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Durham Review (1897), 23 Apr 1914, p. 6

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13 As w}: :o-r punt In: it learee mm.“ P“ ple feeling weak. dept”.- ed arale-rily tired. The My lich‘ that si:al force 3nd energy whieh" pure bi, . -(I alone can give. hr. “Slims” Pink Pills for Pala, Priplc, are an tul-rear-round blood buildyr and nerve tonic. but they arr- oqmcially useful in the spring. Hurry Jana helps to make new, rich, reel h’ ', d. Returning strength com- mem'm with their use and the vigor and (hwrfulness of good health luv-noes mm their use and the "tror asnd thoerfulnesa of ttood health quirkly fellows. There i, just one cure for lack of blond and that u mun blood. Food is the material from which blood is made. but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills double the value of the food we PIX. They give strength, tone, up the stumnch and weak digestion, dear the complexion of pimples, nuptinns and bails. and drive out rlteurntcie pain-m. If you are pale and saihor, if you The Passing of Winter Leaves People Weak and Depressed “NH BUN)” feel Cir, lean aft have h yunr in [his and h sleep reire Pink Pills “rung. Tl the spa-in} Pink P"), the but: _ Pink Pills will make strung. To build u the spun-Sal purpose 0 Pink Pi'N, and that the but: spring mm feel the med of a m son aha Dr. Willia n lair trial and you new health, new at! MW on": ther A Ailing Dr. W that cut ter t' P ,sorkrrd n the d heid Ml yet, as builder, Sand 'Pained and Burned, Hard and Son Lumps. Couldn’t Rest or Sleep. Finger Swollen. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured. looking it but he re ll and Nearlv every man is willing to do his duty as he. no" it. “mummies Not Worrying. . “Ymmz Bounde‘r thinks he is go- ing tn a“: the world ahre." "I dun": we the insurance rates (pin! up any." tn HAND WOULD CRACK WITH SALT RHEUM Do Corns Lead to Cancer? D.“- 'eoul6ra'trest_ttMtttttr.paitt ngttt the bum" "tattoo. The ulcer I Mon my but this “mum-ml worn. ' Then -oretirrursattttat for my - was "one. duos who In mum! an and "I jun a rod :0th haul. k, 2gttqu'uegat'ttttW/dt “cumin-u valid “I. with . mammwnwwuuum '"iotatr.uetet'mmtemsePstert1t, .gmdmlndwuomudwnh " lumhplubmsvutm ' and) Mn. Minna-nu»: Legere Corner. N. B.--'" had nit rhmm rm nu hand for a good many ”an. Every ulna-r my Mud would crack Bnd pun onho time I had to war a glove to do my work. " n 1.. P. I washed In hot - with " un- wrzmwu it used to irruate so much that I didn't know what to do. I In! to take . nrttatt towol Ind rub It untll the Mood would come mmlimes. Many a light I had to I“ up In bed and nah than and mines that 'ttdn t - 1 had to crutch with my Ram-'9 and the next menu“ I would and . ha pm‘o of ald- vhh-h t had taken ol. This qhtterftitreaoet-ormytsattdx l thoulht they won ulna. The: “and and tuned. The: started Just In I limo -strmrdnro'rMttttnrd-$-sdngtee that the. would be n In bunch at pm and ,r-tta.orqettttbqoatttamsaMt- “(out a h a halt a - thte linard’s lemom Cur” Bartdrq. ltr m '"'rGiiiGauiriuuJGli" want." "tts in this tt,ttiey, 63.}; iai t ' 2."tfJtfftgll.'tiirgda'= 'itat,',,":',,':,"",';.':", 'rltert LtraU 0mm " " ' o it abound dd " 'truae "4W.“ lad]: My coon “In ' 2: FiiUtueeTrG "et at can. with yr a n It' " u a/e pale and snow. if you} ntinuolly tired out, breath‘ 'tnr slight exertion, if youl lmdaches or bukaches, if data ache. if your appetite 1d fuod does not nourish nor! eiresh you, Dr. William" il', will make you well and To build up the blood is via! puree of Dr. William' "N, and that is why they are; a: rprimr medicine. It you} l'hn- Tamil of Genius. ft P ih lmll mm 11m Mt Macpherson started to tall nuthunse of brick. Af- .i ii ywu're not out of 1 minutes he'll (Mme down Tott out." aterial close beside him, were rising fast when ed, and withAt his son, brought his father's din- ‘m the nteria " has no! d of a took at this sen- r. Williams' Pink Pills and you will rejoice in new strength and new Ila! let the trying wea. tner 6nd you weak and d yourself up now with us” Pink Pills-tho pills 'l". Williams' Pink Pins -ple and do not be per- ake something else. If . (low not keep these ill be sum by mail, post rams a box ur six boxes , writing The Dr. WiL Home Co.. Brcekville, nth " TIE SPRISG l' anew-usury. tarter -hink I'm gettin 'evther; but he Agni brickl-ayers. he me. inside. and. as he round him showed son was right; but at him. he said: yuu've got a gran' {2'11 be an architect ' yer feyther's a won rude m ttty Jock over the engaged, and yer V e " mien). to Pou- on. a -e"., "ttBV "on James ”at; Fl'l'i'iro1'"i"di; or am" mum’s Corn Ex been proved Bnd nothing bet be mes-sans fo r mm r is any on eye. wail as duo the hut SIREN tut , JERUSALEM or,D Wh LL.Y or' THE HOLY CITE TO BE FILLED DOWN. Growth oi District Dennis Their Pair-T-ate, and Cars to Bethlehem. Very shortly the sacred streets of the Holy City will hum with the mise of the electric cars. and its more important thoroughfares will be illuminated at night with the brilliant electric filament. Its old picturesque walls and massive tow- ers are to be pulled down, and the lcity is to have an adequate water lsupply, writes a. correspondent at lJerusalcm. The rapidity with which Jerusa- lem is extending, through the re- turn of the Jews in such large num- bers to the city of their forefathers. has rendered these improvements necesmry. Indeed, to the north and watt of the old city there have 'sprung up. within the last decade, i large Jewish colonies, populous l residential sections, as well as con- w nts, Inuspiccs. institutions, schools land other buildings ,with the result itht.st m-duy there is a greater Jeru- 'saiem without the walls than within. l Four separate tramway routes are {to be laid down. They will all start Strum the Jaffa Gate, the principal lontrance into the city, and run out- _side tho city walls through the ,nownr parts of Jerusalem. The first, which will have a length of about two miles. will give easy access to what may be termed the business quarter uf the Holy City, while the second, of similar length, will link Up the large Jewish colonies to the north with the city's principal en- trmvcm The third will encircle the old city, embracing many of its most historic sites, such as Gordon's Calvary, believed by many scholars to he the scene of the Crucifixion, the Tomb of the Kings. the Mount of Olives, and the Valley of Je- howhaphat, The fourth line will run from the Jaffa Gate to Bethlehem, some six miles distant, traversing what is perhaps the most sacred thorough- fare in the world. It teams with re- puted holy places-sacred wells, tnmlis, and convents. The work of laying the rails is to "begin next April, and aceording to the terms of the concession, the syndicate have power to extend the lines in any direction fur a distance of some twenty fire miles. puted tombs, laying April, of the The city walls, which have a cir- currtteronee of about three miles, and rise in places tp a height of 2N1. feet, are now being offered by the Government for sale as building material. It is expected, however, that efforts will be made to save isolated sections, more particularly the massive towers. Indeed, influ, pntial citizens of Jerusalem have Eur-med a society and are approach- ing the Government with a view to preserving David's Tower, which they propose to convert into a. mu- seam. I The ti-lamps which remain in use lat the Ministry of the Interior L16 101sz one ot the snachroniama of I, Parity for the French, despite their {repubhcan principles, we gt he!" Mount-idly commutative. A ”or lor two one. an enterprising ion:- 'nsliot diwovorod that one ot tho 'pta'.", ofthe Pam. do Judo. wu !1rtt 1.55: a"?! Ikht, and l div. 1untte.?1,dmeti.d. mod-Mm Of late yrars Jerusalem has suf- fvrvd greatly from the want of fresh water. With the exception of a small quantity brought into the city from the ancient pools of Solomon, mar Bethlehem, by means of a pipe which runs along the old aqueduct. the Holy City is entirely dependent for its water upon the rainfall. Now reservoirs are to be built in the up- per part of the valley of the Brook Cherith at the springs of Ain Pariah and Ain Funwar. where the water will be stored and brought into the city as required. Then, not only in Jerusalem, but all 1rver the country. modern meth- 'als are being brought into vogue. On the rich plains of Sharon, lying between Jaffa and Jerusalem, one may detect modern harvesting and reaping machines driven by' steam, as well as threshing machines oper- and by motors. This is a, vast im- provement on the old-fashioned méthod of reaping by hand and threshing out the darn on the Primi- tue thumbing floors by oxen. The extensive orange groves around Jaffa are now being irrigated by water raised by motor-driven pumps. . That Jerusalem is gradually be, ing Westernized is evident. A few months ago a 'water-eart was brought out from England to water the roads, which had previously boon sprinkled from skins. Then it was. only a year agolhat the Holy At Jaffa the French are to build a harbor. which is certainly badly needed. A motor-boat has been placed on the Dead Bea, and simi- lar craft are running upon the Jor- dan and the Sea of thilee. carry- ing both passengers and freight. Upon the shores of the latter sheet of water a fish-curing and sardine factory is to be established. City was eqinipped with an eificiedt telephone service, while now its po- lice are to have bicycles. The Road to lh-Ihlrhom. Telephones in Holy City. the old record. medal that , can and w. 'L'l'l this tt,'hey, door had how I I1 roan that I In. 1018, whoa Louis Hal. .ordaiud that 5tht.', ro- marvel _ My 09°11 ' Io t " "ee use. 'etqirn-ltiurtioeratG"t"t Thanks!!!» seteth.day or Light," - Oil Lamps In Paris. Arc You One Of WITH BhCKhCHE, HEADACHE AND THAT TIRE!) FEELJNU. It Bo. Listen to the Story of George F. stander. and Use Budd's Kid- ney Pills. Hwndsworth, Sa-sk.. April ttsth.--. (hrecial).--lf you are one of those unfortunates who suffer from sore back. headache and that tired. list- less feeling that makes work a hard- ship and life not worth living, the story of Geo. F. Stander. a well- known young man of this place, will interest you. "For nearly ten years." Mr. Sunder says, "I suffered from sore back and headache. I had a, bad taste in my mouth in the morning, and I was always tired. I finally decided that. my kidneys were the cause ci my trouble. and decided to try Budd's Kidney Pills. I got half-a-dozen boxes, and before I had finishedtaking them I was oum~ pletely cured. . _ Wu“, -...-_. “I advise anyone suffering as I did to'ilse lyod.d's Kidney Pills." Healthy Kidneys strain all im- purities, all the seeds of disease, out of the blood. Weak kidneys leave these impurities in the blood, and the result is nervousness, tired feeling and pains and aches that often develop into Diabetes and Bright's Disease. Dcdd's Kidney Pills make weak Kidneys strong and health). Woman of Seventy Who Suffers in the Cause ot Freedom. "Babushka," the Russian Word tor "little grandmother," is the Gli-endearing, half-respectful name nppliPd by revolutionaries to Mme. Katherine Breshkovsky, whose re- cmit attempt to escape from her living tomb in Siberia created such a stir. A large number uf Russian refu- goes in London assembled recently to celebrate "Babuslka's" seven- tieth birthday, and a. wonderful story ms unfolded by numerous speakers. marshalled by M. Karpo- vitch, himself a celebrated revolu- tionary, who escaped from Siberia a few years ago. . Though burn in a well-to-do fam- ily, and married to a Liberal land- owner, Mme. Breshknvsky did not hesitate to forsake her husband and her children to enter the ranks of the first "propasrandistss" among the peasantry. That was in the early seventies. For duing this she was arrested, kept in prison for three years, and then arraigned with 193 others be, bore a special tribunal, which sent her to the Siberian mines for four years. In 1881 she made her escape, but was caught and sentenced once more to four years' hard labor. with subsequent settlement in Si- beria for life. But no amount of hardship and vile treatment could break her in- domitable spirit, and in 1897 she simply took the train back to Rus. via, and, ignoring the authorities, helped to establish the Revolution- ary Socialist party. Subsequently she undertook a lecture tour to the United States to obtain funds for the "cause." Her arrest in 1907 full'uwed 1rn the denunciation of the notorious spy and agent-provocateur Azeff. Ar- raigned once more-this timo with M. Nicholas Tehaykovsky---she was condemned in 1910 to banishment to Siberia. Though an old woman, broken in health, she made a dating attempt to escape in December 13%. Many a talented person is kept back because of the interference of tea or coffee with the nourishment of the body. This is especially so with those whose nerves are very sensitive, as is often the case with talented per- sons. There is a simple, easy way to get rid of tea and coffee troubles, and a lady's experience along these lines is worth considering. She says: - _ _ _ "There was scarcely anything I could eat that would agree with me. The little I did eat seemed to give me more trouble than it was worth. I was literally starving; was so weak I could not sit up long at a time. (Hull-1TH) EXILE " SIIHIIKIA. "Almost from the beginning of the use of coffee it hurt my sto- mach. By the time I was fifteen I was almost a nervous wreck, nerves all unstrung, no strength to endure the most, trivial thing, either work or fun. "It was then a friend brought me a hot cup of Postum. I drank part of it and after an hour I felt as though I had had something to eat "felt strengthened. That was about five years ago, and after continuing Postum in place of coffee and gra- dually getting stronger, to-day I can eat and digest anything I want, walk as much as I want. My nerves are steady. "I believe the first thing that did me any good and game me an up- ward start was Poetum, and I use it altogether now instead of who.” Name in: by Can-dim Poutum Co., Wind-or, Ont. PM now comes in two Mm: Benin Poul- - must be well boiled. in and Ibo whim. httttaatt "hatr-4. a ooh: lo pow- der. A win! (5.01m quick- }yhadnpdim “to: tu?dsrith {Wind titig ”be a. deiteious how I lay. 300 and we After Changing to Pordunt. l' PWh RI) START The Unfortunatcs a Rowan” for Poatum. --eold by Grocers. cup of both kinds is TOYS WHICH ARE Exraxsn'n. Manchester Guardian Bewaiis "rn.. .tortunatr Fashion." The London correspondent of T.he Manchester Guardian has been giv- ing an account of the enormously costly presents which it is now the unfortunate fashion to give to chil- dren of the rich. . The most outrageously expensive toys are calmly accepted by fohd parents as well merited trilxute.te the children's charms. as visitkrfs to oountry houses, especially at Christmas, lrrvow to their cost. A small boy, who Would probably have been equalli. content with a half-crown box of soldiers, was re- small boy. who ‘ivould probably have been equalii' content with a half-erown box of soldiers. was re- cently presented with a 240 man- of-war, the donor', regrets that he had not been able to got. it com- plete with guns (coating a solid hun- dred guino‘as) being received with quite mild disclaimers by tulle small boy's parents. The tiniest children are presented with such things an grover's shops chmpletely fitted and ousting a small fortune, and expen- sive mechanical toys. A Added to this, tho appalling fash- ion of jewellery for children has come over from America, and the daughters of American peerescs and others possess complete miniature jewel cases and expensive, if tiny, rings. In contrast, the writer quotes a description of two of the children oi thelQueen (when she was Princess of Wales) playing hap- pily in the gel rden at Frogmore with cheap spades and buckets, although presumably they had any toys they could wish for. livery possessor of a nursory will appreciate the truth of the moral. The over-expensive toy kills imagination by leaving nothing to it. and it is just in the exercise of imagination that a. true child So much delights. A MOTHER'S PRAISE 0F BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Fred Tinkhsm, South Ca- naan. N.S., writtevs:-“Please send me anofhor box of Baby's Own Tablets as I do not care to be with- out them. I have used them re- peatedly and consider them the beat medicine in the world for little ones." Thousands of other moth- ers my the same thing. The tab- lets cure all the minor ills of child- hood such as constipation, sour stomach, colic. colds, simple fevers. etc., and are guaranteed to be abso, lutely safe. Sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Number of Experiments With Beer And Memory Tried. Dr. Smith. of Heidelberg, Ger- many, has recently conduct-ed some experiment? which show how thor. oughly aicohoi dist,urbs the mem- ory. A number of persuns were given three or four glasses of beer a day and required to memorize certain sentences. and write them down on paper. Half a dozen ex- periments were made with each per- son. No sentence was longer than four lines. The person was given the sentence and told to go and write it out; in fifteen or twenty minutes another sentence was given and the process repeated. For twenty days these experi- ments were carried on. The same amount of beer was given daily. After the sixth day the errors and losses in memory increased, and on the twentieth day the losses amounted to 70 per cent.; that is, in one hundred experiments over seventy of them were errors and mistakes. The faults of memory steadily increased. The first day's experiments showed a small amount of error. Then there was a. steady increase. This experiment confirms Profes- sor Krnepelin's tests of remember- ing numbers and words. He found that without alcohol one hundred figures could be remembered aiter forty repetitions, an average of two and a, half numbers to each repeti- tion. With aléohol the same person could only remember sixty figures after sixty repetitions, an average of one number for each repetition. This showed a diminution of wor- mal memory to the extent of over 40 per cent. . In every day life, where accuracy of memory is called for, it u a com- mon fact. that alcohol drinkers are the most unreliable. Events which the person had intense interest in seemed to make little or no im- pression on the brain when under the influence of spirits. and only with difficulty could be recalled. Even when remembered they were distorted and inaecuttstt. These experiments bring our the astonishing fact that the memory, of all the brain functions. suffers most pronouncedly from the use of nloohdl Helpless hem Rheumatism Gin Em 1omr--Y4sry lorry {or you. but 'X only responsible for cool- donta that occur in the works, Mr. Samuel Lonxmoro. of Montreal. an: "Jun! I word of unite tor GIN PILLS. About Bfteert months Ito I could not want some: my room. suffer- 9C'rtltrstlsr with Rheumatic; I took G PILLS And becnme quite well. Two months no. I had Rheumnlc run- with Neural-In. I resorted to GIN PILLS tr.P for on. nook and becam- qulu we! ." It We. I Bit"): ir, ".60. 8:113}. in. you wr o I and 'll!,', smell Co. of cm ”and. aroma. Workman-ie gotten married, sir, and Pd like you to also my w._gu._ - - Pay as you tre---trut me enough to my for a return “at. “In”! Llttttttettt "I” mu. ALCOHOL v. M EMORY. Pills G'trey Prompt Relief Br Curing The Kidneys. mi'ijrY 'o Illa Hinze Iaatat't Him Senses Every Aching Muscle Cured JUST RUB ON OLD-TIME “NERVI- LINE." Not necessary to drug Inside! That awful gtithtetrts that makes you yelp worse than I kicked dog will be eured--cttred tor a certainty. 'and quickly, too, it you just rub on Nervl- Rub Nerviline right Into the sore spot, rub lots ot It over those tortured muscles, do this and the pain will so. You see Nervlline is thin, not oily. Therefore it sinks In. it penetrates through the tissues. it gets right to those stiff, sore muscles and irritated nerves that make you dance with pain. You’ll get almost instant relief from muscle soreness, stillness. aching Joints, lameness or rheumatism by rubbing with Nerviline. it's a sooth- ing iiniment. and doesn't blister. doesn’t burn or even stain the skin. it's the most harmless cure in the world for Lumhago, Back Strain or Sciatica. it takes away the ache at once and ends your misery quickly. Now quit eomp1ain1nr--don't Butter another day---Nervillne, that good. soothing old-time liniment will limber you up mighty quick. Get busy to- day, the large 50c. family size bottle is the most economical, of course. the trial size costs but 25c. Any dealer anywhere can supply Nerviiine. Great arrangements are being put forward in Scotland for the celebra- tion of the six hundredth anniver- sary of the battle of Bannockburn this year, and a committee. which was appointed by associations and public bodies representative of Scottish national feeling, has issued a report of its proposals. One of the intentions of the committee is to erect a permanent memorial on the field of the battle. It is suggested that several acres of land should be bought round tho Borestone on the field of Baunockburn, to be laid out as a public park. A national holiday is. expected to be proclaim-d throughout Scotland on the anni- versary of the battle, Wednesday, June 24. The free lunch hm; never been properly tried in England-chips of cheese and very dry biscuits being as far as it has gone. But one comes across occasionally hostel- ries where the price charged for a good square meal is reduced almost. to vanishing point. This writer passes every day two establishments that are carrying on a friendly war as bu which shall give the cheapest dinner. As it stands at present, one advertises, "cut off the joint. two vegetables, and bread and cheese, tor sd," while the other is a short head behind with "a good old English dinner for ttd." Stop Sneezing Quit Snifrcling Cure Your Cold THE SOOTHING VAPORS OF CA- TARRHOZONE BRING INSTAN- TANEOUS RELIEF. Thousands of Testimonial. Provo That Cgttgtrrhttgtttte Cure: Permanently. When germs attack the lining of the nose. make you sneeze and tratr,-when later on they infest the bronchial tubes,--how can you follow them with I cough syrup? You can't do it--that's all. Cough syrup go to the trtomtteh-that's why they fail. But Catarrlxozone goes everywhere ---'getB right alter the trertwa----k) them-heals the BoretteM--eurett the it1fiatntnatiott--tnaket, Catarrh disap- pear. "Nothing I have ever used gives the warm, soothing sensation ot (‘atarrh- ozone," writes Isabel Fry, of Seguin Falls. Ont. "I was in a frightful way with catarrh ot the nose and throat- had droppings. hard breathing, bad breath and indigestion. Ctrtarrhoeone relieved at once and cured me thor. oughly. It is invaluable in colds, sore throat and bronchial trouble." Not dimeult for (‘atarrhozone to cure, be. cause it contains the essences of pine balsams and other antiseptics that simply mean death to catarrh. Large size costs $1.00. and contains two months' treatment; smaller sizes 25c. and MIC., all druggists and storekeep- era of The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. The minister was making friends with Willie, his host's son. "And how old are you?" he asked. "rm five," said Willie. "Ah, quite a little man! And what are you go- ing to be I" questioned the mini- ster. who has been in the ministry so many yeans that he now believes that he selected his own career in the cradle, and abut all intanta do likewise. “I'm going to be six," Willie returned. 'aNo., but they hue a rug on the living room floor that mud; have cost u last ‘40." Have you called on the new preacher's wife yet t" "No. Have you t" "Yes; I was there yesterday. I guess he must have. msrried her for her money." "Did die any anything about hav- intryy rilsh fagher i!” " Ch"utrttettow To Celebrate Bannooktrttrtt. Free Lulu-hos in England. Judging by Appearances. His Ambition. Captain. H. V. Barclay, who three years-ago left Melbourne, with nine assistants end a string of " camels to explore the Northern Territory of Australia on behalf of the Fed- eral Government, has returned to Melbourne. For the put 18 months he has been engaged on survey work on the north coast, principslly in the vicinity of the Pellew Islands, where there is ' likelihood of a har- bor being made fur trade develop- ment and possibly a naval base. Since. leaving Melbourne Captain Barclay. new 70 years of use. has travelled over G,000 miles and ex- amined 3,000 miles. at coast line. He thinks the territory is distinctly a white man's murtry. I have just been told, wrhea a eorrcepondent, of the London Daily Chronicle, the story of a lady of title who hstely heard that a. tyuffra- gene attack was meditated against her country house. Instead of Ro- ing into hyrterimr, summoning the police, and sending a guard round the premises. she quietly forwarded Women Will: Sallow Skin llore is a Good Treatont! mu WWW“. "___"- . - a substantial contribution to the headquarters of the militanta. And paw she feels safe. Even the wild est of the wild women would scum to damage property of a supporter. Womtnly beauty ls largely the out. ward expression of health. Every woman with pale cheeks Ind poor complexion needs medicine-- needs a potent tonic to regulate her system To tone up the tstomach-to insure good dutestion-to give new life and vitality' to the whole tsystem-where is there a remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills? Dr. Hamilton's Pills enable you to eat what you like-they correct con. stipation--mako nourishing blood-- Inst” force and vim into a run-down system. If nervous and can’t sleep, your re. medy is Dr. Hamilton’s mms-they search out the cause of your condition and you rise in the morning refreshed, Birong, vigorous, ready for the day's work. Dr. Hamilton asks every weak and debilitated person to use his Mandrake and Butternut Pills. They make old folks feel young, and weak folks feel strong. Their effects upon insomnia and langour‘ ls marvellous. Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet the nerves so that a good night's rest al- ways (allow their use. To look well, to feel well. to keep!, welt, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Theyl are mild. cleansing. strengthening---; good for the young or old. Sold by all I dealers in Me. boxes. I Howl #9991110 Japan Give llim Broom Treatment. If a, guest leaves a Japanese hut-Y. without paying his bill, a. brew-m is dressed up, his name is attached (4- it, and it is inverted as a sign of disrespect, says W. L. Hiidlrurirh. Complaint, he added. is then made to the figure, and it is order ed to bring the money next. day. Farmers heat beans to find on: what the weather is going to be. am] sacrifice a, black horse if they want rain. Paper amulets are used dur- ing thunderstorms. and shopkeep- era at the end of each yur conduct, demon-dispelling ceremonies. To avoid litigation the person who fears it bathed in the twilight on the brurthday of the fourth month. In villages wells are crjver- ed over during eclipses of the moon, as the peopG befieve that, poison drops from the skv attUt time. an? BIKE" Md Dtugguu refund money If PAID DIN IHENT full to cure Itching. Build. of Prqlggd}n¢_?llet Fir-v. spun-Llo- the BERT [Anlment In use. I trot my foot badly Jummed lately. I bathed it wall with MINARD'H LIN!- MENT. and It was as well an “or next day. - _ . Winkle---"My wife would make a good member of Parliament." 1rinkltr--"Why t" Winkle~"She's alwlys introducing bills into the house." Some surgeons manage to cnrve out big fortunes. Became of her own good looks, Mrs. Hatch felt ache mrried be- nesth her when she "took up" with one-eyed Jim. For nix mouth. the was faithful to her vow hover to twit hor husband about his deform- ity; then, one day, her slurp toggue__got the better of her. Jim listened quietly to his wife's estimate of himself, physiod and odnorwiu. “Ellen." he Ipolu- at. Int. in his calmyoice, "you're my wife now. but it I'd had two eyes, I'd U' looked Random" GUFitiT WIN) DOESN’T PAY. Surveying North Australia. lint-I‘- Uni-um Gum Inna. Eu. consider VMINARD'S LINIMENT You Get Result. Quickly. flln 'her"' O to u buy- Lady Jln‘s Response. Your: vary truly. T. u. MeMt'LLEN, TORONTO Chicken. Wan Wise. 'ul u w. oAWSOI- manly Cuber... INC”. "and. I'm-ETC nHiZ'o'rinf 3; Dim Farm. we!" tr. W. Dun-on. mammal). or I 00er". M.. ”aroma. CANCEL TUNDRA LUMP: KTU. intern! no! elurnll. cured win. on on": by our home uenbment. Write u hetero too Inn Dr, Bollnll Home» 00.. Limited. Gallium. thet. AGENTS FOR “HEATHER INS"!!- uu-e. low run, "bert" mmmlssh-m "ptr, The an.“ Weather lusurunro anmnv. Toronto. G coo WEEKLY 1N LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and Bonk 15mm.- In connection. Prim only ".000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish. In: Company. " Mreat mum. Street 'rorttrttrt. u. w. Enrica. can". u. Torn-la. "foCifinkurref a? E. “11mm is . Cola In On. Day. "c. To 'Y. the rename. call [or fu LAxATIVE Mrt_oFfo__urr'il?l "Now I want you to be ca aid . barrister to the v “HAW you ever been a bank "No," was the answer 'C, must warn you to ho carMu Foy, ever crop payment (” If you have Red, Weak, IS men v, " Cr Granulated Eyelids. Doesu‘v v, m, --Sootttea Ev. Pain. Druggists N41 Murine Eye Remedy. Liquid, 2Ss, w. gating tht Salve in Aseptic 'll- cf. "Ah.'" exclaimed tiso cum thought 1 should get an it When did that immwn I" I had paid all I owed l" Try Murine Eve Remedy 2Sc, 50c. . Eye Books Fre'e bv V, L hmmuwummwcm Marl-o It. Ion-d: Co.. Chi. -;o lurks-rm looking for a plgce _to eft, th, you know ‘.‘ - Paru---1 know Rome good I but they are not edible. Feminine curios?" make“ of may an otherwise trurhN The Easiest Way. J.oe--mtt.t in the easiest um drive a trail without smas'hwu lupin“ - _ _ _ . ""tyiiiiiiiiillllt'jiii" riot! Po?" Jo. no! gn,i_nxr..1_._1.__s Our large and beautifully illustrated IMIM'I LlnlmM In "In new“ Burning Used by success- ful planters KENDALUS Olly Cu “noun 0011")”: for over half a century W! The ointment you put “your child's skin gets ttttrt the ”Item inst " surely as food tlt ghild aa. Don't In gym; and mineral catering: arm! wk may“! .05 W. C an t?ttttAtttl _ fot1.Wr'L bet NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE CATALOGU E FREE SPAVIN CURE - Fol 'ILI. IlmLLAIIOIII Pa rlw the Paris! . Be Careful. WANTED, Gee.'.. all SET‘ " Ad, " Rho went but-k x- w-Su-d until .he M begun to open the (M It IOIIIr of be all to one w. “I“ look art hes that he returned 11 VIII: a Wu H Into the pocket of ! "rar, MN“: hm um; you'd better nu bills. at any rau- . “you to her. When qhe had um IIlII'I‘nII or the “all who!" her. tttex l and the mono: to nu no Immune. but M how to 'ttttttce the". which groom“ nun-c and which might be (WU. no took then It then. I". the old covertly. with a rut his face. 2tr,der, a"; ER? “1' 509th y Mn. and tl "t'm u!" I do!” h "I them." he “Id up with. "I at! my all of I W. cheerful” 9-. tho to“ mun v "iriii the aihiGii, the date --" In. lumped. tor Mu not "trtetttitq. He. haul - and Wu roudtnu awn“! he looked .4 Inch on DI. but mm qt tmr_rt the dull f)?! "ll-v0 you urn t they cull " a “In” In. bum on the Lul " “In votere Imam “In “an“, tt I) " Pau" mun be " " Vh than one Fr: br a. mum. try, "Do You " Fm food? _ ‘1... Jut k Foolish Th. Dre that I l‘ q6Ctoth pe, m different m llc . __' do hot gripe, pwyr- ', a. Ilium-a, 1h r l' “ti-[ed use less" i: aFtiveness. l on T Fri'iiii7iicii on ' " "e.' him at Hun k" " Druggist'r. '- _II‘ at MI u CHAPTER IN We. [names Pore" the " Oh. “the dub-g 'k2T4rW(gf, in“ DYE ao4g'Cti,c,,'; ANYONE fiTlllrl - Or. the Belle When Good . He was a 3 He stole three To make a ABag Pudding And stuffed it , Whu "ra dor'uns mm MONTREAL The cd HE mands all“. my man CAN ro it] Mana Send! ON

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