster's wrte reunllmg the great work done by Mrs Newton. Mr Wm. ll wm had illnllal' cumpllmenu for the Newton: and former putat- and fac- euoully atmured Mr Wylie of hourly supper! as long as he remnlnod a good culzeu. Mr U. Ramago cootrruulated the congregauon in their choiu Ind '50 aulelhe future would bring its towards. Ber. Mr. Wylie felt keenly the diffi. culty ot replying suitably to the many kind things uttered and the wenlth of good wishes extended to him-ell and wife. He would try to be u good leader but above all he would try to be a faithful minister of Jesus Christ. than at in Clinton he would value highly Christian tursocUtiott with l brother mlninerl. All panics gain iby living unity. Thom was a dud unity thus produced no glow nor warmth, to he hoped for ttte unity of the spirit, that comes from being uil one in Christ. His cxporiunco in the arelimmnry serv'umts had led bimto believe his all w“ from God and be made very plain that his main pur- puse was to preach huhfuily the los- pel of Jesus Uhriu. He cloud with Iw-rm tbuske to nil to. kindly wol- Como. A vote of thank. to Min Rita Irwin for preuidmg ably n the 0mm and to Mrs Ulngman wu heartily given And benediction by the pastor closed this part of the program. 5...; "ti, ”an: and ”madman-lynchi- 3mm...“ newsman-wraith )a-k,tuubdStett -iiiriiiiiird THURSDAY. APRIL 9, 1914. "2't-ttt'k'hrd, w. w. Wylie "e-ees-ree-e-ee-'""'"""?""-'"?'""""""":'"'-'"-.:---.), any Kimrtf .Job Printing give the REVIEW a Trial tvei'f'a'tiri'h" The mold Hm. (but followed In: thoroughly may“. An “can" re. pus In. up In the tehool room Ind but ovoryono "rtlripated in m- formal tumo- (callus thit the ltdiu had outdo“ IIIOIIIOIV” in the abund- ance of and thin]. provided. Panel .1 handshake. aid good wishes In Ibuudnnn cloud the prundlngt. Baptist Church Pastor Installed. The Baptist conIrcnulon here "N to In courattslaLed.ete the happy ne- lecliol and. I- luv. Mr Wylie. for- merly ot Gun». who on Sunday Inn preached bit an! sermons be" and entered on the good work until Indy continued by Rev. Mr McOnualaW Good congraguion assembled " hot union and gain I ausP!'tr,frn1t oth- or congrogulioni. upcolnlly in the eve- ning. were in tho null-Ice. lo In; good. clan. urn-st weaker. lucid in prenatal!"- And much In] in bu about: work. Bil "suing (ii-course wt" handed on the queuin- ol the jail" of Phil- llpi tt Win must. I do to ha and." After a mining con-om on the event. that led to the imprisonment of Paul and an", the counncy :nd mung. they {hung It Pyir gunman “an-.- n.-. --_et-" --' "__ .. in attitude than mould be the uni of every Christian. he entered on the mutation of Elly-slim, showing whu we no saved from, and tor and un- ed to. The primary pulpmo of Christ cunning into the world was to free man from niu and from as power and there. fore from its punishment. He had IO suffer and “mince to do this. but he succeeded as witness Rm dying words on lbe cross. ., lt is tirtished," His life and deal I: was the work of Salvation. We have to do with the word. The cry of the jailer was too neldoml heard, yet the word mu preached 1 (thfully and the lava of Jesus shown} up an at old. What wan lacking war a realization of the connection between the soul and God. The jaller came to know this, and jusu an in a. ship on ftre or when diIEIIe is mount. the tulle!" calls for help. We were and From all and all unrizhteonuneu. from in brutalizin. 1nd consoling intiutsnce. We Are and For His glory and pnine and Ihat his life may he continued in u-. that we any advance to the minis- try of selvice to others not .0 hlened . We are caved To eternal life. to L crowu, a throne and he quoted " Be thou faithful unto death and I will “we thee a crown of life." m; He closed with an “meat appeal for all to have knowledge of thin ulvntion In their own person. More than we" mental mum to the question of ”Indian Wu t"tttt'tMt"'T l .. faith and belief mun get further than the head. it must get to the heart." D Ed hi " t . . itl P. op nu. 0 won o, " "a nu Lawn Bowlers Organize ‘st the rectory. but In very poor hallh. This promises to be a flourishing “A Dr and M" Reginald Belt, of oehB. son for the lawn bowling club. mm- WA. announce the “trunnion! of thou! b Htt-- the gttttytltre1'it'it,i, In! oldest. daugbtor. lllen Madeline. to Mr 'lell'J.,Ta,,"lll'il' ected oifuers 'ukuaharies. Albert anon. manager of the ke',".'ti Hon. Prem-R. Cochrane; B k " it D d 1k f M (r'i.h'iril,ri, Pickering; ht' s','.rftii.-Asi, ll',' l “m ”7'0 I'l I; ' Il',', o . . . nudur l Secy rea8.-- . . ”men amon. o an a . a mu Sumter ; Executive tet/ta-is,'; a)" Tawn. rings will tuke plane. the third week Of . Goodwin, G. Gagnon "s. as ea; il, ' B t ht . By-Law Cam.~Dr. “main, to. Good. tt,1),d'it',l 1lelt for a time tn child. J. S. Mcllraith; Property Com. ur tt . --J, Lloyd, F, Sarah, A. W.H. [faudgr _ ----_----- The fees were placed at Wi.00 for old Home enning lid! It naturism“! members and 83.00 for new ones. Ten-1 D St. ders are to be asked for a caretaker for) rut1 or the green. l Common: ',--Irt our Int week's ie. A well tilled church greeted Mal-dig Kruger Dyer. the Armenian student who Iec'ured in the Methodist church on Monduv night. He but a fair com- mand of English. has a. sense of hu. mor' und known whereof he spa-kn by mg personal touch. " . Hogan gllmpos of the countries in I and on: the Blank Bea, their physical‘ features, lluir people, hnbiti customl. marriage ceremonies, om. Went into, the ”use: And results ot the in. Bal- kan War and has a strong "ttard tor Bulgaria. Ho gr-nphic “min of the atroetties of he Turks and the grind- ing altar: of their governmenl wt" interesting hm pslnful. He has a. fund of humor and caused - amusement u be told of bl. (“Mall- ties with our hummus. Intemoly in- teresting from tlr" to In: he left: good impression. Won Bcuotartrm1pa.-Mr R. ell',',',', WLEWI Turntilull. "h, 13ml" Ool‘logebhwb: him.'fThe th prom: edint a ran yin m are l here the first Sunday in March, In. whm'h “molt the winncr' of m. Bmyne Memorial prertot" to Scholarship and first in the Religion: bun-cling '00 adulation Scholnrlhip in rerun or death. Lou gnu: “His picture appeared In Tues- 82000, day 'e Eur. aséiémfifm“Mgifisfiimmsflma M M M gar/lam Will: E D*I#A#M*O#N*D§ We are HEADQUARTERS for all kinds of heavy Food and have in stock Corn, Wheat Barley and Rye at close pnces . A Unique Locture We want your Grain and will pay the highest market price. We are paying 370 fer 0001! Feeding oth. Bring 'em along. Bales! lay and Mel “nu Custom Chopping ad 'tat Crushing Phone " IS THE FLOOR that made Lona“ famous, and we have added this celebrate! Brand to our stock. of this noted Flour. trial Bag will 523L113 you of the popularity Fred J. Mrs. Sun McComb is visiting her dunghtcn in Brantford for acouplc of weeks. Mia Btta Twnmlcy of Crawford in a visitor this week at Mr C. Rama's. Mr. P. W. Kelsey dial: a business trip to Toronto lat week. ‘1 It Walter Brown, who In: spent n t act with his pale-u here, left Tues- iii to resume " (1min to Sad other tt one of the are“ Luke. boats. Mr. Jan. Brown who has been for the past few month. with his Iinter in Hot. atein, wn visiting his cousin Joe Brown here, for I few days. He contemplates going to Ottawa for I few (in: before returning to Regina. Miss Fox from Wilkerton was the guest of Miss Zeta Black over the week end Rev., Mr. and Mrs. Wylie and two daughters arrived Thursday In! und an now domiciled in J. M. Burgess' residence. Mr Brock Grant after a stay of over a month at home recuperating from his illness, returned Saturday to resume work in the Bank of Montreal, Picton. Mrs J. H. Hunter, Mr H. A. Hunter, and Mrs, Lorne Summerville, called Tuesday week for the Old Country where they will tour for three months. Mr Adam Brown intondl [suing Thursday to resume his lighthouu duties near Parry Sound. Ntvigstion is to open up a week earlier this 'primt Mr Jan. McUlocklin, butcher of Gay- lon. well known here, has uld his bug. inou than and (Mend: going West to Moon Jaw with his family. Mr T.R. Whelan went, to Mount For- est on Tuesday morning. , Mrs lobt. [use visited her parents. Mr and Mn Patton, Br., on the old Durham Road, Tuesday. Mum "o, Bnird and W. Boyco are moving into tutu, having completed their "man's work at Glenroaden. rt chopping and sawing. consurcrelh--u hurls-t wook'u ie. sue. we referred to Mulock and But- ton Bill Ichools balm: cloud an ac- count of infectious disuse- ll the loc- tlons. The latter Iohool w“ named in error, u it ll open as usual. though there in the "In." “and in the Begs" tion. We had bun informed " two parties ot its clown, who deemed the newsrellahle " the time, and rural that it WIS published. "s, 'l‘nnocal Fuumo Guam". --Th s' neighboring town of Hurriuton bud I most upocuculn ttre on Sunday Int when 0000 gallons of guolone and 60 barrel! of coal on were burned. Kun- nger R, D, Reid perform" a during 108 " rushing through the fume. to clone a vent in tho dome of " 8000 gal- lon tank and succeeded, while hun- dred: of onlookers held their hunt: and “3&1!”an plnyed the he" on htm. "tse an {angled n explains winch moo} the town .2 Mr Reid, gust previous to ttsdTiim%iom hid left the hurtling room Ind no "oatred lama. about 86000, lacunae. mum? in m the popular and” u Hutu] o . Drmotore. Remember‘ouv Illk when in want of a. are". We in: I " clock and some beautiful goods to " from tformalin for prevention of Smut. Use only the but It Much-Hulda that More. Important Notice 1 The seuon for seeding i has to buy seed more or loss. buy the best. We have it. COLLECTIONS Ewing 37o Branches throughout Canada and tlu "a-i------- West rndiee,this Bank genus“ unrivalled faciliUcs for handling collections with economy and esp-uh. LONDON, tum. emu. on": as“... 'IIICKI - car. Five Roses Flour Pine Tree Flour Milverton Jewel McGowan's Eclipse Chesley Good Luck Bring us your Butter and Eggs. We want them, MRS. A. BEGGS E? SON Tilt ilillfhl. BANK ill: BANADE: New Spring Suits PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING ONTARIO ARC TORONTO ALERT JUVENILE CLOTHING RENNIE'S NO. 1 CLOVER SEEDS RENNIE'S NO. 1 TIMOTHY SEEDS S. F. MORLOCK We indulge in absolutely no exaggeration when we eey that in there lines you will eee Clothing values that have never been excelled in Durham. The smut distinctive etylee, the ep-to-date exclusive materials, the perfect fit and the splen- did quality of tailoring ehown in these goods can hardly fell to elieit your edmiretlon and your order. See then. Mote e point of it. Progress Brand Clothing end Alert Juvenile Clothing hove a tremendously strong reputetion. Ttvery “Sterner who has tried them usually comee book egeie, u the Linings, Pit and Style ere lapelior to the erdinery run of Clothing. We here e splendid assortment in Block end Navy Worsted, else Tweed Suits. During this month we ere going to give e splendid Safety Rneor wlth every Suit tron $4.00 up. Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds Total Assets . DURHAM BRANCH t S. HUGHES, MBHI'OI'. for 33 ants. INCORPORATED 1869 an“ wan: at 01-"""" a. was a igogt,r-e and Young Men, and LIOIlI-In Glenda. on lot Apdl. tm Mr and I!" John Leone. a hughter. BAY--" Bentiuek, on the m: Apr 1' to Mr uni I!" George Buy. a ton. AITxle-In Bollard. on the Ttit Apt i' to Mr and Mrs Matthew Aitketts, is no“. Every farmer . It will pay you to Ontario Bran Western Bran Shorts Feed Flour Corn Chop $1 1 560.000 1 3,575,000 1 80,000,000 NW VORK AGENCY. 60tt. VII-Ul- . CIDAI .YIIKYI PHONE 50 rf, e Brpet and . . the \ may» ‘31: NH dild- SS. " TN It err- {mun rope 0y I) to Atlartt )Y' In pm pm br b y., u m a“.

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