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Durham Review (1897), 23 Apr 1914, p. 3

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Lb. who m..- It but 3:4.- 'ee- Ior tho lol. It boy I. r- int v" "o m. ',t lo no to It My id, if r-h ha of " " h " ls PRICES tf flliltl Mlllllllll CI'OIYQ 'NB-‘l '"ccc u sumo. cnm. - an! out“. n I... an. A"... Why Not 7 Per Gent Interest'? l dmpmch from Ottawa an: i r' Federal Government's bill tor ., “king water tnom 1.3M I, iaz. to March l, 1914. US! $4,353. 1" "' information vat furnished in . '"rltl"tt tabled in the Commons. _ 121-? the typhoid epidemic in Ob tn a. mum two - 3.0. all civil h~rwmts in tbo Depart-tttt od Van at. tho ”it! have boon drinking spring or distilled - Drunk by Civil MINI-Is II Ottawa since Typhoid Epidetrue. " vour money earns terrm "an T'T. write to u 10-day. We Are o.'irruttt the "esrtdss ot I nueceanrtM. weit-orttantaed com- pany which Hold r'".. inn-nu and lave . prottt IMHI tezniJre 15 wall. Your Inn-sunen! any ha Mlhdnwn say t'ma. uher one y'ur on 050 day.‘ notice. Semi for much! radar and full panhulurs. NATIONAL SECURI‘IIES ttttltrottlmtm, Lumen. MMbtt A cyniciuggm the three quick- en ways to and n W ..--'NU- graph, Telephone. and tuira."ro- il! v\| l um". (HIPUGN. H.233 WtMtTft OF WATER. I 'RG?! "" LIABIIS tttnt" (INYREJ OP ll‘lt:‘ COIIIDIIAHON an -W8' - mo. mun. UM Country Prod- loan-on - \ ..;l dl, -1'urrt. Fm- ~chuuls of the Yorooiakr I nt. drink hab'mull-y vod- I'. and beer in their \bomm n children of six to eight Ul have been found chunk. ARrlt huh and Boy: of Russia Drink Vodka. Mun»: m b v. moot lurk-1|- "ernment's anti-Won any)”: that as per cent. n' and 35 pet cet. of the " " in from St. Petersburg IG,voe Vremya relating ernmem's onti-aloohol North “our. 4 l to 36 Iced- Smu- Into“. as. 35.00. do.. no butseri, In jute my pm each; pounce". '" ' no. outside. ', Amerkan. Tine. att udlan quoted " He. bran. '" to $25 I mo freight. Shorts. ?h Br, " to We per la. - Medium. 18 to "V: St'," rolls. is to “its: t to We; backs. " to pril July 50;; ii.iir.' do., -No. aft-Inn. No. I. '" to to 813.50. n.--rtour--onPr?t naboand. Am! " iiGitouas--rtr" -1 I5..". do.. Bqe- 2 Northern. No. 4. MV t. " tchatttn e trade. member. May. tt SIS Wheat tHe; "t. a 95te, i an " tq " It) M, "." mu. w, . track us; ts." tuba " er" and runner-. " hulls. $6.75 to 3:150; common. " Llqht ewes. “.50 50. Spring lam”. tt hot fed and w; No. I retort- rejrctod tseeds, a”. use: No. 1 ttty. "te; No. '/ ed Winter. ffcri in“ 'io"iiittc: No. l siirtheFrut.1t p Wheat ~.\'0. , Winter. 9003 qo. ' rod Wim. .‘.\\'.. "te: No, Slit". "arley-- , reloetrd. 'ltr,' an. tt.35t: , Cnc. $1.2“ Grd $6.35 Vu/dr" and bran SI M! to mule -cttoee lma hooves. 8c ". common. “0 .5. FID‘ whetstr--.Vtty so) to “be. t. Toronto, spring lamb" "err-thotter. _ 36.“); lutht. to $90; will. an 817 to 50; do. are selling on the 100- $19 to Mt; $19 to alslke. 'tool No. I hard " 2 North. sst' " " d " iwsf " . " . common, cannon-n to no.“ " 35c M; Mar it. I,tttm i July, member watered: to " . " _ -totc-. oattt--. pa"! " " ' If No, 'om hilly. too, tools the new was". ot mmury competition. " mun both masintain us Airman garrlson and ruse “I home army to 279.000 men, ttt In lmmedkte cost. ot “0.000.000. to keen pace with tho other European Powers. From um point ot new the conse- quemen of the human Wu were in: regchlnx. and the end In nopnt. " The alaturbance In the Dal-nee of Dower cum-ed by the the of tho wan states wu the remn ("on by Uernnny for Its great army expanalon. whlcn KNutce promptly emulated. And jun! as: France felt forced to its utmost to keep up .3 well as possible with lta llxuntlc ally Mun-la. no Italy is under (-unltrulnt to swim heavily to meet the demands of ttts more powerful part- neg; In the Trlplo Ann-nee,“ _ A This raw upenditure will make the more dittteult the quarts of the new salami“ ministry tor the extension of popular qducattiort. The music-nee of iiliterucy in Italy, despite all that ha.- been done tor the iuhuoll, vemairys_dhy- popular duration. The prevalence of “literacy in Italy, despite all that bu been done tor the 'rcttooits. remains dis- creditable, and the new law tor tstrottssh- In: the lltorucy test tor suffrage makes educational reform the more pressing. Nut to thim as to other social measures. the burden ot mlllurlum In a seriou- obatacle. "Too many soluieri. too many mouths without hands.’ mud a peasant sadly as he left tor the New World. mm Mu. It is Bald than “5.000.000 ls spent un nually tor [Immune-d to cure consuuur Mon, and It us an money thrown away. consumption cannot be cured by drugs. The good Lord pro‘lues the only reme- atetr--tsuniUtu, lush air. exercise, rest! and the purity or water and mod. One ot the sad Nature: ot tnls great expense tor consumption medicine» is that it its the poor and ignorant who spend their money that way. And when they buy a consumption care they are herb' apt to nexlect the remedies that nature prescribes. They dove them- sehes and that weakens the symptoms. When. an a matter ot tact. it tstrenttttt- en: the disease. The Wort " h "more”. Vancouver's latest tragedy was with- out donut the work or a deuenerate. and there is no race of people can riuht- lully lay claim to either a monopoly Irfl, ior immunity trom this undesirable: ”its”. Hecause the boy who murdered Mrs. Millard was a Chlnaman public sentiment in Vancouver and British Col- umbia is runturur stronler than ever axalnst the Asiatlcs. This is illogical. Crimes Just as detestable have been committed by Knttiiuhmen, Canadians. Americans and other» of other races. yet we do not charge up the orient-es of these individuals against the particular race and declare wholesale condemna- tion. There is plenty of good argument against the introduction or Asiatic races into thin white man's country and abun- dance of reason why such people should not be employed .5 servants by white people. without rererence to such inci- dents he the Millard case. They are freak in their nature and by no means an indication of race tendency. Now that the Chinese in many pro- vinces are adopting foreign dress. foreign loud and toreixu-styie houses they are demanding a larger quantity of foreign merchandise. The sale of foreign clothing, shoes, huts and Jewel- ry is said to be rapidly increasing. Foreign-mud» furniture also is conning more and more into use. and while a Kraut deal ot " is bell-ur made in China there is a growing demand for foreign locks and hardware of all descriptions. A considerable increase is noticed in the consumption of foreign food. and canned prmlsiuns are enJoying a wider sale. Foreign load ts displacing Chinese food to such an extent that a local guild ot Chungkin. which formerly made huge profits by selling sharks' tins and other Chinese delicacies has suffered heavily of late on account of the growing 'tre- ference for foreign food. it is hoped by the local guilds. however, that the lt'oreiun coat of tixintt will eventually I (XI-IT]!!! its influence on conditions and ithat the Chinese will return to their own delicacies. The demand for foreign locks is a bad sign. Burglary must be on the increase. lawyers Are Ion. Wot we. r If one-third of the lawyers of Canada _ to-day were to get into other businesses they would be better " and the coun- try would be benettted. Really first-class lawyers are born ruther than made; our . trouble is thnt we have been trying to . make lawyers of men who were design- ' ed by nature to shine in other avenues . of activity. " is a hopeful sign of the - times. however. that the young man of ' to-day who hunt-rs for higher educa- tion and a "profession" rather than a . trade is not forced by a university cur- . riculum to be either I doctor. lawyer, . preacher or teacher. The so-calied .. "learned" professions of to-dny are ' much more numerous than they used to '. be, and the unhersities are meeting the change in their extended courses of study. Comment on Events A large pert-entuge of current litera- ture deals with aviation. Repeatedly are altitude records heightened and distance records lengthened. Aviation records of all kinds are broken day by day. Short ttytntr trips are common daily happenings in European countries. There are tteqttr of military airship: and ttocht' of military aeroplanes Jn Europe. France has ttotinat' of them with pilots and "tPye. at Intracetic -- -__ "-- _ -..'. en " ha- Ina lll'l'nr‘ u. ..w..__-'rr ___ _ Europe. France has tiotillas ot them with pilots and officers at stragetic points. Germany has them. Italy has them. England and Russia have them. When llleriot ttew over the English (‘hunnel the world gasped. A little while afterward a tlock of eight aeroplanes new over in a single day, and now a ttight over the Channel is such a tritUntt thing that newspapers either report it' trrietty' or do not report " at all. Gui-roe has ttown over the Mediterranean; alr- men have ttown across the Alps and Py- routes: lnxoid. a German nirman, has made n continuous ttutht of sixteen and nuptial! hours; Lexagneux has sailed three. and seven-tenths miles Into the any; PreVost has ttown " a speed or more than a hundred and twenty-five miles an hour; Pagan! Bien upside down. and transatlantic futrttt is talked of. I'erhapl " may be Accomplished. No- ibody doubt. now that I Bytntt mehine Uiif tty Inhabitants ot Italian Village En- nge II Deadly Cottithet. London, Friday. April 17.-sThe Milan Correspondent, of the Daily Chronicle says there was ' desper- ate battle between people living in the villages of Umito and Vallee- chin. The fUht, which was the cul- mination of a long fued. took place in . Mango lying between tho two villages. Several hundred peo- ole were engaged in the battle, and they used " weapons shovels, Ink”. scythes, axes and plus. Bra-It of Inn-Minn“ llto Epi- de-ie Anon; Boss in Quebec. A despatch from Quebec mys: The epidemic which has been re- sponsible for the death of hundreds of hogs in the parish of Betsuport, near here, has been the subject of investigstion among tumors in this district, and the conclusion is that the disc.” is due to the feeding of the hogs with whim“ of Weston eon. B.\'I'I'I.l-l T0 " F, WESTERN" ctuty BLAME“). sunr- Wu lira-I. returning china. tron-cu og Aviation. 2:15;; like feeding of with shipments of Western DEATH. 'iht'ntuuniitiatn (“Pf .SINGH F'P.ON ALI. ttout TI”) “Mil”: IS t tiUTtmELL Canada. the Enplre all the World In General Relate You - Syn. ('nada. The Allan liners (blgarim and Alsatian will use Quebec as their Canadian port. - _ . . Artesun'wells have been found ip Stoelton. which are supplying. it " estimated, 350 gyllonp ayimut.e. Premier Flemming bu been given have of absence from the New Brunswick Legialature pending in- vestigation of charges again?! him. Thos. Riley was found guilty at London of manslaughter in the dumb oi Geo. Blackburn, bartender at the Hotel Cecil. A jury in the London Assize Court awarded Mrs. Alice Eckardt $200 damages against the Smallman & Ingram Company for wrongful seareh M her person. Woodstock City ("Juncil has de. cided to send James Wallace. K. C., at present acting judge, to Ot- tawa to urge the Gmermnent to grant free city mail delivery.. The Federal Government is pre' mind to give Ontario a right-of way for the extension of the Timis ka-ming & Northern Ontario Rail way to Port Nehson on Hudson Bay Sir Francois Langeli-er, Lieuten- ant-Governor of Quebec, speaking at Mervin College, warmly defended the Boy Scouts orgtsnzaton, resent- ng statements made by La. Verte. " “Ge-Jrgaul V iiimm, . formerly of Napanee, manager of a. Mexican bank which failed, after which he was imprisoned in Mexico, was killed in an accident while motoring with his son near San Franmsa). After June I the C.P.R. will run its fast, psssenger trains over the M.C.11. between Waterford and De- troit, cutting two hours off the pre- sent run via London, much of the saving being by means of the tun- nel at Detroit, An interesting question as to a schoolboard's control of a. teach- er's time on Saturday has arisen at Windsor, arising over I. S. Clubiue, one of the staff, undertaking to teach a manual training class at Amherstburg on the off day. Great Britain. The British Government has insti- tutod proceedings against owners of the Senghenydd Culliory in Wales, where hundreds of miners lost their lives in a mine explosion In October last. alleging that there were score-s uf breaches of the Coal Mines Law. A memorial window and tablet to the late Lord Strathcona in West, minster Abbey is a proposal being made by a strong inituential com- mittee. The appeal is now made by circular to the Canadians resident in Britain. together with others as" soeiated with the Dominion. to con- tribute. The trial of six medical men charged with cruelty to dogs after vivisection crowded a. Philadelphia court room. _ United States. Eight lives were lost in of a schooner off the N amt. _ Wireless telephone messages to a. Lackawanna Railroad train inter- cepted wireless messages to the United Scum Atlantic Beer. Getteral. "White Wolf" and his bandit band were severely beaten by Chi- nese regular troops. The big department store, "El Palacio di Hierm." at Mexico City, the property of Tron Bros. of Paris and Mexico City, was destroyed by fire the other night. Railway Car I-Iquippril With Exhi- hibits Showing M1"ateels. The educational campaign against intempeturnet has started with a vim in Russia. At the instance of the Minister of Ways and Communi- cations a large railway car has been I htted out with exhibits shnwing the results of excessive indulgence in aloohcl. It will be taken all over the railways of northern Russia by a lecturer and several attendants. The car will be side-tracked at the principal stations, and lectures on the evils of drink will be given to the railway employee. The lectures will be illustrated by magic-lantern slides. . . _-___-E LLAL rt.t1i'hi6i Hi'lur-i. It is increasingly apparent tlwtl the recent changes in the Cabinet were due solely to the desire of the Emperor Nicholas to strengthen his campaign against alcoholism. He is dhermined to do away with "the national vice," and he has instruct- ed his new Ministers to attack the drink evil vigorously. It is understood that the new Ad, ministration proposes to reduce the production, of Vodka. the national drink; to increase the penalties on illicit trading, and to refuse here- after to consider drunkenness as a "nitigattu1E circumstance in cans of crimes. Excise oiEcials are to bel held to s stricter accountability for what goes on in their distriota. How the Government proposes to meet the loss of revenue on vodka is not known. The Government intends also to take manure: to render tiuaneial aid to amall urmers and rural in- dustries. The form of this relief has not yet been decided, but it is probable that it will include I 'rp- tmit of oo.operatiee country but... based on the gym in oriraytit Gemny at! other Continental Writs. . "q iN IG we lost in the wreck off the New Jersey Luwr l.lQl'0R. ir 8rrerat nun-am: tuned In Fight With Chinese Federal Troops. A despatch from Pekin says: Regular troops severely defeated "White WON" and his brigands, several hundreds of whom were killed. Fiir regular troops encountered the bandit army at [.iAQhum-Hsiexg. to tiiii0kiGCst of Sian-Fu, capi- tal oi Shem-Si Province. They were threatening an attack on Bun-Fu. u..u..-......., .... _--_,, Sharp fighting ensued. and result- cd in the rout of the brigands, who fied bo a position 20 miles from Kien-Chuw, further to the north- west. . Heavy reinforcements of regulars have been despatched to the scene, and the briqsutds, who have pilvla-gcd many towns and villages and killed the inhabitants, are being gradual- ly surrounded. A number of mission doctors have gone from Huh-sien and Chow Chih to attend the wounded. Itauhul Throtuth A despatch from The identity oi tlv went whore in a near Long Brant! "rmp1 Strip of Land Five Miles Wide 1ras Been Reserved. A despatch from Ottawa says: When the boundaries of Ontario were extended so as to provide for M'CESS to Hudson Bay, a five-mile strip of territory was reserved to that province through the new ter- ritory of Manitoba as right-of-way for the extension uf the Timiskam- ing and Northern Ontario Railway. By way of implementing this under- taking Hon. Dr. Roche has given notice of a resolution to hand over) tn the Province ot,0ntario, subject to such conditions as the Govern- ments may prescribe. "certain lands, easements and privileges within the Province of Manitoba, and lwlung- ing to his Majesty in the right of Canada, required to make provision fur the extension of the Timiskam- ing and Northern Ontario Railway, to a port at Hudson Bay, at or near "he, mouth of the Nelson River, in so far as such lands are .vested in his Majesty in the right of the Dominion, including such of said " [TIRED BIG DEFEAT. lands as "11%"le PIAG l' E o [TRIM-IA K. Nine Cases and Two Deaths Ite. ported in Havana. A despatch from Havana, Cuba, says: Seventeen city blocks in Ha- vana have been vacated and turned over to the sanitary department fumigators to fight the outbreak of bubonic plague. Two more sus- pected cases were reported on Wed- nesday, making a. total of nine cases and two deaths since the out- break started. No tradie in the in- fected area is permitted with the exception of street cars, which area searched for bundles on passing through the district. Two oordons of troops form a barrier to prevent ingress into the zone which has been vacated by 18,000 persons. A bill was introduced in Congress on Wednesday to reimburse the mer- chants in the affected district for the loss they will suffer. No un- easiness is felt. H) It T Found in. Change to Right Food. After (me suffers for months from acid dyspepsia, sour stomach, and then finds the remedy is in getting the right kind ot focal, it is some- thing to speak about. . An Eastern lady and her young son had such an experience and she watts others to know how to get relief. S-h-e writers: Hxi'QI' About f1ftcen months my little boy and myself had suffered with sour stomach. We wgfe un- able to ate. “After suffering in this way for‘ so long I decided lo consult a spe: cialist in stomach dieotvses. Instead of prescribing drugs. he put us both on G'rwe-Nors and we began to improve immediately. "It was the key to a new life. I found we had been eating too much heavy food which we could not di- geet. In ts' few weeks after com- mencing Gms.pe-Nittts, I was able to do my house work. I wake in the morning with a clear head and feel rowed and hue no oom- stomach. P? boy sleep: well and wakes with to. hush. _ . T ' ONLY ONE stitvn'0it. a l-Ilalun "We have regained our Ioctl weight and continue to eat isrii,'ir, Nails for both the morning and) evening meals. We are well and happy and owe it to Grape-Nate." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor. Ont. Read "The Road to Wet1vit1e," in pkgs. “There's a Reason.” In! In! 90 'tel m- A...ett are school lands. tt AND N. o. Rhir,WA Y. Than Alive. Etaivtvxrmuch of anything we N KW LIFE Surf N mm " end In His Younger Bass the Great Statesman Loved Poetry. No politician ever had a grant-er belief in the ora,torical virtues of poetry than Mr. Jmepih Chamber- lain. As a boy Mr. Chamberlain had a. passion for poetry, and it was his favorite study even whea, as a email boy, he attendzd the little preparatory school in Catnberwell Grove, which was kept by the Misses The famous statesman once coa- fessed to a friend that at the be- ginning at his, political career he made a practice of jotting down in a n,ecrdrandum-lrc,ok any little verses he came act-35a which he thought might be useful to quote in his speeches. Whether this little menuharndurtt-bcA is still in exis- tence it is difficult to any. but a perusal of Mr. Chamberlain's speech-es during his Shannon?- ctr- reer rin cals many interesting facts concerning his favorite poets. MR. JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN. Uniike the late Sir William Hart ( court, a pustmaster in the art ci classical quotation. and such men as Gladetcme, Canning and Peel, who were fond of airing their know- ledge of Homer, Virgil mud Horace in public, Mr. Chamberlain found inspiration in more popular verve. Humorous Quolalions. At the same time Mr. Chamber- lain was not averse to humorous quotations. and "The BUlow Pa- pers" furnished him with many apt lines. One of his bsvrorit4t quota- tions in his early days was the ful- lowing '. Another favorite, which was sup- posed to be extracted from "The Biglow Papers," was '. "There ain't no 1ahel on a man I'd road. An' if there was I'd stick to this unUilin' plan-- A follows what he does." A perusal, however, of that en- tertaining work fails to reveal these lines, and one can only come to the conclusion that Mr. Chamberlain occasionally supplied himself with his own poetical quotations. Mage Use of Pinarore. On one occasion Mr, Chamberlain made use of "Pinaicre" in the fol- lowing stanza '. m. "on. Joseph Chamberlain. our lama, Where there alhts is critters shout svith hmg pins, Apriqkin' the globe we've blowed _ mum Mere. Il'.' l '."' l , _ "P1"T"rT-,",l"CC, " c. .. . An' rovm there 5 nothin' inside p . but bad air." And in 1885 at Glasgow Mr. Chem- berilain, having jotted down these lines from Burns. used them with effect in his speed?) in that city: A favorite quotation, often em ployed in Mr. ohamberlaiis 1m perial addresses, was: store Keeper Demanded Beer Be. fore an operatio. A despatch from Montreal says: When brought to the Notre Dame Hospital with a. bullet in his right temple. Donut Fugere, a, stun!- keeper in Viauville. asked the doc- tors for a. glass of beer and some cigarettes. When refused them, he nu out of the institution, with the doctors after him, dashed into 0. saloon, ordered his drink and smokes. and only returned to the hospital when he had drunk the beer and had consumed a cigarette, ”W Hi," is an Englishman. And in spite of all tomptatirurrs To belong to yther nations. 'Tis greatly to his credit, Although he Myself has said it I 'Tis hardly in a. body's power To keep at tdmea frwru being sour To see how things are shawl” Not Catt-ling. l Jane's sister was coming home front Normal School. "Why is she commg home l" asked the neighbor. “Is she sick?" "Yes, she is very, very sick,” said Jame. '.'What ails her?” asked the neighbor. "Well, I don't know exactly. Munm had A letter from the 'seii7iiiirriiiGi,l and she said itoras lack of mentul’ Ibility. I don't know whether it is Let Britain's myriad voices call ; Sons be welded each and all Into one Imperial whole, One with Britain heart and soul, One life, one flag, one fleet, one throne." "'""=" - V“ 'n catdung or not. m't'tl BULLET IN TEMPLE. world‘s a dreffle bad vlace for “Wu _ He remains an Englishman. THE CENTENNIAL OF PEACE Memorials to Cost $I,ooo,ooo Approved by sub. Committee of American Centenary Board. A despatch from New York says: Memorials, marking the contenniul of peace between the United States and Great Britain in 1915. at an aggregate cost. of 81,000,000. were tentatively nppmved on Wtxfo,ets- day by a tsub-committee of the American Centenary Oriputiratkrn meeting in this city. The organiza- tion's Finance Committee must yet ratify the ooprxspriationa and condi- tional contracts made. Sums of from 835.000 to $75,000 each were set apart for statues of Lincoln in London; Francis Park- man, the historian, in Ottawa, Ont., and Queen Victoria, in Washington, " C. of one of the funds available for the commiuee's use, it, was an- nounced. Ignoranoe of foreign countries causes writing, which on- _ f/ee educational trips abroad for newqraperme'n of all countries are to be instituted with the.yt?.rceuyls fllllllll EONNIE Sal.llllil 3011-28 OF INTEREST Ftttt.tt MEB “ASKS AND “RAES. What ts Cola: on tn the Highland! 1nd Lowlands ot Auld Beotla. For the use of nnvymen, 1,000 houses are to be erected at, Rusyth by an English syndicate. A prominent border agriculturist has died at Berwick in the person of Mr. James Kenton, Camphill. The authorities at Perth are to erect a f1agstssff to mark the spot where the Battle of the Clans took place. After a, lapse of ten yams the members of the Gourock Fire Bri- gade have been provided with new uniforms. Dumfries Town Council have agreed along with Maxwellwwn to erect swimming pools at a cost of $20,000. The old Elgin brewery has been almost entirely cleared away to the great improvement of the Cathe- dral. Owing to poor patronage the old 'bus that plied between Meikelriggs and Paisley Cross has now been withdrawn. The Duke of Argyll has been granted five years oxtension of his oolonelcy of the Highland Mountain Artillery Brigade. The first submarine ever built in Scotland has been launched by Scott's Shipbuilding A: Engineering Company, Greenock. The death is announced of Ex, Qutsrutr!myruu' Sergeant Milne, for- merly of the permanent, staff of the 3rd Battalion Royal Scots. It is understood that, the work in connection with the extension of the Glasgow municipal buildings is to be commenced forthwith. Several salmon fisherers are now to be seen on the Tweed. but owing to the flooded abate of the. river, sport has not been up to the aver- IR“ -6“ Many drifters have returned from the Stowaway herring fishery at which some of them did not clear expenses owing to the low price. Damage to the amount of 85,000 was caused by an outbreak of fire that occurred in the premises of Messrs. Maguire & Jays, ironnwn- gears. Union St., Glasgow. . . . . al - 4.. A..., 5w“. yum. V__., - u During the last year the exodus of emigrants from Scotland was the heaviest. Over 74.090 passengers left the Clyde as against 61,440 in 1912 and 64,045 in 1911. Dundee Town Council has decided that the scale of pay for constables and sergeants shall be incrensed to the scale which obtains in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Leith. . James Thomson. police detective, at the Hawick railway statibn, has been appointed police inspector for the southern district of the North British Railway Company. In connection with the celebra- tion of the sexcentenary of Ban- nockburn, the Corporation of Glas- gow is to give 82,500 for a. historical painting commemorative of the spi- rit of Scotland. The French army has admitted ml its ranks a youth named Danna, who although of the military age. 20, weighs only 42 pounds, and is only three feet and (me quarter inch tall. The medical board found him physically fit in every way. It is l understood Gat he will be assigned l’to duties which will not oblige him Ito carry the marching outfit of the French soldier. The outht is one and a half timoc the midtret's l weight. The Home Rule debate will not be resumed for at least two weeks. France Bas Midget soldier. i. "urftr iurt. Wi are the the recognized cure for Rheumatism cud Sciatica. soc. I box; 6 for 32.50. At mil dealer- cent on reeeirt of price. ample free if you mention this paper. _ mum. - A. C$8lt8$K" an I CANADA mun. 'i5ii7"r"')tititratme3t _ NE! - e TORONTO 'o'ne tilriiir-. kaTRuiééd, irrGted “an3; And genders friction. while foreign “If vel for newspnpennen would tre"- mote peace, in the opinion of thr committee. To writers of Poe-. hymn. and essays extolling - and the centenary celebration 010.- 000 in prizes will be distributed. A gift of 010.000 m voted to the City of Ghent, Belgium. where the treaty of 1815 was signed. . "PM Washington homeland in England. Sulgravo Manor, will hum its name changed to Washington Manor. and an institute is to ho established there to further - through lectures of reprratyrttatives of foreign countries. At all copi- tals, beginning with Berlin, n mon- ument typifying America's “new of pence to the nations of the world will be erected. at a Cost not yot specified. Money also will be dis- bursed to churches. schools and synagogues and schools taking part in the peace celebration. The national forests of Chili cover about 'l,000,000 urea. Freshly cut cork bark. if heated. yields I gas that can be used as an illumimrnt . Eighty per cent. of the of Bulgaria is engaged tum! pursuits. . Engiish gas companies recently bought more than 1,000,000 tons of MI from Germany. A bed, hammock-and sleeping bag are combined in a. new convenience for outdoor sleepers, _ -- Wireless telephoning between " ris and a, suburb of Brussels recent- ly was accomplished. It dish mops are kept in a. unlu- tion of soda, and water when not in use they will be odorless. The United States said to other countries about 2,000,000,000 gallon- of petreleum Lat yeu._ . . India’s (wanton production this year is estimated at 5.201.000 bales of 400 pounds each, the greatest on record. ,, - A done-shaped, tmritterrttroliud cover that will adjust itself to fit. . cooking utensil of any size has been patented. Some large French insurance companies keep records of the teeth of their clients to insure ideatiV tion after death. Merchant vessels hunched by all countries lust year had 5 total tort- nage estimated at 3,332,000 tons. the greatest, on record. * Transplanting the cornea ct . pig's eye to the diseased eye of a. baby, Baltimore surgeons recently restored the child's sight. Pain In the Back Designed to foil thieves, . new incandescent lamp can be screwed into . socket in the usual wzy, but cannot be removed until the glam is broken. Stand by a triple vane. n bomb adopted tor British millury lem- plams rights itself and plunges vet- tically no matter from what Anglo it mly Mart. What is claimed to be the largest windmill in the world. a steel "air 50 feet in diameter, has been in, stalled in Holland for draining n tract of land. _ In Germany there has been in- vented a process using 00(an air for hardening steel where only certain punts of the metal sequin hardening. The Philippine. government It canny gamed in firrk ounce-ion to foreign capital. an English outn- pany getting a twenty-ye" right to develop hardwood forests. To supplement its cont defam- the French army bu equipped an armored train with ammunition an and raoid-frre gum; which can be hurried to any point along I, rail- mad that skirts the m. NOTES OF SCIENCE An Irishman who was begging in the street was asked by a lady how it was that such a tint, “you; pan L "h: ii,T,hrbe asking for ulmn, With oative blnrney he repludy-- "Lady, begging is the only profu- sion I know in which A gentleman can address a bountiful woman without having an introduction." The remark wu quite profitable. Maud (with matraziner--hnrrer' I wouldn't care to live in Japan. Ethel -Why noct land" It sly: here that when t woman buys I dress in Japan the ctorekeeper asks how old ohe u, there being epecinl design: for the different ages. - "Laddie, keep your temper." said an old Scotamnn to his fiery son. "Never qunrrel wi' In ungry peroon, especially a woman. Hind ye, a soft answer pay: beet. It'. -eo-tdod--attd forbye it make- them In maddcr than anything else you could say '." Still She Could Fits. Quito Protitatrte. of the population med in agricul- - production this at h,201,000 hues 1. "in ms: 1 Ly'nl "U t) b . _" " tbo q 'm-d iv 5 tiw, IV” " of h my“? n pound.I L London' of ling- “ulved in rt lreland.‘ keen abw‘ ' imm- §'s thore 1 “ill be si‘wr and rtui. Thel _ and at attiu'.'ir' e bun." Fh would . t' “My her (a “is my recov- " thb but»? t "t thet {at Gag LESS. 9mm. {If Lord {can br: I1 . O" a wind I and to Given ml. " M “I ity it! K, e V f, " m the

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