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Durham Review (1897), 9 Apr 1914, p. 8

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PURITS Fllallllullrs:ii; ,.m-aair:":"a""""":""'f,,, t, CENTRAL mum STORE 'i,'i' (tseeds! Seeds! Seeds! u! , Price. as low u my. esdrru Cm! Outs i Feed Meal Chg-ad this Mind iced We have a good stock of all kinds hand, including w U. I. K. llcleI Agency uuy yuur twnuu “(I‘c y" in a! an: Central Drug Store 'll *i-.asaa.a-.SS.q'a'.S'.9%..9d"'.S'.S as If you want Feed, 1tal1. The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Out-ell Millers Feed l Feed! Field and Garden Seeds 2; Thu speeiailr damned and up-to-date method now actually adopted foe chem-Hy prove-ting entry of all draught. now. sleek rain or daat ot any km, thereby insuring an even taupe!- It!" throughout the building. In" window and ovary do" when ever made M wood will be mind with Why My yours." the muiulnln ot comfort " the minimum of espouse. All metal-weather strip costs less. is In more " lootivo than “on: III: Ind in I pot-uncut institution. requiring no ”and. lost public building: in largo cities are equipped with it. Archie‘s“ sreeiey it, the Governmut demands it. -Because there is a diferenee in flour Bread is no better than the dough from which it is made, and the dough cap be no better than the flour used. A vast army of particular Canadian women always use PURITY FLOUR. --Because loaves made with PURITY are more nutritious than those they can make "iiiii" an;othe; flour. PURITYV home-made bread contains theblood-en riching,body-bu ildiny elements of the world's strongest wljeat. Order i"iiiUiUi' of PI'RITY at vyour Groom's. If he docs not handle PURITY FLOUR he’ll be glad to stock it for you. N JI.-- qtemember--the guarantee. Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Estimates chmhlly given. Work guaranteed Writq Phone or Cath Inufaetucd and installed by There is bread and BREAD We no raritm as: to 40e for Good on. ti on Mentor EVENTUALLY Makes "More Bread and Better Bread” and-More Pastry too. Govt. Tested Tl-othy and Clovor Seed All-Metal Weather Strip Handgun-tors for all kindsiof . Furber dk Go. I, call and see us. Our prices will please you. Why Not Now BUREAU. ONT Smith’s Calf Meat Seed Oats Buy your ticket. here. iii of Feed on Order Early 607 "ll Iii) J! Mr W L Dixon "coolly Md n very‘ sick horse due to neat. indlgontlon. but with the help of Voterinnry tte in improving nicely. With the helpl at the phonn me Dr viuqoickly sum- moned. Which demonstrated once more the utility of thin modern in nation. How nouveninnt it would havn been to the young man ot Glen- eltt who walked all the way on bad roadn to the 17th cou oi thin townnhlp to sea his beat girl only to iiad that she had "" home to the 2tst com [our " naming point. m R! It! Wedding bells are ringing thin week, that heiore this "" your lud- ers. will hove conned their invfni chiming one in the hearts of the happy couple. Mrs the R. Hooper contributed a tine voluntary " the Hall urvicel "mfittndat lagt. _ The turrlotu1 at hay the gang. le- euud is ot tue s 1 quality and given ttoodrtitWetion in price and weight as well u quality. Mrs Walter Tumbull lanes for her born: In Glenelg this It ndny b-ving tally recuperated. Tho bapmm of their baby was duly performed last Sunday evening by Rev J A Luce. Sunday evening by Rev J A Luce. '- We were much pleased (though‘ I! and Mrs Wm, Brown bevel moved fr rm their late farm on to that somewhat unexpected) to no the .0. their son John smiling laces ot Mr end Mre (ettll, . . ti" il , h Mr Ind Mrs J " Allan move in this EEK? st.",'), 1"2,irl'l tt1,r',.i/i1llii'i,1) TI? onto the Larqrhtort fern which “new last Friday About three “reeks1 :hey have rented tor a term. lago Mr Swilzar tilled it our with new -----i.e---- tier: d,t"v'. end with let, Swimm- en 'amiiy, went to Sate ' After GREENSIDE Teaching their Intended home. eolne """'"T tthinu did not impress them favorab- £0 tuft!” evening March 31sti ly, so they disposed at ttisireffeets Itt'htiij,'higthtl',',i neighllltora St' and returned “at; good tld lhend at o I penny r, me a N remont. e (we! t em e their hometo spend en evening and 'i'l'lll',' Welcome on their return to hid them iereWuli before their leay- this modern Cerium. iafufwt‘h; Wttitt "We they will an Alex Gillies, of Btufala, N. Y,, " e" tt, is on e visit to her tether. hir‘Jobn Mr J M Findlay was tho-en chair- mm and after u tow well one-on re marks explaining their appearance here. called on Mr Gordon CNddes to rad the addrest which it as follows ; To Mr and Mrs Jacob Halpenny Jr. Dear Friends and Neighbcrs ; We, yonrtrlends and neighbors of thisdistriet in wnich you havelivod so long and which you are about to lave. teel that we Mano: permit you to depart Without speaking this unit- ed word of ntfcctionno iarewell. The years have quickly come and , gone. gently leading us all forth from the golden dar' ot childhood on into the merrier doynhuc betoken Lido tsonflittt to be close at hand. 1 During those year: you hove been our amines, friends and ideal neighbors. In den of merrimom and in days ot toil you have stood be- aide as. sharing our joys and wrrowo securing a deeper and stronger hold on our “faction and esteem. N either do we forget the many deeds ot kindv neon shown to the pupils if S S No 13. In cases of sickness or some miofortue your hospitable homo WI. landed many. many times. Truly this no- ion has ion valuable friends in your departure: . lulu always been a pleasure to Vililll your home and partake at your friendship, kindly good will and honorable dulingl that have bound as together in the cords of en- durmg love. A: to your intention: we would not alter them if we could. With nil its drawbacks it in a gun country and hll “randy provon itself adapted to become the home of any hardy, m duscrious independent union. We win: you every prosperity and‘ blessing and as! you to swept this kitchen cabinet " In mention-to re- ttard, menu only to assure you that there or. hum in the old home land that will Bot forgo you and often in your household duties it will on” your 0y. and you will ttmtotmeiortaly nay Oh l. you thin in from old Ontario when we In" mnny friends who think or no and we think at them too, With this we new any good bye wishing you every success In roar) western home. God be with you I deerlriends till ell our wenderiegsl cease. Signed on behalf of your‘ friends and neighbors. l John Scott, Gordon Geddee Mr and Mrs Helpenny replied very ntecefelly end she-ted ell tho visi- tors fer their tttv, deeme gift and the kindness shown. Shots speeches Were also made by Messrs Geo. both- iee, Wat Brown, Wm. leore Wm Reine” end others, ell ot whom ex- pressed their regret " losing Ir end Mrs Helpenny from the neighborhood Mr John Melesh’s phonograph I?! very entertaining end wen the praise of ell. - . J Am: lunch was sowed the own- lag was up.“ in tttmt", music and which“ ad with the singing ot Auld Lug Sync. s vary t"l'tl') "on!" can. to an and. I ml- penny and brother Tho- wiil [can “on” but Mn H. mu rcmaintor tom time till they so: settled in NORTH BGRBMONT their - bone. Durham Continua: unit“: ""NathlletP8f=",tg't'd"'" dunool momma-u at" t'it':'iiiii',i'i'iit;ii.'i,iiiitili A,."ll."S'tilplp = I a no. - “I." CAMS"!!! AI ELL!!! le IU. W. ll. HIM. Bl. l. I. “In, 0min“ HOLSTEIN” LEADER - and £11".an "It”. pt I... can”. an. 8mm) TEE DURHAM REVIEW ool Mr Thom Blnaton’l bsby boy who has been ill for some time. I. not ill- provimr u rapidly n his fond pur- cml would like. Mr George Dveo extracted tb lame quantity at honey ltust Thursday from two hives of been that spent each shining hour In; summer in 2mm mg Inlciunl food trom awry opening flower. Bet-keeping is a {Home ‘putimu of Mr Dyce. . um Crawford, of S. S. No. are- pom a very small attendance " school last week. Mr Thomas Wntlon has been in the vicinity of Priceville with his “wing outfit cutting wood In! msek. Mr George C. Swanston is dsilyl sdding to his hve stock on the farm. I The old home is brightened by his‘ return. He has B business ability i and is going to put it into use. George intends adding an “to so " travel- ling oatfit, which will enable him to get over the ground in less sinus than by horse bower. I Mr Herbert Lamont has so in re- covered from his recent operation as to be able to wait upon himself and dispense with his nurse. Mr: Alex Gillies, of Btufala, N. Y., is on a visa to her labor. Mr John Nelson, who in at present in feeble health bir G. C. Swan-mu and children re- tnrned on Suturday from Bafhlo, alter spending two weeks undo: the puental root. We are pleased to see in the illus- srnted page: of the Sunday Globe the happy smiling faces of Mr and Mrs John hhurbairn, who enjoy health, strength and contentment. Your many readers will will remem- ber the brief sketch of their life which appeared in the calumnl of the Re. view abnut a month no. i, Con 5-tr-Ch" Snyder. W Aldoorn. fl Wallace. D McQueen. J Wilkie, J l, McQueen. Jae Webster tor Bus Line. List ot Patbmasters Con 1-Jno Kerr, RJ Eden. Ja- ling Keller, W Falkingham. W T Finder. T Kirby, Jul Haney. J W Walls. J Ovins. T Norris. Con z-3-J B Tucker. R Barbour. W Gordon. Jas E Kerr, T McMillan. J A Main. T Dingwall. J Smith. Jos Rum. E Gardiner, W Humid-y. R S Comm. i Con 11 12 -iNo E Banilkon, Geo EScbram. L MoDungnll. J Fairbaim. {J R Philp, We: Snell. I Con 13 l4-J Bilton, A Ross, T jiii'iii; A McGillivtay. E McRobb. Jno Wilson. Con 4-Jas McDonald Chas Gil sum-f, F Foster. Juo Goodyear, I Kain). A Young. dL 7-8-W Queen. J R IcBrido. G McBride. FA Run, A McIntvre. W Arthur, . Con tr10--Jno Hunter. Jan Cline, Jon Gilles, D Gilles, W Fusion, Jno Wagner. i - Con 15-10-T Elm, D Ecolel, T Reid, Jno Buustoa. Alex McLean. Jno mocks. Con 17-18--N McGuire, V Adams T Renwick. Dan Ecol", Alex Mo' Don-Id. J MoDoug-ll. - 7 00319 20--B Patterson. Br, T Dale D Harper. Chas Smnil. Wm Leith, F Rnncimau. - Con 21.'22--A Lee, W A Lawrence. W Ramnge. Al Tucker, 0 Harrison. D Fermi-on. Base Line..G Lawrence, - Den- neus, W Wanna. Watson 'g. Aha Lawrence. Iurrisoo'is--ir Ford. Dunn 1s Icy WATtmtg.--A terrible Isle of the sea come- from Newfound. land, where 77 men olaseal hunting vessel near Belia Isle have been drown- tf and "may injured. The name bliz. zard it in feared has caused the [on of the "Southern Cross," having on board 170 men engagedjl the “no work Whole settlement! have lost their' broadwmnen. lli)niyigtttnllrarfli)IB Round trtp ticket: to peirttg In Manitoba. Alumnae mkmnewm n- Chic-so. Bt. Puulnnd Duluth on ale not: Dual» until October 27, inclusive a low rue: Through Pullman Win deepen to Italy: on “you an" leaving Toronto 11 p m. . clause at §:§§;=°256:':§21§.32.:1§;§L{may in it? gonna as "put', Far,. I ma r an "pert' tt [on . " " ' mu, 0 WWW. II!- fe.' leaving Toronto 11 pm. Pl chug. of U. C, BAMAGI, Teacher. ”tum limit two month Jmuon vamox SETH-Ely FIRES I tlr 2ud-Totat 460. Jack Sutton no, Ft tatt f,',',", I'),', Swag“; Renttew Km. Baird 286, Melville Hunt AB, II n , tt n. . JaYlStl't'l,'il't', In not". “a mkmchew- George Bnird 193- leie Poms?" no. ouch Tum” dating lurch ad April. 18). . 0:1.wa mndchu Sr 1trt--lrotttl 860. Ell. Mush-n From amount: Ohmic to certain mm: 187, Anni. Hamilton 135 lu2,%t,?'2l'h ctl"tltt 'itllt"lN, Ageil Jr ut-aut., 860. Lloyd Hsmllton 16 “admin. _ IM. Full particulars at Grand Trunk Tie. B. B. Kin. Tucker. he! Ottiees, Toronto, or qrgite C. E. ----.. V HORNiNG, D. P. A. No. to, EGBIION‘I‘ _ WM. GALORE. Town Ticket Agent _ Mt, --uuu Inn-nun. 4ttrw J. roman, Station mm Agest 'dil'eeePg'apt"tgioat."ht YEOVIL low Colonist run in Egremont, I914. D ALLAN, Clerk . be long without a tenant. u Wm Brant. bartender oi the Covne House Mount Forest, his decided ta mu bold and Inn rented the building from Mr Jordan- Ttre mertttnitsttlrr been drawn up ind Mr Brent and " family will be loving in soon. Mr Lindsey Irwin, of Toronto, spent over Sunday and Sunday at {his home here. Miss Anna Rico loft on Monday tog 2gr,,e.1"' when ahe has taken a po- I tion. Mr David Dim, who has been in for uvcnl weeks past, returned to For- get, Sash. on Tuesday. A lot of Mr Andrew Stewart. of tte" left for Saskatoon on Mort. ny. _ Por the benefit of bin creditors. W' J. Atkinson. who has had the livery bun-cu here rented “on: Jo?? Man- lty. has made an agai'nment to W.J. McFadden of Durham, and b" since removed to Durham, where he intends to reside.. Mr Manny came up from Toronto on Friday night and is now looking the: the business. A delightful remnant shower was given to the young ladies of the Pres- by terian Church by Mrs Marsh " the manna on Tuesday afternoon. A large number was able to be present and in addition to accomplishing some suitable work in behalf of mir sions, an enjoyable social hour and j lunch was part-ken of. Orange Lodge 2296 have made at- rangements with the Walter McKay. Concert Co. to hold . concert here on Thursday, April 16. Dr. John McKenzie. of Toronto, in visiting at Bis liltcr'l, Mrs J. D. Roberts. His tub" is poorly at present. Martig Kruger Dyer, the Armenian gospel student, preached in the Meth- odist church on Sunday morning and delighted those who were present to hear him. A lecture on Wednesday evening‘vby Mr Dyer, when he spoke on the Balkan war, was also quite a success. Archie Gillies, of Mount Forest, vis- ited With a number of kin High School chums in the village on Sun- day. Rev. Horace Peckover, of Toronto, preaches at the Amos and Knox Presbyterian cucuxt next Sunday. A few of our resideutl have been clinging their whereabouts recently. The Coburn family are now domicil- ed in the house formerly occupied by Henry Hiscock ; Thos. Woodyard h“ moved into the temdeuce where Mr Jake Smith used to live and Jos. Swit- Ter, who his recently returned from the west, is living in Wm. Huas' “out. E? 1332;312:123" 'Ita um...“ ' when races to: Produce if." . H. B. Km. Tanner. _ . No.10.]ETJI£IIONT _ ' 'rAY'LO)liit&t3O.Dromore at on. sum-um. Imam. m.- " OWE! 'eeArtherJhrlye.hye Be- _ - _ _ -- - - -,-M The Saugeen branch through Hol- atom has been entirely on the good betmvmul this bear and as the sea»: for Spring outburst is now past, we all hope to be able to keep our feet dry from this out. The rise ot the {re-hut this year has been van grad- ual end " no period did the water mart attain the record: that hare been registered by floods in previous years. The ladies' service in the Presby-l terian church on Sunday evening west a marked success and we hare been) credibly informed that it sees the the best of its kind ever held this side of Toronto, which would not surprise one, knowing the ability and the nmeunt of energy exercised by Hui- stein women. no matter if it is lead- ing " e church service os fighting tires. On this occasion the entire {meeting was conducted by the Indies, with the exception of Rev Dr, Marsh }who preached " unusually effective sermon for the gathering. On Saturday Inst. the last member, of the old pioneer settlers of Eyre. _ moot, in the person of Mrs Ann Chap- man, Me 81, was removed by death. 1 Mrs Chnpman, who lived elene on ‘ the and con., wee quite well until the . day previous to her demise and on' that day had been in Dmhnm. Whilel there, the warning came in shape of e etrone end next morning nhe passed away. Deceased was n native of Ire l land, but was a resident of Egremont tor oven 60 years, her husband, the late Wm. Ctuptnttrt, predeeeturing :her about 30 yeeu. She is enrvived l by her son William living in Calgary and two daughters. Mrs P. Black end Mrs In. Eden. The funeral to Maple. wood cemetery on Sunday afternoon was largely attended, Rev. W. H. Inertia, at Durham, officiating. SENIOR Dnmuunxr Sr 4th--V Cameron 78 per cum? Unix) 70 p c, l Drumm 71 p P, N Main 65 p o. 11 third 60 p P. Jr tth-M Myers TI p r, I Marsh. A Kerr, P Drumm. A Cam. Sr 3rd--M Hum 87 p c, ti Hamilton. E Swain. A Wer. - Jr2nd-Toln1450.. Ruby Kerr 191. Br lat-Total MO. Ell. NONI}... Holstein School Report. uuunnu, nu---, -'_"--" fi, _ 'ut-Wei" Long Mary Drimmw to“ Donald WArutur, eq. " Pt ttnd-- Inh tbetidersoB, Ated NeiGtr,HLtret Nelson, Lillie McDonnell Jr bit--Mae Henderson. Average for Martrh--35. I E, A, WlLsmI, Teacher. Nicholvon, Angus McDougnll. Jr 8rd a-Domsld McInnu. Colin chrthur. DINO Ecclel. Rouptt Lamont. Br 2nd --.kNBet Campbell. Gertie Long. "in Usmnr1t, Mug-r31 teA1'tlt.y. Br I; Ire McDonald of Arthur ip, wn the ttttest at her daughter In Edwin Gardiner In: week. Mrs Edger Gardiner‘e babv who wu ill recent- ly it, we are planned to been much better. 'Tl'iou. Hunt of Holstein visited " J. Ham'- recontlv. - Mr. MoDerInm with " uwing own; was In our midst hot wool: and cutoeverul piles of wood to keep South lenders wnrm. Mr Fuse: ot the o. 8. R. tustsompattitsd him. On Wedlesdey evening 25th alt.) Mr and Mrs John Durant oelebreted the 5th Innivernry of their mor- ring. by entertaining name ot their irienda. A very plenum time wu went. Converutxen. music, games. made the time page quicklv until the noon of night In near when a dain- tv lunch was nerved u Mn Durant so well kwowl how. After I Toto ot ‘timnke to the genial host and bones: ”he company dispersed. We extend sympathy to the releo ' vine and friends of the late Mn Wm Kelly who wee an old end esteemed pioneer ot the Bend and oohly did her part In helping her late husbend to how out. a heme in the wilderness. She bud her share of sorrow. For the heart soon learn: the bitter truth, That there in much sorrow here ; Clouds oft obscure the noondev eon And nights are dark and drear. _ Bat though there are many lemme here, And the blinding teen roll down ; Yet in heevee beyond the leverlng I clouds I Are the robe and burp nod crown. x 'e-e-eo-e-ea'""""""" , I.ia.a_lLq'%J" W. t iEconomyi BNTAmo ”OI. ”WC-0””... J. W. Hunt is prepared to take all kinds of Cement Work----- BARN WALLS, HOUSES. SILOS. BRIDGES AND CULVERTS We also sell the DURHAM NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT, that well known brand at the lowest possible price. Cement always on hand. Call or write and get my prices before you let your contract SOUTH BEND Now since everything seems so high in price, possibly it would be well to try and economize in some things. Now we can save you some money If you care to purchase in larger quantities. Ask your neighbor to take half. Those goods are all finegt quality. RAISINS. 28 lb. box for. . . .5200 CURRANTS. 25 lb. box for. . . L90 TEA, 25 lb. box for. . . . . . .815 COMFORT SOAP, Ibo: for. 4.25 LARD, N lb. pail for. . . . . .3.l0 FIGS, 32 lb. tap for. . . . . . .l.60 CANNNED SALMON, It tins. .2.l5 " " l2 tins. .l.50 " TOMATOES. l2 tins..|.20 " PEAS, l2 tins. . .90 " CORN. " tins. . .90 coo FISH, 25 lb. box. . . . . . .2.00 EVAP. PEACHES, 25 lb. box. .2.50 PUMPKINS, It titular. . . . . . .95 CEMENT WORK . W. HUNT Save Money by Buying Your Groceries in Larger Quantities Just Examine the TAYLOR & CQ, TORONTO We at. in Ilw mnlkpt to buy new. It.“ or 'bour, " the hlghvst um k price. We supply Iwo (an: free , out: of our patrol", pay I” cum» chance. pay Iwiw each mom: choquv- puny mic at par. erth can.) nnv t'nv in the week, (out em cu! ruceivvd and send our [Huron- “moment of “me. Write tor ca, and live our rroamrry . Oritl. . [alumna & Rut-ms, ( Palm Gunnery. Palmerston, ()1 Sandal, Schtml at. 10. I In. and 7.00 REV. IR JAMES. Bu REV. D. B. MARSH. SCI). ERAS. Pa sw. Jam: $113030.” Col/eye ET, FOREST. . ON T A superior school with compt tent instructor: and throcv, couml. Atttiated with Cum"! College, Stratford. We do mm: foe our students than does anv other Iimilag school. All gram: ate. in puitunns. You may mm It any time. Write for purtmulm~ or call " the College. Holstein Conveyance!- [uuer of [mine Licenses "rrer to [mm m Iowan ram. am term. to suit borrower. Fire m A IMe [ammo placed in thorough". whirls :':'egt'h"% Deeds. Mu: “an. [paws and lie executed tv', shown-It notice. All work prompt" attvodrd to. D. A, "cyACHLAN, w. E. 1vlHioN President Principal, d. c nl nt It), “Vite M ll We”? H. o, E, a '7 p.11). l’rmluleriam Church APT IL 9, 1914 Methodist Church Cream Wanted J. SHARP HOLSTEIN Services an I p. III. Pastor [put -on '"N tur. 3 key rm: n -arnrd M Review tum. 08.00 at n. Sporting: ”all k1! taunts Drug S s anu- em Wands either quh law m]. “A” hnmul Th ll maven" Portlet 'esteod starting up [hm 6.1-. t0,000 dozen Emn‘ chum. for "Illdwnnw “cumin-45c large Nu, anfuulnn\ The Sons of Scot I monster Cclehrats Dominion Dare p, Three more neu 1 tbssith Bros. garage Guy Kearney and ( each purchascd on The (runner. 0 mm" (Boothnlk awkward in th - holiday s. Lmrr.--on n hfleluunn. " ch I“! oblige by I, Ottiee or Saul"! BungaInw Kw - 'err pupu'ml lull is showing n, “cents and 2 - you. N Wantcd-a work. Apply " Lyon Ava. STA-rt” take [lulu qtettt to l mluu- I «h otettd of $1 The tit and. til tell, Its Ill “nine and L our mun-I in ttnd a punt! " Abra-bun the pan-v. - last Wul and Mrs Alvx If and Mrs A: " And Mrs . nry Myers nod atein, and by u hon. The Ladies' At l Church hold a turn-- nude built!“ in w, I BMrdny. rmluy In: This amount will I now can. whhh are the church this mun In. after the style Red Cedar Flak the 15-min chaps Th! Anmml Vest t y Mn " Chord: was on Muud tttU M. There “AN A are. tho only change. and by the resignuv TCelt, II Wanton, when 1 in appointed in bis slt In“ otnmdinu II Lett, t 1 “unnamed meetirg m the Wttt. _ I" Blacklm t, nu ttio' . Mtth, will I?“ l I'uhllr A" lounhnld goods cmwv i tkite, tthtintt LII" and ' " , bodroom .uites. ook-. I btUteeed CLAIR. tturs. tMom. did!" wh bu l Mine. wring”. g: m he“ 'rnd numerou- ot utr 2. called at 2 p. In. Terms} The funnel-l a. mum into at the m hilt, in the darkness. by ",.' - by I Mr Trafford. . (W Mr Ritchie'. " Grim out of the buggy ttend on the wheel and an; “I”. He recerstd an CUM inches long and " l.' 2tgtlttTe laid lure, it - . t incheeto up“ r “do“ well. A Bnanteove--On Tue Mr And. Ritchie while r' “I! Is Goco.-A will Advmh-M Eorrts tells n! ml (ANI’O ll ll't‘b’l ev. B. A., irorw the and among u - he vu- when qootaittiettt .100 in Willey will be ind Why!“ can conga“ Euchre mu read": him Inour ciu'unnhll to a life of urn-{ulnar vary a and III the Me gtuttt " -, of Imuirvu Lh lib chart-be. at tire h“. land I Hum-1:- " “A literary a)! ‘MPI‘II of tiw b. l tl and " bottling wn -, M of tho MI 991"... I resume VOL. XXXVll. NO. mtor f “.00 Tm a! I. _.-. p--_-V, ulna .100 in gold. Re ' wilt be inducted to o (Hill! mrqntion berm I out no on and If . out chino-hip. and. We I of autumn- here. It [ulna or Tll Ct Me neruwn ott (In. wide! nrkmed hook mu doliv Rout. Bmmu h Mk1 MI G H u M M n ar The I!" take. he om trt Attm W

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