West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Apr 1914, p. 1

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"can. mum-I {no In ctptoa¢ month. Irwin. u: each - A to. cans Tough intnl ( mm . In, 2dt enter hulars son " re h .h aunt“ on promptly semi GT, ucems B, Paator runghly ‘IN "tseit Pastor D It Ont and and ort H h?! he VOL. XXXVll, NO. 16 h \BLACK. _ b'laketg' no odour? . turn - IV, largo . " M "rathattd run In". , f Scutland purpose holding , ‘chratlon and day of sport. my Particulars later. t ' G t ' (mu St. last. Thump mug a three keys. Re. : ‘.-\\' l) for their Pe- , l'aesday evening, ,V _ ie riding in I bug- - t':e top of Jackson'. 'P, by another buggr 421nm]. The collioion :.,:;h:c'u hone. pulling the buggy, ItrikinI his cel and landln. him on . ; tcccived " ugly scalp tr, a long and aha" inchdcop- .. .5 iatd ty:,',ry.q'fti.ri"1/fi'i _ .1;th to repair it. o in ' us well. 'N Goco.--A deupotch to an Advertceer In! Thursday 't tt6 If". of a glowing yen ro- t trowel} "routing to R". B. M. .. u. A., from his eoe-tioty md omens annoy [stony good Kw w“ Dull-led with A pun. ring .100 in gold. Ru. In , will be lnduclod to Dunno to: an warmuon before this I out " on nod we welcome -... niliunlhiD. and. I. hope. A an. ’nutod in n- Hndwarenr h. n. of s. S. Nd. H, Egre- tnzilc) are placing anew n the school during the a gl to do general house- Ey to rs H. A. Clement. ..Gutlph. nt. Lu“ m. -Tho public should Him! by a recent amend- u- statu'eg all commuted Ir v 11 he 31.50 per day in- "n ts lwrelofure. l ml J uhiun Book for Ap- i..' 13- lord Cords. Cope, l'xmkle r he mootpop- I4 far 5% . Yoo will ...‘ nlv lav-g avg? 01th". In" ' Tho " ' that I." r lin‘Lkwd lap . Finder y Inn mg 2'?si?'e: xmlc-u' store. - Nets N white and um _,itlat. In! rtairttr. Abn- nng half . Ian punch). ml 2.." (em: I t mu sul- .n-l' Portland Demon! Co. “g up their plnntin a tow pa Urainta, 'ul white with ( i nv coll-n only 01.26 new Ford curs arrived at garage last week. Mean. and George Gannon have " " the late John Mecat. wk was attended by Mr S Nlu‘ulmon. Clnnmom, It I hur Sew-ll. Sanford. M, ”w Done-Hy, All-n Park tsl Mrs (7.1Ill?l’0n. of Hol- , many friends and neigh- mun 5A)“ t 1 "uhiun BU l',l forde nkle r he t'ov S . xh’ hug " Tho " I \ I"! r y Meeting of Trin- , m Mouday evening ot m» was a fair attend. v mange of ofBcets was .. resignation of Ir J. “:1, when Mr J. Knisiey . wt) his stead. The " _" , M-ttrr than last yin, IMMEIIK wilt he held on of all kinds " Mao- her Boots. 8Mtt [or Sid of the Methodist u-n-ssl‘ul ml. ot bonn- w. H. Bean'. More on / Hg more than .13. sill he applied to the I are being instahiod in "tnth In}! which lol. He already In use in nu Saturday, April l'uhlic Auctlon her r" uisirtitttt of Parlor k uni chlirs. table., \mnkd, pictures. up. m'uurs. anthem. J,lc,",'2,,C' washing PRC mien tools and": It articles. Sula Irt Cash. IA t Wednesday winder Me trview Anc' ioneer Ronnie’s No. Howe: and Timothy Beed for ule n no , store. What t A Ko ak thin Spring? .1 "IQ PP at fallane‘a Dun: Store. Ber Girl Wanted. at once. Ap- piy to Arch. Hunter, Upper Town Durham.' Spr reminds us that w" should buy th new Finer Oilcloth. Sprnk- in. of Fl r Oilclolh reminds ma that In“! a d n pretty new deuigns at Air-Inna is week. Ho hu all widths. Dnowmm IN CULaAnY.--A sad tele- - reach"! Mrs Dunsmoor. upper town. on Monday but. that her you Neil had man drowned in Culgar ' No particulars, exrepb thatthe hodyy had been "Conrad. Mrs Dunsmoor Im- the nyMpnlhy of mlny friends in the painful Circumstances. A Field Day under the Dominion Allinnco is planned for Guy County on the 26th inst, to Ite followed on Monday, 27th In-t., by a County Con- vention in Pro-hyurian Church, Mark- dale, morning session at lo, afternoon m LU). The Circular calling it suya it is .. for the consideration of questions " urgent. importance to the (‘nunty and Province." The genervl therve is to he .. Our Plrpagnndu " Alliance uptake" will (ll-rims, " Relation of the Churches," .. P. lilical Asperts" 'Pres- ent opportunity and (rullm k." The tmeertainty Him-9 (he-beginning of the year as to who would hold the chiotnhiv of the Fire m igatle, has now been drtittitel, settled. Howard Mr- Donnid is the new chief. There had been two parlies, one wishing ex~ chief Torry to continue in the nw-ilinn and the other supporting Ali-Donald. The matter could not be willed m Councillast Monday night, and they called a special meeting Wednuuday to dell with it. However tho tsituation simplitUd itself by the definite resig- nninn of Mr Torry. who had handed the key. to the mayor and who must ed on withdrawing. The or mmittee of council then had nothing to do but eondirm the appointment of the new chief. _ A _ The reeienatiott and ralirumenv 0|" “I Torry after nhmlt 15 vwarus' sen-hm in worth noting. During that time there have been several tires and the Brigade under his one and MiioNhtp have rendered oxcollpnt work and has naval much property. We hope the nmolnynl'v will be Rive" to the new shit! by the Brigade, and than the town and cilizc-ns generally will mn- tinue to support Ibis n.0-l worthy " organizations in no stiuted style. -----i.i------- The hearts of many friends round Dornoch and other parts of South Grey win be stirred in Iympath at the new: of the hmcnted death of lulu. the only daughter of Rev. Dr. Fraser Smith. ty Alter her gradation she to to Chinn as a misglonary father terved " a mission“1 . -_", A = . go to unnu- as .' .....,-.-,,, . lather served as a missionary for some i time after graduating in theology and medicine at Queen's University in 1888. l Miss Smith took an active part in dif-l ferent organizations at the university,‘ was a general favorite, and her death :31 mourned by a large circle of friends. _ Whilein Kingston she was a regular at- tendant at Chalmers Presbyterian Church. The affair was purely acci- _ dental and no inquest will be held. I The remains were taken to Glencoe on Saturday and from there to her father's home in Mona Township. Interment JOCK place to Kilmartin cemetery 'l'll Tuesday, Rev. Mr Weir conducting the urvicea. A ll?“ wave of sympathy was aroutv ed t roughout the whole Glencoe dis. triet and many friends here who know the father and family have the same sentiment. Fire Brigade Chief Resigns. Field Day and Convention fl El Shatigitt.gitgtt-,, was Laltt Smith has a Tragic and Pathetic end. BANK -----i0- --r.r-. I$I'wl5ilIe diGiiiisFii"iri or any kind of Job "irrirTiii"ir-iivirtite REVIEW a Trial Fatally Burned 'irirrHai"i' BRANCH. .._ iiiai__._,....-,,,1, Kim ili? mam. Benita}. Postmaster and in Smith and tet" B-lle McKenzie holiduyed our - in Toronto. Mina Daisy Blackburn. of Toronto. Rpm: last week end with her mother et'e. Mr Alex Kenn“. of the Moral Bank, tit Mary's. wu home over the holidays, Miss Mtr not McKenzie ll attend- ing the 1"n"if,1'i Mann; of the 0.I.A. in Toronto this week, Miss Clam Alior, now on the tench- iug slat! of Toronto Public Schoolu, underwent an operratiott for ,sme.ed.r this last Friday in erleuloy tsoipitat, and in "ruining there till temtperat. ed Sh. is pro-um nicely. Mr Gordon Gun, of mutual. In! home over the Baater bonds”. Miss Nu. G nn, " Toronto Connery-- Lory. Ia spending her In!" vac-lion at home. .\h-ssus than. F. Luvrenu. yrek.trt' and Jun. Reid, of Toronto Unnvcrolty' visited from Thursday to Monday u their homes, Miss Annabel S mndera. of Toronto, quail over the week and at her home. Mt. Keith Newton. who " now on- ingot} with [In Uanadlan Copy" L'tt, an Copper Cliff. vlsited town friends m "r Sunday. AquIn-u. . Mrs Mahon and her Inland. Mi" Wilson, from near Gnelph. 'spent over Ii uh’r with the formal". patents Mr and Mrs Fulchlld. Mesutt, w. L Saunders, Fred Ailch- imn and Roy Calder were m Toronto oyer Good Friday. “-st Will McGowan. Jim Allan dud Eul McDonald were in Palmer- Mon on Good Friday. MvJark Davidson returned Hominy u. his posit ion in the Standard Bunk n Midland. . Mrs Young, otuairo, Michig-n. "ent nvvr E Later with her father, Mr John Hunt. Mr Wilfrid Hunt, of Owon Bound Colleginte Institute, in mending En!- et' vacation at his gnndhthu’l be" and among old friends in Glenelg. Mr Lynn Grant. " Dental Culloge. Fronto, returned last week for the holidays. Among the teachers here our Ent- vr we, hrsnes Alllo Bltckhurn. Miter. ion l Alethea and Edith Grant, Toron- to: Vivian Crawford. Yeovil l Alex lml. Milverton, E J, McGirr, Iwimon Par k. Miss Lillie Gardiner who has been attcnding Alma College " St. Thomas, Spent Easter with her cousin, Mm D. Greenwood. si.raarnes Laughton, of Dromore, visited in Durham Monday. Mr. Don McMillan of Priceville nu in town Monday. Mrs Bretz, Shelburne, in " prcunt visiting with her mother, Mrs Sam Mc. Crucken. Mr. John McGillivray of Vancouver, but whose home is in Paisley is this week visiting his cousins, Mr. Don Ma. Fayden, 2nd con. Glenda. Mr. and Mrs. Urquhart and daughter of Port Credit, are visiting Mrs. U's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Whelan. Milton Moorby, the obligin. young clerk in the Post 06cc for the last 18 months, leaves Wednesdartfotttitrm ilar position in his home town, Aurora, in York County. Bobs McKinnon. non of Postmaster McKinnon, of Priceville, takes his place here. Mrs. E. F. Rice and two children who have been in Toronto for the gm: year are visiting Mr and Mrs Thou anti. Mr. Geo. Banks was a week end viai. tor in Stratford. Messrs Glasslord and Ferguson of i the standard and-Regal Banks respec- tively, holidayed in oronto. Menu Harry grit; Gilbert Gordon. from Sask. are vmtmg at their unclea, Mr Henry Sealer, Glenelg. They in- tend to reside in future with their mother in Kingston. Miss Tillie Ernest and Mr. Gordon Truax, Walkerton. spent over the week end at Mr. R. Terry's. Mr. Fred Terry paid I brief visit to N'alkerton this week. l Miss Gertrude Sutherland who he. , been at her unclee. Mr. W. B. Vollett’e l for the past month, returned to Toron. to Wedneedey. Mr, Jag. lane in not Mr Lynn Grunt. Dent: Arthur Hutton from O iate IHLC. Mr Andrew Pennington. of Wittty ham. for many you: conductor on the Durham brunch of the G. T. R. In resigned from the service and will [we retired m Wmdaox blush". Mr Carl Brown. I ville Uullv'iltf, 0011 1 tommly of Durban, mum-s here for s few stettrgt2, " bank i-anti-tear-r-at “Wall-‘35 «bk-numbed". .,eeai-imth-tdrkv. "a, in home from Varsity, rant, Dental College. um! tan from o. Sound Colleg- I fed dun. M. m which Is Incorporated the trttlsta" Mu- Mr William Ibnrp. Hnmpden. Mr Ind In John Shurp And " by May. of Knox Oar-an, want any Hauler with trf.' in Owen Sound 3nd Shnliow e. It Civil. Mirth vlnted his old friend pn- Lewu,of It Boron. on Thursday M: and Mn Noll McDonald. Mr and Mn Alex label-Id Ind I: Jnck Mc- Donald “on: the Enter vacation with Mr lid n W. J. Larson and other town ulnlvu. Mn.J.O. Nichol 1nd chrldt, n are visiting in Toronto. Upo "calving word on Satulduy morning that his mother w.“ ill in Port llgin, Inspector N. W. Campbell left the um. day for that town. Minn Alum Bullion, Elam r Kreus, Marlon Surf and Mrs. J. F. Want are Enter visitors in tin my. and?“ And Mrs. Allan are in Tor. onto th I work, former attending Tanohon' (Jo-nation. Min Pull Izzard, Pt Elgin, was from Friday to Monday the guests of list Vida McLuhlnn. Mr All" Mtmstyre und Miss Mcken- " of Toronto visited It the fonuer'u I... in. in a few days, Mus" John lld Archie Rolwrtsun spent the holiday in Priceville and Tonnto "spectivelr. Owing to ill health Miss Mm-y Norton " Abordnn has resigned from the bushing stuff of Chesley Schnnl. The muting. of Mr Munro A. Miller oon of Mr and Mrs H. H. Miller of Hanover, to Miss Caroline Muriel Bir- nie of Collingwood, has been announ- ced to Luke place on May It, Misses Montgomery and Bowman from St. Margaret's College, Toronto, are spending the Easter vacation with the latter. sister, Mrs Dr. D. B. Jamie- son: Mrs. Jamieson entertained m their honor Monday evening. Mr. tnd Mrs. Val. Hahn visited in Berlin over the holiday. Mr. All-tin B Ball, second son of It. J. "all. M. P ' and Mn Ball, and Mio Frances Adah Mawhinuey, Dunuvillv, much" in the Continuation depart- meat of that HInnVer school, ITete quioUr muried an the Methucisn [nu- uonnxv. Hanover. on Wednesday, April, at 9 o'clock in the morning. Min Haddow of Drayton was the file” of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Goodwin or the holiday. Mr. Eric Kelly is holidaying in Tor- onto while Miss Amy is visiting in Hamilton. Miss Nine Bremner, of Camilla visited the Muses McLean on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Telford and 1Lss Basic are in Owen Sound attending the wedding of the formers niece,at which the latter 15 playing the wed- ding march Mr Jas. Aitchison, tit, Helms. fw- merly of Bontinek, came Irver to Uur. tvuulIuesdrty, me main obj»! [mug to take in me induction of Rev. Mr Whaley, and incidentally me NH”? old friends. Mr Whale-y for a number of years was pnstor at St. [iris-“N mul the warmest feelings of that di-trnct mu linger, Mr A. says, round the pae- torua and personality of Durharu's new“: minister. Mayor Black was in titratir,rdon Tuesday, selected by the Spring Slmw Uummlttee to judge light horses. of which there were splendid specimens. The Mayor of the classic' city showed Mr Black over their fine municipal buildings and 031099 and we have no doubt our mayor will return the Com- pliment, hut pray that it be not till Town Hall renovation takes place. -------+ o V------ _ Parlicul eopie--Then looking for Corset: shnu remember that um Afs nham‘s you ltind a style to fit ry- ery t1gute. We' ive special attention to this nopnrnnel . " you want real norm Intiafaction, " this store. THURSDAY. APRIL 16.1914. A combined grocery and boot and shoe Itore will be opened up about May let, In the store adjoining MUcFarlane's. The proprietors will be Messrs W. L. Saunders and Fred. Aitcheeon, and as they intend to carry a complete and up- to-date stock, will no doubt "cure a reasonable share of the public custom. BORN I 't,1l'/,1'iti',' Ti'le"iL"d"i r, VII h, P"""'" ‘rv Minna be ha a with t . cont"! McthatsToN--At Flaxeombe. Nask ' on I an. Inn. Rev Mr Thrnnr, formerly: 9th April, 19U,to Mr and Mrs Albert 1 Markham where Mr. Whitley was or McClinton. a daughter. ',ot' “hifa hays” had glanyukind things I . . any 0 him and as it a upon an col "tzt'hiln,el1fiirtJ.te'.'erTpiiod, Axis: autumn: both parties to tho union. iiia Olivene Marshall,) a daughter. Continued on page 8. -.___ -i-q------- and Bowman glnduction of ; Rev. S. M. Whaley Warm Welcome to Presbyterian Pastor Forthe sixth time in 56 years Our ham Presbyterian Congregation has chosen " minister and the latest union of pautor and people was happily con- summnled yesterday l5ih Avril, Wit, The nuptials were honored by tho finest of wealher, by a very largo nt- te-ndunw. by tho Presbytery of San- geen. hy most. hearty and curdial good Ruling, and by the presence of Rev. Dr. b'arunharson. the late pastor, Rev. Mr Cooper, Mt. Forest, who. as inter- im moderator. admirably discharged his dutv. has transferred his author.. ity to ttey. S. M. Whtcter, B. A., and all who knew him and who heard him helil-ve the mantle has fallen on war- thy shoulders. Wednesday was the worst possum. printers day and this week we can give hut a more skeleton outline of the pi ocvedinp that moved along so har- mnniously and ware so heartily en. jnde. About. 2 80 p. m Rev. Dr. Maul). F. R. A. 8., Holstein. appoint- ed the preacher of the day, opened the envices. taking his text from Heb. 9 l 28. "So Uhliat was once offered to hour ttto sim of manv." Me gnvo an “lilo uismursp. ranged round twr' main lllPllIri " What does the sacrifice imply." and " What does the teaeritiee twat-h tt Inducted \Vednésday " Patter of Durham Presbyterian Church. 'R EVENING MEETING lb, v. Mr. Cooper was placed in the chair for the informal pvogam that w ls “omen up and the first word must he given to the choir for their excel. lent service“, even though lacking leader Telford and name other mem- bers. In this connection two splendid solo-s were given by Mil! V. Caldwell und Mr Grant MoUomh. thelatteradd- ing tn the laurel, the won last Sundty evening by one of the heal solos ever 1given In the church. 'ua. Inn. Rev Mr Thrnnr, formerly of ‘Markham where Mr. Whitley was one ',ot' "his hays” had many kind things to any of. him and as di.d all sneaker! con- The chairman in his address and later Mr. Young. narrated their ex- perieneeat Stratford Presbytery in facing the delegation from Zorra that sirnve to retain Mr. Whitley. Mr. Cooper testified to the vary plenum rvluLiims be bad had with gh- congre: REV, S. M, WHALEY, B. A, Mcoaatt--ALD--0n Wednes- day. Ami! " I. 19U, at the home of tho bride's plums, MI and Mrs Jnu. Aldcorn. Iwinmn Park, Miss Elma bath N Aldoorn to was. McMiilm. son of Mr. Don-Id McMillIn. South Lino, Annuals. Rev J A Mnthmm olcitling. McarraavttAe-tJUFF -- On Wedues- day. April 15th. In. the home of the hrldc'l brother-in-btw Mr H. Hunt. Mun Alberta Out! of Vu-kern to Mr. Important Notice ! The season for seeding is near. Every farmer has to buy seed more or less. It will pay you to buy the best. We have it. Five Roses Flour Pine Tree Flour Milverton Jewel McGowan's Eclipse Chesley Good Luck Bring us your Butter and Eggs MRS. A. BEGGS ty SON TIE ROYAL BANK OF GAMER. Capital Paid Up $1 1,S60,000 Reserve Funds 13,575,000 a BANK MONEY ORDERS 3 New Spring Suits PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING ALERT JUVENILE CLOTHING hm: $i5atul under . ' . . 3c. Over $5, not exceeding 810, . . 6c. Over 810, not exceeding 830, . . 10c. Over $30, not exceeding $50. . . l5c. ohVxirhsttsh.m.2 in Canada (Yukon excepted) and Nfld. at any Bank-in l' " all pnncipel citie-ttd in Great Britain and Ireland at over 5009mm: ONTARIO ARCTTIVES TORONTO Mill“). S. F. MORLOCK RENNIE'S NO. 1 CLOVER SEEDS RENNIE'S NO. 1 TIMOTHY SEEDS We indulge in absolutely no exaggeration when we my that in these lines you will see Clothing values that have never been excelled in Durham. The smart distinctive Ityles, the tep-to-date exclusive materials, the perfect fit and the splen- did quality of tailoring shown in these goods can hardly fail to elicit your admiration and your order. See them. Met: a point of it. Progress Brand Clothing and Alert Juveniic t Clothing have a tremendously strong reputatit m. Every customs! who has tried them usually comes beck egein, u the Linings, Fit and Style ', are superior to the ordinary run of Clothing. i We him a. splendid assortment in Black and i Navy Worsted, also Tweed Suits. Daring this month we are going ta give a splendid Safety Razor with every Suit from $4.00 up. DURHAM BRANCH: S. HUGHES, Man-cor. for Men and Young Men, and INCORPORATED 1669 Pum Would, a "tttr-' o. “In“ t 90mm- IAIGIAYI - CoLLttrtt-On Wed“. thy April 8th. " the home of tl, bride's purenll. Mr and I!" Jrl Collier, 2ud con. Glenda. Mm A nie Collier to Mr George Hal-gm of Egnmom. IMLtur- ifLowtMtts--At Glsnntew E. Toronto, April 2nd, 1914, " ll Dr. Np". Mr Arthur Hills In M Edna Mowers. Rout J Icullln'rny of (Hench: w. W. Prldhlm ctBctuting, A safe and economicnl methm of nmitlinchMALL amounts Ontario Bran Western Bran Shorts Feed Flour Corn Chop We want them, 1W0N E. 50 Re l H “31:1 pound. London of ling- s-owed in t Ireland.‘ eon aban' inner- .\.~' tivrol 1 will be/ f' bi'H-r and wrai. The £85. ot In no r: ttw WWP', to Irot, row 03' Pa: butt “dot wu who M ty rB.hiseas 1d ad ban the otede rce"l '" Lu rev” ur tho T 1‘" Mil "

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