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Durham Review (1897), 30 Apr 1914, p. 3

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B mag- L. 33.; b the. " pin- t who {I she “th Id un- , pin- heart. t the rid who Hm . round how Mn]... m cm upon- aimed which brad. new , 5nd "cked It)“ My". mm I 1M. M Pub. must and Mte. “In: I” h. " bah, PN at bt, .mp3 uh, uh, tho any do I" aat “CS vs. nrv " n n It it 'or be LET REBELS FINISH THE JOB Such is the Plan mapped Out by the Government at Washington stung N: can This Lind. puma-d Aituni. term up Tamy po-sito Methad- Meariro. mom' dlh Scion-‘9 - P. ehud lieu l'hndl 3.01% tho Comment on E vents al U "iii,iCiiiijiji"iii"ii" AT VERA CRUZ Official Casualties Paupation Wet Tr " ctat lucn'icn! "II til land In!" I“ Ml rtestion wan asked ot Mr. Iro is probably the beat mun hero on the present n in "an Cruz. that is not the Inc-em. in- " replied Mr. Lind. "As LUW in nonunion of Vera CI It} replied Mr. Lind. "As A! in pmaemSun of Vern next 10p will be to clean 'O. Then we nhould retain " bud: cities sud also I” the remaining ports in I do out. .midpule nay King. a Huerta will have l do to contend with the '(,i,,.,.,: Bad!" 'or?'." ttet id ‘ P M noun ' when r ("ml OD! " a writer In tho Popularl .V who») entrance In vmmtrlu II in its." so I that " continuo- I rrrot" Intom of an out: to "tard are-nu “on o.ss too arm "In: school “a min w "wand. according to u twenty not cent. of "t Ion weight. This is fbuxttt, he says. because In. eisitdrras--ttt" were m all Wand of the sol- " Tho mearturonarrtt* he autumn 902.30", which . :‘rnnbun or most rapid K) the more ulvunced ou- wrbidlu' manifest. It to unother authorhy. In "rogue: amen; rial-lull course» than udyinu subjects of . he ”VI if Inn xhaustl on tho unmi- h E; from Washington dead and 23 wounded rm of the tightintr i.n This makes " Anew ve been killed and '74 he three days of Atrht- Badger wires lab“ 3' :uhon from tho Minne- m. and South Curolins . “Ming force now I about 5.40 men. The l new. Prairie Mid ., no Ising in the inner 1repartrrsoot - takintt Mace f or thy Dumlnio R quoted Hun! "arntrsattortt' uni-n pupiir. examinations to n severe lties of Americans Were I5 Killed and inn! advancing 'ores of the Victorian: revolution“? “Ru Hum an OMVO “any t" "No/the pick of hin hnou won Ignt north. who" they Ion ami- kilated in and mud mm... A“ be hat " In some bands of hired 'taatsstrina," said Mr. Lind. '.'W.ha.t is your opinion of the skirmish at Vera Cruz?" "It, turned out just as I antici- pated.” replied Mr. Lind. "When tilled upon to surrender, General Mus retreated from You Cruz hm). the bulk of his cm. (Thoeo left behind were disorganized {sud consisted mainly of roughnecks i and Magnum. These men concealed :themsolves on the flat roofs of the ‘buildings and picked off our men ‘fmm their Concealment. All tho buildings have f1tst roofs and cop- ings, the latter atfordUug wasider- 3mg pmteetion to the Mexicans. "We have no quarrel with the revolutCumista, therefore, while Huerta is worked away from Bup- pliers. etc., the revolutionista will push forward stradily and irretsisti- I bly. The and should not be far oft, I as for as Huerta is ooneerned." The man who out: awn the savings bank Is tryintt lute cumin] for his own b one who put. his money lt rhinery or seH-1mproventel to Inga-u earning ca?“ I _ Binhop Thurman deplore: th of youth. The x-m-ksureneu "two-nun" "runes him. He 1 dumalism of the Tery new - . _ a._t-w-A nudgin- out At that the Blnhon 3110qu not luv hanhly critlrito the Cone.“ of youth. That is one slorloua period while " en- dures. There is none other Ilka it and it ("omel but once. While we know a tremendous amount of thtnxs that are not true and have made up our mind! upon eventhing trum the orixin of life to the drift of the Mylar system. every times we shed a belle! or may good-by to an opinion the shock resembles that of an amputation The uhorkn they be good for “I. but they are sometime. distinctly painful. and the aerlea in no long " becomes mo- notonouth. L Montreal Will Erect Three This' Year. A despatch from Montreal says; Three memorial WHO, the com- bined cost of which will exceed 8i00,000 will be erected in Montreal this year. They are those to King Edward YH. .on Phillips Square; to Sir George iartier on Fletcher's [ Field, and to Adam Dolhrd, Sieur des Ormeux. on Vise: Square. The Cartier memorial, coating over I$100,000. will be the most elaborate ‘0! the three. The statue of King meud YH., for which $60,000 has 'been collected in amounts ranging from five can“ to 81.000, is now be- Iii' cast in Paris. It is the work Inf Mr. Phillipe Hebert, the well- iknown French sculptor. The stone \bue for the statue is already oom- pleted. he A despatch from Ottawa says: It is understood that the change in dull s on hinders from 17}; t9 12% per cent. will also apply to corn binders, which are used irartieuUr: ly in the 4x,rn-stowimr counties of Suuth-westem Ontario. During tho' presentation by the Finance Minis ter of the tariff clams the ques- tion was asked if the lowered duty would apply to corn binders, and he expressed the opinion that it would. It is expected that this will ter of the ttsriff tion WM asked would apply to he expressed t would. It is be confirmed water supply is anxiety, -- anxiety. "The Mexican forces are disposed along tho railroad line, mud, vhile Admiral Raiser reports the rumor that they are prep-wing to attack, m adds that it is doubted that this is true, and expressu his belief tbat any 1.th can be successfully resisted." tango ot Dalia Will Apply to Binders. l despatch from Ottawa says: It understood that the change in _ " ‘-‘ A., 101/ a." 1 u” w ' -. 1mat ie reUtiomr Government od Mexico in Wmmgwu, WV...“ - passports from the Statue iGiuk-! meat. This action was taken at the request of Senor A1911. It Nil- lowed the course ot Prosident Huerta. in directing that Nelson b'shautr1Ptt5v.: the American Charge d‘Affmirea in Mexico City, ‘ahOuld be handed his passports. ‘--nummh were made ty Arrangememl were my having the Brazilian Minis Mexico City take din-go urchins of the American E M that pine. AI Colo.“ of Yank. 200.000 FOB s'TATUfyd. Diplomatic l h despotch who put: may money In bank ls trying to accumu- for his own parent. Thu ans in Three Days and 74 Wounded f >«; no w Ens BKN Em. ss Hun nun ~.._V _ This action was taken at the 1 of Senor Altysrs It fol. the course od President , in directing that Nelson “um-w the Amerirm Relations severance Gs Ween we of the tiyited and“. That nto new mn- nt is trylnl Mty. Elmer causing W addnston I ot dip- Minister Severed. ot" the Three Aeroplane Wrecked in Hall- gar. So Meehanieitut Says. A dospatch from New York says: Hem. Huerta] fleet of three aero- planes has been destroyed by a gale. __ - - s' _A_-L..,l u... .VL ”GIU- This information reached tho tsvi-l ation grounds at Hompabead. Andre Houpert, a monoplane flier, an- nounoed that he had a. letter from Andrew Hardy, the former Mom meohatricUn, who is now in charge of Gen. Huerta! fUet of adyro- planes, saying that . heavy gale had blown down Hucrta’shamgm and had destroyed the Mexican tesident'? wrap-Lanes almost be- wond repair. . Huerta bod throe aeroplanes in 'i'iTiGiriiiurtac, fleet planes. saying that u had blown_down Hum From top to boitom: Gen 0rd Wood of tho Unite "my; General Blangqu. WM', -A-- " "fe... and cam "iii"riUt//t War, "HERE‘S AIR FLEET GO?ikl. Hllu “an wu-.y‘,-_ - President's wruphues almost be- sond repair. Huerta had three aeroplanes in his hangar, but none is in commie» sion now. These were the only aeroplanes owned by the Federals. Movement by Alberta Fish and Game Association. A despakoh from Calgary. Alber- ta, says: A shipment of Hungarian pheasants arrived in Calgary on Wednesday from Pennsylvania and1 will be liberated on several ranches in the territory surrounding this city. This movemont was pmmoted; by the Alberta Fish and Game Asso- ‘ciation. It is believed pheasants will thrive in this province, ship- meats having been brought in year- ly for the past fro years, and the (birds appear to be multiplying ra- lpidly. I‘m-bridges have also been 'imported, and there am now many thousands in the province. Phea- sants will be protected until 1920, and the society will continue im. lporting them until that date. Daniel McDonald Shoots" mmsMt tst) Halifax. ‘ A dospatoh from Halifax. N.S., says: Daniel McDonald, 9. ftrrmer under-keeper at the city prison, committed suicide on Wednesday morning by shooting himself through the head. McDonald was am of the iailers involved in an 'tn. _ . _t__, “mind“: vestigut-ion now hem; mum into the management of the city prison. He tendered his resigna- tion a. few weeks ago. IMI'ORTIXG Gh Nil-I BIRDS. Three Thousand Workers in Mont- real Will Go Out. Montreal, April 'rs.-ip1iesatini, the action taken last week by Local No. 13 of the Ladies' Gannon In- dustry, the four locale of this trade hate approved tho strike of 3,000 igm-ment. workers in Montreal thia (te: The members of the union in Bamako will strike at the same Boiling the kettle. Mrs. Campbell had engaged . nurse-maid. "Martha," said the mistress, on the hrot morning, "be careful always to boil the teakettle before ,nakisur.thtt,e" " UUIVIV -"-""-K> V, Martha signified her willingness, and after an absence in the kitdhon, Mum to her mistress and said: “Please, mum, there’s nothin' big enough to boil the tss-kettle in, 'tea. 'tis the 17th boiler, sure." st1CIDE " REM T0 STRIKE IN JUNE. 331192", l l country "can“. hon . nutter-01he best rte-men! is now tt"'JltgTllit",tl selling at " to 30c. Choice. dairy, 22 to I BI . , " "iii) interior, 17 to Hie; farmers' sepa- 1'T.',t.' Moxuoan ,rutor prints, " to 25c; cremnery mints. Ir. and one"! Huerta. Hresh. " to 80C'. do., storage prints. 26 to 270'. solids, storage. " to 25c. ' rEksrri---T? 21c per dozen. in case lots. ---- ----_ 'iir1's'ar--Vitctrayte1 m tins. 11 w 120 per lb. tor No. 1; combs. to to 83.25 per AIR FLEET GOYE. Ie,'f'l for No. l, and t2.i0 to 83.50 for b o. ... (timesefNew qngese. lin to 1520 rot _ I -_. ..nrir,a no: iUdiir 7 Mid. new. PER. M) MOBILIZATION (g: TROOPS Not a A dcspmtah from Waehingtcm ”ya: Not a single order, wither tentative or definite, has been transmitted from the Savoury for War to Bri tie-General A. C. Mile, chief (futile Bureau of Mill- tary Affairs. for the mobilization of tlre National Guard of any mate oi the Union. This was the unqualified n.1- nounoement made in the other, of General Miles at the close of the ofNGl business on Wednetxiay in that bureau. The tutement was predicated upon the continuous stream of ill-advised requests for information vo1leyed into Washing- ton from every quarter of the United States. Also it was said in the office of the PRIBES tf {ARM PRBDUBIS "PORT' 'ttttm --" Toronto. April rc-mov-c-pr".::,?! wheat ttour, 90 er cent.. $3.85. sea- board. and at 83.95 to. $4. Toronto. 'iiraiiotivr--rrir1t patents. in lute bags. ".60; do., seconds. 85.10; strong baie eru' in Jute bags. ".90. Manitoba; w"tiiiiu---rfay north No. 1 Northern. Mr, and No. 2 at ttMc. l Ontario sVtsirat--N'o. 2 at " to ti.0.8, outside. 'r,.c,opr',iJ,t to freight. and $1.03 to $1.04. on true ' Toronto. outs-No. 2 Ontario oats. 39) to 40e, ‘outlide. and at 42c. on track. Toronto, Weston Cumda oats. Me for No. 2, and at “c for No. 3. Buy ports. Puioc-Att.ytt 90c. outside. Barlewaood maitinx barley. " to G8r, outside. Lrcordiot to quality. "ye-ro. 2 at 63 to MC. outside. ' iifsawhstxt-c8,1lfh outside. t5irrtr--'Ne, No. 3 Amtsvican. The. oil nil. Toronto. 'it'rdaT-c-9Gn1te,tey, bran. $24 to $26 a ton. in ban. Toronto freight. Shorts, no to 827. "It" " cum mam. cm Nolan II Nam Am ,srenatrtrxtr. Hrftier---luAr' per lb. tor No, _ - 0.”. Mn "cheese---')'?", once“. u. .'" w- large, and " to 16tc for twins. fd'GT?-uiGiliitikni: $2.20 to $2515 per bust-0|; primes. $2.15 to $2.20. iiiii,erri'ot),"' 15 to 150 per its.; chh ens. " to 200; ducks. IT to 18c," Belle. 15 to 16c; turkeys. 20 to 230. Fi,iaiGere--Delawt"""' are owned at " on track here. Bacon-Lone clear, " to 160 per m. In case lots. ,'iGG--Mpiiium.. " to IUC; do., henvy. li' to We: rolls. 15 to lite; breakfast bucon. 18 to 199; backs, " to Mc. Whalesale semi merchants are as ”cleaned seeds to the trade. on the lb. buu'iis:---Bep clover. No. l, '" to do.. No. t. 817.50 to $18.50; alsike 1, 820.60 to "I; do., No, '3. '" to Timothy. No. I. 83.50 to 89.50; do 2. 37.25 to 57.50; alfalfa. No. l, S :15; do., No. 'd, $13 to $13.50. Ti f/ do. erv- _-V, Winnip'ett, April 28.~Cash: Wheat: No. 1 Northern, 91lc; No. 2 Northern. mic: No. ' Northern. Mic; No. 4. “to: No. 6, my»; No. B, Tuc; feed, “to; No. 1 re- jected nods. 57m; No. 2 rejected needs. .-. wr, . ”imam! seeds. 83:0; No, 1 THU: No. 6, 73w; Iceu. van». “a. - jected seeds. 57m; No. 2 rejected needs. 85k; No. ' rajected seeds. 8330; No, I "nutty, 8tte; No. 2 smulty, Sale No. 3 smuny. 'w..; No. 1 red Winter, MIC; No. 2 red “Inter. 89k; No. , red Winter, 880. irats--NO. 2 C.W., 351': No. ' CAV., 846; No. 2 reed, as“. tuus1e.v---N9. 8, tuc; No. 4, 43k: rejorled. “lo; feed He. Plus-No. l NAVAL, 31.3.“; No. 1 C.W.. 81.3%; No 3 C.W.. tt.'dU. 88c. Itattr 34c; No. 1 tuc; No. tte., Elli but m" - Inna“. Toronto April tr-cattle-tttole" but- chera 37,50 to 37,85; good medluln.$7.25 to 37.40; common cows. $4.50 to $3.50: (mum-rs and cutters. $3.60 to tc, choice {at rows, “.25 to 86.75 l Smokers and teeders--steer'r: 800 to 900 lbs., $7.26 to $7.50; good. " to tt.60; light, $6.26 to " ' iikiiup-tioo4 veal. $8.75 to 810; com- mom 'co to " Sheep and ambtr--raittttt own. 86.2% to $7.25; Syrinz lambs. " to 88; lambs.‘ {cunning , to 89.76. but-with Tire per, end deducted for all. the hunk lambs. iYuts--rtt, fed and watered. 59.25. " can. Ind ts." r.o.tr. Montreal. April ".---Prtrs" heaven, ' to Sic; medium. " to Tie; common. " to Me; cows. 886 to 315. two large Weat- ornerl we“ ham for 8100 each: calves. I to The; thug. 6c; lambs. " to 'c', nprlng lambs. 4 to " each; hols. " to s sRttm ml Luann: mm) “at": or alumna Much Canadian Capital " Invested! In Mexico. l A despatch from Ottawa. says: Canada has no trade representative in Mexico. Over . year no the Commissioner there was withdrawn on account, of the fact that the coun- ‘try {a in u out? of treet or in,- Single ,Ordei' Has Been Issued by the, United States War Secretary Try Wuwww‘, -- -i---' I termwtmt "Tim, and the possi- bihities of tn 6 development were slim. Thu trade ed the Dominion with Mexico in the last fuasl year aggmgated $3,360,999, of which $3,- 142,581 were imprts and $216,418 -... - A:,,_I L..-.".. n-- expom. The ssr1aeipttl imports are) grasses, fibres, drugs and tobacco, and the exports grain, ooal, paper and whiskey. Much Canadian oipi- tal is invested in tho country, mada- ly in tramway, piowar or mining en- terprises, but for the protection of Canadians were as well as of the investment 'tte"Dominion must My upon Sll'S’l‘ RELY ON BRITAIN. ,1, 23. Shorts $25. Middnnzn hm, P, us to "2. "ar, No. 2. per lots, “3.50 to $14. Ghana. ttu- uterus. t2t to 13v; ttnest mate-mm 120. Butter. chotceut creuma-ry. 2fic; sec-0mm. 2“ to 251'. Eggs 22 to 230; nah-Mod. Me'. No. 1 210. Potatoes. per but. car iota, Unit-d In“. lax-tots Iontnal 711ml”! - the mother country . cum. ("Inn Brts Roll“ and that. nevi-ions. - Union. I tr-cattle-tttole" but- ”,85; good medlumJ'IJB Ion cows. 31303}; 853.330: -. c, to 16c {if Ib, on the 319 to 315mm 311 go are yelp-[LR tttaM the 100- 9 to $21: slke. No. I to I”; , do., No. l, $14 to Mrimrlet it boytsrwn.A1ta* he looked to General Miles' thireau staff to keep the War Depsr6intnt informed u bathe exact audition Secretary for War that no goth}! had been taken looking to the mobi- lizatitm of the militia.. Saucy”) of all the National Guards of the vuious mm, and that he-wus con- vinoed the bureau had every item of necessary information ready at hand and all plans for the mobili- zation of the guard if orders for mobilization shall issue. . Volunteers for service in Mexico will not be called for unless there u a formal declaration of war by Congress. This was announced in the House by, Chairman Hay, of the House Military Affairs Committee. -and who goes about planning forI I work and seeing that when planned ‘it is efficiently oarried out, has just , returned from a visit, to the tunnel. "which ho states is being prccweded iwith in a. most vigorous and suc- losssful manner. Mr. Sulldvau states that this programme will mean, for the your, at least, $30,000,000 of outlay. A great- part, of this money will be spent in British Columbus on the doubhrtrack work l but, there _ are also about 60 miles of new line , bo he laid on the prairie. Rails and ) ties will be a big item; the work on The C.P.R. ls Spending Millions in Brit'rh Columbia. Advices ruceivsd at, Canadian‘ Pacific headquarters indicate thost the work cf the great tunnel in the West is proceeding ralpidly. Eleven hundred feet. on the emit. side have been (hive-n. about 50 per cent. of the approach has bean cut on the wost end. Mr. J. G'. Sullivan, who ir are; -cifieGnpser " tht We REAR-ADMIRAL FLETCHER. Commander ot the fleet " tho can cure of Vera Cry; . asssful manner. Mr. Bunuvau manta -iiiG"ii h " _ L, . - G pure “.8"? wal' I roreHCrler but. this programme will mean, for an eflorls to "me her have fullu the year, at least. $30,000,000 of mam num: loom... outlay. A SWaf. part of this money I The‘ "unable “1th Ho‘k-n from w , . . ic, , . 40!]!(8 e all a rare lnrvt UK Home sill be spent m British Columbia 2:0 has been returned with an av on the doubhrtrack work: but there from the thier rot' the ftsilut'e to , I b . . iYIt him as a ntember of the 1m are. 3.80 u out 60 miles of new line I hood of pportsmon, “ha. accord“ bo be laid on the prairie Rails and the “m” of the "icktrotlset m“ L, tl . . . . 'lirttry.urte from molestation ties W1 1 be a big item; the work on Thu earl is not mulv known at . o'l, - moat conspicuous Huron of Muir the tun.ntl will can for hrs?" out i:iiiitii'i.ii, but he hm: also often I lays; while tho aouhle-ovaclc'rng nl- , {helfunynen hot 'g.r,1,ill'; Ho n I . , ' a' 5 ' lube t at t c p u gnu-(M who Rt may: pgswlates big disburs,tytr.ttts. wtrteh wat' bauted m“. we cotrly l All thus work. as Mr. Sullivan brothers in crime. - . , ' Thor mantle ot pl‘ul‘er'lion “or ,.,,... A” u... an A; points out, is part of the old pro- irramme--if it can be called old. It was provided for last year. It is part of a, great plum which is bo be gradually realized, from year to yedlr, until it is all complete-a plan wh‘oh oontemp!at m the cntire dou,ble-rratking of the entire Byr tem. This alone would take years and many millions of dollars. The work, however, will be prosecuted with steady perseverance. When realized, it will be the big. gest undertaking of madam airmen The Canadian Pmoifie has spent be. lore now, from $50,000,00010 8100, 000,000 in the West in a Hugh sea 9011. It has muderated io, outla: this year, for 1914 will nut be a yam of thrills. , It is not without, inderest, in knew E that Mr. J. G. Sullivan w.“ the firsV assistant engineer to Mr. stevens} when the lam-er “es in ilmrgi of {hr-l Panama. Canal hemm- :‘v- axlrr m M Colonel Goetilnla. Quite a. number of important varflway men were at work on the great ditch in positions of great reiirnnrihiritf and trust; and it is related cf Mr. Edward J. Williams, paymaster of the Chicago and North Western Railway. that, when he was disbursing 0503: at the. Canal he paint} out 8250000000. Suspicion has fallen Mon the Bos ', as roiponsihre for scarlet fever. The ii, public health department of Lon- ', don (England) ha tried wince 19091 to mm a detailed record of We'll seasonal prevalence of Rear in Lon- i! don. Last year additional lnfnrma- I tion was made available by thy ex- I animation of elementary school chit 1 Fa. The records about that the), "curve" of flees prevalence is al-i most identical with that of scarlet fever epidemics. While no ututl conclusions can be drawn, it is re- gurdrd as possibly messing great eignifieanoe. “Where’s W371" asked Mr. Jones, on his return from business ono evening. “Gone to bed," was his wife's reply. "A hope he’s not his wife's reply. " hope he's not ill." "No, I gent him to bed as a punishment tor swearing.” “Swear- ingt" repeated Jones; "rll teach him to siean" Without Wink? for a. Light the angry father rush 11 / stairs to interview the culprit. on! to tall over a. loose Mwa 'a'lli' bump his chin. At om New "wiedipgl; fltsottt, dt', air had clotted be head . can gently: “Bower come down dear; I'm tux-e Tonia): hue heui‘ anough tor hit first m"- l G Ith'M' TC XXI-IL. Swat the Flea. ts.rilway men were at treat dimh in positions r-veil/slits and trust; ted cf Mr. Edward, J. “master of the Chicago Vertex-n Railway. that, _ um .........\ __ _ d the old prttle,(iiiiiii,; of plckpookeu on lingual] culled old. It: rucecourus not only cover. the well-l . 'known plum"; ot the snarl. but extends st but It I! to r':,yi",g,g."//t1,v" and nail-graph oner- _ . . . norm. econ! y a rue " wrller'n whidh " bo be tissues were stolen bv a nicknooket and from your to 'gl11,t, ',Nt,'gh tor 1lr/J"e lIn:I w" ttlt I a y I. pug In w th' m oo ac so u: um. mplete 91.111 I The new-paper mun told him of the lnsu I the chute , at Pit),'?,",',",')';,',':':' t,ii'j',"lttr,v/yT"'p', , i, _ lat " no pot-'Mu ' on are re- he entyre a) 3' cmrniFed Mm as it apart. That night “Id t,ulce vears ‘tihe glasses for left at the 'tT/il.;'"" of- , . on wrappm " paper. on w ' ch was ’f dollars. The l scrawled. "Please em-um- mlunkn" be prosecuted Into nun lun- on of mm. Ilium. 311cc, A ye") P,",)'",',',', :ry"",1'r/i1t In th? . . mnnu ul'lul‘r " am: sums out o will be the. hig- young sinner-I has just begun to Huc- snodorn 15mg. teed in a surprising degree. The place h b of exverlmenl In a Dooret farm given C 8'5 spent e- lay ,r.iji.iast,iiertrch-'vl"' has n nephew, ooo _ aorta . mung“. po, Lt?. 8100, Small criminals both boys and 3111-. In a tr vatrlt' tp'NV are Tut to thits far‘m. where Hwy 1'i'r i, ' . tuugu to govern thcmselves in their .teu H6 outlay .uwn parllalnenl and thelr own uw ill out be a yam count Romp mort newly just judxes hnve been duscoverod. [ The otret't of tutr-sw-ttent has 'mterert, tn know proved an ttht', 1ey'R,'t."'l'l'l', fi'ldf, in . . some recent nskurn'o-l Pot. examn e. an ”in W'lVA the first! ill-dressed and dirts Dov Wm) rorcibly to Mr. Steven; clothed at the rxuense of the commun- . l r , of h My. and the scheme proved in sum-ega- N C "M57. _ t! 0 ful that he worked like a Trojan till he re t'e ads-r' m M mud back to the Poor Law guardian- . the can of In: outttt. Quite a number‘ Again. " was decided by the mun-m ___ -...i.. we... at mm the boarding expenses were too - A _..--', " Iun'. and :lrll ll - n.. -- _--- Thu Duke of Marlborough announce- that he will sell a small part of hi- Oxford-hire estate on May 6. nu pre- sent intention Is to act as his own nuc- uoneer. but this has nut been dettnUely trettUd. The Poverty to be sold. which cum- prlses es: than 160 acres. lies between Oxford and Woodstock. Tho reason why the duke wanna to an an hls own ' _ x. mm luvnh'a The from”)! to be Iona. wmcn w... prises es: than 150 acres. lies between Oxford and G'oodstuek. The reason why the duke wants to an! as his own) auctioneer is not given It will involve the payment of $le for an auclioneer'l license. The Earl of Dauhousie announces [hut he will sell his Brechin (‘uatle eslute in Formruhire. Scotland. at uuution. The estate comm-idea 2.460 acres. . 0mm. mun been Iota in In". Queen Mary bad planned to wear dur- ing her visit to the French ennui some tiytlttt old French lace given to her y Queen Victoria. part pf which be- liunged to Marie Antoinette. 1'nfortu' "uste).sr_tttts Iacelhas been lost in u trtrr- "mm, _..- ---- UcularB annoying manner The ueen_ient it fox-'cxl ticultsrt InnOYHIK "lulu-r1. The (Kueen lent it for cbemon a row weekn ttttO u a sale at worit organized by the royal sr'huol of art needhwork. an organintion in which her majesty (BROS keen Inwrem. By some mishap. the lane was sold to a, “altar fur 875. whivh ls far below In: rat] value, spurt even from itn tsitstor1ct1 “mentions. _ . -- Wm.-.. - Prsrss5srtsr.r'. and but. TFUI I. I“ "iiiiiiidrikohi" congaggu, brothers in criw The mantle u attentions of pl racevourseu nnt known. patrons ' Out London Letter ‘lhe can: In "In nun... . ( Again it was decided luv the mannzer ! ttrn now 9 iumt the boarding run-Imps were tool huh, A council of huvn and girls a! 000 men. once mrt on the HUDSOPL They deemed to buy margarine In place of butter. and by vuttinx down here and there they soon reduced exuenlsz-H to the, uroper V . . musln. to their own great dollxht And Voting l the henettt of the community. (put 78 “,1 The ttrrrt war of this "thtla Repub- 1tcrconciudtt' in June. and the luccell among 21 I ‘han been ktrikingt--irt the opinion of the A Moutr .pouce court commissioner: and others . . . nth-s ahgrcat :30“ is to be made to to prison It exten t e renu c. . leads mum at our»: m. tnr hr,',',', Kin! George in um “dent lump rol- petty )octor. mud his Miter. the Queen at Nor- t ' Wuy. in said to derive much nmusenu-nt '. from her cotieothru of man chunk-Ia shim: Inaccurate acrountu of her own Gemerst . 0 ngu. , King Edvnrd hm! a moat Purim“ hob-‘1” unde . tr; the collulinn of the I\mrdunolu 01.,” (11'an wp h I £210.41. .11 "r whom had to Gider-l ; . - i tto the ordeal of the Sundrlnxh-m ll‘llel. l Unitrd St I‘L- u..." hlmublf keegrinR the book oti "s-tmoe" Bunker. _ THIS INVESTMEyT _.".....".. Kin. Edvard loot " man murmur now by. the collect‘mn m" the nvoirtturro4t' of him friends. All of whom had to under- lo the ordul of tho Sundrlnuhnm lac-aha. the host hlmurlr hum": the book of rernrdn. Queen Victoria's hobby In onllectionl wall a rub" a melancholy our. mum; the form of unulc‘hrnl memorial: of her ”19nd: and rolntlnnu. Tho Knit-r. of courts. hm- inhuman um. bobble» in an. melt' ynd let‘s". SAFETY FIRST Tho Kuhn-L n: pour “bl. hobhlou in an. Ir and In addition he hor tion of uniforms in t XVI.'I tutu run in clocks. und George IV. than collerunm- of un ambled In nddllltm I 500 fodutbookn. wblr his nth. ht" 'urly glue. the Bocurldu of at. WHO! WI" Sign! on 0.. win " - o. Banana- umltdud I you“. Inn-hum! my be ',,'a"i,= In mg -irha" my um. at" on. you. 'W,', u a not”. tt D.” tieuiargt .nd booklet [lldly amt-bod on ”out. - -- --- - ---I.I WDIILMI an XlVlk'a P,,',',",",, TSt llnvlne swam”; iiil a“. u.‘....,..\.. . 'il,1"ih'"dli"eliCii'i5t.t ',uk"/lL",,"5v"e'r in: syn-gone yesterdty. Mm"! Mr. ttg"eh, "L Ql"t'hh',' "'" "gm“ ‘“"d I Ihmcnhaum -No. Mr. titeinbaggr-- m , Wtl ' _ . tr . , . . m. ttflr.' , F t H” m" tit i Veil. der rnbbi ans ii ve van: to P.. In“ and. - co“. Itrout we inf to make mm: nun- w. B. Kuwmlnm. ther Kin". land I Mea Mr. 1tosenuutn-Oh Ida't 00.0qu at Windwr. bu Accepted. with I . ' . ill 310-0" “:3“? to"gl1t,tut'l,s "4501i" It ”31.510qu 1v?" 1 rabbi noun“. n19 unocke mpon- it'. chip clun- " the lntoruauoull tl,',',",;) . a op m er pu p t a Chime. " tho son of a Burl-Mn ---_ gamu- who. ieSp,tll,'t"uh'i'frf lt " tbe Ann of the Lam tr'till'r'hh'1it, " . " orn Att Mr, Tippler (who is being cu‘rled Mr. Mae mm“ W“ for mm" "a" to the station house by two po ice- in charge ot the Duke of thhmond and .. . . Gordon's tum. incluw the “noun men)--- Ish awry,lls goiad (“you fel. Southdown than. u G wood, 'll .1; lows. I hope I'm not taking you on: no isueeuded the mo "dyll f _ n Ei, In ttto man-(omen: of the ro out o your “5;. arm: nt Windsor.‘_ F-----. - . m m__fs 1.-.... '-f Medium P.r, "Wuet 1 Frankforton- Main, ttt tb ui ty io mak X- myl trout time: more J2'ld in, modeling thomulmost as enac- tive u radium tor treatment of div lo the watchword o! the day. The unique recon or Canadian Munlclpal Debenluree properly - them. lor eal'ety. in the from rank of all lnveetmente. The following conetltuce an unueually altractlve group co eelect from. 1. They can be purchased m amounte of approxlmalely $100 and upwarde. 2. They mature " praetieaity ell periode from one ta any years. s. They are offered to yield from U 2 per cent. to 6% oircANo GOVT- _ OWEN SOUND. our. TP. nun-or. on. Inocxvmnn. our. nanny... on. . tunnel. w- _ . an. “1308. on. . ImnO'l'OI. on. 5.80% _ “'20.. on. . . . . .S.2S"i, It NOB“ BAY. crummy}. at.“ on. ....‘6.85% x' GBmlBY. on. . T A .515°’o Stt 3003331. ogre. . V5.38'7a W ALIIDTA 501001: nut-um In \lclorllp lluuv,‘ ... “an”, , rather I melancholy one. tnklnx‘ tm a; ",ut1,2,T,'l) memorial: of her I To-morrbw never Ce"., but the I An re It ortw. E . _ mm". of Cour.at, h" "mum.“ [ morning after the night before al "9an in In. Inn-Ir and IQIIQI’I.‘ "my: shows up. 1 addition he hum the tttteat colIoc- I rf unlfnrml In the world. Loull' . . I tutu rm "1'th dlrectlon ill Mr. Stemmchh\ m. you to der V Ind George IV. made nm of then ' . 'ttut,',"".',',','," ',"'SU'fl",l.' 5u'f,' up i a DIE‘LS‘" Iett"'i't Moses (,2l/: n a [on to 0 wh m and, nun aum-- '0 r Mein - Mkelbookl. which were round at: -. . . . ' 1 Yell. der rabbi a): it ve um p p, cent". interact. “A. pAlD " FIR ANNUM be sold. which cum- 0 acres. lies between Islock. The reason tn to an as his own Men. It wut involve 4) for an nucuoneer'l aousle announces mu oer-in Castle estate in mm. m auction. The 4. I. the lace WI! sold to which Is far below in mm from its historic“ was I foreigner. and e her have ftuted. mun... V. .. 7 has also often helped "nricta. Ho " In pro- okpm-ke! who trot tho ( mar the coals by Ms on Ancient". Ilnlon Bank Building. Toronto /'etdiiiGl “I" their l their own aw newly Just judge- wnto for run Mow quay I.“ on mun. "ammu- cure In For example. an oh' was forcibly of the commun- nvad so sum-vu- a Trojan ml he Law guardlanl . AMES & M. at the day, Tho utuwt record of n from Lord t 50m: lime t an avololy we to recoK- the brolhrr- "vordittq to et men, an- Yield. s." G, F rmkfortm‘ n as the. “wiry II: m, tbr Fhutiittt1 TORONTO It. LAUIII‘I‘. a. Vr union. 3.0. m...' a". mam-on. to. Imam um ALTA. . mr.-"" “If NEWS Ill ll niltililt?ll BAPP .NINGS PROM ALL 073. THE GLOBE " A HU'ISIELL Canada. the Emplre and (to mrrt0 In General Below Your Eye; Canada. Berlin Public Library Baud WIN receive $10,000 from AMNW CM ncgle we“. 1itvo1l voted 3 loan of 015,000 to a. Detroit firm who will mu- fnoture auto starters. _ . Dr. Hastings has ordered Tel-00m dairymen to destroy the germ in milk and other dairy products. The business section of Brynn. Que., was destroyed by fire, twenty- eight stones and (hailing: being burned on 'Ibumday. Geo. Powell was bound dead at the bcttom of the 180-foot, shift. M. in.» Dome Mine, Porcupine, lax-in. [apparently [and]. A branch of the Impoth ryet Members of Trade presented tiring after ten 1 with a .6“th Wm v5 -"""" . their wagon smashed by a tram It Simcoe on Thursday. iiafrrage6tes tried to ann Hall, I. large um Hun at Belfast. -- . F10" "L IK'AlCG-I. A prominent Nationalism in Bel- fast mated that the home rule can- tvroveny Would probable be settled on the basis of 1ncreaaM represen- tation for urban Ulster. The Gaelic Athletic Asaoeiatioat d Ireland, composed of . thou-MI young athletyy form the nuclan DINO“ IUI ".e... v..."_, The (indie Athletic Association od Ireland, composed of . thousand young athletes, form the nuclei“ of a Nationalist military organist- tion mm estimated to number so.- 000 men. General Ville Med “Junta that under no munitions would he ihe drawn into . - with the i'l;'r,i"t'di Sum. l’lited States. Voting in Illinois on Wow put 78 saloons out of bush». among 21 pigeon. .4 mg zn -’JI-vv-. A Manual Woman ms sentenced to prison in New York city. in hw- ing pleaded guilty of I chug. a petty 1-way. It. (Ally-‘1 xv..- -_ --, v to the Nation home by two police- meny--i'itrh awfully good of you tel. Iowa. I hops I'm not taking you out of your mar." “We don't hive honest elm-13w: in dis town like we used to," said w. Bruin. ginkley. "Like you and bot" “ tttdd used to ho dak when deg from you " toh yeh vote you' tit it. Now day M’t even prom-e1" G real Britain. 5.8% 540 % General. 5.80% lot-2'13"" , G." % L to bum Anna}; unoccupied KIM bl no to the the W)” ' wind. ll“ bl the he! w“ It

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