West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Apr 1914, p. 4

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" 'woiri,rrilaraooiitiirireaooqtririraeir+ir'ir6tir,t, 3t" for Men and Boys Only 50e for the Review the balance of this year to New Subscribers 'i'tusooosstsooogsirs-iisoiisooi"tir"' 500 tons ot No I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop 1attllii8tllMl+tlllmNim The Beeiaw and Toronto Dnily Sn: tor I "M..-.-..-....... . l,'rte Rrgirw Md Toronto Duly fliatiitt tnlllaniair) 1%th on you.................. {The Revij nu] Toronto Dtily Ix'otgnd trip tickets to points In Mani I Worn!“ "M.....-.-..-. _ . . who. Alum sud Sukmbowul. " i 'hept"grf1,Tg.f.'..r.t.i.1t'.'f. an“... b. Pull u Dulnh. on Ill. l Tho Review “a Grain Grow”. each Trt-tay tttttll (‘0le 27, in.. mnde, Winnipeg, for 000 "" “u”. " 1" km. Ici' 1t.riow and the Funny Ber. . id and Weekly Stu for 1 you Through Pull-n Tonrm Sleeper: to _ The Bowl-w and Wet], Wlm Winn!" on INVO has. luvh‘l 'ttrl-...................,.......... Toronto 11 p. In. No on... “an. 11):. am" sad Woolly Sun foe Round my tickets to point. ll Mani. , who. Album 3nd Sukmhowan. Vin Chicano. St. Pnl u Dulnh. on "lei ouch Tuna-y tttttil “who! 27, i.. olulyo “low hm. l Large Quantity of 7N9. l Feeding Hay Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastrynfflour Ram Limit, Two luau. All this otqrain bought It market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Peed in ton lots. The Grand Trill PM“. Kellie! le ', The Mini and Toronto Only the “one“ end quicken route be-‘ Glob. foe tr-...."............... ween Winnipeg, Salem and Ed- "tte 30"" It»? Toronto Duly women, with excellent through eer- _ Madt and Empire" t "W...... vieetoilettirm. Train. new nulls It.? and" end Weekly Free me can". f Peer one yoer....'.............. ITfg2tlr't ttue/deg "ttlt', and Penning World l") no I" t to “on F ..................... W..." m- o E. Hemsintt, D. P. A., m ",21hl'.r,ut.?.ry..t...'..t. on.- one. G'lle'd,',',' end Guam Penn 2rt John McGowan WI. CALDER, Town Tiehet Age.“ J. ”WEIR, Station Ticket Axel” Good Line of Suits Also a fine line of Boots E? Shoes Our and good make. Come and see them CR'MPBD OATS tor Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Fre;h and aii, at “.50 oft car. See this Hay bolore purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Eve}; in. gnhnteed. If not satisfactory bring It back and get your money. C. L. GRANT We have received a Made by the W. B. Sanford people of H5- milton, one of the oldest and best manufac- tums of Clothing in the country. We ask you when in was! of a good Suit, to come and m ours. I gland Weekly Sm for 1 ya: 1 no themaelt .Tbo Radon and Weekly Wanna mI Go 1 'or 1 you.............................. l 90 on . u. 3Tb. Ruin Ind Weakly Sun [or m. p,“ "tr--vccr-...-y:-.- I 90 will bu “I. Banana Weakly Adm- t h I I orto:one)on........................ I 90 tt t ' "rho MW ad Tomato Only --IN . tMote foe 1 you....,................ 3 90 by tul 111. Bov‘aw and Toronto Duly bun _ am and Empire!!! "W...... ft 90 H d It.? and" no Woolly Fm S'szn f Pro-Or on. your.................. 1 90 I'. Th. Rum and Pinning World ugiel" ', buyout ......... 160 - ' 211.. RM“! Ind the Fun-v Ad. what a . cette, “In”... ' L'11"'cL'111" 2 so Ki 51'). Min; ad Tatum Duly I Oh!» foe I you. VII. ROI-w and Toronto Bully _ Md! and Empire” t "W...... iThe 'utkw 3nd Wail] Frees N Ijnuw and Weakly Munit- Ttte 1“va And Daily he. PM. hi 1 "te............."..........-. Clubbing Rates. Eh: ”than 8ttitt.'. Bunty "var In I more glaring wt of robollion with“! due on“ Tthe,"?, than that of Friday and turday In! in Ulster when 35,000 ritUe and 200,NO round. of unnum- tion were unloaded on the out!" o! Ulster, under the very am of the coast trturda. 375 160 Why was the alarm not given? Telexraph and tolophone vim were mad. unless, individual omeialu wore snrronndcd. and the who]. "heme carried out with a sunning worthy at a boner emu. Hundred- ot automating were randy to switch the rifles " for distribution, and the intrigue" of this crime move about in pnrliunont and glory in the troub- 10 they emu tho government. Ono story an that the rtfiets were bought in Garmny, mid for by rich Lords and Landlords, pluccd on a ship with a new “no plintod on und other runs to deceivo. On. any ad- mire their ingenuity while condemn- ing and depicting an aclion that is most likely to lead to civil 1m. The civil authorities and police bo- ing povurlou. than numb. “can“. to the army to compel reap. or to law and order. It the "my fail or refuse then Britain II in a state of nn-rchy. Then. say the Nttlonzljnti, it in time 250 195 ' nun. an] "a- "___..---'"-""-. _ we were orgonized Ind than. on! at least three fourths of Ireland. organ- ization is taking plnce, and . fUhtiatt force formed in opposition to the mod- mnn Canon and his volunteer: that may lead to the spilling ot blood and to an and of the, era of good ieeling that has been growing up. tor many years to came. Such fannticism “this gnu-running boirreg, shows, could scarcely be ex- ceoded and no Wonder Premier As- quith terms it " gravo and unprpec- dented outrage." Ho odded " The [louse any unsure themselves that the Government will take without delay, appropriate new to vindionte the authority of the luv and protect the otlioerl and "rrants ot the King in the exercise of their duties and in the enjoyment of their rights." A sort of military gcvernment has been formed in Down and Antrim, with Major General Maorendy sworn l in as President magi-tum. Vigorous proteste wore made by MI Rowan und the Liberal member: egninst what they call the jerryman- den of the proposed redistribution. The most intolerable unfairness. they cleim, comes m the chungee in the County of Brnce. which now returns three Liberal members. Under the proposed redistribution moat of the Liberals will be hived in one seat to be known on West Bruce With a Lit. enl majority,, on the been of the vote at the lnt election of 1027, In both the other Bruce seats. under the new scheme. there are Conservative me- jorities, one of T, the other of over 800 Thls Week in the Legislature This moans tint one of the Libenl members, William McDonald of Gen no Bruce, in practically to be ehmin- ated and J. G. Anderson, lecul member for South Bruce, 'uutaail of Inning a Liberal majority to mm with, will but a Uounruhvo ijor- ity of 7 to fight “Sinai. Other ohnngrs, obviously for politic- I e1 reesone. are also protected in the Grays where North and South Grey ( will be strengthened for the Conservs- l tires by transferring to them Coneerv etive townships from Centre Grey B T sel'e Conservative constituency. By re-nrrengement oi the Victories also the Government evidently hopes to save . seat which they were in danger of losing. Instead of four wings in the Siege“ Peninsula there will be tive with Monck, a Liberel constitu- ency. abolished. Of these tips two show Liberal majerities. In Essex there will be three seste instead oi two, one of these a. Liberal riding, l Strong objection is being taken to the reteneion in Toronto of the A and B arrangement of seats. No Temperance Advance Even the Conservstives themselves were surprised " the slight changes in the Liquor License Aet brought down by Hon. W. J. Henna. The Mail end Empire and seyerel Government pepere hsd predieted the elesing M, the here on Beturdsy siternoon end on ell holideys. but the some] chsnge is simply to edd Good Friday to Christine " due on which the here no to be closed, leaving them open on Seturdey efternoen end on other holidays. The other ebengee ere ones of minor importence. No reel temperenee edvsnee is nude end this, too, in spite of the proximity of I Generel Election. Gun-tanning in Ulster. NOTES Hon. Adam Book introduced hi: Bill (or Hydro Bldilll which wn cor- dillly supported by Mr Rowoll and the Oppoution. William MoDomli. Libonl mem- bor for Centre Brno. refund to the " society mobs " who would "port themselves " loom} {unallom in the new Government Bonn. hsing built on . Mile of luilh nun-“nu by tho pruont Gayornmont. nnd which will hue " be pod for by the peep]. of the Province. -Tu Anti-tresting In promised by the lender ot the pyunmont. has been given I long ham. Homlr Eton laud that out of - to Sir James Whitney" fooling: no Inch loam-“on will he onion-ind thin union Ind‘uo unnonnooment u to ,rhat course will be adopud. --Eing Georg. and Qua: Mu, were mm royully rocoivoi in Paris. Bonn “y the "homo exuded all previous similar function. APRI L M, 19M Redistribution Thu Ennphltio meetings osmo t) I close In" WlanldIy night in the Presbyterian church. They won well, minded. bin might luvs be“ . lot better. They wire planing by "ery-1 body who [send them. In good ro- sulta follow than who took their de. ciuion step Ind every». be bench“! in taking a deeper imam: in unit Master’s work. His: Mu, MoGillivny, of Elm- woml. visited Mill Tens Livingston. In; Wednesday and attended the Evangelistic meetings. use}... Glonn cGnpbeit and Lind: Teasdale. undone of Durlum school. ware at. their homes over Eula holi- days juic- Jennia McPonnld. of Lnnluh is It prawn: at he: tun“ Min Liv- ingltone's. "i/r, Alex McDonald Is laid up with tonsilnil Ind l9. grippe. Mr and Mrs Will Lamont, Bum. visited at the latter'a father's. Mr A. McDonald. over Sunday had attended the meetings. Mr Douglas Campbell left Int week for Calgary. . Mr Archie Brown bought a hue driver from D. McKeolmie. Glengt Mr George Fisher is repllcing} new saw mill in plnce of the on dos- troyed by fire, to out. the supply of logs on hind. A; Mr John Morrison of Durham visi- ted at Dr Smith‘s Monday. Melville and Russel MCKIV of Williamslord visited their Dornooh friends on Sunday. Donald Ray spent last Durham. The pulpit of the Presbyterian Ch. wan occupied by Rev ll. ll. Turner. Dominion Alliance speaker last Ban- day. bur lympatbios are with Mr. and Mrs John Vuey who-e infant daugh- tcr died last Saturday. The funeral of the late Jan. Leech, an old resident ot these parts. took place to Latona cemetery Friday. "s, The engineer of the Hydro Elect: trio Commission has asked the Reeve of Glonelg to furnish statistics " to the amount of incoming and outgoing freight ot the township of Gleneix. So we may expect the survey in the nenr future. ' Mr and Mrs Albert Kranlc arrived home alter mending the Conterenoe in Berlin. Mr Bechtel, of Winnipeg, is visiting friends in the burg. Mr and Mrs Chas. Zumaob spam last week with their daughter in Drnytog. - - . . Tii'riri,' F. Ewen spelt Monday in Owen S and. _ Miss Sadie Smobuix left for her home in Hamilton. utter mending the winter with her grandplrcnta. Mr and Mr: Peter Eckel. Mr L. Privat arrived home, mar visiting his son in Berlin. Mies'bouv Hill, at snnow Lune. is visiting her aunt, Mrs Pattison, of the “FEW“ . n A _ " " "WMFWHI Elliot,of Dayton. called on friends in the burg on Sand-y " tornoon. Miss Maggis Alexander and Ruby Campbell, "t Dorncoh. spam Friday ) afternoon with Miss Bail: Cumming. scinvsNnr-KnErm_ A quiet wedding took pine " Chatsworth on Wednesday. April 16th at 3 p. m., when Flossio Tess. daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Kruiizcamp, ot Williamsford. was united in mam-go to Mr Goo. Sohwsndt, oi Willinmsfoid. The coromony was conduoied by Rev. A, E Owen, at the Methodist church. The bride was una'Lended and was beecmingly attircd in cream silk. trimmed with shsdow lacs and seed penis and wore s but with ostrich plume. After the ceremony the young couple drove to the bridO parents'. where a dainty supper wos served. The young coup]. will to. side in Wiilismslord. Their many friends wish them - happiness and prosperity in their iournsy l through lite. 10,000 dozen Eggs Wuntrd in ex- change for Hardware or Cub. --Mr Ferguson. M. P. P., Kent, naked the governmem for the names of members, who like Mr Howard Fergulon. bed violated tho luv by " oepting employment from the Domin ion Government, but the government we" unuble to answer. ---Thsry are opening a 40-yr.. old gran In Walkenon to and. 3 doubt whether a murderer was rally in tho 'offin. The doubt is tmueil by the new of An old sexton that the hung- !Ig was badly done. tho Victim com- ing to his hum} alive, Ind he allowed him to "tmp' t I List bu been tssrdttttr and. DUBEAI. April N, 1914. Flourpuewt........ Sli0to300 oBtmeialprsrsatsk-... 240 2.50 flttrr, ovum”... llbto130 'a",,'ltiy.::r..:.' 60tn 55 an t-t...........98to100 ttnrtrurwtteat........ 98b100 Pi..........-.. 90 to100 hrlev............... " to 65 Butter................ 19to 19 1uttts......-p-.--. 19to 19 ”was perm. ...' 1.15 tat.26 HIdu.............. 1000 Beef,dreased........ 1200391300 mtmnivt,ftrjttt.-.. 360 DudepIu.;............ tD Rar,pertoet- .... 1200mm» Durham Markets. CRAWFORD WILLIAMSFORD _-----------'" DORNOCH week in W. BLACK. Ree Mr “a In Kills lot: lagt week tor TON-£010.“. " mother who in ill a proton. - __ Mr La In J. o. Darglvel spent Sunday win " pun“ here. his}: Em. immun- nod In Dun"! open the weak and with the Interl' puroms. -- -- Mr. "aim. Neal Wilton upont Suurd" with " mother vent Markdulo. Ilia-cl Lyn]: Ila-Knight. Mugs“: and Lulu: nun-my. hound " "in; R, DargFvel visit“! " Mr Geo. Buy: one city In: week, - homo. sir. And tik, Canon motored up to Dornoch on madly. Mr Ju Aiubilon. Lucknow. visited with C. B. Moffat recently. Edge Bill Sunny School will open Mt, 8rd. , Tho pnyer meeting In“ Thursday eyoning wu not " well attended u usunl but than Venom enjoyed Ber. Mr Prudhtm'l Iddmu. Mm Clara Grunwood winced over the Ink and with her list." and brother hero. Mum Ed. Pratt and L. Widmoyor lg, putting up Baker windmill. for "law J Ritchie and H.Will'.nm|. Mr. John Bum of town united Sunday with " sister. Ma. A. J. Greenwood. - “The farmers in this district. “a busy preparing the ground for seed- mg. Only a few have sown yet. bu Monhny Mr. Geo. Sznplu Ind lightning rode installed on his barn. Easter Examinncinn Paimuy B-Lauru Bartlemun. Pr. A-Dau, Maker. Wa Livingston. Jr Ut-Helen Hilliaan. th 1i--Vitra any. Jr 2ad--gottn Alexander, Reta Bailey. Sr 2nd--Albert hit-Ronald. Von Reny. Jr 3rd--tiusie Adlam, Jim Milligun. Br 8rtt--T'om Corbett, Mary Turnbull. Jr 4th-Eleie McLean, Go:- an Johnston. Br tth-Eine. Milliann I ox Lawrence. Average attendance 45 " JOHN B. “Imus, Teacher. Good Place: go to Its up to you to be one. Gray ilair In the biggest tr:aruiicap-- but its the the one you can most easnly est-p0 Hay's Hair Health restoveugmy halt to it: natural color nnd vigor. It is not a dye, it is a sonic easy and sale to use. wtlmuluting and nourishing the scalp and hair-ronu\. imparting new lite and vigor and alving that healthy natural look which In so essential to a youthful appnranve. It lemon": dandruff. -Your money will be refunded If " fella liter 5 fair tt ial. 81.00, 500. Me. Get it at our store. Bold and recommended by MacFARLANE & co., Druggists ME BARS YOU from Opportunity 't'E tddKa)hnidiiWelrbtilem rs.ttll in the newest designs, In the neatest patterns of Ctin- Linoleums and adieu and Scotch make, and a very large etock to Floor Oiicioth select from. We have 22 pieces 4 yards wide. Rugs in nicest Oriental Ihndes, having a. fine appearence, but not too costly A fine Selection of Nottinghsm Curtains in white Window curtains and earn, in the newest patterns. No. a, BENTINUK Wall Paper We have just received a tine stock of English & Scotch Tweed. and can have your measure taken, and the Suit furnished you in a. week Now is the time to have your mee- sure taken. EDGE HILL See the E. s. Gtgget---the host in the market. A large stock of Fresh Guam jut mind See our New Stock of Scotch Gingham: 32m: School Reports Departmental Store, Durham. Ont. SELECT TWEEDS Young-Looking Men Try phone No. 17 for that rush order. 1tittttest prices for hit Prod-cc Home Furnishings G. & J, MOKEGHNIE A large stock to select from, in the most approved designs, composed of English and Canadian makes. Come and have a look through. i'i'e%ieggganggggiegttRag tgaglfiNBsNlfegltilllgy.v. __ TENT: "i'x'gktiftf If you feel spiritless and out of sons-your strength impaired end your system generally feeling the need of e. tonic and breoing up-and you go to a physician for relief, it in quite likely that he will prescribe for you some one or all of the seven tonic hypophosphitu. (on Second Floor) The Down Town Shoe Store. Is made from a formula that is recognized by phy- f4, eiciano generally es valuable in overcoming general (yt nervous and body debility. It contains properties y,', needed by the blood to restore vitality, strength and ti general good health. If it does not help improve E your weight, strength and energy, the money you lil paid for it is your' for the mere asking. Price, $1.00 Dr: C. P. R. Town 06cc MacFARLANE'S Drug Store; Comes the Want of a Change in Footwear We have anticipated your wants and have open- ed during the past few weeks over One Thousand Dollars worth of new Goods, ready for you: inspec- tion. We would specially call attention to our new lines of Men’s Fine Shoes in Brandon and Astoria Brands They are beauties. Win Hosiery we can offer you something good at reasonable prices. Trunks, Vallses, Suit Cases, in stock. Custom Work and R'Tairittg as ~usunl. With the Coming of Spring 53L If You Are Run Down April 28, 1014 Eggs taken in exchange for Goods Tonic Solution of Hypophosphites TORONTO m but yet roomy having been made on easy fitting Into. The Rexall Store In great profusion, in Work- A fin"e selection of LMiW Pumps Sold only at IgrMiggllirlglMllfillgllglX a APR-I I, 30, 1914 J. S. MclLRAlTH Buy your tickets here Durham ‘w .. I _ . 1' _ l “a mu drwrafst tor 'Ar tr. I? be memo; amply . ‘L lb. Plliv.% In" pt no '. ox. In an “an? hr mm. ‘ ia"ia bod-amid. t “we. my, a”. and dimtlnnu tr" 'xlun‘dn Mummuu'rrn m N mun-Lu... W _ tor tannin hr Vet-In and Disease - In stables, poultry _ etc., that M" cost hit a tew Cents. may people are anxious " this scum to know the Hen it is: Mqua! parts , ote_iublitnatettnd Sud!" Mid: (“solved in one "In; " W tutor. When dissc/ve add Irate! to link. 25 3:11an Born envy nook and an A we": leavefortwodays um. t v a thorough coat of whitnmd Best Exterminator The correct prop gladly be supplied t PREEVILLIE. THE QL'ALIH PHARMACV 4 PRIC APRIL 80, 1914 You get I bi work. The Food sour; i gull" taste turm sick- IIT,?.',',','."'? able“. T digestive on --Ail Dealer THE CITY Luge shipnanh a " the great damn II 6rst on“ 'reslt Headquarters for W501 The beauty FRESH k Every Woman You id The Chi-Letizia “prion!“ rod 1iatN. Because an ot “PM! i2rai,T.i.E Tza of luv OI Ln.“ I Jon who: LIT! ii oo, H um um: "

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