West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Apr 1914, p. 4

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tG gmwmmmmmmmg I! Only 75c for the Review the balance of this year to New Subscribers l Good Line of Suits ftt I: for Men and Boys -qrB-"""""-"" v"i:iiiriiiaiiit'iiiwvh"hhhhh"h W Agihliile. ttr 2 * 'luaasoeoiiroassooiawrrataooiasoirsatstiroairiir' Round trip tickets to points In Inni- t Am, Alberta and Sank-tehewan. via Chicago. SI. Paul or Duluth, on In]. mob Tuesday until (morn: 27, in- clusive atlow fares. Thmngh Pullman Tonrin Sleep." to Winnipeg on above dates, having Tatum: 11 p. m. No dingo of can. Return Limit, Two Months. ili)gysiyhtnllrinnii)u &oek for 4orvtsr 1914, new Complete Repairing naatly te promptly done Manure/z &uses 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop mad Saskatchewan, each Tuesday I during April. l The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is we wettest Ind quickest rout. be. tween Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Ed- monton. with excellent through ur- vleo to Regina. Train: now tannin ipto Calgary. Berth reservations and ”111001an at .11 Grand Trunk Minutemen-u write C. E. Morning, D. P. A., Tw- oob. OIL _ V. WU. CALDER. Town “an” (Unaway second-clan) From nations in Ontario. KW”. Raft" 3nd was: " points in Alberta str-ig-so-res-i-it-tviii-ies-ri,?, Large Quantity of No. l Fee1i.nr.riyr Sovereign, Eclipse and I'astryflour All Phone No. 8 T he question ot comfort has been given carelul though! by the makers oi Monarch Shoal and in every style clown, absolute foot can: is muted. Thu fact coupled with the knowledge that "MONARCH" Shoe styles expveu the newut English and American style ideas, should have inflttettee with men who are PARTICU- I. " about their footwear. Also a fine line of Boots d/ Shoes Our usual good make. Come and see them TOWNER, station Ticket Age" CR'MPBI) OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates THE PE0PLE'S MILLS n ls of strain bought at market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. IDon't fall to we this Ahhe Fresh and Chen at “.50 off car. See this tiay before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Eve:y bag guahutaed. If not satisfactory bring It back and get your money. Settlers' Fares '. od?. 6aunders Thu Shoeman John McGowan " We have received a Made by the W. B. Sanford people of Ha. milton, one of the oldest and best manufac- turers of Clothing in the country. We ask you when in we): of a good Suit, to come and sec ours. . L. GRANT Iliea lieviuw an! Trrc-nto Daily Star furl vt'ar-........,......,.. The Review an] Toronto Dally Nemf'u one your I Tho ilevtew and Toronto Daily World frr yeur-............... The Review and Weekly Mail and Empire tor 1 year......... ........ The livvimv and Grain Growers' I Guide, Winnipeg, for one year ino Review and tls" Family Heb ( dd and Weekly Sun- tor 1 your The l,'uiriew qu Weekly Witness tot 1 "ar....................-.. The Review and Weekly Sun tor "tHtr-.-.....-......v.-. We Review and Weekly Athenia- cr {or one 3our........................ The Ravi/w and Toronto 0.in Globe tra lyou..................... Th. Rev aw and Toronto DI"! Mail and Rupiah I y0lr...... |The Ruby on! Wail) Fro. Ptra. h on. 'er-............ Thu 3000' and Firming World W'w'm-mm'm-m" ......... The 2itt'.t"f, the Pound Ad. r mu! Glow“ In n I "r---,.......- I PgMtg,t.,ee..i.'.'. a. Pm I w- _ rc".- !_........................., r. a; Next Garafnxa St bridge Clubbing Rates. Ar We): nt? (t.t div qt; 890 100 my gutlpuu 3mm 50 50 Last week nlnouncunen. we: made in the Legislature of proposed changes to he made by the Redistribution mu. Foo tidings u at present are to be eat oft, but six new constituencies no to be created thus increasing the membership of the House by two. One Of the new tidings will be formed in Northern Ontario and Toronto will an three or fottr new members. The M111 and Empire says: 60 90 Oo 90 "The Grey riding' will still send three members to the Legislature. Hon. Mr. Lucas explained that the thiee had a. population of about. 60,000, The boundaries will, however. be altered somewhat. The township of Airemesln will be taken from Gentle Grey and placed in South Grey where i: formerly belonged, while Meatord and M, Vincent Will be taken from North Grey and put in the Centre riding." 90 This may tend to rqualisstion of population and with Artemuin added will make South Grey , diMeult prop- oaiuon to handle from I Liberal stand- paint. There ir u likelihood that Bruce will be reduced to two ridinge, North and South. which would get rid of one Lilo. oml in that county, and Middlesex is likely, also to be reduced to two ridings. Quite the mom, sttrnifleant event of the week was the deputation of con- servalive members of the Ontario Young Munhooi Association, which waited upon the Government and pre. sented apetition signed by 9000 con. servatives asking for more advanced Temperance lexislatinn. The petition was over 200 yards long and requested “l‘hnt you pass an act in the Legis- lature abolishing all liquor shop, bar and club licenses in the province, such logislation to come into effect only-- and thereupon automatieallr-uter a majority of Vol.9; havn been cast in its favor, in a plrmiscite on the question. presented to the people within n. your “to: the unsung of the said not.” The memorial signed by the deputation representing the executive, declared : “Supporting loyally as we have done. and as We do now, the neutral "word of the present Govprumont and its many advanced polirler. it would he with (elm-lance that We should tind ourselves obliRed to forsake the Con. servatlve party in order to we a Liber- ml Temperance proposal through, but if the present nitlution con'ivuvs we will feel morally bound to pursu , ihat course." The Government was non-comittal ir. its answer to the deputation. More of the matter will undouhtedly be heard, as the petition revealed u wide- spread revolt among the young mm of the conservative party on the temp- erance question The Failure ot the It was brought out the other day in the Legislature that certain school grants to trustees bad to be lapped " 28 per cent because the expenditure had to that extent outrun the esti- mates. The query naturally arises '.. What is the education department do. ing with all the money it gets ? Mr Marshall and other members of the Opposition have been pointing out that one serious cause of waste of money is the stream of unuecemry and some of them foolish saliool books being ieisted on the schools at the ex- pense of the department apparently to givejobs to some unnamed editor- friends of the olhoials. On Tuetday Mr Marshall road to the House some passages from one of these books ', t. God may forgive sins bat awkwardness has no forgiveness in heaven or earth. Ft " A parlor maid is no more privileged to use the front stairs than we ccok. " "A man may wear a black tie at the theatre or a small dinner. bat he should wear a white tie at tho opera or a large dinner." " A gum. after a. visit even a short one, is to bestow upon a servant a small tee." " At church a man should wear a frock coat and a tall hat." The c-iuntrv is taxed for printing and distribctiogto the schoels books oi such calibre as this. It would be generally admitted I that if ammo is ewmpttent to give expert testimony on school books and l scheol book making it in bir George N. Morang. of 1'orot1to. Last week in giving: evidence before a late committee at Atlantic he tegtified that the Ontario Governtnent's meth- od of making text bookiiiacoatly on. to the country and that the claim of saving and cheapnels is I sheer fallacy. Mr Moran; tegtiiUd that the Ontarlo method oi producing and paying for the plates and composition was higher than it they ware pro: duced by I private flrtn and that all the walled publisher: had to charge tor was only the paper and binding. Aigrettes The Hon. W. T. White has earned the gratitude of every humane men and woman by his determination to forbid the importation of nixrettes. The diabolical cruelty through which this ornnuent for women is obtained has been tolerated too long. Recent. ly the United States enacted progress- ive legislation on the subject, but women continue to wear this plumage 22's.; in defiance to common humanity.l The aigrette is taken from the bird' at the very moment when it needs _ most protection. and the thieving means death to the bird. It was hoped that when thts became more generally known. women might be less prone to irmtate the tscalp-hunt-- ing instincts of the primitive red Ind. l ian. But the contrary was the case and whet public opinion could not do has had to be encompaeud by legio- lation. We true: that the hint given wig] be "ttieient to prevent even thoee who new panels aigrettee and ,oepreye from wearing them, than ' aeviag decent-minded people the pain of "collecting the eevegery reopene- ”Hole-then. conservative Young Men The New South Grey. APRIL 16, 1914 School Book Policy. TEE: DURHAM REVIEW Easter is ugain here and with a. holidays the teachers of the district have left for then respective homer-- Mina Reid to Dromore, Mile Frock to' Hsnover and Mile Wemock to Peter-{1 borough. The Durham High School "udentic---Jolut Ilediughem, Levine Mortley end Lyele McKnight are also Ipending their holldeye at home. Miss Bessie Campbell and her aunt, Miss M McKeehnie. returned to their home after spending the winter month: at the home of Mrs W Robertson. the farmer‘s sister. The fiat auto of the seascn p through but. on Monday.” Re; T. W. Mills conducted prepara- tory servncoa m Chatsworm and Dea- boro on Fnday. Mr. Cl, wok re and his sister Mrs. J, Stewart. l m. Friday in London. News was received on Saturday of the dumb of Miss Lulu Smith. only daughter of Rev. Dr. Fraser Smith of Glencoo. Deep sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. Mr. Wm. Smith left on Tuesday to attend the funeral of his niece, Miss Lulu Smith. Impressive Services Mark Fu. neral of Jno. A. Ledingham Impressive funeral services for John Alexander Ledingham, age 19, who died Thursday after a brief Illness. took place yesterday afternoon from the Second Presbyterian church, 1515 West Superior street. Rev. John A. McG'aughey oftieiated. Short service. were held at the residence became of the illness of Mrs Lndingham. Mem. bers of the locomotive erutineers'otu ganizulon attended in a body. Services we” conducted by Wor. shipful Mastet Carl E. Lonegren at the Trinity loge. Mnaonic order, West Du. lulh. Mrs Ledinghem's brother, Wil- liam White, and the deceased',, broth- er. James Lodinghmn, accompanied the body last night to Cbntswortb. Ont., trutii J. A. Ledinghmn was an mummy? " the .Nurlhorn Pwitie fttilroad (orn- puny for more tban 23 years and Wu! one ot lhlt courpauy's moat trusted men. He wag an wide-r0! the second Presbyterian vhurch and 1saibeen an active nmnher nt' lhwt institutinr, emu». u s urguniy. Ir um. Con). SEPA HATE St‘ll(‘()L, ? Entrance cl -.~~ - Wilfrid sz-v. George Vuwy, J, 4 b- Nellie Smith- Jr'3ri-1lo s P st k, J mws (WWW. Hugh Vnuey, Jo-rl: M, 1tnti.s' when“). Sr Pt 2 "i-uauric" Yum-y. KMlllFrn Sullivan. Mwymv Sullivan. Jr Pt, 2nd --g T Sullmm, .lulm Mathews, Prim- e! class-Marion Parke, Nora SulliVun MAYNO W ARNUCK, Teachers No. l. GLI‘JNELG (Townsend's Lake) Fur Winn-r Term Sr tth--Eizie Benton. Harold llnlmel Lorne Livingslenp. Jr 4th--Merrcm McArthur, Elm McNally, John Bnker, John Bumps. Sr ',trd--Jenn McArlh- ur, Bella Brody. Jr 3rd--Leotaa Uncd' will, Lillip Goodwill, Archie Holmes, Collin McArthur, James Baker. 2nd- Slanlt-y Williamson, Sandy Baker, Lois Hull. Sr lat-Robert Ellison, Ernold Brodie and Alfred McNally. Jr lst-Ile" Torrie. Ernie Ellison, Gladys Baker. Primer-Evelyn Bainel James Goodwill, D. Axum MAcINToiu, Teacher. No, 9, GLENELG Erwin-M Lindsny. E Patterson, M Bell. Jr tth-h", Rncnie, M Haley. L Aline. Sr 3rd--M Atkinson. Jr 4ttr-- V Ritchie, A Lindsay, 0 Bell, M Whit- more, bl Davis, M Newell, A Ritchie, 0 Bell. 2ad--R Davis, R McFarlane. lst-O Lindsay, M A'.iue, Sr Primer .--M mu,ruin. Jr A-h Cox. Jr Primet--N HITRI'BYC. ELIZABETH SCOTT. Teacher. Third regular union of Bentinck Council 1911, Lamlaeh. April 6th. Minutes of In: meeting were read and adopted. Tarnbull--Sltewell That report of Ruve and Clerk re Treasurer" ao- cnritics be named and sub paid $2 00 and 2. 25 paid to registry oifiee. tihewall-Lttntsey tthat registrar offlee he pnid 750 for fee: re search of lots 18, 19 and 20, con 3, NDR, Carried. Schmidt- Shewvll Thu D Brown bts paid $9.53 for sheep killed by dogs. Carried. Lunacy - Turnbnll That Thou Clark be puld $1.00 for lnsputing Iheep of D Brew]. Carried. ahrnidt--Untytv Thu In Mr Ronald be paid $10 00 for sheep killed by dogs 1913 and T Lawrence $1 00 tor inspecting slump. Curried. in? Turnbull- Schmidt. Thu J [Ind- son be paid $21.50 for filling a prmch to bridge and o to Knr-Ick SEOO tr r repairing culvm lot 7, con 6, Gen Brown $2.00 phoning 25 can“. Cur. isetnriidt-.-i.unmsy That Elmwood be given a gram of $50.09. Carried. SmaidI -Lunntry That ttrvusl account of B Weltfall be held our for farther information. Canned. fysttmidt---Ttirrthull That J Bad. son he paid $1 50 tor removing wheel wrap” to Hanover. Carried. annbull -Shewoll That clerk notify Gummy Treasuror of " error in return of taxea ot In Lloyd 1914 and said treuurer to have “noun: crunched " taxes were paid. Cur. Stshtnidt-0ewell That Brant Treasurer be paid $19. 85 being but! cost of work on townlino B. &B. C‘rried. . Ltrnne.v-ahewe11 Thu petition of By Sobrienert and can" ”not to: sadmgham's former home, for BENTINCK COUNCIL DORNOCH School Reports No. 3. GLEN seed nuisance aiming hills m a. mm a. be aearpted and thy cranked 5200 providing gram Work to amount of $195.00 ha spent first and Wm Lun- ney to have charge at work. Car, Loner-Turnbull That where" Rom Miller of lots 1 and 2. con 15 Bentllck, now of U. S. S. B E & S has and. applionion to have " pro- perty transferred toS S No T, Ben- Ilnek. we instruct clerk to give the necessary notices and prepare by-hw lor nan meeting. Curried. somidt--8t"ore11 That clerk pre- pare by-law in Iccl‘rdnuco with Chip TI, section 3. 1911 mutate. appointing as building inspectors tor township of Bentlnett ", Wm o Hume. Wm Schmidt, David Adlam, Fred Knit. Carried. Tarntmll--Lttttner That by-law No 5 being read the and number oi times, he Molly pus.d.signod and "ated. Carried. Turntngir-.auwell That Council adjourn to meet as a Court ot Reviuion on Wednesday, May 2hh. liventdtrilrie urmon in Knox Ch. lasslnnday. He is "peotet) to take charge of the service again next Sunday 19th. "ir/i'viifrid Wntson of Detroit is spending Euler holidays with " bother R. R Watson. Mr W,Walituse,tmreher (t Ebordule is holidaying with his parontl hue. Min Janet Sharp of Hampden" visiting for a few days with her brother Geo. on the 3rd. Mr Archie McDonald with one of Smith'l engines is busy cutting wood for some of the neighbors around Knox Corners. Mr. W. C. Caldwell went mule ci'y lately and purchased a new piano. -- ., ' I! ,.p -" "I .__.... “1““. with P Mr Ed Hartford ot town along with. bis men in busy making square tim- ber which be has purchased from some at the farmers. T. MsAllister is blulmg it to Durham. Mr and Mrs Palmer Patterson at Var-0y spent Sunday " Mr. Geo. Sharp's. YOUTHFUL An Asset to Every Woman Gray Hairs a Source of Discontent Every woman wiphes to lo, k young always. (inn hairn menu the passing ol youth's chum”. They are the some. of many n heartache to mmy null many 't won) an Ira, they need not be. Bay's Unu- ”(LII h lemme.- may hair to its mama! c rim' 1' IS no! u dye, By Us tome qualities. bs prnmnlinu a new vigmou-u healthy grnwth of the 1mm.) removing datMruff, by turnishing ‘.f) the bk'lllp and tho 1sair.roots a new lite ‘lit brim.“ locli the run] culor and lustle list Ihe hair. ”halter a fair trial according to directions. it falls to do this. we wilt reluud your money. $1.00, 500. Me. Get it at our store. Bold and recommended by MacFARLANE & co., Drugglsts - - --"""" --" The fnmlly remedy for Cough. and Colds. "Shiloh com no little and do” so much!" Rev. Mr. Peckovov tt Tgronto 25' tfflltiBEllEat(ii, NORTH-EAST NORMANBY m; tgdEail1r1i.gt3Weeklyl)il 8Wfl 3:22;: Mckechnie's Spring Announcement in Dress Goods and Wash Fabrics We have imported a large range of there, also Pailette Silks in 36 inch widths, $1.00 a yd. hams in checks, stripes and plain Chambrays fading, 27 in wide, 100 a yd Just recaived {largo shipment of Nottingham Lace Curtains in corn and cream. very latest thing, prices to suit all, unging " follows, 1.50, 1.75, ii.00, 2.25, 2.50 and 2.75 per pair. We carry at present the largest stock of 4 yard wide Linoleum aver showMin Durham. Canadian, English and Scotch. The patterns we neat and new and't22 patterns to choose from. Our stock of rugs for the Spring Season is complete. Tapestry, "rustsels, Velvets and Axminster squares at prices that will surmise you from 1.75 to " Departmental Store, APPEARANCE Durham. Out . B." CHITTICK, Clerk For a rush order try phone No. l7 highest prices for Butter and Eggs, hills lot T, 9031 G. d; J, MCKECHNIB See our Check Silks, very newest in fashion, regular 60oyd on sale this week s................. 30e We also have a very large range of Prints in all the newest designs, selling at 100 a. yard. Try a pair of our E. I'. Corsets at $1.00 a pair 'i_sgyrzgeggggiiiMlliiliglllrlgl IggftlgllgllffSlKFMrtftlyt i2'aiygaaggegaexxxxwe: 1g:4xh'/X'vlflgglii1"s".4'y', g? range of these, also all the latest shades in 15li Widths, $1.00 ayd. Best Canadian and Scotch “in; and plain Chambrays. Guaranteed to wash ssitllout ONTARIO "'"iiiii"t5iiWtB TORONTO Spring Cleaning House Furnishings Caustic Soda Ilh; 1b., 3 lb. tin, 250 Household Ammonia -- in dry and liquid form Dutch Cleanser Boll-Ami Electra Silicon Supolio The Down Town Shoe Store MacFARLANE'ti Drug Store C. P. R. Town Office We have anticipated your wants and have open» ed during the past few weeks over One Thousand Dollars worth of new Goods, ready for you'. inspco tion. We would specially call attention to our new lines of Men’s Fine Shoes in Monarch and Astoria Brands They ate beauties In Hosiery We can on something good at reasonable prices. Trunks, Values, Suit Cases, in stock. Custom Work and l"pairing a.u usual. Comes the Wantoi a Change in Footwear With the Coming of Spring Cleansers Nyal’s Furniture Polish SPECIAL With the approach of spring everyone dcs ‘H b to clean up and get ready for the warm 862mm. We keep desirable aids, labor savers and thoroughly tested Cleansers. Eggs taken The Rexall Store Polishes in exchange for Goods In Hosiery Wt: can offer you Disinfectants 33 . a & Preventives 'is'. Moth Balls Moth Camphor Balls Red Cedar Flakes Kreso Disinfectant Zenolcum Disinfectant APRIL 16, 1014 Buy your tickets here . S. MclLRAlTH Durham Rexall Polish I? ii?! [guy people arc at this season to 1 Dr Vermin and Discasc Cor-S In stables. poultry IBIS“. etc., that v,ill Cost It I law Centr. Best Exterminator E Hen it is : CtterotrisreSubiit Ctioride dusolx d hot water. Md water to m Spun every n well; lelvd'ox ts, . th .rnugh Coal a {:1 tl a El The Cf gladly be THE QL'ALI’H PHARMAU PRICEVILLli. m a} L - (DU "Al ' w t2tfitr Biliou Attacl mecrl the liver ' an! uli that's wh In cure a all ailme runners them. 2 M Den " )Ciunbc Fsit tave tItTCs1'riT APRIL Ic,, 1914 atliEEEEE2 21:2: Black. PRIC Ml Met THE Gl Head qua ot ttte g In tirst 'ngttrst prices , m atati tigg FRESH rrt W". , .-\ In: bunt} b ns Call and buying yourself The I”? LEVI Cl avy. We aux and trrix F7. luv!

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