West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 May 1914, p. 8

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It o----"" Only 50c for the Review the balance of this year to New Subscribers gflléGEEGEGEEEGI-féEESEEEEEâ€"ZE915.'I _-. m W CENT RAIL mum STORE 'll, m il', CENTRAL if! t Seeds ! Se thi it, - t Headquar t, Field and W . l Govt. Tested . It, Pricus :15 low as any. il' G I. R, Ticket Agenc W a; The Cents We have am ttIN all kinds of Feed. on . e _ hand, 1 eluding Wen-tom nu Meat mm! Outs Mixed Ind Crushed Outs Seed Oats If you want Feed, call and see us. Ot will please you. We no rariruit8e to qtte for Good Out: st out Mentor 'i), The Central Drug Store '33 _4usa.ao.s.a.so 933333333555 $525 if: Feed l Feed! Seeds ! Seeds ! Seeds ! Field and Garden Seeds ll Your bread, pies, cakes and pastry can be no better than the flour you use. F or the sake of your family 's, health and your reputation as a cfook you should always use rw"'N ’ PURITY FLOUR. ' Every window and every door when be equipped with The specially designed and ap-to-date method now generally adopted tor elfxtaally prove-ting entry ot all draught, snow. lint. rain or dot of any kind, thereby insuring an even temper- ntnre throughout the building. Why deny yourself the maximum of comfort of expense. All metal-weather strip costs less, lective than storm sub and is I permanent instv no removal. loot pnbuc building in large ci with it. Ambit-on ”any it, the Government $4 Mare Bread and Better Bread " and--netter' Pastry too Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time Estimates Cheri-11y given. Write, Phone or Call. Mun!" Rott Roy Cereal Mills Co. EVENTUALLY Govt. Tested Timothy and Clover Seed Hiram! FLOUR All-Metal Weather Strip 'icket Agency Headquarters for all kinds] . Furber dk Go. Why Not Now one.“ Millers ' given. Work guaranteed Manuhctucd and installed by DURHAM, ONT “imam of comfort at the minimum her strip costs less, is far more ef. a I permanent institution, requiring Iildingl in large cities are equipped it. the Government demands it. Smith’s Calf that Buy your tickets here ever made of Our prices of Order Early wood wit The Enid. 1nd Toronto Dally Surf.‘ "_.--:""." The Ravi"! and Tmnto Daily Xenia: one 'er--eyt.y' The Review and Toronto Duly World for year.:.................. \Tbe Review and Weekly Mail sud Empm torl P"Wyry,cyc.ci:; m m an “a..." --- - " -'" The Review end Grain Growen’ Gmde, Winnipeg. for one yet: The Review end the anily Barr. ald and Weekly Star for l yen The Review and Weekly Wane“ l tor 1 'ear-yy-y":':'"..':':";'.'. The Review and Weekly Sun foe Ire".-..--::-..."'.:",":',',",' The Renew end Weekly Adrtrrtir er for one5ear........................ l The Revizw and Toronto Daily l Globe toe l Yet"---:.:".'." {The Rev aw and Toronto Dnily l, Mil and Empire" I yolrm... _ The Review 3nd Daily Free Pun m m a! In buM_"h""'""'""""""""""' 'll iii)nistttttglranias f.t.1 iliound trip tickets to points in Mani- l', ti) not». Alberta and iiaisirttt0l1tswtttt, via " fj.1 (Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth. on sale I ““each Tuesday until October 27, in- i ih _ clusiye at low fares. _ , . ‘ Through Pullman Tourist Sleepers to .‘iWumipeg on above dates, '?ii'iij Vim-om.) 11 p. m. No change of cars. - i Return Limit, Two Months. i I I The Grand Trunk Nciiits Railway is lithis shortest and quickest route be-l Human Winnipeg, Sukntoon and Ed- 'itn.ontyo, with excellent through ur- i vice to Regina. Twins now running ‘incu Calgary. Intent, reservations and particulars in; all Grand Trunk tieket oitieeg or write c. E. Homing, D. P. A., Tor. ‘onto. Ont. WM. CALDER, Town Ticket Agent In the muller of the estate of Samuel Natl, lute at the Village of Holstein, in the County of Greg, retired farmer. deco mod. NOTICE is helehy given u sum-1 having any claim. or against the estate of the lat Neal, who died on nr sham teenth day of December. A. at the Village of Holstein in ty of Grey, are required on the 22ud duy at May, A, 1 band by post ”5‘33"" or to NOTICE is hereby given that all pet , suns having any claim. or demands I {gainst the astute of the late Bnmuel Neal, who died on or shoal the four- teenth day of December. A. D., 191'3, l at the Village of Holstein in the Coun- I ty at Grey, are required on or before I the 22nd day of May, A. D.,10it, to send by post prepmd. or to deliver to the undersigned Execnlori of the last Will and Testament of the said Samu- el Neal, deceased, their names and ad- dresses and lull particulars in writing ef their thth and statement! of their acccov.rtts and the nature of the set-u!- ity (d auy) held by them. And take. notice that after the twenty-incond day of May, A, D..1914= the said lixevutmu will proceed to die-i tribute the estate of the mid deceased‘ ‘ among the persons entitled thereto, having regnld only to the chime of which they shall then have had notice, and the said executors will not be li- ulnle for the raid assets. or any part Ltherenf. to any person or pencils of ', whose claim they shall not then have "eceived notice fox 1 vent... Notice to Creditors Dated at Holstein this 10th Gav or April, A. D , lou, Jam I. ORCHARD. Holstein, Ont. Law: NICHOLSON, “detain. out, Eorecutors of the last Will and Test.- tnent of Samuel Neal, deceased. Clubbing Rates. TO W N li R, Station Ticket Agent P thritttt (barge c-r-Er-ce 1liotel Ce-C-EE.'. 'f'i'll' OWLSTEIN/M - "i-"" QEAPEB. T O R O N T O In Centre of Shopping and Business District. 280 ttttttti-ttttt with Prttrata In!" Emma“: ASD AMERICAN Tux a II cum locum-n: , an. n. vasou. m. 'otstein this 10th da, of 375 175 190 19o 390 Call to Rev. B. M. Smith T T Sustained; Induction In Jam At the was; of Hamilton bytery in Knox Church, St. C ines, on Tanking-mils, {he ar "I. mun-5 u. "_'.-"""' bytery in Knox Church, St. catiytl ices, on Tuesday morning. the a“ or Rev. B. M. Smith of manhunt; to Dromore and Knox, shy {at} ches was Sustained./l Owing?) e fact that Mr Smith is u commissioner - ’ -cs, I.. In“. in "CT lull. Lu: an..- - - -- - to the General Assembly in June to Woodstock, his induction into the new charge will not take place until alter the 15th of that month A g naki It is stated tint the Wnlkerton Bind- or Twin new” which ha been clot. ed for some you". will he reopened and In operation in July. Both the Rep.ul:d Comm. admit; tut It. Forest business men are poor . [advertisers sud hence the panama“ no mail order cranks. Let us canlighil'1 on them further l their husineu men ‘print their atatiomry with rubber stamps. a thing unheard of in Hamis- Item or any other up-to-date commun- ity. Why don't they cut their. own l hnir over there ? Some of them look G though they did.-Harrinton Re- 'view. Derby and Sydenham A flte which broke out in Monk- mun‘a livery stable, Tarn. early on Saturday momma. "wept a large ntrip of the main street of the village and! eluted dunmge to the amount of about; 300,000. Six buildings were tut-Hy I destroyed with most of their contenu, including tIrs horses which were in ie.,' livery and could not be not out. It is not known how the fins started, but it is thought to have been caused by some one dropping a spark or hot ashes from a pipe or cigar. Someone has advanced the opinion"" -w-e"" . I , that the letter '* e" is the most uul'ox-. The Creamery commences opera l l tutmte letter in the English alphabet, “ions for the 55350“ oi '9H on Wed- l because it is always out of cash, iirypyesdar of te.,,','"':)' with , “fl-1'“ ever in debt, never out of danger and iCamerou again I. c alth at! It _ l doubtless have another successful; In hell at the some time. For some} rear The com an ate su plying’ reason he overlooked the fortunes of Hid" patrons witg cayns this yeast. i, //": "tll"', so we call attention to the l We deeply regret to chronicle the) wt t at " e " is never in war and al- . I lwayain peace. It is the beginning of ldeath ot Miss Mary McInnes. dough-l exutence. the commencement of cue It". of Chas. Molnnes. of Yeoy.i1/ l t the end f t bl Wi h ."Whlch took place on Saturday. For; a 0 rou s. it yt llithe past few years Miss McInnes had) lthcre could he no meat. no life, no been in poor health, but it was only a heaven. It l3 the CRIN”! " honeiiy_ month or so ago that her amictio makes perfect love and without luiBright's disease, developed ttu2t'l there could he no editor, devils or'stronger degree and tGtwiihsumring) news. ‘tender cue from pnrentsrand friends, i E B _ __ w--'"' _ l, ___ ‘.sh‘e suecumbefiWf is now at test. ' _ IP'?'. TUDENTt' PROM nEY.-- Deceased youngiadv wns In admit-i [ The Post Is in lecolpt of a. letter from ttble t pe of ttirl, 3 taithrul friend and President Falconer. of Toronto Uni- church worker and her gain in " varsity. enrloling o map of the Prov- ' eternal sense, is a loss to her friends t ince of Ontario, showing the number) here. yho miss a cherished compan- t of students who attend the Univernity l Ionship. The funeral to Reid's ceme- . of Toronto from each County. Mom Ig,,y, on Monday was largely ,ttttnd..ed, l m. Camry of may o'ttrtstr students Rev. Mr Jan-men of the Methodist -. -. "Anal... L'".i'..r'i'lehurch, emulating in the absence of ADDITIONAL LOCALS nu". _ V r-r- _ ' "t ‘lsh’e suecunabefiVd is now at rem, Etotn‘v STUDENTS FROM 1'y,hcee,eye,t young Iadr was en admit- The Post ii in receipt of a letter from able t pe of girl, a faithful friend and President Falconer. of Toronto Uni- l church worker and her gain in an ', ‘yereity. enclosing a. map of the Prov- eternal sense, is a loss to her friendsi ince of Ontario, showing the number l here, who miss a cherished compan- ', of students who attend the Univereity l ionship. The funeral to Reid's ceme- l of Toronto from each County. horn l tery on Monday was largely attendsd l the County of Grey eighty students 1 Rev. Mr It”? of the Methodist ere attending the University, iiii'iihrurs5 omoiating Itt the absence of number is considered above the aver- Dr. Marsh. - l ego from all the counties. Wentworth MrsJohn Murdoch spent a few at} l county leads with 141 students, then [not week in Owen Bound assisting her come; Simcoe with 127, hraldieses with I tether-in-lew,,Mr Jruttes Murdoch who 111, Baron with 106 and York with i bud an auction sale of his effects. Mr 102, Wellington and Onurio have 815i Murdoch but: retired from the position ltudents each and Grey tutti Lemlnton _ of inspector of Weights and measuree have 80 .gch. Bruce 1].. M ‘nd game I and take a well eat ned rest. w of the counties have In low In tr and B. 1 Sunny J. O’Connell, aged 36 years. [ The city of Toronto eends 1280, or aidied in the springfield Hospital, Mam. l little more than one-third of the total l on 30th of April last, after it short il'. number of students from the whole now. He Wu born in Holstein, Can. Province, which is 3,498. This to amend". an-titet.tisrarls life there. He counted for by the eize of the city and i, hyi been " resident of tiprintrftrtd. to th [not that man so I o fro :ntn-e years and f“ a structural tron e y p P ' c me In worker. He lent as e mother to mourn other pane of the Province in order to l a. dutiful eon. Mrs Idaho": O'Connell give their children en educetion. and l 109 Linden Bi.-c,om.--ut. Forest PI only remain temporarily. The total l per“ please copy. population of the Univerelty is 4,141. TV " Guelph Herald '. Mr J. W. Brown I post. 'i'd [t Regine. brother of Hon. Cr, W --.-.. T um .(lnunrnnr of Snaketche -.------" bl REVIEW thrsugh thf " , 2Ert L. B. Nicho‘son id "viititi'ng "tn oronto tor a few days. _ Mrs Marshall, ol St. Mary's, is: guest of her daughter, Mrs W. D. Fcrgulon. N Rev. Dr. Marsh is in tit, Catarina} this week attending the Iii-incl! Presbytery In support of the call of Jjiiitlril'l,i,t to Dromoro. ‘f wads and a party com- p'tising Min Ann Ktlcolm and u couple of friends motored up (tom Galt on Saturday and WM. guests at an Hoatetter's. I Mr. Nimble, trom Owen Sound, 1 Mrs Bryan, f sin, is visiting llrwin. we ”qu. "r.--'-"-" - _ - K3011 :1ch Drs. Giiiif and Ferguson l good bunumga. on. um. .v..... -- - m“ . -. __ M ‘also in attenda?ce. .La.test reports ( am- A, H. JACKSON Imy he is improving nicely. I - _-----. _-----" - 7---l---- ' _ The fishing season has opened very I Tenders Wanted . . . I Home“! Conw "spicioasly aronnd Holstein and ' laugh" are getting, good “all?" E Tenders will he received up till Mny [one ‘Several gentleman from lhe outsideNth,rortle,e,'"g'a,9, of pq'tntiut', thet "" M00!!! to low tle have rights ttra,', 1n "tr/lei' I tgtg/S,': "ede,t 3; '35;'.'.".°S.‘.2"o°1 tghuull thgierat,'ht' have n so eon “p y 8 lnecesnnly accepted. Plum And opaci- mdbun, chm t ctr no . tiostiemt may be had by upplylng to m M Devotees of the royal ganxe of ten. Bonn” Ron-arson. *m wot noti A ,4- -..- “Mammy for their racquem R. R. No. ll, Ayton. 0W lo. d B. 1 Stanley J. O’Connell, aged 36 years. 5 if a , died in the Springfield Hnspitnl. Mass..‘ Dtul l on 3thh of April last, nan a short ll." tole "ere. He Will born in Holstein,Cnn- nc- ', min, and spent his early life there. Hot and 'i, him been 3; resident of tipritttrtutd. fer i inlne years and was a structural iron ', 1rrrn worker. He [wives a mother to mourn r to l a dutiful Ion. Mrs Isabella O'Connell.‘ and: 109 Linden Bi.--com,--Mt. Forest pa- otal l, pets please copy. 1 ll. L, Guelph Herald: Mr J. W. Brown, $13 Regina, brother of Hon. Cr, W. - I rowu, Iutat.(overnor of Saskltche. ..__.{ van. was in the city visiting Mr o.) 1w. Kelly, an old friend. Mr Brown , ‘lived formerly in Holstein, but went ‘to Raging in 1882, and be And hi! er .brotli r tnvelled from Brandon to ‘Rogina. a disunce of 200 miles. with (i tum of oxen. He says there is I - lot of building going on in Regina, hereabout, have also been up lay-u“ their luck. Devotees of the royal game of ten. nis are searching for their racquets ud .purpose shooting the balls over the green at an early date. It is like- I 1y that the skating rink will be uti- ‘lized tor acourt. t The Christian Endeavor of the 1tteLt"y,7 church, Holstein, will .be guests of Knox Church, Norman- (by Endeavor, on Tuesday May 19th. Mrs Crewson left this week tor Tor- onto to visit for a few days and from this city she will leave shortly for Eastern Canada. the G, T. R. erecting . two million dollar hotel and nation, and the city Is building . police union to con nearly 5100.000. while the Salmon» nun Co opemme Cu, is putting up I Inge mice building. We are ail busy seeding Ind newi .; bud to get. 1 Mn Philp and Mia: Nellie. of Hol- ; Main. are visiting n W J. Philp's. ' We regret to announce the death of Mm Mary McInuos. youngest. daugh- ter of Mr Chas. Holmes. who planed any M. her home on Standby last, utter a prolonged illneu nnd intense "sttértng. We extend our unmet“ sympathy to the banned puenta 1nd 'fnmily. ' Mr Nelson, Sr ' in not impror'ng u rapidly n we would like. We hope to be able in the nag futur- to toll of " oomph“ recovery. 0110. HoBobb got. his horn up from Dayton list weak. . Ho [ooh to be u htte one, . from Ashland, Wiscon- , her brother, Richard EAST EGREMONT lliuer, returned to nne on Saturday. to hear 'Ita! _Mias 0 we Iran v. [ Dr. Bart, Itil, The second and third divisions of lot ed the opera-130. Con. 1. E. a. R., (mm-13.100 W"- . n . A:|4:_-- nun In"! south of DIP w. D. I Sm brine: l aittettl, l call of I . at ty com- I r and . ho In from a r .. . -- _ _ g The tumor: “d ttetttutt um Au' . Ir with their scaling. n In t.t Hamlet ' matron Pine River, when ah with mn.‘ .\ her niece. Mic! Bell, who my." low. l. a Mr milled Goo. mitutiwruitedi I Sunday at Mr hikingham'l- I ,3. Mr- Di. Johnston visited at Mrs ' § ouglu' one any last week. of Arbor any '13 abound " the /- school Friday. IV Mn Goo. Jonu in “mulls to he! . home in the Treat Tuesdny. m. hir Nelson Gumbel! visited Mr J. " l Nelson's Sunny. I Hum David Cumulus: And Gnlvll‘ d, Pe', upem SIAM-y n In Doualu'. I Mr Sam Smith and mother, of Rot. tex, main. spent Sunday " In Bob."- _itii'i.:.ii-1; ti0USE=cLEANllNO r. 1coyeytrp, Notmanby, on April ( 29, to Mr and Mn MoQunio. not] " man jiies--.-tt the Winnipeg_ Gonenl i Hoapml. Tue-thy. April ttth, " Ler u long tad psintul illnou. the i, death took plies of Florenu Mu i Murdoch, wife of J, A. Patton, i; 1’inkbam.Snsk.. ind third "ugh. " ter of Mr Ind Mu Alex Murdoch, l Girvm. tiok, lf . ”name-000000000000: l o t We are on the job with lots of all kinds of cleaners : Butch Cleanser. .loc a tin. Ban-Ami . . . . . . . . . .l5c Ammonia... . . . .. .. . . . .l3c pdbottle. also lik powder Flax Soap. . . . . .I5c a thr-ist 0. K. for polished floors paints-one/very purpose ... Brush‘os,ofallkiuds......................5ct050c Brooms, tram...........................25ct050c woman We just received a shipment of Trimmed Hul _ and also Untrimmed. These are the newm styles and at prices exceptionally low. Sent 'trt us for two weeks, then any unsold to be return " so come at once; have a look at these. Seeds of all Kinds, or Grains TAYLOR& co. Dromore g J. W. Hunt is prepared to take all kinds Cement Work--- BARN WALLS. HOUSES, §ILOS. For Rent We also sell the DURHAM NATIONAL PORTLA? l' CEMENT, that well known band qt the lowest posslMt- price. Cement always on hand. Call or write and get my price: before you let your cont ram BORN . u... \..-_v_. , one mile south of Dar- No need to go elsewhere for CEMENT WORK TAYLOR & CO. If possible, we will procure them for you. w. HUNT BRIDGES AND CULVERTS Highest Prices for PM“: Millinery April "trt. in"! $113,339.93 Col/aye We are in the market to bur cream, - or sour. at the highest mukw price. We supply two um free Ix each of on! peuonl. pay all expu-~~ chug“. 9.7 twice cub mouth. cheque- pnynble at par. leceiu cue- eny d" in the week, tor. cm b an received and send our pumm- " statement of - Write for cum and [we our enamel-7 I trim]. 113.11;va a Bun-ox. Palm Creamery. Palmer-ton, 0m ier. skirirasi, '_" 7 ONT. A “and“ school with coNtpe- tent mun-um. Ind through coum. Ania!“ with Central -.., "u-u “In Am more Methodist Church Sunduy School at 10. Hervlces at a. m. Ind t.00 p. m. REV. In JAIIS. Ptrr A .wm - ...-_, - . tent iatrurtlew Ind through coum. Ami-tel with Central College. Stafford. We do more foe our “can“ than does any other similar school. All grndu- ateu in positions. You may enter at SI time. Write for particular: or a n the College. Presbyterian Church Sum! ' Bctrooltt, Iguana at ll a.“ Cream Wutod REV. D. B. IARSH, 80.0. [8.1.8. Past Homo“: Conveynncor Issuer of lmlue Licens. Mona, to low at lowest nus. a: man. to cult borrower. Fire Rt LW ”like DIM)“ n thorough mdbtH, ”mi 1'k'l'l'. Nu: m M sli'lh1trt,ii "erruted , 'ibaetyotiee. Al welt prompt IE1Y q, 1914 Now these have just arrived If you have, not received cm the values are unsurpassm l, or your money back. W. J. SHARP Ana 7.30 Pr m. _ it. Tuesdly d 8 p. m VII'. r"l -e . yin each momh. " [an herb-- the we“. teqt. etu% and our patron' " m. writtto. CM“ w. B. WILSON. Principal Pnsw pl Tod Fan In: F: ' atimT cm... 1 it Review l AUTO run any distance Dr. Br Throu. " May 16. tented am The ar ROM, B, It Allur Everyho ly bring A “load up a 8-1: Big "All” _ 811nm). - colt, narrow v plane new) Ac Tun A)“. of Ho in a nu "l oe Florin "eturt t "tce.- A DI I!!! IN a Mr M. “I [on dnyrs t on Tinned-- f old house In“ Home Pair or A tip. Camp I week In “in“ to Ire ”(I y ed to The un Branch NN the home My last. mad by tl were hcl, nttmuUtu Ind nddrc in; officr Mn N. Y McAnult} Girr ; U hum Ou l THAT bud by Linn -suel Wila brought twin lard charged . Local Opt gnvo In light chum- and o luv dire: Ir a quot Admit“ the posse-xii: though! it lumped a ti, till m. In! B. R. No. Neva " m" momma the Court: A auodrttca do. ot No. Ion UL " Bond m th Well take L dong lhe :1 mule hue “If. " es' home. No an (wed iron nu LIKE. l Bull. M.A limb and I (on mull! nthntieom l Ibu. tine of t cud “mud Qt. ynungl ‘W him mun the ho, a nu‘ Wu, and w. has' law the purl 't been“: 5min armor “all in work~ Vii! h Gourd at tn .rr " o: W: Feed "It t' rim: "'1 br VOL. XX W3 ”could the flu Dale '11 the t peer. ebu- " it was I OPE TA

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