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Durham Review (1897), 7 May 1914, p. 7

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_ - _ " UIURE Folks Unending H aimed ' VOI' [an Jeri ersty .l the pro- “M while yup OI hum- od . the wed md am ho sua Mr ro n. Mr an .ut ks tr " l r. ""1!II:1‘ story has been toldat “numb, Alberta. In the village of “va2. four miles “It of " path. live a couple "riintr them- zalx 'm Lord and Lady Houston, who 3N will to belong to the English nuld'lty. Lord Mom-ton works a " fa rm laimrer. and his wife teaches $11001 in a way which In. endeared ham to all who come in com with her. Lord Houston 51y: he lost his fortune through investmems in Transvaal mining stocks; then came to Canada, where he hopes, some day, to make outtieiertt may on I term to enable hi: to Robin the family estate, now cued by a with: meld-tat of In“. d NEWS ll M ltt'uh Irom Province. When- an) Onlnriu Boys and Glrls Are "Making Good." M .. m- Hat will build 10 miles . ' r. l; "allo, HM year, costing ll Hijl’HLFV ONTARIO AND BRI. IISII COLUMBIA. M \t " M n Il Mr, c'. n. Human PIG-Mam. Nght Flour mun. Lit: Director. " of ammo; Director. Cum "ctttc Railway. I. the Prefrrred Stock of Sir H. Hunt-{u Allan, - Prsideevt Mamm- Bank td CM. tutu-unturned”. Iron-hum.” h. J. Y0CyGr, AND COMPANY, " 179 Bt. J Montreal, Cum. Mr. Johei A. Gun, ol r. C. B. Gordon. Pr-Mom. Do- minion Term. Co, Led: Director. Bank of Nomad. NATIONAL SECURITIES ODRPOBATIGN, LIMITED, cournnnngnon mm: Immune - Talon-1'0. our. il' m INVEST YOUR MONEY and rubber company. capi- n N.000,poo, will soon on”. Ivm-n. of $50,000. and the br. asked to pay half of it. King Edward Hospital, at w, thcre are more advanced ranch south of Magrath, . H. McIntyre will build ' dwelling house, which. it will be the finest ranch southern Alberta. ‘hristian Htsrdintr, of Fort ll. will leave At'habaska 4vllh as won as navigation " slu' wants to see the i‘hlllk)3 discovered by Site- .kumis. Sask.. seven car- Ontario horses have so far x-iud this season. "Innipeg General Hospital their, of 350.000. and the treet lift w , !l wrvice " the north wrk a tremendoua dis- ‘ukr. river and Bea. Ml. Alta., the imposing tl chapel is almost com- ':ac. ttrest, 8N,000, and the win will be held in in- mm the church clear t'l Pry particular, that be- f rule of the church. g retail merchants have against advertising in i 'strllge programme buy- _ 'r!' liming to indiscrimi- Il). In future all such 1% must pass the censor- ttve of the Winnipeg Re.. tirtys' Association. C, Fire Commissioner has made some strong " recent tirets in Winni- v- lkcembor l but, he Macs have been nearly which, considering pre- dixions and tho praotioal the high water pronoun fire, calls lot immediate Manitoba school teachers' :1. held in Winnipeg, it " that out of 83,000 chil- uling :rlmols in Mlnitoba, ”(Lad ringle room cuuntry half yearly since the Securities of thls Corporation won Elston! on the man-kn IO years Wi Business "um-nod " vans. Investment mu) be wit drawn in part or whole nnv time after one yeah "r2 u a manta". Fun Dal" mums And booklet nl-dly urnhhed on request. q water mains are suffer- ; from electrolysis, said to by imperftct bonding of reel car rails. vrs and contractors of ro- disputing as to wages. r want 55 cents an hour, wn-zractors only want to tbe 'Ive K firm of Calgary went wi lmoks and discovered z-h rrsulteel in the city MI $13,500 from a cow. _ uhich had been over- result of an error in h tic than of high-priced q carried on in Winni- simed. THIS INVESTMENT Illf MIDDLE WES] rculusis than ever be no rr the erection of an W telephone exchange been let at. Prince Gordon. Pr-Idont. Do- I Hon. mu: manna. Director. rule Co. Ltd.; wrench} Sun Lu. Mont-nee Ce.. Din-actor. Ionunl. ' and Trunk Puma Runny. Mr, R. J. Young-s. or R. J. You- and Company. HAS PAID 7% PER ANNUM a $175,000 factory I MODEL MINES. Some are born luéky. others ac- quire Iuck and still others just blun- der into it. Don't sleep on your left side, for it cause: too great a pressure on tho heart. Doit sleep on your right side, tor it interferes with the rear piration uf that, lung. Don't sleep on your stomach. for that interferes with the respiration of both lungs and makes breathing ditheult. Don't sleep on your back. for this method of getting rest is bad for she ner- vous system. Don't sleep sitting on a. chair, for your body falls into an unnatural position, and you cannot get the necessary relaxation. Don't sleep standing up, for you my top- ple over and crack your skull. Don't sleep. “0f cartse; but not the luxu- ries" "be you think a man could pro- cure all the necessities of We on 31,899 a year? _ _ _ "Why don't you marry, old chap?” __ _ .. General. Tho fortress of San Juan de mun. at Vera Cruz, notorious for centuries as perhaps the fonleat pri- son on the American continent, has been ordered by Rear-Admiral FINA-her to be coenpletely vacated - "‘JWell. I haven't decided yet whe- thor a wife is u necessity or n lux- The Mayor of Maisonneuve, Que., will compel the street, railway com- pany to give a continuous service ,and refrain trom turning cars into l the barn before reaching the and of the route by ordering the arrest of in” car crows who offend. immediately The Court of Customs Appeals in New York denied the free entry of wood pulp from Canada.. Two sufrragettes disguised as Sis- ters of Charity raided the Prince of Wales' rooms at Oxford on Monday, the first day of the new term, but his Royal Highness was not in resi- dence, having gone on a. cruise on the battleship Collingwood with his brother, The building trade employes of London, Eng., have rejected the terms of settlement offered by the masters by a vow of 23,000 to 2,000, though 20.000 people, mainly non- combatants, have been long on the verge of starvation. Great Britain. The House of Lords Committee calla] Lord Murray's dealings in Marconi shares "errors of judg- ment." Mrs. Harriet Shunn. of London, Out., received word through a firm of old cnuntry lawyers that she is a joint heir to an estate in Ireland that is valued at 8ll,o00,000. Mrs. Shunn, who is about fifty years old, with her husband, has been a. resi- dent of London most of her life. They are in o,rntortable circum- StanCi‘S. Judge Curbortnoau has reversed the finding of the Montreal License Board, which cut off the licenses of five casbtsrets, following may pm- tcsta on behalf of citizens and churches. The trustees uf Queen's Univer- sity expressed their approbation of the offer of Major It. W. Leonard for a military residence, and ap- pointed a committee to confer with him regarding details. Canada. Galvt, Board of Trade in a. one-day whirlwind campaign added two hun- dred and fifty names to its member ship roll. Captain R. G. Kendall, comman- der of the Canadian Pacific liner Ruthenia, has been appointed cap- tain of the Empress of Ireland. Nearly a hundred brides-to-be came to Canada by the Glasgow steamer Saturday, which docked at Montreal on Wednesday. Canada. the Emplre and the World In General Below Your Eyes. IHE NEWS IN A Mlaln "APP ,NINHS FROM ALL OYEB “ll-J GLOBE IN A NUTSIIELL Mr. Joh. chorzow. omen». Sun LII. Aunt-ac. Co. Even These In Mind. Still in Doubt. 179 tit. Juan Street, rnited Mates. l, of Countess Trepolo is on trial in Rome, charged with the murder of Captain Oggiore, her husband's orderly. dost successful business men in Canada. The names of these men insure permanence and good mn- agement. It pay: to follow good laden. It seldom happens that private investors are given the opportunity of securing stock in such attractive enterprises as Model Dairies, Limi, ted, Montreal, advertised in this issue. Largo dairy companies in all the large cities of North Amor- ica are paying handsome dividends to their shareholders every year. Model Dairies has been organized by a. number .M.tht keonest and $8.25 to $8.50; good at 87.76 to $8; fair at $6.75 to 87.25. The lower grade.- sold from " to " and butchers' cows from 35.50 to $7.50. and bulls from " to 87.25 per cwt. Selected lots of hogs, 89.75 per ch. weighed oft cars. Spring lambs. " to " each. as to else and quality. Yesrllng lambs, $8 to 89, and old sheep at " to " per cwt. Calves gold from " to $10 each, as to also and quality. - ttr.gfto " f.o.b. Cauverr---G'ood veal, 88.75 to 810.25; common, “.76 to " Sheep and 1tsmbrr--tiqht "val. 86.50 to $7; Spring lambs, " to 810; lambs. yearlings. " to 39.75: but with 750 per head daducted for all the buck lambs. Hotrse-i.90 to $9, fed and watered; ”.20 to $9.25. " can; $8.60 to 88.65 Toronto, May 6.--Cattle--Choiee but- ehers', 87.75 to $8.25; good medium, $7.40 to 87.60; common cows. " to $5.25; manners and cutters. $3.60 to $1; choice fat cowg, ’6._60 to $7.30. Stacker! and' feetterm---gteerl,, 800 to 000 lbs., $7.25 to $7.60: good. 700 to 800 Ibt, J7 to 315]); litr.ttt, as_.gs to " __ Duluth. May 6.--Linseed, cash. llc",; July, 81.56; May, ”.54. Wheat-- o. 1 hard. 9393c; No. 1 Northern, Mee; No. 2 Northern. 9020; July, 9230. Minneapolis. May 5. 'Wheat-May, 8950: July, Bible: No. 1 hard, 94m- to Mic; No. 1 Northern, ml to Mic; No. 2 Northern. 393 to 91in Corn-No. , yel- low, " to 83k. oatte-No. 8 white. Mt to 3630._ Fleur 9nd bran unchanged. Villa!” in"... Winnipem May 6.-Cash--wheat-- No. 1 Northern, 9010; No. 2 Northern, 881C No. 3 Northern, 87c: No. 4, Mic; No. lr, 78c; No. 6, 73c; feed; 68c; No. l rejected seeds, 86Itr; No. 1 rejected seeds. Mic: No. 2 rejected seeds, sue; No. 1 smutty. hour: No. 2 smutty. 84iv; No. 3 smutty. sue; No. 1 red Winter. 91v; No. 2 red Winter. MWr. No. , red Winter 87h“ oats-No. 2 C Trc, 35.0. Barley-No. 3, 4510: No. 4, Mic: re- kcted. 42k; reed, Mic. INatx--No. l l .-W.C.. 81.332; No. 2 CW., $1.30t; No. 3 CW., $1.22}. ..Bauron--Lontr clear. 15 to We per Ib., In case lots. Htxrns---Medium, is to 18k; do., heavy. 17 to 180: rolls, 16 to luc; grams“ bacon, 18 to 19c; backs, " to .. c. t: Wholesale seed merchants are selllnx redraw-(l seeds to the trade, on the 100- 1b. ttanis:---) clover. No. l, 319 to $81; do,, No. 2. $17.50 to $18.50; alslke. No. l, $20.50 to 821; do., No. 2. $17 to 818; Timothy, No. l, $8.60 to t9.60; do., No. 2, $7.26 to $7.50; alfalfa. No. 1, $14 to $15; do., No. 2. $13 to $18.60. laartr-Tierees, 12ic; tubs. 13c; path luc, -e Potktoes--Deuimsrkeuce quoted at " on track, here. Honey-Extracted, In tins, lol to lie per lb. for No. 1; combs, " to ".25 per dozen for tro. l, 9nd $2.ttor tro. 2. - "Pouttry "owi, if to 186 per ltr.; chickens. " to 20c; ducks, " to 18e; segue. " to le, turkeys. " to Mc. 7 New Complication in the nexicatt Situation Which nay Prove to be Serious . A dumb from Wuhiugton aye: Another complication, which my turn out tokse serious" ' 'arg in the Mexican hindidn; "Con- atitutiond'mtc at Tampu'oo hum bed upon an American memhaattersatr flying tho Cuban flag and have wounded her helmman. A bulletin given out at the Navy Department said that Admiral Mayo reported that the Ward Liner Antilla, flying the Cuban flag, was stopped by the Constitutionalists while she was passing up the river to the city, and was forced to anchor in the vicinity of Arbul Grunde. oat-No. 2 Ontario outs, 89k to we. outside, and at 42c, on track, Toronto. Western Canada outs, 4te for No. 2, and at NC tor No. 3, Bay ports. Pearr-tloc, outside. Harley-Good multlng barley, " tr 580. according to quality. "ye-No. 2 at 63 to 640. outside. Buckwheat-Moc, outside.' ' ' Corn-No. 3 American, Tuc, all rm, Toronto. Butter-Choice dairy. 19 to 20e; In- ferior. 16 to 170; farmers' separator prints, 22 to Me; Creamery prints, fresh. " to Mc; do., storage prints, " to 24c; solids, storatte, 22 to Me. _ Ktrtpr---g1 to 2gts per dozen. in case ctii--New'eheeie, In to 150 for Itstgre. and_15 t_o 1Atc_to,r_trrlna. U -- Ertis---'gt " lots. "iiuriir--rsud-pietai. 82.15 to $2.20 Petr bushel;_x_rrin_xes,_82.10 lo, 32.15. __ Urari-LManitoha bran, $25 to 826 a ton, in bags, Toronto freight. shorts. $26 to $28. AMERICAN VESSEL FIRED a "Apparently," says the Navy Department bulletin, "it was ne- Toronto, May '.-F'1our--orttario wheat ttours, 90 per cent., $3.85. 383' board, and at $3.95 to $4, Toronto. Manitotrss-h'irst patents. in Jute bugs. 85.60; du.. seconds. 85.10; strong bale ery, ir? lute bags, " -- " Manitoba wheat-Hay portsr-N.o. 1 Northern, 96c. and No. 2 at 9450. Ontario wheat-No. 2 at " to $i.0'2, outside, according to freight, and t1.08 to $1.04, on truck, Toronto. - _ U PRIBES (if fllllll Mlllltpl "m- r cum. cum. new no 0|rm "an. In Homo ant Mun: lE'OR‘lI 'ROI THU lEADIN: Tttat" ‘ENTHEI '" “IERlSL Montreal MODEL DAIRIES, LIMITED. United sum- Marten. Mn Stock lurk-tn. Hound Into“. May '.--Choiee steer: " Country Produce. trawl-Ions. Brad-man. Tho "A B C" mediators asked the Governments of France, Ger- many and Great Britain to urgently request President Wilson to with- draw bis insistence that Gem. Huer- u be tslimimted from the provision- al Presidency of Mexico as a, ooodl.. him precedent to the conclusion N peace. Thesfhme Europe“: powers have aefusted, "Please, mahun, an old man, tired and poor, with wooden legs, is at the door." "Why, Bridget, we need none," said she. "What use for wooden legs have we t" so much I Germ-Donkey!" novice. A new marvel of science promises water and milk without typhoid germs. Sunlight is a great enemy of bacteria. and what are known as the ultra-violet rays are the chief purifying agent. 'To imitate and improve upon nature by creating a miniature nun'and harnessing its ultra-violet rays for the use of man was the idea of scientists, and wonder- tul success in many climax-i has rewarded their ingenuity. A mercury vapor are is enclosed in rock crystal. the only so- lid whirh the ultra-violet rays pene- trate. Typhoid epidemics in France. Morocco, the Philippines and Rania have been checked by this tterm-destroy- ing device, The rays may also be used to purify public baths. Mrs. Whittler--What delightful manners your daughter has! Mrs. Bilter Cproudlyy-Yes. You Bee, she has been may from home The binge?“ increase in exports was in agricultural products which rose 48 millions over the previous year. Manu- factures jumped 14 millions and ttntter- ies showed an increase of four million; The trade for the month of March showed a decline from the previous year the total being $92,887,453 as against $106,148,252. The imports on the other hand. which amounted to $618,328,874, showed a de- crease from the previous year of a lit- tle over tttty millions. The feature of the year recently clos- ed is the enormous increase in exports of Canadian produce, the total being $431,589,658, an increase of eighty mil- Mons. Those biologists who devoted their energies-and perchance their ilves---to the study of the mosquito had no con- ception that they would be the chief contributors to the sut‘ceasl’ul construv- tion of tlm Panama Cunal. Yet the story of the search for knowledge is an endless one. Glance back at those great names of the pastwl'astaur. Faraday, Hertz. Humphrey Davy, Kelvin, Lister. Darwin and Huxley. Inevitably one asks: Will the coming generation be able to produce men capable of doing such work as theirs? Home pessimism seam to think that the field of enquiry is ex- hausted. that the last stages of the march have been so rapid and the ad- vance so great that there in little terri- tory left to explore. Hut each succeed- Ing generation possibly thinks that of the one preceding it. The world pro- gresses and men so on developing. They can not stand still. It is the law ot life -excelsior. Offlr-ial trade tttrures tor the twelve months of the tltgetil year ending March 31 last were issued by the (‘ustoms De- partment recently and phow a grand total for the year of $1,t12o56'2,107. 8 record In Canadian history, The total trade of the preoedinx year. which was up to then the high water mark, was $1,06F660,225, Industrial slums, huge armaments. extremes of wealth and poverty seem but examples ot the truth that know- ledge wrongly applied may he a curse rather than a blessing. The seeker after knowledge for Its own make in In no way responsible for the errors of states- men or the faults of mankind. The true disciple of knowledge will ever bear in mind the words of Bacon: "Knowledgn is not a couch for the curious 'spirit, nor a. terrace for the wandering. nor a tower of state for the proud mlnd. nor a vant- age ground for the haughty. nor a shop for protit and sale. but a storehousn for the glory of God and the endowment of mankind Among the mass of legislation under- taken by the British House of Commons it is probable that the l'lumuge Bill will be passed into law this session. It com- mands a majority in the House ot' Com- mons and has the support of the gov- ernment, and it is an effort made to save those rare and exquisite species which are threatened with extinction by the greed ot the bird-hunter. The United States has already set a splendid ex- ample in this matter, and Canada has now passed a law by which utter Jan- uary l, 1915, it will be illegal to bring into Canada algrettes. plumes. wings, quills or any other parts of wild birds. It is time the nations took a hand in protecting the wild birds for some of the instance" of slaughter are perfectly horrible. Take the case of the Island of Laysan. the great breeding-place of the albatros. My the efforts of one man, assisted by a gang of twcnty-two or twenty-thrt-e employees. that Island has been turned from a glorious colony of happy birds into a channel-house, of bones. It is computed that something like one-half of' the entire epoch-s has there been destroyed, and the hideous work would ussurediy have been com- pleted if the United States had not hap- pily wakened Just in time to what was going on. The i’lumuge iiill or itself will not outlive. Nothing but an inn-r- national agreement will prevent the egret and the bird of paradise disap- pearing from tho world forever. nun-ion to the Arctic. Thorn will be none of the usual priva- tions and hardships attached to an Arc- tie trip in the excursion planned by a London exploration company. For the sum of 81.000 the firm will provide a polar de luxe \‘oya‘e that includes hunt- ing and tlshintr. Each passenger will be allowed one paler bear, one seal. one walrus, two mun ox. one wolf and two white fox. which he must shoot for him- self. To make it only and comfortable for all of the polar explore”. the ship will be fitted with electric lights. both- roomo with hot and cold water. a com- petent ship's doctor, and a selected chef, as well u a lupply of cigars and tobac- co, wines, spirits and mineral water of the best brands and qualities. Dr. Cook or Captain llernier could not desire any- thing more. com to " upon the boat below the Utensils the Ahtilh reported her helium "rounded sad :9- (mined medical assistance.- Admiral Masrrmrottsboatirith hisaideond medical oihoee on bond. Later a. number of foreign oitioers, headed by Captain Doughty, of the Her- mione, called on the commander of the Constitutional) for an expla- natkm of the incident. The Con- 'ttitutionalist commander explained that they could not let the boat pro- ceed to Tampico, as it was netcs sary for them to stop all stores from reaching the Fcderals, and that they would be obliged to stop all merchant. vessels in the future." Comment on Events Could Not Une Them. Tho rude or Benefits of Travel. Canada " Helping. Burch for Known-ago. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Guzman. can envoy; Berlin is hem-Mug Mr a. natural gas supply lmm"PcItnolee. Hogrtilitiea have caused in Mexico ruins the conferences being held Washington by the Bond: Amad- The counterfeit, which have so far been seen are numbered 452,477, in red over black, whereas the genuine notes now issued by the bank are numbered in blue. The. colon used are also much deepor in tint than those of the genuine notes, especial- l the yellow and red on the (we. ii: the back there two or three awn in tho a, , apparently made by blots, whi apmr on the word “bank” where it occurs at the foot of the nabs. The counterfeit; are countersigned by B. O’Ra'lly. Ton of Bad lee Taken Front “war! at Kingston. A despatch from Kingston says: The Medical Ollicer of Hr-altll on Wednesday ordered the steamer Keyport, whids was ready to clear up the lakes, to be held until a ton of ice, delivered to it by a local dealer, had been unloaded. The ice was cut in an area. of the harbor that is allowed only for the cuttem' own business use for cooling pur- poses and is not allowed to be dis- posed of or taken off his premises. The local Board of Health is of the opinion that much of the typhoid tever that originated on the vessels is caused by this bad ice and is go- ing to put a. Hop to its delivery at this port. The Customs oiheer held up the vessel as directed. Canadian Bank of Comm-roe Issues Warning to the Public. Counterfeit 8110 notes of the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce of tho issue at present in use are in circulation in Hamilton, Ont. The agreement between the men and the companies. by which disputes are referred to arbitration. expiren ut the end of this Fear, and the Inon hand de- cided not to renew it unit-3s the union was recognized. Sim-a the fusion of the railway servants, the general railway workers. und the signal men last year. the membership of tho "ombined organ- ization has almost doubled. At the end of Dovember it stood 263.482. actual railway men. and the mum»; at unother 22,000 have been added aim-e. . ,, ,___._e_ ...... .__.. ,.... *'F tho spot any Tuesday or Thursday at 6 o'clock you will bu permitted to penw trate to a small whitewashed chamber with I suggestion of the leanto shed about it to which tV?cetm is gained by a passage. tortuous and full of mystery Such is the chad in which twice week- ly Apollo's London votaries nsscmhie. A background of blue curtains and the nah- refteeted light of two tall candles ttite to the whole assembly the serious- new of a cult. There in. moreover, a hushed air of mystery about the audi- ence, among whom women prr-dmninatu and where the long haired poet of cotttie tiction is absent. Victory for lulu-y Union. The recognition of the National Union ot Rallwnymen by the railway com- panies is being acclaimed as one or the biggest. victories won by trades unions "There is no doubt," he said, thnt the girl shows very great promise"; but vat-mt her guardian» that as there in plentv of time before her, she must not be allowed to practise her highs-t not" as she has been doing. “She ought, pro- perly trained, to do wry well indwd, as she has the making of a very unusual cuntralto voice." In London's Donn look-hop. Not the least of modern London's sen- sible Institutions " the Poetry Hook- nhup. It is in Devonnhire Btrevt, I somewhat uninvitinq turning oft Thon- bald's road. You "artttttt mistake the shop, for a siznboard representing stun,- and a ttyintt Hume hang! show the door. Inside the daylight penetrates but dimly. When your eye has grown ao- (‘ustomed to the gloom you sea all customs-d to the gloom you are In" around and Within easy maid; of your arm shelves upon shelves of poetry. an- ttlent and modern. You are at liberty to take down any volume and on a ram- rorl:able oak bench refresh yourself at wi . Another story told by Lord Suffieid com-urns Queen Mary: “I went out one day (in i879) to White Lodge, where I arrived Just in time to see Princess Mary. now our Queen, sliding down the stain; on u tray. She looked mut-h emburrus.ised when she {Saw me with her muther, feeling that She has a rich contralm Wink». and u love of music seem ingrained In lwr heart. The guardians RP"! her to u professor at the Royal College of Muulv. who reported that he could say without any reserve that those rrltlcs who lite tened to her at the college were greatly suggyiued _b.v het triftn. There are some merry stories In the volume. There is one ot the Shah. who when he awoke from sound slumber a! the opera In London, remarked on see- ing the chorus, “Buy them all'." There is another of Mme. Sarah Bernhardt ro- huking King Edward an Prlure of Wales tor presrntlng himself behatled behind the scenes. and a third tens of the tour through India, on which Lord 8utritsld ucmmpunled the Prtnce leg Edward), and during which two thugs in Lahore jail gave the Prince n "practical illus- tration of their method of strangula- t on." lunch! Prod!" I Girl of human. As It ls a well known fact that many mueslt-nl prudlgies hate been Jirscovvred by accident. rm then is may reasml to believe that the West Hum Board of Guardians have found in a little orphan girl of fourteen under the protection of the Unitm one who may in the near fu- ture be rl\'ulllng Mum. Clava Butt, m- Mme. Kirkhy Lunn on the opera stage or, poncgrt platform. M In, Ina Downturn. The late Lord Sumeld was for forty years offlclally attached to the royll household and he was a personal friend of the royal famlly during the greater part of his life. Last year Lord But- field published an ititerestirur \ulume of memoirs. chiufly dealing with reminis- rem-9:4 of the court. her progress down mm": had been per- haps a little unditrnitted. but the Duch- ess simply laughed at her und said: 'Nover mind, dear child, it Is only Lord b'uttield.' " lull“! not!" I Girl or roman. As it is a well known mm that ttuttty "She is a marvel," said u member of the guardians. when asked about their discovery. "Set eral of the Board have heard her singing some popular halindtq, and have been charmed by her \oivo. She possesses also a remarkabie rut1trta- three octaves and a tsemi-tone." Amid all the “(no at Mkttrse which mar ohorvera warm to detect in Part nment to-day one poliuon mud. ire. ot reproach. With undiminilhod authority the Speaker respects tho Mouse, and the House respects tho Speaker. This in the very -.ncqt " order in the Institution which has won the title of the Mother of Pullout"... In a new book. "'rhe'mreoer of tin Route." Michael Mudonough deucrihoi the Mich and romantic tttstory of tho Bmkershlp. This office. which hold- Io_many pittclls; in vented " not“. great honor and dignity. A salary of 826.000 th your. I. [ninth] residence and a retiring penuion of $20,000 a ye-ttts a inertia. are the distinctions the no- tion bestow: on thertitot Commoner in England. During the Ptsrlitsmentary session the Speaker gives two full dress levees and seven full dress dinners. Of the many ancient perquisites of the of- tice only two, Mr. Msurdortough tell» “I. now survive. A buck and doe killed in the royal preserves at Windsor are un- nuully sent to hint and the Clothworkerl Company " London presents him It Christmas with a generous! width of the best broadcloth. _ Cht'tih' or' TYI'IIOID FEVER. Moreqwr. it, chgnce has had you to COU h"rERFErT $10 BILLS. Out London Letter Admiral Will Be Cotert.NartittVd and Others lmpmohod. A dosphtch from Tokio says : The preliminary enquiry into the naval graft scandals revealed that Ad mini Matmamoto received a $200.- 000 bribe in connection with the cruiser Kongo. This sum was given to him by Mitsnds. the Japanese agent of we Vickern’ shipbuilding concern, out of a 3675.000 commis- sion the. latter received. It is be. lievod the admiral could not but been bribed without the connivunce of hi. superiors. The admiral will be court-martialed. A System of Roads toe the (but, ASIA of "feed. rd A deemtch from “buttock an: 0 WI At to-dly‘e special session of the. _ Oxford County Council an order-im Vance Council was read authorizing an um tics of a penditure of 8320.000 on a, system of I entry in county roads for Oxford. with the terpreta proviso that only 060.000 shall be I 697. TI spent in one year. A bylaw waa!maue tl introduced providing for the raising; Mo to l of the latter amoumtatuoog the var- ' dun, an ion. municipalities. iiiil'. 31. On tho following day Nan oom- plained to the Provost hurshal, " ter which detectives traced Mul- cahy, who was later at-ce-d and placed in jail. The money was re- covered and returned to Nan. Mulcahy was sentenced to five “an! imprisonment. The cashier was thereupon forced to conduct the party to the resr deuce of Nun. from whom money was demanded. Nan handed over 5,000 pet-”nos. which Mulcahy carried to bis hotel and dismissed the mar- inos. A man, giving the name of J. R. Mulcahy, who asserted that he was an American reporter,' told the Pro, vest Marshal that he had informa- tion of the whereabouts of quanti- ties of arms and ammunition in the hands of Mexicans. The marines, not. tmdermiandintt the transaction, watched Mulcshy compel the opening of sales, which proved tn be empty, tho adder ex- plaining that the funds had been turned over to his employer. Pedro Nan. 1ttdtteed l'.S. other In tiend Squad to Rob Gambling Home. A despatch from Vera Crur. says: The first serious case. to come be- fore the Provost. Marshal. (imman- der D. F. Selle-rs, of the Arkn,nsvi, indicated the etlicacy of the naval service. A thief was trppretlumded and lodged in jail within a few hours of the commission of his crime of blackmail. Mulcahy was given a squad of three armed men and instructed to seize the arms and ammunition, Led by Mulcahy, the men went. to a gambling house, where Mulcahy in Spanish demanded money instead of arms, and represented himself as a second captain of police. Carranza and Villa du nut ramp nize the armistice as having any connection with the airair between Huerta, and the rebels and do not feel called upon to sin-p pressing their oampaign against Huerta while mediation is in progress over the Vera Cruz-Tami/too affair. A despatch from KI Paso ways: Immediate preparations tor com- bined attacks against Mazatlan, Tampico. and fultillo is the answer in advance by the Mexican Nbels to any invitation that may come to them to erase hostilities against the Huerta Government pending medi- ation of the differences between Huerta and the United States. Negotiations Not Connected With Their Aitaire With Huerta . .21 NOT IN FAVOR ()f ARMISTICE “RAFT N'ChNOhr, IN JhPhX. - v . I or hr-this u the an act! Sands f.heer'ig,t,f2tad,t, 'sbtming weather " no otheLXaim you have or: mud. or " u “at. for your im mean an B, ind (at home. both out-Mo pm! In there is a Runny Lttgt'd", I. the be: of it. kind. in mental!“ whom“ Inn own Making the calm and economy of Run-f0 ht W . The mun who hire painters to do IO work for him will do well to specify Ila-info Ri'e"tategg',2', no weil aod. meet wood and meal 39 among.“ from deterioration. le locum my dealer will give you aplendid name: and mum-om. Or wme have In (I m1 A. RAMSAY & SON CO. (Established 1542) MONTREAL, Que, Mhit 1 URI-HT M‘III-IME. $820.01”! FOR 'ttth It S. 'ire GU rtuita _ my}: direct to the factory. 1tedeseMata?oanegt Ian-e- Etreef _ on In M. vnoootver, B.C.. April to, m. tics of all mesorill be barred from entry mm (haul; W: . no“ in- terpretation of order-imununci! No. 897. The new itttorpretatLn hu made tho order-in Council nppliob- ble to Chinese, JWUI‘K! Hin- In Rolnrn tbr Ito-ml ot the Hay- l'quu-tole Treaty. A tie-spud) from Washing-um - Negotiation with Greet Britain and (Enid. for (under cl South“ Alaska to Canada, by (do or ex- change, or both, with "repeal of tho Iuy-Parutacetote mu a one of tho, conditions of tho tandem" In {rowed in a tsolution inland“ y “waive Smith, of Marr- iand. A deapotoh from Quebec up: A remarkable use of the sudden re- covery of tight through beingr struck on the note by a piece of wood is that of Mr. Hem-i R. Germosin, an employe of the local Meney of tho Marine and Fisheries "epabrt,ntmtt, who widen at, Rampart. Mr. Gor- main bu been practically blind for over two yous past. following a m- vom attack of inflammatory rheu- matism. He was chopping wood M. his boma when a piece ttew up and struck him on the bridge of the now. This severed a vein, and as a result Mr. Germain lost much blood. whidl was black in color. Immediately after Mr. Germain d is. covered that he could 6N distinctly. Strange to uy. he hit no pain when struck by the piece of wood. Nu Kxetme tor the Prexatettee od The. A ”where. A despatch hum Wlshington an: Members of the Home Rivers and Harbors Committee were on Wed. nesdny discussing the testimony " Sir William Willem-ks. the English engineer who built the Amman Dun on the Nile, in which he told how the problem of the malarial mosquir to along the Suez ('onal had been solved. He tetytified before the com- mittee that at Khartoum. where the boats brought down the worst mus quimes in the world, "th drainage, Wot Ll) SELL Pltt't' " 1lA.titiA Villa has ammuncml his intontio of pushing his campaign mgniw th Federals regardless of the magma tions which are being conduetod be two-en the Ruerta Government, an. the United States through t': "A.,B.,C." powers. While In t Curran“. and Vi": have (‘xpl‘Pny-u their approvcl of the mediatio, plans. their reprey:entcuirpshero v't, is so perfect there that now we fine a man twelve chi-Mingus (03) tor every mosquito seen on his place." Sir William contended that there we. no excuse for the prevalence of awe- quitm-s anywhere. The people along the Suez Usual. he slid. wrestled with the mlarial mosquito until British engineers provided modern drainage nod disciplined these who tolerated masquitoes 0n their [1mm- MI. ptoo Man Blind for T'wo You: Ctttt Now Sn Distinctly. A SI ATK' RACES BA REED . “I l: wo It " M 0 SQ l V tTO IN. and will booiatto elective on REN "thMU.h' (ASE. inn (1, " 35

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