West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Apr 1914, p. 5

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"e 335-1 bugs. :3 and ses and qicet5 ility. rived par- 2.49 IO CY. very ed 5" " mt ee, I! atit am the 1.00 t.00 to I) o c. E! £22212;sz Here it is: Equal pen: of CorrosiveSnblimete and Sodiu- Uttlonde dissolved in one gallon of bot water. When dueoived add uater to that. " (lilo... Sprt every nook end crevice wel' iavefortwo days than give a C. ,rr ugh coat ot whitewuh. The correct proportions will gladly be supplied by calling at THE QUALITY PHARMACY PRICEVILLE, "rr'"::',.,',:)?,',,?,,,',,;',),',, Wm l 5-3 "r,:,":,",)','-',',',,,',,',','..'",'?"" APRIL 9, 1914 PRICEVILLE "ma'fmll I ' _ My ', L. n" '.D0 ' 1v. Norma:- 1 '|:~'Ii. I give: hill 1 r rr,,"" mum-11mins .'. tstr-ttPio..-.' F.rrot't" u Mgr-ut- I'or Canada- THE? CITY atyfgi.ftt', LI”: mil-pint; arriva direel oi the gran d: uni lot th" in (hrat class has! condition ' l l - v I v - Headquarters foe 00150600637 and all BaUry goods F RESH OYSTERS umhm inn-bf 11','lh1'h' 'te. The beauty ot Invlng oysters is having thou fresh min la the bana.of cld 1.?le cahmic:, lzgrt- / v1 tht.-.: and use Chan- 5 Tablets, the mihlest and t nftaxatives--betsttorth. ct m‘ddle and and the old. ,g[e~Dmxiun wad M0, u: hip nuts arriva direct to u .vicc I week " Jw. great de and low Oahu " on not. they I titat can has. undid“ when they at!" here. The law of supply nd dent-d - a busy. Iiu J conic MeDounld. of Toronto, in vUiting n her home here u prel- ettt, Will and John Mather. of Bentinck spam the week end it the home of Mn John Huber. ville 0nd Mr and In W. Mather. Town Lune. Donald Mekimron Wu home from Toronto on: End-y. Mrs Iitchell and dtughter Georg- ina, of Toronto, In visiting relatives m “an Vicinity. In “about: mu Mo Graham left has Thursday for an extended Inn to Victor». B. C. We with them a vary onjoysblo holidny with thor rel. nins oat there. Major McGiilivny. of Toronto, vis- ited mo McTn'gln {um}, Int. weak uni gun m manning address in the Posbrtertisn church Sundsy evening. Barnum IcLem and family no moving this week to tht/r farm in P0- mom. It A, McCain. cf Toronto, passtd Khrough hate on Tuead‘y. Hears McLean In'l Stalin" ship- pod nook to the city on Tuesday. Winter walker still continues. Sleigh: wen non going on Monday. Sui one fellow taking home nearlv awn of hay on the sleigh Monday the 6th intrt. This weather is kind ot hard on feed, especially to those "an have to buy it. A meeting of the congregation tf the Presbyterian church in Prioeville was held on Wednesday the lst of April to consider the repairs u sheds. There was a lair attendance. loll). are in levor of pulling down the old lied. end putting up new ones from bottom to top. It is only some 8 " IO your: since the old sheds were built and one would almost think it a_ pity to to" than down " the roof is good. However the matter was lot with a unlible committee appuiuted for the purpose. Mrs luthoson and Mrs. Graham left for Vienna and Vancouver on Thursday 2ndinst. We hope both Inches will hIVO a pleasant trip and a safe return in some months into the Imam. We Were reading those 1 ha D nilv Globe written by AROUND THE VILLAGE Alex 5:1er is agent for some ce- ment Cu down the country " selling tiles and other material. It would be well tor my one wanting the like to patronize Smdy. prnv of in the PRICEVILLE . ROWE hig those articles in written by Timothy language of his fore. and on amount , In an" to be fathers ' Euchen Donn"nud Pricevillo would feel greatly honored that It raised a young mm of his ubilitlu as , writer and other good gunmen- mom. John Snothars and McLean are shipping stock tomorrow. Thad-y. for which they pay good penis. Bob Fish” had 1 big wood Noon Monday afternoon, the 6th inns. Bob down" need much wood as be bu only himselt to keep Winn. _\ On day last wuk Tom Wuhan a Yeovil, Egremou, out 50 cord: of wood in 8 Dunn at the wriur'l home with aumall gasoline engine sud u Roger MoElchcrna it wu said no out 70 cards in 10 hours / Yannxlsmbl teen to be plenum this spring and quite mace-em with those having them at very few at them died to far. t Miss Annie Smellie of Toronto in " genera: visiting her sister Mu David leuul. We are pleased to hear that Arr I 3Jas Black ol Oak River. MAIL. who had a serious snack of pneumonxa land In! in Winnipeg Hoepiul tor the last month is eole to be aboul again end let: tor her home lass week. In Black was Mary A McLean ot South Glenelg. where all her old lriende send her esngratultitiotn for her re- covary from such a levere attack. szuncillur John A Mouillan’s IUD has been amending Parliament tor the lass S or 9 weeks. Nnhing like ,pmctising while young forms young}! 'lnm may yet be an aspirant lor pug hamentary (Jamel. J...U.2k t ea t _ . ' _ ll 18. u , . mm" but Imel- Mu Dana he. I, GLBIILU , in: ou..---" Mculllivrny. Dan W e are pleased to hear that Arr Jais Black ol Oak River, Man., who IcArthur. Flora Mel-"lune, Matt He- had aserioni snack of pneumonxa Keown. Br 8rd--Thotnto jj?,iei,tl und '3. in Winnipeg Hoepiul tor the Leonard MoKaown. Neil MeFarlune. last month is eole to be ghoul again Jr Wd-Mary 1htwartU, John Mcifar- und let: tor her home lass week. In lane. " grtd--Allaat Melanie. Esther Black was Mary A McLean ot South Melanie. Jr gnd--C,tuneron Smelllo. Glenelg. where all liar old lrienda Wm Edwards, Ist-Marie McArthur, lend W, esngratultitiotn for her re- Margaret Smellle, Archie MeArthur, LOVcry r0111 web a "Vere attack. Neil Med rthur. Primer-M-t Reeve Niehol of Glenelg trttent)ediacrarune, council meeting on Saturday Am in" I D. McDorrALo, Teacher. Mrs Adam Linn, of East Linton, Ont., spent last week with her Inter, Mrs "s. McGillivr-y. Miss Vina McNub visited her coul- in, Mr Wm. Jacques. Miss Mabel Demon, of town, spam Sunday with be: parents. Mr and Mr! Juhn Benton. Miss Mary McQueen, of Durhsm. ap~ni Sunday at, Mr Don. Mic)?"- lane's. Miss Marguleb Bran, of Toronto. came home on Fridny to nurse bar mother, who ts very ill If. present. Mr Bert Linn, of But. Linton, is s'ayung at. bis uncle‘s. Mr "s, Misty. L'slhrrat's. Mr Mm 'l‘urnbull visited friends in Faremont on Sunday. We welcome Rev. Mr Wylie, the new Baptist minister, to our midst. MISS Maude MaeGillivmy, of Tor.. o no. is spending a month With her puem-g. Mr and Mrs Jas. MeGillivray. The spring Misses Mary McIlraith and Reta Roberts of Durham High School. was week end guests of Minn Alix and Edith Edge. Messrs Chat; Cotton and Jno.Colliu bad sawing bees on Monday. Glad to see Spring and to but the birds singing again. Miss Pena McCormick is laid up with In grippe. Mr and Mrs Geo. Campbell visited on Sundny at Mr Hugh Hammond'l. I Arumeala. Miss Maggie Firth of Bolton, came home last week, having to close school sooner owing to n slight “lack of pleurisy. We heal the faint jingle of wedding bells. Particulars later. M1 Ed. Sullivan msple syrup. Fin snow is all gone. Mm Kai. McDomld. from Irish Lake, visited over Sunday " Mrs B. Patterson‘s. Miss Sadie McPherson Ind Mr Don- ald Black spam Sunday n Mr D, " Cormiak's. They went south in the waning, bat did not return. How did Stanley 3nd Wilfrid get home Saturday night? Lute noun boys! hiss Kate McDonald visited Hand: In Glenelg Centre over Sunday . Mr Edgar and Min Rota. Patterson Ipem a very pleasant evening last week " Mr D. Harrow‘s. Mr D. Sinclaiv Wu caning wood for Mr Geo. thunptnli last week. - "Li; {ind [Mr-i Patriot Huey, of Scotchtown, spam Suudcy as lit Funk Balery'ts. No. 5, GLENELG i Sr lih--Agnetr Menu, Joe Edwards, Orrn Pearl. " l tr-Robbie Juksol. Sr 3ra--Keith Edwardn. Murinl Benton Harms TImmim. Jr '3rd--1Gr NI. Ovcklin, Winnie Jackson Edna Mao Clocklin. Br 2nd-Jimmio Putt. Ch!- f vrd Cook, William Urtxr. Jr 2ttd-. Evelem Cook, J B Haley, Hazel Firth, I: Ist-Mary Beaten. " Gt-Berrio Baton. Br er,-mllie Edwards, Ch" Robson, Katfe M. Firth. Average Attendance-I 8. Wu. . WALLACI. Tucker. l BOOTHVILLE SCHOOL _ I 6th ttaes-Warp Ouncron. " 4ttt-- l nary Mchnel, Annie Mecarutel, Tana McCanucl, Anni. Witter, Anni. “Aruba“. Br 3rd--UU Rania-I, Norman Row. Jr 8rd--9ie Me. Catutei, In. lwmnol. Chalet Sula Art Lane, Willie Lane. It 'trd-Cher. nio Iceland, In, Imhdl. Fahd. Witter. Gordon Ian-cl. Uni. Isr- sun, Envoy William. Pt 2rsd--A" Wilson, like“ Khan“. no, In; than. FOURTH LINE, GLENELG SAUOEEN VALLEY 5;? "gt"! , LE“: up dorsn't. run very well this School Reports. EDGE HILL EGG fig-vital; iilaw . is buly linking weather as the TIE DORE“ “VIEW it 1 A-mar-t use. mm. mun". Annie Icon-cl. Pearl Winn-u. Alex McGuncl. -- B, I. Mani. Ouch". U.S.I.10. 0.58. _ V-GUY McUuaiu 83. It IV-Witt" ItCuaig 00, Neil Ihortued " " IV _-adoel Tucker 06. In Moor" 62. m-Arett McCall; 18. In. Ichh- em 73, Gina Tucker in, it! lcxllnon 56. Ir-Bart [and 70. Albert Wot- ford 52. Flor; IcDougall ISO, I--: ohn A. McClain 68, Allin lcluhun 'o. Primary-M-ret Mobougall tio. W. L. Duel. Inch-r No. 3, GLENELO l Jr Ith-katie Manlly. Willie Rik-f hie. Reuben Pavlor. Br 3rd--Ceeil aylor. George Williams, Joe Morrison ilzie Maul-on. Jr Bra-John Ritchie Jr thu1--.Howartt thohie. John Bord, Ton Ionian. II t.b--Msrian Bord, Willie Horn-on. " Pr.--Ethel And- or-on. Ella Ritchie. Melville Anderson, 'Vum Parlor. l MARGARET Mount. Teacher. No. l. B. a N. '; " tth-adn' McIlvnde, Wilfred rown. Audrey Hoy, Ellle McLaugh- lln. Jr 3rd --Chuupbell Giant, Laurens Keller, Treasa Finninnn. Br gud-- Annabel Mgr-lull, Ruby Morrison, Wmuie Barber. Jr 2nd~8eph Ward, Lillian Keller, Richard Mchhe. Vic- tor Blyth, Sr ttst-Roy Grunt. 'l'aim McCabe. Jr Ist-Ada Brown, Ruby 'Blyth. MARGARET PETTY. Teacher. No. 8, NORMANBY 5th class-I Marshall. 4ttt-U Rob. insun, A Rubiqaon. E Young. D Wid. meyer, E Thompson. " md-N Anderson. Jr3rd--hl Bree, HYoung R Thompson. H Horst. Br 2nd--M Garvey, R Fritz. J Pfeiter, A Ptefter. Jr 2ud--A Diplock, M Whiteford, M Robinson, A Pfeifer, E Miller. Sr Pt 2nd--H Fritz, M Seim, G Whitoford. c, Miller. F swank. Jr Pt 2ad--P Touug. S Garvey. I Faith. Sr lst-N __ -- __ n. m _ h 15.}AL Byers, B Byers, V Pfeffer. RFeick. Jr lst-M Gilmour, M Pfetfer: N Fritz. Ava-age attendance-N, w, ts. DINNER, Teacher. The Ontario Department ef Agricul~ ture have received a share of the grant! made by the Dominion Parrdment, for I the advancement of agriculture audl haye decided to devote put of It url ihe extension of field Wop Competi- tion in connection With Agricultural Iocieties. Each Society has the privi- lege of choosing three crops, The Government gives 860.00 to each mop :,and the Society $25.00. This is divided ‘into seven prizes. which should he an inducement to farmers to enter into the cempetition. South Grey Society has luken two, live acme on the ulna! conditions and one acre of mongelu. Each tield must. be of one variety. but each comthitor can enter any variety of either oats or mangels and can show in both. We exp-ct many South Grey farmers will th make at try " for when» handsome prizes. .-.u, B. ie Who Will Try ? Having siscured the exclusive producing rights Original Domestic Comedy Drama " OLD BOOTS " Friday, April 17th, I914 This is a Drama of gripping heart interest, telling a story of home joys and sorrows, interspersed with hum- orous character portraits from everyday life. is exceptionally, well balanced, careful and histrioriieally adapted to their particular venience of patrons. Competen attendance, and the heating, ligl be in charge of capable officials. Susp, 320 acre farm, Saaknlehcwnn choice land. No. 1 soil. good district, good buildings and water. 80 urn cultivated, 50 acres fenced. Price " on ure. Easy terms. Address own" JOHN Bane]! or JOHN McAmncn. Prieevilte, Ont. l5c Notice to Creditors In the Snrrouto Court ot the County of Grey. In the matter ofthe Estate ot Cathet- 1 inc Cope. Late of the Town of Dur- ham. in the County of Grey, widow. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given. purmam to Ontario Statutes 19H, Uap. 26, Bee. ‘55. that all peruom having chimi- against the astute of the “i Unmar- ine Cope. who died on or about the 10th day of March, A. 0., 1914. no te. quired to send by post permit! or oth- orwlue deli!" to I. P. Tel ord, Jf. the - - .. .A__ -_ ' " ANNOUNCEMENT ! ’I'WIIC UPIIVI‘I' W I. are MF.'..""--. - 7 Town of Durham. Solicitor for the Executor. on or before the 10th day of April, 1914. than Inn». Addresse- and descriptions and 5 full “Moment of partuculuq of their chin): am! the nature of the security (it any) held hr them, duly certified, and than after the said day the executor will protrred to diaLrihuta the use“ of the cattle [among the wwtier entitled thereto, (having regard only to the claim! of which he shall then have notice. "ijiLii the 16th day of Much, 1914. - n The Yiirs SPECIAL ATTEIiTION For Short Time Only. WILLIAM Cums. by his Bo1ieitea', The Ttrs Orchestra will furnish Music POPULAR PRICES ----------" 25c -----------" 35 PLAN AT MACFARLANE’S DRUG STORE TOWN HALL, DURHAM TORONTO will present the same in the NTION will be given to the comfort and con- Competent and experienced ushers will be in eating, lighting and ventilation of the hall will Esreutor. J. P. TILFORD the evening of The Cast Tender: for the rumba“ of lot as. can. 3, I. G. R., G onelg. wxll he re wind by the undersigned up to the present month. This farm is the pro- perty of the John Stnplea estate. Ad- (has; tenders to J I Haul Tut-why March ttooctoher 27,inclasive. b Winnipeg and Return - 835.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 From Toronto. and Station: West and North of Toronto. Pe-rue- fares from Standout Rant of Toronto. Return Limit two months. iRjjUESEEKERF, E X C UR SI 0 NS Through trains Toronto to Winni I and West. COLONLST (JARS ON ALL 'lgMNs "'FGiitiraiririUtTGMuss Ncifie Agent: or write M. G. Murphy. D.P.A.. Toronto. iiiif airFrdi ' iégi Circuitry SETTLERS' FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) EACH TUESDAY. MARCH AND APR" ' Players Sailors travelling with live stock and cum 5 should take SETTLERS‘ SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves West Toronto each Tuesday during MARCH Ind APRIL Ila-r anival regular 10.20 pan. train from Toronto Union Station. Settlers and families without live stock should use REGULAR TRAINS, leaving Toronto 10.20 pm. DAILY. Through Cotonist and Tourist Sleepers. Luquxm’nAf ALBERTA s \SKATCHEWAN , carefully selected articular roles. Tenders Wanted - --To to J. P. TRLeouo or WM. WEIR. Durham of the 35c New Ones for l9l4 was the Anon-n Iain up: to our Min can. and Premiu- Boulou likely to be complied to» Ital-Inc (Int our - and was. Product; will one" the Uollod Stun wnholt (my. tho price of Ontario firm Ind- h bound to “vain. You can“ do better than u BUY NOW The following I." a few of the may “Maul“. B. K. Miller is “bring: "ell", cood land in mum-n. - an i,iiF2itlj,tdttN'Wl'lf,' iiiiitiial2%t “link-.10. ' on y " .M -._‘- xt-ttrs.,., ghnnl. T m MIC“! Gaia- in“!chom T u. nun-ow -. M. Mug-ow all iireEiciffii',ftTtugg,ii2t"%t some! on all lot. Well M. moo. Immune-r 8mm, mu.» no“. - “and. good mum. momma brick dueling ind tune Why-n. “mum. Only $6.300. 123m not Hanover. Good sou, (no! _ dwellmf. {rm bunk turn. wring - and on law: "il. outed tor 05.600. ould Dunc .5000 cull] u in Normnuuy. 200 more: In limbs. Vary Inge ttree Quanta; In” bum bun lone silo nod sou, hue mmm. 91mm tad cheap at tire men-y. 300mm Ethout. 'tt1_"Ayrtti.t.'.'2tr"t of Ind not.“ In Rumour. the "Mn" (am [and a . "no u u we mun be made. Other (an: in Relaunch. lineman. Norm by. Hm». Cam-k mod the Norm West. HI are: [Imp-I00. All lind- of prom fur or awn-ace. . DOLLARS Tuleud in hundreds, thousand: of m'lena " iqWest current um. with paymonh to suit the borrower on ttood m-n ur an seam-Hy. Urinal col- tected, c, P. R. and 0.1“"thqu for wde at. Iowot rues. “Alwny: prompt-Never Nealigvnl" H. H. MILLER, OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN We have a large range to select from 1nd prices are moderate " well. An early call is your ad.. vantage. J. ll. HUTTON.M.D.. C “8.53:2. 1mm cannula-non between ”daemon " Bil noun. '--11..tt. t--4Pt= fh2i,udefftNau't" surgeon Ott1ce--0eer Jewellry More t d I y , , line Pout otBee, HONOR GRAD!) ATE Tomato FINN-um dune Mn] cones: Dent-I Huston W. C. PICKBRING B. D s., L D S Ivory (“dune gum unwed a Po union. 83 qucoeuful years. [may .ttstt of Bpecjuitstt. lndivudml m struettiou. Pruiicul Drpanmem luformnion free. c A Wm. F CA G. D, yummy. Panda-I for " year: Secretary notion GRADUATE of Tatum). University, graduate of Royal Colh go of Dental Balloon! of Ontario Room- Our J a J UNTER‘S New Snore tar. BoNator 1n Suprem that 1%ch Publw cotttmitisitttMtr and are a thing of beauty " ARTHUR H. JACKSON luau: A [unq- at say: F1108: Our J. It “or!“ on“. new]: owed" w ff" - blurb.“ in . New». in m. us- unoln can. lumbar o'1"nRlh'f,'"'" Ind Sum UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director tll'l3iiiifiily"t'hmrs subunit: . sPeciamy- l Picture muA,Tisiiest Notice J. [GRANT D. 0.8. L. D Opens loud”, larch am. 1914 Snow Boon pun-on tromHiddautrt' Home. 'tters-asexual",)',')' ot Money to you. lice on Lamhron Bt., o ite I Wslpole'b Bahia. ppoa ara rancid haul. an“: ot Beam] Ian ultimatum; an. Notary Public, Commitmitmer, 7mm iiiiaiiartiGanted, BUREAU. ONT. (Lowe! Town SPRING TERM J. P. TELFORD DOLLARS DOLLARS . tf. BEAN Big 4 wgTritA8fk1?,cj" M34] "it/tge/ CON V EYAHDEB. I“; OWEN SOUND A, BELL 01"le HOURS Nottxr Hanover NortV limo- . (or “I. edal 'i--9 p. n. (Moe and to G " - “a “$1. M 1K1. 5d SS. " 'l me Il Lord (can Emir 0’ . OK' guind. u l and 'lr, MIMI! yd. a utrvirs in. in "an " I In " '0 v the "

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