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Durham Review (1897), 16 Apr 1914, p. 8

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t.s.-:rtairaairtt':"':""""f,; t CENTRAL DRUG STORE 'i), §Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! Success in Retailing 5333333330 aaaa:a:a'a:a:%ir.drh"'.9.e It.t Shop where you are Invited to Shop We have a good stock of all kinds of Feed hand, including Chopped Corn Chopped Corn & Oats Chopped Oats Crushed Oats An Quentin! “our in mhievnq Inccess in a retail business in ADVERTISING-~telling the buyer. of your community what you have for them. If you want Feed, call and see will please you. Otto doesn't not to b. “apically clever or n genius to be u IIOOIIS, m on. man have no um. nod punuo it "col-tel] “I humanly. The basin-us m: If. pmporiug and upgrading are than that purroaettlt1ly not on: now cumulus and place bolero boil: .016 " new custom." the no!" of their service. in the (on: of nunpwor advertising. Field and Garden Seeds (ll Wlourvo you but-4n: or In“ buy an 7 buy or at!!!” no” t vim “your. custom no" " siul lad spmciotol? " " not at than shops which "an!” - of welcome “alluvia- Prices as low as any. G. T. R. Ticket The cLtiat Drug Store 'il; The Rott Roy Cereal Mills Co. In" window and every doc: when he equipped with Th: specially damned and up-to-date method now generally adopted for eff::tnally preventing entrv of all draught, snow, glen. rain or dust ot an; kind, tharebv insuring au even temper ntnu throughout the banding. Why deny yams." the maximum of comfort at the minimum of - All metal-weather strip costs less, is tar more ei- ioctin than storm sash nnd is a permanent institution. mulling no removal. Moat public buildings in large cities are equipped with it. Awhile.“ specify it, the Governmui demand. it. Feed 1 Feed! Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Estimates chexhny given. Write, Phone or Call. Innis": .4: m GiGiriiJGiiie-" in the DURHAM J. G. Pygmy; dk Go. EVENTUALLY liovt. Tum! Timothy and Clover Seed We an laying Me to 40e for Good Oats at out Elevator All-Metal Weather Strip Headquarters for all kindsiof A Note to the Public Why Not Now oatmeal Miiters ' given. Work 311.!“th launfactued and installed by DURHAI. ONT Smith's Calf Meal Feed Meal Mixed Peed Seed Oats Buy your tickets bere. us. Our prices ever made of wood " Order Early «it. - (t 1 ih as r-1 5% 8 it Owing to the backward wring weather, syrup-mnking here is 3 tur. ure this you. Sands-y School begun M Ebenezer In! Sands] with n fairly good unend- mes. Mr: "m" Ford Ind two children are yiming friend: in Humour this week. Miss Bosnia Weir. who bu ruignod her school near Holstein. returned home on Thursday. Min Agni Pe-uy is spouting her vacation u be: home nut Vunq. Miss M. Agnes Ramlgo of Durham vismd will Ur cousma here over the week and. _ Misu- Ilory Tucker and Sum Hal. penny, from Toronto, an visiting at their puma! homes for the holiday, Mr Ind Mn T. Hyman, of Liston- c are visiting n Mr John Hornaby'l. At the home of tho bride's parents, a quiet coremony tr" parlormed on Wednesday, April 8th. when Miss Annie Collier, of Edge Hill, In mar- ried to Mr George Hnrgnvo. We wish the young pooplo happiness and prosperity und welcome Mrs Hor- grave to our community. 'It We are glad to hear that Mr John Barnaby " improving mcely. Mr James Hargnyo bid the mis- Ior'um to hive his hand badly bruised by n kick from . horse. _ Mr J, W. Jones and his mother 're spending the holidays at Mr John Hornsby’s. On Monday evening, April 6th, About titirtrfive neighbors and friends of Mr Thom-a Halpenny gathered at. his home to spend the evening 3nd bid him good-bye before his departure for the West, where he intends to make his future home. Mr Gordon tudas was chum churmnn and after a few well-chosen remarks, called on Miss ,Viola Rennie to read the following ad- dress ; [To Mr Thomas llnlpenuy ', We, your neighbors an’l compan- ions, luvs learned With feclmgs of re- gret tlust you are shout to sever your connection with us Isa community. You have always been ready asdlAdopted. willing to lend a hand in Sudayl wum--whitead---ThatthMolloy- School Ind church work or any other i, lug repu. be adopted ' Your commit- good cause. We foal we cannot lelltee appuinteii to see about IboGlen- you go without showing our grstitadi.eden. bridge which was swept away in some way. We met: you to acceptlby Att Spring flood 19t3. Rtpyt as this token of our friendship and truist)to,ll.ows i. 1.ve.taw all parries Interest- you will apprecmto it, not because of?ed 1tt isa.i.d, bridge and we recommeLd nu value, but because of the spirit. unit: rebuild tttts br.dge. as ttll the up- .. . . __ __------ -...1 n- " MAM, era are on the groupd and _are In We all join in wishing you a sufei journey and prosperity in your new' home. t Signed on behalf of your friends '. 1 Joe Dixon Philip Harrison} Cloronco Harrison Thomas Weir; [ M, Halpenny replied very ef1ittistnt. i ly and thanked all the visitors for their loysly gift (s travelling compon-i ion) and for tho kindness shown.l Short speeches wore made by severoll of his lilo-long componions. all of which tended to show tho uprightness of Mr H’s character. ihich il was given and tufa mere mark of the esteem in which you are held. The evenino was spent in music and "eurl chit. Mr J. 1u'lhl'i/1g,ece't: phonograph mu much uppreoiued by l terior of U 311. After lunch wu sand and the NOTIMHF'Y singing of Auld Lang Syn: concluded 'igitt'1'i"g a vary plenum. evening came to "I ' and. Reduce the cost of living by eating more bread Stop worrying about the high cost of living. The " Staff of Life" is cheap. Good, plain, wholesome Bread-Bread made with PURITY FLOUR is more nutritious than meat. T GLENMONT Bake Bread with PURITY FLOUR--and buns, rolls, biscuits, cakes, and pies. Give the children plenty of Bread. It's the best food for growing boys and girls. And better than heavy meats for all of us. And-cheaper far. Order a sack of PURITY! Test it by actual baking. You’ll find it makes the tastiest, most appetizing Bread you’ve ever baked, and the buns, rolls, Cakes and pies you’ll make with PURITY will delight the whole HOLSTEmfi WEE "MORE BAPI? and BETTER BREAD" and ftt'riat PASTRY too. PulllittT3f “In"? M9; THE DURHAM REVIEW It um: to ho 3 Into spring Ind the tumor- Aro union to 'tart their spring work. . wi, Emily Eddington. of Toronto. is spending Euler week with her pn- en'a. Miss Sadie Builey, from Duvham. spent. over Enter with her (mud, Muss Gruoo Finder. We were very lorry to hem, of the bad accident oflime Mary. "ughter of Mr Adam Douglas, by being wound up in the cream sopnrator and her shoulder badly hruken. Muss Berth; Fulkinghum, from " ronto, spent. Enter with her parents here. Mr Battle, of Spry, spent Eastern; Sunday with his brother here. 2 A nixmber of young people took in tho lecture at Holstein hot Wednes- dsy. given by Mr Dyer. IMi;ses Grace and Norma Finder gave a party to their friends on Mon- day night. Met 3Aprcl. 1914. Reeve in ttps chair. Minutes read and adopted. On motion of Ryan-thet a con- gratulatory motion Was carried. ex- prezsina satisfaction with the appoint» mam of their solicitor Anson Spouon of Hurrision to be Junior Judge of Wellington Cu, The Clerk an motion oh Whiteford --Fihsiogor, was appointed to scrutin- ize printing and publishing accounts. Foinger--Wilteford-'l'htt poun-i, oil, Clerk. Treasurar and Engineer be a committee to devise ways and means try which the desirability and as far as the township ot Normanbv is concerned. the necessity of changing the law relating to length of bridges that counties are to maintain and keep up, from 300 ' to 200 leetand also to the creation ofnew bridges in place of old bridges being swept away why water to bring this matter to the lnotice oi'the Provincial Government {and take any further action they ldoem fit in altering aforesaid changes lin the Municipal Act. The reeve reported the result, of the search for Treasurer" eeeuritiea.-- Adopted. good repair. The bridge can be re-' tittiltrior $300.00. Chas Holm, R J Shiel. C mmmee. Com llolm presented I verbal re- port ot the committee appointed to are Mr Wenger, re bis requeatto hang lame timbers tome Ayton steel bridge ( when not in use in his dam. (No tttV tion taken.) Ryan -sbiel--'I'hat the different gathmuters be instructed to keep ack enough statute labor to rake the loose stones off the road at least tmee daring the "uuner.--ctrrrted. Tenders will be receive' 'ap till Muy: 9th for llu- contract of pa ting the in- terior of U. S. S. No. 2, E mom and Nornmnhy. Lowest or a tender not necessarily accepted. Pin and Ipeci- fleatiors may be had by " ing to Roman“ Rona son. _ R. It. Nod Ayton. NORMANBY COUNCIL (Continued next week.) OROHARD Tenders Whated EASTER VISITORS PROM TOWN Mr and Mrs. Fred McClocklin to Owen Sound. Mr and Mrs Durant to Mt. Forest Mrs John Grand to Toronto. Mrs C A Dunn: to Sutton. Mr and Mrs John Brown, Toronto. Mr J. A. Mush. to Springville. I J. W. Blown and niece Anne Cam I to Ottawa. Dr. Fem-Ion to at. Mary’l. Alf. mmer to Thunelville. EASTER VISITORS IN TOWN 1 Ian McKenzie of Newtonville at J. (D. Roberts. Miss Iva Murdock of Mt. Fotest to Miss Z. McClocklin. Min Hazel Thompson of Lintowcl to C. A. Drumms’. Miss Plait of Brantford to Mrs. Petrie. Mrs P, Reid of Durham to Wm. Eceles'. _ _ -iiiisi, Nollie Myers, m Forest to her home. --- me H. Sharp and family of Mt For- est visited friends on Monday. __ Lott Kerr of Elam and Harold Main of Mt Forest to their homes. Mrs Horsburg of Brampton called on friends Good Friday. Rev and Mrs James and family re- turned from Toronto on Saturday. On account of illness Miss Kerr was unable to leave for her holidays. Mrs D Allan Jr. and daughter went to Palmerston Monday. Ulm. MID PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs Wm Brant and family moved to town on Friday. Miss Nelhe Philip we regret to say is Indisposed. On Sunday April 26 the Women's Missionary Society of Yeovil Metho- dist church will hold their anliver- luv meeting. Mrs (Rem) James has been asked to speak on this occasion, The choir of the Presbyterian Ch. have asked Mr J. A. Marsh to take charge of the organization and be. come their leader and after receiving the sanction of the session board, has consented to do so. Mr Alex Bell of Durham succeed: Miss Bessie Weir as teacher in South Bend school. Miss Maggie Hamilton came up from Toronto last Thursday to holi. day at the parental home. Mensa Schnjam, FergutsonrGroat and Watt had sawmg bees last week. Miss Devma Schram had, a relapse, but is some better again. Mrs Fquuar McKinnon, of Priceville, visited with her brother, Mr J. A. Fer. guson over the Easter holiday. The Orangemen's concert in the Ag. ricultural Hall, Holstein, on the 16th promiscs, to be something better than usual. Evarybodyshould attend'. Misa, Annie Keith's cousin visited her over the Easter holidays. Mr Lauchie McArthur in under the Dr's care. Mr Wm. Rogers' mother is staying with them until they recover from their illness. Mr William Sterne is engaged with Lauchie McDougall for the Bummer. handed for not In: Mr John McArthur his been some- what indispoaed with In grippe. We are glad to report ttie" favorable recovery of Mr H. Lamont and also Mr McDouiali l Mr Calder McArthur and Harry Grout attended the woodbee at William' Reid's lapth week and also took in the party at mu t. . Mr Scott Eccles visited at J . McAr- thgfs§undny. _ . _ .. Mr Rogers?! on the sick list " or“ ent. _ 9angs. meeting was held on Monday night. They ordered their need corn. t8tth-ayLpo.dolkirbr, THISTLE TOP VALLEY (Names in order of merit) School Reports No. 2, new. a NOR. Br 2nd -E Dodds, I Brown, E Board, R Finder. A Welta, Pt 2nd-I Dodds B Finder. B Dodds, H Finder. M Kir. by, B Kirby, J Kirby. L Brown. R {Becket Ist-tl Stu-plum. lnductlon ot Rev. s. M. Whaley Cont-ed from page I 1 Rev Mr Wylie, the new Baptist pn- tor, conveyed the grow lag: of " poo- tlt nod hlmself. Ho hid found the urtmm people worm and kind nnd hollowed it mu no temporary gush. I. hoped the proyeri nod drum of) both parties would lead to are“ luv.- Ieu. Rev Mr l‘rudhum similarly for the Methodist body voiced cough-lu- luiono and hoped Mr, Whaley would ‘ be nucoessful in inducing young man. L and old men too, to take an increased ‘intereut in spiritual lbingl. Rev Mr. Has-Hey was llanOldlhly “you“. 'Lhough all four it in certain will mulu I n quarleue ot workers rarely equalled. Mr JuAitchi-on. " Belem, an old friend mud panshloner of Mr Whnloy, can). over toll". a whitrof the induc- tion cemmomu and nude his old pu tor blush no he sue the t-tirt I pitCe of his mind regatditstt his, 'lil. WU, worth. He was es"ttldent it trouble rose Uulhnu would have .0 take the blame of It. It was heurlfell testiuruny Mr A, gave. Rev, Mr. Young warned everybody that though opinion! from over) source spoke highly of Mr W. not lo expect too much of hlm. he was oult hum m. He gave an Interacting nam- iniueeut sketch of all Durham's pnv- mm pastors, all of Wham he had an- sociated with. Rev Mr. McKay congratulated thr ladies un the lepast and in one of thr heat speeches, of-lhe naming urged positivuloyuhy to the new miniatu- at'xer the remarkable deruootrtitots of the day. The greatest contribution they could make was lhemselvesiu Ihe house of worship and imprer+ive; " he urged that the cuildrea should go to church. Mr. W. J. Young on behalf of the Session. Mr. Allan on bvlmlf ohm Sunday School and Mr, Rartsgeort lwhall of the Managers pledged their support in future as in the pact. Herr. Dr. Fatquharson expreued pleasure for himself in twin“ present and regrets that Mrs F. could not be. H" warned them that the but men bad their limitations. they would tind tttabut' Whaley wasn't an angel, but u mun, needing sympathy. and he whispered that Mi Whaley would tina he hadn't u eongregatjrtt! at angel, either, moreover he would like to us- suro him that he (the speaker) had In t developed wings. His promise to come again in. future times, health and up- pormnity permitting, met with gloat nppluuno. ' e'Lhitue"=d'=-=T-T-2"'L2 a t 'l, gEconomy; ”.0 ”wuuruuu” C. W. MCLILLAN. Teacher. Now since everything seems so high in price, possibly it would be well to try and economize in some things. Now we can save you some money if you cure to purchase in larger quantities. Ask your neighbor to take half. Those goods are all fiattttsi; quality. RAISINS. 28 lb. box for. . . 32.00 CURRANTS. 25 lb. box for. . . Lt)il TEA, 25 lb. box for. . . . . ..8.75 COMFORT SOAP, lbox for. .415 LARD, 20 lb. pail lor. . . . . .3.I0 FIGS, 32 lb. tap for. . . . . . .i.60 CANNNED SALMON. l2 tins. .2.I5 " " It this. .I.50 " TOMATOES, I2 tins..l.20 " PEAS, l2 tins. . .90 " CORN, lt tins.. .90 COD FISH, 25Ib. box.. . . . ..2.00 EVAP. PEACHES, 25 lb. box. 1.50 PUMPKINS, I2 tinsfor. . . ... .95 Highest Price: In Produce TAYLOR & CO.Dromore Save Money by Buying Your Groceries in Larger Quantities Just Examine the List tMt TAYLOR & CO. TORONTO I Tho benediction by request ot [WMQL wan glvgn by Rev. In. ' itiuiarsiri, uni anor'nnm-r humid. .i in: and hourly good-byes the rum in diiBeutt thtntt to " In to make m. _ can mm MICMI'III. Me hum-m; upon the congregation his tdea "I mm. not. In to a fieldto till hm l, t for“ to ooppertst. with" and wnl, “in he acumen! we mutt chm- :h _ brief qbeeoutrt of a most-ly m ., moo. uttered ntatrying mm, VII 0 " " [n the torenoon of Indlnlinx. " the thytu-y, Ree. Mr Mm My. H“ rloton. Motivator. cnnpiderm [ho t [ to Rev. Me lamb. of Huluillml In. brtery trom Amos and Knox mun. OI. Rev. Dr. Marsh. interim m: der, or. presented a well signed call, prmu Mug 31000, I "muse and four “we-k holiday. CVmttsissioners were 3mm: ‘ulollnwuz From Aums~kmm n. wick. Jam M. Fundlay. (h o. Lothia, Alex Henderbnn. Alfred “our, Sum; Puma-um, Wm. Brown, From lin o-Wm. Allan. It It. Watson, Jpn. M tlrride, Sumuvl Kurnig. John Mun The“ briefly .estitied to the ummvl ltr of the call and tttmrderire to hm it unnamed tor as Mr Allan mud. Wu n more unattirttottq cull than 'rtt given tothe tive previous pittitorr-. It Was moved by Dr, Maul). urtaCO) ad by Mr Cum that the call ho m. mined , Samuel-n Presbytery Kt the rent: transmitted to Hamil“ Preoriert-iurtriort, Date " i duction to lv- lt-fl with Moderator 't Clerk. Miss Eva Renton, teacher at l; ickville. is holidaying at her In here. Miss Donald: Ray, Mount For il‘the glut of her friend, Miss M Atchison. Mr H. McCaul. who has engag with Mr T. Bunnie, Bantam. for 1 "unmet. open! Sunday " thehos, of Wm. Hay Miss Zell Crawford. Durham Easter with MISS M. Findlay. -Mr Ernest Acheson, Dundalk tend:d Amol church on Sunday. Rev. Mr Peclrover, Toronto, pn " ed: very acceptable sermon in Ar In: Sabbath. Mr W. Findlay was in Tom! [at days last week. The Call of Amos and Ltos Churches Wt. for”! fg%siness Col/eye MT. FOREST, O.N'l A -lor school with comm tent irttrtructom and throng counts. AMiued syit.h Conn. College, Stratford. We do more for out students than docs any other than" school. All grads Ito. in petitions. You may mm It nny time. Write for partnculars or call " the Collcge. " McI‘.ACHLAN. w. 3.}v1Ls President Princip TTT DROMORE 16, 1914 ONT it tl .eer.autmr1 WAN. a! m to In Arch. H..n:\ Durham. 'teat Grey County Orangt the District of Owen Sos:: “won‘t-lion In Marr. may. July n. [1101‘ --Dn (but: Is: 1"]..ku ring and II; ' ward at Review ofruu. f' MINI. Mr3no. Smith is h griewrd in front of hit “in improving thy -erty. Eare--on mam shamans. I Clank qritt oblige My Inn Otttee or Snundm r' Fol Snap A In!!! Heifer. dark Mao , Brood mm! the Dominion the Plcshyu r morning In x' the than”; like. Glenrlg 2 30 p. m. and It 7 p. "L Mr Thus. I nuday Last ft balls for Albc This is and shipped from The bunch a lam. Mr Mcr -Ilurkdalc S The H. Y. I “Old 1tuidrtt Apetl 2ti, in 1 waod would: "ilv'§(hrln'~ll Admimit t _ 2 Aptir. "ill I. in“ tht ulna he". imam collie View. us prv; of dangx r. Crutchhyb‘ Mrs Venn: "ill sutlcrrrn ICCidcnt. In“ PA n: nt Sum! 'F held In H“ plaumud to Khan“ in up of Film“ Id there th “I. Full, "yill‘l to Wedey In Gonna] hm Curatrau b the Cement chop. grndir titan!" an grade nor creek. In 1 ed on the residence. dverRows tl mdr this co- “king plat Willie, 11 Mr. A lat weel very cm tion “as D.B lit an Lot " " me t' (“Cf [Mm " IMO autumn“ x tis,' RHVenlr-IMM I ' 1',atri?f,' ‘AvilP ' A bali In Mu your: w', l ”length of In ' hmm iudrt, 3" ' n huh q 1011». I) " Peesbrteiy l “I (all your» ir, OI [In vnuI-t l mt tbitt mun yqtiqA. the mhrr “on numb-u " 'ores VOL. XXXVll. N Donut Nonnwu " at! new“. of m. lsr 41 ofthe Olllnl:iu Sm n and in Buurda} P [ upon-rad l humu- “ingh Schum “I - [uig Clank. I. - a Noni; I New“ span. - Mile Beth lore-Lo and “I - An inter in Wm Mn: 2l W21?’|'“ av! " ttxt'ltlci" L" 'l . nodollq-d Al U Ibo. EJIHI r'. “an B. Arman“ Dunzvy. PA Wilkrrlnl _ . band: F.'b, "an. In Hm ( all: Wmm A mgrlluhr gm 36:93; a. v d M

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