West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Apr 1914, p. 1

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lest r. and as nod lat,',!,', Lied m: bmptly Gc L23 miblo 'EIN ns Ned. I one bsod got Pam re Its ’lswr at " bub. "he out. wit-i q to fl": muse S let " Ont tract D." VOL. XXXVI], NO. 18 crlotd " ood Ind pe- 43; Gwen to". .7, piano human.“ . I about the muddle ot U A. H. LUXTON, ' Forest, on, upland 0 cm Ile. d hungh in the funds ot warm! up a law My. “gnu- is bearing the ol- 2 Droce-S of organizing y is c "upleted, when it ver. ;‘UW t'nti, McLoctr.--T'he Baptist Ind friends " Muloct to Rev. Mr Langton of pprccmtnon oi the with c conducted there last Sabbath, May 8, Rev. Supt. of Baptist Sunday name and Quebec, will .erVIccs at MUNICH " la I! In” ply Alimilod ”new w ice for the . at h md a new Idiot- u- stathering fish Worms t take a broom hand“ :‘ feet long, drive it inte be inhuhncd h) angle ; au end sticking up I. Tlvn into arough . " over the top or the Tui, rubbing will .u of the (wand and gry and dictum att 1y out " tho 3mm. " a puiltul in a short Prices d delivery Hum- M. J was: 1 rum, who moved to , H nut- of the whit. "rw. Before retiring -- uple of months 3.0 n oue.ot stock and Bert Osland. ot the H'hased one of tttr was ks after, the cow wr to :4th his lym- lr Henderson handed L Mae prire. We got trout Mr ouand and may not be pleased Wishing it, but if he . tite omce oat than , tot' we'll weekly nah. A nn a he’ll. an big I. trss.--Dundam Her A parallel In! Priee" lgl), the partie both two or the. ut- " my. mttttest 0 ocTLooK.-in the If groupe in the :n is given oppor- ermediate, Juvenile 't District No. h crmcdiate or Juven- ,lma prospects for I us they are grouped Owen Saund. A ral boys hunted up min! practice Mon. doubtful if a team Jack of coneietent g of indifference to cy.-Referee Doyle’: lust Sept., are two produce a Incronee Baptist IAL. --'rhis now an. iiC Now that the 'kl "Are be stickin' in a tree, Jock,” "k the dying Laird o' Dumbiedykn to hie Ion in Scott's novel, “they'll be grouwin' when ye're deid." The Id- vice convey. a great truth for man and municipality " this season of the year; Our attention ha been called to thi. matter by Mr. Gilbert McKechnie who in no enthusiast in tree planting and his] example might well and rof1tablr followed by many 1'd2rhrtltfll'2t of a tree or two is not a serious matter the main thing being to save mate and fibres in the digging, have the holes prepared beforehand and see that the earth is pressed well in Among the roots. Save all the earth pouible round the roots when digging. Council meets on Monday night. Could they not make a small appropria- tion to have some trees planted on the sides of the hill on Garafrasa St. It needs no tstretch of the imagination to picture the added beauty to our town by having the hill flanked with beauti- ful maples interspersed with some ever- greens. Property owners can do much but the town can set a good example by stimulating to good deeds. In this business the Horticultural Society might lend a guiding hand with helpful suggestions and if foreign trees be desired, they could perhapebeee- cured cheaply through the society. Again there are parts of the hillside be- tween sidewalk and street where dainty Itowerbeds might greet and gratify the eye and be sale from all traffic. Who will make a beginning? Let us make Durham the town beautiful. This generation wants to see It so and leave it better than we found it. The trustee: of the Library and Pres- terian church have opportunity to show "ample. The High School Board can- not begin the adornment ot the new school grounds too soon and the streets leading to both stations should have gaps tilled up. Mr Arthur W. Ben”. M. A., of Whitby, is, an appointee of the Ontar- io government in a field few men Could till..-' of lecturer to boys and girls of the teen age on 30x hygiene. [tor an hour and a halt on Friday last, he held the close attention of the High School boys while he iii-cussed laws of health and the dangers surrounding. the young boy from the ignorance of the true meaning and uses of the re- productive function and the phenom- ena of his nexnil nature. With a beautiful parallel between the most Holy Pine-e of the tabernacle into which the High P nit entered only once a your and the temple of the hu.l main body over which each individual boy had control and of which he alone was high priest, he incubated the ne- cessity of purity of mind and thought, ot cleanliness in conversation, lite ind habits and the necessity of the control at the sexual impulse in relation to hie physical health and well being. Hie _ happy choice of words and ch ate ‘Inethod of presentation, leaves noth- ing to he desired, and mat-ks him as 3 ttg than to deal with a subject that too often parents, Su irilians and teachers shun as it its consideration were I crime. and vex a sort ot unfortunate attribute of human nature. Our edu- cational system, both by parent. and ocholutic authorities hill been based on silence and secrecy in everything renting to sex. and it lilence and 'e- crecy were etteetual in 'tuardtntt the young from the temptations ondhdan' 1 function during t e e- 'gg,'t/,,ll'l'dlh' it would be idstit1efi. No one pretend: that it does, and the conclueion is inevitable that such knowledge and iotruetioes should come from a pole rather thnn In Im- pure sonice. . , n...,... n avalaln I). l""" sun: _. ' In Gorlunny and France a system of lectures to patents has been establish- ed in order to enable them to don! with tttus done-to subject. In the United Stun the teachmtt of sex bygone is made mandatory in the own! schools, but with parents rests the primary obligation to give pm. in.. formation. ._c. --“ kn not. Did you Plant your Trees? IUI'IHILIvu. Mr Beall's lecture might well be ex- tended to include boys of larger growth. he is doing a great work as it is, in inculcuting percontl purity, rev- erence [or women, and m trying to chute thought. in all that pertains " u: hygiene. He makes good use of Tennylon'n ilugr line- " Self knowledge cell rover-one. all control, than three Alon. lend life to wvonlga power." ___’ The Temple oi the Body. iiiilitt itihttliiiitti, For Ijiri" Commercial or any i?iiiirGiTht Printing give the REVIEW 0 Trial 'iiiriiHAlt.1 Shall (my Try the Canada Temperance Act ? This was the burning quution el Mnrkdalo on Monday hat, when n hirly reprmnutiye ttatherintt of "i. l not“ and others met in Conyention it tho Presbyterian chm-3h than. he Convention wu culled " the On. [ rio Branch of the Dominion Alliance It“: two representatives of that body wore present, Roy'ds Abraham and John Muir. Owen Sound lent nvuy “rung delegauion, bo u clerical and lay. Hanover Watt also well represent- od, From Durham there went Wm, Laidlaw, E. Watson, Will Glass, Rev'da Prudbam and Wylie. Allan Bell. Dr. Wolfe, U. anage and of course Mankdale and vicinity sent. their but men-and women. Through some lameness in announcements sev- ervl parts of the County were not re- "sreseuted, mnougst th nu being Mer Word, Flerherlon. Egremont Proton, Shallow Lulu, Keppel and three or four other municipalities. Part of he nlmenzion Was nu doubt due to the Ankwul'dness of getting to Maxkllule from some puts of the big county, but its it was the gathering was a. good one and wide awake. The fureaoon session. after appoint- men: " Chairman and Secy., Was open in hearing reports and in these a hopeful, optimistic rim: was preval. enl. A committee was appointed to dish. a set of permanent ottieials for a County Assuciation to report in the afternoon. On resuming after noon hour, Rev. Mr Muir set forth the poluy of the Al- liance. pointing out for the 'steenth time what everybody knows that it that policy is to be successful, temper- Inte people must abolizh the slavish adhelence to party, He did not pro" pose a new party, but they should stand solid " the Lahoritn and NI. tionnlists of Hi itain and influence both parries nnd by it) doing would purify our political lite. Ile condemned the iniquitous cnucm pledge and looksd for the day when moral questions Continued on page 8. Sunday last from the great majority of pulpits in Grey County, reprvsenta- Lives of the Ontario branch of the Do- minion Alliance told the story or tem. perance nativity and progress in our fair Province. It is in many respects a thrilling story. Ten wars Ago .. dry " municipaiities wu-o in a great minor- ity in Ontario about tot r years ago the " dry " and the " wet. " ran nearly net k and neck. Since then the drys have kept steadily gaining. till to- morrow, lat of May, 77 per cent of the lmunicipalities of this province have _ by A muiority vote declined against the liquor trattie. though by the work- ing of the tttree-tHuis clause, not quite all of these can enJoy Inca] option though having a majority in favor. Rev, Mr Kettlewell in twn town churches showed how .. everything was coming our way." Allthe church. es in thsir highest courts, cunaemn the trattle ', medical and other scientif- ie men are ll unit in condemning alco. hol as a beverage. and almost a unit in declaring its non-usefulness. Corpor- ations and great Captains of industrv are employing only total abstainers and even Labor Unions within the last year are putting themselves on record as opposed to the liquor trattle. Rev. Mr Kennedy took the Baptist manly. nf Gleuoln and Durham. He Ree, Mr Kennedy took me baptist pulpit: of (Hench: and Durham. lie pleads for united action by the church- es, for a placing of temperance senti- ment on top and lowering the parti- zanship that clings to Grit aud Tory fetishes. He recalled the plebiscite vote when the province guys a. major- ity 0190000 for temperance showing plainly that the churches could do it if they put tirst things tirst. He saw a brighter day coming from the action of the 9000 young Conservatives who petitioned their government for ad. vanced legielntion along temperence lines if they wished their loyalty to the party to be maintained. All the addresses were marked by earnestness and power end showed a ‘ first hand ecqunlntance with facts and "itrtare thus made their utterances 1 convincing. . l. - -----.. A, bp'"'""'""""';" realize 'W‘ the ah Lh these 'liiii'"iiiiFreeUt! Asa, {avian “ml iT iQ woii in the -intts iiiiriiiiiaetthit Bnkisuidcll indium.- R14. i. Turner took Presbyterinn churches t road dorthof Durham. ERANCH! Temperance Field Day DURHAM, THURSDAY. APRIL 30.1914 the m cup of n the gravel TInttnr-tinaii-ahdttterutMtt8ttu-r Looxwwn Immo- The death of the above gentlemen took place on Sunday Afternoon lat. 25th April, 19U, n his hone in Upper Town. AbeiiTmee are ego with In "olden to " knee while handling bone in hie oerttupatton " e drayunu, which originated I trouble that nvelleh hill. and for months" past a kidney trouble In in which can-ed him at times Intense agony end lowered his vitality, till at lent the strong constitution ruched the. break- ing point and death came as I relief from the sulfurings he bore with won- deviul patience sud tortitude. Mental- ly he wan bright " the very lest end was willing to meet and prepared for the great change. Mr Elvldg- Wu horn in Champlain. New York tstate, on tho vary border of Quebec province. bu father having farms in both countries. On reaching young manhood he came west and mom (In or " yous in Huron Conn- tr, but our IO year- we came to Dur. ham and has been here mace. A' Humidor and stage driver for muny years he formed . with acqulnunu. Un giving up at“. driving to took hold of the dray basin.» and for any years did the bulk of this work II town and did it well. The iovruities referred to forced him a. few years ago to give it up. Deceased married Min Mead, one of a Luge family, daughter of the well. known pioneers of che 2nd Concession of Earemont, now both deceaud. To them were horn a family of three sons and three daughters who, With the mother are chief mourners. The will are Edgar of Cleveland, Clifton. use.“ hr, of Durham, Walter, Principal of Whitby Public Schools. Daughun are Alice, Marion (Mrs Kaiser of St. Thomas) and Ethel. Deceased was " an observam In- turo and for nmny years took an net- ive int,erest In civic attain. He WM an encyclopedia of knowledgo about early Durham and few could better than he bling them“ trom the stan- house of memory. He was 3n adher cut of the Anglican church and Con- servuuvo in pnlitics. Interment took place on Tuesday in Durham cemetery nmuy old friends as well n: present day neighbors paying the last tribute. Rev. Mr. Ha/ueFioudarted the lor- yices. Rev.Mr,\Vylie assisting. A comforting discourse was given from tlm queshon in Job, "if a, mu! die shall be live again ?" He drew at was from nature of life after d and found ubundnnh testimony in revealed Word to the same affect. All the children were how. for the} funeral, also his son-in-lnw. Mr Kaiser. The pall bearers were ', w. B. Vollett. C. L. (ll-mm. Jno. Kelly, Rom. Mead, Was it win, C. Ram-ye. Beautiful tioral offerings testified to ihe love of funily and friends. Mas SAMUEL BLACK Tuesday morning last after many months of trying illness from scan. Cernus affection. the shove Indy panel away at, her home in Elgin Sr. in this town. Only last fall, she, with hul- band and family. moved from near Dornoch to town. She underwent an operation about that time and we: afforded some relief, but tho end has come as above and husband and hun- ily of two girls and one boy or. left to mourn a loving wife and mother. Deceuqed Was Miss Annie Wilton. daughter of Mr and Mrs Jas. Wilson, Rocky Saugeen, and in addition to her parents, there survive three amen, Janet, Mrs Jag. Banks. Futon. Matt. nub, Mrs Alberc Middleton, Rocky 8111mm and Lizzie st, home, two brothers are James and Snmuel in the west. Interment takes place on Thursday, 3x) April, 1911, u 2 p. m. to Rocky Saugeen cemeterr. '.pjjjgsgygarsaintiegaimggiEgaiiliM!lllgMitilei%itii,l ED . _ II Itil (Durham Will: Ill il D#I#A#M%O#N#D§ We are HEADQUARTERS for all kinds of heavy Feed and have in stock Corn, What Barley ttnd Rye at close pncos. - We want your Grain apd will my the highest market price. We no woingt 100 for M Feeding 0th. Bring 'em along. Bald Hey and Baud “few Custom Chopping and on Crushing The Roll Call. IS THE FLOOR that made London famous, and we have added this celebrated Brand to our stock. trial Bag will gqnyince you of the popularity " Ired J. Welsh He drew analo- life after death testimony in the Min Int-guru III-till.“ on Tus- dar on a ten "" vieit to friends in Toronto and to In. J R (In in Hun- ilton. - Mr Ruucl But-3mm. ot Ila-on Guy. Iowa, visited " old home town last week end. It Is now seven or eight your: since tho Burgman’n left town and they are now running a rooming ban" In Mason City. Bond is low with . production Co. in the show bulincu and hast a Itrong aptitude and liking for on” life. Mr 1nd Mrs Samuel 0mm. Chesley. announce the engagemen! ot their daughter, Ellen Carmichael, to George Wesley Pringle, M. D., Toronto, eon of Mr and Mrs Joseph A. Pringle, of Ma. doc. The marriage will take place quietly on May 20. Rev John Muir, the Alliance men in charge " the Merkdele Convention, wee delighted to meet there with Roy Mr. Wylie. with whom he was inti- mate in Ayrshire. Scotland. He “we to Durham winh the auto load and span! the evening with Mr. and hire, Wylie to their mutual pleasure. Misses Ivy Darguvel and Etta It. AulitN spent. the beginning of the week with their Dornoch friends. Mr. Box, who recently "rived in this country from Englmd came to Durban Sunday and Inn tukena potsitsort at the Uement works. He in In export-11h (rombuno phyor. and consequently a Yilnl'l. addition " the band, Mr. Jackson, accompanied by her sister, Mrs Smith, of Hamilton, arrived home last Friday from Guelph Sanltor- ium. Mrs Jnckun has been in poor health for some months past end re- turned to her residence here in " effort to restore it. We Ire pleased to note the he- already ehown a marked im. provement. Dvtsa.--As we go to press it is ten: - ed Willle Collineon in pulsing away at the McAulilfe heepitel home. Since the operation for eppeldicitie ehout a week ago, hopes and {one have ener- meted but hope is now given " and the bright young life of 8 - will heeome e menu-y to the "rrowiug parents. an xvendfethee in the nine home in meking needy progress to- wards recovery. A DURHAM Ptxvwsu'rttn.--rrt ) conversation with Mr E. D. lie-Clock- lm last week, subsequent to our write- up of 't Old Boots " comedy we learned that he was the anther of the play u well an the chief eater. Ieaho-erostt Why we LsiteemrTttihnrthiq ”offer him cengntuletione on hle _ hislnonic ability with the peg " vie/ll, an on the plelformh Further?“ _ we l would Bugle-t that he gin ue more of the same kind. for in plot, opirit and I ecceeeorlee it wee need. Will examine eyes by the me- shod that never fairs. Guarantees to relieve eye-sight trouble, eye ttrain, headache in every case. The well-known Eye-sight Speci- alist, will be at the Friday, May lst, 'l4 NOTICE ! Prof. E. Katz Middugh House, Durham E. KATZ Thu _ the " wheels are turx in. n the Cement Plant and all de- pnrtnonu no in full bust. Orders hare been coming in such Inquency and lit. at to give promise of a heal- thy unon’u work. It tuid,, a Spire ot activity to no the marl cars moaning our “no" Igaiu. _.V Activity It the Cement Plant Important Notice ! The season for seeding is near. Every farmer has to buy seed more or less. It will pay you to buy the best. We have it. Five Roses Flour Pine Tree Flour Milverton Jewel McGowan's Eclipse Chesley Good Luck Bring us your Batter and Eggs MRS. A. BEGGS Er} SON TIE Illllflll. BANK OF CANADA ALERT JUVENILE CLOTHING PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING New SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be oppnul ----i---"_ with an initial deposit of One Dollar. Interest is credited half yearly. JOINT ACCOUNTS All account in the names of two --r-g-i-l-lr-. memben of a family will be found convenient. Either person(or the survivor) may operate the account. DURHAM BRANCH t S. HUGHES, Mun-gar. S. F. MORLOCK We indulge in absolutely no exaggeration when we eey that in these lines you will see Clothing values that have never been excelled in Durham. The smart distinctive etylee, the up-to-date exclusive metetiale, the perfect fit and the splen- did quality of tailoring ehown in these goods can hardly fail " elicit your edmiretlon end you: order. See them. Mote e point of it. Progress Brand Clothing and Alert Juvenile Clothing have a tremendously strong re putatiou . Every customer who has tried them usully corn" book ognin, " the Linings, Fit and Style ore superior to the ordinary run of Clothing. w. have a splendid usortment in Block nnd Navy Worsted, also Tweed Suits. During this month we are going to give a splendid Safety Razor with every Suit hon: 84.00 up. RENNIE'S NO. 1 CLOVER SEEDS RENNIE'S NO. 1 TIMOTHY SEEDS Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds for Men and Young Men, and TORONTO INCORPORATED , 869 I!“ We.“ noun.” G and: a scam We are p bred to supply . limited number of cu omen with to. for the summer no“ Prices and dolivery on Applicu ion. hone 58. Tho “mull meeting of tho Durham ranch Women‘s Institute will he old a the bone» of In. Thu. Mr- Jomb on “and“ “by T, In 1.30 p In. 0iBtrere for the coming year will he dotted and mavens papers will le gn'en. All Indus are welcome. Ontario Bran Western Bran Shorts Feed Flour Corn Chop t 1 1,560,000 13,575,000 We want them, F. J. WILSH PHONE 50 ' i: _\leI' all qF h _ _" N"' the .an] lv 3 (hr n: il rr of ".vtt.", "Hind. London of ling' unh‘ed in if Ireland. an aban- ”Mar-y y.- 1lmro 1 “1:1 bel ' ER?!" and Aercdi. Tite' saral In II|CP3~ 'e botrt' (‘h sxould ilttr “My her lo . “no In“ ' y “Hum A hm the F lH'H-k‘r i"co'n “1' 1he , trtrtt . .1 thr \ , vnp- 'ut (.iw L'dv he it" SSS. urn-tn. 1"." alll Mt h nc a wind Lord In” rope 0y D m Given udc M In a ttf, .umbs my, ir L m LII ti tho

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