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Durham Review (1897), 14 May 1914, p. 6

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"tl h? ’Cuada, the In)". nnd the mret0 In General Mon You {Him Ill fl "new! "APP .NINGS "" ALL OVER [Ill GLOBE " A IU'I’SIIELI- Canada. PM. no for a busy yen- in the building trade in Toronto. Grazing had in tho West has been leased to a. company for . nominal sum, according to a state- lncnt by the Minidcr of Milking. The yellow fUh peaches, we): a Crawfords, have been kiklod for this moon by the cold winter, in the Nissan. district. _ _ Linn. Woolvertou of Grimoby, one of the moat prominent. frait-trmrwors in CM, died after only four houra' illneso, It tho use of sixty- eight. - Frank Baym, under sentence of death at Sydney, N.S., for murder, has confused and John Donald and Mrs. Atkinson, widow of tho mur- dered mm, have been arrested. On complaint of the manager of the street nilwsy company, that Albert Resume. hovelman of Sand- wich, had sold liquor to a car crew on duty, Resume was fused " and coats. Tho Princess Louise cables the Duke of C(mmught that she in deep- ly touched by the many cablegrame of condolences from Canada on the death of her husband the Duke of The International Joint Commis- sion. meeting at the Michigan Boo, teggd the application of the xcbignn Northern Power C?., and. Argyll iKiisiii" Northern Power Co., and the MW Steel Corporation of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., to erect 1rpgyr',')l't works at a point in St... Mary's iver between the two titles. Great Britain. King George asnd Queen May opened the new wing of the British Museum. -iriiiT/innins has supplanted cat.- tle-driving as the national pastime ot Ireland. - .- . The British House of Lords re- tected the woman's franchise bill by a vote of IN to 60. John Redmcmd opposes any com- promise until the Home Rule bill has passed the Lords. A petition signed by 300,000 has been sent. asking tho King not to aim the Home Rule bill until after been sent. sign the w an election t'nited Mates. Bishop Brent, formerly of the Philippines and a native of Ontario, was elected Bishop of New Jersey. Gent-I'll. Two British subjects were killed by a bomb during fUhting on the Pacific unis-t of Mexico. Sweeping victories for the rebel forces in different puts of Mexico were reported to Carranzn. The international book trade and graphic arts exposition WM opened at LPipsic. It covers 100 acres and includes twenty buildings. one of them with five acres of Boor space. King Albert has accepted the honorary membership of a dozen different Belgian pipe-smoking clubs, and will give a. pipe for a prize in an inter-city pipe smoking tournament. Of twenty Newfoundland mm- ers. employing 3,000 men, which act out on the hunt two months ago. nineteen returned with the pelts of '233,718 seals. valued at $498,086. Lust. year 272,956 skim: were return- ed. but they were valued at only $493,815. The loss of life “13:252. Inked the Short Change Trick! I'nlil taught Near North Bay. A despatch from North Bay Bays J, Charles Frocks. alias Karyn-es. . young Amerimn from Imus. was Ionbanced by Judge Valin at. North Bay to never! mom in Central Prison on fraud charges. Harguvel worked -ntrers on express "sins. and "a convicted on charges " dohauding passengers out of 820 on Ioni-hbound Gredl, Trunk Railway North Bay-Toronto train by the shonrohsnge trick. He got Irsrtrs bills tor small ones by folding them no ingeniously u to - to be double their real nmount. Alter landing . victim he would leave the train at the first nation bad tako the next train in the opposite direction. The police authorituo believe he bu been working trains for some time. Wit- nouoo saint him were the victim and tnin crew. ('R00k lu,r.r'A',v.tt PASSENHERS Tull Bound and Rental ot Din- Ing Car Crew Injured. A despatch from Vanmuver. 3.0.. Bayc. A "nail rock slide struck the dining car of the Boo "(press on Wednesday morning at '7 o'clock. just liter the train left North Bend, al,tte in Vancouver at‘ noon. The Run wu derailed, and "an! momb'em " to dining cal" “my wen injured by M. The 1'; half of the train '1','h2f,25. an. an ml. were or- 7irGttittefeherAtlruto 'mm . 'e in“ “1 EXPRESS HTIH‘CK BY ROCK. h." IN" the. the locum“:- of thu Corporation we" flue. on the pub! 10 you. tr). Baum- gambit-had I ”an. Invulmont my D. wit drawrrtn our! or whole my that M on. you. at. u l an“; In)! par- ucuhn a. - may Mun-nod on roan-L THIS INVESTMENT HAS PAID 7% PER ANNUM REBORITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED. an we . mum. 0”. Inspeetor-General in the New York State National Guard. Mr. Van- derbilr has announced his readiness to go on active service in Mexico. A MILLIONAIRE SOLDIER. The earnings on our Canadian railways during 1913 amounted, broadly, to 8e00,000,000. These figures include all the subsidiary lines, and other af1iliations of what- _ ever nature; but the figures are) remarkable. Thirty years ago the C.P.R.. which now shows grass an- nual earnings of 8rt0,000,0000, could hardly buy axle gimme. Its 25.000.000 acres " 11ml war-e worth- less. The land Ttow sells at the rate of from $5 to $35 per acre. That worthless. land in iv: totality repre- sent; a cash value of nearly 8350,- 000.000. The lands still to be will will realize 8e00,000,iXX). The com- miswizner. much the Landon paper of lxrrd Northeliffe's called Answers sent out to investigate conditions Lin the Dominion, regrets in one of And Value of the Land Owned By the (BER. tl Collapse of a Coal Crane at Mont. real Coal Dock. A despatch from Montreal says: Two men were drowned and several injured when a crane upon which they were working unloading coal at the foot of Pspineau Street on Wednesday collapsed and fell into the water. One of the drowned men is named CourtoU. The other victim has not been identified. The bodies. which were carried away by the swift current, have not been re- covered. One day an Irishman lay dying; the docior and priest were with him. He had a wife and family, and he was writing out his will. m only had a hundred pounds. The doctor said-"In the first place you owe me fifty pounds for attending you.” “You can have fifty," said Pat. The priest then asked for something to do up the chapel. so Pat said. "You can have the other fifty." Then they asked him what they would my to his wife. "You can tell her," he said, "I died like our Lord-between two thieves." A correspondent sends in a re- minder of another pig story. Old, but like port, none the' worse tor that. The Village Doctor--juw, you know, I must tell you, Hay- worth, that it's very unhealthy to have spig~stye so close to tha house." Htrsworeh--"l dunno, tg'tg so much about that, with propo'r respect, in. a pig: 1mg“: "dltttraydtat.tr. Loo! RAILWAY EAR N l N li S. Cornelius Vanderbilt, FATAL ACCIDENT. l mother Pig Story. Paddy's Will. NWI ill: flllllll PRHBIIBIS mos-r- m: rm Ml cams or mum; Toronto, May tt.-ontarro wheat ttours, 'lux cent.. 83.80 to ".85. set- Board, t at 83.86 to $3.90. Toronto. Mtuttiotrtv-rtrert patents. in Jute bags. 35.60; do., leconds. $6.10; strong bale erg', in, 1919 bogs. " N t = .._‘_ -.-, -n u.-. ... ,...- -...._. 7,. Manitoba wheat-Hay ports-No. Il Northern. 91c. and No. 2 at "te. l Charla wheat-Ne. 2 at 81.02. out-l Mdq, and 31.04. on track. Toronto. oatre--No. 2 Ontario oats. '" to 40c, outside. and at 48c. on track. Toronto. Western Canada oats. 41c for No. ii. and at 89tc for No. 3. Bay ports. Paar-Prices nominal. Barter-Good mailing barley. " to 68e, according to quality. Are-No. 2 at 63 to tMe, outside. Hiscttwtteat--80c, outside. corn-No. ' American. 741 toA6e, a.“ nil. Toronto. , tirin-MtrnitoN' bran. 825 to I" s ton, in bags. Toronto freight. Shorts. but to tM. Butter--Choiclt dairy. " to Mc; In- hrlor. " to Mic; fumers' aeparator prints. 21 to 230; Creamery prints. fresh. " to Mc; do., storage printer, " to 24c; Bolidq. storage. " to 28c. -- _ “L ---- an--- In aha-A IOIIDI. Blur-5:. u. “I ---. l Egtrn--g1 to SM per dozen. in case our. Fioner-rExtrtuted.r, in tins, 10! to lie per lb. Combs. $2.26 to 82.60 per dom. en for No. l, um! " for No. 2. che-New cheese. I“ to 16e for large, and " to IMc tor twins. i'iiiuir-iusd-pickeA. 82.16 to $2.20 per bushel; primes. 82.10 to $2.15. -» “H. mum! Itt In “in my tb.: yen mm"-.. "W", _ i'oiritrv--Powi, 16 chickens. " to 20e; geese. " to 16c; tur irdtutoes--Deuwar on track, here. Bacon--Lontr clear. " to 16g per Ib., In case Iottr. Hams-Medium, 18 to 'ay., do.. heavy. " to 18e; rolls. " to " c; breaktult bacon. 18 to 190; backl. " to tHe. Lard---Tierces, mic: tubs. 13c; MUS. Iue. - mag-WA} lane on Auto-d. recleaned seeds to the lb. bassis:---Hed clover, $21; do., No. 2, $17 to! l, 820150 ty? ".1;.iior,, " HUIEFHAE ECU“ 'raw-AF...."'""- .._' --" - - recleaned seeds to the trade, on the 100. lb. bassis:--Hed clover, No. l, 819 to 821:110..N0. 2, $17 to $17.60; als1ke. No. l, 320.50 to $21; do.. No. 2. $17 to $18; Timothy. No. I, $8.50 to $9.51): do., No. 2, " to 87.25: alfalfa. No. l, $14 to 816; do., No. 2, 813 to 813.50. lonmu Int-tots. Montreal, May 12.--Corn, American No. 2 yellow, 76) to Tte. Oats. Cana- dian Western. No. 2, 42h to 43c; No. 3. “I to 42e. Barley, Man. feed, 50 to 6te. Flour, Mun. Spring wheat patents. ttrBttt, 55.60: seconds, 35.10; strong bakers’. $4.90; Wlnter patents. choice. $5.25 to $5.90; straight rollers. $4.70 to $C90; tlc 2,yu',ii20, to 32.525. Rollie: oats arm th ' il . . o 6 ate. bags, 90 {ban 8.132 16 Mt gran " _ Shorts $25. t1iiel1n,,m' $28. Moul- -4 _ “‘" u,” "A tmir... On“ nul‘ u... um“... V--. -_-e-e__' "vr 7 lie 528 to $32. Hay. No. 2, per ton, car lots, $14 to $15. Cheese. ttnest west- erns. tue; ttnest easterns. 12c. Butter, choicest creamery. 23 to 28te; seconds. " to Mhe. Eggs. fresh, 22 to 230; se- lected. Me; Vt. 1y.uyiks,23S. Potatoes lecteu. we. nu. a nun“, m.-. per bag, car lots, " to $1.15 WMDOI - Winnipeg, May It.-Cash--Wheatr- Spring wheat, No. 1 Northern, 92kc; No. 2 Northern, 90ic; No. 3 Northern. ERIC: No. 4, li6c; No. ii, We; No. 6, 74c; feed, 090: No. 1 rejected seeds. Me; No. 2 re- Jected seeds. 86c; No. 3 rejected seeds. 83ke; No. 1 smutty. "c; No. 2 smulty. 86e; No. 3 smutty. gut', Winter wheat ---No. l, 92k: No. t, 9020; No. 3, 8810. otstre-No. 2 C.W., Mic; extra No. 1 feed, 3590; No. 2 teed, 34c. Burley-No. 8, He; No. 4, 46c; rejected, who: feed, 48c. 'i'lyh-i.'so' 1 N-UCC'., $1.36r, No. 2 CAV., 1.l . 'tUt""-"'" y-v..v-. -- 7 7,, r bushel; primes. 82.10 to $2.15. i'oisitry--Powi, 16 to 18c per 1b.; dckeng, " to 20e; ducks. " to no; we. " to We: turkeys, 20 to MC. i'datoey-Deuwaro' at " to $1.05. Minneapolis, May 1g.--Whtstttr-MV guc; July, 90ic; No. 1 hard. 94in: No, 1 Northern. 913 to 9200; No. 2 Northern, 393 to 91$. corn-No. 3 yellow, 641 to 65c. oats-No. 3 white. 36h to 3630. Flour and bran unchanged. Duluth. Minn., May 1g.-Linseed, cash. $1.57!; July, $1.6tit. wtteat---Clorre, No. 1 hard. Mbr, No. 1 Northern. $2tc; No. 2 Northern, 911C; July. 92%. Wholesale tree' merchaqt} 1.1V. Stock mama. Toronto. May 12.--Ceatt1e--Choiee but- chers. $8.30 to ts.40; Rood, $7.90 to $8.25; common cows. " to $5.25; can- ners and cutters. $3.60 to $4; choice fat cows, 86.50 to $7.25; choice bulls. $7 10787.50. - _ . "" pre “I. " to Tc; to gc: about The Crew of '3isteon Men Escaped 1n the Lireboats. A despatch from Erie, Ps.. says: The steamer City of Rome, bound from Buffalo to Toledo. was burned to the water's edge ten miles off shore at Northeast some .timo after miiriti 2 o'clock Friday morning. The crew of sixteen WM forced to take to the boats and escaped, landing at 6 am. She was a steel Mamet of 3,900 gross tons, 268 feet long, and car- ried a crew of sixteen men. The vessel was owned by Jams Mit- chell, of Cleveland. iiiijl" ~10 ABOLISH "fPPll% l In moving the reading Senator ‘Davis said that within recent years ian intolerable system of petty 'hribery had grown up all over the l world. known as the tipping system. In had become such a nuisance that I it was time it was grappled with by iictritliitjom" a-rd ha believed his bill llwcmld have the support of ninety gnu cent. of the people of the coun- ltr?: who I”: no! lubjeot to a rum-i127: scale cf gut! and Frye 6 Senator Davis Seeks to Put End to "Demoraiiztng and “Intolerable System of Petty Bribery" A despatch from Ottawa says: Tips will be abolished within a. month if Senator Davis, Prince A1- bert, and a number of other Sena- tors and members of Parliament have their way. and it looks as 'if they might. Senator David bill, whith provides for a hae or impri- sonment. for tipping, and making the employer, the employee and the person offering the graZuity liable, . r" --- :.... " Hm m .. P""'"'" vu»....° _--- - . _ . was given second readmg Mt the Senate on We4uesday.,. nan. v..." ._ M-'--' ,7 _ "30%.? 8.13233; Mtf as: Shorts, 525;, Mieun.,t 9313:3103}; "o, u 'rp w. WV. -- n v- _ li",'w'i." $30 to $80 each; calves. 3 sheep. 5 to Go: yearllnz lambs. 8 mining lambs, " to " each; hogs. 9 c. United. snu- Marten. s'THh .hl ER BURN El). gong" Produce. Provisional _ ammo are selling '--No. 1 VIVISECT " LET BABIES DIE. A despatch trom Philadelphia says: Vivisodiaon’ has been the means of swing the lives ot. many thousands of children. declared two well-known physicians before the Philadelphia PiUriatic Society at the College of Physicians» They were Dr. Alfred Hand, in. of this city, and Dr. Henry Bvight ' pin, of New York. Dr. mdd, at- tending physician at the Children‘s Hospital, declared that it was due to experiments upon animals that, the invaluable blood test, wherebyl the presence of typhoid germs an) detected, was disiGusred. He saidl that through vivisection doctoral hope soon to eliminate the "whiti plague” and had in fact discovered a way to cure a. large number of we! of infantile spinal meningitis. Dr. Chopin declared that “false statements and hysteria]! ouepour- lug-s of can” but vociferous oppon- ents" had they been of any value might have prevented the dismvery of the antitoxin which saves the lives of three out of gvery four children Be Appears to Dispose ot Lots In Ills Oxfordshire Estate'. A despatch from London says:) Peers are numerous in various lines of business in Great Britain, but the Duke of Marlborough entered an entirely new field at Oxford UH Wednesday afternoon when ht ap- peared as a fully licensed auction- cer to dispose to the highest bidder of a number of lots of his Oxford- shire estate. The noveltry aroused a great degree of public interest, and the titled auctioneer, disposing of most of the Lots at good prices. Not long ago the Duke ploughed up some of the virgin turf of tho great park of his Blenheim suntan as an obieot-leomyn in the land re- form controversy. Woman Ranks Fourth Among Eighteen Getting Degree. A deepatch from Montreal says: Final results posted on Wednesday in the faculty of law at McGill for the hrst time in the history of the university contained the name of a representative of the fair sex. Mrs. A. M. Langstaff, the first weman; to present herself as a. candidate for the legal profession in this pro- vince, proved successful in all ex- aminations, and ranks fourth among the 18 members of the class who will be granted the degree of 'B.C.L. at the university common.- tion Tuesday. It will be up to the Quebec Bar Association to any whe- ther or not Mrs. Laeog.c/:aff shall practice, supposing she desires to do so. Ned, the friend of Bill, the fish merchant, surveytd lim _sa<_lly. "Bill," he said, solemnly, “I ain'ti the chap to round on a pal, butl that there fish you sold to my mis. sus this worming was-well the cat! ain't been near the 'ouse since, and l -----." "Ned," replied the friend of his youth, "mine's a difficult job. I've got to make a. living, and if the fish is good I sells it, and does pretty well. If it ain't good I sells it. and does pretbv well also. It ain't my fault, I never sent the stuff wrong. But you’re a pal o' mine, and I'll let you know 'ow you can find out for yourself 'ow things are." "Yes," said Ned, eagerly. “If you 'ears me shout ‘Fine fresh fish'.' you can reckon it it fresh fish: but if I shout, 'Fish, oh'.'--- well, it is fish, oh!” Two Irishman were digging a sewer. One was a big, tall, strong man, about 6 ft. 4 in. in height, and the other was a. little, puny man, about 4 ft. 6 in. The foreman came along to see how the work was pro- zressing, and noticed that one of them was doing more work than the other. So he calls down to the big fellow and says-Look here, Pat. How is it that little Micky Dugan. who is only half as big as you, is doing twice as much work as you I" Glancing down at Mickv. Pat replies, “Shun. and why shouldn't. he? Ain't he Bearer to it t" Chaplin "iTmi Say Animal Tests Sage Thousands. order to obtain accommodation and service. A person on a journey had to constantly have his hand in his poéket, and had to bribe his way throughout his trip. The Senator said that tipping had tb demoraliz- ing effect on persons who received tips. It had a tendency to pauper- izo waiters, porters and other per- sons, who should atand on a plain of manhood above the eel-vile posi- tion which they were placed in "hrough the acceptance of gratui- ities. Employers should pay their servants, and not expect the public to pay their help. Tipping also de- veloped a. spirit of arrogance on the part of they; sting the public. AT "CHILL LAW SCHOOL. Senator Ross of Middleton sym- pathized with the object of the bill, and said, "Every man should pay once, but 'eltg of God or mu algald make i.sit, pay fwim.” Senatoré Poiridr," i/iiin and Clown all spoke in favor of the bill and it was givéu a, second reading. Shure and Why Shouldn't Itt TITLED A V CT'10 N ERR. iiiau; ”m diphtheria, l Friendly llinl. A remarkable coincidence that woulu: be hard to beat is reported by the Man- I chester Guardian Just before the owning of the battle of Diamond Hill. in the Boer Wttr, four soldiers. complete strangers. met around an overturned Rest for a hutv meal. After the meal one oroduved a bad norm. whtch was neatly out in marten. and a compact was made that each man should wear the memento on his watch chain should he sunk-e. The four. who belonged to different regi- ments, then went into action and from What moment, neither he“! anythizf of (the, others until a. few nights ago. hen .. .., __- m..- mung when to u throwers nun. a AN " "a..." "ee a farewell dinner was being given to a popular man In Hituuirwham who wna going ubroud. The four then with amazement recognized each other by the News of metal attached to their watch- guards. All knew the truest of the evenlnx in- tlmatoly. and one of them had sent an lnvlmtlun to the others. mum to ram" London. A volume of figures issued by the Lon- don County Hound] duh-H hack to tti66 and tells of the millions that have since then been spent in the making of mo- dern London. Apart from the cash ruin- ed for annual revenue (he (swim! ex- ri',g"'/',t on the- town since 1856 Inns een four hundred and eighty million dollars. One hundred and twenty of these millions have Cone to improve the streets. but many more millions will have to be spent before the thorough- fares are big enough for present re- quircmenis. _-_. _ .-- __. 1 mun". he". nwnllowed qulrcmems. The drains of London have swallowed up sixty millions. Fifteen millions have been spent on bridges and another fifteen in drivintr tunnel! under the Thames. Ten millions have been spent in providing parks and open spaces. The clmrum-e of unhealthy areas has vast twelve and a half millions. while new dwellings for the poor have cost over ten millions. Ninetv millions have gone for education. and the lunatic asy- lums have taken fifteen millions. The taspltal expenditure on the trumways has excelled slxtv millions. ' -. . _ --'-- In- , nudnn ...... ”up..-“ .r_e-_r. _ To keep thtrtttrt groin: the London County Council drown about thirt.v-tlve millions out of the pockets of the rate- ;myers. As there are four and a half mllllon Inhabitants. however. the cost of things ls after all only about 87.20 a head. A white paper was issued recently which Males that the number of brewer- ies in the United Kingdom In the year ended Sept. 30 last was 3.887. The ma.- lerlals used were as follows: Malt. 52.- 287.637 bushels: unmnlted corn. 91.088 bushels; rice, 1.611.356 cwt.: sugar. 3.- 279.814 own: hops lincludintr a small nuantlty of "preparations of hens”). 62.- 911.376 pounds. and hop substitutes 18.- 885 pounds. ' The number of barrels of beer Two- durml was 37.078.760. anti, tle, amount " -irrd -humber of barrels of be duced was 37.078.760. and the or beer duty 'dtiL'iieih9.hy1c.lil.)? OI peer uuty Cllulluu -.v..._.-~_V During the your 651.768 barrels of a declared value of [2.118.379 were ex- ported, the principal customers being the British East Indies. £463,968; Aus- tralia. £310,493; Belgium. {289.691. and the United States. 269.986. Germany took £46,927 worth of Enxlish beer. I We: let! Growl-I " Princess Mary. only daughter of Kink George and Queen Mary, is enjoying: for the ttrtgt time a suite of apartments of her own, which were prepared under the supervision of the queen. They overlook the superb flower kar- dens of Windsor Castle. and the prin- cess was busy durintt the Easter holi- days arranging in them all the interest- ing knick-knacks and presents which she has acquired since her childhood. special provision being made for her collection of dolls. in which. although ‘17 years of age. she still takes an in- Out London Letter terest. Prince Albert shared rooms with his brother, the Prince of Wales. Owinz to the fact that the second son ot the king. who in in the navy. has vet to spend two more years away from home. it has not been thought expedient to prepare a second suite tor him. One of the sights of the park was to see the young princess and her bro- thers galloping about on their ponies. Before We, arriva} Jtr, the the, buy?i lielUl‘U Lot, "qBEghVS6. un .u‘, -._‘_ -7..,. Prhwesn Mary and Princes Henry and Gourze would have a dailv race, and invariably George, who I: the youmrest. would win. The cost of maintaining a ftrst..e1uBs battleship has risen since 1904 from something less than hrtif a million dol- lars a year to nearly a million. The na- val authorities are trying to reduce this heavy cost but it is never likely to reach the old future. althoulzh the use of oil fuel makes 'rite Ftiiietiog,H'otti,tle .uc. 'b.eb.hu-"6> .. m...» .____.7 _ . in the Mokers‘ department. The eizht- Run Queen Mary cost nearlv a million dollars more to/.buiiAAtttttlT ten-trun 333?: 'iuirircGitihk 3250.000 to maintain. . Babba- to be Wood for “not Work. Rubber, which in being trroduced tn int-rousing quantities to nteet a mum- lar demand. Is being used for all pur- poses-notably for domestic' Berviee. Later It may be employed for street purposes In cases ot illness. What In probably one of the thart rub- ber floors in the country has been laid down at the offices of the Rubber Growers' Association. In Easurheap-- made from surplus rubber from that subscribed for by the bl: companies tor Guy's Hospital tforTinr. . . u u.” " “Wm.-. W__r__._..rh. A member of the association said that rubber will become much cheaper In the course of the next year or two, and that when the plantations are yleld- ink what they should rubber will be used in the home and elsewhere to a grog]: extent. ' P.""'" mm“... “We are proposing. among other things." he said. "to manufacture a rubber street covering, to be lent out tn cases of Illness, instead of lawn: down straw. us Is gong at Dresept_." _ L. This new tioorimr mmerial costs MB. per square yard, but will. it Is claimed. last forever, can be cleaned easily. " noiseless. and it is warm in winter and cool In summer. mack nun Mm lent. A black tulip, which has been a dream of horticulturists ever since Dumas wrote of such a. mythical newer. has been very nearly realited. At the flower show in Horticultural Hall a specimen of tulip has been shown which has such a dark plum color that it might at ttrtgt zlance be mistaken for a black tlower. Its growers aerial-e thew will be able to exhibit a specimen almost coal black next year. Every Animal Possum-s Filament ot a Peculiar Quality. To the unassisted eye, all hair is apparently similar, except that some is long or short, ms or fine, dark or tair, or atmiglst and curly. When, however, hair is closely examined under tho micrroacope, this is not so. The Eumpean’o hair is round, and the negno’o oval, while that destructive rodent, the mouse, possesses hair that in evi- dently jointed. Thebdh kings-ed. Human hair, the mot of which in bulbous, is mloeed in t skin folk. cle, mandated with which are who ceous glands, whose secretion gives food and alanine: to the hair. Another fact tint emphasizes the wonders of Nature is that eads hair, irvsitmitkant as it is in size, holds a. coloring pigment. It may be brown, black, red or Barren; but when the coloring matter fails the hair adopts the dreaded grey hue. The tnicrmdopk and the hair have frequeorly provided the means of bringing about a. oriminml’s convic- tion. V There is one can on reootd--4hat of a murderer who had killed his victim by meme d a. blow on the brow-in which hairs that Ind been found on a, hammer in the posse.- sion of the suspected man, after be- ing subjected to careful scrutiny un- der tho microscope, proud to be those of the human eye-brow . This, coupled with the fact that ths vim tim was killed by & blow on ths brow, proved to be the link in the chain u evidpnoo which attAioed to convict the minus. . 7 Brltdn WHAT THE HAIR TELLS. Navy Living Co" more"... In 3.887 Invert". Vital -. that “and year more CANADA’S NEXT GOVERNOR Queen A despatch from London says: Prince Alcxlmder of Wee, third son of the late Duke of Teak, is to Ino- wed the Duke of Connaught as Governor-Geneml of Canada. TTU Roreno Highness Prince Alex- His Serene Highness Prince Alex- ander August-us Frederic: George of Teck, G.C.B.. G.C.V.O., was born April 14, 1874, married 1904 Her 1tosal Highness Prim Alice of Albany, dunghtzer of the late Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany. youngest aon of Queen Victoria. Their children no: Princess Mny Helen Emma, born Jan. 23, 1906. Prince Rupert AieornodoruGeorgs Augustus, born Aug. M, 1907. Prince Alexander of Tack is ts' brother of Queen May. He will take up his duties in October, " the expiration of the term of the Duke of Connuught. The Prince in a, keen soldier, but he has had little administrative experience. Bo is. however, a hard worker and 3 good organizer. He has done much in the cause of charity, especially in behalf of hospitals and in the fur- therance of cancer research. The Prince" of Tack is a. great favorite, and she is unanimously voted the prettiest and the best It is a greet (in. to be able to out the wheat from the chaff. and it was a habit of mind with Goldwin Smith ulwnya to let the mud settle. He wanted to see clear to the heart of n question after au' the lrrelevancies had blown uvu'. and his was an intellect which could pierce through clouds of rhetoric and seize up- on the one little central bit of fact or theory over which rival writers or talk- ers were beating the air. Says Mr. Ar- golil hHaultain in hie book on Goldwin m t '. Numberless Instances spring to my! mind of this his faculty o seeing through layers upon layers ot misty u- , trument and laying hold of the one small l solid fact Beneath. Thus when the whole economic world was looking on and. wondering whether New Zealnnd had really solved the problem of strikes by the institution of arbitration courts which should " the rates of wuss. he quietly asked: "Can any Court force An employer to pay what he can't afford to: nay. or force an employee to accept I wage lower than he can obtain else- where?" Bo with the whole question of paper money and the right and ability of the state to manufscturs dollar bills ad libitum which once so agitated the western continent of America. "People (do not see." he said. "that a dollar bill ‘is not money. " is a mere promise to ler. When " changes hands credit passes at the bank ot issue from the ttiv- er to the receiver" So with the whole question of Socialism. "tgorialitrtm." over and over again he has said to me, "tell us that 'the stste' should be the sole owner, manufacturer. landlord and uvhnt-nnl \\'hat is ‘the state"! Is It Comment on Events "tell us that 'the etute' should be the sole owner, manufacturer. landlord and what-not. What is 'the state"! In it not the people themselves? "the slate' is not a person who can put his hand in his pocket and make everybody rich." It in well perhaps now and again to recall there "small lolld fact: beneath" the surface ot life. The world Itill noel on the some old way. entablilhinx the- ories and mistaking them for practice. “on let-vou- " the 70nd. January-Chin. Australia. and New Zealand, and is the tinirshintr up of har- vest in Argentine. February and Msrch--L'pper Egypt and Southern India. April---rndfe, Asia Minor, Lower ‘Egypt. and Mexico. -- -. 4- We .14.". f-oaittr Mis.v--Northern Africa (excepung Egypt). Central Asia. and Japan. May also ushers In the have“ for the United States. In Texas. . ' - Ww --*- ..-... A- Lnlleu '3itWUCrF. ... 'F-AW.-'. June-Mouth-rn Russia. Austria- lIungnry. Ruumanin. Bulgaria. Ger- many. France. Southern Emland. and Eastern Canada. In the United States the harvest has worked northward, Ind Is now general In the Central and New England States. and in Nebraakn and Iowa. The Pacttte States. Oregon and Washington. are harvesting, and even South anou in at work. July in the greatest harvest month of the your. A - n,._..._ “nun-“I Dnlnnd erBlCll "a: vc-u. “no...“ u. -.-_ _"'"-"" Autrust--rNtgrtEm, Holltnd. Pound, Denmark. and Great Britain. In the United States. the North-Welt. Well- ern Cannqa. also y cugung. " h cl“ %.r-ri. -._., .- --'e-i'"F"M" September and october-Northern Russu. Norway. Sweden. Scotland. Western Canada. November-peru, South Afriet. In fact. thin month 13 the beginning of the wheat harvest in the southern hemi- sphere. Argentina do“ a little in thin month. - " A. -Bca . I.” I". " to [W Henry Ford'. foreicn-born employees lro thtdlnq out thet when tho Detroit motorcor king practically doubled their waxe- by hi- protlt-.ttruotq plan he did not Intend that tll the our: money Ihould Bo into the saving bunks. Many of these people in their native londl ex- luted in squalid hovoll. hue. dirty 1nd unwholuome. Mr. Ford ha ”"06 no- tice upon them that they mutt clean up thoir homo. ma live cloudy. decently sud eomforttsbiy. There mull be no more crowding thoir good.- with bond- m of their own mtionoliuoo; no more bothtub- and u duck panda. Anon-icon won- mult moon Anerimn announ- prehend. (if tifvlnc. “0qu Limited" Trail Stopped Just In “It. . -A deepatch from Truro, N.8., says: An attempt to wreck the Ocean Limited train trom Montreal to Halifax was made at Bible Bill, about one mile west of Truro, on Tuesday night. The bit'dtt: 40 minutes late, m Mung t 50 miles an hour when thirdn%re in: a, tie lying new“ the track. Quickly applying tho air brakes he stopped the twin, but not until the tie was shoved ahead of the engine for a hundred feet. The matter is being investigated. "No; thnt'l . thing :he ;;r.1= to give." “She says the never -b,rr trouble." the Mary's Brother to Sun Connaught AMMM8 A WRECK. The Cheerful Giver. " Afrlca - (excepflnl deemed ot the British Boyd Prin- Prince Mom, who it 3 major in the thetood Life Gunda. served in the Manholelmd campaign and in South Africa, for two was. and to his other title: added that of the Distinguished Service Order, which, next to the Victoria Cross, is the chief ambition of the military men in Great Britain. low Princes- of Tack Banks. “to em rank ot the Prilwessee of Took is rather an interesting question. In England they rank in _ pnctico immediately after the ‘dnughten ot the Duke of Fife, to whom the late King Edward give . definite precedence immediately " ter those of the Boyd Family. who be" the title of Boyd Highness. But the Tech an merely a ducal family, although they but the title of Prince. The late Duke of Teak was given the title of “Highness" by Queen Victoria. in the jubilee year of 1887, but -easrly this. title was a, purely per-and one and did not descend to hit children The Almwh de We recog- nized authority on such mattersw places the Princes both of Tack and Bamnberg in its third part. along with the other British and foreign dukes. QWWWsQ i'ic'riimwlj wow 3 EWCQ$QMM‘3 -6leen Mary of England is In ex- pert iufge ot:lacr. .. . . , The New .York University has just trraduatod 36 women as law. yen. The French courts have decided that women cannot vote in that oountrr. _ . . t "iiG.'l/ ia a. shortage of daughter: unong the royal families of Eu- mpp. - _ . "i6“, of the conductor- on the street cu: in anpuaiso, Chili, are women. _ - . "iir1iii'ar is tauirt the puoili in the public Mot Italy by an as- sedation composed entirely of wo- men. 7 _ . Succeed the Duke ot Nearly 2,000 girls are employed as telephone operators by the Bell Telephone company in Philadel- phia. - - . . Pasadena. (Cal.) women have gated city council to pm an ordin- ance prohibiting tobacco chewing in the street oars. Arabian women never show their A woman irthe patentee of a Cuf- fee pot in which the grounds are kept Away from the spout by a vet tical perforated partition extend, imrto the top: . . Wyoming, where women have had the full ballot for " yeua, has the mull“: proportion, of unmarried women to its population of an) state in the Union. Lims Cavalieri the opera star. claim. that girls should wait until they Ire 44 years old before man} ins. and also that they should hare only one child. Baroness Carl von Crarrnlmusen, who recently arrived from Austria, brought with her a, bulldog which is valued " 810.000 and which wears i gold ring in its nose besides has- ing , pjgk necktie. Min Mario, Been. a wealthy New York girl, braved the uinter blasts in Northern Michigan to alleviate the 'tuttering among the families nf the foreign copper miners in that territory. Simplified From 1 pm of fresh, crisp till I bowl and add cream or Then, with some fruit, a cup of Instant Foam-I. and a poached egg or two if you like,, you have a “simple breakfast that is wholesome and satisfying. Post Toasties Tongue. are bits of corn awfully cooked. delicately salaried. 1nd touted to an appetizinz 'hrmm" without hem: touched by hand. Thtsy look wood, taste good, "The Memory Llngers" Breakfasts Make for good days "cu-dun Podium Cereal Co Indoor. Ontario. Bold by Grocers--. Every whr r, _the, had curry. and " Ir,. 10! not ter NOTES AN D co NI M “in. But loll]! of the Utitcn m worrying ale, m thick. ulna. cannot cuily -died. Mrs. all“! in doing her best another hue and end; When! A womm. she hf tatlser'a family name a it until she is married H lock Ihe takes her “min-Ind “She has none "f in: _ nu All. pass down u, 'tt v.i " "It este fl " ua Int the (am Sm ands OBI I children drop [)5 fresh sur en ed awaua nu per mat OI“ ti An his l that band d 82K Th. to genera Pl Bouueau's m1: French mothers tice of nursing Under the infh" tic spirit, which " and artific button: mm longer hesitate spring tor ll] d had: and (an! no“ of this, fo plenum. Sund- w e The "imenc.s tute Links that min-nu. Tim it in fifty an... tor the spur it timea the light "tr Matres an N I.Iu of N Herbert F. I dun mine in 1 how they mun M. They which one the l gin n dead). per under an i metre candles, w into which it is how. calculnwd tom‘s light war. “hoover pm Mr conduit": "This calculm y M ot the “all glow worm nude tioms. By va,riou ion ita brightly" M. The tia n m SI ne Jrn and tun probably many or 006 huetdro, the My tricrw qtmehaaione, In a-td hold of corirsr r'P. rupee! lo the It mill-'13 brilliam‘y y "It gypsum. then, l m materiel of the could it be reproduce boot-vs. mean in Lu Ills, (it lower than Munroe: with whi out”, yet high m). it III without lure“ Jude inset under m Ina??- iirii% out ot order. nu - . ' lhdon." tha em n tt up In mince rt GLOW \\ " tt N " “I hm MK. ll " ew " " " If n The If! tl 'or worm-n t disk of H If tttr Id n for marl

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