West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 May 1914, p. 4

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tll, mmmmmmmmmmmm a 'cts: g ii/l 731° Cc' -CtN>r: P,FC, A "ies,,-r,ri,'",5- _"iSr-'Pl- 'hrti, $2; a: 2uirooooaoirsst"irocireir"iil"ir? i; :37: 'i, for Men and Boys 500 tons of No l Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop The House- of Quality Large Quantity oi No. I Feeding 1'iayr __ .. "‘ .. --v C-.. thhz Han, Sovereign, C L. GRgioiit' "9 All kinds of grain bought on Flour 2,rl, John McGowan Good Line New Grocery, Bopt The House of Quality Also a fine line of f Our usual good mm. CRIMPBD OATS ior Horse Feed at CHOPPED OATS at. . .. very teas THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Fresit and Cleim at ua) off car. before packaging elsewhere. li Every bag guaranteed. bring It back and get your We have received a Made by the W. B. Sanfqrd people of m- milton, one of the oldest and best manutac-' tuters of Clothing in the conntay. We ask you when invwant of a good Suit, to come and see ours. ' i _ . Saunders Eclipse and Pastryflour TO THE PUBLIC : Having opened a new Grocery, Boot & Shoe Store in Wm. Btack's Old Stand, we beg to solicit a share of your valued patronage. We will be ready at all times to supply your wants in either line, and all orders left at our store will receive our prompt attention and careful delivery. It is our aim to keep an up=to=date Stock, a want at this Store. We will continue to carry on our repair shop and we trust you will favor us in this respect as you have in the past. ut market price. and Feed in tqnlotn a Feed at Fair Prices very reasonable rates Opening of Boots 8? Shoes If not satisfactory money. r. See this ttay It will pay you. Come Ind see them Special Reduction q * Suits t Phone 45 Durham, Ont. It is our aim to keep an and you will find what you t u“ t y::f._ * 'tll j!iiji1 rt,tdf, ‘I°_ * “Tn dd. “rm; * has at 'ist)!? " w in 'yel'no iii:;? Je, ilt th air" JI 't‘l'o li 'f,"] I: iiiii ‘0" " * talent! 'dl,' i'17, 'sei',), * 'iii! Q, g? b'iil, "iii/i! ' 'iiiiiii 't 'iiili Td 'sii1' a: 'tl hand (antler; :i'uy’n on; * tiiiii, en'.r h “oval! m " up: rtttlt,l, 'iii:iiiiii,i',i "11' o I iii' IO il,", lo 'l,", of‘wd 1"I'll _ 'iiiiii'iiiiii1 ttl, Jfs, Jun e f do 1"” u y n 'Othrpom * Oukizze‘r. nl " " 'iiit, " li iiiiiiii, (,i'iii'it tt u TIt i I * re. W h', T.', pop-'1‘: u‘h'cirt.yomh‘ " y n th - q gl' I a“, o a! V I i't,'i', .30 i'ii'iiii' reset.“ Sue - - 'i'iiiiii,iiii, :a:A.'-I:e‘;;;z1::;..u.n b'i'iiit 'i'1iiiii'iiii,'iiiii,it',i'i, Ci? 'fit-','-, lind.rl 'ii'i'i? 'i'i'i'i'if',t'i',i:ijii ml " on w n l " t io fd r1ii?, ‘hc d non Vi“ iiiiiiiiit'iii'i',ii,ii:'ii"',i,ii, not- b 't,i:'.ii.i,ii,'a:iii'iilii,is'i' t “and ' "on? 0rd I is w. I», iiiijiiii hi , tl Sorry to hear that Mr. Wm. Bailey lost a fine colt last week. Since Dame Nature has been so kind as to favor as with good weath- er the funnel. around our burg have finished their seeding. Little Alexander Brown was taken sick with typhoid lever last week but under the skilful treatment of Dr. Gun is improving nicely. Mr George and Miss Florence Lun- ney of Elmwood accompanied by Miss K. Turner spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Lunney's. Mr And. Gawley, Meatotd. is visi- ting his relatives, the Mighton family Rev. Mr. Muir will preach in the Baptist church here next Sunday morning in the interests ot the Lord's ‘Day Alliance. B There in only one etreetire method of remaining the cruel Iiqttor-1ratfit - tin is upping the ytulhy of our mum's mnnood and crmhing conmlcu homes” nd lino with I manila-I burden ot sorrow. “Bering. " and death-that all must tm sup- prusod by luv. and Shoe Store "il, Then io only one woy of "curing the oloetlon at such "rrrtkentqtiret-- that lo, by “land. detormlnod action on tho part of high pnrpoood. patriot- (us citizen who will rioo obovo more iportinn prejndleo in wloo do" to cum the tttmtittethttt ond “not: of men who no " hows, ovowod Ind reliable "frlondo of the amt totem tho: on ohooon to promote. I Thou-o to only one loy in which a Chrlolloo omn- on free him" ,trom ruponolblllsy forthe, ow!“ vloo loud it: ,.iotitna--ttta' lo, by doing " lotus} wlth__God:o hill). oloo; tho Fred R. Aitchison Only One Way. MULOCK I THE DORE“! RIVIIW and sister Emma 1'ttty.sPertiTY.-- In the month of April, 1918, the total revenue of the Dominion amounted to $12 115. 455. In April, 1914, the total reven- ue stood at $9,848,998. In other Words there was a decreue of $2,296.- 457 or more than eighteen per cent. Tho greater part of the decrense came in the tolling off in custom'a revenue, " indication of a continued drop in Canndiln trade. For months past there has lteen I great and study de dine of Canadian trade and the April figures xndinte um this accompani- ment of Borden rule contlnues mark. edly evident. Co of Revision Townshi ot Glenolg.1914 We fiest sittin of the Court of Re- vision tor.the Tow hip of Glcnclg for 1914 will be held at 1: Township Hall in said township on _ Saturday, the 0th da of June, 1914 at 10o'eloqk in thc fore on, of which all persons concerned ill please take notice and govern theme ves accord- may. ated May 4th, I914. . -. n. AnII -- fmt-i. STEAL A MARCH 0N FATHER TIME Don't let Gray hair Make You Look prematurely Old Nothing will so quickly and surely mh a woman of he: churn an guy and buied hair and nothing ll IO easily pre- ventuble. .. . - " , n 'rlll'Illl . A few applications of Bay’s Hair Health will lesion gray huir to its nuuul color and luxuriance. It Is not a dye, It is a tonic Wat stimulates and invigorate: thr scalp and hair roots to the proper performance of their func- tions thereby bringing back the origin- l nl color of the hair.__ " can! ded/yr: “YES;- GGfer" Vin 'bé - refunded if it kiln to do this. tl.00, 50c. 25c. Get it at our store. sold and recommended by MuPARLANE & CO., Dramas Durham. . ©ont'inutttLo "iFiirtu- t "erAedu'ei11yuF'at1tr" f luau-(ht mm a an” " 2hlt armnflm The House of Quality if The House of Quality an" and Equipment :i."griicacrt,vrp. Clerk Durham. Ont. tion 7 School Mrs Perk returned home on Mott-l, day from Hamilton. when ehe otten- ', ded the funenl of MI Perk'e uncle. M I end In Will Greenwood spent Sunday with Mr A, McIntosh. Miss Lyela MeKnight opent the I week'e end with he: pnrente. . Mn Milli returned home from Tor- l onto, where ehe we: sent as e delegate from the Women’l Mission Society. R Dargevel bed quite e breakdown in the mill, which stopped work for e few deye, " the mechinery had to be taken to Owen Sound for repairs. Tho Sand” School Convention II“ he held in Domooh church non Thur-day. A In" prowd ll expound. Tea will be served in the evening u 7.30. -. . " - --" tt,m M158 J an Richuason spam w. week's end with Mu A. Mel-tow. 1 Mr And Mrs G Hay spent Sunduy with Mr lnd Mrs N Wilson. Ms J. Bay called on Williamslord friends on Sunday evening. Arrived too late for last week We are glad to hear the hum of the old nw-mxll. u it make: things lively when than in nothing else to nmuso one in this town. The weal": keeps very cool and we have bad new; bird from the last few nights Li' Hannah Mehuliffe agent Sun- day with Ivy Pnrgnvel. Misse: Margaret. and Lavina Mort- loy spent Sand-y with their parents here. Mr McQueen. of Toronto, filled the pulpit on Sunday and save a very in- teresting address on Mission work. The Women's Institute was held m tho home of Itrlh. Campbell._ Quite a number of ladies attended it from Louise. lion was called And some good idels were given on many useful things; We would like to have more of the ladies join us. Mr A. McIntosh spent Friday on with the Greenwood". Mu Ross, formerly Elsie Smith, Iccompamed by Miss Jennie Little, in visiting old friends around Dornoch. “Mr iio Mr: McBeth spent Snuduy with Mr Will Smith. fnourperewt ........ Oatmeal potluck. .... ghop ptr cwt.... .... Potatoes per bag. .... 1.15 to 1 Hides............. 10 Beef.dressed..... .. 1200mm H038. live, f o b. . . .. 8 Driedappleis...- .. .. .... Hay, perton..... .... 1200to " List has been curufully levised. e . ' 5iii I , $.45 . r c h. and c m. T,t,tt,i.,,.t,mei,1,tL"l'r%'f 'drdr. so magi!" ir. Durham Markets. iiiiiti, ara" I. rum“. May 20, 1914. Jun Bichrdsog_ tppt, tho DORNOCH L in the newest designs, in the ueatest patterns, of Can- Linoleum: and adian and Scotch make, and a very large stock to Floor Oilc10th select from. We have 22 pieces 4 yards wide. Rugs in nicest Oriental anodes, having a fine appenronce, but not too costly A fine selection of Nottingham Curtains in white Window Curtains and ecru, in the newest patterns. Wall Paper We hive just received a Ane stock of English & Scotch Tweed: and cm have your measure taken, and the Suit furnished you in a. week Now is the time to have your mer. sure taken See our New Stock of Scotch Gingham: A large stock of Fresh Groceries Just received SELECT TWEEDS Try phone Na 17 for that rush order. Highest prices for All Produce Home Furnishings 2 40 2.50 1 15 to l 30 50 to " 98 to i 00 98 tol 00 38 to 40 38 to 40 90 to 1 00 55 to 55 18 to 18 19 to 19 1.15 to 1.25 55 to 55 18 to 18 19to 19 1.15 to 1.25 1000 1200tol300 " ... 05 1200toi600 G. * J, MGKEGHNIB See the E. T. CttrBet---the but in the market. ESEEEEWWEWBEBEEEHMfi-‘mg A large stock to select from, in the most approvod " signs composed of English and Canadian makes. Come sud ham- 9. look through. 'lti C . P, R. Town ”the: ""r ,v..- -_-, -- __ iiiigaaesagyggyseriillg0nillg' wkgsasisrrtiimarrt'ip'. with each pair pair of Fine Shoes or Oxfords purchased from us dur- ing that time at $3.00 or over. We have a larger stock than ever to select from and our prices are right. Take advantage of this offer AT ONCE before your size is sold. Give us It will be done, at (on Second Floor) Men FREE, a pgir trf MacFARLANE'ti Drug Store..):: April 28, 1914 Mciiraith's Shoe Store R. Town C) Bice we are going to give away and put your REPAIRING. promptly and neatly MIKE , For the Two Weeks 0 beginning Sunday. Hey 9th The Rexall Stow In great profusion, in Work- lng and Fine Shoes. Stylish. but yet roomy having been made or: easy fitting lasts. A fine selection of Ladies’ Pumps 'OOTWEAR Sly 21, 1914 Buy your tickets here f Durham on They ate beauties . Wang“ h " r Y I!!! OH). mad Maw-Ind [when and rim r o um.mmm 'il “any people are ( a this sensor: to k In Vermin and Guns In Mahlc‘ hum. etc.. that bat I kw cent,. "a it is: Vitrl CuminSuM mm: an Cbloeide dissolved m t “In. water. St hen add watt! to make ,1 Spnw only monk n '0“. lerch two dp, % a thorough Coat of. l u The com: gladly be an; PRICEVILI I Best Extermi (My: THE OCA PHARM li do?! 7w! 1Ytit, "a; Your Children Quit Dosi with slro Chamber; no" CHI: dug not! migration tablet gc Plenum Mc. I b dealers c ag,l$.iii)t E18” in Up-tc Clothing Save S S, on Buy a ‘King Best English T sy) 'tV, mu " MAY 21. l THE Chum large l ot the u " tirat : Headquarter-1 The beauty FRE The ME“? prices In on cub . "line the blue RE M I Vt

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