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Durham Review (1897), 7 May 1914, p. 1

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1 J 3€ 3€ OALSTEIN Na B 1914 irch hrough Central i0 more oes any | graduâ€" ‘v ecnter ticulars col.pg_. 1y cream, o market a free to 1 express month, Receive test each palromae a AND sible reh .SON ipal Licenses rough aC P Cans Past%p?‘ 11 M ed on nptly at 11 Ont JX MA <gr © |.on Read MeceliraMWs ad. on page 4, Somelhing of inter®s§ to every man. Fred A, Lewis, plano®®tuner, expects to 1 Durham about the middle of w bre te W al M Ha oz ro PRIGENÂ¥EA®.â€"Mr Peter Meâ€" thur, formwerly of Priceville, who ont West to High River, Alta., last 1, will return to Priceville and reâ€" en a gweneral store business ; «e tei He referred to manure being {t uncovered, the garbage on the river ink, etc, etc. _ Rev. Mr. Prudham in s sermon Sunday evening also referâ€" ‘ed to the disgrace of our unsightly and nhealthy river bank in the centre of the town, where the Saugeen might be transformed into a thing of beauty. Let every citizen see to it that no unsaniâ€" tary conditions or lack of tidiness may be (ound on their own property. what W.Â¥Black can do for you in )il Stoves, Â¥ishing Tackle, Rubber Lawn Mow&s, Wire fencing, etc, indred rubbersfor Seed Drills at ch. 40,000 doz eggs wanted eck in exchange fogoods or cash. HaANM J Nsiom Leagts,â€"The Anâ€" EntertaiiXxpent of the Junior e will tak& place on Thursday, th, at 8 p. m.\iq the Methodist h. Doors open*7.40 p. m, Ad. n, silver collection. . A good u», a profitable time, a pleasant ng, Do not miss it, _ â€" Y ouso Lier® Carr®».â€"The symâ€" ( the cormmmunity goes out to | Mrs David Adlam, Vickers, in \ of their infant daughter, i(irace, meningitis being the "he was scareely a month old sid to rest Saturday. \! meeting of the Durham men‘s Tnstitate will be : home of Mrs. Thos. Mcâ€" n Thursday May 7, at 2,30 p m. vr the coming year will be | and several papers will be All ladies are welcome. 1 C. Suirn & Soxs, The Ford Garage. re prepared to supply a limited rof customers with ice for the e morths, â€" Prices and delivery ication, Phone 58. F J wersu inual telephone picnie given by righam, will be held in his grove i Park on Monday, May 25. ty welcome. Ladies will kindâ€" lunch baskets. VOL. D. â€" Wyoâ€"yearâ€"old bay mare aw whit@gtrip in face. Finder s«ment of Bentinek Tp. is The population is 2500 or iess thaw in 1913. wexitl [ Dunlop Rqbber heels given men‘s fine W%hoes at Mellâ€" ce his ad. on paÂ¥ge 4. r Hireg,â€"ReasonÂ¥le terms Wa, BRQqwn, R. R. Nm1, Priceville. ‘s.â€"A week frommSundsy a ring service will be*held in st church in honor of the tion was called on Monday »ck of wild ducks, passing irdly over the town. A thinks he might have fared he been prepared to bag 4 of fish, as besides the PriuDpimam To â€"SraÂ¥y. â€" The Circuit Board meeting, Durâ€" on, was held on Tuesday and tisfactory from every point /nder Rev. Mr Prudham‘s the church has prospered, so ler they have invited him to ther vear. JThe community he new seats which are on They are of the modern Day.â€"For some years, undJay in May has been deâ€" churches to the honoring od, one of the purest and ts of our humanity. At ice at the Methodist church cxt, Rev. Mr Prudham will ic " Our Mothers,‘ in the l1 be " Our Homes." K Wil t day Day 1 refblce twice that the inâ€" been given and that it has geese, rabbits and Bownaxâ€"StRATroN | A quiet wedding was solemaized in Centenary church, Hamilton, on Wed-‘ nesday afternoon, April 20, when Miss: Vera Clark, only daughter of Mrs‘ Margaret Stratton and the late S. J. Stratten, was married to Mr Howard Hesse Bowman, Owen Sound, only son of Mr C. M. Bowman, M. L. A., of Southampton. Rev, George H. Wil-‘ liams of Centenary church, officiated, The bride was given away by her brother, Mr R. L. Stratton, of Owen Sound, and looked charming in a gown of white charmeuse, with long train, tunic and bodice of silk Chantilly lace. BShe wore a yveil of white tulle with corâ€" onet of orange blossoms and carried an exquisite shower bouquet of lily of the valley and orchids. Shealso wore the groom‘s gift, a diamond ring, set in platinum. During the signing of the register, Mrs Will Love, cousin of the bride, sang Because, and Mr W .H. Hewlett presided at the organ. After the ceremeny a reception was held at "tbe bride‘s home, where the happy couple received the hearty congratuâ€" lations of relatives and immediate friends. Mr and Mis Bowman left on the 6.08 p. m. train for points east, the bride vrayelling in a black and white check suit, with black and green hat to mateh. On their return Mr and Mris Bowmanwill reside in Owen Sound.â€"â€" [The groom in above stery is brother to Mrs (Dr.) D. B. Jamieson.| & DURAAM SCHOOL REPORT /Form IIIâ€"Madeline Murray, Murâ€" ray Findlay, Alix Edge, May McGowâ€" an, Wilfrid Barbour. Names of pupils in Form 2 who pasâ€" sed the test examination for Lower Sehool Examination â€" Edith Edge, ‘honors) Reta Roberts (honors) Rusâ€" sel Eceles, (honors) Mary Findlay, (honors) Mary _ Msliraith, (homors) Howard McDougal!, (bhonors) Gertie MoCuaig, Janet Marshall, Florence Kerr, Elia Bubeor, Lucy McKelvie, Marion Marshal}, Ella Carson, Grace Petty. Neila â€" Marshall. Lysla Mcâ€" Knight, Lavina Mortiey, Jean Aldâ€" eorv, Ian Campbell. Form Iâ€"Glenna Campbell, hinda Teasdale, Katie Korr, Katie Ritchie, Mabel Beaton. Pusiic Rcgoor DPraRTMXENT Sr 4thâ€"Cameroa Wakefield, Anna Olilf, Rdith. Hughes, Edie ifcKenzie, Mary MeMillan. Jr 4thâ€"Steila McCrae, ( Girr, Jemima Lawrence, I ing, Myrtle Koch, Sr 3rdâ€"S8 McAuliffe, F Lawrence, 8 Abraham, F Burnett, 8 Smith and L Chapman eq, e Jr'Srdâ€"-B-SnelI. M Holimes, O And erson, W Koch, 8 Pettigrew. St 2ndâ€"W Abraham, M McPhee, M McGirr, M MeKechnaie, A Grabam C Gordon, Ji 2ndâ€"W Thompson, W Collinson, R Burnett, 8 Russell, W Traynor, W Falkingbam. Sr ln-K"Cn'rin McGirr, Ada Allan Myrtle Orr, Esther MeComb and Don ald Graham, eq. Ettie Leyine, Jr Istâ€"D Mclones, George Watt, Mary Saunders, Kathieen â€"Hughes, Mabel Crotehley. Primary Div., Sr classâ€"C McRae, 8 Levine, A. Hewitt, F. Hopkins & M McDonald eq., E. Bean. UNDER and by yirtue of the powers contained in a cert}inmortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, lther. will be offered for sale by public uction by Dugald McePhail at Hahan‘s BHotel in the Bown Durh»Tn on the ‘28th day of May i. D. 1914, at the 'houl of two o‘clock the afternoon, the following proper(@,â€" ; Plimaryâ€"VRuth Jacob, _ Margaret Yirrs, F Kress and M Brown, Eula Burpett, Emily Smith, ALL AND SIN@ULAR those cerâ€" tain pareels or trac of land and premises sitnate, lyin and being in the Township of Glene in the Counâ€" ty of Grey, con ining admeasureâ€" ment one bund:H and Nifty, acres be the same more or less ; bÂ¥ing composâ€" ed of lots uumbers twentwWfour, twenâ€" tyâ€"nine and thirty, in the\ figst Conâ€" cession south of the Duarkkn Road in the said Township _ of GlendAg, except portions sold to Railway ompany. p\ll ERCTTC ETTITC 17 W P t E The property will be sold s bject to a reserye bid. For"terms and conditions abply to J. P. Telford, Vendor‘s Solieitor. * Dated May 6th, A. D. 1914 D. MePuaiL, J. P. Terrorp _ Auctioneer Veudors Solicitor ~_ SrANDARD & 19 Hicu Scrooum DEPARTMENT BANK OoF €ANADA aghD OFFilcre MORTGAGE SALE For Fine Commercial or anoy kind of Job Printing give the REVIEW a Trial Hymeneal DURHAM BRANCH, he Aurham arence Mc Ina Brown Town Council after four hours disousâ€" sion just where they were in regard to Health Officer. Couldn‘t Agree With M. H. O. Hanging fire since January session, the Council at their meeting Monday night made a strenuous effort to close the appointment of a Medical Health Officer, but.despite the presence and explanations of District Health Officer Dr McNaily of Palmerston, mo satisâ€" tactory agreement was made with Dr. Hutton, the M, H. O, in previous years, during an almost fourâ€"hours wrangle. With the exception of CGouncillor Saunders all the members were presâ€" ent, _A number of small accounts amounting to $176 were passed in the opening minutes and abcut 8.30 Dr. McNally was calied upon to addresas the Council re the appointment of M. H. 0. _ It was 12.30 before this quesâ€" tion was dropped and 1245 when dispersion took place, Dr. McNally explained in some deâ€" tail the functions of a Medical Health (OiBcer under the new act : that the Prov, Bd of Health had urged him to have an appointment made at once, and that failing to reach an agreeâ€" ment with Dr Hutton, the Prov, Dept. would be forced to appoint the officer. Reeve Calder stated the reason fcr delay was that Dr Hutton had demanâ€" $100 per annum for his seryices and the Council were unanimous in belieyâ€" ing it, in yiew of what he had done in the past, to be too high a figure. . $75 had been offered but refused. _ Mr. Calder claimed that the M. K. 0. had done practically nothing last year yet drew his $75 which ne had then agreed to. If at the end of this year he had performed a reasonz ble amount of the increased duties required by the new Act. he was assured the Council would next year deem it time to grant the $100 ansually. C Failing to solye the question Dr. Hutton who was returning on the late C. P. R. train was sent for on arâ€" riyal and imvited to clear the muddle. He stated his proposition was before the Council and had nothing to add to it. _ He reproached the members for mot previously haying dealt with it. A spirited discussion followed in which the Reeve and several of the Council locked bhoras with Drs,. Hutâ€" ton and McNally, The law states that when an apâ€" pointment is made, the officer autoâ€" matically continues in office from year to year, unless good cause ean be proâ€" duced for his removyal, which must be with the approval of the Dept. Dr. McNally assured the members that the Pept. bad not interfered to the best of his knowledge, when a change of ofâ€" ficer was desired. To bring the matter to a point, Conncillor Wolte moved, sevonded by Coun,. Lloyd, that Dr. Hutton be appointed M. H. O. at the‘ rate of $100 per year for the balance of the year 1914," Dr. McNally pointâ€" ed out that under the motion, Pr. Hutton would not automatically sueâ€" ceed to this office next year. Dr. Hutâ€" ton also aflirmed this statement and refused to accept, were the motion carried. If it was amended, he staled by omitting the last phrase, he would accept, thus receiving twoâ€"thirds of the $100 for 1914 and the full amount automatically afterwards, The Coun. cil sanetioned no change and unani. mously passed the motion in its originâ€" Eal form, On the Dr.‘s refusal, no proâ€" gress had been made and the Reeye ,statcd he should now lay no claim whatever to the oftice, * I regret the |\ Councii could not arrange the appointâ€" ment* said Dr. McNally, ‘"aod I shall reluetantly haye to report to the Dept. who will name the officer and award his salary." The Collectors‘ Roll was extended finâ€" ally for another monthâ€"to June ist, when all unpaid taxes must be settled. A grant of $75 was given the Band, but the Council could not see their way clear fAnancially to erect a band stand at present. as the deputation requested, Permission was given the Bell Tel, (o, to erect poles on Lambton 8t., west of the station. A grant ef $225 was also passed to meet Library obliâ€" gations to date. J\ "household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages. It shows the balance on hand, the amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does not require a large EEPNG a bank account for With whish ts imoorporated the HolstÂ¥in Lender Mars. Haccart | Nrs, John Haggart, sister of Mr. Rebs Cochrane of this town, died in’ Brampton, on 80th April, at the good | old age of 82 years, Two of her four | children survive, both ef Br'mpton.! the daughter being Mrs. Shields, It! will be remembered that Adam Cochâ€"| rane was married to Miss Grace Hagâ€" gart, now both deceased, omm townsâ€"‘ man being the lass of that leyel in the | two families, whose neighborship and intimacy run back fer three or four generations in Canada and Scotland. . Jimrs CaARSON “ The town heard with sadness } Saturday last that James Carson «mas Mo‘k died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Cameren of Saskatoon, taits® He was approaching the fourâ€" seere year and has had on the whele a beautilul old age. UuV Mr. Carson bulked largely in the histery of Durham, â€" For many years be did useful work on the School Bd, and for many years was constable of the town in which positien he fearâ€" lessly endeavored to do his duty, though it made him eccasional enemâ€" ies. However few or no men could keep emmity to the genial "Jim Oarâ€" son" who was of a sympathetic temâ€" perament and beneyolent in disposi» tion.. _‘ These latter qualittes were shown in the interesst he took in neâ€" glected children, and hbe acted for years as the local agent for the Childâ€" ren‘s Aid Society of Owen Sound. He held a County Constableship also for about 40 years and was a bailiff for most of the time. He did considerable austioneer work also, Refore coming to Durham he resided for some time in Hanoyer and preyious to that was on a farm six miles this side of Owen Sound. He was a deyoted member of the Methodiss church and being musically inclined sang in the ehoirfor a long time. â€"His affection for Durham was yery strong and his several return visits here were groat delights to him. It is no doubt in keeping with his wish that his remains are being brought home. M His family econsisted of 3 sons and 3 daughters, His wife predeceased him some eight years ago. His sons are Dr, John and Geor of Vancouver. Thomas, a (rn.vc-l"in ihe west. Daughters are Alice, Mrs Wim,. Hopâ€" kins, May, Mrs GCamerormt, both of Saskatoon and Sadie, Mrs Arthuar Belâ€" frey, of Victoria, B. C. The remains arrived in town by the noon train Wednesday, and were acâ€" eompanied by his son Thomas and his daughter Mrs Cameron. _ The casket was taken to the church he delighted to worship in where. about 2 p. m., a goodly number of old friends of the deceased and of the family had gatherâ€" ed, The casket was covered with beautâ€" ifal fioral offerings. Mr H. H. Milier, an oid and true} friend of deceased. attended the obseâ€" quies, accompanied by Banker Adams \ Rev. Mr Prudbam conducted approâ€" priate services at house and grave. ‘ WirLiR CoLLINSON We wrote of little Willie Collinson last week as being near to death. Even as our issue was being run off, the grim messenger came, Wednesday afternoon, 29th April, 1914. For a week orten days he made a gallant struggle for life, but though operated upon successfully and under careful nursing, death claimâ€" ed him for its own and the home of his parents was deprived of the light and joy which for seven and a half years surrounded the presence of their only son. He was a bright lad, unusually active and loved by his playmates. His ;parcntl. Mr and Mrs Wm. Collinson have the sympathy of all in their sore &berelvement. Three young daughters remain to comfort their parents. Ec p »ecspesleaeve afe sels cele caacefe® clavelaelo" clatala ala"o vhobs ol ee o "eleCcloOul ecelSoli el THURSDAY, MAY 7. 1914 D«I«+A«M°0sN#D We are HEADQUARTERS for all kinds of heavy Feed and have in stock Corn, Wheat Barley and Rye at close prices. We want your Grain andâ€"will pay the highest market price. _ We are paying 40¢ for Good Feeding Oats. Bring ‘em along. _ The Roll: Call, of this noted Flour. IS THE FLOUR thhat made London famous, and we have added this celebrated Brand to our stock. A trial Bag will convince you of the popularity Baled Hay and Baled Straw Custom Chopping and Oat Crushing ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 1 Es CarsoNn } te; ard with sadness }\ , hat James Carson aas | \ ‘ d at the home of his| * Cameren of Saskatoon, \ ] had heve o ie ' approaching the fourâ€" t hea‘Wak an tha nh.lnl f Durham Fred : J. Welsh i Miss Annie Glark returned home afâ€" | ter spending the winter in Toronto. \ Mr. Percy Bryan left on Monday | reorning for Kincardine. \ Mrg. Findlay Graham returned to | ontreal on Monday, Mrs, Calder acâ€" mpanying her as far as Teronto. Mr Geo. Catton visited in Mt Forest *'uesday. Mrs David Hircks and Mrs Vona!0 Stewart, of Priceville, spent the week end at Mt Neil McCannel‘s. Mr and Mrs Morlock attended the funeral in Brampton Saturday, May 2nd, of Mrs Morlock‘s aunt, Mrs Jno. Haggart Mrs. Gordon Ross and two children of Lehtbridge, Alta and also Miss Jenâ€" nie Little of North Mornington, are visiâ€" ting Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Morrisen. {f Bnd classes here last year, is at resent visiting at Rev Mr. Hartley‘s. Miss Islay Campbell returned home Thursday last from an extended visit with friends and relatives in Toromto. i MARRIED. | Wrirsâ€"Wi11rsonxnâ€"On Wednesday, 20 | _ April, 1914, at the home of her parâ€" | _ ents, by Rev. W. W. Wrlie, Mr | John wells to Miss Mamie Wilson, \ _ alt of Durham. | McPuairâ€"BROwXâ€"At the Methodist ! parsonage, Durham, on Wednesday, Mr. Jas. Burt left on Tuesday to teturn ftor the summer to his nephews‘ at Bagot, Man, after spending the winter in his old town. ie Mr. Fred and Miss Maggie Torry visited with Walkerton friends eyer the week end. weasmmad Mr and Mrs. John W. Vessie visited the formers mother at the Rocky on Sunday. Nrs Davis and friend, Mrs, Wright and child, both ef ;Toronto, are visitâ€" ing the former‘s mother, Mrs. McFarâ€" lane of Bunessan who still keeps very ill, Mr and Mrs Geo. Black, ‘of Swinton Park, visited at Mr Matt. Campbell‘s, Bentinck, on Sunday and also ealled on Mr Jno. McQueen. Mr Robs. Seost left Tuesday for Lisâ€" towel where ke will spead a month or two training his horses, Mr. J M. Matthews of Holstein visiâ€" ed his parents in town Tuesday. Miss Rhoda Niven, Toronto, teacher CLaARKâ€"In Durbham, on Sunday, May 8rd, to Mr. and Mrs Walter Clark, a daughter. 20 April, I914, by Rev. W. W, Prudâ€" bam, bir Neil McPhail, Glenelg, to Miss Mary Alice Brown, of Glenelg, DIEVO Hacgcart.â€"In Brompton, April 30th, 1914, Mrs Jas, Haggart, age 82 yre, McDoxnaLoâ€"In Walkerton, on Sunday, May 3, Mrs Neil McDonald, aunt of Mrs N. MeCannel and a former Benâ€" tinck resident, aged over 80 years. WELLSâ€" W 1 LSON ... sn On Wednesday, 20th April last, a quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of ‘the bride‘s parents, Mr and Mrs Thos, Wilson, the contracting parties being Mr John Wells and ? Mamie Wilson, both of Durkam, Rey W, W,. Wylie officiated, this being his @rst wedding since coming to lown. The young couple were unattended and the bride was given away by ber father, The bride was married in blue sheen silk and her going away dress was of navy blue. They left for a week or ten days‘ honeymeon trip, after which they will reside in Darâ€" ham. The Review and many fmends extend many good wishes, s Hymeneal BORN and Mrs Donald In Durham, Mour acres of land, good barn and orch&@, frame house with ceâ€" ment cellar, h and soft water conâ€" venient. Apply} No *4 BRICK HOUSE khd # acre land on George St. Comfort@ble, all convenâ€" iences. Fruittrees, berries, etc., etc. Good 6table. Desirable location. Apply at Reyiew Orrice COLLECTIONS Having 370 Branches throughout Canada and th« wommmmmmmmemmemsmmmmemmumesmem \osl |nlios, t11is 1011 Yosscsscl unrivalled facilitic for handling collections with economy and despatch, LONDON, Ena., OFFice, NEW YORK AGENCY, BANK BLDGS., PRINCE® STREET, €.C. con. Wiluam & croar etacets The season for seeding is near, _ Every farmer has to buy seed more or less. It will pay you to buy the best. We have it. o Important Notice ! Five Roses Flour Ontario Bran Pine Tree Flour Western Bran Milverton Jewel Shorts McGowan‘s Eclipse _ Feed Flour Chesley Good Luck _ Corn Chop Bring us your Butter and Egg MRS. A. BEGGS & SON THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA New PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING ALERT JUVENILE CLOTHING 8. F. MORLOCK We indulge in absolutely no exaggeration when we say that in these lines you will see Clothing values that haye never been excelled in Durham. The smart distinctive styles, the upâ€"toâ€"date exclusive materials, the perfect fit and the splenâ€" did quality of tailoring shown in these goods can hardly fail to elieit your admiration and your order. _ See them. Make a point of it. Progress Brard Qlothing amnd Alert Juvenile Olothing have a tremendously strong reputation . Every customer "who has tried tnem usually comes back again, as the Linings, Fit and Style are superior to the ordinery run of Clothing. We have a splendid assortment in Black and Navy Worsted, also Tweed Suits. During this month we are going to give a splendid Safety Razor with every Suit from $4.00 up. RENNIE‘S NO. 1 CLOVER SE RENNIE‘S NO. 1 TIMOTHY S Fok.Sale Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds Total Assets â€" i DURHAM ERANCH : S. HUGHES, Manager, Or iss Dorotuy Burxs for Men and Young- Men, and INCORPORATED 1869 PubMithod Woekly «t $1.00 1 vesh _ C. RAMAGE & 30N.Pusussarns Egremont Créamery will take cream delivered at Bx s office, Durham. We furnish cans\gnd pay expenses. The old reliable C ery has been in operation 28 years, XWrite for eans toâ€" day. D. Allian, W.J. Sharp,\D. W . Cameron Pres, Sec, â€"Pre Manager Bs Wa nt Créamery at Bxpress . sh cans \‘nd $11,560,000 13,575,000 180,000,000 We want;them. m wantOd PHONE 50 €og | a

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