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Durham Review (1897), 21 May 1914, p. 3

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", 953::va _ 1:.::1:'.':.‘-’- MONTREAL i'i' r jCr"e'?l'rl'i) 17ri2 MONTREAL. Egan-on; {EDPATH in tal Packages ou’ll be sure ll weight - st quality - ate We ' a... .. inn" an no of, my W-I. 11 h '.t0N B ns t uh 5914’. “an km; who: dc " h. " [K I) " Sometime ago I had a lot, of mum. from wimoo. o.uaed by “H rich Mod. I trot BO I W“.un" atria ts, digest scarcely linlv rm] medicines seemed W- _ 'A friend Advised no to. "I Grape-Nun food, prouintrithiarhlr, am] as a. M resort. I tried it. I am thankful to any that Grape-Nil. n t unly rah'orod'mc of my iambic, “I” Milt me up and .trisnath.ned tuy d srrv.tive orTPrt" so .that I on) trrr'A M! anything I desires. But 1 sin-k tn Grape-Nuts." . P an given by (kn-dun at“ '_o, Wltulatsr. on. non "III- (act that. as dropping water will we." a stone .way " last. so will the use " haw. greasy. rich food, tlrmlly 1NMtrhe Loss of appetite and indigestion. Fortunately many are thoutrhthn n. ugh to study themselves and who the prina'ple of an» and rffeet in their daily food. A young mm writes her axporignoeyhuli This who are still young robust. are likely to overlook jam, that. as dropping “her “nod to ludiga'sfiun and the attend“ mumfcrts of mind and body are eertain to follow continued use of Improper food. . Cood Digestion Follows Right Food I, lh CURF, FOR RIIIII'M.\'I'ISM. Prtuute the Parts Alt-dd Into 1teatrd Pan-I. Mr Eartha de Smdfon read a ,l-npl-r at the French Academy of \lwliclue detailing his discoveries in n and to rhe w-called keritherapy, hr “:IV. cure for rheumatism. con- ~..~t.ng m the plunging of the whole will or the parts anected imp heat. ml paraffin. Th" new treat,ment is said to be "s oltwhtlly efficacious in cases of Mmrim and rheumatic disorders. Ur itarthe de Ssndfort found, first I“ ln’r-wnal and then by serial] ex- pertrnettts during the last ten yarn, that wax, even when heated above 12:. (ugh-es Fahrenheit. did not turn. and produced purely barki- . w: vffects never attained by poul- '.r , q or other substances at lower f, mpvrntnn‘s. Moreover, wax is .nwlutvly aseptic, cheap and easily " " t NEW HOPE foe SUFFERERS FROM PARALYSIS beep 1 tl tir'. .tNO. "'F'F'A"1' 'npeun physicisns have hither- IA ed the new idea suspiciously, ugh Dr, Carrol of the Rocke- Institute of New York testi, ie azl'ln-rt‘nco to the theory in lent w Wellvillo. . u Reason.” the do Handfort has per- (I now defeats mpticism mmum of the result: ac- l, mm only in human vs, but also in veterinary especially with swollen race huts". when the is of thr great-eat. value. invis- a nd the Queen Viacom ha mumbed to the morbid chum of bull mm. which at first won so repulsive to her that she futoihy used an opera glue thmrugh which coding could be noon, in order to avoid vitae» in; the econo- in the “out. But now she attend. moro "htn than is cuddly required, .31! ,eatdteas than with arvident exeim. That is ab and In wittt lonipen a Alfonob himself, some of humor. The unhappy youth oollaprei. He had only recently come 00 Madrid from the proviooes. ,vnd. failed to recognize the Queen, who were . veil and was simply attired. No one hushed more hardly an hon-ins of this ioddemt than King Hardly knowing Whether to be annoyed or amused. the Queen turn- ed to her lady-in-niting, bot the latter. with great indignation, ex- claimed: "Wham insolonoe! Are you swan that this lady when: you haw addreeed in such an imperti- ne'nt manner is none other dun the Queen I" . After some moments' delay the clerk produced a diminutive tooth brush which he presented to Her Maiesty for her approval. . "For one whose foot I feel sure must be as small and dainty as yours this brush will be more than tsufficient," replied the clerk. "Whist ia the urot showing me this?" observed the Queen. “I ask- ed for a strong shot brush"? IMe afternoon lately Queen Vic- toria Eugenie, accompanied by one of her ladies-in-waiting, went to a fashionable perfumers in one of the principal streets and asked a youth behind the counter for a fairly strong shoe brush of moderate size. It is a Spanish custom to openly pay compliments to ladies in the street. the theatres, and other public places, and ladies are disap- pointed if in their walks or shop- ping excursions many pretty things are not mid to them. If your baby does not sleep, if he is cross, cries a great deal, and will not be cumlurted, that is the time to give him Baby's Own Tablets. Thu-y promote sleep -- not the drugged unnatural kind obtained through the use of "soothing" mix- tures, but that refreshing natural sleep of the healthy child. The Tablets banish all stomach and bowel compuinrv--the direct cause of crossness and sleeplessnesa. Concerning them Mrs. E. Medras, Grand Bois, Que., says: "When I began using Baby's Own Tablets baby was so troubled with constipa- tion he would not sleep day or night. Now all this trouble has vanished and he is a strong healthy child." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ql' III-1N WA NT“) SHOE Clerk Thought to Flatter "or By ("h-ring a Tooth Brush. The Douglas fir has been intro- duced into Europe with great. suc- cogs and large forests have been planted which are now yielding handsome profits. Germany and France purchase every year Urge quantities of seed from the Indians in British Columbia. Dr. C. S. Sirgent, one of the greatest, authorities on American trees, (haseribes the wood as hard, durable, and largely used for all kinds of construction. According to a rlsosrnt Dominion Forestry Branch publication on the "Wood-using In- dustries of Ontario.” it is increas- ing in pupularity in that province for dem,rative purposes as "it has an attramhe grain and figure which readily lends itself to stain- ing." Douglas fir construction tim- ber is shipped to all parts of the world. It .is also widely distributed throughout the western United States, being able to stand consid- era.ble climatic variation and being practically immune to insects or fungus diseases. This remarkable tree um a height of over two hundred feet with a trunk ten to twelve feet in diameter, forming, alone or mixed with hemlock, great forests extend- ing four hundred miles north of the International Boundary. Its na- tural range extends in Canada. to the eastern foot-hills of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, where it grows to a, height of 130 feet and a. diameter of four feet, and is con- sidered one of the most important timber trees on the Dominion Rocky Mountains Forest Reserves, which covers an area of nearly 21,- 000 square miles. l :eedu decreased Mreotroeveet r cent. and Much, tho 'due', production of which has doorman! over forty per cent. in the last two years, bids fair soon to become ocmmercially extinct. Of the six leading tree speciea in Canada, Dough: fir was the only one whose lumber production increased in 1912. In the province of British Columbia alone, Douglas fir formed over 67.7 per cent. of the total lum- ber cut, and British Columbia. is at present by hr the richest timber province in Canada, containing, ac- cording to some estimates, one-half the merehantable timber wealth of the Dominion. Olly Tyre Whoa Link! Produ- Iln hem-ed In 1012. There are tree. in Cloud. whose Commercial 1'er iss okarly on the wane. Amos-ting to one of the late-1t. bulletins of the Dominion Forestry Brunch, the value of tho white pine lumber cut in 1912 wu (me and a. haw million dolls" less than in 1911. The cut of hemlock den-med thirty per cent; that of WAKEFUL BABI ES DOUGLAS m. BRI'SII. It we: a little wizened men who appeared before the judge and charged his wife with cruel and tsbusive treatment. Bis better half was a big, square-jawed woman, with a determined eye. "In the first piece, where did you meet this women who has treated you so dreadfully?” asked the judge. "Well," replied the little mu, making e brave attempt to glare de- tiarttly at hie wife. “I never did meet her. She just kind of over- The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd. wife ot a well. known miller in Rottertsville, In proof truftteieat that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Una no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's. Me. per box. All dealers or The Catsrrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. ”For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and Notches on my face were not only mortitying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would neVer look nice agaln I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tomes, and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put into my hands a box ot Dr. Htun0ton'g Pills. She placed reliance upon them and. now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whntever they might coat. 1 round Dr. Hamil- ton'a Pills by their mild yet searching Action very suitable to the delicate character of I women's nature. They never once griped me, yet they estab- liahed regularity. My appetite grew brett-ttty blood red And Tture-h-y rings under my eyes disappeared and to-dny my skin in " clear and un- wrinkied u when I was I girl. Dr. Hnnilton's Pill: ditrit all." - 1 How lt Sick Woman Can Regain Health "So insistent was she on this point that to humor her hut with- out in the least believing her story her husband and I lit a. candle and searched every nook and cranny of the room. We found nothing and were about to give up the rather ridiculous pursuit when the patient suddenly announced that she 'had a feeling' that the spider was upon the mantelpiece. "Tho husband and I looked at each other, and I signed to him to afford no indication of what had oc- curred. But just then a sigh of re- lief from the bed accompanied by the remark. 'ht last you have found it,' proved to us the futility of our precaution. Tho sixth sense had not failed.” “I followed him, and found his wife in a stale which suggested sudden collapse. She was very pale, with a. feeble pulse and rapid breathing. She declared that she felt 'dreadfully' sick and that she was absolutely certain them was a spider somewhere in the mom. "We looked there, and had satis- fied ourselves she was quite mis- taken, when it occurred to me to lift the edge of the flounoe sur- rounding the woodwork. Aa I did so a large black spider ran quickly along the cloth towarxl a, hole in the Wood and disappeared. "A few nights ago the lady re- ferred to joined her husband at the house where we were staying. lo the middle of tube night my new ac- quaintance came to my mom and asked me to attend his wife, who had become very unwell. to the London Times by a. medical correspondent. This woman can de- tect, her husband Hays, the pre- sence of a. spider in any room she happens to be living in without hav- ing been the “Insect, or, indeed, without having any reason to Bup- pose that it was there. The discmu rry is accompanied by violent sick.. ness. malaise and even debility, but all those symptoms at once pass away when the spider is caught and removed from the room. The writer tells the following story: Knows When Insert Is Near By “Queer Feeling." An extraordinary story of a WO- mais spider sense hat been rellte4 um’wumum. The reason is that when the Kid- neys get out of order they fail to strain the impurities out of the blocd, and general lassdtude and weakness ensues. The natural cure is to cure the Kidneys. The experi- ence of thousands of others tells you that Dmid‘s Kidney Pills cure the Kidneys. READ THIS VERY The experience of the postmistresa u similar to that of thousands of other Canadisn women. They were weak, run down, nervous and in bad health generally. They took Dodd’s Kidney Pills and are strong and well again. A "For about two years,” Mm. Gray says, “I was all run down. My sleep was broken and unrefredh.. ing, and I suffered from shortness of breath and heart iluttesringa. I iintlly decided that the Kidneys were the cause of Pb, trouble and decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I took four boxes in all, and I feel quite strong and like myself again. I certainly think Dodd's Kidney Pills are {good medicine.” A Postmistrcss is Mbome, Frontenac Co., Out, May 11 (8peeial).--Mm. B. Gray, the popuhr WWII hem, in telling her friends of the great bsneiit the has received from taking Dodd's Kidney Pills. In. Gray, Who Was Nervous “(I Run Down for two Yen's, Tells How She Found New Health. FOUND COMPLETE CUBE IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. WONA N 'S “SPIDER SENSE." Never Met Ber. Quite Well Again CAREFULLY, The son of Sir Edward Btnchey, But. was born in 1860 and was educated at Balliol College, Oxford. He has edited "The Spectator” since the ,etirmosnt of Mr. Town- send, who,- in conjunction with Mr. Richard'Holt Hutton brought that journal to a. high point of literary and political power. Mr. Stnchey is a stalwart, member of the Union- ist party, while his brother, Lord Btraohea, is a, Libenal peer. Mr. Straghey is the author of several books, including “Problems and Perils of Socialism” and the “PM tical Wisdourof the Bible." Regularity There is no sort of muscular pain that Nervillne won't cure quickly. Thousands swear by it for rheuma. tism, neuralgia. sciatica and lumbago. It sinks to the core of the pain-right through muscle, tissue and nerve-Mt penetrates where no oily, greasy lint. ment can go and invariably cures quickly. It you have an ache or a pain anywhere-use Nerviline--it will cure you. Family size bottle, very large 50c.; trial size 25c. at all dealers. Was Relieved In an Hour, and Cured Over Night. A lame back? Quite unnecessary. All you have to do is to rub on Nervi. line. It's simply a wonder for back. tUFS-relieves after one rubbing. "No. thing possibly could cure an aching back faster than Nerviline," writes Mrs. Arthur Kobar, ot Lower Chel- sea. N. B. "t caught cold and was so prostrated with pain I could not bend over. We always have Nerviline at home, and I had the painful region rubbed thoroughly with this grand llniment. At once the pain departed. The lameness was rapidly reduced and in an hour I was able to be about my housework. I was rubbed again Just before retiring, and awoke as usual in the morning without a sign ot my back trouble." Another landing was effected about midnight, and the captain and one of his mm proceeded in- land. to discover that the three un- fortunate men captured by the sav- ages a. few hours before had been eaten by their ferocious captors. The ornly traces of the cannibal feast' were three smouldering firms and parts of the bodies of the victims. Lame Back Strengthened $iill'Iieis Taken Itight ht Captain Combey heard the sound of shots, and, fearing trouble, pull- ed ashore, accompanied by two white men. He was reosived with a volley of shats from the ambush- ed savages. A desperate running fight ensued, but when one of his men was badly wound-ed the cap- tain decided to retreat to the ves- se . The mate's head was battered from behind, and his companions were wounded and carried inland with the. body of tho mate. The three men, however, had only just reached a. belt of thick brush- wood near the beach when a. horde of savages, armed with trade guns and stone clubs, attacked the help- less visitors. ing, or, as it ie generally styled, '"blackbirdimr." l Embittered by the prolonged ab. eeume of so many of their kinsmen at the plantations, the natives of the New Hebrides, up the Daily Citizea'a Sydney correspondent, have become ext-rarely hostile to white men, and the traders who lahd on the island are invariably well armed. It was therefore with considerable trepidation that Cap- tain Combey, 'of the Guadeloupe, decided to land three of his crew on Malekula. M'hen the mate; the tn1per-0artro, and a. semen of the Guadeloupe set foot on shore, everything seemed quiet, and there were no natives to be seen. d the bowel: is in Absolute - dty tor good llama. Unleu the waste matter from the food which collects there in got dd of at has: accede 'itdetpiyrtptdpoisethe whole botiy. "g't"edltt'er' indi. gestion end sick dashes. Salt. and other harsh mine!!! punitive- lrp'ttt the dams We: u.,thtt Cenlhi Peat. Three of thrown of . French schooner barbed: killed and eaten in the Now Hebridm by garage. The news was received " Sydney (New South Wales) when the Mee- ugeriea 11mm steamer Ville de ks Ciotat arrived from Noumea. Tho schooner Guadeloupe, . French vessel mead in the re- crqug of South Sou natives to work in the FiiUn plantations, call- ed at Muekula, one of the many islands of the New Hem-Moon group, tor the purpose of ascer- paim'ng the possibilities of recruit- French Semen Killed I“ Eaten " John St. Lee Stnchey, SOUTH SEA HORROR. TORONTO Gin Pills Completely Cured. Mr. B. C. mud. of Cornwulll. N.B., lays: "About a you no. I wu mrtNrinq so much with I MN! Lame Buck and mpg. um I could not and up “mum, I vu Internal by a friend about GlN PILLS. I not I box. It helped mo Immodlutaly. I hue taken about twelve boxe- and the palm In my buck and hips u. :11 none. I cum“ up.“ too highly of your GIN PILLS." "e. 5 Box. 0 for 82.50. Bungle free " you write National Drug h Ohmic.) Co. of Cunt; Limited. Toronto. I am not our» that one hm equals a mutton chop, my. . wri- tee iat_th, Damion Chronicle, but Pain In Back All Gone The British navy affords some good examples of family amtdnuity of profession. Ever since 1735, when Augustus Koppel-the future admiral and hero of many furhbu--- was appointed a. midshipman, the name of Keppel has figured on the navy list. Even this record is sur- passed by Sir Michael Culmo-Sey- mour’s family, which has opplied officers to the navy pmuically without a. break since the dam of Henry VIII., when Sir 1homaa Be)L mour combined the ofhoes of Lord High Admivml and Maatasr-0eoeral of the Ordnance. A Seymour served as Woo-Admitxsl against the Armada, and another Seymour was killed in command of his ship fight- ing the Dutoh in 1666. It is said that the name of Senna!" has been mom often mentioned in dispatches than any other name on moord.- London Daily Chum. "A saucerful of naphtha was placed as close as possible to a heavy spark. A piece of waste, saturated with naphtha. was also placed close to the spark electrodes, but in neither experiment was the vapor ignited by the spark. The same naphtha, test was also applied to the small sparks at minor put: of tho apparatus and nothing hap- pened." "For instance, one firm of ship- ownens made the following experi- ment as long ago as 1912 to ascer- tain what damger, if any, might arise from the existence of sparks in the rigging as well as in the in- strument room. According to the Marconi Com- pany, which has received numerous inquiries, there is not the slightest fire<unger from wireless when pro- perly installed and operated. The company has conducted searching experiments and made a, full investi- gation. The first authoritative statement on the subject, was made by a. high offUsial of the company to. day. ”Since 1908 we have. htted about forty tank steamers with our appa- ratus. and nothing in our whole ex- perience indicates that the hrxs-riak is increased thereby. The Question As to Sparking In the Rigging. _ The published reports of spnrking in the rigging of ships carrying wireless and the fact (that the United Mates Bureau of Navigation has been calling the attention of the Hhipping world to the possible dam- ger to vessels carrying inf1ammable cargoes, and that tho British Board of Trade has been in oommunica» tion with tho Bureau of Navigation on the subject, have amused con- siderable discussion in the shipping world and among underwriters. "Any possible risk from the use of wireless installation on ship- board must arise from the existence of electric sparks in proximity to infhunmtsble gas or m=wterial. N0 DANGER FROM WIRELESS. nanny“: "' sun men free. with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-cud Pouor Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. B. h. For more than smion Cuucum Soup and Cutlcurl. Ointment luvs worded the most economical treatment {or tutectiomg on the skin and Icalp that torture, itch. bum, Icale. tad destroy sleep. Bold everywhere. Sample of each mailed free. mm 32-p. Skin lend mum of itching some. "t 'ro'v'eoomoatiad.nermtna this melon than . week the disease become worn and I could not obtain any maniac. I unoditttrrmteettrt- redone on the market but they only Deemed to luau-e the Marin. and eluded me no relief thmer. About thin time I Mend mended Cuticun Ointment to me. However, 1 bed loeelnith in ell remedies Ind told him no. but he insisted the I try Cuti- cum Ointment no I purchased . box. The lint application gave relief end in ghoul. . week the some were healing and l was able to obtain a good night's rest. the that I had enjoyed for my months. I continued the Ointment for mother month and by that time all sign: of the disease had vanished." (Signed) Willard P. Men, May 16. 1913. Kahlua. N. B.--"" than ttm yuan tnraatroeterednrtus.ttshteuattirtueh 'rould-mo.tt-onmrte- but. Tmmbledmom Inthomolthoyw. Thy (h,0 - an! " Ill qMNt8na, The Rash on Mllll mill - AND BURNER lshon Lo and Back. Scratchl isrnrft"ld'lltlrd Out, 'fi'l'l'll2 curaOintment. 'tIll';,',',',!,)',',',')", Ions Uses toe Bun. Family in Navy. The wife of u wealthy manufae- turer ind (mansion to all in the help of s new fioorpoh'aher. "Do you understand your buqineu than oughly‘l" "All I ask, madam, is that you shall inquire for yourself u my int Mn. On the floor of the lap during-noon alone live person. broke their limbs dur- ing last winter, 5nd . lady clipped down the [and staircase. It was I 1rho_po1iaUd the Aoor and the no refund none " PM ".A'ettiv,,,riel'i,',te 'ls'Sr.re'iw'.iti't' " q " ”8 c. 0. - “not. “a. Being a antic may be merely one ot the steps to “ween. Sunday School Teacher-“Now tell me what it is that. binds us to- gether, Ind makes up better than we are. by nature." Little Snub Ahn--"0oreresta, miss.” "Women mast consider it . dreadful tue to be an old maid," mused Mr. Chugwaber. “They do, Josiah,” said Mrs. Chugwnter. “What terrible sticks they same- times marry to escape it." And Jo- siah rubbed his chin and said no- thing." Good Prospect 'for Corn Crop I rured A horse of the Mange with MINARD'S LINIMEN'P. CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. I oured a horse badly torn by A gnu: fork, with MINARD'B LINIMENT. t. Peter's. C. B. EDW. LINHAKF. I cured a horse of a bad swelling by HINARD'S LINIMENT. Every one with corn: will be pleased to know that Putnam's Corn Extractor ll truaranteed to cure hard. soft or ttteedinq corn: in twentwfour hours. Painless and sure " Putnam'l Ex- traetor, Me. It I“ Genie". A little boy began to keep a diary. and his first entry was--"Got up this morning at, 7 o'clock." He showed the entry to his mother, and she said reprovingly, "Have you been to school? 'Got up,' indeed'. Such an expression! Does the sun get up? No, it riseay'--and she scratched out "Got up at seven" and wrote “Rose at, seven" in its place. That night the boy. before retiring, completed the entry for the day with the serrteaotr--"Set at 8 o'clock." Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis, patent solicitors, Montreal, report 127 Canadian patents issued for the week ending April inst, 1914, 84 of which were granted to Americans, 18 to Canadians, 14 to residents of foreign countries, and 11 to red dents of Great Britain and oulo- nies. Of the Canadians who re- oeived patients, 12 were of Ontario, lot, Qutheo, 2 of Manitobo and l of _Btsyer (to trtweller)---No, no; no- thing at all, thanks. We're over- stocked now. Trtsveller--Yery well; but Won’t yo11 just 199k at my mymplett - Traveller-Well, then, look here'. Do you mind it I take the blessed things out and look at ‘om myself! I haven't seen 'ern for three weeks. INFORMATION 1'01t IN VENTORS V Bdyer-Not a bit of good Too bugyl _ In the province of Alsace-Lor- raine the women wear a. huge, winged headdress. The wonderful thing about, the Mancini: hat is- how is it supported? Are there concealed wisest And how does it "stop oa" in a, high mind? onthrsiauodotMirbm, indie Zuyder Zoe, the fashions“: hat in again of the mite shape, but with the addition of wide, flapping wings. Farther north, in Norway, I. maiden on her bridnl day dons a, traditional erection which can best be likened to an eccentric castle or a gigantic dream. In certain peats 6! Spain a. hat oimiiar to the Russian style in worn. Particularly ia this popular with the dancers among the Toledo peasan- try, although it, Inuit be very hot and uncomfortable for thin purpose. The Dutch widen of Am pins her faith-and her tae-b-do n hat which newbie. in dupe an in- verted Bomsr-pot. It my not be the style most, suited to her hound, placid face, but the would not change it foe the latest “thing” in millinery. Bathurst. N.B, “manual-yo Inquire For Yourself. Trade Depresslon. His Diary. wWORMS THUS. w. PAYNE. To - all hum-n] Ivor-u from calm. in u o'tati.t'. In a M that will - which: A: but.” in will an no a ttmic. " lib moot: - “I!” PI" Mutton in booklet with every bottle. “one“. Mt., m "N It. Fi2ftiitii't If i,] Av. Rs uov IS. Curie a Col tn On. Day. 23c. Me--'1ou puckered up your lips IO that I thought vou were going to Ha me." Ho~“No; I ttot name grit in my mouth." She~"Wcll, or goodneu sake, "allow it; you need some in your system.” “Put," said Sandv. "whv is a short, man struggling to kin a tall woman like an Irishman going up Veauviuu" “Faith. an! isn't it because he's trying to get at the mouth of the crater Z" replivd Pu. If you have Red, Weak, “may Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesu't Smart --soothes Eye Pain. Dru gins Sell Murine Eve Remedv, Liquicf. 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tuba, 25c. 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. a'tiTo'tHqoofNrN$.--qt.ro “urine :1. Ion-d7 Co.. Chic... To t the genuine, can for full nu Lut'rlts'4e BRoNo, _u11rNrilyrts_ 71.3: Try Murine Eve Remedy When all the other pawns"- hld dispersed, a trnivally Irish ner- vant cume up to him with. “Maybe you're Sir Robert, Bull?" /'oh, jun, your honor, 1 am sorry I hlve kept you waiting, bat I wu told to look out for an intellectual- looking gentleman." Lucky I nun is never hm forget. _ On receiving an affirmative reply, the man broke out npologellClny, In“! ”than Lunbemnl'u ”one The Ute Sir Robert Ball enjoyed I joke at all times. even Main" himself. On one occasion he wu to lecture in a. remote plrL of Ir.- Und, and on his arrival at the at» tion, looked in vain for the ex- pected Cottve.h'am?e. CANCII. IUIUIS. Lou's. BTU. lama“ and "urn-l. cured I'll} out ”In by our hcu- crnunun. Writ. DI hetero too Inc Dr Bellan- Id“ 00.. United. Pelllnlm, on o " (are re onion weenie”. It, G. Brunet. Ollndm Ont. RESIDENT AGENTS IN EVERY , town to introduce urivtly lax!!!- Inlta. “grime“! lnvoltmunt Drummi- tion. You an make " daily or mar. In up.” time In vour own homo town, One Ulla-mun Is urluullv ave-ruin: over 8100 each w "it. Wo Kum‘uvm-o tettttrrrtu?tiott to “may"! Your (-urt..xnm-a Addr-The (‘umndiun Magnum» Pre- mium Department, Ruom 302. " Yong. Rt.. Toronto. G OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN In York County. Stmloncry Ind Book Buying” In connecuon. Prfco on" 34.000. Terms liberal. Wlllmn Publish- httt Company. " Went Adela”. Street. Toronto. p, you w.“ To Fur on can. A “hing. 1mg. mun._or Dnlrv Parm l PEI“: IKE'OKHTBF mm“? It". . W. Dun-on. lunch- 09 Calhoun .1... Mme . w. Dawson. nun-u scum... nuns "out; II. w. DAWSON, 60M!“ SI, Vanni; on: On. “I‘OIO QWXI'S" in 501d by drugqéql rsrrywl:ert an Fi . bunk-.6 Irottlrvn for " he! " In e copy " our book"A Trcativse on [hr Horse" at your drnrttgist's or write In. . DRILMML m., 'letter, FIRE NXON GRO‘K'ERS. GET LITERA- It's cheaper to raise rolls than to buy horses. But it's rostly if you Jose the colts. Keepabottleof Kendall‘l Spavin Cure handy. For thirtr-five years bu proved it the safe, reliable remedy for spnvin, splint. curls, ring-l bone. bony growths and lumen“: from many calms. NEWIPA'EIS FOR CALI A n Fserilent Ext-use. Honor. nono- I DAVII. 71. Bt. - Bt.. .0qu '11” {or worm-Hon. AtjgtkttmFErfiitTt". ATENTS IImLLAulout It... to. on... OF INVENTIONB

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